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Reformed but Unrequited

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2023-08-31 04:03:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. >>40196657
  3. >"Sorry Anonymous, but section 47 of the estrus exception bill clearly states that mares cannot be held legally responsible for their actions during estrus. You're just gonna have to take your rapings like a man."
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >On your way down to down to Castle Friendship (TM).
  7. >You've got some trouble recalling specifics of some technology back home.
  8. >Hopefully some memory recursion will help bring back a few specifics so you can recreate it.
  9. >You'll be able to sell these inventions enough to start a company and then own the rest.
  10. >Well, those that don't fundamentally alter the landscape beyond repair that is.
  11. >Ponies just wouldn't be ready for guns.
  12. >While lost in your thoughts, you didn't fail to notice something was - different.
  13. >Town seemed a little...
  14. >Off.
  15. >You couldn't quite explain it, but if you had to describe it - it felt like you were walking through a disaster zone.
  16. >Those smart enough to flee have already bugged out, and anyone else too stubborn to have hunkered down inside their homes.
  17. >Activity outside was minimal.
  18. >You kind of felt like the disaster with how many eyes you sensed watching you.
  19. "Weird."
  20. >You pick up the pace and stride up to and into the Castle/ Public Library thing.
  21. >As odd as it was, and as much as it offends your desire to sort things neatly, multipurpose public facilities that spit in the face of segmented depression-inducing city planning are pretty based.
  22. >Upon entering, the lack of the usual posted guards marking the end of the public library became apparent.
  23. >There was one guardsmare instead of 3 stallions.
  24. >She looked haggard and distracted.
  25. >That is, until she noticed you.
  26. >The haziness didn't fade from her eyes as she focused on you.
  27. >Despite that, she maintained a focused eye on you that could only be described as hunger or suspicion.
  28. >Knowing you have clearance to proceed, you pass her, being certain to appear as benign as possible so as to not arouse action by increasing her suspicion.
  29. >A smile and a wave 'hello' are all you offer as you all too casually pass into the hallway leading to the inner castle.
  30. >You could've sworn you heard her sniff the air purposefully after you passed her.
  31. >A few strides after takes you halfway through the hallway before a loud clattering echoes the halls from behind.
  32. >Turning around, the scene of a hunkered down guard and dropped spear recedes behind you as you continue to move forward.
  33. >Guess she dropped it.
  34. >She makes no move to pick it up.
  35. >Realizing that she may lost her composure from smelling you, you hurry forward, embarrassed.
  36. >After moving around the corner into the main room, you check to see if anyone is around.
  37. >With no witnesses you take a sniff test yourself to see just how embarrassing it was.
  38. >Pulling back, there wasn't anything remarkable.
  39. Calmly, you whisper aloud to yourself, "I don't smell THAT bad, do I?"
  40. >Sure, you didn't shower yet today - but you had your reasons!
  41. >You planned to work out later in the morning and didn't want to need to take another one afterwards.
  42. >Could their sense of smell be so much stronger that this bothered them that much?
  43. >Hope not.
  44. >But it would explain the emptiness and all encompassing sense of being watched you felt in town just a second ago.
  45. >Hurriedly to avoid lingering and offending any more passing guards, you navigate to Twilight's study.
  46. >Along the way you can tell the castle remains more still than usual too.
  47. >It's in this silence that you were keen to pick up on exasperated groaning deeper in the castle.
  48. >It was coming from the wing of the castle where the bedrooms were located.
  49. >Sounds like Trixie struggling with another advanced spell.
  50. >Good luck with that.
  51. >Continuing to the study memories of last weekend come to mind.
  52. >Trixie and Starlight invited you out to a friendly dinner.
  53. >The two insisted on paying for the dinner before heading out to try something else.
  54. >You had fun playing some card games you knew back home with Trixie.
  55. >She was quick to abandon them at the prospect of learning some magic tricks from home.
  56. >If you never sought out the answers to how they did any of it on YouTube, you doubt you'd ever be able to explain anything beyond general vague guesses.
  57. >A slight-of-hand trick or two was translated and improved upon with unicorn magic and she was a natural.
  58. >Then you all relaxed with some kiting.
  59. >Well, more like Starlight spent a majority of the time teaching you to fly a kite.
  60. >Who knew it could be so complicated?
  61. >While a lot of the more specific mechanics alluded you, you still had fun when you didn't take it too seriously.
  62. >To her credit, Starlight was patient with you.
  63. >By the end of the night you could tell your friendship made them feel more content.
  64. >More like part of the community.
  65. >Not just some outcast excons to be given obligatory courtesy at a wide birth just because they happened to be friends with the princess.
  66. >No, you helped them feel like they fit in.
  67. >And they did the same for you.
  68. >Without realizing it, you'd arrived at the door to Twilight's study and upon knocking received no response.
  69. >Trying one more time only encouraged the empty halls to return your unanswered request with faint echoes.
  70. >If she's not here, or up at the library up front, surely she's somewhere else you can think of.
  71. >Well, if Trixie was learning advanced spells, there's a decent chance you could find Twilight present.
  72. >If not, at least you can ask her what she knows.
  73. >Pivoting back around you change course for the living area.
  74. >Should probably take this opportunity to thank them for last weekend.
  75. >Maybe offer to return the favor and set up other plans.
  76. >Then you could catch up and see how Trixie has progressed with her new tricks.
  77. >Starlight has probably read the history lessons from your home you wrote up for her too.
  78. >You could clarify any questions and moral queries she likely has then too.
  79. >She's still reforming, but the whole "frenship!" approach isn't going to be quite enough to correct someone's philosophy.
  80. >Explaining things with thought experiments/examples is more likely to help.
  81. >Your thoughts are cut short by the same sounds.
  82. >"Mmph!"
  83. >"Ahn!"
  84. >Well that sounds pretty intense.
  85. >Can't judge the rather questionable sounds though.
  86. >Pushing your limits in the weight room can draw out some pretty guttural and primal sounds from you too.
  87. >Best leave them be, they sound like they're busy right now.
  88. >Before you can decide to leave to avoid interrupting the duo, they speak up beyond the door to Trixie's bedroom.
  89. >"Ugh! Why isn't this *huff* working!"
  90. >Starlight's frustration bubbles over.
  91. >"Awwhuhuhn, it just feels worse than it did before!"
  92. >Poor Trixie, that was outright defeat in her voice.
  93. >A little something else was in there.
  94. >Pain?
  95. >*Huff* "I don't know how long I can keep living like this!"
  96. >Is Trixie in need of help?
  97. >"Let's take a break. Maybe a better idea will come to me when my head is clear. Er- well, as clear as it can be."
  98. >Even Starlight is having a little trouble regaining control of whatever the situation is in there.
  99. >While it wasn't unusual for the two to get themselves into a pickle, they were a little more determined to pull through it.
  100. >Lord knows they wouldn't go to Twilight right away.
  101. >Asking them about where she is would probably be the last thing they'd want to hear.
  102. >Aside from that, you can't help but feel like you should help.
  103. >They've been good friends to you.
  104. >Mind concluded, you reach forward and knock on the door.
  105. *knock knock knock* "Star, Trix? Are you two okay in there? Do you need any help?"
  106. >No answer.
  107. >Still no answer.
  108. >The silence is indicative of catching someone when they didn't want to be found out.
  109. >Quiet waiting as though you'd forget they were there and leave.
  110. >"Anon?"
  111. "It's me."
  112. >"W-what are you doing all the way over here?"
  113. "I was looking for Twilight but she wasn't in her study. I figured maybe one of you two would know where she went."
  114. >Now is a good time to show your concern.
  115. "But it sounded like you needed help."
  116. >Another pregnant pause.
  117. >This shouldn't be so tense.
  118. >Probably should try cutting it with a joke.
  119. "I promise not to tell Twilight about whatever mess you two got your-"
  120. >Suddenly the door whips open inwards, but is only jerked open enough to allow Starlight to poke her head through to look up at you.
  121. >Her mane was frazzled, and she had been sweating.
  122. >Breathing was indicative of physical activity.
  123. >Her eyes had a hint of the same haziness the guardsmare from earlier did.
  124. >Yet, the focus wasn't a far away glimmer behind the mask of fatigue she wore.
  125. >Starlight's focus was right behind her tired eyes.
  126. >And it was directed right at you.
  127. >The difference in feeling was the difference between a distant threat to a present danger.
  128. >Strange.
  129. >To think a pastel equine that barely reaches mid-thigh would be able to intimidate you like that.
  130. >"Hey Anon.~ What are you doing here?"
  131. "I just told you."
  132. >"Oh, silly me. I must've forgot."
  133. "That was a minute ago Star. Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
  134. >"Me? I'm doing just fine. Say, how about you come in and we'll help you with whatever you need."
  135. "But I was more concerned about helping you. Seemed like you two were pretty frustrated."
  136. >"Right right, just come inside Nonny. We can help each other out inside."~
  137. >She was acting rather odd.
  138. >You're conflicted.
  139. >The desire to help your friends was undercut by something else.
  140. >Anxiety?
  141. >That's certainly not normal.
  142. >While trying to sort out how you feel about this situation, Starlight must've seen this as hesitation.
  143. >Her magic seizes you by the hands and pulls you into the room.
  144. >The room gobbles up your form as the door swiftly opens and closes once you're pulled through.
  145. >Firmly, the aura grasp around your hands guides you beyond the immediate entry area and deeper into the middle of the room before letting go.
  146. >You were caught off guard and failed to notice her sniffing you on the way in.
  147. "Whoa, Starlight! A little warning next time?"
  148. >The mischievous giggle behind her hoof was more disarming than it ever should have been.
  149. >"Oops."
  150. >Taking stock of Trixie's bedroom, strangely enough, the mare herself wasn't anywhere to be seen.
  151. >The room also seemed as normal as can be.
  152. >No signs of magical destruction or spellslinging mayhem.
  153. >Just what was it that they were struggling with?
  154. "Uh, where's Trixie? She didn't run away did she?"
  155. >"Of course not Nonny. No one's going to be running away."
  156. >Well that was an odd choice of words.
  157. >Alarm bells are at the ready.
  158. >Before they could sound off a dire warning of fears of a potential changeling infiltration, the bathroom door opens up behind you.
  159. >Trixie emerges looking better than Starlight did, but not by much.
  160. >Share a glance.
  161. "Uh, hey Trix. Hope I didn't interrupt something."
  162. >"Anonymous, you're never an interruption. Why, you're the star of the show."~
  163. "Show?"
  164. >Trixie was smug more often than not, but this time her confidence communicated something else.
  165. >"What I think Trixie was *trying* to express was our appreciation for your help."
  166. >A 'stick to the plan' look shot towards the mare in question went unseen with your attention turned away from Starlight.
  167. >"Uh-yes, yes of course! We're so thankful that we wish to prioritize your needs first."
  168. >Sauntering around you the blue mare brushes her two-toned tail across your thigh and the hand hanging by your side.
  169. >You turn your head to follow her with your gaze when she rounds you to join her friend by the door.
  170. "But I haven't done anything yet."
  171. >Facing the two again with a look of confusion, you can't help but feel they're playing a trick on you.
  172. >Not unusual either, you got along for a reason, but out-of-place considering the context.
  173. >This didn't feel like any of the harmless he-he ha-has you traded with one another.
  174. >It felt like they were hiding their problems, if only just underneath the surface long enough to convince someone to play along.
  175. >Perhaps they felt that whatever they allowed to get out of hand this time was problematic enough that they wished to hold their aid over you to goad you into keeping quiet about it long enough for them to regain control over the situation.
  176. >A pang of disappointment rings through at the thought that they may not fully trust you enough to just come forward with it.
  177. >Well, who can blame them.
  178. >They were former- uh, 'rivals' to the girls.
  179. >Needless to say that they possessed some of the dark triad characteristics.
  180. >And all this reformation stuff has made them more and more aware of their antagonistic/ manipulative behavior.
  181. >And the perspective of the other denizens of Ponyville watching them.
  182. >Heck, they feel closer to one another moreso than anyone else.
  183. >Yet even still had a fallout or two.
  184. >Even if this was a manipulation, it'd be safe to assume it was done so out of a rational fear.
  185. >You use the word 'rational' in relativity to their situation of course.
  186. >Oh well.
  187. >You were dedicated to properly reform these two.
  188. >You would see it through.
  189. >"And I have no doubt that you will, but for now why don't we see to what you need ourselves."
  190. >Starlight nods her head to prompt you to come forth.
  191. >"You don't need Twilight right now Anonymous. Surely we can handle whatever big hard problems you have."
  192. >Squint.
  193. "Uh-huh."
  194. >Looks like it's up to you to come forth first.
  195. "I was looking to take another trip down memory lane with Twilight's spell, dredge up some details about a piece of tech I'm trying to recreate here."
  196. >Starlight giddily jumps at the opportunity to cast mental magic.
  197. >"Oh! You need a memory jumpstart huh? I'm more than able to help you with your problem!
  198. >While she happily canters towards you and rears up on her hooves to push you towards the bed you can't help but reconsider.
  199. >This might have been a bad idea...
  200. >Starlight's pushing was moreso insistence than actual progress in making you budge beyond the first couple steps when she pushed on your hip.
  201. >"Good idea, you can get comfortable on my bed! You always did say that this was mentally exhausting after all."
  202. "Right."
  203. >Agreeing with the offer, you turn to walk towards the bed.
  204. >Pushing from the eager mare didn't stop.
  205. >Instead she planted her forehooves on your butt and kept up her insistence.
  206. >Matching your longer strides with her more excited pace.
  207. >Did she just grab your butt?
  208. >Nah.
  209. >While not your imagination, she probably didn't mean to.
  210. >Seemed like she stumbled a second there.
  211. >A natural consequence of trying to match your pace on her hind legs.
  212. >Surely.
  213. "Thanks for offering me your bed to do this in comfort."
  214. >You reach the bed and turn around so you can immediately sit down on the edge.
  215. >Your pushy friend has returned to her haunches by the time you face them again.
  216. >Joined by Trixie as well.
  217. "Alright, let's get started."
  218. >Starlight is interrupted in the cast by the showmare jumping up onto the bed.
  219. "You can get a little more comfortable than that! My bed can handle you."
  220. >Now standing on the plush platform, she nudges you over in the direction of her pillows, prompting you to reposition yourself so that you're lying across the bed.
  221. >Mindfully, you kick your shoes off.
  222. >Surprisingly, the beds here were large enough for you.
  223. >Something to do with ponies sleeping in groups or something?
  224. >When head hits pillow, a light fragrance of perfume kicks up into the air.
  225. >Trixie's naturally.
  226. >A calming effect was produced by your new comfort.
  227. >Starlight has joined you two up on the bed.
  228. >"Okay Anon, I'll be starting it up. You know what to do."
  229. >Focusing on the time period where the source of your drawn blanks is, just as Twilight suggested, you try to recall what you can.
  230. >Starlight leans forward, looming over you and starts up her horn.
  231. >Starlight didn't seem to be dwelling on the display of trust you show by allowing her to do this.
  232. >Not that she appears uber-focused.
  233. >Moreso that she was thinking about something else.
  234. "Ready when you are."
  235. >Trixie laid down at the other side of you, watching with interest.
  236. >"Let me know when to stop."
  237. >And just like that you could feel her magic working at your mind.
  238. >Not any different from the way Twilight does it.
  239. >Not that you can tell at least.
  240. >Begin recalling the memory.
  241. >Attempt to at least.
  242. >Nothing's really coming to you yet.
  243. >You'd know if it did.
  244. >Things usually play out like you were reliving it.
  245. >But that didn't come.
  246. >Rather, the moment you were trying to recall had instead become more muddled.
  247. >Shuffling into the background in favor of other memories.
  248. >Oddly enough, memories of Star and Trix.
  249. >Their smiles.
  250. >Their laughs.
  251. >The way they look at you.
  252. >The way their bodies looked.
  253. >No!
  254. >You can't think of your friends like that!
  255. >Besides, they're ponies.
  256. >You're a human.
  257. >It's not like you're into each other like that.
  258. >Try as you might, you just can't quite seem to remember what you wanted to remember in the first place.
  259. >Your thoughts flooded with increasingly lewd images of the two mares who were right there administering their assistance to you.
  260. >Your guilt jumped up and made you speak up in impatience.
  261. "A-are you sure that you're doing it right? It doesn't seem to be working!"
  262. >"Oh, it's working alright."
  263. >Shooting her a quizzical look, you see that she's grinning rather smugly.
  264. >She is a capable magic user.
  265. >Something as simple as this was not something that she would just mix up with another spell.
  266. >She knew what she was doing.
  267. >The question is, what?
  268. >And why?
  269. >Now the thoughts in your mind were downright explicit.
  270. >And it didn't sit right with you to think of ponies like that, let alone your best friends in this world.
  271. >Wait a second.
  272. >That's when you notice it.
  273. >Heady smell in the air.
  274. >The defensive yet possessive body language.
  275. >Hungry eyes trying to gobble you up.
  276. >Trixie licking her lips.
  277. >Crap!
  278. >You knew it! Something WAS wrong!
  279. >Try to get up.
  280. >A pink aura yanks you back down to the bed.
  281. "Guh!"
  282. "Just lie down a little longer my little human. It'll be over soon."
  283. >"More like the show is about to start!"
  284. >Trixie giggles behind a hoof while putting a little too much pressure to hold you down.
  285. >You might've been able to fight it, but it's like a certain spark of resistance just wouldn't start to give you enough conviction to put your all into it.
  286. "What are you doing?! Let me up!"
  287. >"Look Starlight, he wishes to be let up."
  288. >Starlight takes stock of your form, pausing at your crotch.
  289. >"You seem to be standing *pretty* tall to me right now."
  290. >An aching throb becomes apparent to you too.
  291. >"Ooh, ooh! Let me see!"
  292. >The blue mare shuffles enough to get a closer look at your shamefully standing pride.
  293. >Firmly, a blue hoof reaches out towards the bulge in your pants traveling down your thigh and indenting them.
  294. "W-what gives?! What's gotten into you two?!"
  295. >The magical assault on your rational mind draws your attention only to what one would find arousing.
  296. >Unable to take stock of your surroundings for an escape plan, you're hyper-focused on Trixie's hoof drawing a steady trail along your side.
  297. >Leaving behind the cool sensation of adrenaline induced goosebumps, the electric feelings of excitement spread out in your chest.
  298. >You felt light with anticipation, and heavy with desire.
  299. >Trixie's touch continued down your thigh, just above your knee, before u-turning back up on the inner side of your thigh.
  300. >Starlight took the opportunity to climb atop you and straddle your body.
  301. >Eyes full of a possessive lust, she leaned into your ear and spoke softly.
  302. >"Nooonnny~, if only you weren't so dense. Then we wouldn't have to do this."
  303. >Dense?
  304. >N-no.
  305. >Did they...
  306. >How long?
  307. >She leaned back to read your reaction.
  308. >Your shock must've been what she expected.
  309. >Hers read of a disappointment and faux anger that one would see from a caretaker.
  310. >Reassuringly loving, but clearly upset.
  311. "N-no, we-we're just friends. Right?"
  312. >Starlight's expression dampens and she gives Trixie a que over her shoulder.
  313. >Imediately you feel Trixie zip up your leg to grind the frog of her hoof along your erection.
  314. "Mmf."
  315. >Starlight checks your reaction again.
  316. >She still saw your confusion and hesitancy to accept just how long they've desired you.
  317. >"Looks like you still need some more 'help'."
  318. >Her horn revamps the spell, bringing you to memories with the two mares.
  319. >Their special treatment towards you.
  320. >Their glances.
  321. >Blushes.
  322. >Open displays of affection you thought not out of place amongst the denizens of pastel pony land.
  323. >Their less reserved affections shared amongst each other - portraying a healthy example of what displays of attraction for another would look like.
  324. >Actions you wrote off as best friend habits.
  325. >To avoid having to reconcile the non-traditional triangle of affection with your reservations about being with ponies.
  326. >"Do you get it now?"
  327. >Now, all too late, do you realize everything.
  328. >The whole time the lecherous magician had been feeling you up with various combinations of gropes, grinds, strokes, and even nuzzles.
  329. >Trixie jumps into your revelatory discussion.
  330. >"It was quite the stroke of fate for you to wind up here with us. There would be no telling what other mares would do to our big sweet human."
  331. >Somehow this doesn't communicate the warmth of concern you'd be grateful for.
  332. >Starlight uses a spell to summon bindings to restrain you to the bed.
  333. >"We're gonna need those, cause if THIS," she slides down your body enough to grind her plot along your bulge - displacing Trixie in the process, "is anything to go by, we won't be able to keep our minds together long enough to focus for a constant telekinesis restraint."
  334. >The displaced mare moves to reclaim her stake on your member, shoving her muzzle into the plot of her companion.
  335. >"Oh! What're you doing back there?"
  336. >"Just preparing my next magic trick."
  337. >The mare's muzzle begins rooting around in appreciation of being surrounded by the two subjects of her affection.
  338. >"And just what is tha- unf!"
  339. "Guh!"
  340. >Magically induced weakness of will stopped you from holding that one back.
  341. >You could feel her grin through your pants.
  342. >That and the excitement left behind by Starlight.
  343. >The appreciative nuzzling ceases in favor of nudging Starlight up and off your crotch.
  344. >Evicted from her spot she climbs up your body again.
  345. >Close to your face, but still looking back awaiting an answer from the pushy magician.
  346. >Said mare had straddled your leg, grinding her soaking marehood along your right leg.
  347. >Releasing her own potent scent into the heady air.
  348. >Whatever Starlight cast on you made you more acute and vulnerable to the hormones flying around the room right now.
  349. >Thankfully Starlight wasn't looking at your face.
  350. >You wouldn't need to hide the shame on your face from being caught fluttering your eyes as they rolled up at the aroma of the two.
  351. >Overwhelmed by a mix of lavender and blueberries.
  352. >But alas, your member betrays you with a strong throbbing twitch.
  353. >This is noticed by Trixie when she picks up her head to look at her new target.
  354. >"Hehehe," she giggles but quickly reverts to an appeasing act of stage magician. "Watch me my Great and Beautiful Assistant! For The Great and Powerful Trixie will be making these articles of clothing disappear!"
  355. >An ethereal grip seizes your pants and shirt.
  356. >Alarms sound off in your mind, finally pulling you up after being on the backfoot in surprise this whole time.
  357. >No longer disoriented by your shock, you take in a lungful of the smothering air.
  358. "Help! Someone help!"
  359. >You follow that with as much thrashing against your bindings as you can muster.
  360. >While you had only been met with an empty castle during your search for Twilight, you were hoping these two didn't know that.
  361. >Not that you expected anyone to hear you, you might as well make an attempt to dissuade them from going any further while you can.
  362. >The lack of a panicked reaction told you everything you needed to know about its effectiveness.
  363. >They didn't even pause, let alone startle.
  364. >The mare on your body grabs you by the jaw forcefully with a hoof and jerks you up to face her cheshire grin.
  365. >You tried to pull away and restart your struggles but a firm hoof and frustrated jerking pulled you face-to-face again - commanding you to stop your struggling.
  366. >Fear setting in you obeyed the unspoken order.
  367. >"Look Trixie, he wants to be loud!"
  368. >More giggling.
  369. >"Don't worry Anonymous, we soundproofed the room when we cleaned up before letting you in."
  370. >"Go ahead, be as loud as you want. But if you insist on screaming, make sure you're yelling our names.~"
  371. >Starlight capitalizes on her seductive intimidation with a forceful kiss.
  372. >Staking her claim of your mouth while Trixie teleports your pants and shirt away.
  373. >The invasion of your personal space went unanswered after her display of control over you.
  374. >You could offer up only meager resistance as her tongue wrestled yours into submission.
  375. >Through the tainted intimate connection she communicated to you a frustration and desire that would've surprised you before all of this happened.
  376. >Hooves on each side of your face, you close your eyes when she rocks back and forth atop you whenever she grazes over your canines.
  377. >Shivers of pleasure preceding more of her fluids dripping onto you before rolling off.
  378. >Down below, a muzzle buried itself into your crotch.
  379. >Staking a claim of her own with aggressive sniffing of your manhood through your boxer briefs.
  380. >Through the passionate stolen kiss, you could make out faint shlicking and moaning.
  381. >Popping off of your mouth and pulling back, Starlight looked at you with a perverse affection.
  382. >You opened your eyes to see her lovingly gazing into your eyes.
  383. >Oozing a confidence that seemed to say that you're naturally where you belong.
  384. >It made you feel like a possession to her.
  385. >Like you had no choice in how any of this was going to play out from the beginning.
  386. >"You have no idea how long I've waited to do that."
  387. >She is met with silence and a fearful look.
  388. >No longer lost in her own world, Trixie sits up and adds "you have no idea how long The Great and Powerful Trixie has been waiting to do THIS!"
  389. >Your boxers are slowly pulled down.
  390. >Between your squirming legs attempting to hide your privates, the street performer savors the moment.
  391. >Starlight looks back to witness the reveal herself.
  392. >The two stare in awe as your pride stands tall despite the utter humiliation and helplessness you feel.
  393. >Trixie climbs back up to your crotch and buries her self directly into the base of your shaft, muffling something about 'finally' into your jewels.
  394. >"I think I don't need to speak for both of us when I tell you that you're everything we imagined and more!"
  395. >The mare in command attempts to stroke your cheek.
  396. >However, you turn away as best you could.
  397. "P-please... Don't."
  398. >Ignoring your request regardless of what you were referring to she continues her motion and cups your cheek.
  399. >Controlling, confident caresses of your cheek are followed up by her speaking again.
  400. >"Aw, poor Nonny. You're scared. That's alright. You'll come to love us."
  401. >Stopping, she pulls her hoof back to lift your chin.
  402. "H-how can you be so sure of that?"
  403. >"Because out of the many things that I've learned about friendship," she lowers her voice to be seductive, "the most fortunate important lesson is that ~anything~ can be forgiven."
  404. >Narrow eyes promise unspoken intent to go much further than they were at now.
  405. >The weight of a piercing anchor somehow stabs at your heart and drops your stomach through the floor.
  406. >All of this forgiveness and open-armed acceptance didn't serve to mitigate her ego.
  407. >No.
  408. >She had the power to back it up and she knew it.
  409. >It only served to make her think she could truly get away with whatever she wants.
  410. >And she wants you.
  411. >And you're beginning to believe that she'll be able to get what she wants regardless of whatever the others have to say.
  412. >A meek whimper was all that you could muster.
  413. >The muzzle huffing your musk below pulls back to speak up.
  414. >"Fear not my brave volunteer! The Great and Powerful Trrrixie shall prove to you that there's nothing to fear!"
  415. >"Hehehe, oh Great and Powerful Trixie, whatever do you have planned?"
  416. >You feel a hoof wrap around your dick.
  417. >"Trixie plans to make this dangerous 'sword'," her grip tightens with a pump of your shaft, "disappear!"
  418. >"Ooh, a sword-swallowing performance! You should consider yourself lucky Anon."
  419. >It was hard to feel any amount of enthusiasm at the prospect of your weakest point turned traitor being exploited.
  420. >"You see dear Anonymous, The Great and Powerful Trixie has no experience performing this act - and she is taking a great risk practicing on such an expert level sword."
  421. >"Fully sheathing something of your length is going to be dangerous, so you better stay still and be grateful."
  422. >The stage magician act only serves to concern you further.
  423. >Made you feel like this was nothing more than a performance.
  424. >An act.
  425. >The grievous nature of their actions clearly not even a passing thought in their minds.
  426. >You were helpless.
  427. >And there wasn't a chance that you'd be able to appeal to them with words or actions.
  428. >Only hope was to weather the storm.
  429. >You hated the idea of throwing yourself at their mercy, but you had no other options.
  430. >The bindings were restrictive and too powerful to dispel with willpower and strength alone.
  431. >If you were lucky you wouldn't come out of this just brainwashed into being an obedient slave to Glimmer and Trixie.
  432. >You'd certainly be unable to report this to anyone then.
  433. >While the others might think something was off, there's no telling how well these two could command you to avoid contact and put up an act when you couldn't.
  434. >It might take years for them to even gather enough suspicion and evidence to do anything about it.
  435. >You couldn't just lose that much of your life.
  436. >So it's for the best that you play along just well enough to avoid that.
  437. >Even if that means complying with any orders they give you.
  438. >Cautiously you resign yourself to the imminent forced fellatio.
  439. >A pair of plush lips trail kisses up from the base of your shaft.
  440. >Every other contact, she pauses to lightly suckle on your member.
  441. >Pulling off with a generous lick each time.
  442. >Wet smacks and appreciative moans join the wet schlicking of her self-servicing with her free hoof.
  443. >You're grateful that your vision is being blocked by the mare atop you.
  444. >The intimacy of making eye-contact would be out of place for what's really happening.
  445. >No, the now active rapist must base her judgements of her performance on your body language.
  446. >An indicator you do your best to mask.
  447. >"We can't let the Great and Powerful Trixie have all the fun now can we?"
  448. >The other rapist turns her attention back to you before moving up your body further.
  449. >Trixie reaches the peak of your tower just as Starlight saddles up to your face, sitting on your chest.
  450. >You're not able to completely ignore the supple give of her rather generous plot.
  451. >Though the tentative swirling tongue over the head of your penis makes you sharply inhale to hold back a moan.
  452. >The mare towering over you leans over and plants her hooves hooves on either side if your head.
  453. >She begins grinding her marehood on your chest, adding more noises to the building chorus.
  454. >While Starlight huffs and moans, the scent of lavender grows much stronger with such close proximity.
  455. >"You won't be holding back much longer Nonny. But if you insist on holding everything in allow me to help you with that."
  456. >Her back legs tense as they lift up her plot, pivoting off her stationary forelegs.
  457. >Your eyes widen when you realize what she's doing.
  458. >One leg after another, she positions them above your shoulders.
  459. >Her plot, and visibly drenched marehood eclipsing the rest of your vision.
  460. >"You can busy your mouth with me so you don't moan too much."
  461. >Slowly she descends, planting her pussy right atop your mouth.
  462. >The slimy fluids of her arousal completely coating your lips and chin.
  463. >Your nose is now directly in front of the invasive genitalia.
  464. >The aroma is overpowering.
  465. >Appealing to the hex placed upon your mind, you're drawn to the smell.
  466. >Your eyes cross momentarily before you're pulled out of it with a hoof running through your hair.
  467. >"I'm glad you like the way I smell so much. Now be a good boy and don't bite. I'd hate to need to PUNISH you."
  468. >She capitalizes her threat with a flux of magic to your restraints which temporarily tightens them.
  469. >Legs tightening around your throat to emphasize her insinuation.
  470. >You nod.
  471. >The restraints and grip on your throat loosen only somewhat, remaining tighter than before still.
  472. >"Good boy." Her grip on your hair tightens and pulls you forward. "It's time we get started don't you think?"
  473. >Pulling you forward by your hair to encourage you to start, she adds "I've always wanted to do that."
  474. >Trixie laps up the bead of precum building down below.
  475. >She then positions her lips around the head of your shaft to begin her descent down your pole.
  476. >Another tug on your hair and you decide to obey the instruction.
  477. >You give an experimental prod of your tongue.
  478. >Then another.
  479. >And another.
  480. >She tastes a little bitter and earthy.
  481. >Starlight's reactions escalate the deeper you go.
  482. >Pulling back you trail your tongue along her lower lips.
  483. >She shivers quite remarkably at the attention to her lips.
  484. >Cresting her marehood, her clit winks out to return the kiss just as you pass over it, squirting a pheromone packed bit of her fluids into your open mouth.
  485. >The taste from before is more concentrated.
  486. >You can make out the salty taste from the earthy taste now.
  487. >You can feel your dick engulfed in a warm, and wet cavern full of varying pressures.
  488. >The showmare takes a few moments to grow comfortable with the size of your member in her mouth before continuing with what could rather tentatively be called a blowjob.
  489. >She seems to be treating it like a popsicle.
  490. >And not in the 'I wanna get the answer to the riddle on the other side of the stick' kinda way.
  491. >It was sloppy, and moreso focused on navigating the object to begin with.
  492. >She was mainly concerned with proving she could get down as far as she could.
  493. >The idea of blowing your load as fast as possible to disappoint the lusty duo passed through your head.
  494. >At this rate that won't be very likely.
  495. >Not from a novice like her.
  496. >You suck it up and dive into the muff above.
  497. >"Aaah!"
  498. >You don't work feverishly by any means.
  499. >The goal isn't to get a 5 star review after all.
  500. >Enthusiasm withheld, your tongue works its way in and around her pussy.
  501. >Regardless of the lack of effort, she's loving it.
  502. >Grinding her marehood into your face as you set about your task.
  503. >Just beyond the entrance is a small opening.
  504. >Immediately beyond that is a pulsating and constricting series of walls eagerly trying to take your appendage in as deep as possible.
  505. >Not bothering to experiment with the question of whether or not these equines have g-spots, you go with the flow.
  506. >Naturally this pulls you as close as you can be to her puffy lips, locking your nose directly atop where her button peaks out rhythmically.
  507. >Trixie continues her side of the two-front war by diving down as far as she could, gagging, then pulling back.
  508. >Catching her breath before attempting another plunge.
  509. >To her credit, she managed to get you as far back as the beginning of her throat before backing off.
  510. >Her instinctive reflexes rejecting the forced intrusion being more pleasurable than what she'd been doing so far.
  511. >Trixie forces herself to get you into her throat, successfully swallowing more than half your length now, for a few seconds before the spasms grew to be too much and forced a retreat.
  512. >Her coughing all the way.
  513. >You maintained your composure the whole time by focusing on mildly exploring Starlight's depths - if only to hide any pleasurable noises yourself.
  514. >A few more minutes of being tugged and squeezed inside of Starlight, your nose being a favorable focus point for grinding her winking clit on, she begins to show telltale signs of an approaching orgasm.
  515. >Whispers of approval giving in to a series of 'oh yes!' 'Fuck!' 'That's it Nonny.' & 'Right there!'
  516. >Shivers and twitches build into shaking.
  517. >The winking of her heart-shaped button becoming more frequent and frantic - double-tapping your nose when it's not exposed for a longer moment than usual.
  518. >Her breathing losing regularity, going in and coming out in shorter and shorter measures.
  519. >The muscles in her barrel and legs flexing.
  520. >Whines and moans escalating into a howl rendered silent by the lack of oxygen in her lungs left to expel.
  521. >The insides of her marehood spasming and quaking with a force you hadn't seen before.
  522. >Then she seizes up.
  523. >Mouth agape, eyes wide open, Starlight stares through the crystalline ceiling.
  524. >Despite the serenity of stillness on the surface, the story was different for her within.
  525. >A storm approaches.
  526. >Despite the ample warning, you were still unprepared for the amount of marecum that came flooding out and directly into your mouth.
  527. >"eeeeEEEEIIIiiaaaAAHhuhuh!"
  528. >All at once.
  529. >The damn broke.
  530. >Your captor thrashed violently atop you.
  531. >She used her forehooves to pull you in deeper as her quaking form curled around your head.
  532. >Her screams surely would've awoken Fluttershy from here, but not even the guard at the castle/library partition could hear her.
  533. >Her gushing cunt filled your mouth.
  534. >The taste strangely intoxicating at this point.
  535. >Unable to turn away, and with more well on the way, you regretfully drank what you could to avoid drowning.
  536. >The flow from her tap cut off halfway through her minute long orgasm.
  537. >The screams of rapturous pleasure wind down to contented, happy huffs.
  538. >Her seizing form slumping atop you, still tensing in random areas.
  539. >By the end of it you were a coughing, and gagging mess.
  540. >The onslaught overwhelming you with some having gone down the wrong pipe while you struggled to breath.
  541. >Once Starlight regained enough composure, she pampered you by stroking your hair.
  542. >Cooing gently in appreciation.
  543. >Half-liddedly gazing down upon you.
  544. >Bliss.
  545. >Control.
  546. >Satisfied desire.
  547. >Eventually you balanced yourself out too.
  548. >You all sat in silence for a few.
  549. >"That was *huff* N-not bad for your first time- hoo, eating out a mare Nonny."
  550. >Abashedly you turn away from the praise.
  551. >Eager to hide the glossiness in your eyes.
  552. >It's just cause you agitated your lungs.
  553. >Yeah...
  554. >Trixie had collected herself and resorted to prepping the lower half of your dick by licking and suckling during her partner's face riding session.
  555. >She'd stopped to watch the fireworks though.
  556. >"Trixie hopes you've worked out your performance anxiety, because you still have one more mare left to satisfy Anonymous!"
  557. >A hoof glides along your shaft easily.
  558. >You shiver.
  559. >You know what's coming next.
  560. >While the succubus on your chest recollects herself, the other clambers up to take her seat in your lap.
  561. >Shuffling close enough to your dick that it rests along her tummy.
  562. >Her thick thighs give in a tempting manner before you feel her surprisingly toned muscles underneath contracting and releasing with her rhythmic grinding motions.
  563. >You suppose all that time pulling your own cart has a tendency to build muscle.
  564. >She presses her leaky nethers to the base of your member before standing it up against her crotch and belly with a hoof while using her other to mark how deep you would measure inside her from an outside perspective.
  565. >Pushing it in between two small but noticeably soft mounds, she gasps.
  566. >The unconscious wink kissing the area where your dick and balls meet was impossible to ignore with how much lubricant she covers them with.
  567. >*Gasp* "Wow," she whispers.
  568. >If Trixie is as small and tight as her partner was, then you're not so sure she'll be able to fit you in.
  569. >Even if she got around the girth, she'd possibly bottom out before you hilt considering your size difference.
  570. >The idea that all this was for naught brings a weary smile to your face.
  571. >Unable to hold back the smart-ass in you, a snide remark comes out.
  572. "If it's too big to put in, I completely understand. As a matter of fact, you should probably just let me go."
  573. >Your voice was so blatantly sardonic that you would have impregnated Starlight if you were still eating her out.
  574. >Starlight turns back to you and raises an eyebrow, underlined with a playful grin.
  575. >"Don't get ahead of yourself Nonny. The volunteer should know better than to think he can upstage the main act!" Starlight positions herself for round 2. "But if you insist that the only useful thing you have to offer is your mouth, then you better get to work!"
  576. >One foreleg propping herself up, she uses the other to roughly pull your hair and direct your mouth into her pony pussy once again.
  577. "Mmmff!"
  578. >The dominant expression of her lust and control over you makes you pause.
  579. >"I know that tongue of yours isn't tired yet!" Another tug of your hair. "Don't think I didn't notice you hardly trying before."
  580. >Not just an accusatory tone, but a threatening one.
  581. >Your eyes widen realizing you were caught.
  582. >Her tone changes to be caring, "Trixie can show you how to do better sometime later-"
  583. >Later?
  584. >"-but you better try this time. Or I will punish you."
  585. >And just like that, it's back to a threatening tone of voice.
  586. >One which promised to deliver.
  587. >With how rough she's already been, you're not too keen on seeing what kinds of punishments this sadist would dole out.
  588. >So this time you begin to eat her out with a little more effort.
  589. >Starting slow on her lips before diving in and building a rhythm.
  590. >*Unf* "Ooooh, yeeeaaah. That's right you pussyslut. Make mommy feel good."
  591. >Mommy?
  592. >Hungh...
  593. >Why does that make your heart beat a little faster?
  594. >Did that feel good?
  595. >Wait, no...
  596. >That can't be right.
  597. >The pheromones in the air & occasional caress have had the same effect so far...
  598. >That has to be another trick of her spell, right?
  599. >You refuse to mentally acknowledge that you had begun to prod & play with your tongue more feverishly after that.
  600. >Starlight begins her grinding anew on your mouth.
  601. >Trixie stops her grinding on your cock to answer your earlier remark herself.
  602. >"Mhhmmm. Trixie does find your sword to be too difficult to swallow for now, so she shall find another way to make it disappear!"
  603. >Uh-oh.
  604. >The goal to finish first may not be possible given the fact that Starlight was so quick to finish the first time.
  605. >If it's not just Starlight's palpable lust overwhelming her as much as the sensations did, then Trixie wouldn't be much more difficult to finish off given how long she's had to play with herself.
  606. >You'd outlast her, even with the attention she lavished you with on top of whatever spell Starlight used to heighten your libido.
  607. >The same spell that gave you an insta-boner could've just as easily been a spell to maintain a boner for much longer too.
  608. >Trixie's plot lifts off your lap as she shuffles forward, hooves on your stomach for support.
  609. >Her magical aura gripped your cock to position it below her waiting marehood.
  610. >An electric tingling sensation as subtle as the very gentle rubbing of your boxer briefs rustling against your genitals from an outside source of vibrations encased your dick.
  611. >Not electric like you'd thought it would be- not that you would think about ponies giving you magic jobs or anything!
  612. >No.
  613. >It was a tangible sensation, but in a transference from an outside source kinda way.
  614. >Either way, it was stimulating & drove your dick to another level of hardness.
  615. >The excitement from the mare above dripped down onto your already lubricated shaft.
  616. >"Still holding back on The Great and Powerful Trixie? You won't stay quiet for long."
  617. >Her aura gave your cock a few pumps before positioning it below the tip of her marehood.
  618. "Ugmph!"
  619. >A constant even pressure was applied when she did that.
  620. >If perhaps a bit too much, you know no hand could compare.
  621. >With the helmet of your soldier where she wanted it to be, her clit winked out for a kiss.
  622. >And you twitched in return.
  623. >The pleasurable sensation made her wink twice more in rapid succession & pull your cock up into an involuntary thrust of her hips.
  624. >You held in your groans of mild discomfort & sparking pleasure.
  625. >"Uuooh, yesss. Feel that Anonymous? That's how much The Great and Powerful Trixie adores her #1 fan."~
  626. >You'd feel honored if it weren't for the fact that this was a nonconsensual encounter.
  627. >"With that being said, The Great and Powerful Trrrixie shall begin!"
  628. >With one last wink against your shaft, Trixie pivots to line your shaft up with her soaking pussy.
  629. >The tip of your 'sword' rests against her puffy, slick, and soft lips.
  630. >Despite the boastful appearance, her hesitancy gives away that it is just an act.
  631. >That's fine since you have a moment to prepare for the penetration.
  632. >Or the attempt to at least.
  633. >Holding her breath, she begins to lower herself onto you.
  634. >Her lips part without much effort to accompany the head of your cock inside the same open space Starlight has.
  635. >But resistance is encountered at the entrance to her deeper canal.
  636. >A little force applied by her magic followed by an apparent expanding of her walls and you enter.
  637. >Can these ponies possess the vaginal control to expand and contract their walls at will?
  638. >Hoo boy...
  639. >It's getting hard to hold it in, but you do.
  640. >Almost choking yourself to stop any noises.
  641. >Though the tightening of your body and core muscles probably tells on you.
  642. >Trixie herself seems to be too busy to notice.
  643. >Silently, she adjusts to the intrusion.
  644. >Nothing save for the mix between tugging and expanding inside her is felt for a few seconds.
  645. >She winks against the top of your cock just below the head.
  646. *Ssssst*
  647. >You hiss at the arousing sensation you never knew existed.
  648. >She exhales.
  649. >Then takes in another breath to hold.
  650. >That would be all the warning you get before you feel her aura pump you to command your soldier to stand at full attention for another charge.
  651. >The toned muscles in her thighs eased her down despite the trembling in fear and excitement traveling throughout her body.
  652. >You could feel it.
  653. >Her need.
  654. >Her anxiety.
  655. >Her most intimate region adjusting to accommodate more of your shaft.
  656. >A feat which must take some considerable focus if your hunch was correct about a mare's ability to control that area - if even a little.
  657. >Some progress was made before she had to stop again.
  658. >Though, not one to lose momentum, Trixie doesn't stop for long.
  659. >The downward pressure increases a little more as her haunches release their tension just a hair more, allowing more of her body weight to sink herself further down.
  660. >She's probably taken in a quarter of your length, before you encounter another bottleneck in her progress.
  661. >"Hnng!"
  662. >Panting, her legs shake under the intense pressure of penetration.
  663. >Breathe still held, she inhales even more, pushing her lungs to full capacity as she applies more pressure.
  664. "Oof!"
  665. >It felt like she was trying to cram a dowel rod into a hole just a little too small.
  666. >A dowel rod you can feel.
  667. >The tightness grows until you can't budge.
  668. >She'd managed to take you halfway.
  669. >You're convinced you only managed to get this far because of how sopping wet she was, and had made you.
  670. >"Hhnnnnn!"
  671. >She shifts strategies and uses more than gravity to push herself down.
  672. >Opting to apply downward force with the leverage of her positioning as well.
  673. >It felt like she was going to snap your dick for a second before her insistence paid off and a sudden tumble down marked the end of her journey.
  674. >"..."
  675. >First, stunned silence.
  676. >Then.
  677. >"HAAAAAHH!"
  678. >The breath she'd held in came out all at once in a squeal of unfamiliar pain and pleasure as she fell down a little over three quarters of your cock.
  679. >Slamming her cervix onto it with all the force she'd been applying.
  680. >Considering she was a rookie with even the basics, it wouldn't be unfair to assume that this is her first time.
  681. >With penetration at least.
  682. >Her partner's lust being released on your face proof enough that they were most definitely intimate together.
  683. >Your dick twitches involuntarily at the thought.
  684. >No!
  685. >Bad Anon Jr.!
  686. >Lesbians are only hot when they're not raping you!
  687. >Your dick twitched again in blatant defiance of your mental struggle to save face.
  688. >There's an irony in saving face when there's currently a horny mare on it.
  689. >You can't see from the nethers of said mare on your face, but you could swear you felt more than just her lubricant running down your dick.
  690. >There was no doubt that she was probably hurting after that.
  691. >Even her walls paused for a moment from the shock before setting about pulling you in deeper against her innermost barrier fruitlessly.
  692. >Your brief pondering all you can do to avoid focusing on the sublime feeling of tight, pony pussy gripping you.
  693. >It was all you could do to avoid moaning.
  694. >You couldn't even keep lapping at the unexplored half of Starlight's pussy.
  695. >No.
  696. >Instead, all you give is a raspy drawn out exhale through your nose.
  697. >Suppressed like you were trying to hide the pain of a stubbed toe.
  698. >Both of you take a moment to recover.
  699. >Starlight turns to her panting partner.
  700. >Twisting her body around to place a hoof on your stomach just atop Trixie's own.
  701. >"Hey, you alright?"
  702. >"Y-yeah. Just hurts more than I thought it would."
  703. >Well, you weren't exactly pony-sized.
  704. >Of course it was gonna hurt a little more.
  705. >Let alone the cervical contact- wait, how come she's not going into shock or anything?
  706. >One would think that'd hurt like hell.
  707. >Guess these ponies were built to take a little more punishment than you thought.
  708. >"Want to keep going?"
  709. >No.
  710. >"Y-yeah. Just give me a moment."
  711. >What are you?
  712. >Chopped liver?
  713. >Smells really damn good when being cooked, but vile to eat.
  714. >Starlight does her best to lean into Trixie for a loving nuzzle.
  715. >"Of course, I should've known better than to doubt The Great and Powerful Trixie!"
  716. >A nuzzle which was returned.
  717. >"Nonsense *huff*, my lovely assistant! *Gasp* Doubts exist so that The Great *whew* and Powerful Trixie can *moan* defy them."
  718. >Trixie resumes her grinding.
  719. >Her insides consciously working on your shaft constantly.
  720. >The incredible grip leaving no sensation of her inner motions unfelt.
  721. >Both soft and solid, her many ridges coil and massage you.
  722. >The few working your head took your breath away.
  723. >This was unlike anything you'd ever felt either.
  724. >This was proving to be quite enjoyable despite your determination not to be tamed like some wild beast through your lust.
  725. >The only reason this wasn't quite heaven on Equestria was due to the fact that she had some of her weight resting on the tip of your dick.
  726. >Which wasn't even fully inside.
  727. >Her grinding was mostly serving to painfully bend you a little bit at the exposed part and the base of your shaft.
  728. "Ack."
  729. >Pulling out of the affectionate embrace with Trixie, Starlight turns back to you.
  730. >Past the layer of her marecum covering your face, she could see a barely contained grimace of discomfort.
  731. >"Oh? Is our volunteer not impressed with the performance?"
  732. >Trixie's efforts are rewarded with another twitch of your member despite the uncomfortable factor.
  733. >She places a forehoof on the bulge where your head is.
  734. >A visible indicator to where her womb begins.
  735. >She rubs it appreciatively, causing you to twitch back in response again.
  736. >"Try as he might, he's only barely hiding his enjoyment my lovely assistant."
  737. >"Oh? Is that so?"
  738. >The mare looking down at you smiles cockily.
  739. >Damnit!
  740. >You're not going to last the night are you?
  741. >"Well then, looks like we have to come up with something that'll make him cease his resistance?"
  742. >Trixie bends down to look at how much further she has to go, estimating it to be just a little more than the length of the head of your shaft.
  743. >She looks Starlight in her eyes and smirks.
  744. >"Perhaps it's because Trixie has yet to complete the main act!"
  745. >Wait.
  746. >Surely she doesn't mean...
  747. >She narrows her eyes before lifting her rear up.
  748. >Slowly, she withdrew your wedged dick from herself.
  749. >D-damn.
  750. >Human women just don't compare.
  751. >The contours and psuedo-ridges sliding your shaft, desperately pulling you in as much as they could.
  752. >Catching slightly over the rim of your penis' head individually.
  753. >You never knew ponies felt this intense.
  754. >And you likely never would have if these two hadn't jumped your bones.
  755. >That was the plan at least.
  756. >But damn, it was hard to hold onto your resolve when you can't even focus long enough to stay mad at these two!
  757. >Trixie halts her ascent, holding the tip of your sword just beyond that opening past her labia.
  758. >Wordlessly, the boastful mare drops herself onto you again.
  759. >"Hnng!"
  760. "Urk!"
  761. >The reentry was smoother this time since she'd adjusted to your size.
  762. >But it wasn't exactly smooth enough for a good pace to be built up quite yet.
  763. >You both know that if you weren't diamonds right now from bathing in the pheromones of these two, being stimulated and aroused the whole time, you'd probably slip out or break in half before you speared her again.
  764. >"Whooo..." *Huff huff*
  765. >Passing the time for another rise and fall, Trixie grinds back and forth again.
  766. >Rather than an attempt to adjust to you, it felt like she was testing the give of her cervix.
  767. >From your position down below, you couldn't see much with the mare on top of your chest.
  768. >But you could see one thing.
  769. >Starlight's expression mirrors your realization at what Trixie's trying to do.
  770. >And you felt it.
  771. >The slightest give in her backwall.
  772. >She was going to go for it.
  773. >You couldn't even believe this.
  774. >Surely her lust had driven her mad!
  775. >Starlight makes no motion to stop her.
  776. >Was she unconcerned?
  777. >Did she not care about Trixie hurting herself?
  778. >Or could it be that, in theory, this was possible?
  779. >You were only able to catch your breath when she rose up and dropped again.
  780. >This time both of you held in your noises.
  781. >You felt a little more than the usual give this time.
  782. >The slightest hints of an opening revealed itself.
  783. "T-Trixie, stop! You're going to keep hurting both of us! That's as far as I can-"
  784. >She cuts you off with another rise and fall.
  785. "-Guh!"
  786. >"Non-*huff* -sense Anonymous."
  787. >The tone of her voice has dropped all pretenses of a stage performance.
  788. >Slightly raspy from enduring the onslaught she's imposed upon her inner sanctum, her words carried a determined undertone.
  789. >"I WILL take you to the *ha* hilt."
  790. >Your own voice wavering from the sensations and lingering fear of the consequences of upsetting the two rapists.
  791. "C-can't you see your own limits?"
  792. >Starlight quirks her brow and returns her attention to you.
  793. "This is unnatural, and forcing it isn't going to end well."
  794. >The grinding stops.
  795. >Starlight narrows her eyes.
  796. "So maybe we should just pack up and go home?"
  797. >...
  798. >As the silence drags on your anxiousness builds.
  799. >Fears of having upset them are confirmed when Trixie finally speaks up.
  800. >"You think I'm unnatural?..."
  801. >Starlight sensing the hurt of her marefriend, is angered by this.
  802. >Eyes adopting a piercing stare, she drops down close to you so she can stare at you face-to-face.
  803. >The crazed look frightened you.
  804. "What?! No! Not at all, I've always seen you as a close friend!"
  805. >Starlight's intense gaze only wavered at the mention of 'friends'.
  806. >What showed through her countenance trying to mimick the penance stare, was annoyance.
  807. >But it was brief.
  808. >She then stared you down again before demanding clarification.
  809. >"Oh yeah? Then what DID you mean Anon?"
  810. >"Yeah-"
  811. >Trixie lifts up.
  812. >"-what-"
  813. >She stops at the head of your cock.
  814. >"-DID-"
  815. >Dropping down when the word leaves her mouth.
  816. >"-you-"
  817. >Unphased by the impact she carries the sentence on addressing you.
  818. >"-mean?!"
  819. >Aggressively grinding down onto your cock like she were trying to stick Excalibur into the stone to begin with.
  820. >Having clenched your eyes to endure the assault, Starlight wasn't happy.
  821. >She grabs your hair roughly with her magic, holding your chin in hoof like she did earlier.
  822. >"Well?! Answer her."
  823. >That was an order.
  824. >You take what precious few seconds you feel they've given you to scramble for a defense.
  825. >Opening your eyes to meet Starlight's.
  826. "I-uh, just mean us. As a 'thing'."
  827. >Shrink ever so slightly.
  828. >"Us?"
  829. >The lilac mare atop you spat almost accusingly.
  830. "Yeah. Humans and-" pause to avoid calling them animals, "erm, anything else really. It's just not natural for us - and neither is a polygamous relationship."
  831. >Her anger subsides, but only back down to the annoyance from before.
  832. >"You still don't know anything do you."
  833. >Starlight's ears swivel to divide her attention to the mare behind her while still silently watching you.
  834. >"Even after Starlight's spell made you remember every little thing. Yet, you choose to continue to ignore our feelings."
  835. >No motion is made to grind your member against her final barrier.
  836. >The task set aside to make a point.
  837. >Even the inside turbulence has settled to a standstill.
  838. >More evidence of an incredible amount of control.
  839. >Scary considering she's a newbie to this kind of position.
  840. >You offer no response in naive hope that she'll just move on.
  841. >"You're not dense Anon, you've just actively refused our advances. You did this to yourself."
  842. >Head held still, you moved your eyes to look away in a kind of shame.
  843. >Knowing that on some level, she was right.
  844. >Starlight shakes you forcefully again before adding.
  845. >"You made us do this. All it took was one perfect opportunity."
  846. >Once again staring into your captor's eyes, you see now that there is a hurt present in them.
  847. >The sorrow was deeper than that of rejection.
  848. >There was a tome of something else.
  849. >Maybe she feels bad about doing what she's doing.
  850. >Sad that things had to turn out this way.
  851. >An observation that's hard to reconcile considering your rough treatment.
  852. >The slightest beachhead of sympathy for your abusers established, you feel compelled to give them an excuse that you knew they'd easily knock down.
  853. "I-uh, was just uncomfortable... with a three-way relationship!"
  854. >Starlight scoffs.
  855. >Trixie is the one to shoot down your feeble defense.
  856. >"Polygamy is the norm here in Equestria!"
  857. >You fire back defensively, eager to seize any attempt to stand up for yourself.
  858. "Well, sorry for not knowing about the customary harems!"
  859. >"They're called herds Anonymous."
  860. "Then how come I haven't seen any then?"
  861. >"It's not that you haven't seen them, but you have refused to acknowledge them as well."
  862. >Starlight backs her up.
  863. >"There's not enough stallions to go around, it's really difficult to start one!"
  864. >Emphasizing the subjects of her point with a couple yanks of your hair.
  865. >Trixie sadly mumbles behind her.
  866. >"Especially if you're a couple of ex-villains like us..."
  867. "Aw Trixie, you've come a long w-"
  868. >"STOP IT!"
  869. >Before you had a chance to question why you were so quick to attempt to comfort the offending pony, your impulsive reassurances were cut off.
  870. >"JUST- stop it..."
  871. >Mouth wide shut, you pick up Trixie's huffing from the frustrated exertion.
  872. >Keep quiet.
  873. >Starlight leans back to continue looking down at you.
  874. >Silent still.
  875. >Allowing Trixie her much needed catharsis.
  876. >"Do you have any idea why we like you Anonymous?"
  877. ...
  878. >She takes your silence as a no.
  879. >An indicator that you're intent on listening to what she has to say.
  880. >"This. That! THAT is why we wanted YOU."
  881. >The lilac pony atop you only stares in disappointment as your reaction reveals the beginnings of an understanding of what she meant.
  882. >Now deciding to speak up.
  883. >Voice cold enough to make the very words fall out of the air and knock the wind out of you.
  884. >"But you never saw us that way. Whenever we tried to make it known how much we liked you, you kept us at a distance by feigning ignorance."
  885. >Before you could deny it, Starlight clenched her shapely thighs around your neck.
  886. "Urk!"
  887. >"Don't lie to us Anonymous."
  888. >Trixie's warning makes you pause to consider everything.
  889. >The grip on your throat relaxes as you take a step back to see your building realization and the implications of it.
  890. >These two mares really do love you.
  891. >You were the only one to really treat them with kindness.
  892. >Well, outside of Twilight's friends offering their obligatory support that is.
  893. >So much so that even in this situation you tried to comfort them.
  894. >Inadvertently, you wrought a cruelty upon them more painful than the general shunning and fear the others directed towards them.
  895. >All the times you encouraged them, they responded positively to you.
  896. >Twi and the girls came to you to help sort them out if they couldn't get through.
  897. >You'd shown them patience and believed in them.
  898. >Been the warm male presence that made them WANT to be better.
  899. >Unwittingly, your validation had become a secondary purpose for the two reforming mares.
  900. >Not just because you were the first thing to cling to.
  901. >You'd taken the time to understand them and explain why something may have been insensitive.
  902. >Even between the two of them on more than one occasion.
  903. >Your presence was the glue which had enabled their relationship to last as long as it has to begin with.
  904. >When you put it that way, it's hard to see how you wouldn't wind up being the stallion in their little herd.
  905. >Yet you danced around the subject because it made you uncomfortable.
  906. >You'd dangled the possibility of irrevocable, unconditional acceptance in front of them.
  907. >And denied them that closure.
  908. >You'd become their reference point for normality, a guide among the denizens of town who kept their guard up around them.
  909. >Ponies who'd be willing to take a chance engaging with them candidly when you were around.
  910. >But then when they'd developed inevitable feelings for you, you showed the same hesitancy everyone else did.
  911. >Who knows how long they've held this in.
  912. >They've likely been struggling with renewed feelings of doubt in their place in the community because your irresolution undermined everything.
  913. >Because if even you had a limit to your comfort zone, then it'd be hopeless to keep trying.
  914. >Because everyone else would too.
  915. >And it'd possibly be reached far before yours was.
  916. >Meaning that they may never be able to truly settle down in a herd with others who fully accepted them.
  917. >Wouldn't hold their flaws against them.
  918. >Wouldn't scold them out of nowhere.
  919. >Wouldn't constantly remind them that they had a long way to go.
  920. >Wouldn't fear the worst when they erred temporarily.
  921. >Your good standing in the community and with the royalty, your good judgement, means that your acceptance of them would be proof positive of their redemption.
  922. >A shortcut.
  923. >Cut short.
  924. >That's why this was the point of contention.
  925. >Conflict was inevitable, and for some reason it bubbled up to the surface now.
  926. >Something about a perfect timing she said?
  927. >Regardless.
  928. >You did deserve this.
  929. >At least on some level.
  930. >It's with that you feel a little resigned to your fate tonight.
  931. >But not completely.
  932. "You can't."
  933. >Their attention takes on an air of doubt, and offense.
  934. >One that said 'how can you still keep going?'
  935. >But it's for their own good.
  936. >You cannot allow them to think that by taking any kind of shortcut, that they could skip over all the hard work still required.
  937. >That's unfair to everyone.
  938. >Unfair to the denizens of Ponyville.
  939. >Their rightfully held concerns and doubts.
  940. >Unfair to you.
  941. >Your reservations about opening up before you felt the two were ready for such a big step.
  942. >Unfair to themselves.
  943. >Their efforts in bridging the gap of suspicion.
  944. "You're undermining all of your hard work."
  945. >You could only continue to look into Starlight's eyes, but you could tell Trixie's narrowed in anger too.
  946. >The concern in your voice only serving to confusingly twist the knife further, you're sure.
  947. >Especially after her heartfelt confession.
  948. >The tears forming in their eyes another indication of their hurt.
  949. >A hurt they don't understand why they have to go through.
  950. >They're confused and hurt as to why this was even happening at all.
  951. >Maybe they'll understand that their swirling emotions only made this inevitable.
  952. "You can't just force me to open up when I'm not ready. You're better than the need to take short cuts girls."
  953. >The tone with which you delivered your decided standing came off as that of a disappointed father.
  954. >They seem to consider your words.
  955. >You look up to Starlight with a pleading, worried expression.
  956. >Another pregnant pause.
  957. >Bit by bit, their breathing grows a little ragged and uneven.
  958. >Forceful huffing the only noises you can hear.
  961. [To Be Continued...]
  962. Further updates nearly nightly on the Flutterrape Thread!

Sheltered Dawn

by CrookedIronsights

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Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs

by CrookedIronsights

(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

by CrookedIronsights

Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

by CrookedIronsights