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Futa Vinyl CYOA (unfinished)

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2022-09-02 05:45:28
Expiry: Never

  1. *DING*
  2. >Ugh...
  3. >Your head throbs painfully as your crack your eyes open, your phone having woken you up.
  4. >Rubbing your head, you pick it up and see it's well into the afternoon.
  5. >Where were you last night...?
  6. >Looking at the alert, it's from a contact you don't remember putting in your phone.
  7. !(1) new message from: Sexiest Mare Alive
  8. >Curious, you open the message.
  9. >Your screen is filled with a cocky smirk and a pair of huge pale tits capped by neon blue nipples.
  10. >Opening your eyes with shock, you fixate on the globes as the naked mare massages one teasingly.
  11. >She looks familiar... your memory is hazy but you think you recognize her from a few fragmented memories from last night.
  12. >You aren't given much time to put the pieces together as the mystery mare pans her phone down her tight stomach to her crotch to reveal her massive horsecock.
  13. >You're speechless as she wags it back and forth, the limp blue member flopping around with gyrations and thrusts of her wide hips.
  14. >Even flaccid you could tell it hung down below her knees, implying monster proportions when she was erect.
  15. >As the video ends, it pans back up to the mare's smirking face as she gives you a wink, the video repeating at the beginning.
  16. >Getting your wits about you, you see the message is from a... Vinyl?
  17. >As you think the name, a few more memories from last night come back, namely one where you're groping Vinyl's chest like she's doing in her video.
  18. >Remembering the size and feel of her chest in your hand, you try to place where you had met this mare.
  19. >Looking over the video again, you see the message lined near the bottom.
  20. >Gulping, you can only hope she means the general act of fucking as you watch her gigantic dong waggle in the air again.
  21. Do you message her back? What do you say?
  23. >>Of course I do.
  24. >>I send her a dick pic back. It's only polite. Who knows, maybe she'll be impressed by it like I am towards hers.
  26. >A little nervous and unsure how to answer her, there was one part of you that was confident in its reply.
  27. >Lil Anon had woken up and apparently liked what he saw if the way he was trying to get out of your tented underwear was any indication.
  28. >Choosing to return Vinyl's message in kind, you free him and snap a quick photo, making sure to get a favorable angle.
  29. >Quickly sending it before you could second guess yourself, your picture pops up underneath her video, only a moment going by before a little 'read' indicator pops up.
  30. >A few long seconds go by before you see her start to type back, a message soon following.
  31. >*"Aww got some morning wood thinkin of me sleepyhead? Youre soo sweet wish I could b there 2 take care of it~"
  32. >*"You bettr save that 4 me, no whackin off 2 my hot bod till I finally get my hands on what was pokin my butt all night ;P"
  33. >Did you two not do anything together...?
  34. >Taking stock of your body, your cock doesn't seem to have been inside anyone recently.
  35. >A little fear creeps into you as you assess if you were impaled last night.
  36. >Breathing a sigh of relief, it doesn't appear that you had that baseball bat ruin you.
  37. >Huh, you're going to need a little more info on what happened last night.
  38. *"Uh I'm a little hazy on the details from last night, mind filling me in a bit babe?"
  39. >You debate putting the last word on the end, but rationalize exchanging dick pics was a few steps beyond a simple four letter word.
  40. >*"HAHA XD thats right! You owe me a hundo you light weight!"
  41. >*"Don't worry, your drunk dancing was verry impressive ;), those hands of yours are soo naughty~"
  42. >Your face heats up at the thought of groping Vinyl's body in inappropriate ways in public.
  43. >Still, it's not quite what you asked.
  44. *"Can I get a little more detail?"
  45. >*"Srry gotta get dressed babe, shows starting. I'll give you all the deets 2night, give you a good reminder ;D"
  46. >Well guess if you want more info you're going to have to pay her a visit again.
  47. >...shit, where did she say the show was?
  48. >Going through your phone for clues, you find a picture of a familiar flier for a club with dates starting two days go stretching to today.
  49. >Seems like you caught yesterday's event and met this stacked girl and got a little intimate one on one time together, hmm...
  50. >Taking a still from the video of Vinyl groping herself, you set it as her contact picture before sitting up out of bed.
  52. What do you do now? She didn't say what time to be there and the party goes well into the night. Do you go there now or is there something you should do first?
  54. >>I guess we better go withdraw 100$ for our babe and also pick up some condoms, both medium and XXL.
  56. >Stretching, your back pops and you climb out of bed, finding yourself still dressed in your shirt from last night.
  57. >Giving yourself a sniff, you reek of B.O., booze, and a perfume you can't quite place.
  58. >Taking your shirt off, you see the collar is littered with blue kiss marks and a stain or two of overpriced liquor.
  59. >Throwing it in the dirty pile, you head to the bathroom.
  60. >Entering, you look at yourself in the mirror, your face matching your shirt as it was covered in the same smeared blue lipstick.
  61. >Cheeks, forehead, nose, neck, and of course, your mouth were all littered with dozens of kisses.
  62. >Smirking at yourself, you give your reflection double finger guns.
  63. "Ladies man"
  64. >Washing the party stench off of you in the shower, you get dressed in some fresh clothes and pick up your phone.
  65. >Seems as though Vinyl had texted another video while you were washing, this time her whole body was in the shot.
  66. >*"Look what u did~ How am I supposed 2 get dressed when thinking about ur cock?"
  67. >Vinyl's tits and dick sway back and forth as she wiggles them, stopping only briefly to give you a kiss.
  68. >*"Ur not the only 1 who wants 2 empty their nuts, especially after you got me so horny last nite."
  69. >*But I'll b a good girl and keep em full 4 u, after all fair's fair."
  70. >Looking at the base of Vinyl's bouncing shaft, her heavy looking sack glides over her thighs weightily.
  71. >*"Don't keep me waiting."
  72. >Your pants feeling much tighter than they were before, you hurry to your kitchen and grab a quick snack and devour it, snatching your wallet and heading out the door.
  73. >On your way to the club, you make a quick stop at the convenience store near your place, you needed to get a few things.
  74. >Quickly finding the condoms section, you get a pack of your favorite and go to leave before stopping mid stride.
  75. >Turning back to the wall, you open your phone and look at the videos Vinyl sent.
  76. >Walking down the aisle, you go until you're right at the end, only three packs looking like they'd have a chance fitting her.
  77. >Your choices are a jet black MAGNUM PORNO XXXL HUNG LIKE A HORSE, a clear sensationally thin Ponex intense 'for the gifted', and a multicolored Ballonz Condomz, super size for a super ride, make funny shapes with your friends! *stops 99.9% of airborn and liquid forms of poison joke.
  78. Which one do you take?
  80. >>Take the Ponex, I want to see if she glows through it.
  82. >Grabbing the ultrathin clear Ponex, you look at the width of the box and make the smart decision to snag some lube as well, exiting the aisle afterwards.
  83. >As you approach the front of the store, a bored looking brown mare behind the cash register barely looks your way as you near.
  84. >Setting the Ponex and lube down on the counter, you fish in your pocket for your wallet.
  85. >Cocking an eyebrow, the cashier looks at the large box and then at you, interest showing in her eyes.
  86. >"Rawr~"
  87. >Placing the smaller box on the counter as well, her other eyebrow joins the first up on her forehead.
  88. >"Oh, lucky guy."
  89. "I-It's not like that."
  90. >"Mmmmm-hmmm" The cashier smiles, tallying up your order.
  91. "A-And if I could get a hundred as well." You ask, handing over your card.
  92. >"Do you want it in singles?"
  93. >The implication is not lost on you, and you might've taken offense if not for it giving you an idea.
  94. "fives please."
  95. >As the mare gets your cash ready, you feel your phone buzz.
  96. >Opening your phone, it's another message from Vinyl.
  97. >*"Lil incentive 4 u 2 hurry up, I barely fit in these~"
  98. >It seems Vinyl's definition of clothed was pretty loose, her huge breasts supported by a strained black bra that was pushed down to show off her large nipples.
  99. >What appeared to be a tanktop was wedged uselessly inside her cleavage, and her much too small skintight shorts did nothing to hide her massive bulge underneath.
  100. >Before you could enjoy the picture any more, someone clears their throat in front of you.
  101. >Looking up from your phone, the still smiling cashier watches you closely, attempting not to be too obvious about trying to look at your phone's screen.
  102. >Quickly stuffing your phone in your pocket, you take your cash and condoms and thank her hurriedly.
  103. >Trying not to run, you exit the shop as fast as you could.
  104. >"Have a fun night!" The cashier calls after you.
  105. >After a short spirited trip downtown, you arrive at the club, "Bleue Burrow"
  106. >You heard it before you had seen it, the bass thumping through the walls carried for a few blocks.
  107. >Coming up to the entrance, there was a line of ponies waiting to get in stretching back and around the side of the building.
  108. >Shit, you forgot this place was super popular.
  109. >Knowing that standing in line would take ages, you go up to a pair of bouncers guarding the front doors.
  110. >Before you can say anything, one of them notices you and pushes open a door, motioning you inside.
  111. >A little confused, you walk in unimpeded, much to the frustration of the line, several groans and shouts of impatience sounding behind you.
  112. >If the music was noticeable outside, inside the nightclub it was almost deafening, the bass feeling like it was trying to shake you apart with each thud.
  113. >Passing through the entrance and bar, you weave between ponies and venture into the main dance room, lit by several strobes and spotlights.
  114. >It was absolutely packed, the flashing floor almost entirely obscured by cheering and laughing ponies as they grooved.
  115. >A memory of you dancing in here last night pops into your head, a white body soon pressing into you and taking your hand.
  116. >Turning your head to where the mare came from in your memory, you spy an elevated DJ booth all the way in the back, the same white mare perched behind a turntable.
  117. >Vinyl looked like she was in heaven, her eyes closed and dancing sensually to the music, her bra and tanktop back in place over her breasts.
  118. The whole club is open to you, what do you do?
  120. >>Grind on a pretty mare to make Vinyl jealous and keep the tension high.
  121. That's my final answer!
  123. >Your feet move on their own, taking you over to the stage, swerving between sweaty dancing ponies deftly.
  124. >As you get closer, Vinyl has still yet to notice you, still lost in her own world.
  125. >Approaching the end of the room, you're suddenly stopped by a pair of teal arms wrapping around you.
  126. "What the-?"
  127. >"Hey there~, good to see you again." A throaty feminine voice behind you purrs, barely audible over the music.
  128. >Pulled into an embrace, a pair of breasts squish into your back, the strange mare pressing her muzzle into you and inhaling deeply.
  129. >"Buck~ you smell just as delicious as last night."
  130. >The pony scoots slightly so that she's more to your side, keeping you in a tight hug and wrapping a thick thigh around your leg.
  131. >Nosing her way under your arm, the poofy maned teal mare looks up at your confused face.
  132. >Studying your expression, she grinds her crotch into you, a noticeable bulge in her thong.
  133. >"You don't remember me do you?" She states, her face breaking out in a grin.
  134. >With how packed the room was, you don't notice two more mares sneak up until they've gotten a hold of you as well.
  135. >A purple mare copies the first and takes your other side, too tall to fit under your other arm but rests her muzzle against your shoulder.
  136. >"Mmmf, came back for some more huh?" A brash sounding voice grunts.
  137. >She's a little more rough than the first, grabbing a handful of your ass as she presses her smaller boobs into you as well.
  138. >She all but slams her crotch into your thigh, a much bigger bulge between her wide hips mashing through her sweatpants.
  139. >The third mare comes right up to your front, pinning you against the other two mares with her large tits.
  140. >"Hiya cutie! Long time no see~"
  141. >The pink pigtailed mare beams at you, decorated with necklaces and glow sticks.
  142. >Her thin, semi-transparent tube top does almost nothing to stop her nipples poking into you.
  143. "Uh" Is all you can manage to voice after being so quickly ensnared by the three mares.
  144. >"He doesn't remember us Passy." The teal mare says from under your arm.
  145. >"Heh, he WAS pretty sloshed." The hatted mare chuckles.
  146. >Pouting, the pink pony pushes her chest a little harder into you.
  147. >"Aww, but we had so much fun last night."
  148. "S-Sorry, but I'm drawing a blank for pretty much everything yesterday." You manage to reply.
  149. >Cocking her head at you, the pink one thinks for a moment before grinning.
  150. >"Well lets see if we can remind you!"
  151. >The girl's fuzzy yellow armwarmers wrap around the back of your neck and bring you into a very spirited kiss.
  152. >She tastes like strawberries drowned in vodka, her tongue tries to force it's way into your mouth but is stopped by your teeth.
  153. >Breaking the kiss with a "Muah!", the pink mare seems a little put off by your unwillingness to allow her to violate your mouth.
  154. >Smiling, she powers on, forgetting it immediately.
  155. >"Oh excuse me, I almost forgot, that's Flashdancer." She points to the short mare under your arm.
  156. >"An absolute pleasure to meet you again~" The teal mare hums, rubbing her thigh on you sensually, one of her hands toying with your nipple.
  157. >"Her name's Azure Velour." Pigtails points to the purple mare thrusting her broad hips into your side.
  158. >"Remember it this time, 'cause you're gonna be screamin' it all night long." The hatted mare growls, her bulge twitching in her pants.
  159. >"And I'm Pacific Glow!" The pigtailed mare beams again, doing a double peace sign. "But you can call me Passy~" She says, twirling a pacifier in her fingers.
  160. "I'm A-
  161. >"Anonymous." All three respond, giggling.
  162. >"You know, some mares would be a little upset if a handsome stallion like yourself got them all riled up and left them high and dry, not even bothering to remember their names." Flashdancer muses, raising your shirt and licking your side.
  163. >"I wasn't dry." Comes the harsh voice of Azure, her bulge growing in her sweats.
  164. >"Girls don't scare him off again." Pacific Glow says, shooting a look at the other two. "Let's just forget all about yesterday and enjoy ourselves."
  165. >With that, her smile returns, taking your idle hands in hers and leading them under her short skirt to grab her bare ass.
  166. >Giving you bedroom eyes, Passy pushes her crotch into yours, her small panty-less sheath and balls pressing into your tightening pants.
  167. >"Oh I know, why don't we let Anon choose who he wants to play with first?"
  168. Which mare is gonna be front and center?
  170. >>I like Azure's aggression, let's give her a try.
  172. >"You heard him Azzie, he wants to start with you."
  173. >"That's not my name, and I'm fine back here." Azure grunts, her stiff length poking around your rear.
  174. >"Hah, probably because all she knows what to do is hump legs like a horny filly in her first heat." Comes a sharp quip from Flashdancer.
  175. >"Grrr, give me a minute with YOUR legs and I'll show everypony who the horny filly is when she's dripping my cum from all her holes."
  176. >"Oh dear, is that a promise?~"
  177. >"Flashy, Azure, play nice. We don't want a repeat of last night do we?" Pacific Glow says, scolding the two other mares.
  178. >Groaning with annoyance, the purple mare shakes her head.
  179. >"No..."
  180. >"Then get that fat ass over here and show off what you've got!"
  181. >Slapping Azure Velour on her big butt, Passy shoves the gruff mare into her spot in front of you, switching places with her.
  182. >Now that you could get a good look at her, the annoyed earthpony was certainly the tallest of the three, her hat coming up to the bottom of your chin.
  183. >Her tits were nothing special, hidden from view under a tight shirt and sleeveless jacket that exposed her stomach.
  184. >More remarkable was everything below, the pear shaped mare having nice wide hips and a long bulge traveling down her inner thigh.
  185. >The front of her sweats were covered in stains, their origins obvious.
  186. >Seeing your gaze, Azure fits her thumbs inside her waistband and pulls it forward, opening her pants to you.
  187. >"Look at what you did. Again."
  188. >She was going commando, inside her pants was a mess of precum smeared around her crotch and thighs by her throbbing plum colored cock.
  189. >Letting her waistband go, it flew back against her waist with a snap.
  190. >"You're cleaning that up this time, though this time I'll have cum from two days worth of edging in there as well, I hope you can handle it."
  191. >Closing the distance, Azure mashes her crotch into yours, gripping your shoulders fiercely.
  192. >On instinct, you grab around her wide hips and help her squeeze into you, the aggressive mare almost whimpering at the increased pressure.
  193. >Not one to be outdone, the purple mare growls at you and starts grinding.
  194. >You could feel her shaft swirling around inside her wet pants, spraying the fabric with more of her pre as she focused on rubbing your cock with hers through both your pants.
  195. >Unlike Passy, Azure preferred to keep her chest at a distance, looking down at her crotch as she panted and ground it into you.
  196. >"Haah buCK, you like that? Mmf, bet you're gonna cum soon."
  197. >She was putting forth a good effort, but while having your cock rubbed was nice, you weren't exactly at the same point as Azure.
  198. >Trying to catch up, you slip your hands into her sweats and grab two handfuls of pony ass.
  199. >Azure jolts, a shock going though her system, stopping her movements abruptly.
  200. >"Buck, buck, buck, almost came, horseapplessss."
  201. >You could feel her horsecock throbbing like crazy through her sweatpants, the tip starting to bulge as it made a new wet spot.
  202. >Trying to catch her breath, Azure looks up to your face and grabs your crotch with her hand.
  203. >"You close? Or did you already bust? heh-"
  204. >Catching her own laugh, the purple pony meets your eyes and comes to an instant realization.
  205. >Not wanting to hurt her feelings, you squeeze her butt again.
  206. "You're doing great." Is all you can think of, before another voice chimes in.
  207. >"Oh my, looks as if our stallion has stamina to spare, and by the looks of it, you're just about to pop and make a big mess in your pants. Is he screaming your name yet?"
  208. >The snide ribbing of Flashdancer combined with her nearing orgasm made Azure Velour's face heat up and turn red as a tomato.
  209. >"Why you- m-make fun of me will- I'll show you for not cumming first jerk!"
  210. >Whipping around, Azure almost knocks you over as she slams her ass into you, beginning to rub your crotch angrily.
  211. >The cushion of her butt is much softer than the front of her hips and dick, the pillowy flesh gliding smoothly over your crotch.
  212. >Your hands had been knocked away from the spin, and both were quickly grabbed by each mare on your sides.
  213. >"Don't mind her Anon, she's just a little... competitive is all." Pacific Glow says in your ear, guiding your hand between her legs.
  214. >"I'm afraid you've done it now dear." Flashdancer purrs "Now she won't stop until she's drained you dry, leaving nothing for us."
  215. >"Well, almost nothing."
  216. >With that, your hands are guided into both mare's crotches, slipping under Pacific's skirt and inside Flash's thong.
  217. >A pair of hard cocks fill your hands as you're twerked against, both noticeably smaller than Azure's.
  218. >Your own was starting to really wake up as well, Azure's increased effort making up for her somewhat inexperienced movements.
  219. >Getting into it, you push back against her ass, squeezing the cocks in your hands gently.
  220. >Flashdancer hums appreciatively, nibbling your captured arm as she begins to thrust her pole in your hand.
  221. >Pacific Glow is more passive, allowing you to play with her small dick, whispering words of encouragement.
  222. >"Ooh, good boy, able to please three mares all at once~."
  223. >A wet spot was growing on Azure's ass between her cheeks, her pussy juice starting to bleed though and smearing on your crotch.
  224. >The smell of the three mares was getting to you, their musk making you more forward and aggressive with your touching.
  225. >Rubbing your fingers over Passy's sticky head makes her squirm and whine, it was incredibly sensitive for her so you keep on it despite her weak attempts to keep it away from you.
  226. >Likewise, Flashdancer's medial ring seemed to be her own weak spot, shuddering every time it passed though your grip.
  227. >They both started to pant and dribble pre freely, and if Azure was anything to go by, they were getting close.
  228. >Taking your hands back, you pull them out of the girl's crotches to their dismay, and seize Azure's hips harshly, making her yelp.
  229. >Yanking down her white sweats to her knees, you expose the gruff purple mare's sopping pussy to the air, her cock flopping free as well.
  230. >Slapping her ass harshly, you break her out of her stunned state so she'd continue grinding.
  231. >Reaching back behind the mares at your sides, you land a smack to their butts as well, a pair of neighs sounding out over the music.
  232. >Burying your hands between their cheeks, you come across both of their marehoods, each one winking frantically.
  233. >Pushing your fingers inside each sweltering pussy, the mares moan as they squeeze them with their muscles.
  234. >Taking it a step further, your thumbs trace around the ridges of their ponuts before diving inside, each one exploring their hot tight depths.
  235. >Pushing the mares forward to make it easier to finger them, their crotches press up against the sides of Azure's ass, grinding into her as well.
  236. >Pacific Glow was starting to lose it, babbling as she fondled her large tits, freed from their tight top.
  237. >Flash dancer wasn't doing much better, jerking her cock in time with Azure's movements and drooling all over herself.
  238. >The mares were putting up a good fight, but they were all nearing their limits, the mares at your sides catching up quickly to Azure.
  239. >Being fingered in each hole and forced to grind their cocks into their friends comfortable ass, Passy and Flash couldn't help spray all over it with their combined pre.
  240. >"I-I-I c-can s-seeee why sh-she want's you all t-t-to-hoo her s-self."
  241. >You don't know which mare said those words, but as you hear them, they spark a moment of clarity though you.
  242. >Looking up at the DJ booth, you find it empty, another song playing for the dancing crowd.
  243. >Uh-oh
  244. >Looking around hurriedly, you don't see her anywhere.
  245. >Maybe she didn't see you? If so you might be able to-
  246. >Looking forward again, you spy Vinyl standing just a few ponies away, staring right at you with a predatory hunger in her ruby eyes.
  247. How big is Vinyl in relation to you?
  248. This will have an impact on the coming interactions.
  250. >>Vinyl is tall!
  252. >The girls around you were oblivious to the danger slowly bearing down on them, too caught up in their rapidly approaching orgasms.
  253. >The unicorn was at least a head and shoulders taller than the rest of the crowd, the top swell of her breasts visible over the heads of dancing ponies.
  254. >And she only got bigger as she drew closer, walking through the crowd as if it were water, heading straight for you.
  255. >You're not sure how you didn't see her sooner, but a few more steps and she was right on top of you.
  256. >"Thanks for getting him ready for me sluts, I'll be taking him now." She said coolly, no compromise in her voice.
  257. >Already angry and frustrated, Azure Velour stands up straight to tell the mare off, pressing her back into you and pinning the other girl's cocks between her ass and your crotch.
  258. >Still grinding against you, Azure's large purple cock wobbles in front of her, spitting out streams of precum onto the floor.
  259. >"Buck off, we found him first cu-"
  260. >Looking forward, Azure comes face to boob with the larger mare.
  261. >Not used to looking up, she cranes her head back to match the red eyes peering down at her.
  262. >To her credit, Azure only looks mostly intimidated, squaring her shoulders back against your chest.
  263. >"You already had him all last night Vinyl! It's our turn you bucking bimbo!"
  264. >Vinyl's eyes seem to glow a brighter red at Azure's words.
  265. >"There are no turns bitch."
  266. >You feel Azure tremble against you, the other mares not doing much better.
  267. >"W-We're taking him! H-He's o-o-our plaything n-now!" Flashdancer says bravely, the allure of her voice lost to stuttering.
  268. >Pacific Glow stays silent, her eyes transfixed on Vinyl's giant bulge.
  269. >"T-That's right! We're going to t-take him home and all c-cum our brains out 'till morning!" Azure continues.
  270. >Hearing those words, Vinyl's trademark smirk spreads on her face as she looks at the bobbing cock in front of her.
  271. >"You wanna cum huh?"
  272. >Speeding up her twerking, Azure looks back defiantly.
  273. >"Yeah that's r-right, I'm about to nut s-super hard, so be a g-good girl and get on your knees and s-suck me while I cum!"
  274. >Hearing those words, Vinyl's horn glows, magic seizing Azure's pole.
  275. >"Oh, I'll make you cum."
  276. >Angling the purple cock down at the floor, Vinyl's magic begins furiously jerking it off.
  277. >Azure tries to stop the magic with her hands, but instead they're wrapped up in the magic as well, forced to masturbate her cock at a blinding speed.
  278. >She doesn't last long after that, her flare bulging and spewing jizz all over the dance floor.
  279. >"A-Ahhhh buuuuuck~"
  280. >As she cums, the speed of her hands continue their pace, not slowing down at all.
  281. >Your pants are spattered with marecum as Azure is forced to jack herself off through her orgasm.
  282. >Her hips start to buck as the sensitivity becomes more intense, her cum slowing down.
  284. >Catching the tail end of the first, Azures second orgasm hits her hard.
  285. >The sprays of cum pick up again, making the puddle below her grow bigger and bigger.
  286. >The other girls watch with wide eyes as their friend's cock is milked relentlessly, their pussies and ponuts clenching on your fingers.
  287. >Azure grits her teeth as she tries to free her hands, her legs shaking violently as they barely hold her up.
  288. >Midway through her second orgasm, Azure breaks, her eyes rolling back in her head.
  290. >A third orgasm doubles up on the second, rocking Azure's entire body.
  291. >Your pants are drenched by her marehood, the smell of her cum and juices heavy in the air.
  292. >Azure is able to stay standing for two more throbs of her cock until her legs give out, falling to the floor.
  293. >A magic aura catches her, slowing her fall into a face down ass up position in her own cum puddle.
  294. >You're treated to a messy scene, Azure's ass presented to you as her pussy spasmed and sprayed its juices down her weakening cock.
  295. >Running out of cum, Azure's dick starts firing blanks, the magic finally letting go of her hands, allowing them to fall limply to the sticky floor.
  296. >Then Vinyl looks at Flashdancer.
  297. >The short teal mare makes it about two steps back before her own cock is enveloped in tingly magic.
  298. >Unable to resist, Flashdancer lets herself be led by her cock until she stands behind Azure's ass.
  299. >Then, like Azure, her cock was milked, albeit not quite as viciously.
  300. >Unlike the purple mare however, she doesn't try to stop it, allowing Vinyl to make her cum.
  301. >Pulling the small mare with her magic, Vinyl pushes Flashdancer forward until her cock is nestled between Azure's cheeks.
  302. >Knowing what Vinyl wanted, Flashdancer humps Azure's ass, hotdogging her.
  303. >She's able to get a handful of thrusts in her friend's cheeks before her tip starts to balloon in a flare.
  304. >"Oh C-Celestiaaaaaa!"
  305. >The first ropes of cum shoot out and spatter over Azure's back, staining her clothes and fur.
  306. >Then Vinyl picks up the teal mare in her magic and lets her shoot two more onto the purple ass before slamming her forward.
  307. >Speared into Azure's ponut, Both mares moan loudly as Flashdancer empties her balls into her friend's hot hole.
  308. >Trembling next to you, Pacific Glow is rooted to the spot as Vinyl looks her way.
  309. >"C'mere."
  310. >Doing as she was told, the pigtailed mare shakily walks over to Vinyl obediently.
  311. >As she got near, Vinyl pulls her in close, making her yelp with surprise.
  312. >Turning her around so that she was facing you, Vinyl's horn lights again.
  313. >Instead of forcing her to cum like the other mares, Vinyl simply takes Azure's hat from her head and floats it over to Pacific Glow.
  314. >Whispering something into the pink mare's ear, Passy quickly takes the hat and starts stroking her cock.
  315. >Hugging the girl, Vinyl's tits rest on either side of the smaller mare's head, massive in comparison.
  316. >In fact, Vinyl dwarfed the masturbating mare in every way, her pictures poorly conveying her true size.
  317. >"I-I'm close V-Vinyl!" Pacific Glow shouts, her whole body already shaking.
  318. >Grabbing the smaller mares tits, Vinyl keeps her steady and fondles them.
  319. >"Cum for me."
  320. >Yelling over the music with pleasure, Pacific Glow's small cock erupts into the hat she was holding.
  321. >Firing off string after string of cum, she can't help but let her tongue loll out of her mouth sluttily as she moans.
  322. >Pearly white jizz oozes out of the back of the hat, dripping on the floor as Passy struggles to keep it level.
  323. >Helping her, Vinyl keeps the hat level as the shorter mare finishes cumming.
  324. >"Good girl."
  325. >Giving Pacific Glow's butt a spank, Vinyl makes her stumble forward to the other two mares.
  326. >Bending over slowly, Passy flips the hat over in her hands and plants it back on Azure's head with a squelch.
  327. >Her job done, the pink mare sinks to her knocking knees in the cum puddle, resting her chest on the other two mares exhausted.
  328. >As you were watching Pacific Glow, you don't notice the large unicorn come up to you until she presses her crotch into your waist.
  329. >"Looks like somepony got lost."
  330. Do you try your luck and run?
  332. >>I don't think you can run from such an unholy succubus. Now that we've fallen into her den of debauchery, there's only one logical thing left to do.
  333. Grab those titties and start flirting.
  335. >The urge to flee was strong but you held your ground, mostly out of fear.
  336. >You had seen what had happened if you tried to run or attempted to intimidate and tell her off, it was messy and you think Azure might've cum her nuts inside out.
  337. >Being passive looked like a safer outcome but would end up with you turning into her plaything.
  338. >Using the knowledge gained from the girls' sticky failures, you pick choice D, praying it would work.
  339. >Reaching up to her baggy tank top, your hands grab as much of Vinyl's breasts as possible, full of false confidence.
  340. >They were even bigger than your foggy memory could recall.
  341. >Each hand squished into Vinyl's titmeat, the shoulder level funbags easily an order of magnitude larger than Pacific Glow's already huge size.
  342. >Even on Vinyl's larger frame they were still giant, and quite heavy.
  343. >Leaning on you, Vinyl drops more of her chest into your arms.
  344. >"You made me wait."
  345. >Leaning down further, Vinyl forces you to carry more of her immense breasts, sloshing in your grip.
  346. >"I hate waiting."
  347. >Already on the back foot, you try to think of something quick to turn this around.
  348. "Then you know how it feels."
  349. >Pausing her bodily assault, Vinyl cocks her head at you, wordlessly telling you to continue.
  350. "I-I've been here for over an hour already, where were you?" You say, trying to keep the nervousness out of your voice.
  351. >Smiling a toothy smile, Vinyl continues pushing her tits down on you.
  352. >"You're not a very good liar Anon."
  353. >Straining to hold the titanic boobs overflowing your arms, your mind races.
  354. >You weren't quite sure what would happen if she pushed you to the floor, but previous examples made it clear it would be bad news.
  355. "D-Don't believe me huh? I guess you were too busy zoning out up there."
  356. >The weight mercifully lightens in your arms, slightly.
  357. >"Hey it's a good song! I can't help groovin' to one of my best beats!"
  358. >Pushing the initiative, you push Vinyl's tits back, transferring more heavy boob off of you and onto her.
  359. "Must've been pretty good to ignore me." You retort, giving Vinyl your best unimpressed look.
  360. >A brief flash of uncertainty appears on the larger mares face and you try not to smile at your little victory.
  361. >Something clicks in Vinyl's head and she meets your gaze with narrowed eyes.
  362. >"Hold on, that song is barely thirty mins, not even close to an hour that you CLAIM to be be here for."
  363. >You try not to panic as Vinyl's breasts get heavier again.
  364. "And?"
  365. >"And I woulda seen the handsy green boy from last night before I played Boomtunez."
  366. >Your back starts to feel the pressure of Vinyl's beanbags as you're forced to give up your recently conquered ground.
  367. "Maybe you should've looked around better, it's a big club."
  368. >Coming to a bit of a stalemate and realizing she couldn't undoubtedly prove you weren't here, Vinyl concedes the first battle.
  369. >"Okay so maybe you've been dicking around for a bit, what of it?" Vinyl shrugs, her boobs getting lighter.
  370. "It was long enough to get bored and start playing with some other mares who'd pay attention to me."
  371. >Recoiling a bit at your words, Vinyl gets defensive, both with her words and with her boobs, letting you push into her for a change.
  372. >"Aww gimme a break, I got a show to run here! How am I supposed to keep track of every piece of ass that comes through the doors?"
  373. "I donno, I'm not exactly hard to spot AND you knew I was going to be here, why didn't you come down to find me sooner?"
  374. >Repositioning her body aggressively, Vinyl almost folds you over with her chest.
  375. >"No no, why didn't YOU come UP to find ME?"
  376. >Each word given emphasis is accompanied by another shove of her fat knockers on top of you.
  377. >Uh oh.
  378. "S-So what, I was just supposed to get here, crawl up to your little booth and suck your cock like some whore?"
  379. >A desperate hail mary from the endzone, but if Vinyl fell for the bait, you had her.
  380. >Grinning, Vinyl responds in a low, throaty voice, her massive bulge pressing against you, hard.
  381. >"Yeah."
  382. >Too easy you stupid sexy horny unicorn.
  383. "Oh, so that's what I am to you huh? A whore."
  384. >Realizing her mistake, Vinyl starts backpedaling figuratively and literally, her boobs lifting off of you before you can push them back.
  385. >"H-Hey, I didn't see you complaining with those sluts all up on you!"
  386. >You felt a little bad using an underhanded tactic, but all's fair in love and war right?
  387. >Seizing Vinyl's tits, you feel her nipples poke your palms through her black bra as you press into her cushions harshly.
  388. "Those mares introduced themselves and kept me company, staying in their pants."
  389. >Mostly.
  390. "Then I ended up waiting on you for so long I decided to have my own fun."
  391. >Forcing Vinyl to lean back, your eyes are on an even level now as you use her own oversized boob weight against her.
  392. "I had all three about to cream themselves by the time you got here, that's how long you took."
  393. >Taking a step forward, you take a hand off of one of Vinyl's tits and wrap it around her waist.
  394. >Damn did it feel good to have the big cocky mare on her back looking up at you.
  395. >Grasping at straws, Vinyl tries to exploit a weakness in your words.
  396. >"Pshh, t-those girls cum when any s-stallion looks at them funny, they last like two pumps t-tops."
  397. "I bet you barely last one." You retort, your other hand reaching down to grab Vinyl's huge bulge.
  398. "This is just for show isn't it?"
  399. >Reminded of her colossal tool, Vinyl smirks, pushing up against you.
  400. >"You think you can handle me?"
  401. >Copying her smirk, you bend down so that you were almost touching her nose with yours.
  402. "I was taking on three mares solo, making them my bitches while still in my slacks."
  403. >Closing the distance, you press your nose to hers and gently bring her back down.
  404. "Think you can handle ME?"
  405. >Vinyl's burst of confidence slowly ebbed away at your words, you could see in her eyes that she wasn't sure as she bit her lip nervously.
  406. >It was enough to secure the win.
  407. >Giving her a pat on the bulge, you let go of her waist, letting her fall.
  408. >Not realizing how far back she had been bent, Vinyl's arms flail behind her to catch her fall as she lands on her butt.
  409. >Coming to a halt on the floor, Vinyl's tits clap loudly against each other, sloshing back and forth.
  410. >Straddling her sitting form, you press your crotch into her cleavage and fish out the wad of bills from your pocket.
  411. >Making it rain, the money all floats down onto Vinyl's chest.
  412. >As you stuff the loose paper between her tits and under her bra, Vinyl looks up at you confused.
  413. "For the bet, and the show." You say, nodding to the pile of mares who were all staring at you with gaped mouths.
  414. >Oh good, Azure woke up. You can see her struggling to process what was happening in front of her as Pacific Glow's cum ran down her face.
  415. >Vinyl looks up at you dazed, then at the mares, at her tits filled with money, and then back at you.
  416. >A long second passes before Vinyl's smile returns with a vengeance, braking into a gleeful laugh.
  417. >"You've got a pair of buckin' BALLS on you 'Non!"
  418. >Sitting up, Vinyl takes your crotch out of her cleavage and mashes her face into it.
  419. >Licking Azure's juices off of your pants, Vinyl nuzzles your cock affectionately, looking up at you.
  420. >"I can't wait to feel them drain every last drop inside me~"
  421. >Now it was your turn to get excited, your cock hardening against her cheek.
  422. >Bringing a dripping hand to her face, Vinyl licks her messy fingers clean, making sure you were watching.
  423. >"Buck, I am SO WET right now."
  424. >Looking down at the unicorn's tight shorts, you see they were dribbling a flood of juices onto the floor, creating a puddle of their own.
  425. >"Look what you did to me you cocktease, and I thought I liked you better when you were drunk and slobbering all over me."
  426. >Fanning her face with a hand, Vinyl looks up at you with an uncharacteristically sweet smile.
  427. >"But here I am, leaking like a little school filly swept off her hooves by her first crush."
  428. >Standing up, Vinyl grabs your head and places a fierce but chaste kiss on your lips.
  429. >"You make my nuts and pussy ACHE for you, if I wasn't working and the song wasn't about to end I'd let you mount me right here. Show everypony how a stallion REALLY takes his mare."
  430. >Vinyl's soaked bulge presses against you and twitches as she bites her lip again.
  431. >"Buck, I still might get on my hands and knees right now for my STUD anyway."
  432. >Hearing the song start to come to an end, Vinyl's ear twitches.
  433. >"But then we wouldn't have any music to rut to, and to that, the wub does NOT abide."
  434. >Pulling you into a tight hug, Vinyl forces your face between her breasts, some of your money crinkling into your nose.
  435. >Whispering in your ear, Vinyl's hot breath tickles you, the dangerous edge coming back to her voice.
  436. >"If you're not right on my ass when I get up there, I'm gonna bust the fattest nut of my life and then come find you."
  437. >Pushing you away playfully, the tall unicorn gives you a wink and turns to the stage, leaving a wet trail behind her.
  438. >Not sure how you ended up unscathed, you thank every god you know of as you watch Vinyl's enormous ass wobble away.
  439. >Wait, oh shit.
  440. >Picking your jaw up off the floor, you try not to knock over the ponies around you as you attempt to catch up with the mare's long strides though the crowd.
  441. >You're not sure how she did it, the sea of ponies parted around her like they knew she was coming.
  442. >Whatever it was, you didn't have it, bumping into ponies left and right as you tried to match her speed.
  443. >Reaching the bottom of the stage, you lose sight of Vinyl as she takes a small passage in the corner of the room.
  444. >Following her, you get to the corner and discover a small flight of stairs.
  445. >Taking them up, you find the passage a little narrow, unsure how Vinyl could possibly fit back here with her gigantic tits.
  446. >Wires and various electronic equipment line either side of the walkway, dotted with green and red lights either solid or flashing.
  447. >Turning once, then twice, you get to the end of the passage, coming up on the back of the DJ booth.
  448. >It was littered with even more equipment, just enough room for the pony inside to dance but still be in reach of all her musical gadgets.
  449. >And there she was, busy setting up another song, facing away to let you enjoy her backside some more.
  450. >Reaching for a headset, Vinyl slaps it on her head and flicks the mic on.
  451. >"Heyyy everypony, how are we doing tonight?!"
  452. >A chorus of cheers answer her and she smiles broadly, familiar purple glasses over her eyes once more.
  453. >"Glad to hear it."
  454. >Reaching over to a stack of records, Vinyl pulls one out and presents it to the crowd, the red label catching the light.
  455. >"I've been saving this song for something special, and YOU fine ponies get to be the FIRST to hear it!"
  456. >As more cheers, whistles and a few screams of joy come from the crowd, you swear you see Vinyl's cutie mark glow as the ponies eat out of her hand.
  457. >"Heh, good to know you're just as PUMPED as I am!"
  458. >Slapping the record on her turntable, Vinyl starts the music with a flourish.
  459. >As the beat comes on, the unicorn's body moves like a liquid.
  460. >She follows the music perfectly, her ass gyrating to the beat as if she'd done so a million times.
  461. >The mare's tail swished back and forth hypnotically above her jiggling cheeks, enrapturing you with their curves.
  462. >Smoothly turning around, Vinyl leans back on her table and spreads her legs for you, presenting her bulge.
  463. >Switching off her mic, Vinyl raises her glasses to look at you, her crimson eyes burning with passion.
  464. >"You've got me all riled up now babe, and I was already PENT."
  465. >Pushing her arms together she makes her boobs shake side to side.
  466. >"lets see if you can back up those big words of yours."
  467. >Letting her tits fall back down, Vinyl gives you a smouldering look.
  468. >"How do you want me stud?"
  469. You have free rein.
  471. >>

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit