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By Ravensmith
Created: 2022-11-07 03:03:26
Updated: 2022-11-07 03:09:27
Expiry: Never

  1. >You aimlessly walk down a dirt path just on the outskirts of Ponyville.
  2. >This has been a routine walk for a while now, for a variety of reasons.
  3. >Equestria is... really beautiful, in every way possible.
  4. >It's nice to just embrace nature here by coming here and admiring with all of your senses.
  5. >But a horrid sensation just assaulted you as your fingers brushed against the fabric of your shirt.
  6. >A jagged fingernail. Specifically on your middle finger.
  7. >You stop and inspect your hands.
  8. >Currently, your nails have been bitten down to practically nothing alongside rough, bitten skin around them. It's a little ugly to see, but it meant that there wouldn't be anything to bite.
  9. >At least, until another nail grew enough to start that crazy powerful urge.
  10. >You grimace and go to pick at the jagged nail with your other nails, until you realize they're not long enough to do anything.
  11. >Looks like it's time to give into biting your nails.
  12. >Moving the nail gradually closer to your mouth, you easily remember the vivid smell of saliva on skin and nails invading your nose. A little disgusting... you were used to it.
  13. >You close your eyes, navigating with your sixth sense and bit down-
  14. >Only to feel a large object stopping your teeth.
  15. >Opening your eyes, you find a yellow hoof is the culprit, so you pull it out of your mouth and eye the yellow pegasus fiend in front of you.
  16. "Great. I was wondering when you would show up to ruin my nature walk."
  17. >Surprisingly though, Fluttershy looks very... concerned.
  18. >"Anon, you know you shouldn't be biting down on your, um...."
  19. "Fingernails."
  20. >"O-oh, yeah, fingernails..."
  21. >Just as you tried to move them back, she holds your hands and forcibly pulls them down.
  22. >Then she glares at you. You don't think you've ever seen her look at you in that way.
  23. >It's a bit unnerving.
  24. >With a stern tone, she says, "You need to stop doing that. It's bad for your gums, your teeth, and- and... it hurts. I know it hurts."
  25. >After you respond to her with a blank stare, she sighs.
  26. >"Okay, don't worry. I know just the thing to help you."
  27. >She takes out some small bandages and wraps them tightly around the tips of your fingers.
  28. >"Don't take those off until you break the habit, okay?" She looks up from your fingers and continues, "I'll check on them every single day."
  29. "Yeah, yeah, whatever..."
  30. >Suddenly, her eyes widen. "Wait. Anon, is nail biting your fetish?"
  31. >Her mouth ajar, she touches your fingers again to take off the bandages-
  32. "No. Please avoid biting my nails, thank you."
  33. >Putting her hooves back on the ground, she simply frowns at you, but it slowly turns into what seems to be a genuine smile.
  34. >"Okay, Anon. Take care, and stop hurting yourself. I don't want to see you damaging those fingers, or any part of your body. Understand?"
  35. >You cautiously nod and she flies off in the other direction.
  36. >For once, she had been very caring. And sweet. That was... charming.
  37. >A rapist is charming? You vigorously shake your head.
  38. "No, bad Anon," you mutter to yourself, "she won't trick me by acting like that."
  39. >Finally, you continue your nature walk, waving those bandaged fingertips by your sides.

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