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Change of Ownership

By cloudruler
Created: 2022-11-21 04:27:13
Expiry: Never

  1. This is a spiritual continuation of a fimfiction short by Wintermist: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/415699/6/quick-flashes-story-a-day-week/chapter-6-change-of-command
  3. It was early evening as Mrs. Cake stood quietly at her counter as the sole customer perused her display case. She and her husband had been hard at work all day preparing for Princess Celestia’s visit tomorrow. If it hadn’t been for Pinkie taking the foals out on a trip, she knew they would never have had enough time. Even so, poor Carrot was fast asleep upstairs, as he’d baked all through the morning. Her customer was a tall, powerfully built griffon named Gilda. Though Mrs. Cake had only met her once, over a year ago, Gilda was a sight that she found hard to forget. The picture of immodesty, the griffon leaned in with her clawed hands propped on her knees. Massive breasts swayed and strained against the cropped, black tanktop that barely contained them. And a denim skirt terminated so high up her thighs that if anypony else were to enter behind her, they would see right up it. Mrs. Cake could understand to some degree a girl’s struggle to find clothes that fit, but at least she made the effort to conceal her own generous curves behind a blouse and mom jeans… Though, as her husband had told her many times before, her apron tugged the fabric just enough to leave little of her chest to the imagination.
  5. Finally, Gilda pointed at a cream donut inside the display, and Cake noticed the curious bracelet that adorned her wrist. It was wholly unlike the rest of the griffon’s getup, golden and silver in intermingling swirls expertly caught the light, making it flicker tantalizingly with every subtle movement.
  6. “Gimme one of those.”
  7. Mrs. Cake pulled her eyes from the jewelry and retrieved the donut.
  8. “Sure thing, sweetie. That will just be one bit.”
  9. Her customer rested the braceleted wrist over the counter, and the other hand came over it. Claws slowly traced the engravings.
  10. “Actually, just give me this one on the house.”
  11. Mrs. Cake blinked, and something akin to fatigue buzzed through her head for a second. She supposed Gilda had been away from Ponyville for a long time, so letting her have a little gift wasn’t too much to ask.
  12. “Well, I suppose I could. Consider it my treat.” She replied with a sweet smile. Gilda smirked back as she retrieved the donut, and she held her stare with Mrs. Cake as she took one long, savoring first bite. Mrs. Cake was the first to flinch, looking down at her own hands on the unused till.
  13. “Say, it’s looking pretty dead around here. Where is everyone?”
  14. Mrs. Cake looked back up at her.
  15. “Oh, you must mean Mr. Cake and Pinkie. They’re, well, they’re around.”
  16. Gilda swallowed another bite of her donut and stroked the bracelet. Again, a strange fatigue tickled behind Mrs. Cake’s eyes.
  17. “When I ask you a question, you need to answer it straight-up. Now tell me where they are.” Gilda demanded with a cold sternness that made Mrs. Cake’s spine chill.
  18. “My husband is upstairs, and Pinkie’s out with the foals.” She replied, only to furrow her brow in confusion afterwards. Why is that any of Gilda’s business?
  19. “Now, I think it’s high time I started closing down for the night. Will there be anything else, Miss Gilda?”
  20. “Yeah, it is. Close down, and then you and I are gonna have a long chat.”
  21. Mrs. Cake blinked again. She did need to close, but…
  22. “Well,” she began uncertainly, “Normally, the customers must all leave before I close down.”
  23. But Gilda waved it off, eyeing the final chunk of her donut.
  24. “I belong here. Now hurry up.”
  25. “You-”
  26. Gilda sighed and dragged her claws over the bracelet.
  27. “I have every right to be here, whenever I want. Got that? In fact, I own the place for buck’s sake.”
  28. Mrs. Cake scoffed. That’s ridiculous! She and Carrot bought Sugarcube corner outright years ago! She opened her mouth to say as much, but Gilda growled and held the bracelet up in front herself and rubbed it vigorously.
  29. “I own this joint. You hear me? And everything in it is mine, too.”
  30. Mrs. Cake’s mouth was agape, but no sound came out. That can’t be true at all! But could it? Could it? She and Carrot signed the deed and title themselves. But that was so long ago, maybe she missed something? But she did not see how that could have happened. In her daze, she didn’t realize that Gilda stomped around the counter and was in her face now, the look on her face hot and possessive. She felt herself cowing before Gilda, cringing backwards.
  31. “You know I’m right. I own it. I own it and I can throw you and your whole family out of here TONIGHT if you get on my bad side.”
  32. Mrs. Cake gasped and covered her mouth. The truth in it was plain as day. She did not know how, but it was as true as anything before her eyes. Gilda pressed into her, her giant tits squished against the restrained bust under Mrs. Cake’s shirt, and she clumsily stepped back.
  33. “I-I… Don’t know what to say. I thought…”
  34. Tears sprang from her eyes. Her voice quivered and reduced into whimpering sobs. The baker mare shielded her face behind her hands and turned away.
  35. “I had no idea… I thought we owned it! I-I-”
  36. Behind her now, Gilda cursed. Claws gripped firmly on her wrists and turned her back around. She easily wrenched Mrs. Cake’s hands aside.
  37. “Hey, hey… Cut that out. Stop crying.” She commanded, seeming more irritated than concerned.
  38. “You’re going to wake the old stallion up doing that.”
  39. “But… But he should know about this…” She struggled to speak through a soaked face. But Gilda just stroked her bracelet again, speaking calmly.
  40. “No. You don’t want to be the one to wake him up. I’ll deal with him later. Right now, you are going to calm down.”
  41. She was being a bit hysterical, wasn’t she? Crying hardly helps anything, especially when she already has foals to raise that do plenty of crying on their own.
  42. “Okay… I’ll calm down.” She took a deep breath and resolved her face to solemnity.
  43. “So, what does this mean for us?”
  44. Gilda smirked once again, playing with the bracelet just outside of Mrs. Cake’s vision.
  45. “It means that I’m the boss. You gotta do whatever I say, whenever I say it. You understand?”
  46. “...I… Understand.”
  47. “I am the boss. Say it.”
  48. Mrs. Cake’s tummy coiled into cold knots. But she knew that there was no other way to protect her family.
  49. “You are the boss.”
  50. “And you’re gonna do whatever I say.”
  51. “Whatever you say.”
  52. Gilda sighed and cupped a hand around Mrs. Cake’s chin. Her ears pinned to her head, but she made no noise.
  53. “Finally, now go close the shop down. Where’s your bedroom?”
  54. She answered without pause.
  55. “Upstairs, third door on the right.”
  56. Gilda chuckled to herself and walked towards the stairs.
  57. “That’s my girl. When you’re done, come up and meet me.”
  58. She wanted nothing more than to pursue her, to keep her away from her poor husband. But again, duty was more important. She turned off the ovens and closed the doors for the night. And when she climbed to the master bedroom, she found Gilda straddling her husband. The blankets were tossed aside, and beneath the griffon’s frame, Carrot Cake looked like a scarecrow. His pelvis disappeared beneath her two globular ass cheeks, which she ground on him slowly. She was muttering something to him, and Carrot muttered back sleepily. When she was done, Gilda sat up and grinned wolfishly back at Mrs. Cake.
  59. “What’s the matter, thought I was gonna steal him?” She cackled, and Mrs. Cake clenched her teeth. Gilda rolled off Carrot and sat casually facing her. The stallion simply closed his eyes and went back to sleep.
  60. “Did you… Did you hurt him?” Mrs. Cake finally managed.
  61. “Nah, just told him that from now on, he is totally cool with me being in charge.”
  62. “Oh…” Well, Carrot took that a lot better than she did.
  63. “But that’s not all. He’s also totally cool with everything I’m gonna do to you.”
  64. Gilda’s predatory eyes thinned as she rose and approached Mrs. Cake, who trembled in her spot.
  65. “W-what do you mean? What’s going to happen?”
  66. Talons gripped tightly around the top of Mrs. Cake’s mane, and Gilda tugged her effortlessly down to her knees. Mrs. Cake couldn’t stop herself from letting out a surprised yelp.
  67. “Oh, you don’t have to worry about being quiet, now.” Gilda said dismissively as she walked her captive to the bed.
  68. “Fuck, I thought about this the moment I laid eyes on you at that party… I had no idea I’d actually get the chance.”
  69. Gilda grabbed under Mrs. Cake’s armpits and tossed her onto the bed. Like a tiger, she pounced on the soft mare and rolled her around until she was straddling Mrs. Cake, like she’d done her husband. Sheer terror plastered the mare’s face and she reflexively shot her arms up in front of her, as if Gilda were about to strike her.
  70. “Cut that out!” Gilda growled, and grabbed both arms and forced them to either side of Mrs. Cake’s head. She gazed wide-eyed up at Gilda, who glared down at her.
  71. “Don’t you DARE resist me. Ever!”
  72. Mrs. Cake cried out through chattering teeth.
  73. “I won’t! I won’t! I promise I won’t! Please don’t hurt me!”
  74. Gilda let go of her arms and she dared not move. The griffon breathed heavy as she toyed once more with her bracelet.
  75. “I got you, now. You’re mine. You belong to me.”
  76. The weight of defeat pushed down on Mrs. Cake as much as the weight of her captor’s powerful thighs. She knew it was true. She was caught, like some prey animal in the wild, she was completely and permanently subdued.
  77. “I’m your fucking owner, just like I own this bakery. You are MINE. Say it!”
  78. Gilda grabbed Mrs. Cake’s face and she felt like the claw tips were going to pierce her skin. She uttered the phrase without a hint of doubt.
  79. “I am yours…”
  80. Her owner shuddered on top of her.
  81. “Fuck, this is gonna be good… Enough fucking around!”
  82. Mrs. Cake felt her apron being gripped.

Zala the Zebra

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Change of Ownership

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Shorts because fuck you pastebin.

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