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Pelvis Trampled Under Pelvis

By Grey
Created: 2023-07-15 07:01:16
Updated: 2023-09-09 04:01:11
Expiry: Never

  1. >This whole thing with her just won’t let you sleep.
  2. >Spring Break hadn’t lasted long enough.
  3. >It was only a week.
  4. >So you braved out the rest of the school year and waited until summer.
  5. >Luckily for you, she had principal duties to attend to during spring break and then the rest of the year, and her whole deal with you had to be put on hold since V-day was far into the past by that point.
  6. >The school year ended and you immediately packed up your car to go on your road trip across the country.
  7. >The very instant you left the city limits, a weight left your shoulders.
  8. >Like you just left the map of the video game for the first time, discovering that more of the world actually exists.
  9. >So many new roads to travel down, so many new things to do, so many new sights to see.
  10. >And you had escaped love as well, driving away from her in your car down the highway.
  11. >Going about 50-60 miles an hour; she’s not gonna catch up to you in her high heels.
  12. >Oh, if only you didn’t miscalculate it all like that…
  13. >But you’re confident that it’s over anyway.
  14. >And yet you had found yourself looking into the rear view mirror, out of some sort of paranoia.
  15. >Checking the radio station you had on to make sure THAT song didn’t start playing again.
  16. >Then, Friday night or Saturday morning in the middle of July:
  17. >It’s so hot out here that it might as well be the middle of the afternoon.
  18. >It’s been a couple of days of peace o n the road, and you’ve enjoyed being able to afford good hotels with the absence of things that would usually make hotel stays crummy experiences.
  19. >Relaxed during the day, slept during the night, enjoyed free breakfast, wondered if that other car in the parking lot looked familiar…
  20. >Only wondered for a second.
  21. >You’re on vacation, and enjoying a bomb-ass road trip all to yourself.
  22. >Didn’t even give the familiar car a second thought when it quickly pulled away.
  23. >Just kept sipping your lemonade and made plans to keep driving in the same direction you had been after checking out.
  24. >It is now the middle of the night and you wish you had turned back after looking into the rear view mirror once again.
  25. >There’s a pink-ish tint in the color of the pair of headlights flashing you from behind.
  26. >For some reason, that helps you KNOW that it’s her.
  27. >And she KNOWS that it’s you in this car.
  28. >All alone.
  29. >Heading down the scarcely lit fast lane after several hours of driving only interrupted by pit stops at fast food joints and gas stations.
  30. >You wish the street lamps weren’t here, so you could escape her.
  31. >The inside of your car is completely dark aside the lit up radio knobs and speed dial and such.
  32. >The cranked up air conditioning only makes your sweat on your brow more easy to feel as you turn your head and feel the blast of cold air hit your face.
  33. >It’s dark and cold in here, but it’s hot and dancing with bright lights out there.
  34. >And it’s all ACHING to get into your car and get you.
  35. >You dare not roll down your window.
  36. >You dare not unlock your door.
  37. >You dare not slow down your pace.
  38. >Or else she’ll catch up some more.
  39. >You lost her at a massive overpass-laden intersection portion of the crossing interstates, with a sneaky “suddenly… this lane!” maneuver she couldn’t mimic before the cars behind both of you had to drive through.
  40. >Hopefully no one saw your plates and you won’t see a ticket on your windshield tomorrow morning.
  41. >Then again, you’re not staying this town.
  42. >Just taking the darker, quiet roads out of it before going in a new impromptu direction that can’t be predicted unless she’s reading your mind.
  43. >Onto an unplanned hotel you go.
  44. >…
  45. >You just know you got away.
  46. >She would have had to find somewhere to turn around, then get all the way back to where you turned away, then figure out where you drove down next to choose which direction you chose to go in next.
  47. >Your simple road trip just had a change in plans.
  48. >Luckily, no one was exactly expecting you anywhere, so you’re free to adjust on the fly.
  49. >Travel down the interstate highway for several dozens of miles until you get too tired to keep on doing.
  50. >Pass by a couple of small towns along the way.
  51. >It’s REALLY late now, and drowsy driving is going to get you into a crash sooner or later if you don’t find somewhere to crash for the night instead.
  52. >Find a cheap motel and pull into the back parking lot, fully confident that love in her car is far behind where you are, wondering where you even went.
  53. >Tuck your car snugly into the furthest, darkest parking space you can find and then walk over to the front to do everything you need to do to check in.
  54. >The night air is a bit cooler now, which perfectly matches the fact that you’re further away from her now.
  55. >You can freely walk around without that… heat… getting to you.
  56. >Only take a small bag to your room, not planning to do much before you hit the road again.
  57. >Though, sleeping in is always preferable; fuck forcing yourself up and rushing, you don’t have anywhere to be anyway, just keep being on your summer road trip.
  58. >The extra locks on these hotel and motel room doors further ensures your safety too.
  59. >It’s too bad you can’t pull your car into here as well.
  60. >But you won’t have to so long as your whereabouts stay unknown.
  61. >Staying untraceable to family members is one thing, but that’s easier compared to what you’re doing in this scenario.
  62. >You don’t know why, but you can tell.
  63. >It’s comparably more difficult to keep your whereabouts unknown to love.
  64. >But you’ll worry about that tomorrow.
  65. >You’re safe and free for now, it’s not like she’s gonna find you in the morning. You lost her.
  66. >Continue thinking about her as you lie awake in bed.
  67. >Wondering what nice things could have happened if she didn’t try to force you with her powers.
  68. >She’s really good looking too, but it kind of makes it uncomfortable when she actively tries to force you without your consent.
  69. >When she uses magic to take over control of your body and make you be… not yourself.
  70. >It feels too invasive and uncomfortable, too outside of your control.
  71. >Especially with that wild smile she had on her face, looking as predatory and insane as she did.
  72. >She’s hot too, but the way she acts about this whole thing, and the way she makes it about her forcing you to “make up for Valentine’s Day” just kind of scares you.
  73. >It does sound silly to someone who hadn’t experienced what you did, but it sets off an alarm within you when someone is able to override your control over yourself.
  74. >And you can’t do a damn thing about it while it’s being done to you; things are different when it’s like this.
  75. >Principal Cadance and her predatory regarding courting you, it just, activates your fight of flight response.
  76. >She’s hot but WAY too insistent and able to… affect you.
  77. >Able to control your mind and body, even.
  78. >Because of this, she scares you.
  79. >…
  80. >You sleep in just as you had intended to.
  81. >No one concerning is around still, and you happily take your sweet time checking out out the motel.
  82. >Car’s exactly how you left it.
  83. >Hop in and head down the road before stopping somewhere for breakfast since the motel’s food wasn’t great.
  84. >Got some tasty pancakes, milk, orange juice and whatever, then got right back onto the road after pumping your car back up to full.
  85. >Listen to the radio as you continue down the interstate, figuring out how (or if at all) you’ll get back onto your original route towards the other side of the country you were going.
  86. >Someone might be aware of that plan by now, so you don’t know.
  87. >Might want to keep them in the dark about that, go see The Grand Canyon or something instead.
  88. >So many love songs being played, whether it’s the rock station, pop station, or anything else.
  89. >Of course, it’s often like this from time to time, and you’re probably just noticing it more.
  90. >The more of the day that goes by, the more and more you notice it too.
  91. >Every hour has noticeably a lot of songs about love or romance or even just getting with someone.
  92. >You kind of already stopped thinking about it, because you feel completely safe anyway.
  93. >You already lost her, it doesn’t matter anymore.
  94. >There’s no way she’s going to find you now without a police radio or satellite GPS AI tracking device or whatever fancy-shmancy bullshit you can imagine in your head that Principal Cadance 100% does NOT have to begin with.
  95. >Plus, is she REALLY going to go out of her way to continue pursuing ONE student who escaped her Valentine’s Day ritual?
  96. >All the way across the country?
  97. >When she already lost track of your trajectory and whereabouts?
  98. >Surely she has better things to do during the summer.
  99. >Speaking of the summer, this afternoon heat is getting intense.
  100. >Heating up your dashboard through the windshield.
  101. >Making the air right above the horizon against the highway’s asphalt get all wiggly.
  102. >Oncoming cars and trucks on the other side of the guard rails traveling the opposite direction look like their melting out of the ground from over the slight hill.
  103. >You keep your air conditioning system cranked up on full blast, more willing to freeze yourself than to let yourself cook in this summer heat.
  104. >…
  105. >After checking into a nicer hotel this time, you wonder how long it’ll be before you decide to go back to Canterlot City.
  106. >Obviously, you’re gonna run out of vacation money at some point.
  107. >It feels so good to keep the extra chain lock latched on the heavy door.
  108. >Even though you know your whereabouts are still unknown, it just helps you sleep even better at night, making feel like the whole world is working in your favor with this added as well.
  109. >And a long time did you sleep, waking up fully refreshed and ready to hit the road once again.
  110. >For another day of driving and sightseeing.
  111. >You left earlier this time, several hours before noon since you went to bed early while there was light still in the sky.
  112. >And now it’s hardly even late morning.
  113. >The air is comfier and cooler at this time, at least by the standards of this summer heat.
  114. >It hasn’t really gotten hot yet, and you can stride around outside with the breeze against your face.
  115. >Listening to a few birds and crickets chirping.
  116. >Maybe getting a few things from the store to munch on while driving around in your car so you don’t even have to leave there once it inevitably gets hotter today.
  117. >It might stay hot overnight this time too so you can’t be too sure, but it’s relatively cool right now so you have that going for you.
  118. >While everything seems calm for the moment, you can’t help but feel a little… odd.
  119. >Maybe you were just hungry, that’s probably it.
  120. >You took off after a decent breakfast and started seeing the landscape getting less and less trees as you headed west.
  121. >Less trees to shield you from open view.
  122. >As you notice a good number of love songs playing on the radio once again.
  123. >But your sense of security is still rock solid.
  124. >Not even worried about anything, just enjoying the summer while it lasts.
  125. >With the A/C on of course, but you’re comfy.
  126. >Thoughts about that time you were inside that closet with Principal Cadance dancing on the other side of the two-way mirror window begin to creep into your head again.
  127. >She didn’t even know you were there and she still had enough of an affect on you to get you to get hard and start stroking yourself.
  128. >You don’t know if it’s some natural magical aura she carries with her by default or something that was done to her, or both.
  129. >All you know for sure is that your own willpower doesn’t stand a chance against it.
  130. >As soon as you were subject to the very sight of her, all your rational thinking started eroding away by the second.
  131. >She has this way of tapping into your sexual nature itself and utilizing it.
  132. >For her advantage.
  133. >You have a strong and able body but something about her understands that your brain goes into ape mode when you see boobs.
  134. >And the rest of your body is controlled by your brain, which means you’re rendered unable to look away, let alone run away when she successfully captures your mere gaze.
  135. >It’s dangerous for you to even look at her, and maybe even to be near her.
  136. >Principal Cadance might have been able to do things at a pheromonal level and you didn’t even realize it.
  137. >Maybe your goose has already been cooked before you even felt the fire, and she’s now just closing in on her prey already trapped in the snare.
  138. >Like a spider closing in on its prey that does not yet realize it’s stuck to the web.
  139. >There was this one instance where she was personally grading one of your papers for reasons you can’t remember.
  140. >But she was leaning forward right in front of your face, with her usual teal top under her jacket riding down much lower than it had ever been.
  141. >So much so that you wouldn’t be surprised if it were on purpose.
  142. >What you got was a long, tantalizing view of Principal Cadance’s deep soft cleavage.
  143. >And a raging erection to go along with it.
  144. >All she had to do was show her full cleavage to you and it was like something sunk its teeth into you.
  145. >Maybe it doesn’t matter where you go; maybe all she has to do is track you down somehow and let your naturally built-in sexuality do the rest FOR her.
  146. >She always got more powerful around days like Valentine’s Day, whether intentionally or not, but she stayed powerful this time due to something being unfulfilled.
  147. >Now this isn’t over until Principal Cadance can stop you from getting away this time.
  148. >She must have learned somewhere how to make your body… responsive to her.
  149. >And it works without fail, making it dangerous for you to interact with her so long as she’s like this and determined to get you.
  150. >You didn’t even realize you had an erection just now, it happened outside of your knowledge.
  151. >Take a deep breath and turn the A/C up higher, countering your rising body temperature that might endanger you to become visible to metaphorical heat seeking missiles.
  152. >The middle of the afternoon sees you speeding down the highway trying to get as far away from where you last were as possible.
  153. >Maybe taking a slight detour in an unexpected direction that not even you had planned twenty minutes before.
  154. >Vast open fields of crops pass you by outside the car windows, making you feel small and alone and out in the open.
  155. >If your car broke down right now, where would you run to before something could catch up to you?
  156. >There’s nowhere to hide out here. Absolutely nowhere.
  157. >Unless between some crops or behind a tree or bush would have counted, but that’s not going to stop long-range pheromones from firing back and forth.
  158. >Your car is your only hope out here, and it’s lines with so many windows that do everything except hide you inside of here.
  159. >All of this keeps reminding you of how much Principal Cadance scares you with her way of conducting herself towards you.
  160. >Being out in the open all alone around here probably scares you just as much on account of what it means if she finds you.
  161. >You better get yourself to the next big-ish town as quickly as you possibly can.
  162. >Nothing with less than 10 buildings, because something like that is not going to do you any good.
  163. >Needs lots of places to hide, preferably places to hide your car itself too.
  164. >Stranded out here on the side of the lone highway? You’re fucked.
  165. >The best chance you’d have is for it to be during the day where there’s more people driving back and forth.
  166. >Hitching a ride itself can be dangerous in a different way that’s more of a threat to your life itself, so you’re not sure if you’d choose that as an alternative.
  167. >That’s if someone even picks you up, considering they might be thinking the same way about you if they see you standing on the side of the road sticking out like a sore thumb.
  168. >Luckily, your car’s not at all in danger of breaking down.
  169. >And there’s another town coming up.
  170. >And it’s a pretty sizable town too.
  171. >Looks to have a population of around 10,000 people, hopefully 15,000 or more.
  172. >Seeing the signs indicating there being a few pretty good hotels and food places here, you head down the off-ramp.
  173. >…
  174. >The next thing you do is eat, fill up your car again, pick out the hotel and check in to the cheapest secure room you can find, etc.
  175. >Into the room you go, locking the door securely behind you with the bolt lock and all.
  176. >And you rest on the hotel bed once again, figuring that masturbating your recurring boner away would somehow notify Principal Cadance’s possibly telepathic powers of where you are.
  177. >You sit on the bed watching the limited channels your hotel room TV has to offer.
  178. >Feeling some kind of way about whenever there’s an attractive woman on screen, moreso than usual.
  179. >Your body is trying to tell you something.
  180. >You’re trying to decline, but something’s insisting.
  181. >Check the hotel room door once again to make sure everything’s locked, and it all is.
  182. >Why is it getting so hot in here?
  183. >You didn’t open the window, it’s too hot outside even for this time of night.
  184. >What day is it? Sunday? Monday?
  185. >You’re not concerned too much about that right now, as you see a pair of headlights pull into one of the parking spaces.
  186. >The tint of the light looks a little bit familiarly pink.
  187. >No, no way.
  188. >There’s no way she managed to follow you all the way over here.
  189. >Not even YOU knew where you were going half the time, nor do you remember the name of the town you’re in, so mind reading is basically out of the equation.
  190. >There is NO WAY she found you here. That HAS to be another car.
  191. >You stubbornly go to bed, attributing your boner to simply the memories of before coming back to haunt you because you’re a young man with an understandably strong libido at this age.
  192. >Try to ignore how suddenly this happened.
  193. >It’s only so sudden because you surely invented it in your own imagination, you’re not in any real danger.
  194. >The door is latched shut, you’re fine.
  195. >Fall asleep before the owner of that car finishes checking in.
  196. >…
  197. >You wake up in a cold sweat, as though your window had blown open or something.
  198. >Can’t remember the dream you just woke up from, but a quick physical survey finds that your member is hard as diamonds inside your trousers.
  199. >Groggily try to push it back down, only to get a good feeling from having simply put your hands on it.
  200. >That past image of Principal Cadance’s full absolute cleavage re-enters your mind, almost as though by force.
  201. >Then the image of her stripteasing you through the two-way mirror joins it, from when she thought it was only her reflection to check up on how good looking she is.
  202. >The memory of you losing control of your hand before gets your hand currently shaking right now.
  203. >Your window is closed but it feels like it might as well be open; it’s bolted shut and not able to be opened for whatever reason the hotel did that to every window for.
  204. >The image of Principal Cadance getting on top of you suddenly asserts itself into your head.
  205. >You had instinctively gotten your stuff gathered up.
  206. >It’s already like 3 or 4 in the morning, being an early riser and getting onto the road this soon was always on the table anyway.
  207. >Like always, you hadn’t packed much.
  208. >You feel a… presence in the room next to yours.
  209. >The more you try to stuff your erect member into your pants, the more agitated it feels.
  210. >All you can think about is the way Principal Cadance looked in that mirror.
  211. >Swinging her hips with such passion, letting her top just barely almost slip away from her nipples.
  212. >It was very unlike how a principal should behave, but you’re more worried about what you can see out the room door’s peephole.
  213. >The hallway is lit up but empty.
  214. >In a quick move, you unlatch the door’s extra security lock and use your brief moment out of safety to dart into the hallway towards front 24 hour desk to turn your card key in.
  215. >They probably get early departures a lot from people marathoning across the country.
  216. >Feel like someone’s right behind you as you hear the front desk lady bid you farewell with your hand on the handle of the side door.
  217. >Hopefully she didn’t notice the tent in your pants, that’d be pretty awkward.
  218. >Before you know it, you fumble with your car keys, get in, slam the door shut behind you, start the engine, and disappear into the early morning darkness.
  219. >You have food in here too so you’ll be fine.
  220. >…
  221. >Unbeknownst to you, there’s something a little extra at the bottom of your car.
  222. >No, it’s not a bomb or anything, just a little something to help happen what needs to happen.
  223. >It’s one of those cross-wired trackers the school puts around some books in the school library that sound an alarm with a tech support notification sent out when cut, and give out a ping to their geographic location throughout the whole multi-year lifespan of the battery.
  224. >She had tied it onto the underside of your car.
  225. >Principal Cadance had tied a wired book tracker onto the underside of your car while it was in the school’s parking lot at some point.
  226. >All that subversive driving you did meant nothing.
  227. >And it will continue to mean nothing.
  228. >Every time you lost her like that point at the overpass intersection, it didn’t matter.
  229. >None of it ever mattered.
  230. >All she had to do was probably open some school related app on her phone and locate the book tracker.
  231. >This isn’t even fucking fair.
  232. ~
  233. >What did she do to you?!
  234. >What did she do to you?!
  235. >What did she do to you?!
  236. >Gotta try to keep your driving straight along the road.
  237. >Your hands have been shaking ever since it was pitch black outside, and now the sun is only starting to rise.
  238. >Under the frantically grabbed steering wheel, a stiff tent is made in the front of your pants.
  239. >It’s stubborn and powerful, refusing to go away.
  240. >Twitching ever so frequently.
  241. >Thoughts about Cadance ambush you in the head when you attempt to make that stiff tent subside.
  242. >It just will not go away.
  243. >This is by FAR the most powerful and unstoppable morning wood you’ve ever had.
  244. >You have to stop the car at the side of the road and turn off the radio from it playing a song that reminds you too much of your sexual thoughts.
  245. >You tremble in the driver’s seat, making sure the doors are locked.
  246. >Why the fuck are you so horny?
  247. >…
  248. >It took well over an hour for your erection to finally soften back down.
  249. >It stood back up a couple of times from the vibrations of your car starting forward, forcing you to stop again.
  250. >And wait for this whole ordeal to blow over, but it’s just so fucking hard.
  251. >It’s not until hour two do you finally get yourself able to stay comfortably flaccid enough to drive forth into the brightening morning.
  252. >Right away, fear brings you to turning at the nearest intersection and doing a few detours before returning to the interstate.
  253. >You didn’t even realize you had turned off of it… you think.
  254. >Your mind is a little too confused for your own good right now.
  255. >You’re not sure if you’re even good to drive.
  256. >But sleeping in your car might not be the best option out of the bunch.
  257. >She could be anywhere out there.
  258. >And she somehow found out you were staying at that hotel; that HAD to be her there.
  259. >You felt it.
  260. >It was Principal Cadance.
  261. >You know that she knows how hard you got during your clumsy escape.
  262. >Must have forgotten a couple of things in your room from being in such a rush, but you’re not about to go back there.
  263. >Cadance is a fine woman, but she scares the fuck out of you.
  264. >No situation in which someone has that much control over your body is a good thing.
  265. >It’s way too much for comfort.
  266. >They way she can simply be near you and you start feeling all funny inside.
  267. >And your member obediently stand up in your pants.
  268. >Unwillingly ready to carry out the deed Principal Cadance still needs you to do with her.
  269. >Does an erection count as consent?
  270. >Probably not, but Principal Cadance sure seems to think so.
  271. >You can almost read her mind right now, as distant as she is.
  272. >She knows she got SOOO close, and you were nice and hard for her and ready to go.
  273. >All she had to do was trap you inside your hotel room with her… and then she…
  274. >And then she could…
  275. >She…
  276. >You can feel your member getting completely erect in your pants once again as you fantasize once more.
  277. >It’s terrifying how already… ready for her… you are.
  278. >All she’d have to do is trap you in the room with her, maybe corner you between the wall and the bed.
  279. >Maybe wearing a top that just doesn’t want to stay on properly.
  280. >Throws herself at you as you try to escape over the bed, throwing you off balance and ending up on top of you.
  281. >Once she’s on top and making prolonged contact, just… let nature take care of the rest~…
  282. >Your heart races.
  283. >She must have found a way to contact all the hotels and ask for your info or something.
  284. >Take a few deep breaths, praying she’s not nearby.
  285. >All the cars going by do not even slow down for you.
  286. >Not even as you eventually pull back out after your erection VERY gradually and slowly subsides.
  287. >Gotta take your mind off of it.
  288. >Gotta take your mind off of her.
  289. >…
  290. ~
  291. >…
  292. >You’ve been hectically driving all day, unable to remember a whole lot about the day through your creeping fatigue.
  293. >It’s all closing in on you like you’re inside of a deflating balloon.
  294. >Trying not to touch the walls as contact with them might infect you.
  295. >But it’s coming from all directions… what can you even do?
  296. >The final sliver of the sun goes all the way down, leaving only a faint glow in the sky within the next hour.
  297. >You had made it away from the more wooded areas of the nation, now in vast open fields with nothing but crops, crops and more crops, only with an occasional hill to drive around or slope to drive down.
  298. >Other than that and small clumps of trees, endless crops for countless miles as far as the eye can see.
  299. >And this is where you chose to let it get dark around you.
  300. >Don’t even know how far away the next hotel is.
  301. >You decide to listen to not music but podcasts and storytime YouTube videos to pass the time and keep yourself occupied and distracted.
  302. >Bad Idea, Right?
  303. >Plug that cord in and listen to whatever host talk about whatever thing.
  304. >None of the topics are sexual, so you should be good.
  305. >The comedy skits you could have listened to might have been too risky.
  306. >You’ve survived love’s advances so far, you can survive the next few waves until she finally gives up and finds something else to do.
  307. >There’s a part of you that knows that’s not going to happen.
  308. >In the end, you’re going to lose, one way or another.
  309. >You don’t know how, but she’s going to find you, and she’s going to smite you with her sexual advances; gentle yet assertive attacks you can maybe push against at first but eventually cannot repel.
  310. >She’ll overwhelm you.
  311. >It’ll be too much at once to resist, and then she’ll… she’ll…
  312. >Have you~…
  313. >Try to make your erection go back down as you begin to swerve again.
  314. >Wait on the side of the road.
  315. >Almost feels like you’re waiting for her.
  316. >What did she do to you?!
  317. >What did she do to you?!
  318. >What did she do to you?!
  319. ~
  320. >You finally made it to a sizable enough town.
  321. >It’s not a huge place but it’ll have to do… you’re too tired to keep doing down the interstate.
  322. >You’ve been too tired to really try to lose her and shake her off your trail this time.
  323. >You were zigzagging in all directions this morning, but now you’re just too sluggish and un-innovative.
  324. >No improvisation or cleverness can be found in your strategy now, just drive straight down the road.
  325. >Trying not to slowly crash into a lamp post, you stop in a parking space.
  326. >Look up the best hotel you can find.
  327. >You’ll just have to find a way to beat back the thoughts when she’s nearby.
  328. >The real thing that’ll save you is the bolted door latch that’ll keep her from getting in.
  329. >Look around on the dimly lit streets that gradually clear out of people as the night gets later and later.
  330. >The town starts growing quieter.
  331. >Clearly not the type of people to stay out too late on a night like this.
  332. >Shop lights begin switching off, doors are locked, streets are emptied.
  333. >That bid on being too in-public for her to try anything is withering away.
  334. >After a few more cycles from a nearby traffic light, you gain enough energy to start your car back up and drive out of town, having discovered there’s another possibly larger town just a few dozen miles away.
  335. >The white dashed lines pass under your car, seeing things you’ve been hopelessly unaware of.
  336. >There’s an occasional couple of lone trees by the side of the road, which is really rare for this area at this point.
  337. >They get caught in your headlights, seeming to suddenly lunge out at you out of nowhere in the dull light from your car.
  338. >You spooks you quite a bit, but it helps you stay a little more awake a little bit.
  339. >There’s just too much desperation at this point, it’s gotten you making all these stupid moves.
  340. >Maybe you could have stood a better chance back in the last town instead of getting caught out here trying to make it to the next town with your virginity intact.
  341. >A crooked old fence is captured by the car’s headlights, looking like a bunch of lanky arms locked together and trying to reach out to you so they can grab your car and stop it it its tracks.
  342. >Groggily sway in the driver’s seat, opting to pull over once again lest you crash into a ditch and become 100% a sitting duck no matter what you do next.
  343. >Where are all of the trucks on the road?
  344. >Even the previous times you were driving this late at night, there was the occasional oncoming headlights and ever receding tail lights of nocturnal 18 wheelers.
  345. >There’s literally nothing out here right now.
  346. >No other cars, no nothing.
  347. >This is what true total helplessness must feel like.
  348. >But your gradually returning horniness wants you to welcome it…
  349. >Lack of sleep has you beginning to swerve every minute or so after you take off again.
  350. >Even if it weren’t pitch black outside, this would be a vast empty area you’re totally unfamiliar with.
  351. >You just gotta push yourself to get to that next town while she’s hopefully still distracted at the previous town you stopped at.
  352. >Already gave your info to a couple of hotels there, so if she has a way to scout for your info at hotels, that’d be the perfect red herring.
  353. >There is absolutely NO REASON you’re aware of for her to know where you are.
  354. >Your car’s not even that new and whatever GPS tracking system there might be factory installed into it, is turned off.
  355. >You’ve been relying on an old paper map since the last town and didn’t even bring up the next town’s name on your phone.
  356. >Nor did you remember its name and your mind is still too groggy to fully interpret that you’re still not staying at one of the hotels you called in the previous towns.
  357. >Maybe being this tired is working to your advantage.
  358. >So much pitch blackness out there aside a couple of headlights and a few streetlights for the next 20-30 minutes.
  359. >You’re starting to feel as though you’re about to check into one of the hotels at the previous town you had called by the time you FINALLY start seeing more houses and stores pass you by.
  360. >You’re just going to pay in cash somewhere cheap and use a fake name.
  361. >Surely there’s a place like that around here somewhere.
  362. >And if it’s a cheap and probably dangerous hotel with sketchy people, well there’s definitely going to be bolt locks on the doors, then.
  363. >Every last thing you can think of that Principal Cadance can use to figure out where you are, even down to inside your own mind, is compromised and not giving out any info.
  364. >Even your phone itself is turned off now.
  365. >After all those times in class you got caught using your phone, the first time you actually turn it off to avoid the principal’s office is when she’s actively hunting you.
  366. >Glance around at the decrepit neighborhood streets, watching the ghastly outlines of houses glide by as you drive past.
  367. >Even the very few with a light still on look as though they might as well be haunted.
  368. >Having quickly gassed the gar up right before the previous town, you still have about half a tank left, so that’s good.
  369. >Other than gas stations you won’t need to use soon, the only other thing open overnight you’ll need is hotel lobbies, as run down as some of them may be.
  370. >Thought of dealing with all of this keeps all the other thoughts out of your head, and you’re too tired to think straight.
  371. >But you know you’re still doing what you need to do, purposely putting yourself under the impression that you’re in the last town you just left.
  372. >There’s a few cars on the overpass bridges you pass under.
  373. >Rare cars on the street you turned onto until you suddenly get stuck in late night traffic.
  374. >Have to pay extra close attention to your driving.
  375. >The cheapest places are most likely on the outskirts of town so you should find somewhere there.
  376. >Except you can’t use your phone, but it’s worth not getting your location found out and yourself caught by… her.
  377. >The honking of a horn and the bright rows of headlights from the other side of the road keeps you alert.
  378. >It’s gotta be past 11 pm by now, or maybe it already was, you don’t remember.
  379. >You have to drive around looking for a hotel by eye and the possible lucky blue “these things are at this exit” sign.
  380. >There are eventually less cars on the road, and you’re sure it’s past midnight by now.
  381. >Not much longer later, you find a small, one-floor low budget motel you barely read the name of but it has the word “Inn” in the name.
  382. >There’s gonna be roaches galore in your room, probably a weirdo in one of the hallways and stains all over the carpet, but you’re too tired to care.
  383. >Pull into a parking space, put your car into park, and begin walking down the length of the parking lot.
  384. >The spot you parked into had no cars blocking you in front of it, just in case you have to make a quick escape.
  385. >Damn, it’s still hot out here.
  386. >Look over at a few bushes eerily swaying in the night breeze, barely made visible by a nearby street lamp.
  387. >Your mind’s playing tricks on you and making you think there’s someone standing behind there.
  388. >Damn, you’re tired.
  389. >Enter the front lobby, cobble together whatever story and fake name you can, the scraggly front desk guy may or may not believe you, but he doesn’t look like he gives a shit.
  390. >Shady people probably come through here a lot and are a good chunk of these people’s business around here anyway.
  391. >Or maybe you’re wrong and he believes you but his angry droopy face just makes it seem as though he doesn’t.
  392. >Sign in, lug your one suitcase to your room, and so on.
  393. >These doors have those metal chain locks, good.
  394. >Even if someone steals a master key and can unlock your door, that chain won’t let the damn thing open anywhere near enough for someone to slip through.
  395. >Unless they’re impossibly thin enough to fit through a gap like THAT..
  396. >Fasten that chain lock then plop onto the surprisingly clean bed after twenty more minutes, fast asleep before you can even remember your face hitting the sheets.
  397. >…
  398. >”I’m only trying to make things right between us.” Principal Cadance’s voice comes to you.
  399. >You open your eyes, suddenly sitting in the principal’s office.
  400. >It’s now right before Spring Break again.
  401. >You had been feeling regretful that you skipped out on Valentine’s Day, when all Principal Cadance was trying to do was spread the love to everyone by making sure everyone had a date.
  402. >But you had to run away.
  403. >”There’s always still time.” She sits across from you.
  404. “Did I HAVE to get a date on Valentine’s Day?”
  405. >”Not ON Valentine’s Day. But there’s always still time to get a date FOR Valentine’s Day. Even if it’s some time later.”
  406. “Do you have any idea how long it’s been now? Why are you doing this?”
  407. >”I know you would have loved to have a date. I know you find a lot of the girls in school attractive.”
  408. “Yeah, so?”
  409. >”Why didn’t you want to get a date? I’m only trying to spread some innocent and wholesome love. I know which of the girls you like would like you back too~…”
  410. “I probably would have tried getting a date if you just let it happen naturally. Kind of kills the vibe when you force it.”
  411. >”Oh don’t be silly, this IS natural!”
  412. “Not when I don’t have a choice.”
  413. >”No one chooses to be in love, dear. Let alone to feel lust towards someone. It’s okay, there’s nothing to be afraid of!”
  414. “Then why am I so scared of you?!”
  415. >”Because you need to relax. Please, relax and let it happen.”
  416. >The desk between you disappeared.
  417. >Principal Cadance rises to her feet, letting you get a good look at how soft and curvy she looks in that formal yet kinda clingy uniform.
  418. >Her bra strap is visible through the gap over her shoulder as she leans forward.
  419. “This isn’t rational!” You stand up as well, letting her walk over and embrace you.
  420. >”Sometimes, love is irrational, don’t you know?” Principal Cadance tightens her arms around you so her soft busty chest mashes against you and persuades your resistance to vanish.
  421. “P-please…”
  422. >”It’s okay, you didn’t get a date this time.” Principal Cadance holds you in her arms. “I’ll be your girlfriend tonight. It’s okay~” She leans in for a kiss, getting no resistance from you as your lips meet.
  423. >The quick wholesome kiss rapidly devolves into deeply making out, Principal Cadance wrestling tongues with you and swapping saliva enough to stretch a couple of strands of it between your mouths after the kiss finally parts.
  424. >Her locks have a couple of hairs loose, and you didn’t realize your hands are groping her soft busty chest through her uniform.
  425. >When did the principal’s office morph into being the nurse’s office?
  426. >”That was amazing. You’re promoted to school nurse for that.” Principal Cadance tells you. “C’mon, I want you to play doctor with me. Play doctor with your principal.”
  427. >She sits on the medical bed thing, unbuttoning the front of her jacket for you.
  428. >The rain that had been battering the roof outside in your memory is also present in the dream.
  429. >It’s pouring out there, you have no easy way home, and Principal Cadance called you into her office to sit you down and “ask” you out on a Valentine’s Day date since you didn’t do it with any of the girls at school.
  430. >Now Principal Cadance is your Valentine’s date.
  431. >Principal Cadance lets her uniform jacket fall off of her bare shoulders, fully revealing her clingy teal tank top that unapologetically flaunts the voluptuous shape of her large, full breasts.
  432. >Principal Cadance unfastens the side of her skirt and lets it loosen and slip down her hips to reveal her frilly burgundy panties.
  433. >You put your hand behind her back and dive your hand with the stethoscope under the back of her tank top, sliding up the smooth skin of her back until planting the stethoscope next to the back of her frilly burgundy bra and making her faintly jolt from the chill of it.
  434. >With her hair almost falling over her face, Principal Cadance lets a giggle bubble out of her as her undone skirt falls down her smooth thighs.
  435. >You’re already fully erect in your pants for her, and you welcome several more deep “wholesome” kisses from Principal Cadance as she allows you to undo the back of her bra underneath her lewd top.
  436. >”This feels good, doesn’t it?”
  437. “Yes. It does.”
  438. >”C’mon, doctor. Really get a good listen at my heartbeat.”
  439. >She guides your hands inside of her lewd top around her warm smooth body from her back to her chest.
  440. >Principal Cadance’s loose bra cups easily give way to your hands and slip away from her nipples under her top.
  441. >She gives you another long kiss as you probe the stethoscope along her underboob then deep between her cleavage.
  442. >Her heartbeat can be heard picking up its pace, as does yours.
  443. >Principal Cadance is as excited as you are.
  444. >Your other hand plays with her bare breasts inside her top one at a time, feeling her hardening nipples flick against your trembling fingers.
  445. >”That’s it, doctor.” Principal Cadance’s voice grows more urgent as her heartbeat gets even faster.
  446. >She can hold your stethoscope between her busty cleavage alone now, and your hands split up with one playing with Principal Cadance’s sexy nipples and the other reaching around and grabbing her big soft buttcheeks her kinky panties barely cover at all.
  447. >With this, she gives you another kiss, with another long taste of her saliva in your mouth before letting you tug the bottom of her top up her smooth tummy and midriff.
  448. >”See? This isn’t so bad.” Principal Cadance tells you between long deep kisses. “Want me to pull my panties down for you?” She giggles again.
  449. ~
  450. >…
  451. >A loud thud woke you up in a cold sweat.
  452. >You sit up with a shock going through your body, realizing that your suitcase you had apparently thrown onto the bed got kicked to the floor by your foot.
  453. >You have no idea what time it is, but you can feel your member completely erect in your pants once again, this time more than it’s ever been before.
  454. >Look around the totally dark room, remembering you never bothered turning the light off.
  455. >That digital clock you caught a glance of before passing out is no longer visible to you either, however.
  456. >The power must have gone out.
  457. >For the motel, at least; there’s still street lights on outside the window.
  458. >You turn your attention to a chorus of concerning sounds coming from your motel room door, still trying to push your insistent erection back down.
  459. >It sounds like someone’s trying the door handle… violently.
  460. >Things sound like they’re being strained so hard inside the little mechanisms that they’re being twisted apart.
  461. >You don’t even bother grabbing your suitcase, but can’t leave through the door this time.
  462. >Are the windows here permanently shut like the past place?
  463. >If they are, it’s over. You’re trapped.
  464. >But there’s NO WAY she found you here this time! No fuckin’ way. Impossible.
  465. >But alas… she follows.
  466. >She follows.
  467. >Try the window one more time: it IS latched shut!
  468. >You’re trapped in here like a cornered mouse in a tin can, with claws from the outside ripping one end open to get inside to you.
  469. >In an instinctive move, you pick up your suitcase and hurl it at the window.
  470. >The glass spiderwebs.
  471. >Do the same thing a second time.
  472. >[Crash]
  473. >Your suitcase lands flat on the window sill, teetering for half a second before falling back inside the room.
  474. >You don’t have time to grab it; the doorknob AND lock have obviously been successfully compromised, because light from the hallway seeps into the room.
  475. >She follows.
  476. >As you’re avoiding glass shards sticking out on the window sill you’re climbing onto, you glance back at the door and feel your heart jump.
  477. >There she is, that crazed look in her eyes, gazing STRAIGHT at you inside the dark room though the gap of the door from the hallway.
  478. >Right below her gaze is a pair of bolt cutters, with its grip wrapping around the chain lock.
  479. >You let out a scream and fall out the window, landing face down in the grass.
  480. >Erection so solid as diamonds that you poke a noticeable hole into the ground.
  481. >It’s a good thing you absent-mindedly kept your keys in your pockets as you slept, that coupled with your decision to bring your suitcase with you is the only reason you’re not getting… mounted right now.
  482. >Get in the car, start it and pull out forwards in what feels like one single motion.
  483. >Don’t even look back, just keep trying to speed down the road as fast as you can, even though your car’s going noticeably slower despite still having half a tank of gas left.
  484. >Hear a thud resemblant of a car door slamming shut right outside, but it obviously wasn’t your own door so it doesn’t matter.
  485. >Still refuse to look back, seeing that it’s still pitch black outside.
  486. >There’s no way she had time to reach your car from inside the room unless she DOVE out the window.
  487. >And even if she did, you had already locked the doors and sped away.
  488. >You’re currently driving faster than anyone can run, with not a single car on the road.
  489. >Leave town with the A/C cranked up once more, and eventually look down at the clock to see that it’s 3:29 in the morning.
  490. >Turn off of the interstate and start weaving around all sorts of dirt roads in the middle of pitch black nowhere, having absolutely no idea where you’re going.
  491. >Had your suitcase not fallen off of the bed, she would have gotten through that door before you could wake up in time.
  492. >You’d be trapped in there with her and there’d be no way to escape; she’d have been on top of you before you even knew what happened.
  493. >And of course, your erection still refuses to subside even a little bit.
  494. >Find a small knoll to drive around and hide behind from view of the road for when it’ll eventually become sunrise out here.
  495. >You ran out of a surprising amount of gas for that short amount of time you’ve been driving; it is now almost 4 AM.
  496. >Turn the car off, planning to sleep right here until there’s enough light to see where you’re going again.
  497. >Your phone is left behind now but you still have the paper map somewhere in here.
  498. >A few seconds after your headlights went off, another pair of headlights switches on right behind you without a single sound of an engine revving or tires on the ground.
  499. >Spin around, confused.
  500. >It’s hard to see with the other car right on your tail, almost bumping into you, but these headlights are pink-ish.
  501. >No… no, that’s impossible.
  502. >Turn your car on and try to speed away.
  503. >The pink-ish headlights stay squarely up against your bumper no matter what happens.
  504. >You don’t even hear the other engine revving.
  505. >This doesn’t make any sen-… no… no it can’t be.
  506. >This can’t be happening.
  507. >But you try again to speed away, only to confirm this with the same result.
  508. >The other car moves AS you move.
  509. >She somehow latched her car to the back of yours while you were in your motel room.
  510. “Th-this isn’t fair…” You stutter.
  511. >You thought you had gotten away back at that motel, boy were you wrong.
  512. >She already stepped out of her car, you make sure your car doors are locked.
  513. >But at this point, that probably won’t matter if everything else she’s done is indicative of where this is going next.
  514. >Desperately try your hardest to make your full fledged erection go back down, but it’s simply not happening.
  515. >If you try to pull away, she’ll just jump back into her car.
  516. >And where are you even going to go?
  517. >You’re running towards E on the fuel gage at this point and you have no idea where you are.
  518. >Something lands on the windshield.
  519. >Even from the dim glow of all the little lights of your car’s system, you would have made out the design of Principal Cadance’s uniform jacket she just slipped out of.
  520. >But the headlights of Cadance’s car make it all visible anyway.
  521. >Cadance pulls on the door handle, finding it locked tightly.
  522. >You’re afraid to turn and look out the window, but something inevitably possesses you to do so anyway.
  523. >Cadance is in her thin teal tank top clinging to her curvy torso and busty chest, and a pair of short shorts hugging her wide hips and smooth thighs.
  524. >The shadows from the sideways angle of her car’s lights make it undeniably obvious that she’s braless under that top.
  525. >Cadance’s headlights being so kindly accented by her car’s headlights captures your eyes and drains your mind of any plan of what to do next.
  526. >Your mind turns into a tangled mess of lewd sexual thoughts, just like anyone else’s would up against Cadance’s faintly visible areolae.
  527. >She glares into the driver’s seat window at you with that crazed gaze locked onto you.
  528. >She seems to instantly notice your bulge doing your talking for you.
  529. >You begin breathing heavily, feeling you heart race even faster than it did in your dream.
  530. >Inside of your pants, your powerfully erect member keeps trying to burst its way out, more than you had ever thought possible.
  531. >Most of the blood from your entire body must be in there by now, especially your brain.
  532. >The more you desperately try to push your throbbing, twitching erection back down, the stronger it gets in response.
  533. >There’s absolutely no way it’s going back down. No matter what you do.
  534. >Cadance’s upper arms mash her soft, busty braless tits together inside that small, thin clingy tank top as she ferociously struggles with the door handle, making her sexy cleavage jiggle right on the other side of the glass.
  535. >Her being so CLOSE to you is getting you so unbelievably hot and bothered, like that potency she’s always had on you intensifies the closer she is.
  536. >Making eye contact paralyzes (most of) you.
  537. >Want to ask her what she wants, but nothing comes out of your mouth.
  538. >She continues silently glancing down at something, something that makes her try the door handle even harder and harder.
  539. >Then mashes her soft braless breasts inside that clingy top in response to whatever it is.
  540. >You follow Cadance’s gaze to find the masturbation session you didn’t even realize you had started.
  541. >How did she get you to undo the front of your own pants without you even KNOWING?
  542. >This is the very reason why you’re so scared of her, she can just physically control you and take command of you through your raw sexual instincts built into your very biology.
  543. >It’s almost like she’s controlling you hand, but apparently can’t make you unlock the doors, which in and of itself isn’t a sexual action.
  544. >But jerking yourself off sure as fuck is.
  545. >And it’s turning your decision making process into mush… a tangled mess of lewd sexual thoughts.
  546. >The kind that successfully empties wallets at strip clubs.
  547. >Except Cadance’s goal is to get those doors unlocked.
  548. >Your hand runs up and down your shaft, giving it something it’s been begging for ever since you first saw Principal Cadance dancing from behind that two-way mirror.
  549. >It’s been getting you so flustered and frustrated on and off.
  550. >Cadance always knew how flustrated you’ve been, and she’s been playing on that all the way to now, as she continues pressing her big soft boobies against the driver’s seat window as you stroke yourself from a force outside of your control.
  551. >Cadance bites her lip and folds the bottom of her top up to display her smooth tummy and bellybutton.
  552. >It’s like you’ve forgotten how to speak.
  553. >All that goes through your mind is how good it feels to stroke yourself to Cadance’s absolute sexiness right there beside you behind a thin layer of glass, and the crushing desire to let her in so this long overdue Valentine’s Day ordeal can take place and set you free.
  554. >She more insistently mashes her soft jiggling tits against the glass for you, keeping the very idea of letting do of your erection out of your mind.
  555. >The A/C fueled coolness from the glass makes Cadance’s visibly hard nipples under that thin clingy top to get more noticeably erect.
  556. >You grunt like a horny caveman and continue to jerk yourself off in the driver’s seat, unable to even properly hold the steering wheel at this point.
  557. >The longer you continue, the more the urge to surrender grows, but your willpower reminds you that you didn’t make it this far for nothing.
  558. >Then again, you didn’t really come out here for particularly any reason at all other than to escape Cadance’s advances.
  559. >How’s that workin’ out for ya?
  560. >Cadance grabs the bottom of her lewd clingy top and peels it all the way up her body, fully exposing her bare breasts to you.
  561. >She now presses her fully bare naked assets against the glass, mashing it all against the cool flat surface with her full nipples still completely visible to you inside, pressed up against the glass exclusively for your viewing.
  562. >Cadance’s sexy nipples still get even more stiff while directly pressed against it, until her own body heat has something to say about that.
  563. >Unlike the case with the two-way mirror, she knows you’re here this time, and won’t leave in search of you.
  564. >Because she’s already found you…
  565. >And she has you right where she wants you, now she needs to get into here herself.
  566. >All you have to do is unlock the doors for her.
  567. >She followed.
  568. >Let her in.
  569. >Open the door and let all the heat in.
  570. >Let it happen.
  571. >She wants the moment to be beautiful as it is supposed to be, and watching you masturbate to her is only encouraging her to try harder…
  572. >You can’t stop… you can’t stop unwillingly encouraging her.
  573. >Cadance stretches her top around until it’s at least a couple of sizes larger then lets it fall back down over her body.
  574. >She slips her shorts down and reaches into the front of her panties as she watches you masturbate.
  575. >Now reciprocating your lewd actions towards her; what you’re doing to her, she’s doing it back…
  576. >Cadance fails to keep in a few breathy moans as she masturbates to you masturbating to her.
  577. >Almost feels like it’s her hand doing it to you, so now she’s seeing it as though it’s your hand doing it to her.
  578. >She lets the straps of her loosened tank top slip off of her shoulders, now threatening to expose her breasts once again from the opposite direction…
  579. >The door is the only thing between you and her.
  580. >Your shaky left hand bumps around along the side door, searching for the button to trigger the doors to unlock.
  581. >But your right hand has already triggered you into ejaculation.
  582. >You begin squirming around even harder than you had inside the utility closet, using your left hand to shield literally the entire front of your car’s interior from getting glazed by your massive days-built-up load.
  583. >Upon seeing your body get stimulated into what she wanted, Cadance blushes hard with a smile, trying to catch up to you by attempting to make herself ejaculate along with you, letting her loosened top fall all the way down from her beautiful busty chest and expose her stiff nipples again.
  584. >She can’t help but start instinctively humping the side of your car, making it shake slightly.
  585. >You have communicated how you truly feel to Cadance by openly ejaculating to her skimpily dressed advances.
  586. >Saying with solely your body: ‘Yes, I am ejaculating to you. I want to have sex with you.’ Which is the only symbol of “consent” she needs.
  587. >You continue cumming while watching Cadance’s fully developed breasts softly mash up against the glass, plastering her sexy exposed nipples to the surface in full view of you.
  588. >Cadance makes a pleading face to accompany her lip bite, hyperventilating as she now brings herself to climax in response to your symbol of consent. “AaaAAUUHH!!”
  589. >She jerks her own body around in reciprocal ejaculation, making her bare breasts jiggle around except the front with her nipples staying firmly planted yet still fully exposed against the cool glass her sexy heated body started to warm and fog up anyway.
  590. >Both of your hands are glazed in spilled baby batter.
  591. >Better your hands than the steering wheel and everything around it.
  592. >Face coated in sweat despite the A/C still being on, you fall back in your seat and huff breaths of hot air, nearly leaning your face against the glass separating you from the hot world out there that tried to get in and the even hotter woman trying to get you.
  593. >Cadance lowers her face to your level, gazing at you with those wild eyes.
  594. >She quietly giggles, giving you the horniest smile you’ve ever seen in your life.
  595. >Almost appears to be aggressive, but caring at the same time.
  596. >Very… wanting…
  597. >She kisses the glass, pressuring you to move your face closer to hers on the other side of it.
  598. >You surprisingly obey, so under the influence of whatever spell she bestowed upon you that you’re not even yourself anymore.
  599. >Your faces are inches away from one another, and Cadance’s lustful glare dominates yours.
  600. >She KNOWS you won’t get away, and she NEEDS you to unlock the doors for her.
  601. >If not now then later in the day that’s about to start; she’s already seen how hard you can cum for her, she simply can’t turn around and walk away no matter what now.
  602. >She needs that inside of her, and you know she’s going to get it sooner or later.
  603. >The two of you share a kiss through the glass.
  604. >The heat you both emit transfers through the glass and to eachother’s lips, feeling almost like electricity that might as well have been physical contact.
  605. >Love’s very presence has infected you to the greatest extent now.
  606. >The two of you sigh, strangely on the same page about this, like a cheetah just caught a small deer, and the deer is currently being pinned down by the cheetah and has already given up on seriously trying to escape from being eaten because there’s just no way at this point.
  607. >It’s now in a loopy state of mind and actively communicating with the cheetah as it begins biting into its prey.
  608. >The deer is now fully accepting and agreeing that it is inevitably prey to the cheetah now and there’s nothing that can be done.
  609. >Such is this weird moment in life in nature. Can’t really be described any other way.
  610. >Your cars are still hitched together, and you have no way of going outside to un-hitch them without her getting out too and ambushing you.
  611. >She doesn’t need to say anything, your circumstances tell you all you need to know: you’re so fucked.
  612. >The built-up fatigue coupled with afterglow exhaustion overtakes you and knocks you right out.
  613. >It’s the only reason why she’s sparing you for the next several hours: to recharge, so your body will be delightfully responsive to her when she inevitably takes you completely.
  614. ~
  615. >…
  616. >It’s daytime.
  617. >Cadance leans forward on her steering wheel with her lidded gazed fixed on you, winking and blowing a kiss at you.
  618. >Like a castaway lost out at sea for a long enough time to outpace their hope for survival, you soberly surrender to your circumstances.
  619. >From inside her car, Cadance can see you unlocked your doors.
  620. >She steps out into the open air, her loose top already falling down and fully displaying the entirely of her deep jiggling cleavage, she sways her wide bountiful skirt-and-panty-clad hips as she strides over to you.
  621. >You can hear her car door slam shut, followed by her footsteps getting closer by the second.
  622. >A desperate idea creeps into your head as you silently push the tiny piece of plastic back down to re-lock the door without using the mechanism.
  623. >You had fallen asleep without turning the car back off, and the A/C had kept you cool all morning long.
  624. >Neither car is in view of where anyone can see; the nearest farmhouse is blocked by the small hill you pulled behind, the next is obscured by trees almost as distant as it is.
  625. >As soon as you hear Cadance unsuccessfully try to door, you slam your foot on the gas.
  626. >Surge forward, pulling Cadance’s car in tow, locking the rest of the doors.
  627. >She’ll be stranded out here if you get away, but knowing her, she’ll find a way back to Canterlot City regardless.
  628. >You’ll leave her car somewhere where it’ll get towed to somewhere, and they’ll contact her about it.
  629. >A thud behind your car followed by smaller thuds at the back of your car shatter your hopes for that.
  630. >She simply jumped onto the hood of her car then onto of yours from there, since you’re still not able to go very fast in an uneven open field with another car hitched to yours.
  631. >Not even fast enough to get her off of the roof of your car.
  632. >Cadance’s uniform jacket still on the windshield prevents you from seeing where you’re going.
  633. >But Cadance herself slips into view and rests atop the windshield with her almost bare assets again mashing up against the glass.
  634. >Whatever she did before to you immediately takes effect once more, and your heart is no longer in it with this escape.
  635. >You still slam on the breaks to try to roll her off of the front, but the inertia wasn’t strong enough and she is back at the driver’s window before you know it.
  636. >She purposely lets the front of her top fall all the way down and fully expose her big soft breasts to you.
  637. >It’s all she needed to do to partially paralyze you with that bare busty chest of hers softly bumping and pressing against the glass and reminding you of what you truly want.
  638. >More recharged now, you feel your member erect itself again inside your temporarily redone pants, and your left hand tries to reach out and touch Cadance with only the glass in the way.
  639. >Wildly grab around the window once more, missing the lock button but hitting the button to slide the window down.
  640. >Heat immediately begins seeping inside.
  641. >Realizing your sloppy decision making slid the window open, Cadance seizes the opportunity to reach through the gap and pull the lock open herself.
  642. >She succeeds.
  643. >You quickly whack it back down but only a split second after Cadance pulled the door handle as hard as she could.
  644. >Too little too late; the driver’s side door swings open.
  645. >Yelp and slam on the gas, but the car can’t accelerate fast enough across the bumpy ground to outpace Cadance leaping into the car and pounce onto you.
  646. >She’s INSIDE what’s been your safe zone until now~
  647. >A grand whimpering finale of resistance is squeezed out of you.
  648. >Contact with her bare skin sends a countershock of submission to your shock of fear, awakening a primal urge within you to accept and welcome Cadance’s entire body on top of yours.
  649. >You’re… touching her!
  650. >She is MOUNTING her body on top of you!
  651. >And it’s multiplying that arousal she’s put on you more than it ever has…
  652. >Scrambling up all of your resisting rational thought into nothing.
  653. >She is perfectly equipped to seduce you into a hopeless horny mess, and she KNOWS it.
  654. >Your hands fumble for the steering wheel, but only collide with Cadance’s bountiful chest as she forces herself in front of you.
  655. >Her busty softness sways and jiggles against your hands from the car’s jolting, her erect perky nipples “accidentally” flicking against your fingers confusing you with your own untamed arousal.
  656. >Not knowing what else to do, your foot panics all over the gas pedal, flooring it as if it makes any difference now.
  657. >Cadance positions each of her soft smooth thighs on either side of you.
  658. >Try to flail your arms, but they get tangled with Cadance’s grabbing hands that return your hands to her sexy jiggling breasts.
  659. >It doesn’t take long for you to start instinctively groping Cadance’s big soft boobies.
  660. >You unreasonably try to make the car try to go faster and faster because that’s what got you away from her every other time, but not this time.
  661. >Can’t see the road, can’t reach the steering wheel, your panic from feeling her on top of you slowly transforms into a reciprocating response to her demandingly grinding her soft crotch against your turbulently strong erection.
  662. >Drool accompanies Cadance’s sexually wicked smile and unhinged gaze; she plants kisses on your neck as you turn your face away the best you can.
  663. >Feeling her sloppy kisses on your skin makes you shudder uncontrollably, empowering your terrified but throbbing erection for her.
  664. >Your car door is slammed shut by the side of a shallow car-width ditch you started driving along the length of.
  665. >A wheel gets stuck, her car keeps yours from backing out, all doors are pinned shut and all windows are slid open to let ALL the heat in~
  666. >Cadance overpowers your struggling and soon locks a deep kiss with her mouth onto yours.
  667. >Putting out your squirming like a soaking wet towel over a candle.
  668. >Cadance tears the front of her lewd clingy top all the way open and lets it fall the rest of the way down her arms.
  669. >Your trembling hands wildly feel her up all over her smooth sexy tummy and soft perky boobies from raw sexual instinct outside of your control~…
  670. >She breathes heavily against your groping hands, about as exhausted as you are while encouraging you to massage her soft rising and falling bellybutton, and play with her bare stiff nipples…
  671. >There’s no defense against Cadance’s next kiss.
  672. >Your excited foot floors the gas pedal still, but the car goes nowhere.
  673. >Cadance freely deepens her passionate french kiss, swapping saliva with you for real this time like a gentle, soft venomous bite into her prey.
  674. >Your breathing slows but your heartbeat speeds up.
  675. >Cadance assertively holds the back of your head so you can’t pull away from her, only deepening the kiss more and more.
  676. >Her saliva completely overtakes you.
  677. >Cadance grinding on top of your pleading tent only prompts you to instinctively grind back up against her.
  678. >This makes her respond to it with a few long quiet moans into your mouth, with breathy sighs of victory.
  679. >Feel her smooth sexy tummy contract every time she lets out a lustful moan, taken away by the scent of her sweet perfume and the taste of her sweet saliva.
  680. >Cadance turns your car’s motor off and throws your keys out the open window.
  681. >Then, when the kiss finally breaks again, the inevitable strands of saliva trails stretch between your mouths exactly how each of you knew they would, just like any time someone kisses like… this…
  682. >Both of you gasp for air and blow the bridges of saliva trails with your hot aroused breaths.
  683. >You lock eyes with her, hopelessly under her control exponentially more than you’ve ever been.
  684. >The pause before what unavoidably comes next feels longer than it actually is.
  685. >Her brief moment of building anticipation can only hesitate for so long, and her wanton advances upon you boil over once again, now full-fledged and unobstructed~
  686. >She doesn’t ask to undo your fly, simply grabs either side of your tent and rips the front of your pants open in one sudden violent motion.
  687. >Your thinner underwear tent shows more to her.
  688. “C… Candy…”
  689. >Candy can’t wait another second.
  690. >She stretches your underwear upwards until it rips apart and can’t function in cloaking your unstoppable erection for her.
  691. >Candy tears her own panties away by stretching those thin lewd straps apart, scrunching her skirt up and forcefully mounting her soft buttcheeks and vulva on top of your lap.
  692. >What effect is resisting going to do at this point?
  693. >It’s simply how reproduction always worked.
  694. >You can never deny that your minds are naturally HARDWIRED to want sex.
  695. >You can never deny that your bodies are naturally DESIGNED for having sex.
  696. >She’s simply making your body do what it’s SUPPOSED to do.
  697. >To deny this is to deny the truth of nature itself, which cannot be done.
  698. >Candy’s messy locks delicately dangle along that soft smooth skin she has.
  699. >Her perfume scent intensifies the more she glistens with sweat from the heat she brought in with her that overtakes your body as well.
  700. >She lustfully licks her lips and rips your shirt open by force, pressing her soft naked assets directly onto YOU now.
  701. >As if you weren’t already hopelessly under her control, this just sends you infinitely deeper under it.
  702. >Your already scrambled mind tightens its haphazardly tangled mess of lewd thoughts into a strongly bound cluster of lust.
  703. >Unable to be untangled anymore.
  704. >Candy’s trembling hand fidgets around in search for your solid throbbing shaft to direct it where she wants it to go.
  705. >Her crazed glaring eyes set on finding it as you can only watch in excited, terrified lust as she has her way with you exactly how she wants~
  706. >Her breathing turns back to strained hyperventilating when her excited, shaking hand finds what it was looking for, making you yelp feeling her nimble fingers swiftly wrap around your hopelessly erect cock’s shaft and further empowering your impossible to get rid of erection with her lustful touch upon in.
  707. >With her lustful stroking along your length, agitating and exciting you more and more as purposefully as she can.
  708. >Already getting your tip to form a teardrop of precum after only several seconds.
  709. “C-candy… please, no.”
  710. >You say no, but you don’t really mean it.
  711. >Candy doesn’t listen to you anyway, let alone respond to your pleas.
  712. >She lustfully continues her determined, predatory gaze onto what she’s doing, maneuvering your beyond fully erect cock under her scrunched up skirt and enveloping your precumming tip between her smooth supple vulva lips peeking out…
  713. >The hot breeze from outside freely passes through the inside of the car, dancing with the heat you and Candy emit together.
  714. >Candy lets out a bunch of breathy high-pitched grunts, forcefully enveloping the rest of your throbbing length deep into her by slamming her pelvis on top of yours.
  715. “N-no! Please no…”
  716. >She hesitates, wildly staring at you, but cannot stop herself and resumes.
  717. >Your voice says no, but Candy is making your body say YES.
  718. >She pulls the level to make the driver’s seat lean back a bit, then directs your hands back to her soft busty breasts where they willfully grope her once again.
  719. >Candy plants her hands on your bare torso for leverage and starts aggressively humping you.
  720. >Prompting you to thrust upwards back up against and into her.
  721. >Again…
  722. >You can never deny that your minds are naturally HARDWIRED to want sex.
  723. >You can never deny that your bodies are naturally DESIGNED for having sex.
  724. >She’s simply making your body do what it’s SUPPOSED to do.
  725. >To deny this is to deny the truth of nature itself, which cannot be done.
  726. >Candy humps and humps and humps you…
  727. >Ignoring your begs and pleas for mercy, only lovingly fucking you harder than life ever could.
  728. >No escape, no going back…
  729. >You can see in Candy’s face that she’s losing her composure.
  730. >The longer and harder she humps you in the driver’s seat, the more frantic her squeals become.
  731. >If you had suddenly seen her like this out of nowhere on a normal school day, you’d have shrieked and ran away.
  732. >But your current state of lust has you under a deep heavy trance with Candy…
  733. >You beg her to stop, but this only turns her on even more.
  734. >She keeps humping you, now more and more fervently and passionately.
  735. >The entire car is rocking back and forth… audibly too.
  736. >Candy has her prey any way she wants~
  737. >Sincerely slamming her slippery, gripping vulva lips down your extremely erect shaft’s entire length to the base with each driving thrust from above.
  738. >Planting assertive kisses around your stiff base with her soft vulva lips making luscious plapping sounds and bridging trails of mutual precum strands between you and her on the way back up your length before slamming back down again.
  739. >And it’s driving her absolutely crazy, as it does you. As SHE does you.
  740. >Candy was always crazy over you, and now she’s getting it all out of her system, bringing yours out of your system too.
  741. >Her pelvis gives your pelvis a proper pummeling, slamming atop of it with increasingly… pronounced plapping sounds.
  742. >Candy humps and humps and humps and humps and humps you, letting it all do the talking for her.
  743. >She shudders as hard as you are, no longer under even her own control anymore.
  744. >Neither of you are in control now, it’s all just… happening.
  745. >Grope Candy’s soft sexy boobies with your trembling hands, feeling everything come to a climax, the whole purpose of why she trapped you in here with her.
  746. >With Candy lustfully humping on top of you, you buck your hips up against her from underneath.
  747. >THIS is what it was all about, your now irreversible ejaculation…
  748. >Inside of her~
  749. >Candy senses it starting to happen, pushing only down insistently for a few seconds as she feels your whole body tense up and your erect cock wildly twitch and slightly swell tightly enveloped inside of her~
  750. >You’re not yourself; let it happen~
  751. >You can feel it all cumming out inside of her...
  752. “No… n-no…” You defeatedly whimper.
  753. >Your body says the opposite and continues your full ejaculation deep into Candy.
  754. >Candy responds to you by lustfully resuming her humping, driving herself up and down along your shaft with the MOST enthusiasm and excited arousal yet~
  755. >”Cum~”
  756. >Giving it everything she’s got to work your shaft like your hand never could, both of you making the sincere, pronounced plapping sounds become wetter and wetter with more of your hot cum seeping and leaking out to make their own strands of pale goopy trails between each wet impact.
  757. “Yes… YES!” Your last bastion inside finally capitulates to her.
  758. >Accepting and welcoming that you’re simply being… taken like this…
  759. >She followed you, entrapped you, and had you to herself.
  760. >Candy finally did it, she got you.
  761. >~
  762. >Cadance had accepted your consent and has accepted your surrender.
  763. >And you have fully accepted *her*.
  764. >Both of you hold one another in eachother’s arms, caressing eachother’s backs and endlessly making out as deeply as your desires can go.
  765. >Both of you are a hot and horny mess together, stuck inside of this pinned, trapped car with nothing but just the two of you and your constantly rekindling love and lust for one another.
  766. >You have no idea why she was wearing shorts early this morning and a skirt now, but outfit changes seemed to kinda be Cadance’s thing since this started.
  767. >She lets you know a couple of things.
  768. >Cadance had quickly grabbed your phone for you when she broke in, not planning on you staying in the motel anyway.
  769. >Not only this, but she tells you about the book tracker under your car, revealing the answer as to how she managed to keep finding you no matter what you did about it.
  770. >You had luckily forgotten your wallet in the glove compartment after having checked in to the motel and came back for your one suitcase that ended up saving you only in the short term.
  771. >But you now don’t want to be saved anymore.
  772. >You love being Cadance’s victim, you love being Cadance’s prey.
  773. >Continue making out and cuddling together for over another hour, still unnoticeable by anyone who could possibly be nearby.
  774. >Occasionally drifting back into having full-on sex out of the pure urge to do so once more.
  775. >Cadance moans, sighs and coos to you in between the deep saliva-trail-creating french kisses you share.
  776. >”I would like us to roleplay and have a little more fun over the next week or so. Shall we continue our road trip to a better hotel room this time~?”
  777. >Shall you?
  778. >…
  779. >No one nearby can notice the two random cars in the scorching field.
  780. >The only people here are you and Cadance stuck in your car together with he windows open but the doors locked until Cadance decides to pull your car out of the ditch entrapping you inside with her own car.
  781. >She takes you over to the back seat and strips you completely naked.
  782. >Lies you down and pins you to the seat right where she always wanted you for months now.
  783. >The two of you continue sharing deep french kisses and close touchy-feely embraces; Cadance encourages you to strip what’s left of her clothes all the way off as well.
  784. >She’s not letting you drive away right now.
  785. >She’s having continued sex with you whenever she pleases.
  786. >You’e a pawn to Cadance’s sexy, sweaty, naked body hungrily mounting herself on top of yours…
  787. >Cadance sexually dominates you with ease by forcing your erect member up against her soft crotch, poking your leaking tip between her juicy vulva lips to gently part them, then thrust all the way inside.
  788. >Cadance’s crazed eyes light up ablaze with hyper-determined, untamed lust… she forcefully kisses you and squeals with horny joy into your mouth…
  789. >Cadance’s decisively paralyzing french kisses mash her quivering lips against yours, opening your mouths against one another and prompting your tongue to wrestle with hers after her tongue insists…
  790. >With her sexy tongue entangled with yours, Cadance continues filling your mouth with the arousing taste of her saliva, subduing you with one venomous tongue kiss after another with brief breathing breaks with many wet strands of saliva trails…
  791. >It’s clear she’s drooling into your mouth, and you’ve been made complacent enough to welcomingly begin to swallow Cadance’s arousing saliva…
  792. >She caresses the front of your throat to help you continue gulping it down, openly allowing it to assume whatever further control over you it shall assume.
  793. >Every time Cadance leans down to french kiss you, her huge soft slippery tits mash down on top of you.
  794. >Her soft perky nipples first gently poke you, then her full naked breasts lovingly push down and squish against you as her drooling french kiss deepens again…
  795. >Long strands of saliva trails span between your mouths as Cadance finally sits all the way up and proceeds to insistently milk you dry of ALL of your remaining thick load.
  796. >Her entire soft, curvy, completely naked body glistens with sweat and rams down upon your pelvis from above~making her heaving, busty, perky breasts freely bounce and jiggle with each passionate lovemaking hump she delivers~letting her sexy smooth tummy and bellybutton rise and fall as she breathes faster~pummeling around the base of your violently erect cock with wet plapping kisses from her soft dripping vulva so wonderfully enveloping your stiff shaft~…
  797. >You submissively let your ejaculation deep inside of Cadance overtake you.
  798. >Naked and sweaty, she states her plans to “chase you around for a week” as you’re cuddling in the afterglow.
  799. >…

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey