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The Anonymous Show

By Ravensmith
Created: 2022-10-23 06:48:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >You stand naked in the shower.
  2. >It's cramped and not exactly the cleanest with hair on the floor thanks to your roommate... but it works.
  3. >Reaching towards the shower handle, you rest your hand on it and stare up blankly at the shower head.
  4. >You weren't exactly "cold shower pilled" as some people fervently suggested online.
  5. >Gritting your teeth, you turn the handle all the way in the hope it gets warmer at all-
  6. "Fuuuuck. T-that's cold."
  7. >It's hard to describe, but your brain jumps every time you feel that chill hit your legs and you shiver uncontrollably.
  8. >After a minute, you ease into the water as the rest of your body temperature drops like a rock.
  9. >You turn around to reach for your body wash and shampoo, but see nothing.
  10. >Right. You ran out last week and haven't gotten any since.
  11. >This sucks.
  12. >Not only have you started to fail all of your college classes in only the second year, you've barely been able to afford living here.
  13. >It didn't help that your parents stopped supporting you, insisting you needed to "toughen up" on your own.
  14. >Really, they probably just wanted you out of their lives after they found the degenerate shit you're into.
  15. >Unfortunately, you don't have a job and it'd be impossible to make enough from anything for the stupidly high rent here.
  16. >Sure, you had enough to pay for last month, but that was after scraping the bottom of your funds and asking online friends for help.
  17. >Those online friends haven't talked to you since.
  18. >You had a girlfriend for a bit, but she dumped you when all the other shit went down. Not like she was interested in you anyways.
  19. >After standing in the shower for five minutes, you feel numb from the cold water constantly spilling down your skin.
  20. "Why in the fuck is this happening to me? What the fuck did I do to deserve this?"
  21. >While ranting to yourself, you think you can feel some warm tears come out.
  22. >Fuck it, you'll cry like a little bitch if you want to. Who's going to stop you?
  23. >Hell, might as well indulge in some edge. If any higher being exists, they can enjoy the show since you've never went this far before.
  24. "No point in living. Might as well just drown myself."
  25. >You pound the ceramic wall with your hands in frustration.
  26. "You hear me? I'll just fucking die. I know I might have been spoiled and this is nothing to other people in third world countries or whatever, but I don't care. I'm gonna commit suicide."
  27. >You sit down and position yourself almost as if you're going to do that.
  28. >Almost.
  29. >Who are you kidding? You don't have the balls to do it. Things might be rough right now, but you'll get through it.
  30. >And you're definitely not gonna be able to kill yourself with a shower head.
  31. >Letting out a large sigh, you close your eyes and let yourself be soaked, trying not to think about anything.
  33. "H-huh?"
  34. >Opening your eyes, the bathroom is gone and replaced with a smooth purple glow that starts to fade away.
  35. >What's revealed is a large circular room made out of crystal, with bright lights at every angle around you.
  36. >You make a feeble attempt at covering your eyes and squint upwards when you hear a loud "whirring" slowing down.
  37. >It's some kind of large device that looks like a camera, and it just consumed the remaining purple glow... stuff.
  38. >Looking around you again, you see a few horses standing around you. No, ponies, like from that show?
  39. >They look so cartoonish. Actually, that one cantering up to you looks a lot like...
  40. >"Anon, are you okay? You broke one of our policies, so we had to end the broadcast. Sorry about that."
  41. >It's Twilight fucking Sparkle, the talking unicorn horse.
  42. >You pinch your arm and feel a twitch of pain.
  43. "There's no way this is real. You're literally a talking horse. What the hell?"
  44. >As you hurriedly stand up, you realize you're still naked and uselessly try to cover yourself with your hands.
  45. >She quirks her head at you in what seems to be confusion, until she makes a shocked face.
  46. >"No way, how did I not realize... you don't remember anything?"
  47. "I have definitely never seen a talking horse in the flesh."
  48. >Twilight gives you... a hurt look, you think. It's a little bizarre to be seeing that in real life.
  49. >Her voice carried obvious guilt. "Anon, I'm so sorry. The spell worked so well, I didn't think there were any side effects. Did you really... forget about me?"
  50. >You hold up your palm and she halts.
  51. "Hang on just a second. What exactly is going on here? I don't remember anything other than my normal life."
  52. >She turns around to hide her face. "Um, well, you were so distraught when you first came here to Equestria... about how you could never see your friends or family ever again."
  53. >"It was heartbreaking to see somepony- someone in that state, even if I didn't know you that well. So I researched a spell to emulate your world based on your memories."
  54. >Her horn lights up and the camera-like device on the ceiling audibly clicks before floating down.
  55. >"After I finished the spell in a year, I embedded it in this device and asked if you wanted to test it."
  56. >She turns around and gives the device a sad look as it settles on the floor. "You said yes, and I couldn't possibly say no to that big grin on your face... so I went ahead with it."
  57. >"But," she continues, "I clearly made a big mistake. It's technically just a theory, but I'm quite sure now that the spell absorbed your memories to make that world."
  58. >Twilight's face twists in regret as she starts to cry. "You don't even remember your old life anymore, d-do you? Just this f-fake one I g-gave you. It's, it's all my fault!"
  59. >You understand her pain, yet you can't help but feel rage rise up, burning in your heart.
  60. "Who cares about some memories, why did you make me go through all of that?! Couldn't you see I wasn't happy? How could anyone be happy when their life spirals out of control?"
  61. >Twilight opens her mouth, about to speak when a sharp snap resounds throughout the room and she jerks her head in response.
  62. >An old looking griffin in a fancy suit stands to the side, scowling at both of you with his claw held up. "Now whaaat is the hold up here, Miss Sparkle?"
  63. >She looks down in shame. "Well, Mister Goldberg, I seem to have made a serious error with my spell. Anon can't keep going-"
  64. >"Oh please, I could care less about what the small minotaur thinks. Do you realize how many complaints have been sent already?"
  65. >He sputters in Twilight's face, "THOUSANDS OF THEM!"
  66. >She is starting to look irritated. "Look, Anon lost all of his memories because of this device and has apparently been very unhappy. He is practically being tortured!"
  67. >The griffin angrily clenches his claw, until he suddenly smirks. "He loses his memories, you say? I was worried about him breaking our policies again if we put him back, but that solves everything!"
  68. >Twilight stands there in complete bewilderment as Goldberg urges the other ponies, "Well? Get the lifecast back up there, now!"
  69. >As they move it back up and engage the ceiling lock, she unfreezes and her horn lights up.
  70. >"Get away from that! I only accepted your help because you agreed to keep the device powered, which was expensive. There's no longer a reason to do any of that!"
  71. >The griffin yawns and presses a button on his remote, causing Twilight's magic glow to disappear.
  72. >She tries harder to use magic, but only manages a few sparks. "What? How did you just-"
  73. >"This is MY operation now, Miss Sparkle. I'm not going to disappoint the audience. The ponies LOVE his 'performance,' you see."
  74. >Guards suddenly surround her and drag her away as she flails her hooves around. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS!"
  75. >You realize you're next and try to make a run for it, but you're immediately grabbed by the griffin as his talons painfully dig into your shoulders.
  76. >"You're up, boy! I'm thinking the viewers will love a reboot... don't you agree?"
  77. >Behind you, the purple glow has already re-established itself.
  78. "No no no, I won't go back! Please! DON'T-"
  79. >Your mind goes blank as you're thrusted into the glow and total darkness envelops you.
  80. >You struggle to hold onto your thoughts, but they inevitably slip away from you.
  81. >Eventually, your consciousness fades, and it all begins again.

The Anonymous Show

by Ravensmith


by Ravensmith

Booping Bad

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Written in Blood

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