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Fair and Square

By cloudruler
Created: 2023-04-17 21:16:23
Expiry: Never

  1. >Rainbow Dash followed Scootaloo to the clubhouse. The excited filly hopped ahead of her, tiny wings buzzing, while Rainbow had to drag her hooves to keep up.
  2. >”Come on, Rainbow Dash!”
  3. “I’m comin’...”
  4. >Rainbow sighed. She taught the squirt how to play pony cards last night during the rainstorm. Scootaloo was a surprisingly quick learner, but Dash still went easy for their first game.
  5. >Which she lost. Then she tried hard on the next one, and lost that one, too.
  6. >All night, they played, and game after game, the filly beat Dash out.
  7. >And things got worse when Dash started making bets.
  8. >By the end of the night, Rainbow had emptied her bitbag, and owed Scoots a full personal airshow. But she just couldn’t let it go.
  9. >Rainbow had finally gotten a good hoof, and tempted Scootaloo into betting everything at once.
  10. >All Rainbow put up was the promise to do whatever her number one fan wanted.
  11. >Scootaloo accepted that bet eagerly.
  12. >Dash laid out four rainclouds. A perfect hoof.
  13. >Scootaloo had four guards.
  14. >Scootaloo led Rainbow up inside the clubhouse.
  15. >”This is gonna be so AWESOME! I can’t wait!”
  16. >Rainbow snorted.
  17. “I can’t for you to tell me what we’re doing, squirt.”
  18. >”I’ll show you! But remember - you promised!”
  19. “I promised.”
  20. >”You promised to do ANYTHING!”
  21. “Yeah, yeah. Just don’t expect me to do anything embarrassing, alright?”
  22. >Scootaloo squealed as she trotted to a big chest in the corner of the single room. She dug into it with her tail wagging high.
  23. >A moment later, she came up with a strange bundle of cloth that Rainbow had never before seen.
  24. “What’s that?”
  25. >Scootaloo hopped up to Dash and unfurled the cloth. It revealed itself to be a simple black bolt of fabric. But in the center of it was a feint pink heart, barely visible against the dark cloth.
  26. >Rainbow blinked.
  27. “Uuhh, what is this?”
  28. >”It’s a blindfold! I want you to wear it!”
  29. >Scootaloo held up the item to Dash, who reared away from it.
  30. “Whoa, wait - what, why?”
  31. >”Because you pro-mised!”
  32. >Scootaloo dangled the blindfold in front of Rainbow, widely grinning.
  33. “Kid, I thought you’d have something COOL in mind. Putting a blindfold on me is just weird!”
  34. >Scootaloo’s smile lessened.
  35. “How about we just forget about the dress-up and - I dunno, play some hoofball or something?”
  36. >”But…”
  37. >Scootaloo’s ears drooped.
  38. >”...But you promised.”
  39. >Dash winced.
  40. “I-I mean I did, but-”
  41. >”You said I won fair and square, Rainbow… And you would do anything I wanted.”
  42. >Scootaloo sniffled and turned her head away.
  43. >”...Were you lying to me?”
  44. >Rainbow groaned. She patted Scootaloo’s head.
  45. “...You REALLY want me to wear that thing, huh?”
  46. >Scootaloo looked up hopefully.
  47. >”Mhmm! More than anything.”
  48. “Why?”
  49. >Instead of answering, she just offered up the blindfold again.
  50. >”Come on, Dashie. I’ll show you.”
  51. >Rainbow hung her head… She supposed it wouldn’t be the end of the world, and besides, she did make the bet.
  52. “Fine, give it here.”
  53. >Scootaloo squeaked as Rainbow took the blindfold from her. Dash appraised the cloth once more from end to end as Scootaloo hopped in place.
  54. “Uh, s-so are you gonna tie it on then? Cuz I don’t know if I can…”
  55. >”Don’t worry, Dashie! Just try it!”
  56. >Reluctant, Dash slowly lined the blindfold up with her eyes. The heart was the center between them. She brought it forward, passing it over her muzzle until it pressed against her closed eyelids. The two ends of the blindfold drooped just behind her ears. She wasn’t even sure it was long enough to be tied together.
  57. “There. Happy, squirt?”
  58. >She could hear Scootaloo’s hushed cheers to her left. The filly’s hoofclops traveled behind her.
  59. >”Yes! Now we just have to get it nice and tight!”
  60. “Well I don’t think it’s gonna work…”
  61. >”I bet it will! But, uhm…”
  62. >Scootaloo’s voice became uncertain.
  63. >”...Are you okay with this?”
  64. >Rainbow scoffed.
  65. “You’re asking me that, now?”
  66. >Scootaloo’s hooves came overtop Rainbow’s own, holding the blindfold in place.
  67. >”W-well I just gotta hear that you’re okay with it. Are ya?”
  68. “I mean, this is what’s gonna make you happy, soo…”
  69. >Scootaloo was silent for a moment.
  70. >”So, you wanna wear it to make me happy?”
  71. >Rainbow grumbled.
  72. “Is that a bad thing?”
  73. >”I… I just want to hear you say it.”
  74. “What?”
  75. >Scootaloo’s hooves tapped rhythmically on Rainbow’s as she spoke.
  76. >”You, Rainbow Dash, want to wear the blindfold.”
  77. >Dash sighed and nodded along.
  78. “I, Rainbow Dash, WANT to wear the blindfold -”
  79. >Warmth crept across Rainbow’s eyes, like hot breath in her face. She felt the two ends of the blindfold suddenly stretch behind her head and fasten together. They tightened until the fabric was snug over her eyes.
  80. >Her and Scootaloo paused, and Scootaloo slowly removed her hooves from over Dash’s. Rainbow then did the same, and the blindfold was firmly tied in place.
  81. >Scootaloo’s breathing was shallow and excited. A queasy feeling swirled in Rainbow’s belly.
  82. >”...Y-you want to wear it?”
  83. >Scootaloo tapped Rainbow’s shoulder. She turned her head uselessly towards where she estimated the filly to be.
  84. “...Err, yeah.”
  85. >Scootaloo tapped more assertively.
  86. >”Yeah, what?”
  87. >Oooh, Rainbow kind of got this game. She shrugged off Scootaloo’s tapping and repeated herself.
  88. “I want to wear it.”
  89. >Tingle.
  90. >”Huh?”
  91. >Scoots tapped again, and Rainbow repeated again.
  92. “I want to wear it.”
  93. >Tingle.
  94. >Scoots tapped again.
  95. “I want to wear it, Scootaloo.”
  96. >Tingle again. Rainbow shook her head and raised her hoof to paw at the blindfold. But the filly’s smaller hoof grabbed hers as it rose.
  97. >”Why do you want to wear the blindfold, Dashie?”
  98. >Something warm pressed gently on her forehead. It was like somepony’s warm nose.
  99. “B-because… Because, uh… Because you wanted me… To?”
  100. >A kiss, soft as air, caressed between her eyes. A dull buzz entered her ears.
  101. >”Say that again?”
  102. “Because you want me to wear it.”
  103. >Rainbow shuddered the words out, as warmth fluttered up to the tips of her ears. She heard Scootaloo swallow and collect her own shaky breaths.
  104. >”A-and what else?”
  105. “H-huh?”
  106. >”Did we have a deal?”
  107. “Oh, yeah… We made a bet.”
  108. >Scootaloo came up behind Rainbow, but her voice seemed to be in both ears at once.
  109. >”And who won?”
  110. “You did.”
  111. >”Who?”
  112. “You… S-Scootaloo.”
  113. >“Who did what?”
  114. “Scootaloo won the bet… Scootaloo won… The bet.”
  115. >”S-Scootaloo won the bet… Against who?”
  116. “...Scootaloo won the bet against m-... Rainbow Dash.”
  117. >Rainbow sagged on her forelegs from her sitting position. Warm weight was being added around her shoulders. It was pleasant, like a pair of heavy warm wings that embraced her.
  118. >Scootaloo’s voice closed in on both ears, clear above the deep buzzing inside Rainbow’s head.
  119. >“What did Rainbow Dash promise to Scootaloo?”
  120. “Nngh-... Rainbow Dash… Promised t-to do… Whatever Scootaloo wants.”
  121. >A hot tongue dragged lazily along Dash’s forehead. It went up, then split into two, then slid back down until it circled around both her eyes, massaging them.
  122. >”Again?”
  123. “Rainbow Dash promised… To do what-ever Scootaloo wants.”
  124. >”Again.”
  125. >The filly’s voice poured into Dash’s mind like molten honey. She groaned as the weight of it pushed her down further, until her head rested on the floor.
  126. >Despite it all, she felt the words come easily to her.
  127. “Rainbow Dash promised to do whatever Scootaloo wants.”
  128. >Rainbow sighed, comfortably heavy. But something was getting to her. The pitch black of her blindfold gave way to soft pink. Rainbow didn’t know if her eyes were open, but she could see the heart - no longer faint, but bright red and pulsating with her own heartbeats. She stared at it, and a distant fear lurched once more in her belly.
  129. >Rainbow couldn’t think of a reason to be scared, but she heard herself whimper. Tears wet her cheeks. The heat of the beating heart seemed hot enough to evaporate them away.
  130. >Numbly, she felt four hooves gingerly walking up her back. Scootaloo was with her still. Rainbow could not raise her head, but she knew the filly was just above her.
  131. >Her voice was loud, and warm, and heavy.
  132. >”Scootaloo wants Rainbow Dash.”
  133. >The heart burned bright and closed in on her. It came to her with blinding light. But it wasn’t just the heart.
  134. >Rainbow felt Scootaloo’s soft little lips push onto her forehead, and the mighty heart seared through her mind.
  135. “Aaaah-... AaaaaUGH-!”
  136. >Rainbow’s moan became a scream as she opened up. The heart pressed deeper, like a star through butter, and Rainbow distantly knew that it would keep going until every part of her was familiar with the heart.
  137. >Scootaloo’s heart.
  138. >Scootaloo’s want.
  139. >Scootaloo’s reward.
  141. FIN.

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Fair and Square

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