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Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 2: Good Days & Bad Days

By HistoriAnon
Created: 2022-12-24 01:17:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >You woke up with a start, before settling back on the couch you had slept on
  2. >A good day to be Anonymous, that was for sure
  3. >Looked like Silk was up already, watching you with vigilance
  4. >What a responsible person she was, to be able to move on with so many heartbreaking events in such quick succession
  5. >She was definitely going to be in the running for the role of your assistant
  6. >As you were thinking, you noticed her composure start to break slightly
  7. >How strange. Were you causing that, or was her fidgeting just coincidental?
  8. >Only one way to find out. You decided to…
  9. >No, you couldn’t think about her. Not now. You were past all of that
  10. >Still, perhaps you could at least think about one of those cool empires you were reading about back on Earth
  11. >Khmer hydraulic engineering, that was always a fun one
  12. >Shit, you loved reading about all that stuff
  13. >Your world’s history was way better than Equestria’s, that’s for sure
  14. >Anything from the Napoleonic Conquests to Norman Sicily fascinated you, and it was probably pretty evident
  15. >You loved all that stuff to pieces, shame you wouldn’t be able to read about it anymore
  16. >Never again. It was pretty shit, to be honest
  17. >Back on topic, Silk was in a bit of a state
  18. >Yeah, you’d done something to her by thinking about all of that
  19. >Her face looked as though her favorite wine had turned to vinegar whilst she was drinking it
  20. >Needless to say, she seemed a bit irritated you were still languishing on her couch
  21. “Interesting. Didn’t know you Changelings reacted so readily to emotion.”
  22. >”Anon, we feed off of love. And when one of us hasn’t had much for a while, we tend to react far more strongly to fear or hate. For a second there I felt some exceedingly strong positive emotion, followed by… remorse? Hopeless nostalgia? I’ve never been good with that stuff.”
  23. >Emotional analysis. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to it. It was bad enough with Celestia and Luna, but a whole race that can do it? It was starting to feel intrusive
  24. >Seemingly sensing something was off, Silk readjusted her composure a little
  25. >”You know, Anon, if there’s ever anything you’re having trouble with, you could always just ask me for help. I mean, it’s because of you that I’m still alive, so I want to be there in your hour of need, too.”
  26. “I appreciate the gesture. Means a lot. But we have only known each other for, like, a day. Are you sure you’d be willing to go along with what I do and forsake your Queen like that?”
  27. >"Certainly. The Queen has never done much for me, and I couldn't forgive her for what she's done to this hive."
  28. >Shit, they all took to you very quickly
  29. >Felt good to be the guy giving the orders for once
  30. >"Anyway, I noticed that you haven't eaten since you got here. Would you like me to get you some breakfast?"
  31. >Damn, she could cook too? How very hospitable. None of your friends back in Ponyville ever did that for free, except Pinkie or AJ on occasion
  32. >She was doing a very good job of winning you over already, just by being nice to you
  33. >Oh right, she fed off of love. That meant that a good meal for you was a good meal for her, too
  34. >How much of this was genuine, and how much was pragmatic? You weren't really sure
  35. >Fuck it, you weren't going to turn down a meal
  36. "That'd be awesome. Don't worry too much, pretty much anything works for me."
  37. >"Right away, Sir."
  38. >Well, should be another great day of giving orders and being listened to
  39. >For now, that was about enough. You liked the control you had
  40. >Working together to build things up was something the Changelings were surprisingly competent at, considering their reputation amongst Ponies
  41. >Equally, the infrastructure was pretty run down before you arrived
  42. >Was this all because of you? You’d like to think so, anyway
  43. >Whatever. Time to get to work
  44. >Mining was probably still a sore spot for them, so for now they'd be working on roads, some entertainment, and that lumber from yesterday
  45. >You worked on a little vegetable garden for yourself, and built the beginnings of a house
  46. >Well, it was more of a shed than a house, but you didn't want it to look like you were freeloading
  47. >The Changelings seemed fine with it, especially Silk, but you at least wanted to seem like a strong leader when Luna came over in a couple of days
  48. >Oh right, that whole thing. It'd be a bit interesting explaining that you'd invited a head of state over, but you could probably manage fine
  49. >They all implicitly trusted your judgment, so nobody would question it
  50. >You hoped
  52. >It was a comfortably slow day for you
  53. >Recently the nights hadn’t been too bad either
  54. >Although you supposed this was just because your sister still did a fair amount of the work, and your subjects weren’t exactly used to talking to you just yet
  55. >Indeed, it was a good day to be Luna, Princess of the Night
  56. >You’d agreed with Celestia that the best way to deal with Anon was to confront him, face-to-face
  57. >Well, you really had outdone yourself this time
  58. >Not only had you gotten hold of his location, but you even arranged a time with Anon and he seemed receptive
  59. >Sure, you did have to lie about conflict with Celestia, but he’d have to forgive you in time
  60. >As it currently stood though, the human was a direct threat to Equestria
  61. >He originated from a warlike society and was very emotionally volatile
  62. >His dreams could attest to that, you’d probably had to intervene in them more than anypony else’s
  63. >It was sad, really, watching someone get so torn up about a death that wasn’t even their fault
  64. >You should likely have consulted your sister about the whole thing before she invited him to Canterlot, but it just felt a bit… personal
  65. >You’d already been over that though. He needed to get over it and heal, not put himself in charge of a town!
  66. >Based on what he said, it was a Changeling Hive, too
  67. >That was very, very bad
  68. >It wasn’t even necessarily their shape-changing abilities that made them threatening when paired with Anon, it was simply how they gained their power
  69. >If they could only get love from him by playing into his delusions or indulging his interests in recreating a human state, then Anon would either never get over his problems, or become the leader of an armed and dangerous rogue nation at Equestria’s borders
  70. >Likely both, and you couldn’t allow either to happen
  71. >You just hoped he’d be willing to listen
  72. >It was about time for your final conversation with Celestia before setting off to pursue Anonymous
  73. >You hated leaving her to raise the moon in your stead, but you both agreed this was something too important to leave stewing
  74. >She approached the meeting table, gently smiling
  75. “Sister, I know it will be difficult for a few days, but try to manage things as usual whilst I’m gone.”
  76. >”I will most certainly be fine, Luna. I have a few centuries’ experience under my belt, after all. All of that aside, I believe you wished to discuss something with me?”
  77. “Yes, I do. Some of my agents near the Changeling border have reported heavy instability. Hives are operating quasi-independently from one another, imports have ceased, and there are even reports of a change in administration.”
  78. >Celestia’s face changed to one of concern
  79. >She never overplayed her emotions, but you could read her well enough
  80. >”Decentralization stands directly against Chrysalis’ domestic policy since the attack on Canterlot. Has something happened there?”
  81. “I believe it is likely. Needless to say, it makes the situation regarding Anonymous more difficult. With overall leadership weakening the Hive he leads might have rallied behind him as a substitute, so even if he chooses to return there might be some opposition from the Changelings in town.”
  82. >”Then I suppose it is my turn to wish you safety. Try not to… make a scene, I don’t believe we should make an enemy of the Changelings any more than we already have.”
  83. >You nodded, before performing an old piece of transformation magic to morph your appearance into that of a young unicorn mare
  84. "Much as I'd love to mount a dramatic rescue mission, I think, as you say, that the Changelings would view my appearance as a diplomatic incident. I'll get him on his own, so they can't trick him any more, then escort him back. Should be easy."
  85. >You didn't like using these sorts of tactics, but they were necessary at a time like this. As an enterprising statesman, Anon would surely understand the reasoning
  86. >"What do you suppose you'll do with him, after you complete this little rescue mission of yours?"
  87. >You thought for a second, before eventually replying to your sister
  88. "I'm considering trying to learn a bit more about him, and how his world works. He seems pretty convinced that he could govern a realm better than even us, and he can be eloquent when he wants to be, so what if we employed him in the Equestrian government?"
  89. >Celestia's brow furrowed, and like you she took a second to respond
  90. >"He would certainly be an… interesting influence in the court. Logistical difficulties aside, it seemed that he had some issues with me, so perhaps it would be a good idea to give him time. I will leave it up to you, though, since you know him better. Once again, good luck, sister."
  91. >She pulled you into a hug with her wings, one that you reciprocated
  92. >And without another word, you walked off in opposite directions
  93. >This would be an interesting operation, to say the least
  95. >Endless numbers of Changelings moved about the streets of the Capital Hive, looking suitably feeble and weak compared to you
  96. >As was fitting, a Queen should always look better than her subjects, even undisguised
  97. >All that said, it was still not a good day to be Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings
  98. >Rumors of disloyalty in the upper echelons, massive love shortages, the works
  99. >These were all possible consequences of urbanizing your Lands, you knew that well
  100. >But suppose you'd succeeded in a full-scale invasion of Equestria like you intended, it would all have been worth it
  101. >You supposed the historians of the realm would have to mark your reign as one of managed decline if nothing changed
  102. >Damned historians, none of them knew what they were talking about!
  103. >Based on the projections of your advisors the current shortages would require you to up your border-hive autonomy scheme
  104. >It was a shame, letting some of your subjects go, but they could most realistically fend for themselves, and you always made sure to send a letter to each one you released
  105. >Once you secured a better love supply, you could bring them back in, but for now you had enough problems to deal with in your heartlands
  106. >Sounds of a nearby scuffle filled your eardrums
  107. >Oh, never mind, just politicians brawling in the street again
  108. >The way your kind settled disputes among themselves never failed to amuse you
  109. >All this talk of politics got you thinking, it had been too long since the last government purge and your underlings had gotten comfortable
  110. >That could come later though, your daily procession was nearly over and you wanted to get back to your throne room already
  111. >Upon nearing your castle, your guards crossed their spears instinctively to bar entry
  112. >They always were far better than the Equestrian ones
  113. >You motioned them to lay down their arms, but they stood firm
  114. >You might have to retract that previous statement
  115. >"Sorry, Miss. No entry is permitted for common citizens."
  116. >Alright, this was getting insulting
  117. >You moved in close and loomed close to their faces
  118. "My apologies, I suppose I should take my leave then, shouldn't I?"
  119. >You feigned an exit, before turning around and snapping at them
  121. >Their demeanor remained certain, and one of them calmly responded
  122. >"As of forty minutes ago, you are no different to the rest of us. The Regency Council rules us now, and you are not on said council."
  123. >Blast it all, they'd pulled off a coup d'etat whilst you were none the wiser!
  124. >Disloyal imbeciles! You should have purged them when you had the chance, like that time a few years ago
  125. >If the guards were anything to go by, you'd need to fight them all in order to regain control, and to be realistic they likely had more firepower in that castle than you could handle
  126. >Firepower that you had built up! Curse them!
  127. >"Move along, citizen. We have orders to escort you from this city if need be."
  128. >Hmm, you'd need support to get your position back, and going into exile wasn't really an option due to your frosty Equestrian relations
  129. >Perhaps you should relocate near the border and raise a well-supplied army in the hives out there
  130. >They tended to be more loyal, after all, and they'd surely jump at the possibility of a dominant position when you inevitably led them to victory
  131. >Maybe head to one of those old mining towns? You had stationed one or two good Centurions there, and they were generally the most loyal of all
  132. >Yup, that was your best shot. As long as Equestria knew nothing of the situation, everything would turn out fine. You could feel a wicked smile forming on your face, exposing your well-kept fangs
  133. "Fine. Be sure to remember that this will be the last time all of you slight me. The vengeance of Chrysalis is supreme!"
  134. >With that, you retreated, cackling
  135. >You weren't cackling internally though, in fact you were a bit miffed
  136. >You'd throw an almighty fit when you were out of here, that was for sure, but as of now you needed not to do anything in front of your subjects that would make them think you irrational or wrathful
  137. >You were sure most of them already thought that, but no harm in at least painting yourself as a graceful loser
  138. >You weren't a loser though, your victory was just on hold for a little while!
  139. >Your hooves trembled a bit, and your step wavered here and there, but surely no-one would notice that kind of subtle body language that only royalty can see
  140. >You'd be over it when you were back on your throne
  141. >Until then, you'd at least have a chance of scenery
  143. >Yup, still a good day to be Anon
  144. >Arguably a great day, according to some sources
  145. >Silk did need one or two pointers as to what was edible to humans, but her heart was in it and that was what mattered
  146. >The other Changelings understood your instructions, and worked fast and hard
  147. >Might be time for a rest, you'd been a bit single-minded today
  148. >You retrieved your faithful Knapsack of Holding™ and pulled out some of the instruments you'd crafted in Ponyville
  149. >Lyra's training was even more rigorous than Twilight's in places, but you preferred its results
  150. >You could control about ten instruments simultaneously if you really focused, channeling air through those that would normally require use of your mouth and just moving other ones the right ways
  151. >It was pretty easy for you, just had to focus on remaking the songs you heard back on Earth and your magic would do the rest of the work
  152. >You could probably put the Canterlot Orchestra out of a job if you tried
  153. >Thus far, you had trained to perform flawless recreations of the Danube Waltz, the Marseillaise, and for some reason Misery by Maroon 5
  154. >You weren't sure why you picked up that last one, it wasn't even a piece that used any of the instruments you had, you just remember that at the time the silence was slowly killing you
  155. >Enough of the shit jokes, your violin control could use some work
  156. >That was Lyra had told you anyway. She was good with the strings, so you supposed it was natural she'd have the most to say on that front
  157. >You wanted to get an accordion at some point and figure out how to nail the motions for that
  158. >It'd be nice to bring some polka to this place
  159. >As you were practicing with three of your stringed instruments out in the woods, you were approached by Silk
  160. >"Interesting. I wouldn't have taken you for the type to enjoy music. Or magic, for that matter. You seem pretty good at it, Commander."
  161. "Eh, I largely started learning as a way to get a bit of control over my life. Feels like I'm leading an army whenever I play all of them at once."
  162. >Damn, when you put it like that it sounded pathetic
  163. >"Sounds to me like you're a natural leader, Anon. And based on how well everyone's doing under your command, there's ample evidence that you're good at coordinating people."
  164. >She turned it into a compliment! No matter how much you tried to disparage yourself, she kept trying to lift you up!
  165. >That kind of attitude balanced you out pretty well, actually. If she was like this with the others then she'd be at least as good a leader as you
  166. >She had a knack for being in the right place at the right time, too. Time to make her a proposition
  167. "Silk, in the very short time I've known you, you've proven to be very reliable. In light of that, I'd like to make you my…"
  168. >Shit, what was a good term that sounded official and corresponded to her status?
  169. >She was already a centurion, after all. What could outdo that?
  170. >Her previously very upbeat demeanor had changed to one of anticipation
  171. >"...What are you making me, Anon? You trailed off a little bit."
  172. "Uh, I'm making you my Commissar-in-Chief for Popular and Military Affairs!"
  173. >That came out a bit more… Soviet than you intended. Would she even understand what that meant?
  174. >Her face lit up and her wings began to buzz gently but consistently
  175. >"Thanks a bunch, Anon! With a position like that, I can help you out with running things! I have a few ideas for how we can make this hive even better, so I'm glad you made me your second-in-command!"
  176. >Second-in-command? You never explicitly said that, but it made a degree of sense considering she was the only Changeling you had taken the time to know personally
  177. >What if she was using that to gain power and manipulate you?
  178. >Nah, she wouldn't do that. She was your friend, after all
  179. >Then again some of your 'friends' back in prison most certainly did do that kind of thing, and it didn't end too well for you
  180. >Perhaps it was good to keep your guard up just a little bit
  181. >Still, it was probably good to delegate power. Once you'd proven that what you were doing was better than that acquainted Diarchy system, you could go back to Ponyville feeling confident, and hopefully Silk or someone else could run things from then on
  182. >Silk's composure quickly changed, and she regained the more soldierly and serious aspect of herself
  183. >"Well, we should probably get back to the hive if you're really going to do this. Make it an official announcement and all. Not to brag, but they were all likely sure that was the arrangement anyway. I'm looking forward to closer cooperation between us, Commander!"
  184. >Oh boy, another speech. Should go over fine, right?
  186. >For a little while, it was a very good day for you, Silk, known as 236 by the Queen you'd sworn off
  187. >Wasn't a very good one now, though
  188. >Your father was a talented mage and soldier, and he taught you to read far more than just emotions
  189. >You knew what Anon was thinking when you got close enough to him, and it wasn't reassuring
  190. >The second-in-command statement was a gambit, sure, but one that had paid off
  191. >Immediately afterwards though, he started thinking about what he'd do when he left the hive!
  192. >It was and always would be a matter of if, not when
  193. >You truly did have his best interests in mind, because the emotions he seemed to associate with Equestria, its government, and its people were ones of mild discomfort at best and trauma at worst
  194. >He was someone who thought like a Changeling, separating his thoughts from his actions and seeking control
  195. >So naturally he'd be far better off with you and the others than with the Ponies
  196. >His love was extremely potent, you just needed to tap into it right
  197. >Insert yourself into his life as a trustworthy advisor, a true friend, or even a love interest, and he would hand it all over
  198. >You needed to keep him here, for his sake and yours
  199. >Even if you had to sabotage the little state he was running and blame someone else
  200. >Even if you had to hurt or kill your fellow Changelings for it
  201. >He and you were cut from the same cloth, you just needed to make him see
  202. >You'd build a functioning nation, one better than Chrysalis or the Princesses could manage, and then you'd be able to show them all that you'd made the right choice in sticking with Anon
  203. >But most importantly, Anon would see that he'd made the right choice sticking with you

Supreme Commander Anon - Prologue

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 1: Dreaming, Delusional

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 2: Good Days & Bad Days

by HistoriAnon

Supreme Commander Anon - Chapter 3: According to Plan

by HistoriAnon