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No Choice

By NHanon
Created: 2023-01-29 15:39:12
Expiry: Never

  1. >Jump over the barrier, walk down the corridor to the left.
  2. >This one goes on for a while.
  3. >Labyrinths like these are always so close together for some reason.
  4. >Then there’s the fact that they are seemingly scattered virtually everywhere.
  5. >Most of these places are apart of various quests.
  6. >Some of those are freely given, while others, randomly discovered.
  7. >Adventurers search these to earn fortune, fame, power, and more.
  8. >The difficulty of them vary greatly, with some being easy, some being hard.
  9. >No matter the difficulty, they themselves are integral.
  10. >Because without doing them, there can be no progress in the story.
  11. >Even the smallest of quests can have a much larger impact overall.
  12. >Such as assisting a cook in getting supplies for the duke’s birthday, which leads to fighting a dark wizard bent on controlling the world.
  13. >It’s quests like those that make things interesting.
  14. >That’s one of the reasons games are so fun to play.
  15. >Most ponies say games are too distracting, or even harmful.
  16. >In the very same breath, they’ll praise books and movies.
  17. >They’re all hypocrites.
  18. >It’s not like any of those can be directly interacted with like a game can be.
  19. >And what’s cooler, is that in most cases, the player themselves is the hero.
  20. >It’s there that they can be extraordinary – to be truly special – in a world elsewhere.
  21. >Isn’t that what everypony yearns for anyways?
  22. >Yes, of course.
  23. >Besides, the /real/ world is far worse, and especially far more cruel than any game could ever be.
  24. >But here in the game? It’s fair, it’s kind.
  25. >Friends are here that never desert you.
  26. >Family is here that never hurts you.
  27. >Life here is good.
  28. >You’re the hero.
  29. >You’re special.
  30. >You’re not you.
  32. >Sadly, gaming has to stop every now then and then, but it’s only for a short while.
  33. >Sleep is one reason, and it is annoying.
  34. >Have to do it, though.
  35. >The long cold nights are bearable to get through.
  36. >Hunger pains are a common form of interruption.
  37. >Usually eat very little, so it’s not too much of an issue.
  38. >Don’t have anypony to talk with about these things however.
  39. >Well, that isn’t entirely true.
  40. >But that isn’t the point.
  41. >Because you don’t need anypony else.
  42. >The game is all that’s needed.
  43. >This current area is so drawn out, wish it wasn’t.
  44. >Kinda makes it boring at times.
  45. >That tends to wake up sleeping thoughts that should stay asleep.
  46. >Alright, gotta pull the lever, then the next room can be accessed for-
  47. >A skeleton pops up from seemingly nowhere.
  48. >It is swiftly dealt with by the magic blade in your possession.
  49. >In it’s place, several more crawl out from the earth.
  50. >One by one, they are taken down.
  51. >More take their place each time another falls.
  52. >This is getting really dicey, gotta watch your health, otherwise-
  53. “Darn it!”
  54. >Written in red text across the screen is two words, “You Died.”
  55. >Gonna have to redo that whole section, AGAIN.
  56. >If you were paying more attention, you would’ve remembered that this was an ambush.
  57. >And as the hero, mistakes cannot be afforded to be made.
  58. >All the ponyfolk back in town are relying on the hero to save them from the dark wizard.
  59. >The treasure this place has is essential to beating him.
  60. >Although this is your third run of the game, it’s still just as great as the first time around.
  61. >The hero, Epona, is awesome.
  62. >She’s agile, strong, dependable, and skillful; borderline flawless.
  63. >Above all else, she isn’t you.
  64. >Need to concentrate, the area you died in is coming up again.
  65. >Won’t fail this time, just need to circle the skeletons, then-
  66. >The screen suddenly turns black.
  67. >With it, the world around starts to come back into focus.
  68. >No, don’t pay attention to that, go back to the game.
  69. >Turning things out, the power button is pressed.
  70. >Nothing happens however.
  71. >Again it is pressed.
  72. >Still nothing.
  73. >Again and again it is pressed, each time it ends the same way.
  74. >Which only means one thing.
  75. >The power cells ran out.
  76. “Great, just… great.”
  77. >Haven’t been keeping track of it like you should have been doing.
  78. >Worst of all, is bell that tolls inside your head.
  79. >Your no longer the hero.
  80. >You’re no longer special.
  81. >You’re you.
  82. >Again.
  83. >Don’t like that.
  84. >Don’t like any of it.
  85. >There is /nothing/ good about it, ever.
  87. >You slip a hoof into your hoodie, and press it against a needle.
  88. >Pain clears away the growing fog; giving just enough focus to know what needs to be done.
  89. >Have to venture into the market to get new power cells.
  90. >Rather stay here where it is safe.
  91. >Can’t do that, though.
  92. >Sensations begin to creep up around as you sit here.
  93. >The first is the itchy, sweatiness that is your body.
  94. >It’s immediately followed up with a sharp pain in your gut that forces you to strongly wince.
  95. >Not sure when the last time you ate anything, but it’s clear that it’s a problem now.
  96. >That’s just something else that will have to be dealt with.
  97. >You give yourself a once-over as you put away your game.
  98. >Clothes are start to wear out again, need to fix them soon.
  99. >Just sow them up later, like you always do.
  100. >As for smell, well… it isn’t pleasant.
  101. >Doesn’t matter, it’s fine.
  102. >Out into the streets you go, with your gaze to the ground.
  103. >Various eyes bore into you as you’re walking.
  104. >They’re judging you.
  105. >I know.
  106. >They’re disgusted by you.
  107. >I know…
  108. >They want you gone.
  109. >I-I know.
  110. >Focus, don’t get sidetracked.
  111. >As if things couldn’t get worse, a delicious smelling aroma wafts in your general direction.
  112. >In response, a pang of hunger strikes without mercy.
  113. >Can’t help but wince slightly.
  114. >Keep it together.
  115. >Have to do this.
  116. >There is no choice.
  117. >A large crowd moves about the marketplace up head.
  118. >That is both good and bad.
  119. >Good because it ensures that more distractions, so less likely to be seen.
  120. >Bad because there’s a lot of ponies.
  121. >Too many.
  122. >Regardless of that, you enter the crowd, and it’s immediately clear that you’re given a wide birth.
  123. >Legs keep shaking with each step, head buzzes loudly, with neither stopping.
  124. >World is tightening around more and more.
  125. >Everypony is drawing closer to you.
  126. >It’s getting harder to breath.
  127. >Fire licks away at your trembling form.
  128. >Sight is fading away.
  129. >Everything is-
  130. “NO!”
  131. >Chest heaves hard, body quakes in tremors, but all in all, you’re still here.
  133. >However, here in the middle of the crowd, all eyes are upon you.
  134. >A single squeak escapes as you dart off into a nearby alley.
  135. >Your heart beats like drums in your ears as they splay back upon your head.
  136. >You hide behind a set of trashcans, and hold yourself tightly.
  137. >It is awake, the beast, it is eating away your insides.
  138. >That’s why there is pain.
  139. >Never will it stop.
  140. >It just waits.
  141. >Everything around turns black as you squeeze your eyes shut.
  142. >Slowly, you gently rock yourself back and forth.
  143. >Shouldn’t have come here.
  144. >Shouldn’t exist.
  145. >There is no choice.
  146. >For a time, everything else remains quiet.
  147. >Eventually, you reopen your eyes to the blurry world around.
  148. >Your sleeves dry your eyes, and you shakily stand back upon your hooves.
  149. >Need to finish this, fast.
  150. >It will be done.
  151. >Because you are the hero.
  152. >No pony notices when you slip back into the crowd.
  153. >Good.
  154. >First things first – get food.
  155. >That’s the easiest part of all of this.
  156. >Second thing to do – get power cells.
  157. >The hardest part.
  158. >Speaking of which, you can just make out the stall from where you are.
  159. >A young mare is running it instead of the owner.
  160. >Good.
  161. >Some guards are talking with her, though.
  162. >Bad.
  163. >Will figure out what to do later once you got food.
  164. >Various stalls sell various kinds, and best of all, nearly every one of them is crowded.
  165. >That makes things a little less difficult, but still not a complete breeze.
  166. >After all, it only takes on observant pony to see, then it’s all over.
  167. >Now, what to get?
  168. >Something small enough to conceal away within your hoodie.
  169. >Mouth keeps watering as you eye the different foods.
  170. >Brain is fuzzy, just want to eat.
  171. >Probably drooling like a zombie.
  172. >Don’t care.
  173. >Moving along like the aforementioned creature, you slip by a few vendors.
  174. >Practice skill comes into play, with several new items now occupying a space close to your body.
  175. >Should eat now.
  176. >No, not yet.
  177. >A quick glance around reveals no pony seems to have noticed.
  178. >Good.
  180. >As you start to make your way around to the next destination, the strongest hunger pain drives you to stumble.
  181. >Barely recover enough to move out the way of everypony else.
  182. >This is getting worse.
  183. >Go off to eat then, that will solve the problem.
  184. >Get the cells first.
  185. >Going to make mistakes if you keep this up.
  186. >Just go, do what needs to be done.
  187. >Despite what just happened, everypony around moves on like nothing is wrong.
  188. >Why would they ever notice you, other than seeing a piece of trash?
  189. >You’re not special.
  190. >You’re you.
  191. >But you can pretend not to be.
  192. >Remember: the hero never stops, they can’t otherwise the world suffers.
  193. >The hero suffers alone, it is their burden.
  194. >So you too must suffer alone.
  195. >Body is very itchy, sweat continues to worsen.
  196. >Hunger aggravates everything else further.
  197. >In spite of it all, you carry onward.
  198. >A prayer from when you were younger echoes quietly inside your mind.
  199. >“Celestia, please help me through this.”
  200. >No pony else has ever helped before, but if she does?
  201. >Well, then… thanks.
  202. >Can see the stall again, and the guards are no longer there.
  203. >Good.
  204. >Mustering everything you have, you *try* to appear normal as you reach the stall.
  205. >“Hi there, can I help you with anything?” Says the cheerful voice of the mare.
  206. >She doesn’t know you.
  207. >Good.
  208. >She doesn’t need to.
  209. >She will eventually.
  210. >Staying silent, you shake your head gently.
  211. >Throat is dry.
  212. >I know.
  213. >Stomach hurts.
  214. >I know.
  215. >You need to eat.
  216. >I know…
  217. >You need to get the power cells.
  218. >I-
  219. >Stop getting distracted!
  220. >The needle in your pocket is pressed against your barrel.
  221. >It breaths some much needed concentration back.
  222. >From the corner of your eye, the mare is keeping an eye on you.
  223. >There is no pony else here but you.
  224. >Be patient, don’t rush things.
  225. >Various titles are brushed over, some interesting, others not so much.
  226. >Keep browsing regardless, an opportunity will present itself soon.
  228. >As if on cue, a young colt accompanied by his mother come up to the stall.
  229. >Good.
  230. >Just need to wait a little longer.
  231. >Nerves may be frayed, pain may be constant, but determination is all you have right now.
  232. >The colt begins talking up a storm to the mare running the stall.
  233. >There we go.
  234. >Leaning forward slightly, a seemingly unassuming scratch of a foreleg does the job.
  235. >With that, you carefully, and calmly, retreat into the crowd.
  236. >Each step is very shaky, unfocused.
  237. >A dull ringing is in your ears, it won’t stop.
  238. >It will pass once you get home, so keep going.
  239. >Some color from nearby draws your attention, though once you see it, prettification takes hold.
  240. >A large group of guards are coming your way.
  241. >Instincts take over instantly, with you breaking out of the crowd, and immediately sprinting away.
  242. >Each leg aches badly, along with your lungs that burn terribly, but there can be no stopping, there can’t be.
  243. >There is no choice.
  244. >Into the alleyways, around street corners, and through backyards you go.
  245. >Reflexes just barely prevent accidents.
  246. >Shouting is seemingly coming from all directions.
  247. >Every voice oozes with venom; the very same venom that’s been spewed your way since you were little.
  248. >They’re going to catch you.
  249. >No.
  250. >They’ll find what you really are.
  251. >No!
  252. >They’ll lock you up in that terrible, terrible place.
  253. >NO!
  254. >The asylum awaits.
  255. >Vision rapidly begins to dissolve into a blurred mess.
  256. >Can just barely make out greenery around through the pain.
  257. >It’s-
  258. >…
  259. >…
  260. >…
  261. >Sounds.
  262. >Thoughts.
  263. >Feelings.
  264. >Pain.
  265. >So. Much. Pain.
  266. >Every part of you is agony, especially your lungs.
  267. >Looming over you, is a dark unicorn mare.
  268. >Her steel blue eyes burn into you, “...welcome home…”
  269. “NO!”
  270. >Your words banish her in an instant.
  271. >Clarity takes the reigns, and with it, everything else around comes into focus.
  272. >There are no pale walls around; only grass, stones, bushes, and trees.
  273. >You must have crashed face first into here.
  274. >Guess you blacked out.
  276. >Nearby, nestled between a set of trees is a something you are very familiar with.
  277. >Those boxes, all cobbled together, you know them.
  278. >It’s then that you realize exactly where you are.
  279. >This is home.
  280. >Fear forces your ears to twitch about to listen carefully.
  281. >No pony else is around here.
  282. >It’s just you.
  283. >Which means one of two things – either you lost your pursuers, or there was no pony chasing you to begin with.
  284. >Of course, it’s the former, it has to be.
  285. >You’re not crazy.
  286. >You are not your si-
  287. >Your hoof makes contact with the needle in your pocket, thus silencing that thought.
  288. >Alongside it, are the items acquired from the marketplace.
  289. >Despite the pain, a sigh of relief escapes from your lips.
  290. “ complete.”
  291. >An apple is withdrawn, and is greedily devoured within seconds.
  292. >Something hot and wet rolls down your cheeks.
  293. >Ignore it like the beast inside is ignore.
  294. >Another piece of food is eaten hastily.
  295. >Would go for another, but you must exercise restraint to save the rest for later.
  296. >Legs hurt too much to stand up, so you crawl into your home.
  297. >Still feel really itchy, need to remedy that.
  298. >Your hoodie is removed, and a coolness washes over your body.
  299. >It does little in the wake of the pain coursing through you, but it certainly feels better.
  300. >The power cells are replaced in your game, then the button is pressed.
  301. >The screen lights up, so does everything else around begin to fade away.
  302. >You can be hero.
  303. >You can be special.
  304. >You can not be you, Bambi.
  305. >This is fun.
  306. >This is right.
  307. >This is all that matters.
  308. >There is no choice.
  309. >Ever.

/emo/ Eri and Anon, the sunset

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/emo/ Eri and Anon, finding the beauty in things

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/emo/ Eri's week, chp 2

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