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Supreme Commander Anon - Prologue

By HistoriAnon
Created: 2022-12-24 01:09:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day HAD IT UP TO HERE with Equestria
  2. >Between attempting to integrate into pony society and being forced to deal with Twilight's magic training, you were pretty sick of it
  3. >Though, you had to admit, interacting with objects instruments without even touching them was pretty awesome
  4. >Best of all you could finely manipulate what you were holding, a unique talent that required a lot of training for ponies to pull off
  5. >None of that fucking mattered right now though, because you were stuck on the fucking moon
  6. >That summons to Canterlot that Twilight was so excited about resulted in your banishment. Reminded you of the trial that sent you here in the first place, in just about the shittiest ways
  7. >But that was SUPPOSED to be behind you now, if only those damn princesses hadn't probed your brain
  8. >Judged preemptively yet again. Third time unlucky, you supposed, because now you were going to spend the rest of your days eating shitty moon-pies and kicking up dust
  9. >It felt like days had already passed, and you'd spent the time looking up at the planet hanging in the dark sky
  10. >Based on the time it took to get to Canterlot from a town supposedly pretty far away, as well as the sizes of the landmasses on the planet, there had to be more to the world besides just Equestria. You knew of griffons and were just getting used to the buffalo living further south, but it was impossible that this world was united
  11. >Sure, the princesses controlled night and day, but they were clearly not perfect based on how they treated you!
  12. >As you grumbled to yourself, a flash of purple energy appeared on the horizon, before the younger princess came to greet you
  13. >As an enterprising historian yourself, you had delved into Equestrian history with equal vigor as all the books on Earth that you had plundered many a book-store to locate
  14. >The first thing that hit you about this whole situation, Luna showing up whilst you were here on the moon was that…
  15. >"This is quite the irony, we know."
  16. >Damn, beat you to it. Had you been stuck here for so long that you were starting to subtly think like Nightmare Moon?
  17. "Come to taunt me, have you? How long's it been, a week?"
  18. >"It has only been one of an hour's component halves, Anonymous. And please, do not attack us in this situation. It is only thanks to us that you will return to Equestria."
  19. "What? Weren't you the one that put me here in the first place? This is your domain and all."
  20. >"Banishment to the moon is our sister's job. Conversely, we are capable of banishment to the sun! It is a far more permanent solution!"
  21. "I see. The two of you are an interesting pair, shame that a thousand years apart has turned you both into such judgemental creatures."
  22. >"We are not here to argue with you, Anonymous! We would have thought you would be elated with this news. Not often that people overturn your sentences for you, after all…" Luna flashed a shit-eating grin, as though she was taunting you
  23. "I see empathy was something that you left back on ground level. Must be why you ended up freaking out over nothing. How much did you two learn about me… and what the hell even is a component of an hour?!"
  24. >Luna's face fell at this, clearly unused to being demeaned in such a manner
  25. >"We… We have empathy! We have not quite felt ourself today, we suppose, although perhaps that has something to do with attempting to calm sister down about a supposed murderer living amongst her citizens. We have seen your dreams many times before, Anonymous, and it is evident that even if you did perform such a horrible action, you received your comeuppance tenfold."
  26. "Even now, you're still implicating me! I suppose I owe you one, but, please… just don't bring it up again." Engaging a poker face that would have put your cellmate to shame, you attempt to hide the plan that's already forming in your head.
  27. >"We will endeavor not to in the future. Now, hold our hoof, and we shall take you back down to the ground. Your friend Twilight was distraught hearing about the trial… our apologies, but you likely won't escape a lot of probing from those six friends of yours, even if you'd rather not talk about it."
  28. "No problem. As of right now, there's nothing I'd like to do more than give those ponies in that room some peace of mind."
  29. >So, down to your "home country" you went. You were used to teleportation, but changing atmospheres like this was a different story. Had Luna not been conveniently underneath you to swoop in and pick you up on her back, you'd be a bloody mess on the floor. Wouldn't have been the first time…
  30. >Upon noticing your return to the land where anything actually happens, your friends reacted only slightly differently from one another
  31. >There was a general look of concern in the room, with even Celestia clearly not wishing to face you head-on
  32. >Twilight even blushed upon seeing you fly in whilst riding Luna, presumably out of embarrassment. Standing by whilst you got sent to the moon was not her finest hour
  33. >You just didn’t really have the energy to care anymore. You disembarked Luna and thanked her for the save, before clearing your throat
  34. "You know, I first came here in a pretty bad state. Nose-diving into a tree in the middle of town didn't do wonders for my glorious visage. So before I say what I'm about to say, I wish to thank a few people."
  35. >The look of concern shared by all in the room was now far more marked
  36. "I wish to thank Twilight for teaching me, as the ends justify the means and I've picked up magic pretty well, I think. I would like to thank Rarity for providing me with clothing. Truly, you were always generous around me, someone who probably didn't deserve all that. Pinkie, I've always had a good laugh at your parties, and I won't soon forget how well you introduced me to everypony. Applejack, thanks for netting me some good employment in the Acres. Never let it be said you didn't help me put in an honest day's work. Dash, it's been a mountain of fun heading out into the Everfree with you every now and again. We've had our trials and tribulations, but we always came out on top because you loyally stood by me. And Fluttershy, the kind attitude of yours helped get me out of a really bad state of mind. Lastly, Luna, you have helped me a lot this last day, and perhaps if not for you then I wouldn't be standing here today."
  37. >Although this seemed to allay the fears of most in the room, Twilight and Celestia still looked worried. They should be!
  38. >The Princess of the Sun opened her mouth to speak. "Anonymous, I understand that what I did was wrong, but-"
  39. >You cut her off. No more justifications. You wouldn't just roll with the punches anymore.
  40. "I didn't say I was finished. Although your methods have been effective, Twilight, it has made my life hell. You treat me like I'm a problem that needs to be solved when I'm quite alright learning things at my own pace. What I really wish to say though is that I'd rather not live in a place governed by people who are so presumptuous that they sentence someone to solitary confinement for life after literally reading their mind for two minutes, maybe less. And I don't quite feel safe knowing that the entire Intelligence Agency consists of the pony equivalent of Freddy Krueger."
  41. >It is Twilight's turn to speak up: "Celestia was wrong, Anon! She admitted it already, and it's unfair not to give people a second chance!"
  42. "There you go again, simplifying everything to a simple lesson about friendship! WE ARE NOT FRIENDS. She greeted me, read my mind and assumed the worst. It was only half an hour from what Luna told me… I think, at least, but the timeframe doesn't matter. What if she wasn't there to interject with her opinions? That's been the status quo for just about 1000 years, after all!"
  43. >"I know you feel irritated, Anonymous, but I am sure that I can make it up to you somehow." Though Celestia's offer sounded promising, you'd had enough of all of this, and just wanted a break.
  44. "You know, there is a pretty easy way for you to patch things up with me, and that is to not interfere with what I'm about to do. From what I've seen this Diarchy system is not centralized enough to run a nation properly, and prone to repeating mistakes. I'm leaving tonight, and I would love it if you did just let me walk away, because my ambition now is to set up a state more like what you'd see in my homeland, and show you where you're going wrong. I will be leaving Equestria, and I ask that you do not follow me. Goodbye, all of you."
  45. >Not waiting around to hear the verbal protest from your friends or anyone else, you moved back to Ponyville in a flash using repeated Teleportation magic
  46. >Twilight's techniques were effective, you'd give her that
  47. >Heading to your house at pace, you quickly gathered your things into your trusty Knapsack of Holding™, your first infusion which nobody else had seemingly thought of
  48. >Upon leaving, you found one last person you fancied saying goodbye to: Lyra Heartstrings, a pony that shared your love of music
  49. "Hey, I'm gonna be skipping town for a while so I figured I should tell you. Won't be back for a long time, so I figured this would keep you going."
  50. >You ruffled her mane with your hands and she entered a bit of a daze, before snapping out of it and mumbling
  51. >"Promise me you'll do something good with all those instruments you made. And promise me you'll show off that thing you do where you play all of them at once."
  52. "I’ll try and fit all that stuff in. But for now, I am starting a project this world has never seen before. When I'm done with my project, you're more than welcome to check it out."
  53. >"Mm, thanks… Goodbye, I guess…"
  54. >For someone usually energetic she seemed pretty reserved, but you chalked that up to the hands-induced daze of hers.
  55. >You waved back at her before breaking out into a jog, since you needed to get out of Ponyville as quickly as possible. Knowing your friends, one or more of them would probably try and "talk some sense into you" and end up forcing you back, but you were a man on a mission now
  56. >You hadn't been this fired up about things since before what got you into all of this
  57. >So you set off for parts unknown, and wandered for weeks. You stopped off at some villages and towns, but before long you were outside of Equestria altogether
  58. >Only at this point did you realize what a strange, and likely self-destructive decision you had made, because without your knowledge you ended up crossing the border to Changeling Territory

Supreme Commander Anon - Prologue

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 1: Dreaming, Delusional

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 2: Good Days & Bad Days

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 3: According to Plan

by HistoriAnon