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Milky Motherly Morning

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2023-08-19 07:54:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >"-oney."
  2. >Something nudges you, but you're too deep in sleep to register it.
  3. >"Honey plea-"
  4. >Fading in and out of consciousness, you're dimly aware someone is quietly calling for you.
  5. >A more firm shake rouses you into the land of the living, barely.
  6. "Hmm? Wha-? Whuz the problem?"
  7. >"I'm so so sorry for waking you early honeypie, but... I need some help."
  8. >Blinking the sleep from your eyes, you see your cousin Aria looking down at you pleadingly.
  9. >"I tried everything but they just won't stop, I need to be milked again..."
  10. >Showing off her shirt, the fabric was dark and soaked through, having woken her up sometime in the night again.
  11. "Mff, jus use the machine, or one of the girls, Sonata loves grabbing your boobies."
  12. >Closing your eyes again, Aria lets out a quiet whine.
  13. >"Ohhh... You know the milker is too small for me, and the girls are too rough on my boobs, you're the only one who knows how to do it right..."
  14. >Leaning down, Aria whispers in your ear.
  15. >"Please honeybun? It's only an hour before you normally get up, I'll make breakfast for you~"
  16. >A hand caresses your face lovingly, rubbing your cheek with a thumb.
  17. >Grumbling, you open your eyes again to see Aria smiling sweetly down at you, as if she knew all along you would cave.
  18. >"Thank you honey~"
  19. >Grunting, you try to sit up only to realize you were pinned to the bed by your other relatives.
  20. >Sonata had her head on your chest and was drooling a bit, Adagio had her leg tightly wound around yours, and Sunset had somehow managed to lay across all three of you at some point in the night.
  21. >Sonata and Sunset were easy to deal with as they were both heavy sleepers, you simply had to push the youngest Dazzle's head off of you and toss your sister's legs to the side, both never even making a sound.
  22. >Adagio however, was the complete opposite, not only was she the easiest to wake up, but she was NOT a morning person in the slightest, several times you had to get between her and Sonata as the younger sister easily annoyed the poof with her chipper early bird attitude.
  23. >But only few gallons of coffee later and Adagio could function normally, putting her claws away until the next morning.
  24. >You'd like to keep those weapons sheathed and not buried in your skin, so you delicately unravel Adagio's leg from yours, made harder as the small girl had a surprisingly strong grip for her size.
  25. >Eventually you were able to pull out of her grasp, something the eldest dazzle still noticed in her sleep, her face screwing up in worry as she grabbed reflexively at the place you had been in.
  26. >Fortunately she didn't wake up, and you were free to scoot to the edge of the bed and stretch.
  27. >Yawning, you rub your eyes and look around you, your escape van turned home was lit by the early morning sun, giving Aria a glow as she took off her wet shirt, the only piece of clothing she had on.
  28. >Tossing it into the dirty hamper, Aria looks to you and blushes, unable to meet your gaze as you enjoyed the sight before you.
  29. >Her hands fidget under her swollen breasts but don't try to hide them, the already enormous mammaries having gone up over two humongous cup sizes with the pregnancy and had started producing copious amounts of milk.
  30. >In fact, both your sister and your cousins had all been starting to show signs of pregnancy, with all of them outgrowing their bras and needing to trade between themselves.
  31. >Sonata filled out Adagio's old bras decently, but still preferred to go braless (sometimes completely naked) most of the time anyway, Adagio had started using Sunset's bras but had found them oversized and needed to sew some of the straps smaller to accommodate her smaller frame.
  32. >Your sister had tried using Aria's cups, but they were still too big for her currently, so in the meantime she used Aria's old compression sport bras instead, when she wasn't complaining about her back and blaming you for her "heavy ass tits".
  33. >Aria had shown her some exercises to strengthen her back, but your sister preferred being a brat instead as usual.
  34. >And then there was the third and biggest Dazzle, and well, to put it simply, Aria was shit out of luck.
  35. >Not only did she not have a bra to trade up to, but even before she grew, most stores didn't carry anything her size to begin with and she almost always had to custom order all her bras and sometimes even tops.
  36. >This was something that was even harder to do while on the lam without a static delivery address.
  37. >But Aria hadn't complained, not even once, which was shocking to say the least.
  38. >All the girls had a bit of a personality shift with all the hormones running through their bodies, some changing more than others.
  39. >Sonata had become at least twice as clingy as before, turning into a hugging maniac and needing to be close to you or one of the girls at all times or she'd get lovesick or have a panic attack.
  40. >Adagio had tried to keep herself in check and stay grounded despite all the signals her body was giving her, which had the side effect of making her more strict and full of "boss bitch" attitude, which was a blessing in disguise as she had taken control of the lot of you and had put herself in the driver's seat both literally and figuratively.
  41. >Sunset was a complete emotional roller coaster, one minute she'd be overjoyed that she was around those she loved dearly, to the next heartbroken that all of you were in a van avoiding the rest of your family, to furious at Scribble Dee for ratting you out, to horny and a little psychopathic, wanting to kidnap the little snitch and cuck her until she could cum just by watching you nut in your sister's pussy.
  42. >Then Sunset would "reset" tiring herself out emotionally and needing to rest, usually taking several naps throughout the day.
  43. >And lastly there was Aria, who had just about completely flipped her personality from strong bitchy tomboy to calm demure mother.
  44. >Gone was the tsun and all that was left was the dere. And lots of milk.
  45. >All the girls had started lactating but Aria was by far the greatest contributor, almost single-handedly out producing the rest of the girls if it weren't for your sister, who made quite a bit herself.
  46. >The four of them combined could make over a gallon per day, which came in handy for saving money and keeping all five of you very well hydrated.
  47. >And as Aria sat in your lap on the edge of the bed, it seemed it was time to get an early start on today's batch.
  48. >Aria's normally puffy areola and inverted nipples were instead swollen and almost painfully erect, dribbling milk down the swell of her breasts and dripping into her lap.
  49. >Lining up a funnel and large glass jar, you gingerly take one of her huge areola and squeeze, making Aria moan out loud before covering her mouth with a hand as to not wake the others.
  50. >A torrent of milk sprays into the funnel, and just by how much collects in the jar you can already tell today was going to be a productive day.
  51. >Aria squirms a bit as you massage the tender flesh of her oversized nipple, stifled grunts and moans coming from her as you filled the glass.
  52. >"D-Do you think- hnnng I-I'll be a good mother?"
  53. >Not expecting that type of question this early in the morning, you pause for a moment before continuing.
  54. "Well yeah, why wouldn't you be?"
  55. >Rubbing Aria's more than generous breast, you squeeze more milk from it as she catches her breath.
  56. >"Y-You mean it?"
  57. >"Heck yeah!"
  58. >Startled, you and Aria both jolt in place, the chipper voice braking through the quiet like a sledge hammer.
  59. >"You'll be the bestest mommy ever Ari- humf!"
  60. >Slapping a milk soaked hand over Sonata's loud mouth, you silence the bubbly girl quickly.
  61. >"Sonata, remember the others are sleeping." Aria chides, tapping Sonata on her forehead.
  62. >Licking the milk from your hand, Sonata nods, muffling an agreement.
  63. >Taking your hand off of her mouth, you go back to milking Aria as Sonata whisper shouts, her lowest level of quiet.
  64. >"Sorry Ari, I forgot."
  65. >Aria puts a hand to her mouth and quietly chuckles, something you'd seen much more of since she had become pregnant.
  66. >"All these years and you still can't remember Adagio hates being woken up, what are we gonna do with you?"
  67. >"How 'bout we leave her behind at the next gas station?" Comes a new and irritated voice.
  68. >Cringing, you feel the bed shift as Adagio crawls over and sits next to you, her curly hair all over the place as she leans on your shoulder.
  69. >"Good morning sisters, darling, is there any particular reason WHY I am awake this early?"
  70. >Her voice was groggy but with a distinct edge to it, a warning that only a few wrong words would turn this quiet morning into a very loud one quickly.
  71. >"Morning Adagio, and I'm sorry, I must've accidentally woken Sonata up when trying to get 'Non to help me with these."
  72. >Gesturing to her milk laden tits you were still servicing, Aria looks apologetically at her sister, who just rolls her eyes.
  73. >"Doubtful. Sonata, how long have you been up already?"
  74. >"Donno, maybe like, an hour or two... I was pretty comfy on Anon though." Sonata says, touching her fingers together nervously. "You were just fibbing about l-leaving me at a gas station r-right?"
  75. >Snorting, Adagio stands and stretches, letting out a grunt. "Don't tempt me."
  76. >Shaking a little, Sonata is eased by Aria putting a hand on her shoulder.
  77. >"Of course she's just joking Sonata, none of us would ever leave you."
  78. >Sighing, Adagio moves over to the little kitchen to undoubtedly start making coffee, her nightshirt doing nothing to cover her bare butt.
  79. >Wiggling her way into your side, Sonata presses her completely nude body against yours, burying her face into you.
  80. >"Better not leave me, or I'll make you guys pay!" Sonata says, her fists clenching and getting handfuls of your shirt.
  81. >Aria just rubs Sonata's head while you switch to the other breast, the first having mostly petered out.
  82. >The smell of coffee soon fills the van, Adagio propping herself up on the counter and looking outside a window as Aria coos with relief.
  83. >"Mmm, pretty sunrise."
  84. >"Not a completely awful way to wake up, is it sis?" Aria says, running her fingers through Sonata's unruly bedhead.
  85. >"I'll let you know when I've had my coffee." Comes your eldest cousin's curt reply.
  86. >A loud snort comes from behind you, signaling your sister starting to wake up as well, her legs kicking a bit as her dream comes to an end.
  87. >Giving Aria's tit a few more squeezes, she suddenly stops you by putting a hand on yours.
  88. >"That's good honey, lemme make you breakfast."
  89. >Standing from your lap. Aria takes the jar from you and joins Adagio in the kitchen, dwarfing the smaller girl as she reaches above her for a lid.
  90. >Aria was almost too tall for the van turned home, her hair just grazing the ceiling in the largest sections but needing to duck everywhere else.
  91. >It didn't seem to bother her, either she was used to it or her more mellow attitude simply didn't allow her to care.
  92. >In any case, she was the go to person to grab anything high up, like the lid she fastened onto the jar and stowed in the fridge.
  93. >As Aria grabs a bowl, another snore rings out in the room before it's cut off abruptly, followed by a loud yawn.
  94. >Soon, you again feel the bed shift as two hands wrap around your chest and two large tits press into your back, your vision being filled by bacon colored hair as its owner leans against you heavily.
  95. >"Mmmornin' bro, you're up early."
  96. "I was helping Aria, she needed some relief."
  97. >"Jeez again? I thought you guys did that before bed? Kinda worried I'm gonna end up like her too. Heh, you could run a dairy babe."
  98. >Sonata giggles at Sunset's joke, doing her best cow impression by mooing.
  99. >Both Aria and Adagio hear as well, Aria getting red in the face and Adagio cracking a little smile as she pours herself a mug of fresh coffee.
  100. >Grunting, Sunset hefts her heavy chest up and onto your shoulders, a move she had learned from Aria, and sighs.
  101. >"Feels like I need to go next pretty soon, the girls are getting full."
  102. >With how heavily your sister's tits rested on your shoulders, you agreed.
  103. >"Me too Nonny!" Sonata says, pushing her now almost D cups into your arm. "Might as well do all of us in one go!"
  104. >"Do it yourself Sonata, use the pump, that's why we got it, Anonymous isn't your servant." Adagio scolds.
  105. >As if to demonstrate this, the poof had lifted her shirt and was squeezing a tit into her coffee, the dark liquid turning caramel colored in a few squirts.
  106. >"Aww, not fair Dagi! How come Ari gets to?!"
  107. >Glaring at her sister, Adagio takes a long sip before answering.
  108. >"Because Aria outweighs you by about a hundred pounds of boob and doesn't fit the breast pump, or did you forget that too?"
  109. >Letting go of you, Sonata instead grabs her boobs and pouts.
  110. "It's okay Adagio, I don't mind."
  111. >"YAY!" Sonata cries, grabbing you again with renewed vigor.
  112. >"Yeah if he did I'd be worried he turned gay, hehe." You sister jokes.
  113. >Rolling her eyes again, Adagio takes another sip of her coffee.
  114. >"You spoil her."
  115. >Walking back over to you, Aria sits in your lap again and puts a bowl of dry cereal in your hand.
  116. >"He spoils ALL of us."
  117. >Taking her own boob in her hands, Aria massages it down to the nipple, white milk squirting out into the bowl and covering the generic brand "Grape Hoops" cereal that surprisingly actually tasted like grapes.
  118. >"There you go honey, breakfast just as promised."
  119. >Kissing you on the forehead, Aria rests her head on top of yours, letting out a tired yawn of her own.
  120. >It was hard to eat your cereal with three girls on top of you, but you managed, the fresh warm milk giving the Grape Hoops a nice flavor.
  121. >Then Adagio joined the four of you on your other side, offering you her mug of coffee.
  122. >Passing the bowl of cereal to Sonata, who begins eating it like a hog at a feeding trough, you take the offered coffee and have a sip of the creamy caffeine.
  123. "Mmm very nice, thanks Adagio."
  124. >"Of course dear."
  125. >"Can I have some?" Sonata asks, milk and purple loops dripping from her face.
  126. >"Absolutely not." Her older sister replies, taking the mug from you and finishing it.
  127. >Taking back your bowl, you see it was almost completely cleaned out in the five seconds Sonata had it.
  128. "Sheesh, save a little of my breakfast for me 'Nata."
  129. >"Sorry *gulp* guess I'm a little hungry." She says sheepishly. "Here, one sec."
  130. >Getting up, your naked cousin quickly bounces into the kitchen, her huge ass clapping with the movement as she struggles to grab the Grape Hoops from the top shelf where Aria had left it.
  131. >Snatching the box, Sonata hurries back with a few more spoons and pours a mountain of purple loops into the bowl.
  132. "Don't waste food Sonata..." Adagio says exasperatedly, putting a hand to her forehead.
  133. >Ignoring her sister, Sonata places the box down onto a counter and the extra spoons into the bowl.
  134. >"Mmmkay now I just need to..."
  135. >Putting her chest over the bowl, Sonata grabs her boobs and starts rubbing them methodically.
  136. >"Nff, h-help me Nonny."
  137. "Sure."
  138. >Using your free hand, you take one of Sonata's breasts and match her tempo, soon coaxing out a steady spray of milk.
  139. >Squeaking a little, Sonata bites her lip, both her nipples pouring her milk into the bowl.
  140. >"Ahn! J-Just like Ari!"
  141. >Sighing, your older cousin takes her shirt off, begrudgingly joining the rest of the topless girls.
  142. >"The cereal is going to get soggy before you fill the bowl, and I will NOT let you waste food again Sonata."
  143. >Aiming her own tits at the bowl, Adagio joins in and starts adding her own milk to it as well, breathing heavily.
  144. >"...Might as well help too I guess." Your sister says casually, taking her heavy boobs off your shoulders and aiming one at the bowl as well.
  145. >Between the three of them, the bowl fills up quickly, and Sonata is first to get a spoonful, humming happily.
  146. >Adagio is next, though she makes sure to wipe her breasts clean first rather than just let them drip like Sonata's.
  147. >Sunset's tit isn't as quick to stop as her cousins' but soon she gets it under control and takes a spoon for herself as well, munching down on the sugary cereal without a care in the world.
  148. >Even Aria gets a bite or two, but she was more preoccupied with taking a nap on your head, no doubt not getting much sleep last night.
  149. >Each of the girls had their own distinct taste to their milk, all of which complimented the sugary grape flavor well.
  150. >As the morning sun rose higher into the sky, the pile of food got smaller and smaller, until all of you had your fill.
  151. >Well, save for Sonata.
  152. >"C'mon Dagi, just a little more? Please?"
  153. >Adagio shakes her head as she puts the cereal box back onto the shelf, much to her sister's displeasure.
  154. >"No, you've had enough Sonata, you know things are tight right now, we need to ration until next week.
  155. >"Okay..."
  156. >The weight on your head is lifted finally as Aria wakes from her nap and stretches her back, hefting one of her giant boobs in her hand.
  157. >Looking at Sonata, Aria offers up the nipple to her sister.
  158. >"I've got some left, just go easy yeah?"
  159. >Not even taking the time to reply, Sonata immediately latches on to Aria's fat nipple, gently suckling on it and giggling around it as if she had gotten away with something.
  160. >Letting out a breath, Aria gets a serene look to her face, enjoying Sonata's mouth on her engorged nipple.
  161. >Shifting around to your other side, Sunset takes Aria's other tit in her hands.
  162. >"Can I have some too cuz?"
  163. >Not even bothering to open her eyes, Aria nods.
  164. >"Go ahead."
  165. >Positioning Aria's other nipple, Sunset puts it into her mouth and sucks on it, creamy milk filling her mouth as well.
  166. >A few minutes of this and Aria fades into total zen, feeding her sister and cousin with a hand on the back of each of their heads, completely at peace with the world.
  167. >She was still sitting in your lap, so you were sort of stuck where you were, not wanting to disturb her or your other cousin and sister.
  168. >You feel someone press themselves against your back again, this time being Adagio, the short girl resting her head on your shoulder.
  169. >"You know, a man alone with his sister and three cousins in a van attracts a lot of attention." She whispers.
  170. >Letting Adagio continue, the only other noises are the wet sucking sounds on Aria's tits.
  171. >"Especially when they all start showing baby bellies all around the same time..."
  172. >"What attracts less attention though, is a man and his four pregnant WIVES, hint hint."
  173. >Quietly chuckling Adagio rubs your chest. "Tick-tock sweetheart, I want us to fit in our dresses before we start to really get big."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

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