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Sunstone Shorts

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2022-09-19 03:57:16
Expiry: Never

  1. Inspired by the thread >>38959108
  2. "She Cute"
  4. Anon >>38962994
  5. >Wouldn't it be strange if we were p-physically attracted to each other Anon? You and I have known each other for years but it would be strange if we somehow ended up copulating. Right? Heh...
  7. I replied >>38964068
  8. >Childhood friends
  9. This means Anon arrived as a young child and grew up together with Sunstone. Because of this, human cultural norms aren't as strictly adhered to. His wearing of clothes was largely a preference and practical choice. Sometimes comfortable being without in momentary leisure, even among close friends.
  11. >Sunstone recalls having seen Anon bare before a couple times growing up.
  12. >Going for a swim in the local pond when he urged her to go outside some more with him.
  13. >On the hottest day of the year that one time she was too exhausted to even whip up a cooling spell.
  14. >Now Sunstone sees Anon strip again as a result of a pyromancy spell gone wrong.
  15. >Though this time they are older.
  16. >She sees his physique in a whole new light. Unable to hold the feelings at bay. She feels like she was the one lit on fire with how hard she blushes.
  17. >The rest of the study session was torture as her feelings conflicted with thoughts of it being wrong to see her best friend like that.
  18. He's your best friend!
  19. You've seen him naked before, it's no big deal.
  20. Ugh! So why am I getting so hot and bothered by this!
  21. Well, he wasn't so, uh, defined back then as he is now.
  22. >The night ends and the week marches on.
  23. >Sunstone unable to take her mind off of Anon.
  24. >No progress is made in any of the subjects she tries to research and switch between.
  25. >She resolves to test the waters with Anon if only for her sake.
  26. >She approaches him in her own dorky little way.
  27. "Wouldn't it be strange if we were p-physically attracted to each other Anon? You and I have known each other for years but it would be strange if we somehow ended up copulating. Right? Heh..."
  28. >Anon wasn't a stranger to your theoretical questions.
  29. >Anxiety and fear creep up your flanks, spine and crash against the nape of your neck like waves lapping at the beach.
  30. >You just need to know.
  31. >Your childhood friend was familiar with you enough that your inquiries crossing into more personal territory shouldn't be inappropriate.
  32. >If he's unwilling maybe you can blow this off as a curious mind asking the questions that come to mind.
  33. >Nothing new for you.
  34. >"I don't think so."
  35. >Your eyes widen and your borrow raises in shock so fast your glasses fall a little bit, needing a little readjustment.
  36. >"Despite not being one, I've grown up surrounded by ponies. It's fair to say that I'm open to a relationship with a mare."
  37. >Your heart thunders harder.
  38. >The tips of your ears burn in a blush of a mixture of embarrassment and excitement.
  39. >If you weren't hanging off of every word Anon was going to say, you might need to focus to hear anyone else over the rhythmic thumping resounding in your ears from a thrilled heart.
  40. >He looks up from the book he's stopped reading.
  41. >At you.
  42. >You didn't think you could feel any more hot and bothered but his gaze right now just reminds you how much more vulnerable you are.
  43. >"You on the other hand, have also grown up around me. Knowing me long enough that such things as a species barrier wouldn't factor into your feelings much further beyond the logistics of how such a relationship would work."
  45. [Another Anon continued from what I started]
  47. "It wouldn't be that strange. I mean, you are a pretty cute mare."
  48. >You turn back to reading your book.
  49. >across the table from you, you hear a strange sound, almost like somepony poured out a glass of water.
  50. >You reach the end of the paragraph you were readiing and look back up towards Sunstone.
  51. "What was that?"
  52. >She's staring hard into the wooden table and she doesn't say anything.
  53. "You okay?"
  54. >She manages a little wimper in reply, still not meeting your gaze.
  55. >You stare for a bit and then give a little shrug and go back to your book.
  56. >She's like that sometimes.
  57. >Now, where were we?
  58. >""Primrose,' the minotaur said, running his lightly furred hands over the little pony sprawled out before him, 'I can't take it anymore, I need you.'"
  59. >Ah yea, finally getting to the good part.
  60. >Should you be embarrassed to be reading some raunchy romance novel like a filly?
  61. >Maybe, but it's hard to be the only one of your kind: makes you feel all alone.
  62. >And then of course, because you are such an oddity, nopony really wants to be with you in that way.
  63. >You know the way.
  64. >And it's made all the worse, because ponies are cute!
  65. >And fucking sexy as hell, you can't lie to yourself about it.
  66. >You just want to pick them up and give them pets and kisses and hugs and fu-- but anyway...
  67. >So yea, maybe it's a little cringey to be reading this trash, but you gotta take what you can get.
  68. >As Adamant Abs runs his fingers across Primrose's belly and over her supple little teats, you swear you can actually hear her let out a little moan of pleasure.
  69. >If only you had a little pony of your own to ravish.
  70. >But nopony would ever want you.
  71. >These kinds of things only happen in trashy fiction.
  72. >You let out a sigh and turn over the page.
  74. [I presume the same Anon continued with another short]
  76. >It's a beautiful day in the crystal kingdom.
  77. >You are sat outside at a bit-to-small table underneath a bit-to-small umbrella, staring up at the bright blue sky, admiring the puffy white clouds that float about here and there.
  78. >This is absolutely the best kind of day.
  79. >And it's that much better, because seated across from you is your childhood friend: Sunstone.
  80. >She had asked to meet you here today, at one of the city's finest restaurants, for brunch.
  81. >'Brunch is kinda gay', you thought, but what the Hell? It's always fun to hang out with a friend and get some good eats.
  82. >Plus, they have bottomless mimosas.
  83. >Hell yea, brother.
  84. >You take another gulp from your bit-to-small champneighn flute and set it down at the edge of the table so the waiter can come by and bring you another.
  85. >"I'm so happy you could go out with me today Anon."
  86. >You look across at Sunstone, looking all cute and disheveled as always.
  87. >She's not actually shaded by the umbrella at the table, and the way her coat and mane glistens in the sun is just...
  88. >Well, she probably needs to shower more if she is that shiny.
  89. >Not that she looks bad or anything, but ponies don't usually shine that much, do they?
  90. >Maybe it's just the booze.
  91. >You smile at the little mare on the other side of the table.
  92. "Me too. You know I'm always glad to go out with you."
  93. >You don't notice, but she goes a little red when you say those words.
  94. >Gazing around at the crystal city, all the little ponies chatting along and going about their business, the wonderful weather, you can't help but let out a little sigh.
  95. "So beautiful."
  96. >Just then the waiter comes round to pass you another glass.
  97. >You thank him, toss it back, place it back on the table and look over towards Sunstone again.
  98. >She's bright red, blushing something fierce.
  99. >You look her over, eyebrow raised.
  100. >Now what could have happened?
  101. >She seemed just fine a minute ago.
  102. "Sunstone, you okay?"
  103. >Your old friend just nods at you.
  104. >You don't really buy it though. She seems kinda uncomfortable.
  105. >Now why would she-- Aha!
  106. >She's sitting out in the sun. She must just be too warm.
  107. >Poor thing. She does have quite a mane going on, and she's got that cute little cape thing she always wears around too. Probably doesn't help.
  108. >You can't have your friend out here suffering like this, so you decide to voice your concern.
  109. "You look kinda hot."
  110. >She turns a deeper shade of red.
  111. >Christ, you need to get this pony out of the sun.
  113. [Other shorts]
  115. >I made a custom D&D campaign for us anon. I'm a warlock and you can be an umm know a big, strong, gruff barbarian. I hope thats not too weird. Then maybe I can show you this book on cosmic magical theory and a spell I've been trying to practice...
  117. >get her pregnant
  118. >she spends everyday reading books, practicing nursery routines and planning out every day and month and year
  119. >starts to get stressed out that she won't be a good parent and that both of you will mess up the foals development
  120. >you remind her stress is bad for the foal
  121. >she relaxes and thanks you for being there for her
  123. Short accompanying my sketch of Sunstone (Link: Will Be Provided soon)
  124. >"Wouldn't it be strange if we were t-to conceive on our honeymoon?"
  125. "I don't think so."
  126. >"There's only one way to make sure that would happen, huh? To do so this early on for a husband and wife would be rather unusual, would it not?"
  127. "Not unless they were certain they truly loved each other."
  128. >"A-and went all night. But it's not like that would happen, r-right?"
  129. "That's not impossible for humans..."
  132. [Discussion about Sunstone as a childhood best friend]
  134. Anon: "What about twi and moondancer?"
  135. Anon: "Twi is an arrogant prick, Moondancer is a hyperemotional unwashed neet with too much power
  136. Sunstone is the right amount of disheveled, intelligent, emotionally stable with light/moderate power. And she's fucking cute."
  138. OP: "She cute."
  139. Anon: "Don't let R63 Glimmer hear you say that."
  140. Anon: "He'll come back in time and kick me in the balls?" (Referencing the meme from the thread that inspired my Sheltered Dawn green)
  141. Anon who posted pic of R63 Glimmer:
  143. Anon:
  144. >Kick him in the balls before he can do it
  145. Anon: "Twi is an arrogant prick, Moondancer is a hyperemotional unwashed neet with too much power
  146. Sunstone is the right amount of disheveled, intelligent, emotionally stable with light/moderate power. And she's fucking cute."
  147. Anon responding to above: But she has a homicidal beta orbiter with the power to wreck reality itself just to be with her. How are you going to compete against that?
  148. Me: I wouldn't need to if Glimmer isn't a stallion.
  149. Anon responding to me:
  150. >You cuck male Glimmer so hard he does some magic shit to his body to turn himself into a mare just so he/she could fuck you to find out what made Sunstone want you so bad
  151. bros...
  152. My Response: I was more so referring to only Sunstone being genderswapped ideally, but that's kinda hot too. Jejjin at the idea of cucking the commie.
  153. >I think we all know the reason Sunstone needed Anon so much.
  154. >[spoiler]Human Stamina[/spoiler]
  156. My answer to an Anon asking why she's so fucking hot:
  157. The childhood friends aspect adds so much to the dynamic. Women have this uncanny ability to make a man self-conscious and vulnerable. So to see the roles reversed is not only engaging on a level of interest, but engaging in the way that it also appeals to our desire to be wanted for more than what we bring to the table. To be wanted for who we are. How often do you think wives ask their husband about their interests after they're married? Who he is goes on the backburner in favor of what he can do for her. Here with the roles reversed, Anon is in the position to make his childhood friend feel that way because she likes him. A crush that means so much more because the reason she likes him is a real bond and connection. Compound that with the cuteness of a flustered pony and the effect is incredible.
  159. We've discussed that she might have some pubic fluff, but what about mottled genitals? Of course there are mottled patterns on horse dicks, but what about mare pussy? Is that ever mottled?
  160. If so, would you think it'd look good?
  161. I think it would be perfect for Sunstone because she's already got these cute cream colored coat markings.
  162. She definitely would have these markings and might even be self-conscious about them.
  164. Anon: "How big is her bush?"
  165. Anon: "Pubic fluff is underrated."
  166. My take:
  167. Probably a little more than usual for sure. I don't imagine it growing crazy or anything for any pony. Enough to be cute and in line with her character.
  168. >ywn lay her on her back and kiss down her neck, barrel and land at her teats. Teasing her with your mouth and digits while your chin rests on her ticklish pubic fluff.
  170. After another Anon asked for elaboration as he's a visual learner.
  171. Drawfag delivered: >>38979735

Sheltered Dawn

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