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Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 3: According to Plan

By HistoriAnon
Created: 2023-04-20 22:26:45
Expiry: Never

  1. >Yesterday went pretty well for you
  2. >The Changelings took well to your strongman image, Silk was enthusiastic to help you as Commissar, and you even got your shed finished
  3. >Perhaps it would be better for a head of state to at least own more than a primitively constructed shack at the edge of town, but you weren't exactly the average head of state
  4. >The bed wasn't comfortable, but you'd had far worse before
  5. >As you gradually awakened, you noticed a dark shape in the corner of the room
  6. >The burning red scarf around its neck gave it away
  7. >Silk, collapsed in a pile, eyes closed
  8. >She was mumbling something or other in her sleep, but you couldn't quite make it out
  9. >You raised the question in your mind of how she even got in, since you locked the door last night and it was still locked now
  10. >Might make sense to as her about it, so you walked over and gently shook her awake
  11. >"Hmm… Nh… Anon? Is that you?"
  12. "Yup, it sure is. Rise and shine, sleepyhead."
  13. >"Give me a break… I kept watch… until the crack of dawn…"
  14. >Seems she took her job very seriously
  15. "I seem to remember that you have a house, because I woke up there yesterday. Why didn't you just go back there?"
  16. >Her face grew very somber at your question
  17. >"Do you not want me around, Anon? I was just keeping a better watch…"
  18. "No, no, I didn't mean it like that. I meant more so that it must have taken a good amount of effort to get into a locked room without even unlocking it."
  19. >Yet again she readjusted her demeanor and expression
  20. >She was pretty quick at switching between emotions, part of her race you supposed
  21. >"Ah, good. You do want me around after all. I was starting to get worried…"
  22. >Was she dodging the question?
  23. >Whatever, probably some magic of hers
  24. >She never said she knew any magic though…
  25. >Time to surprise her
  26. "Did you pull off the keyhole trick?"
  27. >"...You are no apprentice to magic, are you?"
  28. >Interesting. Call her on a bluff, and she drops all pretenses
  29. >Still, the keyhole trick is a pretty good one. Teleporting your entire body through a tiny area means you have to trust that you'll materialize on the other side
  30. >For all her faults, Twilight taught you well
  31. "Anything involving movement of objects is my specialty. I could spot a teleportation trick like that anywhere."
  32. >Seemingly flustered for a second, she scratched her head
  33. >"Ahaha! My apologies for doubting your skill, Commander. I figured that how I got in was irrelevant, after all!"
  34. >Now she was backpedaling. She was pretty good at controlling a conversation
  35. >Ah well, you didn't enjoy grilling her on inconsistencies, so you should really change the subject
  36. "If you enjoy being here so much, you can stay over when you fancy it. Not that I'd recommend it."
  37. >"I always fancy it! It is best to keep close watch of your superiors, after all."
  38. >You weren't quite sure what to make of Silk at this point. She clearly wanted to come across well, but actively hiding details from you like this didn't set a good precedent
  39. >A few more instances like this and you'd have to look for those more capable of honesty in your hive
  40. >How much else did she do without telling you?
  41. >Hang on a second, Anon
  42. >You'd only known her for two days
  43. >Granted, these were days that felt more interesting and long than any others in your life
  44. >It was as though your entire existence up to this point had been a precursor to what was happening now
  45. >Silk looked mystified
  46. >Why?
  47. >She changed her expression again
  48. >"A-anyway, Anon, let's go! You're ready for another good day of nation-building, right? Go on ahead, I have something to sort out at my house."
  49. "One more thing, Silk."
  50. >"Yes?"
  51. >Should you tell her about Luna?
  52. >She'll probably show up disguised, so there was no real reason to
  53. >Maybe if she kept things from you, then you should keep things from her, too
  54. "Nevermind, it's nothing."
  55. >She put up that smile of hers again, though there was something insincere about it
  56. >"Alright, Anon. Good luck!"
  57. >She left in a hurry, and headed off to her house
  58. >What a strange character
  59. >Regardless, it was time to get to work
  60. >If everyling worked properly then you could get all the materials assembled for a more… industrial economy
  61. >A factory producing high quality goods at discounted rates would be perfect for this sort of group
  62. >Make enough bits and you could even convince other hives to join your plight
  63. >Everyone would recognize the efficacy of your ideas, and you could rest easy
  64. >If everything went according to plan, then you'd never have to commit to something like this ever again
  65. >Which would be nice, you missed Ponyville already
  67. >That encounter didn’t exactly go as smoothly as your nickname, Silk, would imply
  68. >You wanted to show your sensitive and caring side off to Anon, but the bucker questioned the logistics of the situation
  69. >You didn't like it when he questioned you, it made you feel vulnerable
  70. >And you were only supposed to feel vulnerable on your terms, not his!
  71. >That wasn't even what annoyed you the most though
  72. >He questioned your emotions, and even thought about replacing you
  73. >You weren't going to accept that
  74. >Perhaps you should just be honest with him? You were on his side, after all
  75. >You found it hard to believe, but if Luna really was coming over then it would be necessary
  76. >There was that, as well
  77. >Contacts in such high places made your schemes a little tougher to pull off
  78. >Anon should have told you from the start that he had those sorts of connections
  79. >How long had he known she was coming and not told you? He shouldn’t betray you like that
  80. >There was clearly a deep, deep attitude of distrust on both sides of this arrangement, you’d need to put everything on the table or it’d never work out
  81. >You thought for a little while, before coming to a rather startling realization
  82. >If he considered all of this some experiment of his, then he might well eventually grow bored and deem it either a success or a failure on a whim before leaving
  83. >You couldn’t have that, it wasn’t in his best interests or yours
  84. >Getting your hooks into him would be key
  85. >Damn, your mind was just mulling over the same few thoughts over and over
  86. >Honesty or manipulation? Time would tell which would end up better, but you supposed you could try both for now
  87. >Be honest when he figures things out, don’t underestimate him, and plant those seeds of something deeper
  88. >That was a good plan if you’d ever heard one
  90. >Afternoon already, it was probably time for you to sit down and have a bite to eat
  91. >Silk was still in her house, so maybe you could socialize with a few of the other Changelings in the meantime
  92. >All it took was the odd greeting or light bit of physical contact and they’d get right to work. You felt more like a factory owner than a politician
  93. >Yeah, on second thought maybe it was best to largely just let them be. You gave orders, they followed them, and you both benefitted
  94. >Hell, this was all really simple. A nice lifestyle that gave you control, just like back when you lived in the woods
  95. >Not the Everfree, no, some woods back on Earth
  96. >For all that planet’s faults, it could produce some fine scenery to hike through
  97. >Equestria was alright for it, but it was just a bit too… open. Way more plains, which sort of made sense considering its denizens
  98. >Still beat prison
  99. >Or the moon
  100. >Perhaps it was time for some more music practice. You trekked out to a fairly secluded patch of forest and began to play
  101. >Just like old times, but with a bit more backing to it
  102. >Time for some Shostakovich, you supposed
  103. >...Or not. Just as you were readying your miniature orchestra, you heard a nearby twig snap
  104. >A pretty big snap, too, which definitely meant someone was here with you
  105. >Stepping out from behind a nearby tree it was…
  106. >Her
  107. >Why was she here? She was supposed to be dead
  108. >You were absolutely paralyzed. She approached you and embraced you
  109. >”It’s alright, Anon. Let’s pick up from where we left off, shall we?”
  110. >There was a distinctly magical aura emanating from her
  111. >You couldn’t bring yourself to move, you just responded with a whisper
  112. “You’re not real.”
  113. >”What was that? Sorry, Anon, speak up a little.”
  114. >You felt the sudden urge to shout at the top of your lungs. This thing was not natural. It wasn’t her
  116. >You wanted to believe it was her, but it couldn’t be true. Your entire body burned with adrenaline and you ran as fast as you could, only to be held back with the green glow of magical energy
  117. >Her sweet and upbeat voice faded to one of cloying mockery whilst you began to hyperventilate
  118. >”Sorry, my dear, but this is simply how we Changelings feed. Let yourself love me, and we both benefit, like you said earlier.”
  119. “I never said that. I NEVER SAID THAT!”
  120. >”You thought about it. I must say, I have not met many creatures with such… powerful thoughts and emotions before. Turn around, so I can get a better look at you, and you can get a better look at me.”
  121. >Was this faux-seductive tone just to kick you whilst you were down?
  122. >”Yes.”
  123. >You couldn’t even really formulate a response. You already hated this creature
  124. >You were rotated around in the air to face a large and imposing Changeling, her legs filled with holes and her hair draping down to cover the back of her neck like a curtain. Her fangs jutted out and formed a twisted grin that complemented the sickly green blush that adorned her face
  125. >She held you there, clearly expecting you to take her in, for several minutes. You were just about able to get your bearings on reality again in the time. This was not her, this was some foul thing that stole her image
  126. >”I gather that you are a… human, then?”
  127. “Yes… Yes I am. Why even ask me these sorts of questions, if you already know all the fucking answers?”
  128. >”It would not do to displease Queen Chrysalis, you know. You should make a proper introduction.”
  129. “Chrysalis? The one who’s left entire towns to die?”
  130. >This seemed to stun her a little bit
  131. >”What could you possibly mean by that? I’ve always put my subjects first! What with the position you’re in, it seems like you could learn a thing or two!”
  132. “Did you read my mind in enough detail to understand why the people of that town chose me as their leader? It was because they trusted you to secure food for them, and you betrayed that trust.”
  133. >The smirk had been wiped off her face. She looked very somber indeed
  134. >”The letter… didn’t they get the letter? The entire Realm is starving, I thought they’d be able to fend for themselves the best!”
  135. “Almost a hundred of your citizens have died, and you’re blaming it on a postage error? You’d better be glad that there are people like me who can run the show in your stead. Speaking of, why are you even here?”
  136. >”There have been.. problems in the capital, and the nobility have seen fit to try and usurp me. I was looking for a town that I could operate out of, and lead to greatness to win my nation back!”
  137. >She puffed out her chest at this, before almost immediately deflating. She turned away from you and almost attempted to hide her face
  138. >”I’ve… never been good with things like this. My proudest moments as a monarch have been when my subjects have fought and died for a good cause. Everything I’ve done, it’s all been in service of creating a place where food isn’t an issue for us anymore.”
  139. “If you’re as kind as you say you are, then why would you… do what you did to me earlier?”
  140. >”Is reuniting someone with their long-lost lover, even for a brief moment, not a kind thing to do?”
  141. “Listen. I went to prison because I was the one to find the bloody, pulped remains of her body. Thinking about it still hurts, even now. Just don’t bring her up with me again.”
  142. >It took her a while to formulate a response. She gradually let you out of her grip, but not before speaking again
  143. >”Being a Changeling means I thrive on love. I’m afraid I don’t have anywhere else to turn, so…”
  144. >She hesitated for a second, her lips themselves recoiling at the thought of what she was about to say
  145. >”Would you please let me stay in your town for the time being? Don’t worry, you can eventually hand over the reins of power to me, and I can…”
  146. >You stop her there
  147. “My subordinates do not like you very much. Best I’d ever settle for with you is co-ruler, but I’d rather not have this devolve into another Equestria, thanks.”
  148. >She picked up on this slight disdain. As she understood that bit more of you, her eyes lit up again
  149. >”Oh, you also despise Equestria? That would explain your presence here. I’m sure you’ve heard enough about me to guess where I stand.”
  150. >Had she only talked to yes-men for the last few years? When out of her disguises, her powers of persuasion were quite minimal
  151. >She seemed to pick up on your thoughts, and changed the subject
  152. >”I could give you real power, Anon. If you want to really change how things are done in this world, then you can help me retake my throne. The people of this realm have needed a King for a long time, after all…”
  153. >Was she proposing marriage now? Did she have no spine?
  154. >Well, Changelings were (sort of) insects, so her outer carapace kind of counted?
  155. >”To put it in your world’s terms, you’d be the Albert to my Victoria. A great political marriage, with you helping me to modernize the realm and eventually eradicate our foes!”
  156. >Alright, that was weird
  157. “You know Victoria was most well known for having a bunch of kids, right?”
  158. >”I hadn’t gotten to that part of your memory yet! Whatever, make up your own blasted analogy!”
  159. “I appreciate your… forwardness, but maybe it’d be wiser if you laid low for a week or so. Luna will be visiting soon, after all.”
  160. >Chrysalis’ face began to visibly fume
  161. >”What business does Princess Luna have in my Kingdom? I thought you hated Equestria!”
  162. “She’ll actually just be visiting to see how I run the town, and seeing whether she can pick up on any of my methods. See, I want Equestria to be run better, and I figured the best way to do that would be to set up my own country and trial my ideas.”
  163. >”You have a very strange sense of priorities. You could probably have had a very easy life in Equestria, yet you chose to come here.”
  164. >She flashes that trademark smirk of hers again
  165. >”But I can see that you want to be here. You want to lead. When this little experiment of yours is over, will you really just be happy going back to your mundane, mindlessly happy life? Or would you not have a better time feeling truly important and valued, like, say, on a Privy Council, or any of the other important governmental positions?”
  166. >It did seem like the kind of promotion you wanted, but equally Chrysalis took every opportunity to try and screw over Equestria
  167. >Would any of your friends appreciate you, if you were working to actively help their enemy?
  168. “I’ll consider your offer, but I’m afraid you haven’t made the greatest first impression, Chrysalis. I suppose you can stay here, but keep your head down and don’t reveal yourself as the Queen until after Luna leaves.”
  169. >Well, this was it
  170. >You felt like you’d sort of crossed the Rubicon, or whatever its Equestrian equivalent was
  171. >Setting up a ‘country’ with a population of 20 was nothing major, but harboring a fugitive whilst a royal came to visit was another entirely
  172. >”No need to fear, Anon. I have many great ways of making myself hidden. Now, where might I hide?”
  173. >Having scrapped almost every building in town that wasn’t lived in, there was only really one place Chrysalis could go that wouldn’t be visited by anyone else
  174. “You’ll have to stay at my house for a little while, at least until after Luna leaves.”
  175. >The realization set in rather suddenly. Evidently she’d already seen the wooden monstrosity known as your house
  176. >”Are there no guest-rooms? Anything besides that… shed would be better.”
  177. “We have a saying on Earth: a man’s house is his castle. So I suppose anything else would be an injustice to you.”
  178. >Her lips curled into a smirk, which gave way to a more genuine smile
  179. >Shit, she actually had a sense of humor
  180. >”Then I will have to put up with it, for now. Getting to know you better would be good, after all.”
  181. “Yes, I noticed that your Centurion, Sil- I mean, 236, decided that today was an opportune time to ‘get to know me better’, as well.”
  182. >”My, you gave her a name? How romantic. No surprise she decided to show up in your room!”
  183. “Romantic?”
  184. >”If you were only ever known by a number, and someone suddenly took enough interest to give you a nickname, wouldn’t you interpret it as special interest?”
  185. >Fuck, you might have been setting the wrong impression
  186. “I doubt she’d see me that way at all. We’ve literally only known each other for a few days.”
  187. >”I’d be on your guard, though, Anon… Changeling centurions are often pretty powerful, and she was always one of my finest. She’d probably already be scheming about how to make you ignore everyling else in the hive if she wasn’t so loyal to me.”
  188. >She paused, her speech about the superiority of her soldiers disrupted
  189. >”Wait a second… Do you even know any of the other Changelings in town?”
  190. >And now it was your turn to pause
  191. “Uh… Not by name…”
  192. >”Good, because they don’t have names. How about by nature?”
  193. “There are about three of them that chop wood… and…”
  194. >You’d forgotten where exactly they were working, only that they all did a good job and were productive
  195. >”My, my, you need to keep better track of your resources! Don’t rely too much on your subordinates, or…”
  196. >She trailed off
  197. “Touchy subject?”
  198. >”Yes.”
  199. >There was a long silence after that
  200. >”Well, I have places to be. Your house, specifically. I assume you do too, so enjoy… What were you even doing out here, anyway?”
  201. >You gesture to your instruments, and she gives a nod of understanding
  202. >”Ah, learning to orchestrate in more ways than one, I see. Well, good luck, and don’t be surprised when we meet again later.”
  203. >She didn’t even wait for you to reply, instead disappearing in a flash of green light
  204. >Maybe things wouldn’t go so well if you had to rely on your Commissar for everything, like Chrysalis said
  205. >Well, whatever. Worst case scenario was that your idea didn’t work out, and you went back to Equestria like you intended
  206. >Having practiced for an hour or so, you felt as though it was about time to head back to town. The rest of the day was quiet, as not even Silk made any sort of appearance
  207. >You missed her, as strange as she could be she was a very grounding force in this new existence of yours
  208. >Was she planning something?
  209. >Probably not
  210. >Retiring to your home late in the evening after not doing very much besides cheerleading for your Changelings, you found the Queen herself resting in your bed
  211. >You got the feeling she wouldn’t take kindly to being woken up and made to lie on the floor, so you decided to instead rough it out on the hardwood
  212. >Your eyes slowly drooped, and you returned to the world of slumber once more

Supreme Commander Anon - Prologue

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 1: Dreaming, Delusional

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 2: Good Days & Bad Days

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 3: According to Plan

by HistoriAnon