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Booping Bad

By Ravensmith
Created: 2022-11-12 11:09:19
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Anon..."
  2. >You hesitate as Twilight looks up from her book to glare at you.
  3. "Huh, what's wrong? I was just wondering about the book."
  4. >In a devious maneuver, you drop your right index finger to point at the book.
  5. >Your scheme may have been foiled, but it's not over yet. Not by a long shot.
  6. >Twilight rolls her eyes. "Your finger was an inch away from my muzzle and pointed right at it."
  7. >Shit.
  8. "Okay, but why can't I boop you?"
  9. >"It's sensitive. You can't just touch a mare like that!"
  10. >You try to give her your best puppy dog eyes, but she just goes back to her book and ignores you.
  11. "It's not against the law to boop, Twi. I am well within my rights."
  12. >Without looking up, her horn lights up and a book titled "Equestrian Laws volume 58" hovers over from a nearby bookcase to you.
  13. >"Flip to page 839 and read to me Section 43."
  14. >You grab the book and cite it as she instructed.
  15. "A mare has the right to deny anypony access to their muzzle. The act of booping without consent is punishable by death..."
  16. >Putting the book down, you raise an eyebrow at her and smile victoriously.
  17. "I'm not a pony. Therefore, the law does not apply to me."
  18. >Twilight gives an exasperated groan. "That's... that's not how any of this works. I've told you many times that the word 'anypony' is functionally the same as 'anyone.' It's just the language used here in Equestria."
  19. "Aww... okay. If you say so."
  20. >You put down your hand in defeat. The art of booping is dead.
  21. >Until you surprise boop her before she can realize!
  22. >You press your index finger towards her muzzle at what surely feels like the speed of light.
  23. >Just as it hits and the boop is completed, her eyes widen in horror and she looks at you in fear.
  24. >"A-anon, you just-"
  25. >Suddenly, a bright light blinds you out of nowhere.
  26. "Oh god. I mean, oh Celestia. Are you here for a boop too?"
  27. >Celestia stands before you, capturing you with the most judgmental gaze you've ever seen.
  28. >"Anonymous, I am here to carry out your execution. May you burn in Tartarus for violating a mare's personal space."
  29. "Wait, but how did you even know that I booped-"
  30. >Her horn glows powerfully and she blasts you right in the face.
  31. >Pain.
  32. >Everything is burning pain.
  33. >Then everything ceases to exist for you.

The Anonymous Show

by Ravensmith


by Ravensmith

Booping Bad

by Ravensmith

Written in Blood

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Read Eternally

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