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[/BAR/] Bats Are Rapists

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2022-09-19 05:49:09
Updated: 2022-09-23 05:14:09
Expiry: Never

  1. [This is meant to be an archive of sorts for the original thread and bookmark many of the interesting aspects of worldbuilding that was crafted. Not every post from the thread is here. Not even every green/ green update is here either. Shorts will be posted in a separate paste, etc.]
  3. Inspired by this thread: >>38981126
  4. "Bat Ponies are dark, twisted, moral-less demons! They will lie to, steal from, hurt, and gleefully rape anyone they cross paths with! Curse them! Curse the perverted devils!!!"
  6. Unique world building inspired by OP's post and my green has lead to some rather interesting and fresh settings to write further greens in. I've elected to give it an acronym (like FR, AiE, NMP, etc) to indicate stories using the basic principles that we've established as a part of this new genre of green. This paste will act as an archive for the discussed topics and tropes until a more cohesive and concise paste can be established. When I feel ready to start a general thread for this concept to continue updating my greens that exist in this 'universe' I will be using the copypasta below (unless I find something better).
  8. Bats Are Rapists
  10. /BAR/ is the acronym for a genre of stories set in Equestria, where bat ponies have a history of/statistical inclination to force themselves upon males; this created a reputation so notorious that it spurs dialogue like "Despite being 17% of the population, thestrals..."
  11. Foundational world building was crafted here >>38981126
  12. NOTE: Not all outcomes/stories have to be cruel/dark. You can use the premise for comedy, romance or SoL.
  14. Bat ponies may even band together in roaming rape gangs to prey upon stallions. The story may instead occur in a pre-return of NMM Equestria, where NMM loyalist sects of thestrals hold out in a doomsday cult-like fashion in underground complexes, awaiting the day of prophecy. Kidnapping stallions from the surface to ensure descendents for the future, while exercising extreme caution/secrecy to avoid detection. This can include a grim future wherein NMM prevails upon her return, and sanctions the stealthy infiltration of Earth to kidnap men for her thestrals to breed in a twisted NMP to prevent them from provoking the larger day pony populace by preying on them instead. Or you can simply have it be that thestrals approach an Anon as a group in a "No-Go Zone" at night, and rape him there. The 'rape' can be realistic and brutal, wanted and ultimately just fetishized femdom elements, or merely just an intent that gets undermined for comedic purposes.
  16. The conflict in the story may be:
  17. >The hunt for a stallion (or human)
  18. >A need to avoid detection while watching fellow sects elsewhere go dark because they were busted
  19. >The chaos/fallout after detection
  20. >Daily life of a bat mare/captive male in the complex
  21. >The political/social dissonance created by leaders of the sect hoarding the thestral stallions up top while the lower castes are made to kidnap their mates
  22. >The differences of loyalist sect bat ponies and the ones who chose to remain by Celestia side. 1000 years of separation leads to distinct coat palettes with the loyalists retaining their darker and cooler colors that complement the night, and the 'traitor' bats blending in more easily with brighter pastel colors like the other denizens of Equestria.
  23. >Exploring the thestral ancestors. Ponies who interbred with a distinctly non-equine species with highly compatible genes to the point of total assimilation - creating thestrals, the ultimate rape and breed machines that can capitulate even the extradimensional genome of human males thanks to their inherited genes (potent genes that maintain a uniformity of bat pony characteristics in interbred offspring to avoid hybrid mutants).
  24. >Even a potential conflict between changelings and bat ponies fighting for the same resources (including males) without either being detected, or so crippled that the defeated party doesn't go nuclear and reveal both of them to all of Equestria in a move of mutually assured self-destruction.
  26. I will then follow the OP post with a response that links some stories.
  28. Below are some shitposts, and discussion as to what this setting has in store for Anons who wander there of their own volition or not.
  30. Anon >>38981162
  31. Did you know that despite making up only 6% of Equestria's population Bat Ponies are responsible for 54% of all sodomy cases, 61% of all cases of sexual misconduct with a minor, 68% of all rapes, and 93% of all kidnappings?? They are vicious hellspawn! Slay them! Celestia's holy light slay them I say!!!! Burn the nightwalkers to the stake!
  33. Anon >>38981194
  34. >>38981162
  35. >rape epidemic by batmares
  36. Sounds horrifying.
  38. Anon >>38981595
  39. >>38981588
  40. Why won't Celestia do something about the batmare rape gangs?
  42. Anon >>38981613 (Worth noting that they posted a pic of a bat pony Celestia)
  43. >>38981595
  44. Who do you think is organizing them and keeping them funded?
  46. Anon >>38981647
  47. >>38981613
  48. Where do these rape gangs congregate?
  49. For research purposes.
  51. Anon >>38983098
  52. >be anon
  53. >deliberately go out at night in the bat infested areas of Canterlot, hoping to find a bat mare rape gang
  55. Anon >>38983165
  56. >>38981613
  57. Luna, obviously.
  59. Anon >>38983173
  60. >>38983165
  61. >press gaggle
  64. Me >>38985828 (First post of the Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs green)
  65. >Be in an alley late at night.
  66. >Vandalizing the side of a business that had refused to hire you because you didn't have a cutie mark.
  67. >No better off than back home where you needed at least a bachelor's in monkey double backflips in order to get a job flipping burgers.
  68. >Without spray paint cans this was going to take longer than you thought.
  69. >Stopping at the shaft of the giant penis you realize you need to make it look like it was another pony.
  70. >Just drawing a human dick would give away that it wasn't a pony who did this.
  71. >Get confronted by a group of batmares intent on >raping you.
  72. >These little buggers are only slightly above mid-thigh with you.
  73. >And less intimidating.
  74. >Adding fangs and tufty ears doesn't do much more than increase the likelihood you'll die from their cuteness.
  75. >Blow them off and tell them you're busy.
  76. >They advance.
  77. >Threaten to report your crime to the guards if you don't go with them.
  78. >Great.
  79. >Last thing you needed is guards to give you grief.
  80. >Do these ponies even have records?
  81. >Would that stop you from being able to get anything too.
  82. >Taking your internal pondering as silent defiance, the mares advance on either side.
  83. >"We've got a tough one on our hooves here huh?"
  84. >"Yeah, we'll show him why it's not so tough to be out at night by yourself."
  85. >They can't be serious.
  86. >Well, there's 5 of them.
  87. >You set your paint supplies down.
  88. "Uh, look. You don't want to do this."
  89. >"Oh no stud, there's no getting out of this now!"
  90. >"If you don't want to go with us, that's fine. We'll just need to break you right here."
  91. >The leader of the group seems to step up first.
  92. >The others advance.
  93. >A couple seemingly intimidated by your size.
  94. >That or they haven't done this kind of thing before.
  95. >Nevertheless, they prepare to make their move and cut off your escape.
  96. >Responding in turn by adopting a defensive stance that allowed peripheral vision of both sides.
  97. >Surveying your ahem, 'tools of artistic expression,' you find that they might do well enough as self-defense weapons.
  98. >If only to space out the assault to buy time to deal with the little duller pastel rapists in more manageable numbers.
  100. Anon >>38986220
  101. >>38985828
  102. This gonna be the start of something greater?
  104. (Little did we know, it was.)
  106. Anon >>38989504
  107. >>38981868
  108. They honestly have no idea what kind of touch starved low-standard individual they're dealing with.
  109. I'd reciprocate the slightest bit of sincere affection back onto them threefold.
  111. Anon >>38990380
  112. >>38990370
  113. Are those siblings or mates?
  114. >ywn be raped by a couple or siblings of bat ponies
  116. Anon >>38992178
  117. >>38991886 (My second update to the first green)
  118. >anon actually fighting off his rapist mares
  120. Anon >>38992335
  121. >>38992178
  122. >Implying it's not just so he can turn the tables.
  124. Anon >>38992885
  125. >>38991886
  126. >splashing the bats with thick paint
  127. >thick liquid stuff all over them
  128. Bet they'll see this as a mating ritual
  130. Anon >>38993066
  131. >>38991886
  132. Nice. I really like that he is actually fighting back.
  134. Anon >>38993286
  135. >>38989518
  136. >Bat tries to flee from a dark alley.
  137. >Hand grabs her tail and slowly drags her back into the darkness, her hooves scrambling in vain.
  138. >Her eee's of distress swiftly change tone as she joins her sisters in [spoiler]being tenderly snuggled[/spoiler]
  140. Anon >>38993390
  141. >>38981647
  142. > Palms are sweaty,knees weak, arms are heavy.
  143. >You blink a few times, finally snapping out of your semi-conscious haze.
  144. “Wh-where am I…?”
  145. >”Look who’s finally up. Good morning sunshine~”
  146. >The room is dark, and you can’t see who’s talking to you. You try to move your arms, but you’re restrained.
  148. >Another voice rings outs before something clamps down on your leg, trying to forcefully yank your pants off.
  149. “AIIIEEEEEEEE!!!!!”
  150. >”Stop Mia. He at least deserves an explanation before the fun begins!”
  151. “F-fun…?”
  152. >”That’s right, Rutmeat.”
  153. >You’re on the cusp of hyperventilating.
  154. “H-how did I get here?”
  155. >Assorted laughter responds.
  156. >”You silly billy! You passed out after eating a blooming onion alone!”
  157. >You curse your digestive track.
  158. >”They threw your body outback(get it?) behind the restaurant, so one pony’s trash is our treasure~“
  159. “Oh god…a-are you gonna kill me?!”
  160. >More laughter.
  161. >”That depends on you.”
  162. >You hear steps getting closer, and a light is flipped on revealing various colored bat ponies, including T H I C C ass arrhythmia.
  163. “…….”
  164. >”You’re gonna get gang raped by all of us, Anon, and you’re not leaving until we’ve all had climaxes!”
  165. >Yfw
  167. (Gif posted was Fry and Zap from that one Futurama Snusnu scene)
  169. Me >>38995696 (The beginning foundations for the width of content /BAR/ can offer and will become)
  170. >>38993390
  171. >ywn be abducted by batponies in a crown-sanctioned abduction from earth to be used as the exclusive breeding slave for a herd of lonely batpony mares.
  173. Anon >>38995955
  174. >>38995696
  175. >Celestia approves these sanctions to appease horny bat ponies without molesting other citizens
  176. Smart move.
  178. Anon >>38997415 (Responding to someone who liked the OP image of an OC named Dragon Fruit who is cutie pie)
  179. >>38997069
  180. She looks like a joke oc someone would make to demonstrate how poorly conceived ocs are much too often made into a bat pony with no regard for the personality or color pallet.
  182. Anon >>38997499
  183. >>38997415
  184. >bat ponies need to ALWAYS be muted grey's and blacks and they can NEVER EVER be colorful
  186. Wee-woo wee-woo retard alert.
  188. Me >>38997912
  189. >>38997499
  190. I appreciate a good mixture of both. I can totally see it depending on heritage. Whether they were either mixed with regular ponies at some point and/or acclimated to the day.
  191. Maybe even a headcanon lorewise reason like a fracture between Celestia and NMM loyalists. NMM being the larger faction and hence why most batponies are muted pastels and cool colors they kept or adapted to whereas a few Celestia loyalists grew to be brighter in color after 1000 years. It's all how the world building is in your mind.
  193. Anon >>38997972
  194. >>38997912
  195. That does actually make a good deal of sense.
  197. Anon >>38998383
  198. >>38997972
  199. And whether the batponies secluded themselves in their own area, or were banished to the moon with her is your own choice.
  200. Whatever helps the story continue to be believable. We all suspend our disbelief, but the story still needs to make sense and be consistent. If you think on it for a bit, you can find an answer that satisfies you.
  202. Anon >>38998655 (Responding to the update I left off at in my Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs green)
  203. >>38998634
  204. >Yet remained rooted in place and unable to do so.
  205. When the urge to rape overrides the natural flight instincts. Damn, these bats are horny.
  207. Anon >>38999377
  208. >>38998655
  209. Have they tried just asking?
  210. Goes against the spirit of rape like but i dont think most here would say no.
  212. Anon >>38999395
  213. >>38999377
  214. Probably, But that would take the thrill out of it as well.
  216. Anon >>38999447
  217. >>38999377
  218. But Anon, it's their culture to do so. They can't simply ask
  220. Anon >>39000197
  221. >>38999377
  222. If you ask it’s not rape. It’s consent to sex you mong. Leave it to fucking white people to destroy the culture of a proud hyper sexual race!
  224. Anon >>39000439 (Responding to my darker green for the thread)
  225. >>39000060
  226. >paralytic venom
  227. Are these even bats anymore?
  229. Anon >>39000467
  230. >>39000439
  231. >Changelings perpetuate the rapist bats meme to cover themselves.
  233. Anon >>39000490 (Underrated post with no replies, very jejjin my dude)
  234. >>39000467
  235. >you'll never be caught in the middle of a West Side Story gang war between the bats and the changelings as they all fight over your dick
  236. "Oh God, they're all singing and and interpretive dancing at each other... when did they have time to write an entire song about hot monkey dick and where is that Benny Hill music coming from?"
  238. Me >>39000693
  239. >>39000439
  240. >>39000467
  241. I was more so approaching from the angle of a leftover loyalist sect to NMM. Naturally they're good at stalking and ambushes. With the kind of special talents that would incentivize, it shouldn't be too difficult to believe that some may be trained and specialize in being able to neutralize targets with crafted poisons applied to their fangs - or special equipment for their fangs.
  242. Blades are for lethal strikes after all. They're also more reflective and can be harder to wield unless supported by even clunkier equipment. So to say that it's not preferred, or even unnecessary when you're solely looking to ambush, isn't far from the truth for a sect looking to lay low and avoid detection.
  244. All they care about is silent espionage, NMM, and poaching some of the few stallions around to breed with and ensure a properly diverse gene pool and offspring to continue holding out for the right time.
  246. Anon >>39003389
  247. >>39003177
  248. Y'know if you think about it my desire to fuck the bat is essentialy her raping my entire ancestral tree.
  249. A long and unbroken chain of humans fucking each other ending in her womb, and she barely had to lift a hoof.
  251. Anon >>39005398 (Response to a sperg after he lost his shit over 'Thestral' being used to describe bat ponies)
  252. >>39005103
  253. While i wont disagree the name was coined by Harry potter and people used it because "Spooky horses, eh close enough", Rowling used the old english word 'Thester' (Dark / Gloomy) and added the -al (of or pertaining to) suffix to it.
  254. So the word literally means "Of the dark and gloom." which you could stretch to 'Of the night' if you want to be colloquial about it, but at the end of the day it's unironically a more appropriate name for bat ponies than it is for harry potters death horses.
  256. Anon >>39009033 (Responding to my (You) Get Your Throat Slit short)
  257. >>39009011
  258. I wonder if they'd be weirded out by a guy that's into half of that, or just accepted their place immediately.
  259. Because being a breeding slave to a bat pony herd sure beats my current situation, unless they decide to beat me for fun but that seems counterproductive.
  261. Me >>39009873
  262. >>39009033
  263. Depends. If they want the thrill of breaking in a strong male and making him their bitch, or if they're too busy to have time to deal with a disobedient whore who doesn't know their place. If it's the latter, they'll let you know in that very frustrated and angry way you do when you let someone know you've had enough of their shit.
  264. >Unless they decide to beat me for fun but that seems counterproductive.
  265. It can be if you've already submitted, but in reality it's a counterintuitive way to get someone to grow comfortable. The body is very complicated and sensitive. It likes to maintain a balance. As such, when an overwhelming rush of pain/ negative emotions flood the brain, in order to maintain balance, a rush of endorphins will also trigger. For those sensitive to this rush of good feelings, it may become addictive or they may become dependent on the negative feelings in order to feel safe/ happy/ loved. Reassured even.. This is a reason why abuse victims have a difficult time leaving their abuser.
  266. So it stands to reason that they'd still beat you in order to mentally wire you to love them for it, then love bomb you afterwards to solidify the process by training you to expect the rationed out love and affection be overwhelmingly showered on you afterwards. That is to say how I feel a sect of bat ponies would act if they'd made abducting stragglers and raping them part of their culture. They'd know what works.
  267. >>39009054
  268. Thanks. I guess. It feels a little dark to just leave it on such a grim note. But Anons wanted >rape.
  269. >>39009347
  270. Sure did. I wrote up that idea of "What we batmares call 'slitting his throat'!" Then realizing it was a good concept I just bumped the thread with a one shot. May incorporate it into the larger story. Especially since it had the impact it was meant to.
  272. Anon >>39010075
  273. >>39009873
  274. >So it stands to reason that they'd still beat you in order to mentally wire you to love them for it, then love bomb you afterwards to solidify the process by training you to expect the rationed out love and affection be overwhelmingly showered on you afterwards.
  276. >be aware of what they're doing
  277. >help them out by pointing out points where you recover quickly but still hurts.
  278. A lot of our memory is tied to scent and touch isnt it, so logically falling asleep while cuddling would maximise attachment.
  279. Yeah they'd totally buy that.
  281. Anon >>39010130
  282. It’s funny because what was supposed to be anti bat propaganda is now a bat support thread doing better than the actual bath thread. Probably because they left filthy moths in
  284. Me >>39010312
  285. >>39010075
  286. >Yeah, they'd totally buy that.
  287. >That an eon of generations hiding and waiting for the prophecy all while abducting unsuspecting studs from the local populace in order to secure future generations wouldn't have created a wealth of knowledge on all tactics that could be employed to escape.
  288. >That they wouldn't see your suggestions as more of the usual mind games their victims have employed.
  289. >That they all don't know the severe repercussions for the entire sect if they were to allow even one escapee.
  290. >That ocassional blackouts in communications with other hidden sects over the years don't serve as a stark reminder that they need to uphold the strict guidelines for enslaved studs.
  292. They wouldn't chance it Anon. Remember. These mares are also the offspring of batponies raping stallions for generations.
  293. >They grew up knowing this to be their way of life. Knowing that they need you, but don't need to care about your cries, pleas for a compromise, or promises to do what they tell you until you've been completely broken in.
  294. They are a militaristic compound holding out for their prophecy. They probably don't have a hard time ignoring your cooperation in favor of persisting past your willingness until they've successfully cracked you.
  296. Wow. I'd like to consider myself really good at world building but after this I probably sound like a rapist myself.
  298. Anon >>39010440
  299. >>39010312
  300. >Wow. I'd like to consider myself really good at world building but after this I probably sound like a rapist myself.
  301. I don't know why, but I laughed pretty hard at that
  303. Anon >>39010467
  304. >>39010312
  305. Yeah you make fair points, guess I'm in for a few beatings then until they're sure i wont skedaddle at the first opportunity.
  306. Wonder if they do tests to see if a colt would try and run off if they 'accidently' mention a royal guard patrol was nearby.
  308. Me >>39010776
  309. >>39010440
  310. Probably because on a board of autists, one of them having a revelation that the awful things no sane person would talk about fetishistically in public 'might' make them look like a rapist is hilariously indicative that yes, it is painfully clear that they're sounding quite rapey.
  311. >>39010467
  312. Or, you can twist it to make it like you're the golden catch. All bat mares would love to have a stud who's not a beaten puppy.
  314. Anon >>39010833
  315. >>39010467
  316. That bat mare needs to preen more, it's why she got holes in her membranes
  318. Anon >>39010864
  319. >>38981126 (OP)
  320. Reading a story right now that has a pretty interesting take on Bat Pony colors.
  321. Basically, they all have coats varying in shades from white through grey to black, and their manes and tails are always shades between blues and purples.
  322. The thing is, though, in actuality, they themselves see color differently from us or normal ponies, and what looks like varieties of grey can actually be blues, reds, yellows, and same with the manes.
  323. Basically, they look like pastel rainbows like regular ponies, but only to themselves, and they actually see regular ponies in greys and blues.
  325. So this mare, for instance, looks pink and what not, but she'd actually just look grey to any non-ponies.
  327. Anon >>39011959
  328. >>39010833
  329. Can holes like that be fixed?
  331. Anon >>39011982
  332. >>39011959
  333. Only prevented
  335. Anon >>39012042
  336. >>39011982
  337. Isn't a bat's membrane just like skin or something? And skin heals pretty fast. Otherwise, imagine how many bat pony guards will be flightless after training/conflicts
  339. Me >>30912051
  340. >>39012042
  341. Yeah, I imagine it'd be like a pegasus regrouping their feathers multiple times a year and only during those times. So if you get plucked good, then you're grounded til you break the new feathers in. So for bat ponies, that but skin. Repairs over time.
  343. Anon >>39012328
  344. >>39012051
  345. The skin would also vary in thickness and colour tone, being seen like scars i imagine.
  347. Anon >>39012406
  348. >>39012328
  349. >Bat mares use that to carve the names of their captured studs into their wings
  350. >An eternal reminder of who now owns them
  352. Anon >>39012491
  353. >>39012406
  354. The more scars a mare has, the more feared and revered she is among the rape gang. When a spat between two members happen, they flare their wings as an intimidation tactic.
  356. Anon >>39012579 (THIS, THIS IS BRILLIANT)
  357. >>39012406
  358. >>39012491
  359. >Mutilating their own wings.
  360. Maybe simple notches would work, or a ring piercing around the bone as a twisted form of marriage with a stallion she's particularly attatched too.
  362. Me >>39012626
  363. >>39012579
  364. That's what I figured. It's me like, maybe she'd do something like a piercing (but unlikely if they want stealth as metal makes noise), but I think they'd rather mark the stallion they abducted as their own for the herd. How would she go about marking him other than fang marks on his neck?
  366. Anon >>39012969
  367. >>39012626
  368. I don't think a small ring near the wing joint would make much of a noise when it's tight enough.
  370. Anon >>39013646
  371. >>39012579
  372. >>39012626
  373. >>39012969
  374. >Wing piercing of a silver band when she successfully breaks a colt into the tribe.
  375. >Replaces it with a gold band when she gives birth to a foal from him.
  376. [spoiler]Replaces it with a black band if the colt dies.[/spoiler]
  378. Anon >>39013653
  379. This thread reeks of 2012 energy and creativity
  381. Me >>39013671
  382. >>39012969
  383. That makes sense. It'd be like an obscure or perverted wedding ring. Still reflective though. They'd need a special smithy to create metals that don't reflect as much.
  384. Also, the idea they'd mutilate the wings of their studs doesn't make sense. As thestral stallions are already on their side, and unicorns and earth ponies don't have wings. Pegasus don't have similar wings either.
  385. >Bat ponies use a method called cutiemarking to mark their captive mates.
  386. >It's a practice where you mark your slave by obscuring their cutiemark (Imagine a black "X" crossing out the cutiemark).
  387. >A gesture that indicates that whatever their purpose/ destiny they had doesn't matter anymore.
  388. This raises the question. What would they do for a human who doesn't have a cutiemark?
  390. Anon >>39014061
  391. >>39013671
  392. >What would they do for a human who doesn't have a cutiemark?
  393. They can still paint a huge x on your ass if they want to.
  394. >>39013646
  395. >spoiler
  396. Ow. That stung more than it should have.
  398. Anon >>39014321
  399. >>39013671
  400. >This raises the question. What would they do for a human who doesn't have a cutiemark?
  401. Tattoo their own cutie marks, all that bare skin is prime real estate
  403. >>39014061
  404. Never forget that you are valued and would be missed when you are gone, even by the rapist bat mares.
  406. Me >>39014992 (Image I posted is #2250064 on Derpi- I mean commie booru)
  407. >>39013646
  408. Whoa, this is amazing! If only a little bittersweet with the spoiler. For the hidden sect looking to hold out until NMM returns, reproducing is held in high regard. It'd make sense that it would affect status and be displayed as so with piercings. With all the ideas here I may just need to fully fledge this story out.
  409. It'd look like the mare in the picture with her wing piercings.
  410. >>39013653
  411. Yes, and it's inspiring me.
  412. >>39014061
  413. >>39014321
  414. I wasn't so much thinking the same or tattoos. How about like a piercing? The herd would have a crest perhaps, or just the cutiemark of the most influential mare in it, made into an earring and pieced into his ear. I can see them doing this with their studs. That or the image put on some other jewelry like a necklace or slave collar.
  416. Me >>39015396
  417. I feel bad for not updating the greens for like a week, but I'll definitely make up for it on the weekend. In the meantime, let's please continue this really fun and intriguing theorizing on world-building and culture of these Bats in this setting.
  419. Anon >>39015458
  420. >>39014321
  421. >Never forget that you are valued and would be missed when you are gone
  422. >Your rapist captor gives you a motivational speech of how much they value you
  423. This is giving some very mixed signals
  425. Anon >>39015480
  426. >>39015458
  427. Well of course they value you.
  428. If they didnt you'd still be lost out there in the world, scared and alone without even a cutie mark to help you find your place.
  429. Here in the tribe you're playing the very important role of bringing new life into the world and providing relief to the hardworking mares of your new family.
  430. You might even be one of the privileged few to see Nightmare moon return and bless the world with a comforting blanket of starlight.
  432. Anon >>39015673
  433. >>39015396
  434. >I feel bad for not updating the greens for like a week
  435. What greens are you talking about?
  437. Anon >>39015682
  438. >>39015458
  439. >"...and I never want to hear you say something so sad again, okay?"
  440. >You are anon
  441. >Tied to a chair with rope
  442. >One of many victims to the crazed sex-deprived Rapists of the Night
  443. >Just a hot minute ago, you were getting involuntarily pounded by what might've been the 13th mare tonight.
  444. >You lost count about an hour in.
  445. >Not that you minded.
  446. >But that was earlier. Now, you're dealing with an adorably scrunched up bat pony, hugging and prodding at you for what you said.
  447. >Suicide is unthinkable to them, apparently. Even when you're meant to be an involuntary prostitute for the rest of your life.
  448. >Fucking ponies.
  450. Anon >>39015725
  451. >>39014992
  452. See those three gold rings? We have three foals.
  454. Anon >>39015910
  455. >>39014992
  456. >>39015725
  457. Gives a whole new meaning to the term 'ringleader'
  459. Anon >>39015933
  460. Can I pick my rapist, or does the gang run train on me?
  462. Anon >>39016137
  463. >>39015933
  464. If you're a good colt and go the extra mile for a particular mare i'm sure she'll claim you as her personal cuddle-colt.
  466. Me >>39016232
  467. >>39015480
  468. This is exactly what the bat ponies would say. This is how they'd think.
  469. >"You may not have a cutiemark, but you can bear ours if you'd like."
  470. >>39015673
  471. Well, I was doing the Anon fighting back in the alley that I will return to eventually. The kidnapping story and the actual rape scene. Also a green in the Sunstone thread. I started them but I've been focusing one writing the one in the Luster Dawn thread.
  472. >>39015682
  473. Kek. Adorable but funny. 13 would be amazing. Quite the herd. But they'd see that they'd need to really work for it if they want to be the one you cum in.
  474. >>39015725
  475. >>39015910
  476. >>39015916
  477. Yes. Oc name is Platinum Wing. Marlowws has this incredible lewd of her. Drives me nuts to see Bat ponies and pegasi using their wings to spread their plot while riding you.
  479. Anon >>39016250
  480. >>39016232 (You)
  481. I had a feeling you were all three.
  482. Based as fuck writefag.
  484. Anon >>39017630 (Hot bat mare with tongue image # appears to be 1045296)
  485. Can I just say I am rather pleased and proud at the fact that MOST Bat Pony fan art depicts them with a long, prehensile tongue ending in a point? That is PRECISELY what I wanted, and knowing this fandom, I would've expended them to do the dumb, senseless thing and give them a 2-pointed snake tongue. ...sometimes they do do that actually BUT MOSTLY you guys adopted the cool sensible headcanon and I'm pleased about it.
  487. Look at this oral tentacle, it is so versatile.
  489. Anon >>39017718 (Prepare to have a new headcanon acquired. This is HOT)
  490. >>39017630
  493. >Male bats perform oral sex on females, apparently to make sex last longer, researchers say. Before this discovery, only a few species—such as bonobos, orangutans, and, of course, humans—were known to engage in oral sex. Oral sex is exceptionally rare across the animal kingdom. These findings, the first discovery of male-to-female oral sex in bats, match prior studies revealing that female bats perform fellatio, or oral sex, on male bats. The researchers found that the longer the stints of cunnilingus before mating, the more copulation was prolonged.
  495. >Tan captured 60 wild bats from a nearby park, housed them in pairs of the opposite sex and voyeuristically filmed their liaisons using a night-time camera. Twenty of the bats got busy, and their exploits were all caught on video. Male bats create tents by biting leaves until they fall into shape. These provide shelter and double as harems, each housing several females who the male mates with. Fruit bat sex goes like this: the female approaches and sniffs the male, and both partners start to lick one another. [...] But Tan also found that female bat will often bend down to lick the shaft of her mate’s penis during sex itself. This behaviour happened on 70% of sexual encounters.
  497. >Scientists already knew some bats had tiny, hair-like structures on their tongues, but Harper and her colleagues discovered something else—something bizarre.
  498. “When we looked closer, we saw sinuses on the side of the tongue that basically fill up with blood,” Harper told me. “And when those sinuses fill up there are vessels in each hair which cause them to stiffen and become erect.”
  499. >In other words, what scientists once thought to be a limp mop turned out to be a blood-activated appendage, not unlike the mechanism of a human penis. It’s the first time such a thing has been observed in mammals.
  501. Anon >>39017817
  502. >>39017718
  503. Sir you just enhanced both my bat and oral fetish a significant amount.
  504. Not sure if i'm understanding the tongue thing though, is that a thing to enhance stimulation?
  506. Because in the concept of rape /kidnappers, blowing their captives mind with a blowjob that no regular mare could ever compete with seems thematic.
  508. Anon >>39017965 (Elaboration for why it's so damn HOT)
  509. >>39017817
  510. >Not sure if i'm understanding the tongue thing though, is that a thing to enhance stimulation
  512. I assume you mean the tongue bristles? They are soft, and super small, being more concentrated at the tip. Certain groups of bat species have them especially vampyre and nectar-feeding ones. What they do is increase the tongue's surface area, so it licks up far more liquid than if they were absent. But they aren't idle as previously thought, it's not like mopping a floor dry. It's more like you trying to mop the floor dry and each of the mop's threads individually spread themselves out, reaching for as much surface area as possible. And when the tongue retracts, a greater volume of liquid is carried by it.
  514. Sooo.....what does this mean for us? Well the bristles are not rough but are soft and velvety, and probably you wouldn't even be able to feel or notice the individual bristles as they caress the flesh. But PRESUMABLY they are physically more pleasant-feeling than normal, if only a little. Really the MAIN thing this means for us is that Bat Pony oral sex would be very wet. Their tongues get unordinarily drenched and just stay that way the whole time. This lack of friction means the tongue moves quite fluidly, and of course the lubrication means the one receiving oral is going to be lasting a long time before climax.
  516. And boy if you thought all that was fun enough, consider this: Bat Ponies seem to pull largely from vampyres. I mean, the canon fruit bat ones in the show ARE vampyres, but I'm not talking about them. I'm just talking about how our standard fanon ones evoke them. That's the whole point of them having fangs, they are vaguely vampyric. Even if they don't die in sunlight etc.
  517. CONSIDER however, if this is true and we are pulling from real vampyre bats here, well vampyre bats have special saliva, which does 2 things. 1) anticoagulant, which we don't care about, and 2) when vampyre bats lick the flesh of other animals it makes the spot numb, so they can't feel the penetrating fangs. TO BE CLEAR, not just numbing the interior wounds AFTER the fangs, but skin contact with their saliva makes the flesh numb BEFORE the fangs. So IN ADDITION to all that sexy stuff I just said, Bat Pony saliva would fill whatever part of your body it touches with a pleasurable tingling sensation, more intense tingles percolating with each and every lick. And if they scrape you with fangs a little bit and lick there, that wonderful bodily tingling will feel like it's inside you.
  519. And that, my friends, is hot as fuck.
  521. Me >>39018259
  522. >>39017718
  523. >>39017965
  524. W-whoa. That's incredibly hot! This is gonna be one of those screenshot facts people post to the boorus isn't it? This has been a very fruitful thread, thank you Anon! Will add this to greens and future headcanons!
  525. >This implies that oral may be a big part of their culture.
  526. >Herds wouldn't be too strange.
  527. >The longer tongue, with maybe even a mild amount of prehensile capability, would be dominant in a kiss.
  528. >Maybe the reason the real Bats engage in oral is because the tongue bristles may be sensitive themselves and the bat may derive pleasure itself from licking things.
  529. >Possibly, oral could be as pleasurable to the bat pony giving it as it is for the recipient. If this were the case I could easily see how bat ponies would have no problem just going down all the time.
  530. >Licking the area to spread saliva may make things numb. Not sure how much I want this to be true as it means you're not feeling much in sex and they'll rape you on the edge of stimulation enough just to keep you hard. This could be hot or disappointing depending on who you ask. Would you like to feel the bristles and oral or just used for even longer than usual?
  531. For nymphomaniac mares I can see how this would be useful in large rape gangs with only one victim, but I can see this also being counterproductive for bat ponies who need their victim to ejaculated in order to reproduce.
  532. In tough calls like this I'd rather just leave it up to individual cutiemark talents so that we can have best of both worlds.
  534. Anon >>39018818
  535. >>39018259
  536. >>39017965
  537. >Instead of just using physical abuse, these bat rapists keep you on the edge of climax for hours at a time in order to break you.
  538. Imagine the feeling when you finally bust a nut after that long.
  539. The psychological effects would fuck you up a lot too if they planned it out a little.
  540. Tribe takes turns sucking your dick, but only one mare ever lets you finish and she always cuddles you in your afterglow, whispering how important and valued you are.
  541. You'd form an attachment pretty goddamn quickly even if you knew exactly what they were doing, nevermind the pavlovian responses you'd start developing.
  543. Anon >>39019064
  544. The phrase "sharp-tongued" also means someone who speaks in a harsh, curt, cynical or scathing way, which fits the flappy-batty-pones.
  546. Anon >>39019072
  547. >>39019064
  548. >Sharp Tongue
  549. >Slit his throat
  550. Getting a lot of interesting euphemisms
  552. Anon >>39019138
  553. >>39018818
  554. >Imagine the feeling when you finally bust a nut after that long.
  555. >The psychological effects would fuck you up a lot too if they planned it out a little.
  556. I'm a fag so I've tried edging before, I don't know if it's different for everyone but I never got this "desperation" meme. If I try to keep myself on edge it ends up just getting boring, sensitivity drops, eventually I even get sore. Finishing after that would always be very anti-climactic, just an "oh, finally" rather than any kind of earth-shattering release or whatever.
  558. What does improve orgasms (again, at least for me) is denial, over a longer period. With or without edging (though edging does end up make me hornier). Fapping for the second time a day is guaranteed to be a downright boring affair compared to fapping after a week of abstinence. And edging a couple of times during that week will make me look forward to that release even more (though I honestly can't say it improves the orgasm).
  559. But just edging continuously, "keeping myself on the edge of orgasm"? Disappointing and boring.
  561. Then again I've heard of the practice of gooning and apparently people do it for some reason. I've not tried it, and given my above experience I don't see the appeal, but some seem to enjoy it so maybe it's just me? I dunno.
  563. Anon >>39019347
  564. >>39019138
  565. >sensitivity drops
  566. That's the key really and the phrase is a bit of a misnomer, the trick is to keep brushing against the edge before easing off repeatedly, not staying constantly at 99%.
  567. And magical pone bullshit would apparently let them suck your dick as much as they want, giving you enough of a pleasant sensation to keep you hard but never enough to reach climax.
  568. Imagine it, you're strapped to a table in an isolated room and a succession of mares walk in and suck your dick all day, giving you sips of water and bread if you need it but otherwise just treating you as an object, a plaything, a communal salt lick.
  569. Then along comes that special mare, YOUR mare, she'd climb on top of you and whisper sweet nothings as she nuzzles your neck and gives your ear a litle love bite.
  570. You'd feel her softness on your chest and dick as she rubs herself against you, making sure you can feel every inch of her as she properly claims you from the others who simply wanted your dick.
  571. This mare wants YOU, and she's not shy about it expressing it.
  572. Reaching back with a hoof she'd maneuverer herself into position and swallow your well lubricated dick to the hilt with a single drop of her hips and a soft moan of satisfaction.
  573. She'd wait a moment as she stares into your eyes, gently but firmly asking you to look at her if you try to look away, her internal muscles flexing and straining around your length.
  574. And then she'd start properly riding you, resting her hooves against you for support as she rises up to expose your dick to the cold air before dropping down to envelop you once more.
  575. You wouldn't feel much difference at first, the bat saliva from earlier still affecting you, but gradually you'd feel more and more sensation until you finally break through your drug induced limit and even further beyond that to your inevitable climax.
  576. She'd continue riding you throughout your peak, moaning your name, praising how much you're filling her and how much of a good colt you are.
  577. She'd stay and simply hold you for a while, feeding you pieces of fruit and sweet berries and gently petting you until you fall asleep.
  579. And then you'd wake up the next day and go through all that again, for as long as it takes for you to be properly broken in as a stallion of the tribe, knowing your place as the tribes plaything in exchange for being the one stallion of YOUR mare.
  580. Sure she might lend you out to her friends and you might even knock some of them up, but that's just fulfilling your role, and they wouldn't hold a candle to your new guiding star.
  582. [spoiler]The fact i wrote this all off the cuff in the space of five minutes when I'm struggling to come up with answers to basic interview questions is probably the sign of an unholy amount of mental issues.[/spoiler]
  584. Anon >>39019584
  585. >>39019347
  586. >spoiler
  587. Nah it's fine. Bat ponies do that to you.
  589. Anon >>39019587
  590. >>39019347
  591. >spoiler
  592. That's just called inspiration, everyone finds it easier to do stuff they enjoy but has to put in way more effort to wrench out results for things they don't enjoy
  594. Anon >>39022295
  595. >>39022271
  596. I want to be captured by a bat mare.
  597. I will resist as much as she desires
  599. Anon >>39022482
  600. >>39022271
  601. >ywn get tutored in the anciente speake
  603. Me >>39026798
  604. >>39026532
  605. That's precisely why I've decided to ignore the sperg.
  607. So let's get this back on track.
  608. We've discussed a little bit about how bat ponies would conduct their business, choosing to scrape together enough males for the mares to continue to propagate the faction. What they'd do to you, and maybe even how you'd react. But we have discussed the actual offspring yet. What do you think a human's sperm would do to a bat pony egg? Would the fangs be more pronounced? The build be stronger and even stickier?
  609. Then there's the actual racing of the foals. Something I plan to get to in the story. What do you Anons think it would be like. I have an idea but I'll save it I'm case no one wants spoilers.
  611. Anon >>39027378
  612. >>39026798
  613. I guess the human influences would mostly translate into secondary features, like different coat colors, manes, etc. There's not much anatomical wise that the ponies could adapt without turning the foal into a chimera.
  615. That does beg the question though, does it affect the bat ponies in hiding over the generations when they abduct non-bats for procreation? And what would they do when a bat mare foals, for example, a unicorn?
  617. Anon >>39027411 (Another amazing contribution to a new headcanon here)
  618. >>39026798
  619. >>39027378
  620. In terms of offspring, I think it'd made sense if batponies had some adaptation that prevented their dilution. Like having all the batpony genes be dominant. Batponies could even be the effect, rather than the cause: maybe they started off as some distinctly inequine monster far back in the past, but their modern distinctive features - the ears, eyes, wings, and subtle adaptations - were the only ones which were genetically dominant enough to remain after generations of interbreeding, while the pony genetics molded everything else over time.
  622. As for Anon impregnation, this does raise the question of how that would even work. Are they some kind of ultra-compatible alien that can breed with literally anything? Being parasitic on some specific species (ponies) is one thing, being universally interbreedable is quite another. Or does magic need to help, in a typical AiE wish-fulfillment "I can magically impregnate my pony waifu because magic" fashion (except it's a bat waifu, and actually you're the husbando here)?
  624. >Then there's the actual raising of the foals
  625. This would be 100% cultural depending on how your bat society works. If it's one broodstud serving a herd of mares as a seed dispenser, they'd probably mostly be single mothers. If you have one bat claim "ownership", maybe most would be single mothers except the lucky few who get to "claim" their stud and raise an actual family with him (while not interfering with his continuing impregnation duties, of course). Or maybe it could be a really weird kind of "family" with a herd of yandere bats around a captive "father" all living together. I dunno.
  627. Anon >>39027448
  628. >>39027411
  629. >If it's one broodstud serving a herd of mares as a seed dispenser, they'd probably mostly be single mothers.
  630. I'm pretty sure the bat stallions would gather a couple of broodmares around them, having family constructs in which several mares have the same sire, but are not de facto single mothers since they all live close to another. The stud simply has several wives and lots of foals, and helps to raise all of them. As for captive breeders, that might work completely different.
  632. Me >>39028078
  633. >>39027378
  634. >There's not much anatomical-wise that the ponies could adapt without turning the foal into a chimera.
  635. True. I don't want a weird OC abomination for a foal. I just wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas for what could wind up translated.
  637. >>39027411
  638. >Like having all the batpony genes be dominant.
  639. Love it, that would prevent the dilution.
  640. >maybe they started off as some distinctly inequine monster far back in the past...were the only ones which were genetically dominant enough to remain after generations of interbreeding, while the pony genetics molded everything else over time.
  641. Genuinely love this! It's proof positive that bat ponies would be kinda twisted, as they're the result of sexually depraved ponies that subdued a species (or maybe multiple) into becoming merely a variant of the pony species just because they were at least slightly compatible with them. That's a pretty cool idea. Honestly way more original than "uh, they were the offspring of demons, blah."
  642. >this does raise the question of how that would even work
  643. What if the idea that they're able to breed with those other completely non-equine species isn't because the mares to begin with were incredibly compatible, but because the non-equine species itself was. And that's why we don't see them in existence anymore. They were fully assimilated. But the remnants of their versatility/ compatibility genetics-wise is partially present in the batponies. Perhaps that's why they'd be able to?
  644. This could create an interesting dynamic of the batmares who nabbed Anon. It's a rare opportunity to follow in the footsteps of their older ancestors who took and tamed the other species.
  646. Anon >>39028099
  647. >>39028078
  648. >What if the idea [...]
  649. Yeah that's basically what I meant by ultra-compatible alien. They used to be whatever, then they bred with ponies and became ponies, keeping only a few unusual traits like their wings/eyes/etc. - and their alien breeding capabilities, so now they can also breed with humans just as easily.
  650. The main issue I see with that is the danger that the human genes would then intermingle with pony ones. I don't want them to start becoming bathumans, or some kind of edgy humanoid vampire race. Though maybe if there's just one human, and he's only present for one generation, the way the alien compatibility works will prevent any drastic changes right away and instead they might get small adaptations? Which will be diluted again next generation, but now bats will have a tiny bit of anon genetics in them, alongside their original parasitic breeder genetics and the overwhelming amount of pony genetics.
  651. That sounds kinda cool.
  653. Me >>39028440
  654. >>39028099
  655. Yeah, as I expressed in the post above yours, I'd rather keep away from edgy OC stuff. I'd just like there to be more to the foals than a change of eye color. So he knows they're distinctly his without them being human. But I suppose if the answer was easy I wouldn't be asking for help with it.
  656. I plan to introduce a more relatable bat Marr to help guide him through this knowledge for sure. So the readers can learn along with Anon how batponies work and what this means for him, etc. Like he'd be told that he got his herd mares/ captors pregangante but wouldn't believe it until he cam see it in the foals.
  658. >>39028337
  659. I don'tdo tf. It flies in the face of the spirit of all greens. What's the point of a human in equestria if he's not human. Sure there's arguments to be had but I'd rather not do that now. Nothing new will be said.
  661. Anon >>39028771
  662. >>39028337
  663. While a story about a bat mare or a group of bat mares turning (you) into a bat stallion would be 210% my fetish, that's not really this threads remit.
  666. >>39028440
  667. I read in a short green once that a bat-foal via anon had an extra 'finger' (The little bone bit in the middle.) on both wings that she could manipulate, with mentions of her learning to write with them.
  669. Me >>39029071 (Pic is of a bat wing x-ray with anatomical features labeled)
  670. >>39028771
  671. >210% my fetish
  672. You're free to use the world building as a backdrop for your own fantasies then.
  674. >extra 'finger' (The little bone bit in the middle.)
  675. So it was not a finger, but an opposable digit composed of an extra bone? That sounds like it could work. Though not exactly that. Bat ponies already have clawed/horned protrusions from the wing's wrist in place of what is literally called a 'thumb' (pic rel).
  676. What if I just make that digit more opposable than is usual, granting his foals an excellence in more meticulous talents? I figure that could work quite well. Thank you.
  678. Anon >>39029701
  679. Gosh it would be adorable raising bat foals, why must things be like this, I am saddened
  681. Anon >>39030081
  682. >>39029071
  683. Looking at that picture it was described as another claw next to the thumb, so your idea is on the same wavelength.
  685. Me >>39030216
  686. >>39029701
  687. It would. They'd be the light for me in the dark situation of the story I'll be writing here. I meant for it to be a one shot but here we go with another idea rich with opportunity and freshness. Oh dear...
  689. >>39030081
  690. Good! I'd like to do what I'm thinking of without blatantly ripping someone off. It'll serve a purpose for allowing the foals talent opportunities that would make them stand out. I love it.
  692. Anon >>39030523 (Anon shares the archive of the green he was referencing, it has been posted here on Ponepaste titled Little Fru-Fru Has a batpony booty)
  693. >>39030216
  694. >>39030081
  695. >>39028771
  696. Found the little green i was half remembering
  698. Me >>39031402
  699. >>39030523
  700. I love it! That's just the cutest shit ever!
  701. Especially since I was already talking about how both dark and light palette bat ponies could exist as separate sects. I said I'd be tying that in, but I planned the lighter palette ones to be so much later in the story. But now I can make Anon's Foals these little cuties! Yes! It even helps for plot reasons later too.
  702. >In the compound, all batponies are darker in color.
  703. >Anon sires foals of lighter coated distinction.
  704. >He knows they're his with this and the opposable thumbs they possess on their wings.
  705. Perfect
  707. Anon >>39032396
  708. I want to fug the bat mare.
  709. Can i just like, join their cult or tribe whatever without getting kidnapped first.
  710. I can bring snacks.
  712. Anon >>39032496
  713. Plot twist, the reason why bat mare rape is legal is because it is consensual. What actually happens is that someone who has a rape kink and who wants to be raped signs a contract, then afterward has all memory of asking to be raped erased. This way no one gets traumatized and both parties can have fun. And for the one being raped, it feels very real. The bat mare rapist also gets to enjoy the genuine reaction out of the 'victim' while being morally and legally blameless at the same time
  715. I posted this on /vp/ by accident I hope no one noticed......
  717. Me >>39033057
  718. >>39032396
  719. I'm afraid it's not so easy. They can't take any risks. You might be lucky enough to find a sympathizer among your new herd though.
  721. >>39032496
  722. Kek, maybe another story another time.
  724. Anon >>39033363
  725. Origin of vampire myth.
  726. Some of them are able to taste impurities (illnesses) and sexual compatability from someones blood, tasting bitter or sweet depending on how bad or good the blood is.
  727. Modern equestria uses this as the basis of standard blood tests, albiet using artificial means.
  728. Bat rapist tribe / nightmare moon cult would take a more personal approach to the matter when checking the health of their members, or inducting new ones.
  730. Anon >>39033828
  731. >>39033363
  732. Maybe, it could even work like a special talent to the few who do it.
  734. Anon >>39033856
  735. >>39033363
  736. Neat.
  737. I liked Journey's approach where batpony myths are basically just sensationalised legends due to their culture being very isolationist and thus very poorly known; and vampire myths came about because they have "wampyr" as a high military rank (and over time it got exaggerated into bloodsucking immortal fiends, maybe because of the fangs for example).
  738. I'm a sucker for interesting worldbuilding, and explanations like these are great for grounding bats as a serious society while at the same time maintaining and air of mythical mystique around their existence.
  740. Anon >>39033864
  741. >>39033856
  742. Darth Vulcan by RHJunior has some great worldbuilding on batponies and their mixing with vampire bats.
  744. Me >>39034872
  745. Despite it being a necessity to their culture, there'll still likely be some naive mares who would like a compliant stallion who they don't need to break. Will add one.
  746. Also liked the idea of changelings messing with them. Neither can afford to rat one another out as they'll both be nuked.
  748. Anon >>39035264
  749. >>39034872
  750. >mutual assured destruction
  751. Now that could be an interesting idea.
  753. Me >>39035810
  754. >>39035264
  755. Yeah, this would effectively mean skirmishes in the field and even on the inside with spies wouldn't be too rare.
  756. On the other side of it, the bat ponies may not need mares and would be willing to trade them to the changelings, but the bat ponies could still adopt the mares as herdsisters and treat them like second class citizens/ slaves too. If only to guarantee that the colts they take could be used to raise even more stallions with her.
  757. Batpony stallions would be far more valued and scooped up by the higher ranks, so it's not like they'd be explicitly wanting more regular pony stallions from this though. It's more like, "Johnny Appleseed can plant a thousand seeds, but an area of fertile dirt can only house one tree at a time."
  759. Anon >>39037562
  760. >>39034872
  761. >there'll still likely be some naive mares who would like a compliant stallion who they don't need to break
  763. >This qt lands a stallion who has a bat fetish and is totally on board with nightmare moon returning.
  764. >"I TOLD you that just explaining things nicely would work eventually!"
  765. >The senior bat she's talking too just facehoof's with a groan even as the newly collared stallion nuzzles his new marefriend and nibbles her wings.
  766. >Gets threatened with violence and he just asks if he's being kicked out.
  767. >Happily submits to a beating because 'it doesnt seem fair' otherwise.
  768. >His marefriend stops things before they do much and dotes on him.
  769. Something about there being an honest romantic couple in the midst of this rapist gang tickles my fancy.
  771. Anon >>39037609
  772. >>39037562
  773. Sounds like a diamond in the rough.
  775. Anon >>39037754
  776. >>39037562
  777. if I go to batrape equestria this will literally be me
  779. Me >>39038302
  780. >>39037562
  781. >Something about there being an honest romantic couple in the midst of this rapist gang tickles my fancy.
  782. I won't make Anon compliant but there will be a cutie who makes the ride more bearable.
  784. Anon >>39044788
  785. >>39044651
  786. >Night fright.
  787. Even the rapey mares have cute names
  789. Me >>39045437
  790. >>39044788
  791. Yes, even if they're little rapists, they deserve cute names
  793. Anon >>39053460
  794. >>39009033
  795. It'd be 10 days of rape, then 10 months of being locked in a cellar, beaten, forgotten and starved.
  797. Women don't like weak men.
  799. Neither do men, for that matter.
  801. Anon >>39053928
  802. >>39053460
  803. >kidnap studs due to lack of males for breeding
  804. >have to expend effort and resources on keeping them subdued and captive, while extracting breedings from them
  805. >one specimen turns out to be a willing participant, basically eliminating any headaches about locking him, worries that he might escape, precautions to avoid him harming the females during breeding, etc.
  807. Even outside of "unf I wish bat mares would rape me", even should we assume they have zero sympathy and none of the bat mares feel the least bit of attraction and it's purely a utilitarian transactional business where the males are treated as semen dispensers and sex toys and nothing more - even then a docile guy will be objectively easier and more convenient. He'd probably be appreciated and liked, even if in totally detached terms, as an easier-to-user tool and nothing more. Or if they don't care and just apply standard restraining and captivity procedures anyway without care, then he's certainly not going to be discarded.
  809. Anon >>39054472
  810. >>38989518
  811. >>38993286
  813. Kek. All these anons wanting to get raped. But what about the opposite?
  815. >A large number of Anons go to Equestria
  816. >Find out about roving batpony rape gangs
  817. >"Don't go out after dark, dears, no stallion can escape those damned demons of darkness..."
  818. >Their eyes light up with unholy fire
  819. >Challengeaccepted.jpg
  820. >They form their own >rape gangs
  821. >rape ensues
  822. >batponies confused and scared as their sisters keep disappearing every time they venture out
  823. >They've been at this for centuries, who could it possibly be that's outdoing them in their own game?!
  824. >One terrified scout sees a familiar batmare while scoping out a village once
  825. >stealthily approaches to ask what happened to her.
  826. >"Run," is all she manages to say before the scout feels someone grab her from behind.
  827. >She screeches helplessly as nimble fingers quickly restrain her limbs and a set of sharp teeth nibble on her ears.
  828. >"We're going to have so much fun, little bat..."
  830. Me >>39055027
  831. >>39054472
  832. Got me jejjin
  834. I dunno. For me it's the idea of a cute little equine a quarter/third of my size teaming up with others to force me to fuck her for the purpose of breeding. Especially if it's state sanctioned or something of the like.
  835. I do also like having these adorable ponies submit to me as well, it's honestly both.
  837. Anon >>39055233
  838. >>39055027
  839. Well I doubt NMM loyalist leftovers would be state sanctioned by Celestia. Or Luna for that matter.
  841. Me >>39055766
  842. >>39055233
  843. Well, it is an idea for a setting wherein that is possible. Where Celestia understood that the male population was so much of an issue that she would back initiatives to pillage humans from earth for either the bat pony population alone, or equestria as a whole. So like, darker NMP. Or if NMM won, then she may just decide to make that a commonplace thing herself.
  845. Anon >>39056871
  846. >>38989504
  847. >>39054472
  848. I was actually imagining it more like gangs of anons going out to get raped.
  849. I mean forming a rape gang is easy, they could do it anyway. The appeal of bat rape gangs is that they're out there to rape YOU. So you'd have anons going out as rapee gangs, so to speak. "Let's go get cuddled and fugged by a bunch of cute bat mares!" "Yeah, I heard sometimes they even kidnap you and keep you in the herd!" "Oh fuck can you imagine how much affection and cuddles you'd get? I hope the rumours are true. We're going out after dark today, witness me brothers."
  851. Anon >>39056875
  852. >>39056871
  853. >Oooh this backalley looks like a prime spot.
  854. So, what do we wear to entice rapist bat mares to pick us?
  856. Anon >>39057253
  857. >>39056875
  858. Something easily tearable and expensive looking.
  859. If you're lucky they might even play a game of mugging you by asking for you to take it off, slowly.
  860. Most would probably prefer to unwrap their presents themselves though.
  861. Make sure to eat a lot of fruit before hand.
  863. Anon >>39057257
  864. >>39057253
  865. >mango scented aftershave
  867. Me >>39057766
  868. >>39057293
  869. Jesus, okay DAD.
  871. >>39056875
  872. Probably something that slightly conceals the neck. Flannel with collar maybe? Tease the mares and let them feel like the predator they want to be when pulling your shirt back to mark you.
  873. >>39057257
  874. Yes.
  876. Anon >>39058709
  877. >>39056871
  878. >Anons go out to get raped
  879. >Batmares get spooked by their bizarre eagerness
  880. >Suspecting a trap, they run away
  881. >Anons sad.
  883. Anon >>39061504 (Genius Anon responding to my mention of a green I forgot about and couldn't find)
  884. >>39060580
  885. If you find something in-progress you want to locate in the archives possibly years later, comment something unusual yet relevant to it or post something with a filename you're never going to change.
  886. Teensie for instance, found this pretty much instantly.
  888. Anon >>39062070
  889. So, if you could have any batmare to rape and claim you, what would she be like? Colors, personality, etc?
  891. Anon >>39062110
  892. >>39062070
  893. Likes to cuddle.
  895. I have literally no other standard when it comes to bat mares.
  897. Anon >>39062364
  898. >>39062070
  899. A heart of gold hidden behind the rape.
  901. Anon >>39063436
  902. >>39062070
  903. I want her to keep me as genuinely valued and loved property. I want her to own me, mind body and soul, and play with me as she pleases as is her right - but I want her to own me not as one would own some replaceable cheap toy, but as one would own a unique, prized collectible, a truly high-quality toy, valued both for the prestige of owning it and also for its high quality and effectiveness during use.
  904. I want her to claim me, to own me, I want to be owned by her and be the best toy I can be to rise up to her expectations. I want to be the rape-stud that brings her respect and prestige as the other bats admire how well she's trained me to serve, as well as how rare it is to have such an exotic stud.
  906. Anon >>39063952
  907. >>39063436
  908. Your bat rapist proudly parading you around for her clan.
  910. Anon >>39064100
  911. >>39063952
  912. Hot.
  914. Anon >>39065110
  915. >>39063952
  916. Ad raping you while they do it?
  918. Anon >>39066029
  919. hey batty anons, look into installing an AI generator like Stable Diffusion. Im personally using the build /g/ recommends. but my point is to get into it now so when the pony model drops you will be ready with your prompts. Its what Ive been doing all day. Just saying. near infinite bat ponies ...
  921. Me >>39068412
  922. >>39067284
  923. Yeah, my bad. It happened on the last day I was able to make content because I'm usually busy from the moment I wake up until 2AM on Fridays. Even the quick little bits I try to draft up don't go beyond a couple sentences.
  925. So, big question. What would we call stories set in this genre of world-building? There's NMP, FR, RGM, etc. Any creative names so we can help identify stories using the groundwork we laid out here, or should we just go with "Bat Ponies are Demons"
  927. /BPD/ has a somewhat acceptable sound to it. But it may be confused for Bi-Polar Depression.
  929. Anon >>39068427
  930. >>39068412
  931. >NMP
  932. That's usually reserved for the man x mare general. I'm not sure if this one fits there though, as that general prompt usually does not include rape.
  934. Me >>39068533
  935. >>39068427
  936. No, I wasn't suggesting we call it that (even if it can be used to build a darker version of it in an Equestria where NMM won upon her return). I was giving examples to see if that inspired something other than Batponies Are Demons.
  937. Actually, I think I'll settle on that. /BAD/
  939. Anon >>39068881
  940. >>39068533
  941. /BAR/ for Bats Are Rapists, unless the lore you're coming up with involves them being actual demons / demon descendant.
  942. Which i could dig, succupone are very much in my interest.
  944. Me >>39069084
  945. >>39068881
  946. Wait, now I have a hard choice.
  947. >Bats Are Rapists to parallel the overarching theme of bat rape gangs.
  948. OR
  949. >Batponies Are Demons because it vaguely hints at their ancestry (which doesn't have to be demons) which has tamed wilder species and is able to capitulate the human genome.
  951. I'm leaning towards /BAR/
  953. Anon >>39069088
  954. >>39056871
  955. This could be a comedy movie.
  957. Anon >>39069313
  958. >>39069084
  959. I personally prefer the bat rape gangs idea.
  961. Me >>39069762
  962. >>39069313
  963. Have a General copypasta drafted up for when I'm ready to return to this.
  964. Bats Are Rapists
  965. /BAR/ is the acronym for a genre of stories set in Equestria, where bat ponies have a history of/statistical inclination to force themselves upon males; this created a reputation so notorious that it spurs dialogue like "Despite being 17% of the population, thestrals..."
  966. Foundational world building was crafted here >>38981126 (OP)
  967. NOTE: Not all outcomes/stories have to be cruel/dark. You can use the premise for comedy, romance or SoL.
  969. Bat ponies may even band together in roaming rape gangs to prey upon stallions. The story may instead occur in a pre-return of NMM Equestria, where NMM loyalist sects of thestrals hold out in a doomsday cult-like fashion in underground complexes, awaiting the day of prophecy. Kidnapping stallions from the surface to ensure descendents for the future, while exercising extreme caution/secrecy to avoid detection. This can include a grim future wherein NMM prevails upon her return, and sanctions the stealthy infiltration of Earth to kidnap men for her thestrals to breed in a twisted NMP to prevent them from provoking the larger day pony populace by preying on them instead. Or you can simply have it be that thestrals approach an Anon as a group in a "No-Go Zone" at night, and rape him there. The 'rape' can be realistic and brutal, wanted and ultimately just fetishized femdom elements, or merely just an intent that gets undermined for comedic purposes.
  971. The conflict in the story may be:
  972. >The hunt for a stallion (or human)
  973. >A need to avoid detection while watching fellow sects elsewhere go dark because they were busted
  974. >The chaos/fallout after detection
  975. >Daily life of a bat mare/captive male in the complex
  976. >The political/social dissonance created by leaders of the sect hoarding the thestral stallions up top while the lower castes are made to kidnap their mates
  977. >The differences of loyalist sect bat ponies and the ones who chose to remain by Celestia side. 1000 years of separation leads to distinct coat palettes with the loyalists retaining their darker and cooler colors that compliment the night, and the 'traitor' bats blending in more easily with brighter pastel colors like the other denizens of Equestria.
  978. >Exploring the thestral ancestors. Ponies who interbred with a distinctly non-equine species with highly compatible genes to the point of total assimilation - creating thestrals, the ultimate rape and breed machines that can capitulate even the extradimensional genome of human males thanks to their inherited genes (potent genes that maintain a uniformity of bat pony characteristics in interbred offspring to avoid hybrid mutants).
  979. >Even a potential conflict between changelings and bat ponies fighting for the same resources (including males) without either being detected, or so crippled that the defeated party doesn't go nuclear and reveal both of them to all of Equestria in a move of mutually assured self-destruction.
  981. Anon >>39070125
  982. >>39069762
  983. You fuckers make me want to write batrape greens and I am not sure how I feel about this.
  984. I also don't know how to feel about the fact that I've been in this quest from the very beginning and now desperately want a batpony gf
  986. Me >>39070231
  987. >>39070125
  988. Perhaps the desire was always there. We just made you aware of it.
  989. Jokes aside, most threads can be made into fun discussions that give us something to play with, a setting to enjoy. All you need is a little creativity. I'm very proud that we all came together to hammer out some amazing stuff here. It's also just further evidence to me that I'm great at worldbuilding, and that I enjoy it a lot. So write what you want Anon. I'd love to read it and see how you play in the playground we created.
  991. If it's the idea of the dark theme of rape that you regret, just do something light. Like my first green attempt where Anon is fighting them off in the alley. I plan to continue that as a comedy. I'll be using that post you responded to as a General Thread copypasta if I'm fine with it. We'll do some more of these threads later friend.
  992. But if it's the idea that you'd want to write anything with this subject matter at all that's confused you, I understand and feel the same sometimes. It's funny in a way, isn't it?
  994. >been in this quest from the very beginning
  995. Do you mean the thread, or from the start of the ride?
  996. Either way, rest assured. We all want bat pony gfs.
  998. Anon >>39070278
  999. >>39070231
  1000. Thread yes. Or quest for rape-y bats
  1002. Me >>30970319
  1003. >>39070278
  1004. I think we're all desiring to have a rapey bat mare gf who is so eager to claim you that she doesn't quite take no for an answer.
  1006. Well, thanks for staying along for the ride Anon. The thread is almost over. Will you be there to join us next time? It might take a moment, but we'll be back to this.
  1008. Anon >>39070463
  1009. >>39069762
  1010. >The political/social dissonance created by leaders of the sect hoarding the thestral stallions up top while the lower castes are made to kidnap their mates
  1011. This sounds like it could be a great source for a story in itself.
  1013. Anon >>39070466
  1014. And here's to the bump limit.
  1015. Gentlemen, it was an honor to post with you.
  1017. Anon >>39070578
  1018. This thread going to get archived somewhere? I want to read through it all but I've been busy as hell in a miserable life without bat ponies raping me.
  1020. Anon >>39070595
  1021. >>39070319
  1022. Damn straight I will be. Just waiting for the >>new thread
  1024. Anon >>39070732
  1025. >>39070611
  1026. 500 posts is the maximum amount of posts that can bump. We reached that limit and this is the thread's 505th post.
  1027. We're doomed to die any minute now
  1029. Anon >>39070794
  1030. >>39070732
  1031. I see thank you anon, see you in the next thread
  1033. Me >>39071381
  1034. >>39070463
  1035. Yes, glad you think so
  1036. >>39070578
  1037. Don't threads auto archive?
  1038. >>39070595
  1039. Sounds good.
  1041. Thank you all. Until next time...
  1043. -----------------------------------
  1045. And so Anons, the thread came to an end. In it's departure, it became clear that this was a topic Anons wanted more of. As such, we can look forward to this thread returning under the name /BAR/ when I'm ready.

Sheltered Dawn

by CrookedIronsights

Story Updates, Tripcode& Tag Guide

by CrookedIronsights

Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs

by CrookedIronsights

(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

by CrookedIronsights

Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

by CrookedIronsights