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Unicorn Milf Twi x Anon "Shorts" (Updated 11/3/23)

By RealDash
Created: 2022-10-12 03:34:42
Updated: 2023-11-03 20:16:06
Expiry: Never

  3. (C) = CANON
  4. (NC) = NON-CANON
  5. (AU) = ALTERNATE UNIVERSE (or would that technically be Alternate Alternate Universe...?)
  7. ==========
  11. >You and Twilight are browsing all kinds of dresses and clothes at Carousel Boutique.
  12. >Nothing really piques your interest money-wise, but it doesn't mean they aren't magnificent.
  13. >However, one particular piece of clothing does catch your eye.
  14. >It wasn't sitting on display, but was perched on a chair adjacent to the back window of the boutique.
  15. >It was this casual attire, almost like a hybrid between a generic "Librarian's Outfit" you've read in comics or in magazines, and a typical sweater dress.
  16. >What made it even more striking to you was that it was entirely in Twilight's colors: dark blue turtleneck, and a purple body with some blue and pink stripes on the sides—not too visible, but not too transparent, either—and fitted with a belt in the middle.
  17. >It looked small, but it clearly wasn't for teens or foals, that's for sure.
  18. >You felt your cheeks warm a little as you imagined Twi in this...
  19. >"Anon?" a familiar voice snapped you out of your little daydream.
  20. >You flipped around on command to see Rarity standing there, but she lacked the anger you initially feared she'd have.
  21. >"Oh! Sorry, darling. I didn't mean to scare you."
  22. >You gave a nervous chuckle in return.
  23. "No, it's alright. I was just checking this dress, and I, uh... I wanted to know how much it costs."
  24. >As soon as her eyes fell upon the dress, her eyes went wide; she snatched the dress up in her magic and hid it behind the counter.
  25. >Rarity gave a little embarrassed whimper.
  26. >"I /knew/ I forgot to do something last night."
  27. "Is everything alright?"
  28. >Rarity perked herself up and cleared her throat.
  29. >"H-Heh... sorry, dear. The dress is something I've been working on recently, and I didn't want anyone to see it just yet."
  30. "Oh. Uh, my bad."
  31. >"No, no! It's my fault. I got so caught up in getting things ready for today, it completely slipped by me!"
  32. >Rarity shook her head and sighed, pressing her hoof against her head, before turning back to you.
  33. >"Either way, it's just about ready. I should have it ready later this month. But... if I must ask... what did you think of it?"
  34. >You give her an awkward chuckle.
  35. "I-I thought it was really cute. I really like the color scheme."
  36. >"Good! I mean, that's good! I was hoping it'd be appealing to the eyes. I will admit, it took me some time to balance the colors, but I think the end result is going to be quite pleasing."
  37. "Well, you've already nailed it so far, I think."
  38. >Rarity gave you a giggle.
  39. >"Oh, you flatterer, you!"
  40. >Feeling a bit better, you give her a playful wink; she returns a slight blush before clearing her throat.
  41. >"So! You were interested in buying it, you said?"
  42. "Oh! Uh, yeah, I, uh..."
  43. >You glance over to where Twilight was.
  44. >She was busy talking to Bon Bon and Lyra by the window, talking about what looked like a cute cyan colored skirt.
  45. >You lean close to Rarity.
  46. "I was thinking it'd be a really cute birthday present," you whisper.
  48. >"Oooo," Rarity cooed, "how uncouth of you~"
  49. >Flustered, you respond with hushed awkward chuckles.
  50. "N-Not like that! I mean... ma... I-I just think she'd look cute in it, that's all."
  51. >Despite a blush of her own, Rarity maintains her composure and laughs under her breath.
  52. >"Whatever you say, darling," she replies with a wink.
  53. >Before you let the awkwardness fester any longer, you reach into your satchel and pull out a bag containing at least a hundred bits.
  54. >The smile on Rarity's face quickly fades as she realizes what you're holding.
  55. "Before you say anything, yes, it's spending money. I've been doing a little saving."
  56. >Rarity opens her mouth, but she's too initially stunned to say anything.
  57. >"A-... Anon, I ca—"
  58. "It's no trouble, seriously. Just feel free to take whatever you need for the dress and give the rest back to me. And if I don't get the first dress, that's fine too. /And/ if I'm being too pressuring, let me know that, as well. But I think it would mean the world to Twilight to have something like this."
  59. >Rarity twirled her tongue in her mouth, glancing between Twilight in the distance and to the bag in your hooves, directly in front of her.
  60. >After a few seconds of silently mulling it over, Rarity reluctantly took the bag into her magical aura.
  61. >"Sure," she said with little confidence and a fake smile, though you couldn't tell from the excitement bubbling in you. "I'll let you know when the first design is ready for sale."
  62. >You let out a small squee of joy and pull Rarity into a hug.
  63. "Thank you, Rares! I owe you one. Anything you need, alright?"
  64. >Rarity trills her lips and sputters.
  65. >"U-Uh, well, that isn't r-really necessary, darling..."
  66. "No, really! Anything you need, I'll do my best."
  67. >A small huff escaped from Rarity's nose as she looked down to the floor; when she looked back up to you, she gave a sheepish grin.
  68. >"Okay, then."
  69. >No more than a moment later, your watch began to beep rhythmically, and you realized it was already 3 o'clock!
  70. "Oh! Gotta go, school's out," you say quickly before planting a hoof delicately on Rarity's shoulder. "Thanks again, Rarity. Owe ya."
  71. >With a beaming grin, you began making your way for the exit, passing by Twilight on the way out.
  72. "Hey, hon?" you say to her. "I'm gonna go pick up Copper from school. I'll be back in a bit."
  73. >"Oh! Okay! Also, um, Bon Bon and Lyra just invited us to lunch. We're gonna be going to Parsley's. Meet us there?"
  74. "Got it. I'll be there soon as Copper's home, or if he wants to go somewhere."
  75. >Twilight let out a giggle, before leaning in for a quick kiss.
  76. "Alright, be right back. Love you!"
  77. >"Love you too!"
  78. >In a flash, you were out the door, almost running into Seed Moon on the way out.
  79. >And the whole rest of the day, all you could think about was that dress.
  80. >Twilight's gonna love it!
  81. >Her birthday can't come soon enough!
  83. ----------
  85. The Next Day...
  87. >You wake up in your bed and immediately begin stretching your limbs.
  89. >Every crack is a pure joy to start the day on.
  90. >You reach your hooves over to your side, expecting to hold your beautiful wife.
  91. >Instead, you grab nothing but air.
  92. >Opening your eyes, you see Twilight isn't in bed.
  93. >Curious, you hop out of bed with a yawn and begin making your way to the bedroom door.
  94. >You slowly open the door.
  96. >You reel back, very clearly startled, but your tired brain keeps you from freaking out beyond that.
  97. >When you're able to think clearly, you see both Twilight and your son Copper Flare standing in the doorway, holding party horns in their mouths, and party hats on their heads.
  98. >"SURPRISE!" they both say in unison.
  99. >And yet, despite all this, you're unsure what to think of it.
  100. "Uh... good... morning...?"
  101. >Twilight's face deflated slightly, but she attempted to laugh it off in a bout of confusion.
  102. >"That's all you have to say?" she asks you.
  103. >You were supposed to say something else?
  104. "Well, I... I just... what's the occasion?"
  105. >Twilight's smile faded even further, confusion rising upon her face.
  106. >She tilts her head slightly, still maintaining eye contact.
  107. >"Anon...? Do you know what day it is...?"
  108. "... Wednesday?"
  109. >"Dad, are you messing with us right now?" Copper asks, genuinely confused.
  110. "... N-No...? Are you?"
  111. >Copper isn't even offended, just as confused as his mom.
  112. >Suddenly, your eyes go wide, and your heart sinks.
  113. "Oh Celestia, it's your birthday, isn't it?"
  114. >Twilight recoiled only slightly, caught off guard by the question.
  115. >"N-"
  116. "Oh my Celestia, it is. I can't believe I forgot. I-I mean, I never forget! I mean, I knew it was soon, but I didn't think that—"
  117. >As you begin to panic, embarrassed and upset that you'd forgotten your wife's birthday despite buying her a dress for the occasion literally yesterday, Twilight walks up to you and holds you in place.
  118. >"Honey! Relax!" she says with a comforting and worried laugh. "It's not my birthday!"
  119. >You stop panicking for just a moment, but the worry doesn't leave you.
  120. "I-It's not?"
  121. >Twilight just giggles, as if to reassure and calm you down.
  122. >"No! It's /yours/!"
  123. ...
  124. "... Is it?"
  125. >Twilight finally frowned, though still thoroughly confused.
  126. >"You don't remember your own birthday?"
  127. >You almost said no.
  128. >Then it clicked.
  129. "... It's my birthday."
  130. >Twilight just smiled and nodded, almost as if to say "Well, duh!"
  131. >Copper just nodded in agreement.
  132. >You sighed and tapped the bridge of your nose as the embarrassment began to set in.
  133. "I can't believe I forgot."
  134. >You felt Twilight rest her hoof on your shoulder, and you looked up to see a sympathetic smile beaming across her face.
  135. >It was enough to soften the amount of self-shame or guilt you had bubbling inside you.
  136. "Sorry," you said softly.
  137. >Twilight just giggled and gave you a small kiss on the lips.
  138. >"Happy birthday, sweetie," she replied in a similar soft tone, one that didn't lack the tender grace she often shared with you.
  139. >You were already feeling a little better.
  141. >But at least your panic was somewhat justified; Twilight's birthday /was/ coming up soon, about a month away.
  142. >But with all the saving your money and the long shifts some days, it's been hard to keep track.
  143. >Where would you be without your wife?
  144. >Probably dead.
  145. >"So," Twilight said, before plopping your very own party hat on to your head, "what does the birthday boy want to do today?"
  146. >With a sheepish grin, you look to your wife.
  147. "Well... let's talk about it over breakfast?"
  148. >Twilight grinned back at you and kissed your cheek.
  149. >"I'll cook your favorite."
  150. "I don't deserve you."
  151. >She winked.
  152. >"Nope. You earned me."
  153. >This mare...
  155. ----------
  157. Later That Night...
  159. >"Alright, now you sit out here for a minute, okay? I just wanna be sure I got this right."
  160. "Yes, ma'am."
  161. >With a playful salute, you watched as Twilight went into the bedroom and shut the door behind her, locking you out.
  162. >After a long day of strolling through town, partying at Sugarcube Corner, and enjoying probably the best damn birthday cake you've had in twenty years, you're finally back at the Library.
  163. >Copper's off to bed, and now there's only one thing left on the list tonight.
  164. >Twilight's present.
  165. >Even if it /is/ your birthday, you still feel bad that she used her own money to buy something for you.
  166. >But who knows, she'll probably feel the same way in a few weeks.
  167. >Sheesh, you really have earned each other.
  168. >Before long, you hear the click of the bedroom door unlocking, and a few steps fading away from you behind it.
  169. >"Okay... you can come in now."
  170. >She sounds nervous, but excited all the same.
  171. >Even you are a little nervous, but best not to keep the lady waiting.
  172. >Taking the doorknob in your hoof, you twist and gently open the door.
  173. >You forgot how dark the hallway was, almost blinded by the lights that shone in the bedroom as you entered.
  174. >But it didn't encapsulate your attention for long.
  175. >Not when your eyes met with Twilight.
  176. >And her...
  177. >Wait... that's the...
  178. >Twilight stood before you, wearing the same dress you saw yesterday at the Boutique.
  179. >Its purple body blended in perfectly with her fur, if not for the blue and pink stripes on the side that ran down to the lower end of the dress, which fit perfectly over her rump.
  180. >... Well, that explains the colors, then!
  181. >"Surprise," she shyly said, shimmying her shoulders awkwardly; but it made the gesture that much cuter.
  182. >You, however, were at a loss for words.
  183. >Well, except for one.
  184. "... Wow..."
  185. >Twilight grew flustered, her smile growing brighter by the second, as she let out a small giggle.
  186. >"What do you think?"
  187. >It took you a moment to form any proper response.
  188. >The first part of which included shutting and locking the door behind you.
  189. >The second part was to walk up to her, hold her close to you, and kiss her as deep and lovingly as your soul could muster.
  190. >And right now, there as plenty of soul to give!
  192. >Twilight expelled a small moan of appreciation and sighed through her nose.
  193. >Her hot breath washed over your face, and it only made you kiss her deeper.
  194. >When you pulled away, she almost looked sad, as if wondering why you did.
  195. "You look so beautiful in that."
  196. >She looked away shyfully again.
  197. >"Even if you already saw it...?"
  198. >A small moan mixed with a growl escaped you, almost on instinct.
  199. >You saw Twilight's chest jump, however small it was.
  200. "I was willing to wait an entire month to see you in this dress. Trust me."
  201. >Twilight gave a small giggle, hiding part of her face behind a hoof as she grew flushed.
  202. >"Really?" she said simply and softly.
  203. "Absolutely.."
  204. >She smiled, then her eyes went wide in realization.
  205. >"Oh! Almost forgot."
  206. >Her horn lit up, and then a familiar pouch found its way floating over you and into your satchel.
  207. >"That's /your/ money, by the way, /mister/."
  208. "A-w-Are you sure? I don't mind pa—"
  209. >"Ah ah ah. No husband of mine is going to spend a single bit on his birthday, understood?"
  210. "Well, /technically/ I gave Rarity the money /yesterday/, so..."
  211. >The joke didn't amuse Twilight, as you could very plainly tell by the deadpan look she struck you with.
  212. >You couldn't help but laugh softly and kiss her forehead.
  213. "Fine. Then that means no spending from you on /your/ birthday, missy."
  214. >Twilight giggled.
  215. >"Deal."
  216. >Both of you went silent for a few moments as you took the time to truly inspect Twilight from this angle.
  217. >She looked exactly as you pictured her in your mind.
  218. >The way the turtleneck wrapped around her neck so snug-like...
  219. >The way her body shaped itself to its size perfectly...
  220. >The way her butt looked from this angle, all covered up like that...
  221. >Her butt...
  222. >She caught you staring and shyly bit her lip.
  223. >"S-So... how do I look...?"
  225. ----------
  227. >"A-Ahh.... unnnghh... Fffuuhh... mmmhhhh...!"
  228. >Within five minutes of such a question, you were already showing Twilight beyond the extent of your "appreciation."
  229. >And by appreciation, you meant holding her in your grasp and fucking the absolute hell out of her in that dress.
  230. >Thank Celestia for noise suppression spells!
  231. >Even if Copper and the rest of Ponyville couldn't hear it, you could very clearly hear just how rough you were going at Twilight; how the bed bounced and creaked and shifted against the floor with every thrust upward into her, how the sound of your hips slamming against hers—growing slicker every passing second the wetter she became...
  232. >And her moans!
  233. >By Celestia, you haven't heard her scream that loud in months!
  234. >Twilight was quickly reduced to a panting, drooling, dripping mess in your grasp as you showed no mercy to her marehood.
  235. >Her horn shone brightly the entire time; even as the bedside lamps were shut off, the two of you were illuminated perfectly, allowing you to see her body move up and down in that dress of hers.
  237. >The way the silk and tightly-knit fleece brushed up against you, how warm it felt to the touch against your own belly...
  238. >Combined with her screams, her pants, her whispers, her cute little mewls...?
  239. >The way her cute little belly, which only just slightly showed underneath, jiggled up and down with her?
  240. >"I-I..."
  241. >Oh fuck, you were—
  242. "Ohhh fuck," you panted silently. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuckohfuckohfFUUH—"
  243. >You felt a strange sensation surge through your body.
  244. >What sounded like a pained grunt/moan left your throat, and it only, for a moment, brought Twilight out of her stupor.
  245. >For a split second, you genuinely believed you were having a heart attack.
  246. >"Honey, what is it? What is it, what's wro--haAAAAH—"
  247. >You weren't.
  248. "U-UUUGHGHH—"
  249. >You had zero control over such a sound, and it sounded nothing like you.
  250. >But it was /you/, alright.
  251. >A feeling unlike any other you've felt in your entire life rippled through you all at once, and truly, uncontrollably, forced you as deep into Twilight as you were physically able.
  252. >You couldn't even breathe!
  253. >And then you really /felt/ it.
  254. >An impossible amount of cum, what felt like several months' worth, shot out of your flaring tip, and straight into Twilight's cervix like a fucking cannonball.
  255. >The sensation took Twilight by surprise as she snapped her head back and thrust one of her hooves against the headboard behind her for support.
  256. >Her horn flickered for several moments, but never when she was screaming.
  257. >Which was piercing.
  258. >And hot.
  259. >Her chest rose and fell rapidly against yours, panting and shuddering with little control.
  260. >You, on the other hoof, were very nearly chopping down on Twilight's exposed bit of left shoulder—not enough to puncture the skin, but absolutely enough to make your mark.
  261. >"A-AanNON! Whe... Wheeere did /THAT/ comme fro—"
  262. >She couldn't even finish talking before her body shook against you.
  263. >Small whimpers and sobs left her throat, and her marehood began milking you for whatever you had left to give.
  264. >Which was a lot.
  265. >Before she could moan anymore, you reached up to kiss her, and it took her a second to even realize and reciprocate.
  266. >One of her hooves wrapped tightly around your lower back, while the other lopped lazily over your shoulder.
  267. >Even with your eyes closed, the glimmer of her horn was still fairly clear.
  268. >You thrust yourself back and forth very slowly, forcing a small breath from your throat just from the sensitivity.
  269. >Twilight mewled again as her orgasm continued to ripple through her lower body; the sensation was paralyzing.
  270. >Her kisses grew sloppy, and she was definitely drooling a little on her neck and dress, but you don't think either of you really noticed nor cared.
  271. >When you ultimately broke the kiss, Twilight rested her forehead against yours, her long horn coming through your mane.
  272. >"A... Anon... where... wheredidthatcomefromsweetie...? wheredidthatcomefrom?" she panted softly, only just barely able to keep herself together.
  274. >You could only groan at first as your orgasm finally began to wind down, and your shots reduced to dribbles.
  275. >One of your hooves wrapped against her butt, and the other against her back.
  276. "Sorrysorry," you whispered back. "Idont... mmngh... youokay?"
  277. >Twilight gave you a high pitched 'mm-hmm' in response.
  278. >"Are you?" she whispered a moment later.
  279. "Mm-hmm..."
  280. >You reached up weakly to kiss her forehead, just at the base of her horn, before resting your forehead against hers again.
  281. "NNnghhhhfuccckk..."
  282. >She shuddered then giggled silently to you.
  283. >After a few moments, Twilight's breathing had finally stabilized, as did your own.
  284. >But the whispery pillow talk continued on, and that made you happy, even if the two of you were still trying to catch your breath.
  285. >"I... I guess you /really/ like this dress, huh...?"
  286. >You were almost embarrassed to answer.
  287. >But she was your wife.
  288. "Gossssh, you look so fucking adorable and cute and hot and fuckable right now~"
  289. >[Speech 100/100]
  290. >Twilight just giggled and squee'd at you before pulling you into a weak, but touching, hug.
  291. >"Then I guess I'll be wearing this to bed more often," she teased with a wink.
  292. >You just laughed sheepishly.
  293. "Ah-Well... only if you wanna..."
  294. >Twilight gave you this flustered smile; her breathing was reduced to silent shudders again as she got up close to you, looking into your eyes and so nervous to speak.
  295. >When she did, she was so quiet, so shy...
  296. >"After what you just did to me... how could I not...?"
  297. >So perfect.
  298. "I really don't deserve you."
  299. >She beamed at you.
  300. >"Nope. You earned me."
  301. >That would never get old.
  302. "I love you so much~"
  303. >"I love you more~"
  304. >You reached in and kissed her; it didn't last as long as before, but it was just as meaningful to you as it always was.
  305. >When you pulled away, Twilight got lost in your eyes all over again.
  306. >This mare...
  307. >"Happy birthday, sweetie."
  308. >She's a gift.
  310. ==========
  312. LAUNDRY DAY (C)
  314. >Laundry day again.
  315. >For being a species that didn't often wear clothing, your family sure seemed to wash a lot.
  316. >Well, that was a lie.
  317. >It was mostly the drapes, the bed sheets and pillows, Twilight's shawl, and your shirt—never anything more than that, with the sole exception of Nightmare Night costumes and Twilight's... uh, *outfits*.
  318. >Those needed extensive washing.
  319. >Anyhow, you spent the early morning hours grabbing everything around the Library that needed washing and brought them up to the laundry room.
  320. >Easier said than done, but you were sure you stabbed yourself on at least one upturned nail.
  321. >Good thing for Tetanus shots!
  322. >A kiss on the cheek from your wife later, you were checking out said *stab wound* while your wife began running the bed sheets through the wringer washer.
  323. >It was a tiny little stab on your right hoof, nothing too serious.
  324. >But it didn't stop Twilight from giving your boo-boo a kiss and putting a cute little balloon band-aid on the wound.
  325. >Gosh, you love this mare.
  326. >It wasn't long before all of the clothes were thoroughly washed and wrung through at least three times, to be on the safe side.
  327. >All that was left was to run them through the dryer and let the funny spinny oven do its magic.
  328. >As you loaded the dryer, the sound of muffled talking outside the laundry room caught your ear.
  329. >You could easily make out the voice of your son, but there were at least two other voices you couldn't recognize.
  330. "Hey, hon?" you call out to Twilight as she organizes the wrung objects alphabetically.
  331. >"Yeah?"
  332. "Is someone else here?"
  333. >Twilight turned and cocked her head to the side for second before it clicked.
  334. >"Oh! Copper invited some of his friends over! They're going through Spike's old comic books."
  335. "Comic books? I thought he brought those with him when he moved."
  336. >"Well, he did. Then he shipped them back to me last year, and I compeletely forgot about them until this morning when I was grabbing the curtains in my study."
  337. "Huh. Any reason why he brought 'em back?"
  338. >Twilight just shot you a sheepish smile.
  339. >"I think he just wanted something for Copper to read."
  340. "Well, I bet Copper's gonna hate the sixth issue of Power Ponies once he gets to it."
  341. >"I thought you said you didn't know about the comics?"
  342. "Nah, I just didn't know they were back. Spike and I used to read them a bunch back in the day. Issue 6 was just so... bad. Not in the writing kind of way, either. Just too sad."
  343. >Twilight sympathetically rested a hoof on your shoulder; it made you laugh a little, but you appreciated the gesture regardless.
  344. >But seriously, who writes that kind of stuff?
  345. >Once all of the wet clothes were placed into the dryer, you shut the door, twisted the knobs at the top, and pressed the red button.
  346. >The dryer sprung to life and began what you knew would be a long, /long/ process.
  347. >But a quick glance at the clock directly above the dryer signified that you were interestingly a half hour ahead of schedule!
  349. >Twilight's rhetoric over the years sure has spoiled you.
  350. >Only a few particular articles of clothing were left out to air-dry, as the steam of the dryer was likely to shrink them, such as Twilight's shawl, which hung over the dryer for now.
  351. "Alright, what's next on the list?" you ask Twilight.
  352. >As much of a joke as it was, Twilight did pull out her little checklist notebook to see what was on today's agenda.
  353. >"Hmm... well, other than this and making lunch, it doesn't look like there's anything else to do today. What do you think about grilled cheese?"
  354. "Sure! Ooh, speaking of, you gotta try it with jalepenos."
  355. >"You are /way/ too into adding jalepenos into things."
  356. "Hey, I can't help if I'm into hot stuff."
  357. >You shot her a wink.
  358. >"... You did /not/ just go there."
  359. "Oh, I absolutely did."
  360. >Despite her shaking her head in a stench of disappointment, you could see her smile cracking through her tough outer shell.
  361. >"Sometimes, I wonder why I married you."
  362. "You're hotter than jalepenos."
  363. >"Aaaand there it is."
  364. >Twilight then broke into a giggling fit, stifling her laughs behind a hoof and leaning against you for support.
  365. >The two of you laughed softly together, resting against the dryer and enjoying each other's warmth.
  366. >For a couple minutes, you and Twi sat against the dryer, in each other's embrace and just talking softly to each other about any grilled cheese combinations that came to mind.
  367. "Hmm, what about green peppers and onions?" you suggest.
  368. >"Oooo, that sounds good."
  369. "Right?"
  370. >"Hmmmm... ooh, I know Rainbow Dash likes to make hers with feta cheese and spinach."
  371. "Huh. I've never been a spinach fan, but that actually sounds really good."
  372. >"Pfft, when have /you/ ever not been a spinach fan? You're always scarfing down my casseroles whenever I make them."
  373. "Oh, no, I meant on its own or with like only one or two things. Sometimes the taste is just way too strong, kinda bitter, you know?"
  374. >"Oh, right."
  375. "But the casseroles always have this, like, special zestiness to them. That with the pasta and cheese? Mmmf, it's like being a kid again."
  376. >Twilight giggled softly into your shoulder.
  377. "My mom used to make these really special lasagna loaf bowls, and she always added something every meal, so it was never just the same thing over and over again. It was actually kind of exciting; I always looked forward to that dish."
  378. >You could feel Twilight smile.
  379. >"Maybe I could do that for the casseroles?"
  380. "Eh, only if you wanna. You make 'em perfectly already."
  381. >Twilight pressed herself against you tightly for a moment, appreciative of your words.
  382. >"Oh, man! The next issue's gotta be in this box somewhere!"
  383. >"I know, right? There's no way Mane-iac just dies like that!"
  384. >"I hope not! She's cool!"
  385. >"Dude, she's the villain!"
  386. >"So?"
  387. >Twilight laughed softly against you.
  388. >"Sounds like those three are getting really into those comics," she says.
  389. "Can't blame 'em. Those issues are great to read."
  390. >"Read? Absolutely. Experience? Nnnnot so much."
  392. "So you're telling me you weren't having a blast kicking Mane-iac's flanks?"
  393. >Twilight rolled her eyes and smiled.
  394. >"Fair enough."
  395. >You and Twilight laughed quietly together again.
  396. >After a few nuzzles against her right cheek, you planted your lips firmly against it for a moment.
  397. >The gentle rocking of the dryer was doing wonders for the both of you; you could fall asleep like this.
  398. >Or...
  399. "Is the door locked?" you whisper into her ear.
  400. >Her ear flickers, and you hear the immediate soft clicking of the door.
  401. >"It is now," she whispers back.
  402. "Good."
  403. >With no hesitation, you twirled Twilight around until she was facing you.
  404. >Neither of you wasted any time in pulling each other in for a kiss.
  405. >Well, make-out session would be more appropriate.
  406. >The sounds of your son and his friends reading the comics aloud and shouting in shock or joy at whatever pages they read, they were eclipsed by the sounds of you and your wife sucking saliva, tongues, and touching her body in all the right places.
  407. >Luckily, the sounds of the dryer was enough to mask it all.
  408. >Thank Celestia for modern technology!
  409. >You suck in a quick breath as you feel Twilight's hoof snake its way down to your inner thighs.
  410. >She caressed your sheath and sighed happily into your mouth as you started to harden, your shaft slowly sliding its way out to full mast.
  411. >With Twilight around, it was a losing battle to hide it.
  412. >She gave you one more quick kiss, then slowly knelt down before you.
  413. >"Stand up for me?" she requested.
  414. >You lifted yourself up for her, standing on your hind legs while using the dryer itself for support, and giving Twilight easy access to your throbbing cock.
  415. >She buried her nose into the base and took a deep whiff, and almost immediately you could see her shoulders relax.
  416. >The fact that your dick was enough to put her at ease in an instant, made you even harder.
  417. >And Twilight noticed.
  418. >She pulled back from your base and planted her lips firmly on the head of your shaft, lapping her tongue around against it while she suckled on it carefully.
  419. >You throbbed in her mouth, and she gave a small muffled squee in return.
  420. >One of your hooves rested gracefully against the top of her head; you started petting her, all the while slowly thrusting in and out of her mouth by the tip.
  421. >There was no harm in taking your time, right?
  422. >But this was Twilight—your wife.
  423. >And these days, she didn't like to wait.
  424. >In an instant, she'd taken nearly all of you into her mouth, and you could feel your tip pushing into the back of her throat.
  425. >Twilight gave a slight panicked, muffled gasp of breath, but you'd had plenty of experience to know she wasn't choking.
  426. >She pulled away, until it was just the tip in her mouth again, and then she went back down.
  427. >It wasn't long before she was getting into an all-too-familiar bobbing motion, moving her head back and forth on your shaft.
  428. >The sheer intense heat her mouth gave off never got old; and the fact that it was cold today made even more exciting!
  430. >The dryer gave off this repetitive 1-2 rhythm, and Twilight was quick to suck you off to the rhythm, making the sloppy sounds she gave off even more masked.
  431. >You looked down at your wife.
  432. >Even with her mouth full of cock, she still looked so pretty.
  433. >It made you smile.
  434. >She just gave a muffled giggle, which sent vibrations running through your cock.
  435. >They weren't as strong as other ponies claimed, but they were still good to feel.
  436. >Your hoof trailed across her head as you continued your petting session.
  437. "Good girl," you say softly to her, and she squeaks in return.
  438. >She picks up a little extra speed, which sends shivers running through you for a moment.
  439. >You have to catch the dryer temporarily just to keep yourself from falling.
  440. "Don't stop..." you whisper to her.
  441. >Stupid of you to suggest she would even /want/ to—
  442. >“Hey, mom!” you heard Copper shout in a muffled tone from the main bedroom area. “Can my friends and I have some Cream Pops?”
  443. >Twilight pulled off your cock with a quiet but emphasized pop, continuing her efforts… effortlessly with her magic.
  444. >“Yeah, but just one each, okay?” Twilight hollered back. “I’m gonna make lunch in a bit!”
  445. >“Okay, cool!”
  446. >Your wife laughed quietly to herself at Copper’s response.
  447. >When her eyes met with yours, she didn’t stop smiling.
  448. >“Am I still doing okay?” she asked you.
  449. >You nodded.
  450. “You keep that up, and you’re getting a Cream Pop yourself,” you joked.
  451. >“Oh, shut up,” Twilight said as she laughed, before plunging your cock back into her mouth again.
  452. >But realizing what you just said, she started to move feverishly back and forth on your cock.
  453. >It wasn't so fast that the feeling didn't register, and wasn't too slow to ache.
  454. >It was /perfect/.
  455. "Rightthererightthererightthere...!" you hiss at her.
  456. >Twilight giggles and keeps that steady rhythm, and it doesn't take long for your cock to begin flaring.
  457. >Even after all these years, she still has some trouble navigating around your flare, but she's gotten significantly better at it!
  458. >You begin thrusting in tune with her bobbing, and it was overwhelming.
  459. "Ffffuh—"
  460. >Before you can finish your sentence, you bury your mouth into the crook of your elbow and let out a heavy sigh.
  461. >No more than a second later, a torrent of thick cum begins shooting out of the tip of your shaft, straight into Twilight's mouth.
  462. >She was already prepared, as she began gulping it down as fast as it came out—all the while continuing to bob her head, which made the sensations even more extreme than they already were.
  463. >Your cock shot up with every blast of semen, but Twilight's lips kept it firmly in place.
  464. >You nearly lost your grip on the dryer just a second before, but Twilight's hooves on your hips kept you standing.
  465. >Once your orgasm reached its apex, you buried yourself deep into your wife's muzzle and stayed there for several seconds.
  466. >You heard Twilight letting out deep, careful breaths.
  468. >She'd gotten so good at this over the years.
  469. >You pet her again.
  470. >After it was over, you pulled your softening shaft out of Twilight's mouth.
  471. >She pulled away, doing her best to catch her breath as quietly as she could.
  472. >Cum dripped down her lips and chin, even as she tried to lick it up.
  473. >Worried, you knelt down beside her.
  474. "Hey, you okay?" you ask her. "You hurt?"
  475. >She just shook her head, giving you a faint smile before planting a small kiss on your lips.
  476. >You could taste a bit of your cum, but that didn't matter.
  477. >"I, uh..."
  478. >She cleared her throat.
  479. >"Mmh, sorry. I haven't deepthroated in a while. H-heh..."
  480. "It's fine. Just making sure I didn't hurt you."
  481. >She smiled sweetly at you.
  482. >"Not at all. But... hmm... I'm definitely gonna have to start practicing again."
  483. "You sure?"
  484. >"Oh, absolutely. I forgot how fun it is!"
  485. >You weren't sure you'd call choking yourself /fun/, but... science finds a way?
  486. >/DING!/
  487. >The ringing of a bell signaled that the dryer was finished with its cycle, and that the clothes and sheets were finally nice and dry.
  488. >While you pulled out all the bed and pillow sheets, Twilight was taking out and organizing all of her outfits.
  489. >"Hey, sweetie?"
  490. "Yeah?"
  491. >You turn to Twilight, only to see her holding up each of her individual outfits, all while carrying this innocent look on her face that you knew for a /fact/ was anything but.
  492. >"What should I wear tonight?"
  493. >She gives you a wink.
  494. >Celestia, you love Laundry Day.
  496. ==========
  500. >In an alternate timeline, completely unaware of such a fact...
  501. >You are Twilight Sparkle, single mom of one amazing, strapping young colt.
  502. >Your boy Copper Flare has grown into such a fine young stallion in the last couple years!
  503. >If only his father could see him now...
  504. >The thought of Anon leaves you with a bittersweet feeling bubbling in your mind.
  505. >But seeing young Copper all dressed up and excited to seize the night?
  506. >That got you smiling again.
  507. >While Copper was busy play-fighting with no one in particular in the main foyer, you were getting yourself dressed up in the bedroom.
  508. >For what? Nightmare Night, of course!
  509. >You hadn't celebrated it in a few years; even if you did take Copper out to go mumming, you never participated yourself.
  510. >You and Anon used to dress up all the time.
  511. >One time, you even dressed up as each other!
  512. >To this day, you still have questions as to why Pinkie had two life-size skin suits of the two of you, but you figured it's better not to ask.
  513. >But now, with Anon gone, you never really found much of a reason to go out all dolled up just for one night.
  514. >This year, however, Copper asked if you could dress up for tonight and go mumming with him.
  515. >And how could you ever say no to such a face as his?
  516. >So in spite of your overall feeling, you obeyed your son's request.
  517. >And now here you were, dressed up like an adorable little witch.
  518. >Well... /you/ find it adorable.
  519. >Anon probably would've—
  520. >"Mom?" you hear Copper call to you from downstairs. "Are you almost ready? We're gonna miss it!"
  521. >Miss mumming?
  522. >You doubt it!
  523. >With a small chuckle, you shout down to him.
  524. "Don't worry! I'll be down in a second."
  525. >You can hear him give a small sigh.
  526. >"Okay," he says defeatedly.
  527. >Such a drama queen, that kid.
  528. >Gosh, you love him.
  529. >After doing one final front-to-back check, you smiled to yourself.
  530. >You were one sexy mama.
  531. >Grabbing your witch's bag—courtesy of Zecora—you leave the bedroom and head down to meet your son in the foyer.
  532. >Copper was going out dressed like a Royal Guard soldier. You designed most of the costume yourself just for him.
  533. >The helmet, however, belonged to Anon once, so it was a little too big for Copper's head.
  534. >But that didn't stop him from prancing around the foyer, excited to patrol the streets of Ponyville and confiscate a lot of candy.
  535. >For security reasons, of course!
  536. "There's my little protector," you joked sweetly. "Ready to go?"
  537. >Copper stopped to face you and give a salute, donning a serious face.
  538. >"Yes, ma'am!"
  539. >You just giggled.
  540. >So much like his father.
  541. "Lead the way~"
  543. ----------
  545. >The streets of Ponyville were abuzz with ponies of all ages. Children were dashing from house to house, screaming the all-too-familiar Nightmare Night chant, and getting a bag of goodies in return.
  546. >All while their parents struggle to keep up with them.
  547. >You were one of those parents.
  549. >You don't think you've ever seen Copper so ecstatic before. There were plenty of years where he was joyous, but this was a whole new level of excitement.
  550. >And he hasn't even had any candy yet!
  551. >"Ooh, mom! This way!" he exclaimed, navigating you around town to any place you hadn't yet hit.
  552. >You've lived in Ponyville for sixteen years, and there were still some parts of this place you didn't know existed.
  553. >When did they build an Owl Bakery?!
  554. >Owlowiscious is getting on in his years, but you definitely need to take him there at least once!
  555. >As you went down Shepherd Avenue, you started coming across familiar faces.
  556. >Lyra and Bon Bon waved hi with their daughter taking charge, dressed as a bumblebee.
  557. >You greeted Caramel and his wife Golden Harvest as they strolled by. They didn't have a child of their own, but they always enjoyed walking through town on Nightmare Night, if only to admire the decorations or the costumes ponies dressed in.
  558. >There were a few more familiar faces that you encountered, all of whom were surprised to see you joining in on the festivities.
  559. >If it weren't for your son, you probably wouldn't have.
  560. >But he just looked so happy...
  561. >Suddenly, the sound of thunder to your right caught your attention.
  562. >Right away, you knew it wasn't a sign of rain.
  563. >More like rainBOW.
  564. >Heh.
  565. >As you turned to look, your assumptions were confirmed, just in time to see the familiar cyan pegasus landing a few feet away, a dark cloud by her side; she was decked out in Shadowbolt gear.
  566. >"Whoa, Twi!" Rainbow exclaimed while eyeing you up and down. "Didn't know you were dressing up tonight too!"
  567. >Before you could say anything, Copper ran to Rainbow and surprised her with a hug.
  568. >"Aunt Rainbow!" he shouted happily, earning a chuckle from his auntie.
  569. >"Hey there, kiddo. Looks like you've got plenty of candy already. How'd you manage that?"
  570. >Copper's eyes opened, then he suddenly stepped away and saluted Rainbow in a similar manner as you.
  571. >"I'm, uh... confiscating these sweets! I've found they've got high levels of sugar and fructose, and um... I need to inspect each and every piece to be certain!"
  572. >You can tell by the look on his face that he was trying his hardest to stay in-character.
  573. >Bless his pure cinnamon heart.
  574. >Rainbow chuckled.
  575. >"Well, alright then. You find any good pieces, make sure to send 'em to me for final inspection. Deal?"
  576. >"No promises, ma'am."
  577. >With a smile, Copper winked, earning a giggle from both you and Rainbow.
  578. >Eventually, you and Copper were back on the move; Rainbow decided to tag along, dissipating her storm cloud to prevent another mishap.
  579. >As Copper took the lead several feet ahead, Rainbow walked up beside you, her voice dying to a whisper.
  580. >"He sure is having fun tonight," she states, her eyes fixated on the ecstatic colt. "Is that why you dressed up?"
  581. >You chuckle.
  582. "Actually, I think he's having fun /because/ I dressed up tonight. He hasn't been this excited for Nightmare Night in years."
  584. >"I can tell, heh. He kinda reminds me of Anon. I mean, back when you two first started going out."
  585. >You giggle to yourself, hiding your face in your hoof.
  586. "Oh Celestia, he does. He's really shaping up like his father these days."
  587. >You let out a happy little sigh, but it comes off as sad more than anything.
  588. >"Yeah..."
  589. >And Rainbow was quick to notice the look on your face.
  590. >"So, uh... y-you look pretty cute tonight."
  591. >Her attempt to lighten the mood worked just enough to elicit a giggle from you.
  592. "Thanks," you tell her, fighting back a blush. "I haven't worn this costume in probably... sixteen years, now?"
  593. >"Really? I thought you wore it lots of times."
  594. "I did... just... not for Nightmare Night."
  595. >"... Oh."
  596. >Then it really clicked.
  597. >"Ohhhhhhh."
  598. >You let out an embarrassed, yet slightly naughty giggle as you recount all the times you wore this very costume to bed.
  599. >With Anon.
  600. >"Not gonna lie," Rainbow said with a blush, "I would've loved to see that."
  601. "I bet you would~" you teased before the two of you chuckled to each other.
  602. >This kind of banter between you and Rainbow wasn't necessarily uncommon... but it /had/ been a while.
  603. >Back in the prime of your marriage, you and Anon wanted to "spice things up" in the bedroom.
  604. >You invited Rainbow over for dinner one night; the three of you chatted, dined, and especially wined.
  605. >Then it just /happened/.
  606. >And every time it was just you and Anon, she would pay a visit, and it would happen again.
  607. >It was so naughty, so dirty.
  608. >So exhilarating.
  609. >That all died with Anon.
  610. >A sad smile formed across your lips, and Rainbow noticed.
  611. >"Shoot, I uh... I didn't just make it weird, did I?"
  612. "Huh?" you say before realizing what she asked. "No, no! Not at all. I was just... remembering, that's all."
  613. >"Oh! Right. Yeah. Yeah, me too, heh..."
  614. >You look ahead, fixated on your son as he zipped his way up to the nearest house with a group of similarly aged fillies and colts.
  615. >You couldn't help but smile at your pride and joy.
  616. >But also...
  617. "I can't believe it's been four years already."
  618. >Rainbow sighed sadly.
  619. >"Yeah..."
  620. >You listen to the kids all recite the Nightmare Night chant, while the adults behind the door adorn them with sugary treats.
  621. >Copper saluted the pony and marched off to the next house, while you and Rainbow followed.
  622. >You turned to her, noticed her sad face, and your ears immediately drooped.
  623. "Sorry... I probably killed the mood, didn't I?"
  624. >Rainbow gives you a sympathetic chuckle.
  625. >"Nah. I think we all miss him."
  626. >You eye her, trying to smile.
  627. "Think?"
  628. >"Oh shut up, you know what I mean."
  629. >That gets the two of you giggling again. After your laughter dies down, you sigh.
  630. "I think he would've loved Copper's costume."
  631. >"Oh, definitely. You sure pulled it off again this year."
  632. >You turn to Rainbow.
  633. "How did you know I made it?"
  634. >"Pfft, please. Only an egghead could make a costume look so accurate."
  635. >You roll your eyes.
  637. "It's not /that/ hard to create a Royal Guard outfit."
  638. >"Trust me—you'd be surprised how many Royal Guard costumes I've seen tonight that are anything but. Copper's is the best one I've seen yet."
  639. >You giggle lightly.
  640. "Thanks. But I didn't do it all myself. The helmet was Anon's."
  641. >Rainbow glances over to your son, primarily the helmet firmly sitting on his head.
  642. >"Oh yeah, I was wondering why it looked so familiar. Man, it's been years too, huh?"
  643. "Probably around the same time I last wore /this/ thing out and about."
  644. >Rainbow chuckles.
  645. >"Well, it looks like it fits him pretty good."
  646. "Almost. It's a little bigger, but to be honest, I don't think he even minds."
  647. >"Or cares?"
  648. "Definitely not."
  649. >You and Rainbow laugh again as Copper and a new group of children are greeted by the next adult with candy to give.
  650. >"So what's next on your agenda for tonight, egghead?"
  651. >You look away sheepishly.
  652. "I... don't actually know. I never really /do/ anything on these nights once it's over. These days, I'm usually tucking Copper in bed once we get home, and then I... uh... read?"
  653. >Rainbow rolls her eyes playfully.
  654. >"Nerd~"
  655. >You roll your eyes back at her in a similar manner. But the lightheartedness is short lived once again.
  656. "It's been a little hard... you know, /getting back out there/."
  657. >Rainbow quickly understood what you were getting at, and placed a single hoof on your shoulder.
  658. >"I know," she said, shooting you a sympathetic smile. "But hey... at least you're trying, right? That's gotta account for something."
  659. "Yeah... I guess you're right."
  660. >Rainbow smiled at you for another few seconds, slowly rubbing your shoulder.
  661. >Suddenly, she darted forward and kissed you on the cheek.
  662. >The gesture was surprising, but not entirely unwelcome.
  663. >She pulled away after a few seconds and looked into your eyes, her saddened smile persistent.
  664. >"I'm proud of you, Twi. Anon would be too."
  665. >The sentiment brought a tear to your eye. Rainbow wiped them away with a hoof.
  666. >"C'mon, don't melt on me now."
  667. >It took you a second to get the joke. Once you remembered what you were wearing, a hearty laugh escaped you, dragging Rainbow in with you, and earning at least a couple of brief stares from passersby.
  668. >As you wiped away tears and calmed yourself down, you looked at Rainbow with a bittersweet yet benign grin on your lips.
  669. "Thank you, Rainbow. I really needed that."
  670. >You pull her in for a hug, and feel her smile on your shoulder.
  671. >"Anytime~"
  672. >When you and Dash pull away, Copper comes running up to both you, his eyes gleaming as he whips open his bag.
  673. >"Mom! Aunt Rainbow! Look at all the candy I got!"
  674. >You peer into the bag, only to find it already twice as full than it was just a few minutes ago.
  675. >"Heh, good job, kiddo!" Rainbow exclaimed, rubbing Copper's helmet.
  676. "Well, it looks like my little protector is doing his job in keeping Ponyville sugar-free!" you joked with a titter.
  678. >Rainbow rolls her eyes with a smile, while Copper nods and salutes the two of you.
  679. >"Permission to stay up late for in-depth inspection?" he asks you.
  680. >You giggle, but not without an eye roll of your own.
  681. "Granted," you say, staying in character. "But just one hour, okay?"
  682. >"Yes, ma'am!"
  683. "And brush your teeth extra well tonight."
  684. >"Yes, ma'am!" he repeats.
  685. >Rainbow Dash snickers and lets out a sigh.
  686. >"Well, I should probably get going," she says, her eyes fixated on the nearest cloud. "Still got a lot of zapping to do before the night's out."
  687. >"Aww," Copper exclaimed with sadness in his voice, "do you have to?"
  688. >Rainbow stopped herself before she could take flight. She made glances between you and Copper.
  689. >But mostly you.
  690. >"Oh! Well, uh... I-I guess I could tag along for a bit longer. If you guys are okay with it, I mean."
  691. >"Yeah!" Copper said joyfully.
  692. "Always," you say warmly.
  693. >Rainbow meets your gaze and smiles.
  694. >After a moment of waiting, she shrugs.
  695. >"Sure. I've got time~"
  696. >"Yes!" Copper beams, pumping his hoof into the air, before turning around to face down the street, pointing ahead of him. "Onward!"
  697. >Your son practically zips down the street, candy bag in tow, letting out his attempt at a battle cry.
  698. >You and Rainbow laugh as you run in tandem, chasing after him.
  699. >He's just like his father.
  700. >Gosh, you love him.
  702. ==========
  704. STOP ME (NC)
  706. >It's a late fall evening.
  707. >A torrential thunderstorm is lashing just outside your home. It's impossible to get any sleep like this.
  708. >As you leave your bedroom, you look at the clock in the stairwell; it reads 11:37PM, not long before midnight.
  709. >You continue your way downstairs, careful not to make too much noise as to awaken your son.
  710. >The sound of the rain outside is a good mask, and you make it to the main foyer without obstacle.
  711. >With a sigh, you retreat into the kitchen. As you enter, a cold sense washes over you, but you shake it off.
  712. >You open the refrigerator to grab yourself a beer.
  713. >But when you look inside, there's no beer.
  714. >What did that bitch—
  715. >You hear the sound of a match igniting, followed by the dim illumination of the kitchen to your right.
  716. >Turning, you see your wife sitting at the dinner table, wearing some kind of night robe. An oil lamp is lit in the center.
  717. >"What do you think you're doing?" Twilight asks you coldly.
  718. "None of your business," you answer in the same tone of voice.
  719. >"Excuse me?"
  720. >You slam the fridge door shut as hard as you could.
  721. "I said /NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS/. Now WHAT did you do to my beer?"
  722. >"I threw them away."
  723. >Your eyes went wide before a growl left your throat.
  724. "Oh, you better be kidding."
  725. >She didn't answer. She simply glares firmly at you, as if both cementing her statement and taunting you.
  726. >You approach her threateningly.
  727. "You've got a lot of nerve throwing out things that I BOUGHT!" you say, screaming the last two words practically in her face.
  728. >Twilight gets up from her chair with newfound fury.
  729. >"/I/ have a lot of nerve?! I'm not the one using the family money to buy beer and do nothing all day while /I/ DO ALL THE WORK!"
  730. "OH, FUCKING YAKSHIT! I bust my ASS off providing for this family, and what do I get in return?! A nagging bitch who spends all her time in a fucking library?!"
  731. >Twilight gasps before her anger returns in full force.
  733. >You strike her across the cheek, and she recoils with a gasp, falling back into her seat.
  734. "You don't FUCKING talk to me like that!" you shout at her.
  735. >Twilight holds a single hoof up to her cheek, refusing to look at you. You can hear her sniffle.
  736. >What a pussy.
  737. "I work /ALL DAY/ to make this shit-hole work, and I can't even get my DICK SUCKED when I get home?!"
  738. >Twilight sniffled.
  739. >"P... Please keep it down... Copper m-might hear us—"
  740. >You've had enough.
  741. >You reach over and forcibly grab your wife, shoving her against the table, sandwiching her between it and you.
  742. >She lets out a pained gasp she tries to push you away.
  743. "Don't tell me what to do," you growl at her.
  744. >"S-Stop! Get off me!" she cries!
  745. "NO," you shout firmly in her face.
  746. >"You're hurting me!"
  747. >You buck your hips forward, crushing her just a bit more. She lets out a pained scream.
  748. >"Anon, stop! You're hurting me!"
  749. >She begins to sob in your grasp, but you refuse to relent.
  751. "I'll stop when I damn well feel like it, you ungrateful bitch."
  752. >You thrust yourself against her body. Every couple thrusts, Twilight will gasp or shudder in pain.
  753. >A moan will sometimes escape her, but it always sounds pained.
  754. >Before long, you manage to get yourself hard, having rubbed your sheath in between your stomachs.
  755. >Once you're at full mast, you grab Twilight and forcibly begin shoving her down to the floor, trying to get her to kneel.
  756. >She fights you the whole time.
  757. >"No! NO! STOP! STOP IT!"
  758. >Once her face is at dick level, you start forcing your cock in between her lips. She tries moving her face left and right, but you keep her head straight.
  759. "Bite, and I'll hurt you," you threatened.
  760. >You shove your cock into her mouth and begin thrusting.
  761. >Twilight slaps and punches your hips. You hear choked gasps and sobs with every thrust into her throat. She's full on crying now.
  762. >But you don't care. The bitch owes you this much.
  763. >You bottom out in her throat every few bucks, earning a gag as she threatened to vomit.
  764. >Luckily, for her sake... she never did.
  765. >Long before you ever came close to cumming, you pulled out of her mouth, letting her sobs be heard all throughout the kitchen.
  766. >The rain would barely hide it anymore.
  767. >Your wife was a mess. Tears ran down her face, her mouth was coated in saliva, and her eyes were red from crying.
  768. >But you weren't done.
  769. >You forced Twilight up from the floor, ignoring her sobs as you shoved her back against the table, shifting it by a foot.
  770. >She screamed in pain as you put most of your weight on her.
  771. >Her arms weakly flailed against your torso and hips, her strength failing her as she attempted to fight you off.
  772. "Shut up," you groused.
  773. >"S-S-Stop..." she breathlessly sobbed, unable to look at you.
  774. >You strike her again, earning a scratchy screech and another crying fit.
  775. >You don't take the time to watch, instead entering a struggle with her, just to turn her around and bend over on the table.
  776. >Twilight wails and tries pulling away, but you force her back down by laying on top of her. >You lift her night robe just enough so you can feel your slickened cock rub up against her pussy.
  777. >"No... no... please don't... please... pleasepleasepleaseplease..."
  778. >Twilight pleas in a breathless rant over and over again.
  779. >They're drowned out by the rain.
  780. >You ram yourself into her pussy with no resistance.
  781. >A piercing scream leaves your wife's throat, and it's quickly replaced by loud, incessant, childish wails as you begin forcing yourself in and out of her.
  782. >The table shakes underneath you with every thrust.
  783. >You feel Twilight's warmth enveloping your cock—the only warmth you've felt from her in years.
  784. >You hold her down against the table as you violate her.
  785. >She just cries and sits almost motionless in your grip, too weak to pull away.
  786. >You're sure you can hear an occasional "please," but it sounds no different from the other noises coming out of her mouth.
  788. >You hear the sound of a ticking clock, and look up to the one hanging over the kitchen doorway.
  789. >It was already past midnight.
  790. >The rain messing up your sleep was bad enough!
  791. >As you violently buck your hips into Twilight's rear, you try smacking her in the ribs. You miss and slap her hard on the ass.
  792. >The point still gets across, judging from the scream and subsequent cries that followed, all jittery with your thrusts.
  793. >"Ple-e-e-e-e-a-s-e sto-o-o-o-o-ppp!!!!" she begged through the tears.
  794. >You didn't listen. You were ending this how you wanted, for once in this marriage.
  795. >You put a hoof over her mouth and continued to fuck her, while she let out suppressed pained howls.
  796. >You started to pick up the pace, your thrusting becoming rougher and quicker.
  797. >Twilight cried harder beneath you, her hooves frantically reaching for something on the desk. The oil lamp, a plate, anything.
  798. >When she realized there was nothing in reach, she tried pushing you off of her again, but failed miserably.
  799. >You started panting hard, and your cock began to flare.
  800. >You were getting close, and Twilight could feel it.
  801. >She knew what was about to happen.
  802. >Twilight was begging again, screaming "NO" in an almost incoherent babbling of the word, begging you to stop.
  803. >You continued to ignore her.
  804. >She panted and moaned, and you felt her grow tight around you. Against her own body's wishes, she came.
  805. >Her legs kicked at nothing but air, a last ditch attempt to push you away.
  806. >She failed.
  807. >You forced the full weight of your body onto hers, clamping her hooves down in place, and let out a few final, weak thrusts as you came inside Twilight.
  808. >You let out a growl mixed with a groan, feeling your cock twitch against Twilight's vaginal walls as you filled her to the brim.
  809. >She did nothing but wail into your hoof again, her eyes clenched shut and face drenched with dry and fresh tears.
  810. >Finally spent, you laid against Twilight and let out a heavy sigh.
  811. >You nibbled on one of her ears.
  812. >She silently cried underneath you.
  813. >The rain drowned it all out...
  815. ----------
  821. >It was a quiet breakfast, apart from the sounds of chewing eggs and birds chirping just outside the kitchen window.
  822. >The storm from last night had cleared early in the morning, and now it was a bright and sunny day.
  823. >But it seemed just a little /too/ quiet.
  824. >You looked across the table to see your son, Copper, looking down at his plate, eating his eggs and toast, and keeping to himself.
  825. >He doesn't even look around. Not to you, or his mother, who's eating to your left.
  826. "Copper?" you call to him softly.
  827. >He winces, and looks up at you slowly.
  828. >"Y-Yeah?"
  829. "You alright, buddy? You don't look so good."
  830. >"... I'm fine," he says hesitantly, yet quickly.
  831. >Twilight leans over the table and pressed the back of her hoof gently to his forehead, checking for his temperature.
  832. >She winces herself as she stands on one of her legs.
  833. >"Is my poor baby getting sick again?"
  835. >Copper doesn't answer right away. He glances to Twilight, then to you.
  836. >As soon as his eyes fall on you, he immediately looks away.
  837. >"No... I'm okay, mom."
  838. "Are you sure?" you ask. "You can stay home if you wa—"
  839. >"N-No, it's just something, I'm fine, I need to get to school, bye!" Copper says quickly.
  840. >Before you or Twilight can say anything else, he grabs his backpack and dashes off and out of the kitchen. A moment later, you hear the sound of the front door open and shut.
  841. >You and Twilight look at each other.
  842. >"... What was that all about...?" she asks you.
  843. "Well, he /is/ at that age. Maybe it's a crush thing...?"
  844. >"You think so?"
  845. "You tell me," you tell her with a wink as you sip your coffee.
  846. >Twilight rolls her eyes.
  847. >Then she giggles.
  849. ----------
  851. THE NEXT DAY...
  853. >While Anon is off to work, and Copper is off to school, Twilight is sitting at the front desk in Golden Oaks Library, going over the recent catalogue of checked out books and updating the list with those recently returned.
  854. >"Hmm... Volumes 2 and 3 returned? ... Check. But no Volume 1. Then again, that's bigger than 2 and 3. I'll talk to Rarity about that..."
  855. >As she talks to herself and checks off individual books, she hears a knock at the front door, only looking up briefly.
  856. >She can't make out the figures at the door, but it seems like a small group.
  857. >Hopefully they won't be too rowdy like the last one.
  858. >"Come in!" she hollers.
  859. >The front door opens, the bell at the top ringing as it does.
  860. >She hears numerous hoof steps, but finishes just two more quick checks before closing the journal for now.
  861. >"Good morning!" she says cheerfully as she looks up. "How can I help..."
  862. >The words got caught in her mouth when she saw exactly who stood before her.
  863. >Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity,
  864. >And Fluttershy...
  865. >And her brother Shining Armor, his wife Princess Cadance, and their daughter Flurry Heart...
  866. >And her mother and father, Twilight Velvet and Night Light.
  867. >And standing behind Velvet herself... her dear son, Copper.
  868. >Twilight's throat suddenly felt dry.
  869. >"What's going on...?" was all she could think to ask.
  870. >They all looked so... sad.
  871. >"Twilight..." Rainbow began somberly. "We need to talk."
  873. ----------
  875. >You are Anon again.
  876. >After doing a bit of repair work on the latest installment on Town Hall, you decided to pop by the library for lunch.
  877. >You recently bought a fresh jar of peanut butter to go with the Zap Apple Jam from a few months back, and were so eager to try the two together.
  878. >Gosh, the thought of such a sandwich was making you drool the whole way back home.
  879. >It almost drowned out the constant stares you were receiving the whole way home.
  880. >Angry stares.
  881. >Disgusted stares.
  882. >You noticed that the whole time you were at Town Hall, too. Some of the repair workers, folks you'd worked with for years, suddenly were doing all they could to avoid you.
  883. >Did you forget to shower this morning or something?
  885. >You lift an arm and sniff underneath it.
  886. >Nope. Definitely showered.
  887. >It isn't long before Golden Oaks Library, AKA home sweet home, is in sight.
  888. >Maybe you can talk to Twilight about that.
  889. >You sigh as you push open the front door, expecting to see your wife standing either at the front desk or by one of the many familiar bookshelves.
  890. >Instead, the front desk is empty, not a lock of lavender mane in sight.
  891. >Before you can call out for her, you hear the sound of muffled chatter upstairs, in the main foyer upstairs.
  892. >It sounds like multiple voices, but you can't make any of them out.
  893. >But whoever they are, they're clearly someone you and Twilight know.
  894. >With a stretch, you begin making your way up the stairs.
  895. >None of the girls were planning some kind of surprise visit, were they?
  896. >Halfway up the stairs, the voices die down, and it's quickly silent.
  897. "Hello?" you call out. "Twilight? Is that you?"
  898. >You don't hear a response, only more muffled but brief talking.
  899. >One of them definitely sounded like Twilight that time, but the voice was quickly hushed.
  900. >You were a little cautious now the closer to the top you were.
  901. "Twilight?"
  902. >Still no answer.
  903. >You slowed down once you reached the top, the foyer just past the corner.
  904. >Slowly and cautiously, you turn the corner and enter the foyer.
  905. >Only to meet the deadliest glares you'd ever seen—all from your closest friends.
  906. >And... Twilight's parents?
  907. >And Cadance?
  908. >And Flurry?
  909. >And—
  910. >You hear an anguished shrill to your right, followed by a large white mass that practically flew at you.
  911. >With just enough quick thinking, you darted forward to avoid it. When you turned around, you were met with a very clearly pissed off Shining Armor.
  912. >You'd seen him angry before, but nothing like this!
  913. >Never like this!
  914. >"Shining!" you heard Twilight shout. "What are you doing?!"
  915. >You turn around only briefly behind you to see your wife sitting on the couch. Her eyes are the widest you'd ever seen them!
  916. >Before you can say anything, you feel a warmth wash over you, and you realize you're being picked up in a magical aura, then suddenly flung back.
  917. >Right into the grasp of Shining Armor.
  918. >Immediately, he raised one of his hooves back and swung at you.
  919. >You were quick to block the first two hits, but Shining bound your arms together, leaving you defenseless.
  920. >His hoof made contact with your head, leaving your vision spinning around with no discernible direction, and a searing pain through your skull.
  921. >But that wasn't what you focused on.
  922. >It was what he asked you.
  923. >The question was almost completely drowned out amid the frenzy of screaming and shouting among the angry mob.
  924. >But you heard it loud and clear.
  926. >"/STOP!/" your wife shrieked.
  927. >A moment later, Shining was enveloped in a purple aura, along with everyone else who was about to gang up on you.
  928. >You fell from Shining's grip and, with just enough strength, ran over to the couch, just beside your wife.
  930. >"YOU GET AWAY FROM HER!" Rarity screamed at you, yet unable to charge at you due to her sudden bondage.
  931. >Before she could say anything else, Rarity's mouth was magically zipped shut.
  932. >"Alright, that's it!" Twilight shouted angrily. "I demand you tell me what's going on! /Right now!/"
  933. >"We know what's been going on, Twilight!" Rainbow exclaimed. "We know Anon's been abusing you!"
  934. >The sudden accusation had you sputtering in spite of your injuries.
  935. "What...?!"
  936. >"Shut it!" Rainbow shouted at you. "Copper told us everything!"
  937. >You and Twilight looked at Copper, who stood behind Velvet. The two of you were completely confused and more flabbergasted than anything.
  938. >The poor kid looked on the verge of crying.
  939. >"I-I don't..." Twilight began, but the words couldn't come out.
  940. >Cooper then began to sob.
  941. >"I-I heard you hurt her the other night!" he said in between sobs.
  942. >The other night? When did...
  943. >The moment it hit you, your face turned white.
  944. >"I always heard you! You've been hurting her for years! She always screamed for you to stop, and you never did! You always hit her and screamed at her!"
  945. >Copper stomped forward, screaming at you, his eyes contorting angrily through the tears.
  947. >You and Twilight eyed each other.
  948. >Her face was just as white as yours.
  949. >As heartbroken as you were hearing your boy so hurt, there were plenty of other emotions running through your head.
  950. >But there was one thing that hit you like a sack of bricks.
  951. >You got caught.
  952. >"... Oh, dear," Twilight said.
  953. >You /both/ got caught.
  954. >There was so much more she wanted to say, you could just tell.
  955. >"... T-That's all you have to s—" Rainbow asked, but suddenly had her mouth also magically closed before she could finish.
  956. >Twilight was shaking, panicking mentally, even. But she tried her damndest to keep calm, closing her eyes taking a deep breath and expelling it outward very slowly.
  957. >When she opened her eyes, she turned to Copper.
  958. >"Copper...? Honey...?"
  959. >Your son looked up to his mother, tears in his eyes, but said nothing.
  960. >Twilight sighed shakily and rested a single hoof on his shoulder.
  961. >"What you heard... wasn't real."
  962. >Those who still had open mouths all let out a collective "... What...?"
  963. >"B-But... I... I heard dad hurt you."
  964. >"I know you did, sweetie," Twilight said guiltily, almost unable to look her son in the eye. "You were never supposed to hear that. Any of it. Even the... /other/ things."
  965. >You knew what she referred to.
  966. >"I-I don't understand."
  967. >Twilight turned to look at the collective mob of her friends and family members. They all shared similar sentiments:
  968. >Confusion, anger, concern, sadness, and above all, demand.
  969. >Most of it was directed towards you, of course.
  970. >"I know you don't," Twilight stated as she turned back to Copper. "I'll explain everything... for the most part. But for now, I need you to go up to your room while I talk to everyone. Okay? Promise me?"
  972. >Copper looked at his mom, then to you. Much like yesterday, he looked away.
  973. >"... Okay. I promise."
  974. >Twilight gave Copper a hug; the young colt gripped his mom for dear life, but only for a moment.
  975. >When he pulled away, he ran up the stairs leading to his room.
  976. >Once she heard the door shut, she let out an exhausted, embarrassed sigh.
  977. >She released Rarity, Shining Armor, and Rainbow Dash from her magical grip.
  978. >"Twilight," Shining said firmly, "/what/ is going on?"
  979. >Twilight, attempting to maintain her sense of calm, performed the familiar breathing technique Cadance had taught her all those years ago.
  980. >"Everyone sit down... this is gonna take a while."
  982. ----------
  984. >And it did.
  985. >An hour later, everyone was still sitting on the nearby couch, on the floor around you, and Twilight was tending to the bruises inflicted upon you by her brother.
  986. >Meanwhile, you and your wife were forced to come clean about every single filthy, dirty, despicable, and exciting sexual escapade you had done in the last three years.
  987. >More specifically, the ones that revolved around "Rape-Play."
  988. >Do you know how fun it is to admit to your closest friends and step-family that you pretend to occasionally rape your wife?
  989. >Here's a hint: NOT AT ALL.
  990. >The other night was just another one of your sessions, a tradition the two of you had kept up with every couple weeks or so as to not let it get bland.
  991. >"So... you just did it even when Copper was home?" Rainbow asked, trying to understand why the two of you would have such loud, raunchy sex within earshot of your son.
  992. "Well, like Twilight said earlier, he was never supposed to hear any of that," you tell her. "We always use a soundproof spell for when we get /too/ loud."
  993. >"... Only, he's been able to hear everything this whole time," Twilight added almost stoically. "Which means I wasn't even using it right."
  994. >You give Twilight a sympathetic smile.
  995. "Well... on the bright side, it /was/ working at first."
  996. >Amid her embarrassment, Twilight deadpanned you and rolled her eyes.
  997. >You smile and snort, only to wince as a fresh wave of pain rippled through your head.
  998. "Ugh, my head is killing me. You hit hard, Shining."
  999. >"Good."
  1000. >"/Shining,/" Twilight said sternly.
  1001. >"Right... sorry..."
  1002. >"So... you guys aren't fighting?" Rainbow asked.
  1003. >"And Anon ain't hurting you?" Applejack asked with a glance towards you.
  1004. >You and Twilight firmly said "NO".
  1005. "We just wanted to spice things up a bit," you admitted.
  1006. >"By... pretending to violate Twilight?" Rarity asked slowly.
  1007. >"/Yes,/" Twilight said. "And before any of you start getting any ideas, I'm gonna say it right now: This whole thing was /MY/ idea. Anon didn't even want to do it at first."
  1008. >Everyone looked at you. Feeling put on the spotlight, you sank into your seat.
  1010. "She's right," you admit shyly. "I-I didn't really know where to start. It just seemed so... excessive. I mean, we have a safe word and everything and we plan these out days in advance... but the first time we did it, I was terrified something was gonna go wrong. That I was gonna end up actually hurting her."
  1011. >You felt Twilight kiss your cheek.
  1012. >"And that's what the safe word is for~"
  1013. >"And the safe word is...?" Applejack asked.
  1014. >Twilight turned to her with a serious stare.
  1015. >"Pickle Dickle Tickle Tickle."
  1016. >That got a few collective snickers from the group; even her mom joined in.
  1017. >Twilight giggled softly.
  1018. >"That's why we chose it. It's the best way to break things up."
  1019. >After the snickers die down, Rarity speaks up again.
  1020. >"So what happens now?"
  1021. >You sigh awkwardly.
  1022. "Well... first things first is to talk to Copper about it. I can't imagine what he's thinking about me... but we're gonna fix that ASAP."
  1023. >"And then?"
  1024. >"... And then fix the soundproof spell," Twilight answered slowly and sheepishly. "The last thing we need is to go through this again later. /For anything./"
  1025. "Agreed," you said aloud. "In the meantime, I guess I should take the rest of the day off. I was getting some nasty looks around town earlier. Guess this explains why."
  1026. >Twilight's ears drooped.
  1027. >"Oh, dear..."
  1029. ----------
  1031. >Later at night—after a healthy talk with the residents of Ponyville about the pros and potential cons of Rape-Play—and after everyone had gone home, you and Twilight sat on Copper's bed, trying to explain to him that Daddy hurting Mommy was all in good fun.
  1032. >It wasn't exactly easy to get the message across to an eight year old colt without being so explicit, but omitting the right words certainly helped!
  1033. >"S-So... y-you and mom don't hate each other?" Copper asked in a concerned tone.
  1034. >"Of course we don't, sweetie," Twilight answered sweetly.
  1035. "Yeah, kiddo," you add, "your mom and I still love each other just as much as we did the day we met."
  1036. >"And... what you do is... okay...?"
  1037. >You and Twilight look at each other, before Twilight turns back to Copper.
  1038. >"It's not exactly something everyone will approve of," she answers sheepishly. "Some are gonna be put off by it, but at the end of the day, it's all in good fun."
  1039. >She raises a hoof.
  1040. >"However, /always/ be sure that whatever you do with your special somepony, you are both completely consenting to it. That's the most important thing above all else. Understand?"
  1041. >Copper nods.
  1042. >"Good boy."
  1043. >Twilight leans over to kiss Copper on the forehead, just under his horn.
  1044. >"Now get some sleep, okay?"
  1045. >"... Okay."
  1046. >You lean over and embrace your boy into a hug, kissing him on the top of his head.
  1047. >He's hesitant at first, judging from his body language, but he eventually gives in and hugs you back.
  1048. "I love you, buddy."
  1049. >You can feel him smile.
  1050. >"I love you too, dad."
  1052. >After wishing him a good night's sleep, you and Twilight turn off his bedroom light and leave his room, then make the retreat to your own.
  1053. >After a long, long, /long/ day, you and Twilight fall into the queen-size mattress, hold each other close, and sigh into each other's shoulder.
  1054. >"... I feel sick," Twilight says after a minute of silence.
  1055. "... Me too."
  1056. >"How are we ever gonna look any of them in the eyes again?"
  1057. "Dominantly...?"
  1058. >Twilight doesn't answer that. But you can feel the eye roll.
  1059. >"How are your bruises looking?" she asks, unable to see them with how dim the lights are in the bedroom.
  1060. "They're a lot better than earlier, thanks to you~"
  1061. >You kiss Twilight on the cheek, earning a coo.
  1062. >You then lean lower and kiss her neck, making her shiver from your touch.
  1063. "What about yours?" you whisper, referring to the hits you gave her the other night.
  1064. >"Not as bad as I thought they'd be. But my butt's still sore from that one slap. Did you mean to do that?"
  1065. "Kinda... I was gonna hit your side, but... I was scared I was gonna hit too hard."
  1066. >Twilight giggled softly and kissed your forehead.
  1067. >"Don't be scared. I can take it, you know I can~"
  1068. "I know you can, but I still worry. Especially now that the entire town knows about it. I just don't want them getting the wrong idea again... that's all."
  1069. >Twilight leans up and gazes firmly into your eyes.
  1070. >"Sweetie, listen to me. I love the townsponies, I really do. But who cares what they think? I'm your wife, and you're my husband. What we do in the bedroom, or in our private life at all, is our business. What we do to and with each other is our business, /not/ theirs. And if they can't accept that, then that's just too bad. Don't let them decide what we can and can't do in our own marriage. Understand?"
  1071. >A nervous lump was caught in your throat, keeping you from speaking right away.
  1072. >So you remedied it with a deep kiss.
  1073. >You and your wife sat in almost total silence for a few moments, except for the occasion whimper or moan that left her mouth, as you brushed your lips with hers, fighting the urge to slip your tongue into her mouth.
  1074. >When you pulled away, leaving her breathless for a second, you gazed back into her eyes.
  1075. "I don't deserve you."
  1076. >She just smiles.
  1077. >"Nope. You earned me."
  1078. >You kiss the base of her horn, and she coos again.
  1079. >After pulling away, you sigh.
  1080. "Well, in any case, I guess we'll have to put our night fun on hold until we can figure out what's wrong with the spell."
  1081. >Twilight just giggled, hiding her mouth with a hoof.
  1082. >"Who said we had to wait...?"
  1083. >She then twirled around almost flawlessly in bed, turning until she was facing away from you, with her back pressed up against your chest, and her rump pushed against your crotch.
  1084. >With the heat she was already giving off, it was impossible to stay decent.
  1085. "You sure?" you ask for sureness' sake.
  1086. >"Mm-hmm," she hums softly. "I can be quiet too~"
  1088. >With a smirk, you wrap one of your legs underneath and around her barrel, and another caressing dem hips.
  1089. >With your shaft sandwiched between her cheeks, you lean into her ear and whisper.
  1090. "We'll see about that."
  1091. >She looked back at you.
  1092. >"P-Please don't..." her voice whispered back.
  1093. >But her eyes?
  1094. >Oh, those eyes~
  1095. >If they could scream...
  1096. >You kiss her gently and growl.
  1097. "Stop me."
  1098. >She didn't want to.
  1100. ==========
  1104. >Step. Step. Step. Step.
  1105. >Each and every step through your home was another cold, barely calculated shuffle towards the comfort of a hot shower.
  1106. >It'd been a long day.
  1107. >Between having to help rebuild the Town Hall roof, helping Fluttershy round up a loose family of geese, and building that new home for the Sugar Family two blocks down, you're more beat than a pack of lemons on a hot summer day.
  1108. >... That's how beat you are. You can't even plan out a decent metaphor.
  1109. >As you entered the main foyer of the upper floor, you tried to keep your hoofsteps as light as possible when passing your son's room.
  1110. >It was already late enough that your wife no doubt put him to bed.
  1111. >You couldn't help but feel bad that you got home so late, but the work piled on more than you anticipated.
  1112. >And the pay was good...
  1113. >With a sad but tired sigh, you continue trotting silently towards the bathroom.
  1114. >When you finally made it inside, you hopped in once the water was warm enough.
  1115. >All the gunk and dirt that had accumulated throughout the day all went down the drain.
  1116. >It helped, but by the gods, you were still exhausted.
  1117. >After finishing up and drying off, you nearly fell out of the bathtub as you began the trip to your room.
  1118. >You pushed open the bedroom door with a light creak.
  1119. >It didn't take long for your eyes to fall upon the familiar figure laying in bed, a book levitating precariously over her, her eyes darting slowly left to right, then back again.
  1120. >You saw her ear perk at the sound of your entrance, and her lip curled into a smile, but she otherwise didn't move.
  1121. >It was something Twilight had become accustomed to in recent months, but it didn't make you feel any better.
  1122. >Slowly, you crawled into bed, feeling your muscles give out in real time.
  1123. >You sighed heavily into the pillow.
  1124. >"Long day?" your wife suddenly asked in the silence.
  1125. "Mm-hmm..." you reply slowly.
  1126. >You lean your head up as you feel Twilight's hoof gently comb through your mane.
  1127. >"How was work?"
  1128. >You lean guiltily into her touch as you pull your face out of the pillow and turn to face her.
  1129. "Exhausting. I don't think I'm ever taking up that many offers ever again. Don't care how good anyone pays."
  1130. >You'd been Ponyville's designated Contractor for years, taking up any job that paid, and even getting to know everyone who ever lived here in return.
  1131. >It was a pleasant, comfortable, rewarding lifestyle for you.
  1132. >Well, almost.
  1133. >Days like this one were rare, but ruesome all the same.
  1134. >Twilight hummed gently, putting you at ease.
  1135. >"Did you go into the kitchen at all?" she asked as she flipped the page of her book.
  1136. "Mm-mm," you hummed back.
  1137. >"Alright, then. I made a spinach mozzarella casserole for dinner. The rest is in... the door? Top shelf?"
  1138. >Twilight then went quiet and set her book face down on her lap.
  1139. >Her eyes glowed for a moment and then faded.
  1140. >"Bottom shelf, sorry," she spoke again with a sheepish giggle.
  1142. >You chuckled tiredly as you realized what she did.
  1143. >But a few moments later, your smile faded.
  1144. "... Sorry I missed dinner," you said somberly.
  1145. >Twilight only waved your concern away with a kiss on your forehead.
  1146. >"Shh... it's alright."
  1147. >You sigh, relaxing into her kiss.
  1148. >This mare... sometimes, you feel like you only got lucky with her by pure chance.
  1149. >But every time she kisses you, holds you, touches you, you feel like being lucky isn't all that bad.
  1150. >When Twilight pulls her lips away from your forehead, you watch her glance over to her book before setting a bookmark in between two pages.
  1151. >She sets the book down on the nightstand beside her and leans back into the mattress, turning on her side to face you.
  1152. >The unicorn just gazes into your eyes and smiles.
  1153. >"Do you want me to do anything for you?" she whispers caringly.
  1154. >It doesn't take long to understand what she means, and you blush.
  1155. >You can take charge whenever you want and she'll always want it.
  1156. >But being married for ten years doesn't make you feel any less shy about /asking/.
  1157. "M-Maybe a blowjob...?" you ask softly, almost as if it was a dirty thing to ask.
  1158. >... Well, it was, but you get the point.
  1159. >Twilight just giggles and kisses your forehead again.
  1160. >"Okay~" she titters before sneaking her way down the bed and over your hips.
  1161. >With a glow of her horn, your groin area is illuminated and then very quickly stimulated.
  1162. >A small hike of air escapes your throat, followed by a muffled groan behind your hoof as your wife makes quick work of your nethers.
  1163. >Before long, the head of your cock begins to emerge from your sheath, growing exponentially from her ethereal massage.
  1164. >As you become fully erect, the aura surrounding your cock begins to move up and down.
  1165. >You groan again and instinctively reach up to comb a hoof through your mane, before leaning your head back into the pillow, staring up at the ceiling.
  1166. >You hear the sound of your wife giggling as she peppers your shaft with little kisses.
  1167. >Then suddenly, without a hint of hesitation or warning, she takes the whole thing into her mouth.
  1168. >You bury your face into another pillow and shudder as Twilight starts to bob her head up and down your cock without delay.
  1169. >The walls of the bedroom glow a faint lavender, and you realize she's using the soundproof spell again.
  1170. >With that in mind, you let your voice be heard.
  1171. >Every moan earns you another deepthroat, another lick of your balls... another smile from her.
  1172. >Even with her mouth full of cock, she still looked so pretty.
  1173. >It made you smile.
  1174. >The cold air propogating throughout the bedroom, coupled with Twilight's warm, inviting mouth, served to make you even harder.
  1175. >And boy, could she feel it!
  1176. >You could hear her struggle to get more of you in her throat, gagging and even threatening to vomit once.
  1177. >Yet she seemed undeterred to stop.
  1178. >Not until you were satisfied.
  1179. >You really don't deserve her.
  1180. >But as she always says...
  1181. >/You've earned her./
  1183. "I-I'm gonna cum..." you whisper aloud, gripping the bedsheets beneath you as you feel yourself approaching the edge.
  1184. >Twilight continues to bob up and down while using her magic to massage your base and balls.
  1185. >The feeling in your body only amplifies; the sensation is as intense as it always has been.
  1186. >But tonight, for some reason, it just feels s-so...!
  1187. "Ohhh fffuck...~"
  1188. >You cum almost without warning, releasing straight into Twilight's throat as she continued to suck you off.
  1189. >When the feeling became too great, she stopped moving, and all you could hear was the sound of her swallowing every drop of semen you expelled into her mouth.
  1190. >And it only made you cum harder.
  1191. >Amid swallowing, you felt her smile and heard her giggle as she also realized what was happening.
  1192. >She rested one of her hooves on your stomach, and you held it in return.
  1193. >It was your wordless thank you.
  1194. >Once your orgasm subsided, she pulled her mouth off your cock with a gentle pop, giving it a few extra licks to clean off anything she missed.
  1195. >With a single kiss on your tip, she pulled away and returned to your side with a smile.
  1196. >"Better?"
  1197. >You reached up to cup her cheeks in your hooves and pressed your forehead against hers.
  1198. "Thank you."
  1199. >She leaned in to kiss you gently on the lips, a gesture you graciously returned.
  1200. >The two of you kissed for a few moments before you pulled away.
  1201. "Do you want /me/ to do anything?" you asked her with a light pant.
  1202. >But your wife only shook her head.
  1203. >"It's okay. I just wanted to make /you/ feel better."
  1204. >As tired as you were feeling, you still felt bad, and Twilight could sense it.
  1205. >She kissed your cheek and whispered into your ear.
  1206. >"But I wouldn't mind a quickie in the morning~"
  1207. >You laugh quietly to yourself and look up at her.
  1208. "I can do that~"
  1209. >The two of you giggle to yourselves and hold each other close in bed.
  1210. >You start to feel yourself drift off to sleep, but before you do, you give Twilight another gentle kiss.
  1211. "I love you."
  1212. >The last thing you hear before passing out is Twilight giggling.
  1213. >"I love you more~"

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