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By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-17 23:51:42
Updated: 2023-09-17 23:54:36
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by Smudgey
  3. >Day All my friends are toys in Equestria.
  4. >You are Anon
  5. >Wake up feeling pretty good for once.
  6. >You had passed out after finally building those model figurines you had been meaning to get around to.
  7. >You tend to fall asleep when you're literally watching paint dry.
  8. >Looking over to your desk, you gaze at the glory that is your action figure collection.
  9. >Though the figures they made in ponyland were fucking weird, you still had the rights to say you held the complete set.
  10. >Bitches be jelly.
  11. >You yawn and sit up
  12. >Maybe today you'd start building that replica of Canterlot so your warriors could rape and pillage it.
  13. >You get out of bed and proceed to immediately slip on one of your toy cars.
  14. >Falling face first on a lego brick.
  15. >You remember doing the exact same fucking thing on earth once.
  16. >The pain is quite possibly worse than stepping on a rusty nail.
  17. >Fucking world can be filled with pastel colored ponies and still nothing ever changes.
  18. >You crawl off the floor, an imprint of the lego indented in your forehead.
  19. >Proceed to head to the bathroom.
  20. >Shit, shower, brush teeth.
  21. >You'd shave if you had the stubble to do so, but your puny body always got the last laugh.
  22. >Putting on some cheap clothes you head to the kitchen and get ready for breakfast.
  23. >Apples and milk.
  24. >Do not question where the milk comes from.
  25. >Never gonna become a real man when your stuck eating fucking vegetarian three meals a day.
  26. >You lay your head on the kitchen table and sigh.
  27. >An oddly timed knock comes from your door.
  28. >Look at the clock, must be ButterSqueak ready for another round.
  29. >You sigh again.
  30. >Let's get this shit over with.
  31. >You walk over to the door and open it apprehensively.
  32. >There's YellowMellow... at least... you think it's her?
  33. >She looks...different.
  34. >She's shiny...
  35. >Her whole body looks as if its made of metal, and her eyes made of glass.
  36. >You can see all the joints in her body smoothly connecting together like a porcelain doll.
  37. >And her mane looks like its made from some kind of strong plastic, complete with fake flowers.
  38. >She stares at you motionless.
  39. this some kind of joke Fluttershy?
  40. >You hear faint buzzing noises as she looks up and starts speaking without even opening her mouth, her voice resounding out through the speakers in her cheeks.
  41. >"GREETING: GoOd MoRnInG AnOnYmOuS, HoW WeLl ArE YoU FuNcTiOnInG ToDaY?"
  42. >She can't be serious, that's just Fluttershy in a costume or something right?
  43. I'm...I'm doing ok, are...are you alright?
  44. >"REPLY: I Am FuNcTiOnInG aT OpTimAl CaPaCiTy ToDaY ThAnK YoU.
  45. >Ok this is getting creepy.
  46. Flutters...why don't you take that silly costume off so we can have a normal day for once.
  47. >"REBUTTAL: We ArE NoT MiStReSs FlUtTeRsHy, sHe HaS MeReLy mAdE Us In HeR LiKeNeSs.
  48. >Alright let's humor her.
  49. And why would she do that?
  50. >"ANSWER: To WaTcH aS I SeRvE YoU iN eVeRy PoSsIbLe MaNnEr
  51. >Your jimmies start to rustle.
  52. Watch...what do you mean watch?
  53. >"ANSWER: ThE ReTiNaL CaMeRaS I Am EqUiPpEd WiTh ShOuLd PrOvE SufFiCiEnT."
  54. >oh fuck
  55. >she can't be serious
  56. >There's no way she could know...
  57. S-sufficient for what?
  58. >There's a long awkward pause between the two of you.
  59. >Then she hits you with it.
  60. >"QUERY: Do YoU FinD AuToNoMoUs MeChAnIzAtIoNs SufFiCiEnTly ArRoUsInG AnOnYmOuS?
  61. >No...dear god it's not possible.
  62. >She couldn't have known that you always wanted your own sex droid.
  63. ha...hahaha of course not Fluttershy don't be stupid.
  64. >Her eyes glow green for a moment.
  65. >"SCANNING: HeArT RaTe AnD CoRe BoDy TeMpErAtUrE InCrEaSiNg ExPoNeNtIalLy"
  66. >You're sweating bullets now.
  67. What?
  68. >"ANALYSIS: AnOnYmOuS iS aTtEmPtInG tO FaBrIcAtE CrItIcAl InFoRmAtIon"
  69. >Time for your best poker face.
  71. >Smooth Anon, fucking smooth as Flutterbot's flank.
  72. >"SUMMARY: BeGiN DePlOyInG CoUnTeRmEaSuReS"
  73. Fuck no.
  74. >You bend down, ready to cunt punt her all the way to Mayor Mare's office when you freeze.
  75. >Her sides are gone...literally.
  76. >Various whips, chains, and straps shoot out from where her ribcage should be.
  77. >Ohellnaw.jpg
  78. >You slam the door in her face and start running for the stairs.
  79. >You reach them just in time to witness your door melting.
  80. >Its made of fucking wood and its MELTING!
  81. >She steps inside eyes glowing with a menacing red glare.
  82. You got LAZER EYES NOW? Why the hell would you even NEED LAZERS!?!?
  83. >She opens her mouth to reply.
  84. >At least, that's what you thought she was gonna do.
  85. >Opening her jaw wide, a grappling claw shoots out.
  87. >You barely make it up the stairs as the claw latches onto one of the arm rest's wooden pegs.
  88. >You shiver in terror as you hear the sound of it snapping like a twig.
  89. >Rushing to your bedroom you slam the door shut and shove the dresser in front of it.
  90. >That wouldn't last long, but you didn't need it to.
  91. >Just needed time to escape.
  92. >Running to the window you crack it wide open.
  93. >Sticking both legs through, you look back to your door.
  94. >Your body is wracked with the recoil of an explosion.
  95. >The barrier you half-assedly cooked up was destroyed in one shot.
  96. >Chunks of charred flaming wreckage litter your room now.
  97. >You shed a single tear as you watch the models you painstakingly spent all night painting slowly melt.
  98. >And standing in the doorway is Flutterbot standing on her hind legs, her arms outstretched like rocket launchers.
  99. Are you fucking KIDDING ME?
  100. >Not waiting for an answer this time you leap outside.
  101. >Its only a two story drop, you'd gotten used to jumping out it on occasion thanks to MellowQuiet's relentlessness.
  102. >Ground still hurt like a bitch though.
  103. >Ducking and rolling you get up with a running start and book it to town.
  104. >You hear a noise coming closely behind you.
  105. >"EXECUTE: ChAsE SuBrOuTiNe, BeGiN ApPrEhEnSiOn"
  106. >Don't look back, don't look back, don't look-
  107. >You look behind you.
  108. >Flutterbot is flying after you, her apparently "decorative" wings replaced with jet engines.
  109. This is bullshit! You are so fucking hax right now!
  110. >She's gaining on you.
  111. >You can hear her shout in the distance.
  113. >Gotta go fast!
  114. >Burning your legs at the speed of KENYANS, you manage to get to ponyville.
  115. >Ponies turn and stare as the resident human runs screaming by, followed shortly by a blazing trail of smoke and exhaust.
  116. >Don't know where to go.
  117. >There's only one real place to go actually.
  118. >You make a sharp right, pushing over a fruit stand as is tradition.
  119. >An orange splats in Flutterbot square in the face.
  120. >She doesn't even flinch as little windshield wipers clean her eyes for her.
  121. >Rushing to a crowd you start barreling through.
  123. >Ponies start making a path for you.
  124. >You hurdle over the ones to stupid to pay attention like an Olympic athlete going for the gold.
  125. >Flutterbot weaves in between all of them with timed precision.
  126. >You were almost there, the damn place was in sight.
  127. >But Flutterbot was almost in arms reach about to grab the junk in your trunk.
  128. Al...most...
  129. >Thinking fast, you grab a random mare and toss her at Flutterbot.
  130. >"What in the world?!?"
  131. >To focused on acquiring your hot ass she doesn't have time to react to your attack.
  132. >The two collide and crumple down into a heaping mess in the middle of the road.
  133. Sorry background pony, your sacrifice shall be remembered...maybe.
  134. >Finally at your destination, you bust in without even the decency to knock first.
  135. >Stumbling in, you slam the door behind you and lock it immediately.
  136. >Running to a window, you look outside to check on the situation.
  137. >"Um...can I help you?"
  138. Oh Twilight thank god you're here.
  139. >"Well it IS my house remember."
  140. ...right, anyway I need help and I'm guessing you're the only one who can.
  141. >She gives an exaggerated sigh
  142. >"Okayyyy what's the problem today Anon?"
  143. Alright, so Fluttershy comes to my house today, only its not Fluttershy, but it IS Fluttershy, and she's all like "Iamgoingtoserveyou" and then she started shooting LAZERS and-
  144. >"Oh that, you must be talking about the android I had built for Fluttershy"
  145. >Silence.
  146. ...You what?
  147. >"Well we all know how much you love toys Anon. So when Fluttershy came to me one day and asked me to make her a life size Fluttershy for you to play with when you get lonely how could I resist?"
  148. >You hear the sound of engines at the window.
  149. >There's you mechanical rapist hovering with a sick grin.
  150. >"STATMENT: ReSiStEnCe Is FuTiLe AnOnYmOuS.
  151. >"Isn't it just adorable?"
  152. >You had no words.
  153. >All of them had been blocked out by pure hate.
  154. >All you could think to yourself was.
  156. >MotherFucking Twilight Sparkle...


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount

Impossibly Lucky Anon

by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount