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By Guest
Created: 2022-12-04 16:30:18
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Anon.
  2. >Decide to go look up pony stuff on the internet.
  3. >See a lot of art that has ponies wearing stockings.
  4. Laughter.EXE
  5. >Who is even into ponies wearing stockings, their just stockings.
  6. >You would then have an idea.
  7. >What if you sent some stockings to someone you know as a joke.
  8. >Plus it would be good as some sort early hearts warming gag present.
  9. >But whoo....
  10. >Maybe I should send some to Limestone, bet she would be pissed.
  11. >Start ordering some stockings, these gray ones should be good enough.
  12. >now all its time to wait.
  13. CRASH!
  14. >hear something break.
  15. >Before you could check what it was, Derpy would approach you with a package in her carrier.
  16. >"Sign Here!" Derpy would dig into her mail carrier and grab a sheet of paper and pen before placing them on the ground.
  17. >You would grab the paper and pen and write down your signature before giving it to Derpy.
  18. >"Thank You!" Derpy would say as she would fly through the hole she just broke.
  19. >WTF
  20. >Never mind that, gotta send that 'gift'
  21. >Go to the postal office and tell them to ship it to the pie family rock farm.
  22. >Go back to your home and wait for hell to break lose.
  23. --------------------------
  24. >Its been a few days, no nothing.
  25. >That is until you hear something outside, you peel through your window and peeked.
  26. >Derpy was putting an envelope through your mail box.
  27. >As soon as Derpy left you would open your mail box, grab the letter, and go into your house.
  28. >This is gonna be good.
  29. >You would open the envelope and open the letter, the letter saying...
  30. 'Thank You Anon for the stockings! Their really nice and their perfect for the winter, I wanted to send you a picture to show you how they looked.'
  31. 'Love, Marble.'
  32. >There also was a photo attached to the note.
  33. >Slience would fill the air as you looked at the photo, and some lotion.
  34. >You would pick up the lotion.

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