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Dust Up

By cloudruler
Created: 2023-04-17 18:37:57
Expiry: Never

  1. >The silence of the woodland night was rocked as two bodies flung at each other in a glade.
  2. >Lightning Dust shot at Gilda headfirst, knocking the wind out of the griffon, who tumbled backwards. She smiles crazily through heavy breaths at her opponent. Gilda sprung back up and shook it off, going back into a fighting stance.
  3. “You liked that, turkey?”
  4. >Dust mocked her, and Gilda spat.
  5. >”Keep talking, bitch. You won’t be having fun for long…”
  6. >An hour earlier, Lightning Dust was letting loose in a local bar after her latest show on the Washouts’ tour. It was there she met Gilda. The big griffon eavesdropped on Dust’s bragging to the bartender about being the toughest gal in Equestria.
  7. >When Gilda loudly chuckled at her statement, Dust was quick to elevate things into a request to go outside and sort things out.
  8. >So far, it was going pretty good. Gilda is strong, but Dust is faster. She slips and rolls out of the griffon’s attempts to grab her, and has delivered some harsh punishments in return. Gilda sports a blackened eye, and bruised ribs. Dust merely has a few scratches on her torso.
  9. >But Dust had noticed something that she hadn’t before. Gilda brought attention to it at this moment when she reached back and unsheathed a knife that had been strung to her hind leg.
  10. >It was an odd weapon, shimmering gold or copper, engraved with frantic etchings along its blade. The pommel was flat like the butt of a railroad spike, perfect for pressing forward.
  11. >Dust snorted, incensed.
  12. “Oh… You wanna play, huh?”
  13. >Gilda flicked the knife around in her grip and licked her beak.
  14. >”Heh, nope. Playtime’s over, bitch. I’m gonna wrap this up.”
  15. >Gilda opened her wings to their greatest width and launched at her with free hand outstretched, reaching for purchase on the smaller pegasus.
  16. >Dust bolted aside and behind a tree, eyes fixed solely on the newly introduced blade.
  17. “You crazy fucking bitch, do you REALLY want to fight to the death after I’ve already kicked your ass!?”
  18. >Gilda wheeled around and chased Dust around the glade. Lightning danced through the trees around the clearing and glanced around the dark skies. She knew that losing Gilda would be filly’s play. The bigger bird had the deficit in coordination, and as strong as she might be, she wasn’t a professional athlete.
  19. >One straight shot into the clouds, and she’d be out, free to report this crazy bitch to the authorities.
  20. >Or plan an ambush.
  21. >”Thinking about running, pussy?”
  22. >Gilda hissed behind Dust, thick with arrogance.
  23. >Lightning snarled and zipped back into the central glade. She barked back at Gilda.
  24. “FUCK THAT! I’m gonna take that blade and shove it down your beak!”
  25. >Gilda prowled back into the center, catching her breath.
  26. >”You’re gonna take it alright…I’m going to teach you some manners with this knife…”
  27. >Dust growled and leapt at Gilda in a flying kick. Too fast for the bird to react, she dealt a mean blow into her chest.
  28. >But she felt Gilda’s claws close around one of her forelegs as they tumbled in a heap.
  29. >The grip tightened like a vice as Dust lay on top of her, she buzzed her wings and pulled away. But Gilda yanked her back down.
  30. >The look on the griffon’s face was pure rage.
  31. >”I got you, you little shit… Let’s see you hop around now!”
  32. >She spat in Dust’s face, who recoiled in disgust.
  33. >The next thing to fly at her face was Gilda’s forehead.
  34. >A thick knock sent shockwaves down Dust’s legs, and her eyes spun in her head.
  35. >Then a hefty kick found her stomach, and Dust’s back half flew up behind herself, sprawling her out on the grass.
  36. >She gritted her teeth, no stranger to pain. Snapping at Gilda like a viper, she jabbed her on the beak. But Gilda swung her bodily overhead, and into the trunk of a tree.
  37. >She took the solid hit on her back, forcing all the wind out of her lungs. Panting and groaning, Dust twisted against Gilda’s hold on her leg, flinging a roundhouse kick at her face.
  38. >The impact landed short, bouncing of Gilda’s shoulder. Her hand still held the blade, and a tinge of fear struck Dust as she sensed how open she was to attack.
  39. >But Gilda instead flipped the knife around and struck her in the side with the pommel.
  40. >Dust crumpled in agony. It was right in the liver. Not even the toughest pony ever can simply shrug off a liver shot.
  41. >Gilda doesn’t let up. Dust yelped as her beak clamps on the back of her neck. She’s lifted, then driven straight down, bouncing her cheek off the hard dirt.
  42. >Then up, and down again, just as hard.
  43. >The next time, Dust catches herself with a weary hoof. But Gilda yanked her backwards and slammed her into a tree.
  44. >Thrown again overhead, Dust was briefly back at the Wonderbolts academy, spinning around before being launched into the sky.
  45. >Instead, she landed on her back. Totally limp, she barely reacted as Gilda mounts her, resting her weight on the exhausted pegasus.
  46. >They both lay there, silent but for their ragged gasps. Dust closed her eyes, delirious, and she could almost be transported to some distant fling in some far off town. Two bodies stretched over one another, warm against the cool country night, sharing their hot panting breaths and sticky sweat. It could just as easily be Roaring Thunder wrapping her long legs around Dust’s flanks, tail intimately coiled around her own.
  47. >But what came down on Dust’s open mouth was Gilda's beak. Dust’s eyes shot wide open as the foreign maw sealed on her own, and a hot tongue pressed over her own. Stunned, Dust squawked into the griffon’s kiss and her tongue reared away, but Gilda’s pressed it all around the walls of her mouth.
  48. >Dust came to her senses and tried biting down. Gilda growled and bit back, her beak digging into the sides of her lips, making Dust squeal.
  49. >When Gilda decided to pull back, Dust sputtered and coughed, then screamed up at her.
  50. “The FUCK is your FUCKING PROBLEM!?”
  51. >Gilda cooed, a growing smirk on her face.
  52. >”Awe, did I wake my little pony up? You looked so cute for a moment there, I just had to have a taste.”
  53. >At some point, Gilda had released Dust’s foreleg. But both were pinned under the griffon’s body. The now free clawed hand came up and grabbed Dust’s face, pointing her upwards.
  54. “You fucking sick bitch! When I get out of this, I’m gonna-Nnrf!”
  55. >The flat of Gilda’s blade stamped down between her jaws, scraping against her teeth.
  56. >”If you coulda, you woulda…”
  57. >Dust was afraid to move. She imagined the blade slicing through her gums, and her blood and loose teeth pouring down into her throat.
  58. >”You know, this knife is single-use… I meant to use it on Rainbow Dash…”
  59. >Dust’s eyes bugged at the mention of her nemesis. Gilda took notice and chuckled.
  60. >”You know her, huh? Well, she and I are cool again, so putting this in her chest would be uncool. And then I heard about you.”
  61. >Gilda leered down at her.
  62. >”I watched your show. Fun stuff… And I got to thinking, ‘she would make a good substitute for Dashie’. I mean, you’ll never be the real deal, but I guess I could settle this one time.”
  63. >Gilda lifted the knife from inside Dust’s mouth and sat up, perched on Dust’s chest, and she instinctively licked her lips. She only tasted a little blood.
  64. “W-what in Tartarus are you talking about? What’s Rainbow Dash gotta do with this!?”
  65. >”Nothing, now. This is about me…”
  66. >Gilda fell on the knife’s pommel, driving it down towards Dust’s chest. Dust’s hooves shot up and stopped it just short of her skin. She roared with newfound strength and pushed back as hard as she could, gaining space.
  67. >”...Only me.”
  68. >Gilda rose and dropped herself again on the knife. Saliva frothed through Dust’s gnashing teeth as she threw every last ounce of power she had against Gilda’s weight.
  69. >But she was tired, so tired.
  70. >”Heheh, you should see the look on your face.”
  71. >She looked up, panicked, at Gilda, who wasn’t even breaking a sweat. The griffon was almost lounging over her, laying her mass down on the pommel, aiming the blade’s point directly on her heart.
  72. >”Come on, don’t give up, now. It’s your life on the line.”
  73. >She screamed and shoved Gilda back. Almost far enough to lock her legs.
  74. >”Don’t tell me that’s all you’ve got. Man, at least Rainbow would have put up a real fight.”
  75. >Gilda leaned her head in, droplets of her own sweat landing on Dust’s nose, making her flinch.
  76. >”Fucking pathetic. You’re no match for me. You’re just… Prey.”
  77. >Lightning Dust bucked her hind legs off the ground. Gilda lifted with her and clenched her own back legs tighter around her lower half. She hissed, unfazed.
  78. >”...Prey.”
  79. >Gilda added a bit more pressure, and the tip once again grazed her. Dust’s voice broke as she groaned in exertion just to buy a little more time.
  80. “Guh-ghg-ghg-gg-!”
  81. >Her teeth grinded together. She felt the veins straining in her neck.
  82. >Above her, Gilda’s eyes were predatory slits. Dangerous, and alien. She saw nothing in them that gave her hope of mercy.
  83. >But Dust knew if this went any longer, she’d be finished. For all her strength, all her training, all her daring… This is where she ended up.
  84. “”
  85. >Gilda cocked her head.
  86. >”Huh, what’s that?”
  87. “Ssh-stop….W-wait-”
  88. >Miraculously, Gilda let up. She let Lightning Dust push her back a little, but not all the way.
  89. >”This’ll be good…”
  90. >Dust took the moment to suck in desperate breaths. Her hooves shook terribly, even as Gilda held her own weight.
  91. >”Alright, cunt, say your last words. I could use a good laugh.”
  92. >Dust searched for something convincing to say… But negotiating was never her strong-suit.
  93. “T-This is crazy! L-let’s just talk about-!”
  94. >Gilda suddenly fell on her again.
  95. >”Time’s up.”
  96. “N-NO-!”
  97. >Dust arched her back as best she could, she threw in her shoulders, and bucked her hind legs.
  98. >But Gilda wasn’t playing anymore. She could feel the griffon’s powerful muscles tightening in her legs and rump that perched on Dust’s belly.
  99. >The knife’s point inched down unimpeded. Dust could not avert her eyes as it divided the hairs over her chest.
  100. “N-no… No-no-no-no-Ahh-!”
  101. >The tip touched down, pressing her skin. Then it passed straight through it into virgin flesh. The pain was dull, but constant. The golden edge danced with light, and a buzzing heat invaded Dust’s chest around the wound.
  102. >”Ssshh… Give up, cunt. You never stood a chance…”
  103. >What remained of her strength left her instantly. Her hooves turned to putty and lowered on pace with Gilda’s flexing abdomen. The blade sank deeper, deeper, as Lightning Dust began to convulse.
  104. >”I caught you… I beat you… Now I claim you.”
  105. >She choked, unable to gasp for air. Her hind legs kicked pathetically against the earth.
  106. >She stared at the blade as it sank through her yielding flesh and bone. Gilda’s cruel face slowly overcame the view. The blade was firmly embedded to the hilt.
  107. >”I picked you from the herd. I stalked you, and now your fucking life is mine!”
  108. >Dust’s mouth gaped, sucking for air like a fish, finding none.
  109. >Until Gilda pressed over her once more. Her beaked mouth forced her down, and her tongue ran wild, wetting and enveloping Dust’s own. She growled as she assaulted the defeated mare without resistance.
  110. >It was then that breath entered the pegasus. Hot, tingling, vibrating breath. It blew down her throat and filled her lungs, then washed all around inside her skull. Dust’s eyes crossed and she shuddered weakly. The world disappeared. Gilda’s hungry mouth disappeared, but Gilda did not. Instead, she was all that remained.
  112. >The essence of her, the strength of her, the endless power she held over Lightning Dust. She materialized inside of her, strutting in all her glory, entering the chambers of her mind.
  113. >The imposing griffon took roost over her deepest thoughts. Her talons leisurely clawed over achievements and aspirations. Her sharp beak idly pecked at memories and wandering thoughts. Her thick tail swished over daily routines. Her heavy body pushed down on her hopes and fears.
  114. >Her full attention was pinned under Gilda’s muscular ass. Her luscious teats and pussy settled on it, holding it snugly in place.
  115. >Her eyes turned to Dust, or at least whatever of her was still aware enough to sense all this. Her consciousness.
  116. >Gilda smiled slyly, and dragged her claws along Dust’s brain. All around, she heard herself moan.
  117. >A deep growl echoed, drowning herself out.
  118. >”... PREY…”
  119. >Gilda dove in, and Dust vibrated and faded in and out. The griffon pulled her head back with mouthfuls of supple flesh. She swallowed, and Dust’s mind traveled in bulges down her throat and into her stomach.
  120. >Dust watched and felt, mostly felt, with buzzing and warmth intensifying with every healthy bite Gilda took of her person. The griffon’s back muscles flexed as the predator pressed inside her mind like a carcass.
  121. >Every bite, and she grew a little bigger. A little more muscular. Her ass grew thicker, her pussy glistened and dripped excitement over her prey. Every bite, and the clear skies of her self darkened.
  122. >Over time, Dust could not even see her own brain behind the mass of the griffon.
  123. >And when the eternity of feasting ended, Gilda stood up and stretched out. She was perfect in her mightiness. Proportioned in muscle and scale, with the only excess belonging to her ass and healthy teats that swayed beneath her great form. That excess was once part of Dust’s mind, deemed unfit for muscle and bone, stored instead for pleasure, or so she thought without prompt.
  124. >Meager in her own home, Dust beheld the new master of her body, who hovered alone inside the emptiness of her skull.
  125. >Or not quite alone. The behemoth’s gaze centered on her. Gilda’s eyes blazed gold, illuminating her against the now pitch black mindscape. Stupefied wonder quickly mixed with horror as Gilda floated towards her.
  126. >Her beak parted, billowing steam escaped her nostrils and mouth. Serrations and carnivorous teeth sparkled in her mouth like geodes. Dust was helpless. She was but a spectator to her own final demise.
  127. >”...PREEEEEYYY…”
  128. >Gilda’s voice reverberated inside of her. Tremors of fear and awe dominated what was left of her ego. But the vibrations probed her in all the better ways, too. Despite everything, a fathomless well of arousal burst inside her. She felt wet, and afraid, and humiliated, and RIGHT.
  129. >Her unseen, ethereal self unfurled. She spread out her limbs, her wings, her tail.
  130. >And as the tips of Gilda’s beak passed around her, like a whale catching a fish, Lightning Dust opened her own mouth and offered her tongue.
  131. >There was no more fighting Gilda. No more running. How could she?
  132. >Lightning Dust was merely prey, meat like any other.
  133. >Gilda, she could then see, was a god.
  134. >A god of predators. The ultimate lifeform.
  135. >She was afraid, but she was ready. Ready to give up.
  137. FIN.

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