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Heat Waves (Sci-Twi x Anon) [COMPLETE]

By RealDash
Created: 2023-07-18 19:19:05
Updated: 2023-09-16 17:01:10
Expiry: Never

  1. Heat Waves
  3. __________
  6. >"And now going over to our weathergal for our five-day forecast—"
  7. >It was a quiet, peaceful midday at the Sparkle household.
  8. >The kids were off to school, Anon was off to work, and Twilight Sparkle was sitting at her study desk doing work of her own—writing down equations for the schematics of a brand new terraforming agent.
  9. >It was all hypothetical for now, of course. But she was eager to show it off to the local Canterlot Scientific Board.
  10. >If it worked out and they gave her the green light, it could be revolutionary for the Martians!
  11. >As she put pencil to paper and used her extra hand to dig into her third toaster strudel, she had an ear on the radio.
  12. >Who would've thought Sunset Shimmer would turn out to be a weathergirl?
  13. >"With the heat dome coming in hot over the Wyoming region, you're looking at a maximum high of 80/27. Not too hot for the beach, though you might wanna pack an extra sunscreen~"
  14. >Twilight rolled her eyes and giggled to herself at Sunset's corny joke.
  15. >Though, she couldn't help but guffaw at the so-called "heat dome".
  16. >Thanks to her research in greenhouse dampening, global temperatures never surpassed 80F, or 27C, marking the end of those disastrous heat waves!
  17. >But the fact that the media still referred to such temperatures as a "heat dome" never ceased to surprise her.
  18. >Nevertheless, she added extra sunscreen to the list for the beach trip next weekend.
  19. >Sunburn still exists, after all!
  20. >But this summer was already building to be a big load of nothing.
  21. >Why, she can still remember when the heat waves got really bad.
  22. >Especially that /one/ summer... when...
  23. >Just remembering the moment alone was enough to make Twilight shudder with a tinge of excitement. She took a hefty bite of her toaster strudel and tried clouding her mind with science.
  24. >That always worked, right?
  25. >"And now, coming back to you with the music, here's a real blast from the past..."
  26. >She wasn't even a few numbers in when she recognized the first notes.
  27. >A small laugh pushed its way out of her before she swallowed again. She cleared her throat as she felt her face get warm.
  28. >Did someone leave a window open?
  29. >Twilight smiled to herself as the song continued to play.
  30. >As she closed her eyes, she remembered that day, clear as it ever was.
  31. >♫Sometimes, all I think about is you♫
  32. >♫Late nights in the middle of June♫
  33. >♫Heat waves been fakin' me out♫
  34. >♫Can't make you happier now♫
  36. __________
  38. 23 YEARS AGO
  40. >You are Twilight Sparkle, and it sure is hot outside!
  41. >No, seriously: It's so hot that you feel like you're dying INSIDE your own home in 73 DEGREE AIR CONDITIONING!
  42. >Summer started a few weeks ago, and it's been hell after unrelenting hell ever since!
  43. >Nothing but heat waves and heat domes and more heat waves on top of that!
  44. >You can't even hang out at the beach with your best friends, it's that hot!
  46. >Sure, you can grab a shake or two at Sugarcube Corner, but the heat keeps all of you from hanging out too long.
  47. >Not even night is a suitable escape from this nightmarish summer!
  48. >They say it's going to cool down in a few weeks, but that can't come soon enough!
  49. >So you sit at your desk in front of the air conditioner you had built personally for your room, given you live in the attic.
  50. >But despite that, the heat from outside manages to crawl its way in just a little bit.
  51. >You're lucky it's not humid outside.
  52. >You're trying to block out the heat mentally by working on some math equations, in preparation for the next school year.
  53. >Sure, it's still two months off, but there's nothing wrong with a head start!
  54. >Sometimes, you glance at your phone nearby—either to read a text from one of your friends, or to watch some funny videos.
  55. >It helps to ignore the heat, but from time to time you feel a bead of sweat run down your face.
  56. >And the radio isn't helping matters.
  57. >"Today is expected to be the hottest day of the week, reaching a high of about 105, with an added heat index of about 110."
  58. >You groan loudly and gently slam your head against your desk. Its cool surface soothes you only for a moment before it warms against your forehead.
  59. >A frustrated whimper is all you mutter before you hear the sound of a girly-yet-feminine "ding!" emit from your phone.
  60. >You quickly recognized it as your ringtone for Anon's texts. He recorded it one day as a joke, but you loved it and kept it as his ringtone ever since.
  61. >Picking up the phone—after wiping your semi-sweaty hands on your sweatpants—you open up the notifications and select his text, reading it in full view.
  62. >[Hey! You busy? :)]
  63. >You glance over at the equations on your desk, then look back to the phone before answering.
  64. [Hey! xxx <3]
  65. [Just trying to beat the heat over here. x.x]
  66. [HBU? <3]
  67. >A moment passes before Anon responds.
  68. >[Same. 💀]
  69. >[But I got a few things done on my car, aaaaaaaaand...]
  70. >[is comfy :D]
  71. >You giggle at Anon's text before shooting him another message.
  72. [Make sure you stay safe out there, okay? Drink lots of water! <3 <3]
  73. >[yeeeeeeee 💀]
  74. >[My car's reading 104 outside right now...]
  75. >[And it's not even noon! :)]
  76. >[:(*]
  77. [Ugh, don't remind me x///x]
  78. >You twiddle your feet back and forth as you continue texting your boyfriend. Between that and working on equations, you've mostly warded off the heat.
  79. >Though... it sure would be nice if Anon were here—
  80. >[You wanna come cool off with me? ;D]
  81. >W-Well... speak of the devil...
  82. >Clearing your throat and feeling your face get warm, you reply.
  83. [Smooth -_- :P]
  84. [But only if it's okay with you! ^^]
  85. [It's too hot here, even with the Air Conditioning on. :cuffin:]
  86. [⚰️*]
  87. >You lean into your AC a bit more, hoping to get only just the breeze of fresh, cool air.
  88. >It's a success, only trifled a moment later by the warm air propagating around the rest of the room.
  90. >Another girly "ding" reaches your ears, and you look back to your phone to read Anon's reply.
  91. >[Of course it's okay, that's why I asked, you goober <3]
  92. [You're a goober >:P]
  93. >[no u]
  94. >You post a picture of an Uno reverse card.
  95. >[heccin' fuck]
  96. >A hearty giggle expels from your throat, much louder than you were anticipating.
  97. >Luckily, nobody can hear you up in the attic unless you were literally screaming—which makes it real convenient for when Anon comes over.
  98. [you're silly]
  99. >[no u]
  100. >Before you can post another Uno card, Anon texts again.
  101. >[How hot is it in your house rn?]
  102. >You quickly take a gander at your bedroom thermostat.
  103. >After monitoring the temperature closest to your desk, then to the rest of your bedroom, you check back with Anon a moment later.
  104. [AC is set to 75, but the temperature in my room feels like 85 ;-;]
  105. [I am sweating in the cold air. ⚰️]
  106. >[Holy actual RIP in Piece]
  107. >You raise an eyebrow.
  108. [Rest in Peace in Piece? Don't you mean just Rest in Peace?]
  109. >As soon as you hit send, you realize what he meant and try to rectify.
  110. [oh oh wait I]
  111. >Before you could say anymore, Anon beats you to it.
  112. >[2 l8 nerd]
  113. >You give an embarrassed sigh that reeked of defeat.
  114. [Sorry >///<]
  115. >[Don't be, that's why I love ya <3<3<3]
  116. >A smile crept onto your lips, and the warmth on your face only intensifying.
  117. [I love you too <3<3<3]
  118. >You're so happy that Anon is the kind of guy that can handle your spaghetti.
  119. >Among other things...!
  120. [How far away are you?]
  121. >[I just left the shop a couple minutes ago!]
  122. >[Should be there in maybe 10min...???]
  123. [Okie dokie!]
  124. [Should I wear anything...? ;)]
  125. >...
  126. [Wait, are you driving rn??]
  127. >[Yeah, but texting at red lights only]
  128. >[That's why I'm slow at responding ^^;]
  129. [That's ok ^//^]
  130. >[What are you wearing right now?]
  131. >You decide to tease him by lifting your hoodie and pulling down your sweatpants just a bit, showing off your red panties—or in this case, boy shorts—and similarly red bra.
  132. >After awkwardly snapping a selfie like this, you send it to him.
  133. >His response took a couple minutes.
  134. >[.///.]
  135. >[wear that]
  136. >But you knew he was bulging already...
  137. >Oh, almost forgot!
  138. [Ooh! I'll bring my math book too!]
  139. >[neeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrd <3]
  140. >You roll your eyes with a giggle and send him a heart back.
  141. >And another Uno card.
  143. __________
  145. >After a few minutes of waiting, you grabbed your phone and math book and stuffed them into your bag, along with your water bottle and notebook, then put on your shoes and made your way downstairs.
  146. >You made it to the front door and occasionally peeked out the front window, waiting for Anon's car to pull up to the curb.
  147. >Curious, you touched the glass on the window.
  148. >It was warm to the touch.
  149. "Oh boy..." you say to yourself.
  150. >You hope his car has good AC...
  151. >Suddenly, you hear the sound of laughter coming in from the kitchen; you turn around just in time to see your parents, Shining, and Cadance entering the living room.
  153. >"Oh, hi sweetie!" your mom calls out upon seeing you. "Heading somewhere?"
  154. "Oh! Uh, yeah! Anon and I are taking a ride around town for a bit!" you tell her after a moment. "It's getting a /little/ too stuffy in here, h-heh..."
  155. >"Are you sure? It's pretty hot out there. They're saying it might get up to 110 today...!"
  156. "Yeah, but that's just the heat index. In actuality, it's gonna be around 105."
  157. >"... That's still pretty hot, sis," Shining replied to you with a deadpan expression, only for it to contort into a smirk. "Well... then of course, there's Anon."
  158. >You tilt your head.
  159. "What's that supposed to me—"
  160. >Oh.
  161. >OH!
  162. >You begin to blush and sputter a giggle, while Cadance elbows Shining in the ribs.
  163. >He laughs in spite of the pain.
  164. "A-Anyway," you continue, trying to hide your blush, "we're probably just going out for lunch and then coming back. That's all!"
  165. >"Oh, is he staying over for dinner?" your mom asked. "I'm making Mandarin again tonight. He likes that, right?"
  166. >You nod sheepishly at her.
  167. "O-Only if it's okay with you guys. And his parents too, I guess."
  168. >Your father gives a soft chuckle.
  169. >"That kid's alright with me. Seems real attached to ya."
  170. >You see Shining give you a narrowed smirk that only you could make out.
  171. >"He /is/ treating you right though, isn't he?"
  172. >You lightly scoff with a smile.
  173. "Dad, of course he is! Anon's a good boy!"
  174. >Smirk.
  175. >Snrk.
  176. "I mean NICE boy!"
  177. >Shining's shit-eating grin only grows, but it doesn't go unnoticed, earning him another elbow from Cadance.
  178. >Your dad gives you an awkward, but lighthearted chuckle.
  179. >"Alright then. Well, tell him we said hi in case he doesn't stop by later for dinner."
  180. >Just then, you heard a muffled "ding!" from your phone.
  181. >You turn around to see Anon's blue car parked just in front of your house.
  182. "Oh, that's him! I gotta go, and I'll say hi for you!"
  183. >"Alright," your mom begins, "well, see you later, sweetie!"
  184. >"Later, sis!"
  185. "Bye, you guys!" you say as you open the front door and make your exit.
  186. >"Oh, and be sure to drink lots of water!"
  187. >"Especially Anon-owhahaha!"
  188. >You don't reply to that and close the door behind you.
  189. >Standing on the front porch, you give a quick, silent sigh.
  190. >And immediately, you feel the sudden rush of heat as you realize you're now outside.
  191. >And sweet Jiminy Cricket, it's hot as fuck out here!
  192. >And in the SHADE, no less!
  193. >Not wasting any time, you begin booking it to Anon's car, only just ten feet from your porch.
  194. >The moment you step into the sun, it already feels like you've walked a mile, but you keep moving.
  195. >Just before you get to the car, you see the passenger door open, and Anon's familiar form leaning over inside to push it open with an audible "nyeh".
  196. >You pull the door open the rest of the way and quickly seat yourself inside, shutting the door behind you.
  197. >Right away, you can feel the rush of cool air blowing into your face, and the warm air around you quickly dissipating.
  199. >With a heavy sigh of relief, you turn to Anon who's just staring at you, possibly out of concern.
  200. "Hi!" you say with an exhale and an awkward laugh.
  201. >"Hi," he replies back with a similar laugh. "You alright?"
  202. "Mm-hmm!" you say somewhat unconvincingly.
  203. >Before Anon can say anything else, you lean over the middle and kiss Anon on the lips.
  204. >You're hot and messy and already a little sweaty, so you fumble a bit and nearly fall on the gear-stick.
  205. >You try to pull away and apologize, but Anon pulls you right back in, taking the initiative and gently cupping your cheek in his hand as you feel his lips brush against yours.
  206. >The two of you kiss for another few moments before you pull away and fall back into your seat, clearing your throat and swiping loose strands of hair from your face.
  207. >"Somebody sure missed me," Anon jokes before helping you swipe a particularly loose strand.
  208. "Y-You might say that..."
  209. >"So! Ready to test this bad boy out?" he asks you enthusiastically.
  210. >Despite your current state, you couldn't help but shoot a smug look at the boy.
  211. "You mean you or the car?"
  212. >Anon gives his best faux-pas French laugh and reaches over to gently boop you on the nose.
  213. >"Careful now," he tells you, "it's already too hot."
  214. >He glances over and gives you a single wink.
  215. >It didn't take long for you to get it.
  216. "... J-Just shut up and drive."
  218. __________
  220. >A few minutes later, you and Anon were now somewhere in downtown Canterlot, cruising through the streets as a relaxing pace.
  221. >You got a real good look at just how empty the sidewalks were, thanks to the heat—though the roads were still as full as they typically were.
  222. >But one thing you soon came to realize was that you didn't feel warm /at all/.
  223. >The heat somehow always managed to creep its way into your bedroom in spite of your scientific strides.
  224. >But Anon's car?
  225. >It was like winter came early.
  226. >You were actually shivering.
  227. >SHIVERING.
  228. >And you loved it!
  229. >"You good?" Anon asked, quick to notice your jittering.
  230. "Yeah! I'm just cold, that's all."
  231. >"Oh, sorry. I had it set pretty low when I left. But I can turn up the heat if you want—"
  232. >Anon reached up to fumble with the heat dial, but you were quick to gently grab his hand.
  233. "Yeah, how about you /don't/," you tell him in a stoic tone, and with a relaxed, yet playful threatening stare.
  234. >He was quick to catch on and broke out into laughter while keeping his eye on the road.
  235. >"Alright," he said between laughs. "You just seemed /too/ cold, that's all."
  236. "Trust me... after the last couple weeks, NOTHING is 'too cold'," you reply using air quotes, and let out an exaggerated sigh.
  237. >"Good point. I still can't believe how hot it is. But, lucky for both of us, you won't have to worry about any of that heat creep."
  238. "Good!" you exclaim with a relieved grin. "Because from now on, I want the only heat in this car to be the kind /we/ make."
  239. >...
  240. "R-Relative to our body heat, that is—"
  241. >"Too late, nerd~"
  243. >You giggle with embarrassment in your voice, but Anon's quick to remedy it with a free hand through your hair.
  244. >You coo at his touch.
  245. >Sure, you've mellowed out plenty since last year...
  246. >But Goooooood, this has got you thinking some real dirty thoughts.
  247. >M-Maybe it's just the heat...
  248. >"So," Anon began after a moment, "you hungry for anything?"
  249. >You put your finger to your chin and think; you remember vaguely eating a toaster strudel at 9AM this morning.
  250. >And... that was it.
  251. "Sure! I'm pretty hungry, now that you mention it. What are you thinking?"
  252. >A smile makes its way onto Anon's lips.
  253. >"Well... I hear BellBurgers opened up a location in town the other day, but we can also..."
  254. >Anon stopped as soon as he saw the look on your face.
  255. 0o0
  256. >He laughed warmly.
  257. >"... BellBurgers it is."
  259. __________
  261. >A few minutes later, you and Anon were sitting in the parking lot just outside the newest BellBurgers installment, chowing down sliders and sipping some cold, refreshing soda pop.
  262. >You haven't had BellBurgers since the beach, and yet every bite you took was bringing back some good memories.
  263. >At least the ones you /prefer/ to remember.
  264. >Even just remembering the way you teased Anon that day had you instinctively, yet accidentally, teasing him all over again.
  265. >Only this time, he wasn't afraid to express his "appreciation".
  266. >Sadly, Anon Jr. would have to wait a little longer.
  267. >And unfortunately, so would you.
  268. >Until then, hamberder.
  269. >"I still can't believe how quickly you suck those down," Anon says with an astonished tone. "I'm only /just/ working on my second."
  270. >You let out an embarrassed giggle... and a burp.
  271. "I can't help it! These things are soooo good. Did you know that they deep fry their burgers for approximately 5 seconds before seasoning them?"
  272. >"Really?" Anon asks with a raised eyebrow. "That explains the weight, then."
  273. >You stop eating and stare at Anon with a raised eyebrow of your own.
  274. >He looks back at you for a second before the light bulb goes off in that cute little head of his.
  275. >"Oh shit, no, I meant me. I gained like two pounds after last time. /You/, on the other hand, Miss Hoover, can scarf down a hundred of these and be perfectly fine."
  276. >You lightly shrug and give Anon a smug grin.
  277. "What can I say? I guess it's my nerd genes doing wonders for my figure."
  278. >"More like nerd sweatpants, am I right?"
  279. >You stare forward with a dead expression.
  280. "... That was so fucking corny."
  281. >An expression that quickly failed before you and Anon burst into laughter, the latter of which nearly choked on his burger in the middle of his laughing fit.
  282. >Once the two of you calmed down, Anon cleared his throat.
  283. >"So why /are/ you wearing sweatpants?" he asked curiously. "Was it really that bad upstairs in your room?"
  284. >You give him a sheepish grin.
  285. "Not... entirely. I mean, yes, it was /gross/ up there, but... I couldn't really find anything that felt comfortable to wear in the heat."
  287. >You look down at your burger and scoff awkwardly to yourself.
  288. "Though I probably should've worn a dress for today, huh?"
  289. >Anon chuckles.
  290. >"I don't mind. Besides, you look adorable in your little hoodie."
  291. >You feel your cheeks get warm, and suddenly unable to look Anon in the eye.
  292. "T-Thanks."
  293. >"Plus... it's admittedly better than my getup."
  294. >You turn and raise an eyebrow as you look him up and down in a totally-non-sexual manner.
  295. >But there's nothing really odd about his clothes that catches your ey—
  296. "... Is that a black T-shirt?"
  297. >"... Yep."
  298. "... You're wearing a /BLACK/ T-shirt in 105 degree weather??"
  299. >"... Uh-huh."
  300. >...
  301. "And you call /ME/ the dork."
  302. >"Ah-ah-ah, I call you a /nerd/. There's a difference."
  303. "Being...?"
  304. >"Dorks wear the wrong clothes."
  305. >That manages to get you to giggle-snort for the first time in a good while.
  306. >You have to set down your food on the dashboard from how hard you were laughing.
  307. >It wasn't even that funny.
  308. >But it /was/ true!
  309. >As soon as you calm down, you clear your throat and turn to Anon, leaning over the center.
  310. >You get pretty close to him, but not to kiss him.
  311. "Alright, here's the deal," you whisper to him, "as soon as we're able, that shirt's coming off. Got it?"
  312. >Along with everything else, but one at a time.
  313. >"Why wait...?" he whispers back, giving you a sultry look.
  314. >You playfully pout at him.
  315. "Because /I'm/ the only one who gets to see that body of yours, mister."
  316. >"Then you're in luck, because these windows are tinted."
  317. >That catches your ear.
  318. "Really...?"
  319. >"Mm-hmm," he nods before looking up and out the window behind you. "Look behind you."
  320. >Curious, you do so, only to see a middle-aged woman, definitely a mom, sitting in her car and chatting on her phone.
  321. >You can vaguely make out something about a soccer game next week or something.
  322. >Of course she's /that/ kind of mom.
  323. "What about her?"
  324. >Anon delicately presses a single finger to your right cheek and pivots your head back to face him.
  325. >If you were a pony, that would've made you wink.
  326. >He leans beside you and up to your ear and whispers.
  327. >"You could give me a handjob right here, and she wouldn't even notice."
  328. "R-Really...?"
  329. >He pulls back to look in your eyes, and nods.
  330. >By now, your face was red, and your heart was beating much faster than before.
  331. >You shiver, but not from the cold.
  332. "Do you... want me to...?"
  333. >The question seemed to catch Anon by surprise, in spite of his implication. It was obvious he was playing around at first.
  334. >But he's quick to give you a warm smile.
  335. >"Only if you want to~"
  336. >It may have been a tease at first, but damn, he knows how to get a girl thinking!
  337. "I-I'm kinda tempted to try it now, to be honest."
  338. >Again, you've mellowed out a lot since the beach.
  339. >But there was something about the idea of being so naughty, in such a public place, without anyone able to see it happening, that just...
  340. >You look back to the woman sitting in her car beside you.
  342. >She's still chatting away on her phone, probably oblivious to the two of you being there.
  343. >She probably doesn't even know you exist.
  344. >You bite your lip and shiver quietly, before turning back to Anon.
  345. "Do these seats have recliners?"
  346. >"Yeah?"
  347. "Good. Lay back," you ordered him.
  348. >There was very little authority in your voice, but you could still see Anon's chest thump as he found himself reclining back in his seat, almost laying completely horizontal.
  349. >His seat leaned back until it just touched the seat directly behind it.
  350. >Sticking out your tongue with a blep, you reach over Anon's lap and momentarily fumble with the button of his pants and the zipper.
  351. >You unbutton his pants with ease. Anon lifts himself slightly from the seat, allowing you and him to slide his pants and boxers down just to his knees.
  352. >His cock springs free, already somewhat hard no doubt from both your teasing and the current situation.
  353. >A happy snort escapes your nose as you quickly, yet delicately, reach over to grab Anon's cock in one hand.
  354. >You give it a few short, slow pumps, just enough to get him going.
  355. >It quickly takes, and before you know it, Anon is hard as a rock in your grip.
  356. "Good boy," you whisper to him before you begin pumping at a steady pace.
  357. >Anon shivers and lays back in his seat.
  358. >You can feel him throbbing in your hand with every few pumps, and the look on his face shows he's pretty comfortable right now.
  359. >Without breaking pace, you carefully turn around to look back at the woman.
  360. >Oh shit, she's looking at you, oh fuck can she see you, maybe you should sto—
  361. >Oh, she's looking away now. And she's still talking on her phone.
  362. >You listen in.
  363. >"What do you mean my son's soccer game is cancelled next week? It's only 105!"
  364. >She... She can't see you!
  365. >You're jerking your boyfriend off right in front of her face and she can't see it!
  366. >That's incredible!
  367. >Also, really bad parenting.
  368. >The soccer thing, not what you're doing right now.
  369. >You look giddily back to Anon.
  370. "She can't see us!" you whisper to him excitedly and giggle.
  371. >He lifts his head and winks at you.
  372. >"Told ya~" he replies in a slightly ragged tone of voice before leaning his head back again.
  373. >As you continue to pump Anon's shaft, you continue to watch the soccer mom as she /insists/ they still host a soccer game next week.
  374. >You hum inquisitively.
  375. *nom*
  376. >"... Are you still eating?"
  377. >You look down and realize your free hand is now full of burger.
  378. "Yep," you say with a smirk as you take another bite.
  379. >Multitasking is fun!
  380. >Eventually, the woman rolls up her car window—you're still wondering how she managed to tolerate the heat for so long!
  381. >After a minute, her van's engine chugged to life, before backing up and eventually driving off.
  382. >She didn't notice you for one second.
  383. >It's not like you were gonna be having sex in public from now on...
  384. >But there was so much potential now~
  385. >As you chew the clump of meat and bread in your mouth, Anon shudders beside you.
  387. >"Gonna cum," he whispers, and soon after you feel his cock flare.
  388. >You tried swallowing your food as quick as you could, but you knew you'd choke if you kept it up.
  389. "Mmm!" you muffle as a pair of napkins catch your eye.
  390. >But before you could grab them, another shudder escapes Anon, and soon after, his climax hits him.
  391. >You look down just in time to watch the first jets of cum shoot out from his tip and splash their way onto your hand and his pelvis.
  392. >Your hand continued to move for a few moments, lathering his still spraying cock with cum and giving off an obvious shlick-ing noise.
  393. >Luckily, the air conditioner and radio were just loud enough to muffle it to any outsiders—not that there seemed to be anyhow, from what you can see.
  394. >As you swallowed the last of your food, you leaned over Anon's cock and pushed the tip into your mouth, just in time for the last few ropes to fire off into your throat.
  395. >It wasn't long before you were both blowing him and cleaning him off, moving your hand up and down with your lips.
  396. >Half a minute of sucking later, with a quiet pop, you released Anon's cock from your mouth and got to work on cleaning off his pelvis with your tongue, as well as your hand.
  397. >The smell of his cum quickly found its way into your nostrils, and every whiff was just so intoxicating.
  398. >Thoughts and ideas you either pushed away or satisfied a year ago were now flooding back to you.
  399. >Hell, before today, it'd been a week since you last saw Anon in-person, but being here with him /now/ made it feel like months.
  400. >You savored every scent, whether it was his body or what came out of it.
  401. >I-In a sexual way, you mean...
  402. >"Twi?" Anon spoke up with a shaky sigh. "You okay?"
  403. >You nodded a moment later, realizing you'd been laying your head on his lap for a couple minutes.
  404. "S-Sorry... I just really missed this."
  405. >It felt silly saying that. You only did something like this a week ago, after all.
  406. >But luckily for you, Anon agreed, petting your head and softening just enough tension in your shoulders.
  407. >His petting was almost as good as cumming.
  408. >You clear your throat.
  409. "How long are you free today?"
  410. >He chuckles softly.
  411. >"Well, my parents are out of town till tomorrow, so I'm free all day."
  412. >You let out a small huff your nostrils and smile; goosebumps run all over your body.
  413. "Good." You begin to stammer as you feel your face heating up. "Because I, uh, mmm... I really wanna fuck you. I-I mean not right now, since you just came and we're still in the parking lot, so it probably would be obvious, and..."
  414. >Your words trail off and you giggle nervously at him.
  415. >"I can do that," he answers with another warm smile. "You wanna head back home or drive around a bit more?"
  416. >/Drink lots of water!/
  417. >/Especially Anon!/
  418. "M-Maybe we should drive around instead. If we go straight home and then up to my room, it's gonna be a little /too/ obvious, you know? Plus... Shiny's there, so..."
  419. >"... Ah. Good point."
  421. >You had no ill will against your brother. You loved Shining, and he was undoubtedly supportive of your relationship with Anon.
  422. >But you could do without the teasing for a day.
  423. >Or a week.
  424. >Or forever.
  425. >"So where do you wanna go while we wait for /this/ guy to recharge?" Anon joked as he poked the tip of his softened cock against your lips.
  426. >You just giggled and teasingly licked it before humming in thought.
  427. "Hmm... Did you ever get to try the Grimace Shake?"
  428. >"Not that I know of... you?"
  429. "Uh-uh..."
  430. >"Help me dress...?"
  431. >You snuggle on his lap.
  432. "Five more minutes...?"
  433. >Or... maybe make that ten...
  435. __________
  437. >Half an hour later, you and Anon were back on the road.
  438. >Passing through downtown, you were quick to notice just how even emptier the streets had become; you saw almost nobody out on the streets, and the amount of cars on the road was even higher now!
  439. >You and Anon got stuck at one red light for nearly twenty minutes.
  440. >It's a good thing this car was so insulated.
  441. >Eventually, you were able to break free from the automatic confines that was Canterlot traffic, and were now steadily making your way out of town.
  442. >It didn't take long to realize where Anon was taking you, as the houses quickly turned to woodland and swirly roads, all becoming more deserted the further out you went.
  443. >By the time you'd reached the outskirts of Canterlot, you were already halfway through your Grimace Shake.
  444. >You let out a happy hum as you took the straw out of your mouth and felt the mix of berries and vanilla slide down your throat with ease.
  445. >You were definitely gonna have a few extra pounds after today.
  446. >Worth it!
  447. >While Anon drove, and the radio played some good old Weezer, you sat your shake in between the neck of your hoodie and your bra, and pulled out your math book from your bag.
  448. >Anon glanced at you for just a moment and smiled goofily before turning his eyes back to the road.
  449. "What?" you said with a giggle.
  450. >"Nothing," he replied, chuckling. "I just forgot you brought that with you."
  451. "Oh, my math book?"
  452. >"Yeah."
  453. >You shrug and look at him with a sheepish grin.
  454. "Sorry. I was doing some equations before you texted. Didn't want to leave them unanswered, you know?"
  455. >"Oh, I can imagine," he says jokingly with a smirk.
  456. >You give him an unimpressed yet playful frown, then clear your throat.
  457. "Alright then, Mister Too-Good-For-Math, why don't you answer me this: What is the square root of 203 times 38 divided by the square root of 4?"
  458. >Anon puffs his cheeks.
  459. >"Oh shit, we mathin' now..."
  460. >You snicker to yourself, all while waiting for his answer.
  461. >He glances at the road, then to the ceiling of the car, presumably to solve it in his head.
  462. >"270...?" he says slowly. "... .7?"
  463. >You purse your lips as you realize he's correct.
  464. "Wow, and without a calculator. You've been practicing!"
  465. >"Well, I /am/ dating probably the biggest nerd in school."
  466. >You smile and blush.
  467. "Still, that's pretty impressive without a calculator."
  468. >"Can /you/ figure that out without a calculator?"
  469. "Oh, in an instant. But usually people have to use a calculator just to make sure. I mean, /I've/ had to use a calculator sometimes, even if I know for a fact the answer is correct."
  470. >"Did you bring your calculator with you?"
  471. >Without moving much on account for your shake, you reach down into your bag and grab the contraption.
  472. "Never leave home without it~"
  473. >"I'd call you a nerd again... but..."
  474. >Anon sets his shake down in the cup holder, leans over to the passenger side glove compartment, and pulls it open.
  476. >Looking inside, you see sitting inside the same brand of calculator you have on your person.
  477. >You just shoot him a smug grin.
  478. >He rolls his eyes with a smile and shuts the glove compartment door.
  479. >Meanwhile, you turn back to your math book and answer more equations, all while leaning your head down to take occasional sips from your shake.
  480. >You rock your head lightly left and right to the beat of the current song.
  481. >Anon hums along, joining you.
  482. >The atmosphere stays like this for several minutes as you enjoy each other's company.
  483. >Eventually, you feel the car turn to the left, followed by bumping and rocking as you're no longer on paved road.
  484. >You look out to see nothing but forest and tall trees surrounding you, with nothing but a dirt path ahead.
  485. >The sight is recognizable right away, and before you know it, there's a clearing that Anon drives up to.
  486. >As soon as he reaches it, he stops the car and puts it in Park.
  487. >"Welp," Anon announces, picking up his shake, "we're here!"
  488. >Moonshine Point: a relatively small but gorgeous hilltop that overlooked the valley containing Canterlot.
  489. >From here, you could see the whole city!
  490. >If you looked real hard enough, you could even see your house!
  491. >And yes, you've tried and did.
  492. >But today, you could also see the heat's effect on the air.
  493. >What was normally a bright blue-and-white haze was now white-and-yellow, indicating high heat levels.
  494. >Curious, you put your hand up against your door window just to feel the heat.
  495. >It was only slightly cooler than the window at your house, but it was still definitely warm—a great contrast to the air blowing in your face.
  496. >You bite your lip and try not to think about how blisteringly hot it is outside.
  497. >Instead, you try to just admire the view.
  498. "This place is so gorgeous," you simply say, smiling as you peer out towards the distant cityscape.
  499. >"Right? We definitely need to come out here more often," Anon replies before taking a sip from his shake.
  500. >That, you agreed with. You hadn't been to this spot in three months, but every time you did was always such a special time.
  501. >Just you, your boyfriend, and the finest nature had to offer you.
  502. >Well... n-not that you and Anon paid much attention to nature for long anyway...
  503. >"Oh yeah!" Anon exclaims as he removes his mouth from his straw. "I never got to ask you: What do you think of the car so far?"
  504. >You set your math book down on the dashboard and grab your shake from your hoodie-hole.
  505. "Well," you begin with a sheepish smile, "it's nothing I haven't seen before... but I like the new AC!"
  506. >Anon just laughs softly.
  507. >"Fair enough. I say upgrades, but it's more like upgrade /singular/ and a patch. The AC's the only real upgrade, and I finally managed to fix the dent in the trunk, so no more hot air leak from the back."
  508. "What kind of upgrade?" you ask before taking a sip.
  510. >"Mainly just a bigger fan. The old fan worked fine, but it was just so damn tiny that it took half an hour just to get as cold as it is /now/."
  511. >Anon flips one of the vents towards you, blowing a stream of cold air directly at your face.
  512. >You welcomed it without question.
  513. >"With the new one? Cold in less than a minute, with no extra battery usage. If anything, the new fan is the size it's supposed to be."
  514. "That's amazing!" you exclaim. "I'd love to take a look at the system sometime."
  515. >"Sure! I'd show you now, but uh... I don't either of us would be very happy about it."
  516. >You just giggle and snort, rolling your eyes.
  517. "It's fine. But what about the engine? Doesn't it get hot in there in this heat?"
  518. >"Actually, that's also pretty insulated. That one was a little pricey, but I think it'll be worth it in the long run. Lets out just enough heat to keep it from overheating itself, and also has its own AC system hooked up to the battery."
  519. "Really? How does that work?"
  520. >"Absolutely no idea.... but it works!"
  521. >You fall into a laughing fit, having to put down your shake to keep from spilling it on yourself or anywhere in Anon's car.
  522. >Once you calm down, you sigh.
  523. "Well, now I'm almost tempted to go out and see for myself!" you tell Anon. "I'd love to have something like that in my room, if I can accurately replicate it without sacrificing efficiency."
  524. >Your curiosity gets a chuckle out of him.
  525. >"Go for it. I can't let the heat get you /too/ hot and bothered. That's /my/ job~"
  526. "Ohmygawd, shadaaaaap~"
  528. __________
  530. "The square root of 29 by 83?"
  531. >"446.9. Round up to 447."
  532. "Correct! 294 times 948?"
  533. >"278712."
  534. "Yep! If you make approximately 39 revolutions around the sun with the allotted speed of—"
  535. >"1.293 AU."
  536. >You stop to look at him with a raised eyebrow and wide eyes, as he answered without hesitation.
  537. >"Sorry," he said with a chuckle. "I read that problem last week."
  538. >You just playfully punched him in the shoulder.
  539. "You're such a cheater!" you joke, giggling as you take another sip of your shake.
  540. >"Or maybe you're just rubbing off on me more than you thought~" he replied with a wink.
  541. >With a shiver, you giggle and briefly glance away.
  542. "You might say that..."
  543. >Anon said nothing to that, but you could tell he was being real smug about it.
  544. >With a happy sigh, you closed your math book and put it back in your bag.
  545. "Alright, I think that's enough math for now."
  546. >"See, now THAT is hard to believe, coming from you."
  547. >You just punch his shoulder again and smile.
  548. "Okay, Rainbow Dash."
  549. >Anon laughs heartily before taking a drink of his shake. He pulls away from the straw and looks down at the cup, reading the text on it.
  550. >"Man, these are really good."
  551. "Agreed! I'm almost tempted to buy another one before I go home."
  552. >Anon shrugs and smiles at you.
  553. >"Sure, why not? I'll probably bring a couple home myself."
  554. "Just don't go too overboard, alright?" you ask with faux-concern as you shake your cup.
  556. >He just scoffs playfully and smiles.
  557. >"I ain't scared of no purple lookin' ass... whatever the fuck Grimace is."
  558. >You quickly set your cup down as you went into another laughing and snorting fit.
  559. >It took you a moment to calm down, and you were met with Anon's goofy looking gaze.
  560. >Goofy as it was, it was hard not to gaze back.
  561. >Suddenly, he stuck out his tongue and put his thumb up to the crook underneath your lips.
  562. "Nyeh?" you asked, sticking out your own tongue in response.
  563. >"Sorry, you got a little bit of shake right there."
  564. >He wasn't wrong, however, as you could feel a liquid sensation running against your lips as he lifted his thumb up to your lips.
  565. >"There you go~"
  566. >Realizing what he was getting at, you smirked at him with a raised eyebrow and then began licking his thumb.
  567. >It wasn't long before you were less so licking it and more just sucking gently on it, trying to get as much of the droplet off his thumb as you could.
  568. >At least, you think that's what you were doing. You kinda forgot, now you're just sucking on his thumb.
  569. >You can feel and see Anon tense up slightly, but he keeps himself composed.
  570. >You see his chest hike up slightly as he gasps, but he otherwise doesn't move.
  571. >The next few moments are spent in relative silence, apart from the music coming from the speakers, while you give borderline fellatio to Anon's opposable.
  572. >Once you could no longer taste a trace of shake, you pulled your lips away with a quiet pop.
  573. "Mwah~" you say audibly with a giggle. "There, did I get it all?"
  574. >Anon doesn't answer right away, blushing and clearly flustered.
  575. >Then again, that was your goal.
  576. >Before you know it, Anon leans in and kisses you softly, caressing your cheek with his hand; his other hand comes to rest on your hip.
  577. >You let out a small surprised gasp through your nose, but you're quick to embrace the kiss and giggle to yourself.
  578. >Gosh, riling him up is so fun...
  579. >As you and Anon slowly transition into a full-blown make-out session, one of your hands absentmindedly drifts across his body, coming to rest on the crook of his jeans.
  580. >It isn't long before you can feel his bulge, and every small, delicate rub of your hand against it only serves to make it bigger.
  581. >You can feel a sense of excitement and arousal building with in you.
  582. "Here, wait, uh... one sec, wait wait..." you mutter softly to Anon as you momentarily break the kiss, fumbling to set your shake cup down in the cup holder.
  583. >It takes a few tries, what with you practically shaking from the intensity of the moment, but you're successful.
  584. >With that done, you quickly climb your way over the middle of the front seats and plop yourself down in the middle back seat.
  585. >Anon is quick to follow you, and almost immediately he picks and holds you up in his arms, just enough to scoot himself beneath you. You feel your butt come to rest against his lap, with your legs spread in the air behind him.
  587. >He starts grinding his hips against yours, and you let out another small gasp, which is quickly silence as you and Anon resume your makeout session.
  588. >Your hands come to rest on his shoulders for support, while Anon's hands are gripping your hips tightly.
  589. >It hurts just a little... but it hurts so goooood~
  590. >A small moan escapes your lips as Anon continues humping against you, rubbing his bulge against the fabric of your sweatpants, hard enough that he's able to rub your pussy through both layers of clothing.
  591. >Anon pulls away from the kiss and starts kissing your cheek, then your neck. It's very clear at this point that he's incredibly riled up.
  592. >And seeing how riled up he really is... it just gets /you/ riled up even more.
  593. "A-Anon..." you shudder silently in his ear as he kisses your neck.
  594. >You pull your hands away from his shoulders and reach for the hem of your sweatpants and panties, eager to pull them down just enough, but you don't have enough space for it.
  595. >Anon seems to realize pretty quick what you're trying to do, and pulls his body away slightly, giving you just enough room to slide your pants and panties down.
  596. >He grips your ass firmly in his hands, both for support no doubt, and definitely to feel your bareness in his touch.
  597. >Once your pants and panties are pulled to your knees, Anon slides beneath them and comes to meet you again.
  598. >Before long, he's reaching for his own pants and forcibly pulling them down.
  599. >You shiver as you see just how hard he is; the sheer heat that comes off of it as it rests on your bare skin is... i-incalculable...
  600. >But this wasn't the time for calculations!
  601. >With one hand on his shoulder, you reach down with the other and grab his cock; already, it's much hotter than earlier, like it could burn your hand just from touch alone.
  602. >You scoot yourself up just enough to aim his cock against your pussy, teasing the head with your wetness.
  603. >Your legs instinctively clench from the pleasure, but all they do is squeeze Anon's hips.
  604. "O-Okay..." you whisper shakily to Anon.
  605. >Without much hesitation, he pushes himself into you, not stopping until he's bottomed out.
  606. >The feeling is unbearable in the best way, and you let out a small shriek of pleasure, your hand reaching for the ceiling of the car.
  607. >You can feel yourself almost hyperventilating, and you're trying your hardest not to be loud.
  608. >As soon as Anon starts thrusting, that doesn't last.
  609. >You start moaning loudly, whimpering with sheer delight as Anon starts pumping himself into you over and over, shoving you against the back of the seat.
  610. >Your hand stays pressed against the ceiling, sliding back and forth with your body. Ultimately, you wrap it around the headrest, which is just as effective.
  611. >Anon shudders before you, your body pressed firmly against his as both your hips mash repeatedly together.
  612. >You find yourself looking in his eyes, and you can't help but kiss him again.
  614. >Before long, the two of you are back to making out while he fucks you.
  615. >However, you can't help but laugh into the kiss as you hear the music playing over the Bluetooth.
  616. >♫Sometimes, all I think about is you♫
  617. >♫Late nights in the middle of June♫
  618. >♫Heat waves been fakin' me out♫
  619. >♫Can't make you happier now♫
  620. >What timing...
  621. >Anon realizes soon after and laughs silently with you, his smile pressing against yours.
  622. >You and Anon continue kissing and fucking to the song, enjoying the moment in blissful silence.
  623. >But even with how cold inside this car is, you can feel yourself heating up, to the point where it's becoming uncomfortable.
  624. "W-Wait, wait..." you whimper to him, and he's quick to stop.
  625. >"You alright...?" he whispers back with a hint of concern.
  626. >You nod lightly.
  627. "I-It's a little hot..."
  628. >He laughs softly.
  629. >"Good, so it's not just me, then."
  630. >The two of you share a small laugh, only momentarily broken as Anon pulls himself out of you slowly, earning another quiet mewl from you.
  631. >"Here, let's switch a bit," Anon says as he ducks underneath your pants and panties, freeing himself from your clutches. "Bend over for me."
  632. >With another delighted shiver, you do just as he says, lifting yourself on the seats and spreading out in the back, coming to rest on all fours, facing the right window.
  633. >Your ass hangs in the air, and you decide to tease Anon by giving a little shake.
  634. >He returns it with a spank.
  635. >You suck in a startled breath, but then giggle at the sudden response.
  636. >Anon just chuckles.
  637. >"Feeling better?" he asks you.
  638. >In this position, you're able to really feel the cool air against your body, and you slowly exhale and nod.
  639. "Yeah, much better... thank you~" you say to him, looking back.
  640. >Anon just winks at you and massages the area of your ass he just spanked.
  641. >His touch alone is enough to make you slide back on the seat, wanting to feel him inside you again.
  642. >He very quickly gets the hint, and laughs to himself.
  643. >"Ready?"
  644. >You nod feverishly, emitting a baited "Mm-hmm".
  645. >Without delay, Anon pushes his cock back into you, and quickly gets into the rhythm you both had going a minute ago.
  646. >You grip the seat beneath you, sighing and moaning to yourself in much needed bliss.
  647. >Anon just grips your hips tightly and plows himself into you again and again without restraint.
  648. >Just how you like it.
  649. >As he fucks you, you can feel your glasses slowly sliding off your face, and you struggle to keep them on.
  650. >Luckily, they just dangle on one ear, swinging back and forth with every thrust.
  651. >You feel another spank on your ass, followed by its familiar sting.
  652. >All it does is make you push back into Anon, burying his cock as deep into you as it could go.
  653. >The radio plays in the background, nearly drowned out by your and Anon's moans and fevered grunts.
  654. >♫When you're on a holiday♫
  655. >♫You can't find the words to say♫
  656. >♫All the things that come to you♫
  657. >♫And I wanna feel it too♫
  659. >Suddenly, you feel Anon pistoning himself into you faster than before, deeper than you thought he could go. His tip was rubbing against the innermost sensitive areas.
  660. >Another scream leaves your mouth, and you cover it with your hand to stifle it.
  661. "R-Right there..." you sob, pushing your ass even further back against him.
  662. >He's quick to take the hint, and maintains his rhythm.
  663. >The lingering pressure inside of you now starts to escalate, well beyond your control.
  664. >You find yourself reaching back, grabbing clumps of hair in your hand, gripping for dear life.
  665. >You're practically slamming your ass against Anon now, eager to hit that sweet spot again and again and again and aGAIN AND AGAIN AND—
  666. >A gasp, followed by a shriek, jettisons out of your throat, as you finally reach your orgasm.
  667. >You slam your ass back against Anon, burying him as deep as he can go; but Anon doesn't relent his thrusts, which only further amplifies the sensation as you spasm and squirt against him, feeling your pussy milk his shaft for everything it's got.
  668. >You don't know how close he is, or if he's even close at all, but you're damn well going to get him there now.
  669. >♫On an island in the sun♫
  670. >♫We'll be playing and having fun♫
  671. >♫And it makes me feel so fine♫
  672. >♫I can't control my brain♫
  673. >Even amid your orgasm, even as your limbs threaten to fail on you and send you falling to the seat, you're still working yourself against Anon's shaft, eager to please him, eager to make yourself his dirty little slut, his little fuck toy, his little fucking slut toy and... a-and...
  674. >Gosh, you can't even think.
  675. >Oh fuck, you're cumming again—
  676. >Anon grips your hips even tighter and plows into you with little restraint, which sends you spiraling into a second orgasm.
  677. >Your vision blurs from the tears forming in your eyes, and you're finding it hard to breathe.
  678. >"Oh, fuck..." Anon moans suddenly with baited breath. "W-Where do you want me to cum...?"
  679. >Without saying anything, you reach for your sweatshirt and slide it up and over your torso, leaving you in nothing but your bra.
  680. "O-On me..."
  681. >As much as you wanted him to cum inside you... you didn't want to risk it...
  682. >Not yet, at least...
  683. >A few moments later, after another few strained thrusts, Anon finally pulls out of you.
  684. >He buries his cock in between your ass cheeks and thrusting in between them.
  685. >As exhausted as you are, you still give him a hand by twerking your ass, jiggling your cheeks against his throbbing, flaring cock.
  686. >And apparently, that was all he needed.
  687. >He erupts with such force you haven't seen—or felt—in a long time. The first jet of cum leaves a trail from the base of your back all the way to your neck.
  688. >So did every other shot that came after it.
  689. >Rope after rope of thick, hot cum landed on your back, dripping down your shoulders and hips and threatening to stain the seats beneath you.
  691. >The last few ropes, you felt them drip between your ass, further assisted by Anon sliding his cock back and forth.
  692. >When it was finally over, you were a painted mess of lavender and white.
  693. >You looked like a goddamn toaster strudel!
  694. >Worth it~
  695. >You hear Anon lean back behind you, falling to his ass, and you lower yours in his lap.
  696. >The moment finally winding down, you're both left out of breath and panting heavily, saying nothing as the music continues to circulate through the car.
  697. >Suddenly, you feel Anon's hand rest on your ass, and he chuckles softly through his nose.
  698. >"You good, Twi?" he asks with a smile.
  699. >You weakly nod your head, giving him a quiet "mm-hmm" in response.
  700. >The two of you stay quiet for another minute or so, before Anon shakily gets up.
  701. >"Here," he says, grabbing a set of napkins from his BellBurgers bag. "L-Let me wipe you off..."
  702. >You giggle tiredly, your cheek resting against the cold surface of the car seat.
  703. >Anon spends the next several minutes wiping your back and ass completely clean of cum. You're certain he missed a couple spots here and there, and maybe your bra is a little stained now... but you'll worry about that later.
  704. >After you feel clean enough, and the dirty napkins thrown in the bag, you reach for your sweatshirt and begin to redress yourself.
  705. >Anon pulled his pants back up and sat back in the seat, while you crawled up beside him and leaned into his body.
  706. >You were both exhausted and spent... but you were satisfied.
  707. >"... I think there was something in that shake."
  708. "Oh my god, shut the fuck up," you say with a heartful giggle, playfully punching Anon's chest as you both fell into another giggling fit.
  709. >Gosh, he was such a dummy.
  710. >But he's /your/ dummy.
  712. __________
  714. >Suddenly, Twilight opened her eyes again with a gasp, and she remembered where she was.
  715. >In fact, she was nearly drooling all over her papers. Her toaster strudel was cold.
  716. >Gosh, how long was she asleep for?
  717. >She looked at the clock and saw that it was 12:37.
  718. >It'd only been about twenty minutes.
  719. >Her face was hot, and her body was bothered, but she couldn't help at laugh awkwardly to herself.
  720. >To think just one day from over two decades ago still resonated in her mind so frequently... well, it just went to show how much it meant to her.
  721. >Sure, there were days a lot like that afterwards. Hell, she and Anon /still/ have days like that.
  722. >But that one was /the/ day.
  723. >The day she knew he was gonna be hers forever.
  724. >Twilight cleared her throat, straightened her hair, and set aside her papers.
  725. >She found herself staring at the empty spot on the table before her and quietly snorts to herself, before glancing over at her phone.
  726. >She chews on her cheek for a second.
  727. >After very little thought, she grabs the phone and texts Anon.
  728. [Hey~ <3 When does your break start?]
  729. >She waits for his response.
  730. >[I actually just got out for it now :D You still at home?]
  731. [Yep!]
  732. [But...]
  733. [Feel like taking a trip...? ;)]
  734. >She knew what it meant, and so did he.
  735. >He always knew what it meant.
  736. >[I'll be there in ten~ <3]
  737. >Twilight's face grew hot again.
  738. >O-Or maybe it's just the heat...
  740. END

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