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Kindred Kissing Carnal Cousins

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2023-08-09 12:10:39
Updated: 2023-08-09 12:11:10
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Ugh, Again."
  2. >Soft lips meet yours for what must have been the hundredth time today, and for the hundredth time it seemed it wasn't good enough.
  3. >"You two really are hopeless, it's as if you aren't even trying, or at least have no idea what you're doing."
  4. >Your cousin looks at you and your sister with contempt, shaking her head, her impressive volume of hair swaying with the movement.
  5. >"Aww Dagi don't be mean, they're so cute! It's like they're kissing their crush for the first time every time!"
  6. >Your much more bubbly cousin Sonata was way less harsh, but her words seemed to embarrass your sister even more than Adagio's if the massive blush across her face was anything to go by.
  7. >"S-Shut up! We're trying okay! It's not exactly easy with an audience you know?!"
  8. >Your sister defends your substandard performance yet again, her fists balled at her sides.
  9. >"Jeez get a new excuse, you've been saying that for the past hour. Just admit you guys suck at kissing already."
  10. >Your third, and most abrasive cousin Aria doesn't even look at you and your sister, looking much more interested in her own fingernails.
  11. >Your sister doesn't respond, but the look on her face makes it clear she wants to scream at Aria, but is smart enough not to.
  12. >Hard to believe you and Sunset were being coached on how to be intimate with each other by your cousins only a few days after they had caught you two in a closet at a family function.
  13. >But here you were, kissing your sister in front of all three of them, and doing a shitty job of it.
  14. >Groaning, Adagio drags her hand down her face exasperatedly.
  15. >"This is getting nowhere."
  16. >"I dunno, I still think it's pretty cute, maaaybe they'll get better at it after a few more tries?"
  17. >"Heh, I don't think so, I've never seen something so pathetic before."
  18. >Sensing your sister was about to lose it on the three, you quickly interject as Sunset opens her mouth to yell at them.
  19. "W-Well if you guys are so good at it, why don't you show us then?!"
  20. >"Hey, y-yeah! Tell 'em Non!"
  21. >Your cousins aren't nearly as taken aback by your outburst as you would've thought, with Aria standing up from her seat as if she was waiting for it.
  22. >"Hmph, gladly."
  23. >As your cousin stalks up to you, you're quickly reminded that not only was she the tallest of the girls here, but the boots she wore put her a good head above you, right at tit height.
  24. >Now, your sister was no slouch when it came to her bust, in fact her boobs were the biggest you'd ever seen on a girl.
  25. >Save for Aria's.
  26. >If your sister's tits were massive, your cousin's were impossible, easily more than a couple cup sizes bigger.
  27. >While your sister could bully you with her boobs, Aria could fucking murder you with hers.
  28. >And if you made her mad enough, that wouldn't be an impossible scenario.
  29. >On the flip side her ass was pretty average, but it was tight, undoubtedly thanks to all the hours she spent in the gym so that her spine wouldn't collapse under all that weight she had to carry around.
  30. >To say the girl was top heavy would be an understatement, and as she grew closer, pretty soon all you could see was your cousin's tits and her unimpressed face glaring down at you.
  31. >"THIS is how you kiss a woman you little fag, c'mere."
  32. >Grabbing you roughly, the taller girl snags you by the back of your head and pulls you into a rough kiss, her tongue barging it's way into your mouth immediately.
  33. >Taken by surprise, you gasp into Aria's mouth as she gets a handful of your ass and bends you backward, looking more like she was trying to suck your soul out than kiss you with how her body overshadowed yours.
  34. >The immense weight of her breasts settled heavily on your chest like two medicine balls, threatening to blow your back out.
  35. >Unaware or uncaring of the strain she was putting on you, Aria aggressively took control of the situation, forcing her tongue in as deep as it would go and battling yours into submission.
  36. >Your teeth clicked against hers a few times as she growled out a couple moans, the forceful air leaving her nose ticking your face as she all but consumed you.
  37. >Then all of a sudden it was over, Aria quickly removing her tongue from your throat with a satisfied huff, biting and pulling on your lip a little too hard, and then pushing you back with a hand.
  38. >Stumbling, you fall back onto the bed behind you, Aria wiping some spit off her chin with a smirk, her cheeks tinged slightly red.
  39. >"Heh, whaddya think of that squirt? Way better than just pussyfooting around with your sister right?"
  40. >Your mouth still hung open as if Aria had never left, Sunset's matching yours out of shock, her blush only having intensified.
  41. >"No no, that was too rough Ari!" Sonata whined. "You're supposed to kiss him, not EAT him!"
  42. >Aria just rolls her eyes.
  43. >"Whatever twerp, I CLEARLY rocked his world, but if you've got something better go ahead and try to beat that."
  44. >Sticking her tongue out at her sister, Sonata is upon you before you're fully able to process it.
  45. >But when she sits down in your lap, you quickly snap back to reality.
  46. >Your youngest cousin was quite literally the opposite of your grumpiest cousin, where Aria was built like a wine glass, Sonata was definitely pear-shaped.
  47. >The amount of ass that was currently in your lap was legendary, Sonata didn't just have buns, she had the whole fucking bakery.
  48. >Your lap had pretty much disappeared underneath it, the plush skin of her thick thighs squishing down on you pleasantly.
  49. >In contrast to her sister, Sonata had a full and soft figure where Aria had a muscular and taut one.
  50. >In place of abs, she had a little chubby belly, enough to be grabbed, and just as soft as the rest of her.
  51. >Her breasts were small b cups, easily the littlest of the four girls but that wasn't the main attraction.
  52. >You weren't sure how Sonata could walk through doorways with this much ass, and it took all of your willpower not to poke your cousin with your boner as her face drew closer.
  53. >Giggling, Sonata puckered her lips and gave you rapid fire kisses all over your face, hugging you around the torso tightly.
  54. >Laughing between each one, your giddy cousin bounced in your lap happily, placing more and more kisses on you.
  55. >"This *muah* is *muah* how *smooch* you *muah* do *muah* it!"
  56. >With her last word, Sonata presses her lips to yours and keeps them there, sliding them over yours and pulling at them playfully.
  57. >Her eyes twinkled as she used her mouth to toy with yours, her breaths for air littered with giggles as she kissed you.
  58. >She was much gentler than Aria, Her tongue only occasionally dipping past your lips to taste you, teasing you with flicks here and there.
  59. >And again, all too soon it was over, your giggly cousin separating from you with a loud *muah!* and giving you one last kiss on the forehead, leaving you just as dazed as when she started.
  60. >Sunset looked like she wanted to say something, but the way she was looking at you and biting her lip told you she had more important things on her mind.
  61. >"Hehe, SEE? Kisses aren't supposed to be angry Ari, they're supposed to be soft and gentle, like smooching a puppy!"
  62. >"Are you kidding me? Where's the passion?! That was barely any better than what they've been doing for hours! C'mon Adagio, back me up here, the way I did it was way better right?"
  63. >Rubbing her temples, Adagio looks like she's fighting back the world's biggest migraine.
  64. >"Ugh, looks like I'll have to show all FOUR of you how to kiss properly."
  65. >Shaking her head to clear it, Adagio snaps out of whatever funk she was in and locks eyes with you, hers slowly lidding seductively as she sashays over.
  66. >Her hips were accentuated by her movements, making her already curvy form that much more appealing.
  67. >Adagio had a similar build proportionally to your sister's, with big tits and wide hips, only scaled down on a smaller body.
  68. >She was the shortest of the four despite being the eldest, but easily had the most hourglass shaped body of them all with her trim waist.
  69. >"Hello handsome, make sure you take notes."
  70. >Cupping your cheek in her palm, Adagio gently leads your head to hers, your lips meeting tenderly as she closes her eyes.
  71. >Adagio starts with lip play, sucking and pulling on your mouth, even nibbling on a lip gently at times.
  72. >Her pace was methodical, practiced, you didn't even notice she had started using her tongue until you felt it on yours, coaxing it to dance with hers.
  73. >One of Adagio's hands held your head firmly but carefully, her other rubbing your shoulder as the two of you got more heated, your older cousin angling her head to get your mouths closer together.
  74. >Your tongues wrapped around each other as she drew both of them into her mouth, letting you explore where you wished as she combed her fingers through your hair.
  75. >The wet smacking of lips was only broken by Adagio's occasional moans, clearly voicing how much she was enjoying this.
  76. >Pulling her tongue back, your cousin goes back to kissing you with her pump lips, her breathing heavy as she takes her time ending your make-out session.
  77. >Tracing a finger over your jawline, Adagio's mouth leaves yours, slowly turning into a smirk as she pulls away.
  78. >"And that is how it's done ladies." Your cousin says confidently to the rest of the room.
  79. >"Yeah I guess it was good, I still think you should've been more passionate."
  80. >"Good job Dagi! Coulda used more kisses though, that was like, one."
  81. >Adagio's face falls back into annoyance at her sisters' words, but ignores her two critics and points at Sunset.
  82. >"Kiss him properly this time."
  83. >Blinking, your sister snaps out of the haze she was in and starts stammering.
  84. >"W-Wait, c-could I um, get a d-demonstration too?" She asks shyly.
  85. >Rolling her eyes, Adagio, can't help but smile as she puts a hand around the back of Sunset's neck, pulling her into a kiss like the one she had just given you.
  86. >Your sister's eyes widen before they flutter happily, the two girls moaning into each other's mouths as they get comfortable swapping spit.
  87. >Wrapping a leg around Adagio's waist, Sunset's eyes soon roll back in her head as she loses herself to the pleasure.
  88. >After anther minute or so the two part, your sister smiling goofily at your cousin.
  89. >"T-That was-"
  90. >"My turn again!"
  91. >Practically shoving Adagio out of the way, Sonata pounces on top of Sunset and starts laying on kisses like they were going out of style, making your sister sputter and laugh with each one.
  92. >She tries to return the kisses in kind, but is completely overwhelmed by her youngest cousin and it's all she can do to just hang on.
  93. >Not only that, Sunset also has to hold onto Sonata's wide hips so as to not get bounced to death or suffer a broken pelvis, but soon the assault on her face subsides, Sonata crawling off while licking her lips.
  94. >Your sister gets all of two seconds to breathe before she's yanked upright by Aria, who immediately goes for the kill, but finds she can't reach.
  95. >The two incredible busts squishing up against each other puts too much space between the two girl's faces for them to meet, but Aria isn't deterred so easily.
  96. >Putting her larger chest on top of Sunset's, your sister lets out an "Oh fuck." at having over double the tit weight she's used to on top of her before Aria dives into her mouth.
  97. >Just like you, Sunset's mouth was violated by your taller cousin's tongue, Aria following this up by using both hands to get a double helping of your sister's ass, making her squeal into her cousin's mouth.
  98. >When your sister starts quickly tapping on her cousin's back for air, Aria unceremoniously drops Sunset back down onto the bed, spittle dropping onto her face.
  99. >After being run through the gauntlet, Sunset can only lay on her back and breathe, doing her best to recover, her large chest heaving with each breath.
  100. >Growing impatient, Adagio, clears her throat.
  101. >"You two ready?"
  102. >Suddenly sitting up, Sunset has a look of determination in her eyes.
  103. >"Yes."
  104. >Nodding, Adagio gestures to both of you.
  105. >"Show me."
  106. >You lock eyes with your sister, her conviction never wavering as the two of you lean in to put what you've learned into practice.
  107. >Sunset holds your shoulder as you cup her cheek, the two of you getting closer and closer until finally your mouths meet once again.
  108. >Your sister's puckered lips touch yours for a good ten seconds before the two of you part ways again, five whole seconds more than last time.
  109. >"Oh come ON!" The three other unsatisfied girls cry out in unison.
  110. >"Okay that's IT, we're taking over."
  111. >Adagio motions to her sisters and all three of them bear down on you.
  112. >Panicked, Sunset tries to get up and run but is quickly tackled back onto the bed by Sonata.
  113. >Seeing it was every sibling for themselves and that it was too late for your sister, you try the same, only to smack face first into a pair of beanbags.
  114. >Quickly realizing they were not in fact beanbags but instead your cousin's huge tits, you peer over the mountian of cleavage to see Aria's irritated scowl.
  115. >"Go ahead, run. I really want you to give me a reason."
  116. >Fearing incredible bodily harm, you sit back down on the bed as to not provoke your grumpy cousin any further.
  117. >"Good boy."
  118. >Sat down next to your sister, you could see she was struggling against Sonata who had latched onto her back like a barnacle, her thick legs wrapped around Sunset's middle.
  119. >"Lemme go!"
  120. >"Hehehe you're not going anywhere Sunny~"
  121. >Sitting down with Sonata behind Sunset, Adagio pulls some strands of loose hair out of her cousin's face.
  122. >"Sunset, you're just going to tire yourself out, sit still already."
  123. >As Sonata and Adagio pacify Sunset, you feel a weight settle down behind you and two more huge weights against your back.
  124. >"Y'know, you two really piss me off, like, the way you kiss is so gay. I can't believe I'm related to you dorks."
  125. >"Umm Ari, they're a boy and girl, I don't think that's gay... but when we kiss it's gay 'cause we're girl and girl, right?" Sonata says, peering over your sister's shoulder.
  126. >"That's not what I'm talking about moron, and if anyone's gay, it's you."
  127. >"Nuh-uh! You're the one who's gay!"
  128. >Adagio looks like she's going to suffer an aneurysm at any moment as she tries to get back on track.
  129. >"Would you two PLEASE be QUIET? You're gay, she's gay, we're all gay, happy? Especially Anonymous."
  130. "Hey! What did I do?"
  131. >"Shut up faggot." Aria says, pinching your cheek with her fingers.
  132. >Clearing her throat, Adagio points to you and Sunset.
  133. >"Now, we're going to do this right, you lovebirds are going to make out properly, even if it kills me."
  134. >With Sonata's help, Adagio scoots Sunset closer to you, your personal space now filled with four female relatives.
  135. >"Aria, make sure he doesn't pull back."
  136. >Your tall cousin does as she's told and grabs the sides of your head with both hands, her nails digging into your skin.
  137. >"Okay, now Sonata, follow my lead."
  138. >Slowly, Sunset is pushed forward by her cousins behind her, her lips getting closer and closer to yours before they finally touch once more.
  139. >However, unlike the other times, Sunset and you are forced to go even further as her nose rubs against yours, her eyes widening.
  140. >"Mmmh!"
  141. >"That's right, no more butterfly kisses, you begged us to keep your little secret so we want to see something that's worth keeping it."
  142. >A push on your head brings your sister even closer, requiring the two of you to angle your heads as your faces meshed.
  143. >"C'mon get IN there dude!" Aria growls in your ear.
  144. >The smell of Sunset's citrus shampoo fills your nose as her hair tickles your cheek, your sister whimpering as she opens her mouth.
  145. >As her lips part, her tongue gingerly licks across your lips, as if asking to come inside.
  146. >You oblige, opening your mouth as well and letting your sister tentatively push her tongue in.
  147. >"Finally, some progress."
  148. >With your mouths open, your cousins push you into a full french kiss, making sure neither of you could back out.
  149. >Sunset's tongue flits here and there in your mouth, as if afraid it would hurt you.
  150. >Wanting to reassure her, you touch it with yours, making your sister squeak in surprise.
  151. >"Hehe do whatever you did again Nonny, that was cute!"
  152. >Emboldened slightly, you follow where Sunset's tongue had retreated to, finding it at the border of your mouths.
  153. >Gently, you caress your sister's tongue with yours, making her shudder and let out a tense breath.
  154. >She reciprocates, the feeling of her wet muscle tangling with yours puts butterflies in your stomach.
  155. >"Theeeere we go, she tastes good huh? Makes you want more."
  156. >As you and your sister get into it, you become more and more confident, your tongues soon wrestling in each other's mouths for dominance.
  157. >Feeling over Sunset's teeth, she does the same to yours, a lip or two pulled in occasionally to join in what was now becoming a very sloppy make out session.
  158. >Your cousins had stopped pushing on you minutes ago, unneeded as the two of you hadn't separated once.
  159. >"Wow Dagi, look at them go!"
  160. >"Hmm, looks like all they needed was a push in the right direction... I wonder how long they've wanted to do this."
  161. >"Oh I bet for years, just look how these two freaks are goin' at it."
  162. >You don't catch much of what was being said between the girls, currently way too invested in exploring your sister's mouth.
  163. >That is, until they start whispering in your ears.
  164. >"So, how's it feel to kiss your own sister? I'd ask if you felt ashamed, but you clearly aren't, and neither is she."
  165. >"You know that's your little brother, right Sunset? The one you grew up together with? The one you were supposed to protect? And here you are taking advantage of him."
  166. >"Look how they're blushing! They know it's wrong but they're still doing it, you guys really are meant for each other, for realzies."
  167. >You can feel the heat off your sister's face at her cousins' words, but she doesn't stop, instead moaning into your mouth needily.
  168. >"Yeah that's right, it's too late now, you crossed the line and can never go back, might as well enjoy it and go all the way. I bet your brother wants second base now."
  169. >Your hands are suddenly grabbed and thrust forward, landing on your sister's breasts.
  170. >Both you and Sunset are surprised by this and you try to take your hands back, only for your sister to grab your wrists.
  171. >Pulling them back to her, she firmly places your palms on her boobs, letting you touch them through her shirt.
  172. >You had felt your sister's boobs before, when she would "accidentally" rub them against you or hide your keys in her cleavage, but you had never just, grabbed your sister's tits.
  173. >The other three girls chuckled at Sunset's display, enjoying watching her give in to her taboo desires.
  174. >"Just like that huh? Wow you really must have it bad for him, or you're just a degenerate."
  175. >"Lemme help you Sunny, how 'bout I free your puppies so Nonny can get a better feel?"
  176. >Several clicks sound out, and with each one Sunset's tits get heavier and heavier until your hands are the only things holding them up.
  177. >"Yoink!"
  178. >Pulling the huge bra out from your sister's shirt, Sonata holds the clothing up in front of her.
  179. >"Whoa! You have really big boobies Sunny, I wish I had ones like yours, they're almost as big as Ari's!"
  180. >"Runs in the family I guess." Aria says, examining Sunset's bra. "Well, except for someone."
  181. >"Hey I can run!"
  182. >"I meant you have small tits, tacos for brains."
  183. >"Hmf meanie."
  184. >You hadn't moved your hands from where your sister held them on her chest, simply enjoying their weight as Sunset continued macking on your face. Both of you oblivious to the peanut gallery.
  185. >Then another pair of hands snaked their way under your sister's breasts and pulled her shirt up, exposing them to the air before squeezing them.
  186. >Sunset yelped into your mouth and you felt her nipples stiffen into your palms as Sonata massaged her tits from behind.
  187. >"C'mon Sunny, share some tiddy with cousin 'Nata, pleeeeeease?"
  188. >Sunset tries to respond, but her mouth is still firmly planted against yours, so all she can do is whine and muffle out some noises.
  189. >Adagio laughs at this, stroking Sunset's face with the back of her hand.
  190. >"Oh, do you like when Sonata squeezes your boobs? She's your cousin pervert, but I suppose I should've expected that from a girl who kisses her own brother."
  191. >Still feeling up her cousin, Sonata finds your idle hands and gives them a smack.
  192. >"Nonny this isn't free parking, get to work on those nips!"
  193. >Shakily, you do as you're told, feeling Sunset suck in a breath from her nose when you grip her nipples, gently rolling them between your fingers.
  194. >And when you gently pinch them, your sister lets out a lewd moan, her tongue sticking deep into your mouth and hiding under yours.
  195. >"Haha! Yeah Anon! Make that pervy bitch sing!" Aria jeers, patting you on the chest.
  196. >Suddenly, you feel your pants zipper starting to come undone, the perpetrator chuckling smugly.
  197. >"I think it's only fair if Sunset had something to hold onto as well, why don't we open this tent Anon has?" Adagio says mischievously.
  198. >With your hands still being held to Sunset's tits, you could do nothing to stop your eldest cousin from getting her hands in your pants.
  199. >You feel her lithe fingers slide down under your waistband and grip the base of your cock firmly, careful not to stab you with her long nails.
  200. >"Oh my god, he is SO hard for his sister right now."
  201. >Your face burns at Adagio's words, a little bit of guilt and shame gnawing at you.
  202. >"Surely it can't be comfortable in there, why don't I pull you ou- oh."
  203. >Adagio's words catch in her throat as you feel air on your cock, your length pulsing in her hand.
  204. >Catching her sister's reaction, Aria reaches around to your crotch as well.
  205. >"What? He have a fucked up dick or someth- whoa!"
  206. >Another hand joins Adagio's, the grip much firmer than your shortest cousin's.
  207. >"I guess big tits aren't the only thing we grow in this family, shit."
  208. >"Hey I wanna feel too!"
  209. >A third hand pats around your crotch blindly until it finds your cock, grabbing it and joining the other two.
  210. >"Ooooh~ Nice."
  211. >Sunset goes to get a hold of your dick like the other three, but is stopped by Adagio, who quickly grabs your sister's wrists, much to her displeasure.
  212. >"Ah ah ah~ I know we said you had already gone past the point of no return, but this truly is it, if you touch your brother's cock, things will never be the same ...are you sure you still want to?"
  213. >Irritated, Sunset let's out an annoyed and muffled "YES!" into your mouth, making Adagio scoff.
  214. >"Pshhh, not even a bit of hesitation! Fuck Sunset, have you always been this depraved? Or are you so desperate for cock you'll settle for anything, even your brother's?"
  215. >Growling, your sister lets loose a barrage of insults against her cousin, but unfortunately they're all unintelligible as she yells them into your mouth, her tongue lashing around furiously.
  216. >Chuckling her sinister laugh, Adagio just cocks her head.
  217. >"Sorry I didn't quite catch that, what with you having a mouthful of your brother. Did you say "Yes Adagio, I'm such a debased slut that I want my little brother's cock."?"
  218. >The other two girls giggle as Sunset screams into your mouth, her hands trying to claw at her cousin but to no avail.
  219. >"Hmhmm, calm down hothead, you've always been too easy to provoke."
  220. >Fuming, Sunset grumbles a few more choice words into your throat, trying to at least look around her bust to get a peek at your cock.
  221. >Letting go of your sister's wrists, Adagio leans back to watch.
  222. >"Here, have at him, I see you've already made your choice."
  223. >Barely a second later, your sister's hands grab your cock, Sonata and Aria letting her have the whole thing.
  224. >Groaning into Sunset's mouth, your sister hums triumphantly, rubbing up and down your length with her fingers.
  225. >Remembering your own hands, you take over where Sonata had left off and massage your sister's big tits, Sunset biting your lip and moaning with approval.
  226. >Her hands speed up, making you throb and start coating her fingers with pre.
  227. >Aria laughs huskily, putting her face right up to Sunset's ear.
  228. >"Yeah, you want that cock, I know you do, hell, I don't blame you, I want it too, but I'll let you have first dibs since you're his sister."
  229. >Perking up at her sister's words, Sonata grins and starts speaking into Sunset's other ear, one of her hands going between your sister's legs.
  230. >"Would you let him? Would you let him stick that fat brother cock in you? Ooh! Look how wet she is!"
  231. >Taking her hand out of Sunset's underwear, Sonata shows off her glistening fingers to her sisters.
  232. >"She's not the only one, I've got a slip-n-slide in my panties."
  233. >"Did you hear that Anon? Your sister is hot for you, she wants you, in EVERY way."
  234. >Your head swimming with lust, you take a hand off one of Sunset's tits and let it flop free as you trace down her stomach and into her panties, her wetness only matched by the heat.
  235. >Your fingers waste no time in finding her lower lips, sticking inside and making your sister squeal into your mouth as her feverish kissing and stroking redoubles.
  236. >"Whew, this is getting steamy, anyone else feeling kinda hot right now or-? Oh, you're already taking your clothes off."
  237. >Unbeknownst to you, your cousins had started stripping, you hadn't noticed as you were too engrossed in fingering your sister as she battled you in your mouth and jerked you off.
  238. >Sunset's moaning soon turned more desperate and primal, letting go of your cock and yanking on your pants instead.
  239. >You do the same, pulling down your sister's pants and panties to reveal your prize.
  240. >"Haha, firecrotch!"
  241. >"Umm s-should we stop them?"
  242. >"If you try I'll hurt you."
  243. >"This will happen eventually Sonata, better to just let it happen now so we can watch."
  244. >Pushing your sister down onto the bed, she wraps a hand around the back of your head, and one around your cock.
  245. >Your length slides over your sister's waiting lips as she lines you up, both of you so wound up that your dick slips in with little resistance.
  246. >All three of your cousins gasp as you enter your sister, the room quiet except for the sound of your hips hitting Sunset's.
  247. >"Oh s-shit."
  248. >"T-they did it."
  249. >"This is soooo freaking hot~"
  250. >Sunset's pussy was boiling, as was her face. But any shame, embarrassment, or guilt she was feeling was all outweighed by how horny she was.
  251. >The two of you go at it with reckless abandon, Sunset not knowing where to put her hands so instead she felt as much of you as she could as you pummeled into her, shaping her pussy to your cock.
  252. >Her needy moans had given way to full on screams and grunts, not caring what noises she made as her first orgasm ripped through her.
  253. >She wasn't the only one vocalizing her pleasure though, as your cousins harmonized with Sunset, moaning out as they matched your tempo with their fingers.
  254. >Again and again you slammed into your sister, barely able to believe your most taboo fantasy had come true.
  255. >All the teasing, all the "innocent" pranks and touching Sunset had done had come to a boiling point and all culminated in this moment, with you balls deep inside your sister.
  256. >And she was loving every second of it.
  257. >Your unbroken kiss had turned wild and unpredictable, both of you panting and trying to steal the other's air as you split your sister's walls again and again.
  258. >You grabbed at Sunset's huge tits like you had wanted to for so long, squeezing the soft flesh and pulling on her nipples, making the bacon haired girl buck against you uncontrollably.
  259. >Feeling an electric shock down your spine, you go faster, giving your sister all you had as you approach the edge.
  260. >Pulling out never even crossed your mind, Sunset had started all this, and you were going to finish it by giving her what she deserved.
  261. >Figuring out what was about to happen, your sister started making worried noises, halfheartedly tapping and pushing you in an attempt to get your attention.
  262. >Her efforts go unheeded, unable to stop you now even if she really wanted to.
  263. >You keep going like a runaway train, smooshing your older sister into the bed as you dominated her completely, your tongue deep inside her mouth and mapping every single inch of it.
  264. >Sunset was completely lost in pleasure, fully accepting the consequences of her actions with open legs, cumming again as you got to the finish line.
  265. >As your sister's pussy convulsed on you, you gave her a few more heavy strokes before burying yourself as far as you could, a backed up load of cum shooting into your sister's unprotected womb.
  266. >With each throb you filled Sunset more and more, your sister feeling each pulse of cum as they impregnated her, squealing into your mouth.
  267. >"H-He came in her! AHHN!"
  268. >"Holy shit holy shit holy shiiiiiiiiiit!"
  269. >"NNF-F-FUDGE!"
  270. >Your cousins joined you and Sunset as they came on their fingers, each one picking a note to cry out in ecstasy.
  271. >You stay buried inside your sister for a few more moments, your heaving chests pushing on each other as you finally break the kiss.
  272. >Finally getting a good look at Sunset, she was a beautiful mess, sweaty, panting, hair all over the place, and with eyes full of joy.
  273. >"I- *pant* l-love- *gasp* you~"
  274. >Pulling out of your sister, her eyes go cross-eyed for a moment and she lets out a satisfied moan, one finally unmuffled by your mouth.
  275. >Standing up, you look to your eldest cousin and smile.
  276. "How was that for a kiss?"
  277. >For once, Adagio was at a loss for words, simply staring at your cock covered in cum and Sunset's arousal, her hand having a mind of it's own, still working at her crotch.
  278. >Stepping up to her, you grab your small cousin by her hourglass waist and pick her up.
  279. >"W-wait."
  280. You had already bred your sister, what was a cousin or three?
  281. >As your cock throbbed back to life, Adagio glanced worriedly at her sisters.
  282. >"L-Little help, guys?"
  283. >They didn't move, only speeding up their fingering with their hands in each other's pussies as they watched their older sister about to be claimed.
  284. >Feeling your cock slide and poke against her lower lips, Adagio shivers, looking you in the eyes.
  285. >"Anonymous? A-Anon I'm your c-cousin, don't do it, y-you can't- AHHHNNN!"
  286. >Pushing into Adagio, the girl convulses in your grip, wrapping her legs around your waist as you sink into her tight depths.
  287. >"F-Fuck!"
  288. >Slowly, you work the short girl down to your base, her ass coming to a rest on your balls.
  289. >You feel a firm pressure on the tip of your cock, one that Adagio reacts strongly too.
  290. >"Shit! T-that's my c-cervix!"
  291. >Halting your movements, your cousin rests her head on your shoulder.
  292. >"W-Why did you stop?"
  293. "Uh, does it hurt?"
  294. >Putting her head against yours, Adagio chuckles into your ear.
  295. >"It feels amazing~"
  296. >Those words tell you all you need to keep going, lifting her up before bringing her back down to the hilt.
  297. >"G-Guh! I-If I had known what you were packing, I would've had S-Sunset jump your bones WAY earlier.
  298. >Helping you thrust into her with her legs, Adagio and you quickly fall into a rhythm, her ass bouncing off your hips almost to a beat.
  299. >She was so tight you were almost unable to keep going, but her walls proved no match for your cock as you pushed them aside again and again.
  300. >Even though her tight body looked and felt barely able to accommodate your size, she was elastic, her belly bulging obscenely each time you bottomed out.
  301. >With how thin her waist was, you could put your hands completely around it and almost touch your fingers together.
  302. >Your cousin moaned whorishly as you stretched her out, hitting high notes every time your head glanced off her cervix.
  303. >"Yeah, beat that bitch's pussy up 'Non, that's what you get for messing with a Shimmer!" Sunset says tiredly, playing with her lower lips as she watched you fuck your cousin.
  304. >Moving your head down to Adagio's tits, you bring one of her nipples to your mouth and suck on it, flicking the nub with your tongue and making your light cousin groan out huskily.
  305. >Her poofy hair bounced this way and that, her huge volume falling all around you as you stirred up her snug insides.
  306. >Your small cousin did all she could to hang on, wrapping her arms around your neck for support as you hit her cervix again and again.
  307. >Soon, she reached her limit and started cumming, her body squirming as you kept going, still hitting the back of her pussy.
  308. >This made your cousin throw her head back with a guttural moan, her pussy spasming as she immediately cums again, the double orgasm rocking her hard.
  309. >Nestling her face into your neck, Adagio sings with pleasure, holding the note until you feel yourself start to cum as well.
  310. >Letting go of her waist, Adagio falls unsupported onto your cock for the last time, making you go balls deep once more.
  311. >Wrapping her legs and arms tightly around you, Adagio hangs on to you as you unload into her.
  312. >Grabbing a large boob in each hand, you massage her chest as you cum into her bruised cervix, your cousin sighing contentedly, feeling herself being filled.
  313. >Her hands and feet rub your back as she breathes heavily into your chest, her large poof of hair damp with sweat and clinging to her face.
  314. >Gently, you pull out of your cousin and set her down on the bed next to your sister, the two sweaty girls looking at each other for a moment before locking their mouths in a kiss.
  315. >Looking at the other two girls, Sonata grins and shoves Aria by her tits, sending her tall sister toppling backwards onto the bed.
  316. >"Ah BITCH!"
  317. >Giggling, Sonata bounces up to you, holding her hands innocently behind her and swaying her large hips side to side.
  318. >"Can I be next Nonny?"
  319. >Your cock springs back to life, or at least tries to, bouncing up only to fall back down again.
  320. >Seeing this, Sonata grabs your cock and steps closer, giving you a warm smile.
  321. >"Here, let cousin 'Nata take care of that for you~"
  322. >Closing the distance between you, Sonata feeds your cock into her crotch, right below her pussy.
  323. >Pressing her hips to yours, Sonata squeezes your length in her tight thigh gap, hugging you close until her belly touches yours.
  324. >"Mmm, nice and snug~"
  325. >Pulling her hips back, Sonata thrusts forward, rubbing your cock in her cushioned gap.
  326. >"I'll get you warmed up again, don't worry, all you gotta do is focus on getting hard again Nonny."
  327. >Sonata's pussy glides over the top of your cock, her movements easy with how wet she was, her entire crotch dripping with her arousal.
  328. >It also helped that you were covered in her sister's and cousin's juices, both of which mixed with her own between her legs.
  329. >While she stroked you, Sonata sighed deeply, gazing into your eyes as she breathed life back into your cock.
  330. >Grabbing at her chest, you take her perky breasts in your hands, making your cousin coo.
  331. >They weren't anywhere near as big as your sister's and probably barely half the size of Adagio's, but they were just as soft and fun to play with.
  332. >Giving her small nipples a pinch, Sonata bites her lip with a moan and swings her hips faster, her wet crotch slapping audibly against yours.
  333. >The rubbing on your cock starts to take effect, feeling Sonata's thigh gap getting tighter as you got hard.
  334. >Letting go of her breasts, you trace down your cousin's back until you get to her ass, taking a page out of Aria's book and getting a double handful of her squishy cheeks.
  335. >"Eeeehehe! Looks like someone's ready for another round!"
  336. >Rubbing her thick thighs together with your dick between them, Sonata looks up at you hungrily.
  337. >"How do you want me?~"
  338. >Slipping out of Sonata's incredibly moist crotch, you turn her around and bend her over on the bed.
  339. >"Hehe, shoulda guessed."
  340. >You waste no time in sticking your cock between your cousin's cheeks, hotdogging her fat ass.
  341. >Bouncing on the balls of her feet, Sonata eagerly bounces her butt for you.
  342. >"C'mon, c'mon, stick it in me Nonny! I can't wait any more!"
  343. >Not wanting to disappoint, you grab her ass and spread it apart like you were opening two huge oak doors, revealing her bare pussy.
  344. >Pulling apart her titanic cheeks also spread open both her holes, presenting them to you, her love tunnel practically gushing with need.
  345. >You wished you could take a picture as you pushed forward, your cock slipping into Sonata with practically no resistance.
  346. >"Oh my g-goooooosh~"
  347. >Before you know it you were already hilted in her, your cousin's sticky walls hugging you like a pillow.
  348. >"Nnng that's gooooooooood~"
  349. >Giving her a thrust, Sonata's ass ripples as your hips meet it.
  350. >Wanting to see that again, you wind up and thrust into her butt and keep going, fucking your second cousin of the day.
  351. >Each time your hips slap into her, it sends waves up her cheeks like jello, her ass wobbling with the effort.
  352. >Your hands hold onto her waist tightly, your fingers digging into her soft belly as that too jiggles with your thrusts.
  353. >Moaning happily, Sonata starts pushing back against you, making you slam into her even harder.
  354. >"YES baby! Gimme all you got!"
  355. >Hammering into her now, you pull a hand back and bring it down onto one of her supple cheeks, hard.
  356. >A harsh spank rings out in the room and your cousin yelps, her pussy clamping down on you for a moment from the shock.
  357. >"Owwie Nonny, that hur- OH!"
  358. >You cut off your cousin by delivering another spank to her other giant cheek, Sonata jolting at the rough treatment.
  359. >Her pussy clenches again, but keeps clenching, an orgasm taking her by surprise, making your bubbly cousin's voice catch in her throat as she cries out.
  360. >Immediately your crotch feels wetter as she cums, your cock sliding in and out of her slippery pussy as she makes more than enough lube.
  361. >Rubbing her titanic shivering ass as she comes down, you watch as two red handprints blush right where you left them in the cushiony skin.
  362. >Letting your hands wander, they creep back up her ass to her waist, going around front to grab at her stomach.
  363. >Sonata wasn't fat, but she had enough chub to grab onto, making her a little embarrassed.
  364. >"Nnf, t-that's my haaaah~ t-tummy Nonny."
  365. >Putting a hand on yours, Sonata tries gently moving them off, but you don't let her.
  366. >Despite making her self conscious, you continue to greedily grab as much pudge as she had, ignoring the hand that tried to pull you away.
  367. >Soon your cousin gives up, red in the face but needing to put her arm back on the bed to stabilize herself.
  368. >Her embarrassment is quickly forgotten though when you move your hands up to her chest, her small tits filling your palms instead.
  369. >Sonata's girlish grunts and moans echo off the walls, making the perfect compliment to the sound of her cheeks clapping.
  370. >Giving her boobs a few squeezes, your hands travel to her shoulders, and then to her shaking arms, trying to keep herself stable.
  371. >Pulling on them, they immediately give way, her head falling down onto the bed as you plowed her.
  372. >Her wrists in your grasp, you use them for leverage, putting your cousin in the prison guard position.
  373. >Sonata's moans were now muffled, but the extra force you could use now periodically lifted her bodily off her feet, much to her enjoyment.
  374. >With each slap, your fat bottomed cousin grew louder and louder, signalling another orgasm quickly approaching.
  375. >You were in the same boat, Sonata's pussy hugging you perfectly as you pistoned in and out of her.
  376. >Putting her wrists in one hand, your free one dives between Sonata's legs to her soaked pussy, finding her sensitive button.
  377. >Rubbing her clit, Sonata lurches at the contact, standing on the ends of her tiptoes to try and escape the intense stimulation.
  378. >When she finds she can't shake your fingers, Sonata can't help but moan and cry out even louder, her orgasm being sped up and bearing down on her fast.
  379. >Her thick legs quake and threaten to give out, the overwhelming pleasure quickly becoming too much for her to handle.
  380. >Just as her legs were about to fail, you give one last thrust into her as deep as you could go, burying yourself in her enormous plush ass.
  381. >This tipped the scale for both of you, the two of you cumming at the same time, with Sonata biting the bed sheets and letting out her lewdest moan yet.
  382. >Fresh cum rockets out of your cock and into your cousin, filling her pussy to the brim as she babbles incoherently.
  383. >You find your own legs feeling weak as you cum inside her, slumping forward, you eventually end up laying on top of Sonata as the last pulses of cum spatter her insides.
  384. >Breathing heavily into the nape of her sweaty neck, you try to catch your breath as you smell her blueberry shampoo.
  385. >Burying your nose into her skin, Sonata coos happily, your bodies relaxing until a voice behind you catches your attention.
  386. >"Oh no, you better not be done yet."
  387. >A pair of hands grab you from behind, unceremoniously yanking you off and out of Sonata's huge butt, making her cry out.
  388. >You are then thrown onto the bed looking up at a scowling Aria, clad only in a gigantic bra.
  389. >"I didn't wait this long just for you to tire yourself out with Sonata." Your imposing cousin says.
  390. >Straddling you, the tall girl grabs the base of your deflating cock roughly, glaring daggers at you.
  391. >"Get hard, now."
  392. >Whether out of sheer will or fear, you manage to get Anon Jr. to attention once more.
  393. >Grunting with approval, Aria lines you up with her pussy, sticks the tip in, and then drops into your lap.
  394. >The wind is knocked out of you as the big girl lands her entire weight on your pelvis, taking you all the way in one go.
  395. >When Aria doesn't immediately keep moving, you look to see her face stuck into a frown and her eyes shut tightly.
  396. >At first you thought something was wrong, until you notice her quivering thighs.
  397. >"H-hehe, Ari's s-still such a quickshot..." Sonata laughs, barely conscious as cum dribbles down her inner thighs.
  398. >"S-Shut UP Sonata!"
  399. >At first you thought Aria was somehow almost as tight as the much smaller Adagio, but then realized it was just how hard her muscular walls were gripping you as she came, the pressure relaxing as she did.
  400. >Glaring from her sister to you, a red faced Aria leans down, putting her hands on your shoulders.
  401. >"I'm only gonna say this once. I like it rough."
  402. >As she peers down at you, your cousin's pigtails hang down on either side of your head, her tits resting on you even at arms length.
  403. >"I'm not stopping until I'm done, even if you start crying."
  404. >Bending down further, Aria's gigantic tits smoosh against your chest heavily, pushing you into the bed as she whispers in your ear.
  405. >"Got that little man?"
  406. >Biting your earlobe, Aria sits back up with a smirk, not waiting for you to answer before starting to bounce on your cock.
  407. >Simply trying to hold on, you weather the storm as best you could, watching Aria's immense tits bounce in her bra.
  408. >A few more heavy slaps and your big titted cousin grits her teeth, her walls clamping down on you again.
  409. >She doesn't slow down or even make a noise as she cums again, her twitching iron cunt the only thing giving her orgasm away.
  410. >Still going strong, when her walls relax again the tough girl puts her hands on her hips and lets out a long breath, as if she had just finished a set.
  411. >A look of determination comes over her and she starts speeding up, her boobs following suit and weighing down her bra like cannonballs with every slap.
  412. >She was really putting in work as the whole bed squeaked and shook, the other girls being jostled as Aria tried her best to annihilate your pelvis.
  413. >You were definitely going to be bruised tomorrow, wishing that she had an ass more like Sonata's to cushion the blows.
  414. >Not to say her toned ass was like a rock or wasn't fantastic, but damn, with how big she was and how she used her whole body weight to sit on you, a little more fat on those mighty buns would go a long way.
  415. >You of course would never be dumb enough to mention any of that to her as you didn't have a death wish, but with the way she treated your crotch like an exercise ball you wouldn't mind if she had some extra padding.
  416. >Conversely, this didn't seem to bother Aria at all, your cousin almost certainly liking how her ass slapped your legs if how pleased she looked was any indication.
  417. >Still maintaining her increased speed, Aria quickly covers her mouth with a hand and closes her eyes as her pussy grabs strongly at your cock again.
  418. *PING*
  419. >As she powers through another silent orgasm, Aria's mammoth mammaries seem to have a little more jiggle to them than before, though it was hard to tell at her speed.
  420. >The only thing that had really changed was that your cousin was now breathing heavily, the exertion getting to her but not enough to slow her down.
  421. >Her pigtails and oversized chest bounced freely as she fucked you, not really paying you any mind as she treated you like a dildo.
  422. *SNAP*
  423. >You catch the noise this time and notice your cousin's bountiful chest had definitely gotten a little saggier, much of their support seeming to have been removed.
  424. >But before you were able to put two and two together, a particularly rough bounce caused a loud sound of tearing fabric and shearing pins, overwhelming the sound of your fucking.
  426. >All at once, Aria's over the shoulder boulder holder gave up in explosive fashion, hooks and zippers going flying behind her as the thick fabric of her bra shot off her tits like a rubber band.
  427. >"Aw FUCK, not again!"
  428. >Tired giggling emanated from the rest of the girls at Aria's expense, making your brash cousin cringe and blush profusely.
  429. >Pretending she didn't hear them, Aria continued on with her bouncing, though at a much reduced speed.
  430. >It was clear to see why, as when freed her colossal breasts sloshed and slapped against themselves and her body with her movements, no doubt being annoying and painful.
  431. >What you didn't expect, but probably should have, was that Aria loved it.
  432. >Biting her lip, your masochistic cousin only barely manages to stop a whimper escaping as she cums on your cock again.
  433. >This time however, her hips buck off-tempo from her steady rhythm, her pussy no doubt becoming more sensitive from each consecutive orgasm without a break.
  434. >And yet she keeps going, not caring about the building overstimulation or more likely, because of it.
  435. >With her slower speed, you don't need to hang on for dear life anymore and your hands are free to wander.
  436. >And wander they do.
  437. >Feeling over Aria's legs, you squeeze the muscles as they work to raise and lower her on top of you.
  438. >Going up further to her waist, you hold her shapely hips and run your thumbs over her abs, the sweaty skin letting them glide over her six-pack easily.
  439. >Your fit cousin's body was just as fun to touch as the others' but the real prize lay a little further, wobbling back and forth above you.
  440. >Aria's tits seemed to be even bigger outside their supportive bra, the two jumbo jugs each capped with similarly big and puffy areola, them by themselves just as big as Sonata's B cups.
  441. >And because of her puffy areola, her nipples were innies, hiding cozily from view.
  442. >Unable to resist any longer, your hands grab the underside of your endowed cousin's boobs, hefting them up to keep them steady.
  443. >You are Immediately aware of how heavy they were, your arms almost shaking under what could easily be a decent bench weight.
  444. >Aria appears to appreciate you taking her heavy burdens literally off her back as she sighs and rolls her shoulders freely.
  445. >You on the other hand were not quite ready for this level of responsibility, your fingers being swallowed up by your cousin's more than ample tit flesh.
  446. >Despite their weight, you reveled in how soft the grump's breasts were, feeling completely different from the rest of her body.
  447. >Soft, squishy, and pliable, Aria's boobs were a joy to caress and grope, your hands unable to get enough despite trying their hardest.
  448. >Aria's breathing had become labored, whether by your ministrations or by her constant self impaling it wasn't clear.
  449. >What was clear was that she was about to cum again, so you decided to help her out.
  450. >Shifting your hands, you bring them around to the front of Aria's tits, right to her puffy areola.
  451. >Giving them a squeeze, your boobalicious cousin's reaction was immediate.
  452. >Catching her off guard, Aria lets out a high pitched shriek, the first real noise of pleasure she'd made the entire time.
  453. >Slamming her hips down forcefully, Aria can't bring them back up again as her legs are too busy spasming.
  454. >Immediately slapping both hands over her mouth, your cousin glares daggers down at you, as if you had somehow wronged her by making her cum her hardest yet.
  455. >Pulling her boobs out of your hands angrily, Aria spins on your cock until she had turned away from you in the reverse cowboy position.
  456. >Giving you another dirty look, Aria shakily continues on bouncing in your lap as if nothing had happened.
  457. >This was an injustice.
  458. >You had only had a taste of your cousin's bodacious boobies before they had been ripped away, an inequitable cruelty you did not deserve.
  459. >Watching Aria purposefully hold her tits protectively where you couldn't reach filled you with an indignant rage.
  460. >If this big titted bitch liked it rough, you'd give her rough.
  461. >Raising your strong arm to the heavens, you silently pray the pimp's prayer before letting your hand fly back down onto her ass.
  462. >You slapped it so hard it made your hand sting, hard enough to make Aria let out a squeak and stumble in her rhythm.
  463. >Before she could react, you get a grip on each of her long pigtails and pull, making her arch her back with a hiss.
  464. >"F-Fucking bastard!"
  465. >Catching herself on her arms before she could fall on top of you, your bent over backwards and pissed cousin practically spits venom at you, but doesn't stop her hips, or even slow down for that matter.
  466. >Deciding you had enough of her calling the shots, you thrust up to meet her, effectively doubling her speed.
  467. >Putting both her pigtails in one hand, you use the free one to grab around at her chest, her tits having parted to give her incredible backboob at this angle.
  468. >Grabbing a melon, you immediately go for the areola, groping the soft skin and pinching it, much to Aria's enjoyment.
  469. >As you squeezed her tender weakness, your cousin couldn't keep up with your thrusts, losing control of her hips immediately.
  470. >"F-FUCK-!"
  471. >Pinching and prodding at her areola, you slowly coax out her fat nipple from inside its tantalizingly soft prison.
  472. >Getting erect, her huge nub quickly engorges to full size, sticking out proudly for you to grab on to.
  473. >Wrapping your fingers around the thick nipple, you give it a good tug.
  474. >Your cousin isn't able to handle the stimulation and lets out an unrestrained squeal, her pussy clenching several times as she cums again.
  475. >As she cums, her arms give out and she lands with her muscular back on top of you, your cock popping out of her.
  476. >Rolling Aria's heavy body off of you, you were past waiting to get off yourself and loomed over the girl.
  477. >Looking up at you, your taller cousin pulled her knees up to her chest protectively, an intense blush exploding over her face as she tried to cover her massive areolas with her hands shyly.
  478. >Not having any of it, you grab Aria's legs and force her feet over her head in a mating press, tying her pigtails to her ankles, pinning her with her own hair.
  479. >Your bratty cousin looks up at you with wide eyes, as if she can't believe what was happening.
  480. >Lining up with her presented pussy, you dive right in to the base, Aria making a very girlish moan as you enter her.
  481. >Batting away her hands from her tits, you seize them roughly, using them as supports to hold your body up.
  482. >Your cousin squirmed under you, no longer trying to keep quiet, letting out moans and pleasured cries with each thrust, so many you'd think she was faking it if it weren't for the fact you felt her clench on you again and again.
  483. >"Fuck m-me! Break MEEEEEE!~"
  484. >Fucking her through another orgasm, Aria's voice cracked as she screamed.
  485. >Your cumming cousin reaches out to you and grabs at your back, her nails digging into you and leaving marks, but you ignore it, continuing to pump into her.
  486. >Grabbing the areola that still hid its giant nipple, you roughly roll it between your fingers until it pops out, fattening up until it matched the other one.
  487. >Taking hold of both of them in each hand, you give Aria a vicious titty twister.
  488. >Gritting her teeth, your cousin's eyes screw closed before she cries out in pain and pleasure.
  490. >The cry bounces around the room, loud enough you worry if the neighbors heard it.
  491. >Breathlessly, Aria looks up at you with pleading eyes.
  492. >"Choke me baby!"
  493. "Huh?"
  494. >"C-CHOKE ME!"
  495. >Not needing to be told a third time, you take one of your hands off your cousin's boobs and grab under her jaw.
  496. >Giving her a light squeeze apparently wasn't enough as Aria grabbed your arm with both hands and pulled it down onto her throat.
  497. >Immediately her moans are cut off, replaced with squeaks and grunts.
  498. >Slamming into her pussy now, you could tell you were finally getting close, your cousin's intense fetish setting you off.
  499. >As you grip the sides of her airway, Aria chokes a little, drool pooling at the corners of her grimacing mouth as she gurgles.
  500. >Despite this worrying you, your cousin holds your arm steady with both of hers, looking directly into your eyes with her purple ones.
  501. >As she does, tears start to stream from them and down the sides of her face, her throat swallowing uselessly as it begged for air.
  502. >Coming to the edge, you quicken your pace to a blinding speed, in a hurry to make both of you cum so you could take your hand off your kinky cousin's neck.
  503. >All Aria did was grunt and let out strangled yelps, her face turning red as her pussy started spasming.
  504. >Hitting her with your last few thrusts, you bottom out and start unloading into your cousin's womb, painting it white as snow.
  505. >With how her pussy was convulsing around your cock, you couldn't tell where one orgasm started and another ended, and by the look on Aria's face, neither could she.
  506. >Her eyes had started rolling back in her head and had stuck out her tongue lewdly, a goofy smile stretched on her face as she came multiple times as you filled her, her walls milking you for all you were worth.
  507. >Trying to pull your arm back, Aria's hands wouldn't let you, keeping you on her throat until she started to look like she was about to faint from both pleasure and oxygen deprivation.
  508. >Forcefully ripping your hand off of her, your cousin's arms fell limply by her sides, three long seconds going by before she took a massive gasp of air.
  509. >Coughing loudly, Aria forced air back in to her burning lungs, her tongue still lolling out of her mouth.
  510. >Catching her breath and sniffling, your cousin wipes at her eyes to clear her tears.
  511. "Need some help?"
  512. >"I-I'm not crying, IDIOT!"
  513. "Didn't say you were."
  514. >Untying Aria's ankles, the big girl snorts loudly, wiping frantically at her face.
  515. >"Ugh s-stupid freakin..."
  516. >Groaning frustratedly, Aria angrily slams her arms down to her sides.
  517. >"Alright I'm crying, okay?! Get over it!"
  518. "Did we go too hard?"
  519. >"No you idiot! I'm- we- ugh!"
  520. >"She's just happy is all." Says a tired Sonata, looking at her sister from her face down ass up position.
  521. >"No one asked you dummy!" Barks Aria, grabbing onto your side and nuzzling into your shoulder to hide her tears, a giant boob resting on your chest.
  522. >Scooting like a caterpillar, Sonata inches her way over to you, curling around your head and giving her sister a kiss on hers.
  523. >"You can be honest sis, everyone loves you here."
  524. >Sniffling again, Aria grumbles irritably.
  525. >"I'm always honest, s-stupid! You annoy the shit out of me, I can c-cry sometimes, Anon fucks good, and I- and I l-l-love you guys too! See? H-Honest!"
  526. >Choking up, your cousin holds onto you tighter, fresh tears wetting your skin.
  527. >"Aww you big softie~"
  528. >Lifting you up slightly, Sonata lays your head in her large lap and against her soft tummy, using her hands to stroke Aria's face soothingly.
  529. >Rubbing her shaking back, you help calm your crying cousin down as well, her emotions getting the better of her.
  530. >"Holy shit bro, I guess we both have anger issues huh?" Your sister says, only half jokingly.
  531. >Grabbing your other side, Sunset pulls herself tightly against you, one of her huge boobs laying on your chest as well, squishing against Aria's.
  532. >"Heh, maybe I should try really pissing you off too, the way you fucked her, I've never seen Aria so cute and submissive."
  533. >"S-Shut up f-firecrotch."
  534. >"But uh, go easy on me if you're feeling strangle-y again, I don't think I could take what you gave her. Though it was pretty hot."
  535. >As Sunset gives you a kiss on the cheek, you feel someone straddle your legs.
  536. >"If this is how you fuck every night, we probably need to go on rotation when we move in."
  537. >Feeling Adagio crawl on top of you, you look down to see her lay tiredly on top of Aria's and Sunset's tits, her smaller ones squeezing in below them.
  538. "Move in?"
  539. >Adagio looks up at you like you were retarded.
  540. >"You really think you can just give us the best sex of our life, cum in all four of us unprotected, and not expect us to stay?"
  541. >Laughing though her tears, Aria pinches your cheek.
  542. >"Yeah we're moving in d-dumbass."
  543. >Only just now, held in the afterglow embrace of the four women you were closely related to, do you realize the gravity of what you've done.
  544. "Shiiiit... the rest of the family is gonna murder me."
  545. >In response, the other girls just nod.
  546. >"Yep."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit