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Sister Sunset's Secret Scandelous Salacity

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2023-07-09 22:38:42
Updated: 2023-07-09 22:44:36
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Bro?"
  2. >You sigh.
  3. >This is the third time shes interrupted the movie.
  4. >Would be really awesome to NOT be interrupted while watching Arnold take on this alien bastard.
  5. "What?"
  6. >"Do you think I'm... ugly?"
  7. "Boys paying more attention to your friends then they are you?"
  8. >"N-no, nothing like that. I mean, do /you/ think I'm ugly?"
  9. "You're my sister..."
  10. >"So?"
  11. >You sigh.
  13. >Sunset's shirt hung loosely off her shoulders, the thin fabric barely concealing her enormous tits and threatening to reveal her bare nipples at any moment.
  14. >She wasn't wearing the shirt so much as it was draped on top of her, revealing her many inviting curves that demanded your attention.
  15. >Your sister was looking at you with her liquid pools of turquoise, her face full of worry, framed by mixed locks of blonde and ginger hair.
  16. >To put it simply, your sister was gorgeous.
  17. "Oh, Sunset..."
  18. >Pausing the movie, you close the distance between the two of you on the couch and put your hand around her.
  19. >Sunset shivers at your touch, a blush blooming on her cheeks as she stares at you with wide eyes.
  20. "You have no idea do you?"
  21. >Grabbing the bottom hem of your sister's top, Sunset breathes a little gasp.
  22. >Slowly pulling it up, you use your other hand to caress her cheek, your thumb rubbing over her full lips, her hot breath washing over the digit.
  23. >Sunset had stars in her eyes as you kept pulling her shirt up, revealing her taut midriff to the air.
  24. >Chuckling, you shake your head, initially you thought she was just fishing for a compliment, but her face said she needed this more than anything.
  25. "This might be hard for you, but do you think you can you do something for me big sis?
  26. >The question seems to snap her out of her trance as she blinks a few times, biting her lip.
  27. >"Y-Yes, anything bro~"
  28. >Her shirt had gotten caught underneath her huge breasts, and with a tug you yank it free, two heavy plaps sounding as they slap against her chest.
  29. "Good, if you wouldn't mind, could you please-"
  30. >Sunset looked almost about to cry with happiness before you pulled the bottom of her shirt over her head and tied it closed with her arms still inside in one swift movement.
  31. "-SHUT THE FUCK UP?"
  32. >"Wha-WHAT?!"
  33. >While she was confused, you push your trapped sister flat on her back onto the couch as she struggles to free her head and arms from her own shirt.
  36. >Grabbing sunset's ankles, you take advantage of her flexibility and pull them above her head and put her in a mating press position.
  37. >"O-Oh! Fuck-!"
  38. >You're quickly made aware that your sister didn't bother wearing any panties tonight as her bare pussy stares back at you, little tuft of red and yellow hair sitting right above it.
  39. "Ugh you slut, it's the best fucking part and you're RUINING it being a whore!"
  40. >"Hey fuck you! Is it so goddamn hard to compliment your sister asswipe?!"
  41. >You assume Sunset's face is furious, but as it was still trapped with her arms inside her shirt, all you see is angrily struggling fabric.
  42. >That, and her exposed pussy and huge tits.
  43. >Sighing, you bring your head down right as she was about to go into a tirade and press your lips against the shirt where her lips were.
  44. "You're pretty, okay?"
  45. >Sunset stops struggling, and a glorious silence replaces the angry words.
  46. >And lasts about three seconds.
  47. >"...That's it?"
  48. "Oh my fucking-"
  49. >"Fine! Fine, whatever, that's good enough I guess."
  50. "Better be."
  51. >"But, um... c-can I have another kiss bro? Please?"
  52. >Those words made her sound so innocent, vulnerable even.
  53. "...Okay sis, you can have another."
  54. >Pressing your lips against the shirt again, as soon as they make contact with hers, her teeth sink into the fabric and onto your mouth angrily before she headbutts you.
  56. >Struggling with renewed vigor, Sunset tries to thrash free of the shirt and your grip.
  58. >Blinking away stars, you look down at your sister with fury.
  60. >Pulling one of her sucks off, you stuff it into the shirt and into Sunset's swearing mouth, muffling her.
  61. >Laying on top of her, your body pins your big sister to the couch, the only thing she can do now is scream and wiggle.
  62. >You do your best to ignore how her soft body and squishy breasts rub against you, and try especially hard to ignore her naked pussy grinding against your crotch.
  63. >Unpausing the movie, you turn it up to maximum, the explosions completely drowning out your sister for once tonight.
  64. >'Bleed bastard.'
  65. "Haha, classic..."
  67. -~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-
  68. >Another day, another movie night with your titty monster big sis.
  69. >Same slutty clothes, same slutty boobs.
  70. >The only thing different this time was the movie, and the shitty attitude Sunset had.
  71. >Seems she still hadn't forgiven you for hog tying and gagging her to watch Predator last night, or maybe she just hated The Big Lebowski.
  72. >No, that was impossible, no one hated this movie.
  73. >Which means she was definitely still pissed at you.
  74. >Said sister sat at the opposite end of the couch, eyes on the TV with a sour look on her face.
  75. >The only thing that changed her scowl was when she took a sip of the alcohol she had raided from your parents bar.
  76. >And yes, it was HER who raided the bar.
  77. >Despite you also making a drink for yourself, if you two were found out you'd be dammed if you took the fall for it.
  78. >Looking over at your sister slumped in her seat, you can't help but feel just the slightest twinge of guilt.
  79. >Maybe you should say something to make her feel better, you might've gone a little overboard last night.
  80. >Clearing your throat, you try to think of something nice to say as Sunset takes another sip of her drink.
  81. >Before you can say anything, Sunset preempts you.
  82. >"You're interrupting the movie, dick."
  83. >Ah, there's your inspiration for some nice words.
  84. "Why do you always go around dressed like a slut?"
  85. >The way Sunset bristled told you they were the perfect words, just not the ones for making her feel better.
  86. >"For your information twerp," Sunset said, glaring at the screen. "I dress like everyone else when I go outside."
  87. >Sitting up, your sister turns to you.
  88. >"But when I'm home, I like to dress COMFORTABLY, GOT IT?!"
  89. >Her shout took you off guard, the smell of alcohol wafting over you with her angry breath.
  90. >"If I want to "dress like a whore" in my OWN FUCKING HOUSE then I have EVERY RIGHT TO DO SO!"
  91. >Standing up angrily, Sunset downs the rest of her drink in one go, grabs the hem of her big shirt, and promptly rips it off.
  92. >Throwing the offending garment that smelled like her shampoo at you, Sunset stood confidently before you, completely nude.
  93. >"And if I want to be fucking naked, you just have to DEAL WITH IT or get the fuck out!"
  94. >Getting right up in your face, Sunset jabs a finger into your chest.
  95. >"Now SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'm trying to watch a movie here!"
  96. >Slamming herself back down onto the couch, Sunset winces as the fast movement makes her gigantic breasts slap into each other, rubbing them a second later to stop them sloshing around.
  97. >Well, seems like someone was an angry drunk.
  98. >Not wanting to get yelled at again by your crazy nude sister, you keep that thought to yourself.
  99. >As the movie continues, the silence between you two is tense, the only movement being Sunset taking a drink every now and then and your eyes stealing glances at her body.
  100. >Each time you look, you find something new, a cute freckle here, a sexy curve there, your sister's body was all kinds of inviting.
  101. >As time goes on, Sunset shifts in her seat occasionally, revealing more of her body to you.
  102. >She had turned her torso so that her heavy tits rested on top of each other on the couch, both pointing their large nipples directly at you.
  103. >Then her hips had followed suit so that she was resting on her side, creating a noticeable flare in her silhouette and letting you peek at her pussy.
  104. >The little tuft of fiery hair could do nothing to shield her mound from your gaze, her lower lips looking nice and plump.
  105. >Soon her whole body was turned toward you, despite her not once taking her steady glare off the TV.
  106. >You were the complete opposite, not having looked at the screen in some time.
  107. >"Eyes on the movie pervert."
  108. >Jolting in your seat, you look at Sunset's face, to see that she had finally looked away from the screen and caught you staring.
  109. >The edges of her scowl had barely noticeably turned up, but her eyes remained hard.
  110. >Quickly looking away, you try to calm your heart rate and breathing that had spiked.
  111. >Dammit, why does your sister have to be so hot?
  112. >Even though you were just caught red handed, you can't help but keep looking at Sunset from the corner of your eye.
  113. >Though each time you glance over, she seems to be more and more self conscious, probably having a moment of clarity in her inebriated state and realizing she was completely exposed in front of her little brother.
  114. >Soon her face was beet red and her hands were holding her tits and covering her crotch with shame.
  115. >"S-Sorry I yelled at you."
  116. "Huh?"
  117. >Looking fully at your sister, you see she's curled in on herself.
  118. >"Earlier, I got a little loud, m'sorry."
  119. "It- it's okay, you're just drunk is all." You say, waving her off.
  120. >"Yeah..."
  121. >Your sister doesn't seem comforted by this, still bunched up in a naked ball.
  122. "You cold?"
  123. >Shaking her head, Sunset's blush deepens.
  124. >"No, it's just- it's not fair I'm the only one n-naked..."
  125. "Then put on some clothes for once."
  126. >All of a sudden your sister explodes from her seat like a bomb, standing over you with her arms out.
  127. >"D-DO YOU LIKE ME OR NOT?!"
  128. "Geez! You don't have to yell you crazy angry bitch!"
  129. >"Im not angry, I'm PASSIONATE dickhead!"
  130. >Still standing above you, Sunset's bare tits jiggle in your face, her chest heaving from her outburst.
  131. >Shyly covering herself again, your sister looks away from you.
  132. >"...c'mon bro, lose some clothes, you're making me uncomfortable."
  133. "What? Why do I have to get naked? Just put your shirt back on."
  134. >"T-There's nothing wrong with being nude, it's natural, especially around family."
  135. "It's kinda weird sis."
  136. >"N-No! YOU'RE the one being weird about it, what, are you hiding something from me?"
  137. "Why would I be hiding something dumbass?"
  138. >"I donno, why don't you tell me fucker, you're the one making everyone else uncomfortable."
  139. "It's just the two of us here Sunny."
  140. >Getting flustered, Sunset goes on the offensive and puts her hands on you.
  141. >"It's perfectly normal to be naked with your sister! What are you hiding, huh?"
  142. "Hey! Cut it out!"
  143. >The two of you tussle on the couch for a moment, Sunset taking the advantage of surprise and quickly removing your shirt.
  144. >Next she drunkenly fumbled at your pants, struggling against you to take them off as well.
  145. >Completely flustered with your naked sister all over you, you lose the battle and your pants get yanked off as well.
  146. >Standing victoriously with your clothing in her hand, Sunset points to your boxers.
  147. >"Lose 'em, or I'll lose them for you."
  148. >Holding your waistband tightly, you try to think of a way to stop your big sister.
  149. >Evidently you took too long as Sunset loses her patience and descends on you again, but you stop her right before she gets her talons in you.
  150. "Wait! Okay okay I'll take them off, just, look away for a second."
  151. >Crossing her arms under her immense chest, Sunset stares at you.
  152. >"Absolutely not."
  153. >Cringing, you do your best to hide your manhood as you quickly take off your boxers, leaving you just as naked as your sister.
  154. >Smiling wide, Sunset sits back down on the couch, right next to you.
  155. >"See? Was that so hard? Now I feel better, thanks Nonny."
  156. >Giving you a kiss on the cheek, Sunset goes back to watching the movie as if nothing at all had happened.
  157. >You however, were keenly aware she had her hot body pressed up against yours, with her soft womanly curves squishing into you delightfully, giving you a raging boner you were doing your best to hide.
  158. >"Man, you're stiff as a board."
  159. >Your blood runs cold as Sunset grabs one of your hands protecting your crotch and throws the arm around her.
  160. >"Loosen up a little, you're waaaay to tense bro, be more like the dude, heh."
  161. >Relieved that she hadn't noticed your hard-on, you look to the screen to see said character with his usual casual unbothered demeanor.
  162. >Yeah well, he didn't have his total bombshell of an older sister pressing her naked body against him.
  163. "I-I'm fine."
  164. >Giggling, Sunset puts a hand on your chest.
  165. >"Really? 'Cause I can feel your heartbeat right now, and you're anything but fine."
  166. >Saying nothing, you try to ignore her and watch the movie.
  167. >"Hehe, what're you hiding under here huh?"
  168. >Your sister's fingers dance over the back of your hand that was on your crotch teasingly, gently trying to push it out of the way.
  169. >"You're not still hiding something from me, are you little bro?"
  170. >Sunset's voice was breathy, tinged with alcohol and need.
  171. >Desperately trying to find something to distract your horny sister, you look at the TV again.
  172. "Uh y-you know, I've never had a White Russian before, h-haha."
  173. >The hand stops on yours, Sunset looking at you incredulously.
  174. >"What, really? Never? It's like one of the most popular drinks because of this movie!"
  175. "Uh nope, never have."
  176. >Immediately getting up, your sister goes over to the liquor cabinet and starts rummaging around in it.
  177. >Breathing a sigh of relief, you try and will your boner down, to no success.
  178. >"I can't believe you've never had one, it's so simple to make, just three ingredients!"
  179. >Walking back to you, your sister was holding a bottle of vodka and KahlĂșa in each hand on either side of her boobs.
  180. "Only one problem, we're out of milk, stupid, remember? You used it all for your cereal this morning."
  181. >Rolling her eyes, Sunset pours the two liquors into a glass.
  182. >"Shut up, you use heavy cream anyway, but we're not... necessarily out of milk."
  183. >Sitting back down, Sunset runs a finger over the rim of the glass, a blush returning to her face.
  184. "Well then go get some already."
  185. >This was perfect, while she was getting the milk you could try and get this massive erection under control.
  186. >"Dumbass... fine, h-here, hold this."
  187. >Pushing the glass into your hand, Sunset faces you, determination on her face despite it also being as red as her hair.
  188. >Taking one of her breasts in her hands, your sister starts massaging it, much to your confusion.
  189. "Uh, what are you doing sis?"
  190. >"S-Shut mmf- up and do what I told you."
  191. >Bringing a large nipple to the glass, Sunset massages down her boob until she gets to the areola and squeezes it, a few jets of milk shooting into the glass.
  192. "Whoa!"
  193. >"H-Hold it steady retard!"
  194. >A few streams miss the glass before you get it back into position, Sunset unable to look you in the eye as she fills the glass with her tittymilk, trying to stifle her moans.
  195. >This was not helping your boner at all.
  196. >The dark black drink quickly becomes more and more cream colored as it mixes with her milk, beginning to look like the drink in the movie.
  197. >Eventually your sister pulls her still leaking boob away from the glass, hiding her face behind her hair.
  198. >"T-Try it."
  199. >Looking at the drink, you swirl it around before taking a curious sip.
  200. >It was definitely coffee flavored, but the milk was the star of the show, rich and creamy, with a slight vodka aftertaste.
  201. >Sunset watches you enjoy the drink she made, biting her lip as you swallow, one of her hands snaking into her crotch.
  202. >"H-How is it?"
  203. >Finishing the cocktail, you lick your lips, wiping away the milk mustache.
  204. >Your sister toys with her hair, looking at you from the corner of her eye.
  205. "It was delicious." You say truthfully.
  206. >Sunset's eyes sparkle and she smiles happily, able to look at you fully again.
  207. "I want another one."
  208. >Crimson tinges your sister's cheeks again as she takes the empty glass from you, her other hand working at her crotch.
  209. >"O-Okay."
  210. >Filling it up with the liquors, Sunset doesn't give it back to you this time.
  211. >"I want y-you to do it."
  212. >As you reach out with a shaky hand, Sunset grins.
  213. >"You need both hands for one of these tits bro."
  214. >Debating with yourself for a moment, you eventually concede and take your other hand off your dick, letting your boner spring free.
  215. >"I knew you were a pervert." Sunset says, looking at your dick with a hungry smile on her face as you grab her boob.
  216. "Th-That's rich coming from the slut letting her brother grope her tits while she's shlicking."
  217. >Sunset's hand pauses it's movements in her crotch briefly before speeding up.
  218. >"I-It's natural, and if you keep coping an attitude like that you're not going to get any more White Russians from big sis."
  219. >Shutting you up, Sunset holds the glass at her nipple and enjoys you milking her, not bothering to hide her moans anymore as she masturbates while you fill up the glass.
  220. >Her large boob felt good in your hands, weighty and squishable, you were a little disappointed when the glass was ready.
  221. >Taking the cup from Sunset, you impatiently suck it down, the warm creamy drink disappearing in seconds.
  222. >"H-Hey! I wanted some too, greedy asshole!"
  223. >Hitting you on the shoulder, Sunset grabs the glass from you only to see it was already empty.
  224. >Burping, you smirk at your sister.
  225. "Guess we gotta make more then huh?"
  226. >Many more drinks made and shared between you two later, and soon it became obvious you were running low on booze.
  227. >Sunset still had milk to spare though, the two of you able to make two drinks at a time with her tits, enjoying the movie while getting drunk on White Sunnies.
  228. >"Mmm, hey 'Non *hiccup* looks like we only have enough for one more drink..."
  229. >Shaking the almost empty vodka bottle, Sunset gently sways in her seat, both of her stiff, swollen nipples leaking into her lap her hand was still stuck in.
  230. "Aww bummer..."
  231. >"C'mere bro, I wanna... I wanna make one with your milk."
  232. "I... don't have any, but ...okay."
  233. >Rolling over to your sister, you rest your head on her shoulder to try to keep the world from spinning so much.
  234. >"Shtand up please, when you can."
  235. "Sec."
  236. >Pushing yourself off the couch, you stagger a moment before catching your fall on Sunset's shoulders.
  237. >You take a moment to get steady, but when you do, you realize your cock was right in your sister's face, and she was already stroking you off.
  238. "Oh, t-thank you?"
  239. >Sunset giggles as her free hand glides over your dick, looking up at you with lidded eyes.
  240. >"Shuch a goofball, *hiccup* l-lemme know when you're about to cum."
  241. "Uh-huh" Is all you manage to reply, enjoying your sister's hand immensely.
  242. >You try to keep steady as you're jerked off, Sunset fondling your balls once or twice as she stroked you, her gaze locked on your tip bobbing in front of her tantalizingly.
  243. >"I wanna taste now..."
  244. >Before you knew what was happening, your cock disappeared into Sunset's mouth, warmth and wetness enveloping it.
  245. "Hah, S-Sunny!"
  246. >Taking that as approval, your sister bobs on your cock, moaning into it as she sucks, her fingers now double timing it on her pussy.
  247. >Your already wobbly legs feel weak in the knees as Sunset blows you, and it takes all of your concentration not to fall on top of her.
  248. >Taking you into her throat, Sunset gags on you before getting used to your size and continuing, tears budding in the corners of her eyes.
  249. >She was absolutely slobbering all over your cock, her drunken blowie drooling spit into her cleavage as she made lewd sucking noises each time you left her throat.
  250. >Then all of a sudden, your sister starts seizing, her body trembling as she makes herself cum with her fingers, shrieking in ecstasy on your cock as her eyes roll back in her head.
  251. >Doubling her efforts on you, Sunset's tongue licked as much of your cock as possible while she facefucked herself on your cock, making her tits wobble with the effort.
  252. >Before you knew it, you were over the edge, a shiver running down your spine as you went past the point of no return.
  253. "C-Cumming Sunny!"
  254. >Immediately, Sunset takes you out of her throat, gasping and wheezing as her sticky hand takes over, stroking you to completion with her own spit and juices.
  255. >"*cough* Do it Nonny! *gasp* give big sis Sunny your creamy milk!"
  256. >Her other hand takes the empty glass from her cleavage and holds it up to your tip as you start shooting, catching it expertly.
  257. >You hear your cum hit the back of the glass as Sunset coos, voicing her approval as she wrings you dry.
  258. >"Theeeere we go, good pushes Nonny~ I'll make shure to get every drop, just keep cumming for me!"
  259. >Doing as you were told, you give her as much as you can, her slick fingers stroking you until you run out completely.
  260. >"Mmm, good boy~"
  261. >Your dick is sucked back into your sister's mouth as she takes what was left, licking you clean before popping you back out and giving you a pat on the butt when she was done.
  262. >After that, you can't do much more than let your legs finally give out, falling on your sister as she lets out a "Wah!"
  263. >"Y-You almost made me shpill my drink, dickhead!" Sunset says angrily, pouring the last of the liquor into her cum glass.
  264. "Mmmf."
  265. >You weren't really in the mood to argue right now, your face buried in your sisters expansive cleavage.
  266. >As far as you were concerned, you were in heaven, Sunset having sucked your soul out through your cock.
  267. >"Having fun in- *hiccup* there?"
  268. >You just nod, her boobs acting as excellent pillows.
  269. >"Well you're heavy, get off."
  270. >You shake your head this time.
  271. >"Ugh, c'mere you..."
  272. >Grunting with effort, your sister moves your lifeless body mostly back onto the couch so that you were looking up at her with your upper torso was in her comfortable lap.
  273. >"I know they're not ash amazing as my titties, but my thighs are gonna have to be good enough."
  274. >Taking a sip from the drink you made her, Sunset strokes your hair, her still leaking tits resting heavily on your chest, neck, and stomach.
  275. >"Shtill not as good as mine, but, it's okay."
  276. >Looking down at you, your sister's face was covered with spit and tears, in contrast to her pleased expression.
  277. >"Oh, you look a little de- *hiccup* dehydrated, let me get you a drink Nonny."
  278. >Holding your head and taking one of her massive boobs, your sister brings the dripping nipple to your mouth.
  279. >"M'kay, suck, but be gentle pleash."
  280. >Obeying your older sister, you latch onto her tit, drinking her creamy milk thirstily.
  281. >The fat nipple in your mouth seemed to have an unending supply, giving you as much as you wanted and more, the little sprays of warm milk hitting your tongue again and again.
  282. >"Gosh you're sho cute sometimes... suckin' on your big sissy's big titties..."
  283. >Blinking tiredly, Sunset looked like she was about to fall asleep at any moment.
  284. >"You can have as much ash you want... she's got plenty for ya..."
  285. >Holding your head with both hands, Sunset rubs your cheek, feeling you swallow her milk.
  286. >"Mmmnext time... what movie... d'you... wanna... waahhhhh.....?"
  287. >Going limp, your sister's eyes close, her body still cradling and feeding you as your own eyes grow heavy as well.
  288. >The last thing you see before falling unconscious is your sister's sleeping face, drooling a little and snoring lightly.

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit