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Childhood Friend Sunstone

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2022-09-18 21:40:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Inspired by the thread >>38959108
  2. "She Cute"
  5. >Wouldn't it be strange if we were p-physically attracted to each other Anon? You and I have known each other for years but it would be strange if we somehow ended up copulating. Right? Heh...
  7. >Anon and Sunstone are both studying for upcoming semester-finals.
  8. >They have no problem studying together because they both work great together.
  9. >This study night-turned cram session eventually becomes an impromptu sleep-over.
  10. >Sunstone and Anon after having spent the whole evening, night, and partial morning studying have begun to lean on each other on the couch more and more as they grow tired.
  11. >Unwilling to use the energy required to hold themselves up when their close friend is right next to them.
  12. >As the hours of lively discussion over dry reading take its toll, the two are exhausted.
  13. >Anon is so worn that his eyes are unable to focus on one thing and bounce around his head when not forced to stay still.
  14. >He looks down to see Sunstone asleep, cuddled up into his chest.
  15. >For a moment he finds a little more strength to stay awake.
  16. >Quietly observing how cute his childhood friend is when she's tuckered out, he gently raises his left arm to pull her glasses from her snootle and set then on the nearby sidetable.
  17. >The couch would be a tight fit, but he figures he can make it work.
  18. >Anon gently scoops Sunstone up against him so he can turn around and lie down.
  19. >Something not hard to do when she was already resting most her weight against him.
  20. >Also not hard when she's a little pony who's just over mid-thigh high for him.
  21. >He lies down on the two-sizes-too-small couch and lays Sunstone over top him so that she were resting on his chest.
  22. >Anon casts one last look at her sleeping face from his quickly shutting eyes.
  23. >He watches her peaceful sleeping visage adopt a smile.
  24. >In the middle of the night long after Anon fell asleep.
  25. >Sunstone would startle herself awake the same way you would when you've taken a nap knowing that you have important things to do soon.
  26. >Basically, knowing you shouldn't be sleeping.
  27. >Inhaling sharply as though she were rising from the dead, Sunstone goes from asleep to awake in a moment.
  28. >Passed out in the middle of study again?
  29. >Wait.
  30. >Before moving she notices that she's not on a couch.
  31. >It was too solid.
  32. >But it wasn't the floor either as it wasn't that hard.
  33. >It was warmer than anything would usually be from leeching your body temperature for a period of hours.
  34. >Opening her eyes she surveys the situation.
  35. >Could it be?
  36. >Her little heart beats faster.
  37. >She takes note of her surroundings.
  38. >On the couch.
  39. >Er, on something on the couch.
  40. >On something that looks a lot like Nonny when he teases her by taking her glasses and wears them.
  41. >S-she needs to be sure.
  42. >Her glasses were far enough away that she could see them clearly on the side table.
  43. >Telltale magical chiming can be heard as she levitates them back over to her.
  44. >Donning them she looks down through clearer near-sight.
  45. >She'd pause, mouth hanging open and face red as she'd see Anon's sleeping face.
  46. >"Cute" she'd think.
  47. >Sunstone would feel giddy and happy being able to use you as a pillow and would take this opportunity to enjoy the feeling for as long as possible.
  48. >Studying your face.
  49. >Listening to your heart.
  50. >S-sharing your breath...
  51. >Realizing how intimate that was, her heart would beat hard enough to animate stone.
  52. >She would use this moment to pretend to know what it would be like if only she could muster enough courage to chance everything they had together for maybe something more...
  53. >Putting her glasses back on the table, she'd try to fall back asleep as a tear worked it's way down her cheek - soaked up by her fine fur before it traveled far.
  54. >Anon wakes up first that morning.
  55. >Er, noon.
  56. >A gentle weight and comfortable warmth alerts him to the different circumstances of his latest slumber.
  57. >Opening his eyes on autopilot, he sees something he didn't expect.
  58. >That feeling was the warm full-body snuggle of his childhood friend Sunstone.
  59. >A peaceful sleeping face was too cute to not smile at.
  60. >White marked face slightly obscured by an auburn mane.
  61. >While it's usually slightly disheveled, it's even more so now by the natural bed head her sleepy snuggling had caused.
  62. >Anon wouldn't have it any other way.
  63. >His drowsy state of awareness was not unlike watching the memory of a dream.
  64. >It wouldn't be unreasonable for Anon to write this off as just a dream.
  65. >Well, if it weren't for the memories from last night being recalled one by one.
  66. >Playing a movie that unfolds the series of events leading to such a cute mare sleeping on his form.
  67. >Rational thought didn't have much time to return to him yet, as he felt something.
  68. >Something familiar yet new.
  69. >His eyes jolted fully open to look down to confirm what he'd been feeling.
  70. >He had indeed been poking his childhood friend in the stomach with his morning wood.
  71. >Oh no.
  72. >Oh no!
  73. >The immediate need to extract himself from this position to avoid an inevitably awkward moment battled with the urge to thrust forward to grind a little more.
  74. >To feel the warm body so needily clinging to him rub against the tent in his pants.
  75. >But he resisted.
  76. >If only subtly squirming.
  77. >He couldn't do that to her.
  78. >He'd be violating her and her trust.
  79. >Now awake and starting to regain his thought processes, Anon tried to judge how deep her sleep was.
  80. >Could he move her without waking her up?
  81. >She always was a light sleeper.
  82. >He had a plan.
  83. >He cradles her body in his right arm.
  84. >Reaching his arm down her body for the leverage to gently lay her down onto the couch as he slowly extracts himself, he finds that this means he needs to effectively cup her plot in his hand.
  85. >Her cape that served as a makeshift blanket now serves dutifully as the only barrier between his hand and her plot.
  86. >Whatever helps this be less awkward.
  87. >Once his hand reaches its destination and grabs her plot he can't help but blush hard.
  88. >O-oh damn!...
  89. >She certainly had a plentiful booty from what he could see but this was something else.
  90. >Full, with plenty of give.
  91. >Despite her small frame, she had quite the caboose.
  92. >Not only was the plot easily capable of spilling out of his hand, but his wrist and lower forearm he cradled it with were overlapped as well.
  93. >Sure, she could be a little more firm but damn was this enough to paralyze him.
  94. >Another aching throb below the waist agreed.
  95. >Great.
  96. >Now not only was he feeling guilty about accidentally poking her, but he'd now given himself some rather torturous knowledge from effectively groping her.
  97. >He'd be between the feelings of further guilt and a building desire.
  98. >Having a taste for what there was to offer.
  99. >Quickly before he's caught in an even more damming act, he moves.
  100. >Carefully he goes to scoot so that he can slowly deposit her weight onto his arm cradling her and gently lie her down as he vacates the couch.
  101. >Successfully he manages to shift her weight into his arm.
  102. >She was relatively undisturbed.
  103. >Her breathing and heart rate had hastened.
  104. >A bad dream maybe?
  105. >First one leg on the floor, then the other.
  106. >Leverage on the floor, Anon pulls back his torso and makes room to gently lay down Sunstone from bottom hooves first.
  107. >He gently lays her head down last and pulls his arm back.
  108. >Her peaceful sleeping expression now concentrated, but still asleep.
  109. >Her face red even.
  110. >Must be hot.
  111. >Well, trapped between her cape-blanket and his larger body heat, he couldn't blame her.
  112. >Phew.
  113. >Crisis averted.
  114. >Now to check the time.
  115. >SHIT!
  116. >It was already about noon!
  117. >They've already slept away the morning the planned to use to study for the chemistry portion of their tests!
  118. >Now Anon was at home enough in Sunstone's place to not feel that awkward feeling of being the first and only one awake at a friend's house after a sleep-over, and normally wouldn't feel the need to awkwardly wait around or rouse her from sleep, but they're wasting valuable time.
  119. >I mean, how will they have a chance to go everything again before the test if they don't stay on schedule!
  120. >Calmly, he calls out to Sunstone.
  121. >Her ear flicks adorably.
  122. >Again.
  123. >More firmly this time.
  124. >Her expression hardens a little more.
  125. >Then he places a hand on her caped withers and gently shakes her.
  126. >This does the trick.
  127. >Sunstone subtly jumped.
  128. >Her whithers cinched like someone would in shock.
  129. >"Hmn?!"
  130. >"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you!"
  131. >Sunstone angles a forehoof to allow her to push up off the couch.
  132. >Raising her upper body, but still leaving her plot on the couch and backlegs spoofing cutely; cape draped over her plot.
  133. >Adorably, she let's out an exaggerated yawn with her other hoof over her muzzle.
  134. >Her mane was even more disheveled than usual.
  135. >Cute
  136. >Slightly unkempt hairs further displaced by her bedhead was a look she still somehow made work.
  137. >Finishing up her somewhat forced display, she looks around tiredly to read the situation.
  138. >"W-what's the time?"
  139. >"Almost noon."
  140. >"What?!"
  141. >"Sorry Sunstone, I overslept too but when I realized how late it was I'd decided to wake you."
  142. >Inhaling through her nose, she takes the back of her hoof and rubs her eye.
  143. >Clearing the sleep from her eyes, Sunstone shifts into a sitting position on the couch.
  144. >Anon takes the opportunity to grab her glasses from the table and set them onto her muzzle.
  145. >She finally stops squinting to look around, pausing to stare at Anon's crotch which was at eye level for her.
  146. >Anon spons on his heels to turn around to head out the door.
  147. >An action largely to conceal his morning wood from her cleared vision.
  148. >"Alright, I gotta go home and freshen up. I'll be back after I've had my breakfast, okay?"
  149. >Without waiting for an answer he makes his way towards the door.
  150. >Erection straining against his leg in his jeans right-side gang, Anon walks stiffly towards the door.
  151. >"Uh- oh. Oh yeah, of course! Me too! Just let yourself in when you get back!"
  152. >Anon masks a subtle grind of his erection against his pants with a stretch on the way to the door.
  153. >"Got it, see you then Sunny!"
  154. >"S-see you-" the door closes, "you big sexy man..."
  155. >Quickly realizing she thought that way, let alone even said it, Sunstone gasps and throws both hooves over her mouth.
  156. >"*Gasp!*"
  157. >He's her childhood best friend!
  158. >She can't think of him like that!
  159. >Even if he's kind and sweet to her.
  160. >Even if she thinks she loves him.
  161. >E-even if he's rather well endowed.
  162. >Sunstone didn't only see his boner at full mast.
  163. >No.
  164. >She had actually woken up first.
  165. >Not only had she been awake to feel his erection.
  166. >She had felt him shift in his waking slumber, grinding it against her.
  167. >Felt how large it was.
  168. >Felt how it didn't so much as nestle in between her teats as it did push them aside with its girth.
  169. >Felt the pulsing of his heartbeat through the layers of fur and pants.
  170. >Felt the intense heat it gave off.
  171. >Felt her own embarrassment and pretended to still be asleep to avoid an awkward situation.
  172. >Beginning to feel an uncomfortable heat herself settling on, Sunstone made her way to the shower.
  173. >Removing her cape and glasses, she stepped into her shower.
  174. >He was so big.
  175. >Would that thing even fit in her?
  176. >Theoretically, if he could hilt he'd be somewhere- whoa!
  177. >He'd halt at her cervix!
  178. >Or so she believes by measuring her now deeply imprinted memory of the feeling of his shaft against her with her two hooves while sitting on the floor of the shower.
  179. >H-he even grabbed her flank.
  180. >"Oh Celestia, what I wouldn't give to feel that again."
  181. >Uncaring for her words, she settled into a rhythm to quench the fire in her loins underneath the roaring shower head.
  182. >Thoughts of what her first sexual encounter with her childhood friend would be like crossed her mind.
  183. >Thoughts of what it would be like long after they'd consummated their relationship.
  184. >How he'd take her.
  185. >Bent over on top of his counter and table way taller than any pony would normally have it, hind hooves dangling helplessly 2 hooves off the ground.
  186. >What kind of fetishes they might engage in.
  187. >A pang of guilty satisfaction and shame shot through her at the next thought.
  188. >Would he think less of her if she wanted to engage in tack play with him?
  189. >Nothing crazy!
  190. >Just... maybe a bridle.
  191. >A-and some reins.
  192. >Sunstone can feel it coming.
  193. >Oh how hot it is to imagine him pulling on her reins from behind.
  194. >Something about that just feels... right.
  195. >Like the idea of reins in general being pulled by his hands and arms is what their real purpose truly is.
  196. >And how being the one wearing them is a thought akin to her rightful place calling out to her.
  197. >And now, these fantasies would be a little more realistic with her newfound knowledge.
  198. >She cums hard remembering how he twitched in appreciation during the pause where he had his hands full of her plot.
  199. >It's a wonder she didn't serve him squash soup through her cape then and there really.
  200. >Taking a breather as the shower carried on, she reminisces on what she knew before this morning's mishap.
  201. >She'd seen him naked a few times as they'd grown up, but never did she get such an accurate feel for how large he was.
  202. >Sure she could smell the hormone change and immediately identify when he was in the mood voluntarily/ involuntarily.
  203. >Way more often than stallions it would seem.
  204. >A musk more potent too.
  205. >And despite how hard she'd tried, she would find her gaze wondering towards his crotch.
  206. >Even though she'd just went over the edge, she doesn't feel much relief.
  207. >Before she knew it, she found herself going again.
  208. >Wow, it was torture being around him sometimes.
  209. >She would easily find herself pent up if she was around him during one of those days her mind was prone to wandering.
  210. >Especially when he inadvertently displayed his virility like this morning.
  211. >Starting a morning pent up and distracted would be no good for her studies.
  212. >So she resolved to hoof it until her nethers calmed down.
  213. >"Stupid s-sexy Ah~ Anonnnn..."
  214. >Honestly, in retrospect, he seemed even more pent up than her.
  215. >He'd popped boners unprovoked more than the usual stallion.
  216. >It's strange, but less so if it's the result of his own mind wandering naughty places.
  217. >But even still.
  218. >He's probably some kind of sexual beast with how often he's in the mood.
  219. >Strange, she thought.
  220. >One would think he'd be able to find an opportunity to break away and take care of his, ahem, big problem - at least sometimes.
  221. >But he never does.
  222. >Surely he'd be able to break away for the 30 seconds or even a minute he'd need to take care of it and then clean up afterwards.
  223. >Of course the smell of the act would stick around for a bit, but at least he wouldn't be needlessly torturing himself with his arousal any longer.
  224. >There must be another reason.
  225. >So that begs the question.
  226. >How long can he last?
  227. >It'd need to be long enough that he couldn't risk the inconvenience to just take care of it.
  228. >3 minutes?
  229. >M-maybe even... 5?!
  230. >The squelching of her lower lips winking was drowned out by the cascade of multiple water streams.
  231. >Well, that and the steadily building rhythm of her clopping.
  232. >Her moans were light and reserved.
  233. >Breathes quick and heavy.
  234. >Her mane draped across her face in its soaked state.
  235. >Mouth open slightly.
  236. >One hoof grinding across her mottled marehood.
  237. >The other slightly above that, teasing her generous teats which were also slightly mottled with a pattern in the color of her coat markings.
  238. >She was usually pretty embarrassed by her coloring down below, but she need not pay it any mind now.
  239. >Her magic lightly applied pressure from all sides on her tail just above the base to simulate him grabbing her tail to force it out of the way for his entry.
  240. >She whimpers and nearly collapses.
  241. >Luna, what she wouldn't give to feel that on her horn.
  242. >Despite the thoughts of their encounters where he was aroused, they weren't anywhere close to this morning.
  243. >She'd never been able to see how big he was through his clothes, which he'd be sure to leave on to obscure his erection when he had one; despite his usual comfortability in being without most of them around you more than others - even if he always left his boxers on.
  244. >Was he self-conscious?
  245. >Sure he was willing to go without around others, but he was very conservative when it came to his genitals.
  246. >Well, there wasn't anything to be ashamed about as she discovered today.
  247. >It was strange he took such great care to hide that even from her.
  248. >He should know she could smell it.
  249. >So it's not like there's a reason to be embarrassed about the obvious.
  250. >Strange indeed.
  251. >Well, she wouldn't let him feel awkward about that forever.
  252. >Sunstone fantasized about the moment where she'd be able to reassure him that there's no need to be ashamed.
  253. >That he was bigger than most.
  254. >Probably all stallions honestly.
  255. >Not surprising given his stature.
  256. >That she'd be there to appreciate all of him.
  257. >The thrill of being able to overcome her own self-conscious nature to guide him to be the confident stud that he rightly deserves to be.
  258. >Her stud.
  259. >She would be there for him.
  260. >To feel needed and appreciated by him.
  261. >To be loved by him.
  262. >She could feel the heat in her marehood and face intensify and spread throughout her body.
  263. >To be pushed down and mounted by him.
  264. >The heat transforms into sparks.
  265. >To be fucked hard and fast, cumming together.
  266. >The sparks stoke flames throughout her as she nears the precipice once more.
  267. >To be inviting his foreign seed into her womb by clamping down hard on his length to lock his release into place, potentially fertilizing her eggs.
  268. >Said womb felt like a furnace as she went over the edge on that last thought.
  269. >Foals with Anon.
  270. >Her mouth shot open in a silent scream despite the pouring water from the showerhead.
  271. >She came so hard that it almost felt like it burned as she sprayed the floor of the shower and her trembling hoof.
  272. >She was wracked with another body shaking orgasm, collapsing onto the floor of the shower this time.
  273. >She trembled, contracted and even jerked as it took its toll on her body.
  274. >The water continued to pour down, uncaring.
  275. >Soon, she came to her senses.
  276. >Once her sight returned to her, the last thing she saw being the ceiling as her eyes rolled back, she now sees her soaked mane draped over her field of view.
  277. >Using her unsullied hoof, she wipes her mane out of her face and onto the side of her head.
  278. >She lay there in recovery observing her surroundings as she collected herself and caught breath.
  279. >She knows she may not clean up as well as the other mares, but she couldn't imagine what she looks like now.
  280. >Better not think too much about that and just get to the actual cleaning part of the shower.
  281. >As if to answer her internal dialogue, the place where her conditioners and shampoos were, now lay a disorderly pile of bottles.
  282. >Some of which were missing.
  283. >Picking herself up slightly, she looks over her legs towards the floor below the low shelf and sees the missing bottles.
  284. >Whoa.
  285. >Guess she got so carried away in the throes of orgasm that she knocked them all down.
  286. >She vaguely registered that she may have hit something and knocked it down, but did not have the capacity to care in that moment.
  287. >The lone bottles, fallen on the floor...
  288. >One of which was open to reveal bubbles from the slightly phallic shaped nozzle of the bottle.
  289. >If that's not a sign to do what she came here for then she doesn't know what is.
  290. >Sunstone took a moment to sit up from the floor and examine her hoof.
  291. >She most certainly did sully this hoof.
  292. >Holding out her foreleg, she used her magic to manipulate the falling water into a funnel to create a more concentrated stream to clean off her hoof.
  293. >She watched as her hoof was slowly washed clean of the evidence.
  294. >But the mild shame still remained.
  295. >She had just masterbated to her friend Anon.
  296. >He trusts her.
  297. >Enough to allow her to see more of his body more often than other ponies.
  298. >And she did this with that knowledge.
  299. >Oh dear.
  300. >Is she-... a bad pony?
  301. >She's had these thoughts before, even masterbated to them before.
  302. >But she still feels a little guilty.
  303. >Like she'd betrayed him with the simple act of doing what she did.
  304. >She releases the shower water from the funnel after she's satisfied removing as much evidence as she could.
  305. >She turns around to angle the water to wash away her marecum her legs and plot.
  306. >Anon tried his best to avoid the awkward situation of his pressing morning wood against her lower body.
  307. >Doing his best to avoid any kind of misunderstanding or idea of taking advantage of her.
  308. >And here she was, furiously hoofing herself to the knowledge he was uncomfortable giving away to anypony.
  309. >Before she let herself get broken up over her thoughts, she used her magic to lift the bottle of shampoo and begin the task she came here for.
  310. >He's probably just self-conscious, he'd be flattered, right?
  311. >Would he do the same thing?
  312. >Does Anon masterbate to the thought of her?
  313. >Well, it's not impossible.
  314. >Undoing her messy bun, she properly began to lather her man and tail with her aura and shampoo.
  315. >Producing a bubble shield to avoid the shower water from washing away her progress in lathering.
  316. >She looks back at her rump to monitor the progress of her tail.
  317. >Perhaps she could give him a peak at something special she keeps to herself?
  318. >Even the score so to say?
  319. >This would even allow her to gauge how much he's open to the idea of her and him being intimate.
  320. >But what exactly?
  321. >It's not like she doesn't go mostly naked as it is.
  322. >Just how much has he seen anyways?
  323. >She wears a cape most of the time.
  324. >Even when she doesn't, it's not like she hikes up her tail for him.
  325. >Mostly.
  326. >She finished lathering her hairs and allows the water to return to form and wash away the suds.
  327. >She feels rather self-conscious about her own unique pattern below.
  328. >Maybe showing him that would be good enough?
  329. >Considering he also got a handful of her plot already, maybe she's not so guilty of being accidently given personal knowledge of the other after all...
  330. >A moment of pause.
  331. >"Ugh, Sunstone!"
  332. >She berated herself.
  333. >"There's no need to tease the poor guy. You shouldn't be thinking like this." She shakes her head. "Just-" she sighs exasperatedly, "just come out with it. Say something to him."
  334. >There's no score to be kept among best friends here...
  335. >All these games are just going to complicate things.
  336. >Again.
  337. "You can't mess things up again..."
  338. >She shakes her head in her dismay.
  339. >Sunstone remembers how she was once a prodigy with a bright future planned out for her.
  340. >All she had to do was stick to the plan.
  341. >Just do it.
  342. >Succeed.
  343. >But her own modesty and shyness had doomed her.
  344. >She doubted herself.
  345. >Became afraid to advance for fear of failure when she was constantly reminded how much was on the line.
  346. >How she was beyond failure.
  347. >Painting the picture in her head that failing would be unacceptable.
  348. >She stalled.
  349. >Dragged her hooves.
  350. >Didn't use the connections she suddenly found herself with.
  351. >Soon interest waned.
  352. >Then all that admiration for her talents just kind of - petered out.
  353. >And before she knew it, she blew it.
  354. >Or, at least she thought so much.
  355. >Anon has been there to help her out and give her his support.
  356. >He gave her faith in herself.
  357. >And because of him she was going to try again.
  358. >That's why she was here, horn deep in her studies.
  359. >Sunstone concluded that she can't overcomplicate things again.
  360. >There would be no blowing the best thing she has going for her again.
  361. >Not Anon.
  362. >She doesn't care if she fails qualifications as an archmage.
  363. >Doesn't care if she fails again and again.
  364. >She can't afford to lose him.
  365. >There would always be another bright mind to guide the path of the future.
  366. >Tartarus, they'd honestly be better suited for such a task than her.
  367. >But Anon?
  368. >She wouldn't know what to do with herself if she lost him to some other mare.
  369. >Probably give up honestly.
  370. >Or bury herself deeper in magic to hide her pain more likely.
  371. >She was almost finished lathering her fur proper.
  372. >He was a great catch.
  373. >She needed to act soon before somepony else snatched him out from under her tuft.
  374. > Okay, that might be a bit harder to accomplish in reality for somepony.
  375. >Sunstone looks down and raises a hoof to fuss with the weighted down fur of her tuft.
  376. >No matter!
  377. >Regardless of the fact that she had a very gifted amount of tuft to offer him, he wouldn't wait for her forever.
  378. >Forever.
  379. >Her feelings had long past the stage of budding.
  380. >Past denial.
  381. >Past bashfulness.
  382. >She did love him
  383. >And she would like to know for certain that he would or would not be with her forever as well.
  384. >No more stalling.
  387. [To Be Continued...]
  388. Almost Complete
  390. Special Thanks to the four drawfrens who contributed beautiful artworks to the thread.
  391. >>38994848
  392. >>39033586
  393. >>39042192
  394. >>39051925
  395. >>39056088

Sheltered Dawn

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