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Two of a Kind [Zecora Special]

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-18 00:45:26
Updated: 2023-09-18 01:51:52
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by Smudgey
  3. >Day A Secret Brew And A Bet For Two in Equestria.
  4. >Be Anon, currently hiding under a bed at a certain zebra's hut as you seek refuge.
  5. >Why there of all places you ask? Because the mares in this town be fucking crazy.
  6. >The rapey "I want you inside me" kind of crazy.
  7. >Being an outsider as well, Zecora is the only one that treats you with any semblance of respect.
  8. >She's the only one you can trust when the others are out to get you.
  9. >You had become quite friendly with each other after she had caught you hiding under her bed the first... twelve or so times.
  10. >After a while the whole ordeal started to be routine to both of you, almost in a charming sort of way.
  11. >So here you are, once again, only now it feels like just an excuse to visit your close friend.
  12. >Drawn away from your thoughts, you hear someone reaching the door.
  13. >You listen for a moment before knocking is heard.
  14. >One, two... three, four.
  15. >The hidden lock soon unlatches and the familiar color of black and white walks in.
  16. >There's a short pause, before she immediately starts playing dumb.
  17. >"Do eyes play tricks, am I mistaken? My bed's transfixed, my floor misshapen?"
  18. >Yeaaaah this wasn't exactly the most ideal place to hide.
  19. >Placing a satchel on a table, she walks over to your hiding spot, and tilts her head down to the floor level.
  20. >Covering her mouth with a hoof, she holds back a snicker.
  21. >"A human I spy with my little eye. It's time to come out, no need to be shy."
  22. >Sighing in defeat, you struggle to get out from the space that was three times too small for you.
  23. >She rolls her eyes playfully as she watches you squirm your way out.
  24. >"Really Anon, why must you hide. Is there no other place you've tried?"
  25. >Finally managing to squeeze your way out, you lean down and dust off your clothes.
  26. Last time I tried hiding in one of your pots I got stuck remember?
  27. >She places a hoof on her cheek and lets out a depressed sigh.
  28. >"Ah yes, how could I forget? Breaking that urn, I still regret."
  29. >As she wanders back to the table, she digs into her satchel, revealing several different herbs.
  30. >In a few quick moments she's preparing some boiling water as she sprinkles some dried leaves into it.
  31. >"Since you're here, let's share some tea. A tale it appears, you have for me."
  32. >You start to frown as she reminds you of why you're hiding today.
  33. >The entire Ponyville love and tolerance squad had a hit out for you since morning.
  34. >As you start to sigh, Zecora tries to lighten the mood.
  35. >"Unless of course, you mean to say. My own charm brought you all this way?"
  36. >With a gentle smile, she slowly sways her behind back and forth in a very subtle manner.
  37. >Sour mood gone in an instant, you smile again and jab her instead.
  38. Hmmm let me check.
  39. >Lifting open the waistline of your pants, you put a hand on your chin and pretend to inspect your junk.
  40. Let's seeeeee, nnnnnope, sorry. Looks like we'll just have to settle for my charm instead.
  41. >You hear her let out a light chuckle.
  42. >"Ahh yes, just as I expected. You wound my pride each time it's rejected."
  43. >She places a hoof over her chest and feigns grief.
  44. >It only makes you smile and roll your eyes.
  45. If that were true you wouldn't have any pride left by now.
  46. >Zecora liked to tease you a lot about this sort of thing, but you both had a mutual understanding by now.
  47. >But before the two of you get carried away, she takes a kettle and fills it up with the boiling liquid.
  48. >"Please, sit down and have a seat. A welcome guest is quite the treat."
  49. >As she says that, she prepares cups of her tea for both of you, sliding yours over gingerly.
  50. >She then proceeds to give herself something extra.
  51. >Taking a flower from her pouch, she drops it into her own drink, which puffs out a small tuft of green smoke.
  52. >Afterwards, she takes a sip and lets out a relaxed sigh.
  53. >Must be her own special blend.
  54. >Done basking in her drink, she brings her attention back to you.
  55. >"Now share your woes in great detail. I'd love to know why you've grown pale."
  56. >You take a sip of your drink and bite your tongue, you'd forgotten how bitter her stuff was.
  57. Well it's nothing special... more of the same really.
  58. >The mare tilts her head to the side.
  59. >"More of those misplaced affections? Compulsive love despite objections?"
  60. >You nod your head and sigh.
  61. I just need to lay low for a whi-
  62. >Right as you're about to take another sip of your grass water, you hear a loud banging on the door.
  63. >That wild and loose banging is something you recognize in an instant.
  64. >It still makes you jump a little despite having grown used to it.
  65. Welp, speak of the she-devils, seems that's my cue to leave.
  66. >As you prepare to stand up and leap out the window, a hoof rests itself on your shoulder.
  67. >You look over to see Zecora smiling at you with her eyes closed.
  68. >"Sit sit, enjoy your tea. Leave the talking to me."
  69. >Casually standing up, she proceeds to walk over to her door in no particular rush.
  70. >In the time it takes for her to do so, you drum your fingers against your drink as you idly consider bailing anyway.
  71. >...No it's alright, if Zecora says she's got this, she's got this.
  72. >Doesn't stop you from shifting your chair to the opposite side of the doorway though.
  73. >As she opens the door, she makes sure to keep it relatively closed, only allowing her head to poke through.
  74. >There on her doorstep are all the elements of harmony, sweating and mostly out of breath as if they had been running all day.
  75. >"A band of friends I love to see. What brings you all to visit me?"
  76. >Twilight barely manages to collect her words.
  77. >"Haaa... Hello... Anon... Seen him?"
  78. >Placing a hoof on her chin, the zebra pretends to think, pausing for an excruciatingly long time.
  79. >The rest of the girls clearly start to grow anxious.
  80. >"Well if you haven't we'll just be-"
  81. >But right as they're about to leave, Twilight is suddenly startled as Zecora makes a loud gasp.
  82. >"Ah of course, now I remember. A man so coarse, who'd never surrender."
  83. >"So you saw-"
  84. >"Indeed I saw! A sight so deprave! He ran in awe, straight to a cave!"
  85. >Reaching into her pouch, she throws some weird dust in the air that creates a green illusion of you running in nothing but your underpants, flailing your arms in the air like a lunatic.
  86. >"Straight to the den of the elder bear, a place most ponies would never dare."
  87. >You listen as the girls start worriedly whispering amongst each other.
  88. >At the mention of a bear, Fluttershy starts to mumble behind the others.
  89. >"Oh... th-that doesn't sound so bad."
  90. >Clicking her tongue, Zecora spills some more of that green dust, changing the illusion to a wild snarling beast of a bear.
  91. >"I assure you this bear is not so sweet, you'll sing a new tune beneath his feet. Besting the bear will be quite the feat, he'll take much care to truly defeat."
  92. >The crowd of girls collectively gulp in fear.
  93. >Becoming impatient, Twilight tries to get some actual useful information for this wild goose chase.
  94. >"If Anon is actually in danger we need to help him right away. Could you at least show us where this... "elder bear" lives?"
  95. >Zecora simply shakes her head back and forth.
  96. >"I am afraid not my dear, I have more pressing matters I fear. Though difficult it might appear, your course of action is quite clear."
  97. >With a wave of her hoof, the green illusion changes once more, transforming into a rather nasty looking part of the forest.
  98. >"Far down deep in the swamp, that's where you'll find your romp."
  99. >The girls look at each other, clearly confused and unsure.
  100. >But Zecora will have none of that.
  101. >"Quickly now, you mustn't waste. You might catch him if you make haste!"
  102. >Pointing in the completely opposite direction, most of the girls panic and take off, not bothering to thank the Zebra for her time.
  103. >Twilight is the only one that does the polite thing and stays.
  104. >"Well thank you Zecora, it's always good to know we have friends to count on."
  105. >As the black and white mare begins to close the door, she barely manages to hide a cheeky smile forming on her face.
  106. >"A friend in need is a friend indeed."
  107. >Closing the door fully, you both wait a moment until you hear hooves clopping away.
  108. >A few seconds later Zecora has returned to her seat.
  109. ...Have I ever told you how fantastic you are?
  110. >She idly turns and looks up at you with a soft expression.
  111. >"Oh I'm sure that is nothing new, but please do not let that stop you."
  112. >You reach over and poke her cheek affectionately.
  113. Well you're amazing, and once again I owe you one.
  114. >She reaches up and gently pushes your finger away.
  115. >"If we tallied every debt you owed, we'd never reach the seeds you've sowed."
  116. >You scratch your head in embarrassment.
  117. Yeesh, you're not adding interest on that are ya?
  118. >With a light chuckle she shakes her head and takes another sip.
  119. >Her way with words never seems to stop impressing you.
  120. >You know you already said it, but she really is amazing.
  121. Where did you learn to smooth talk like that anyway?
  122. >You meant it as a compliment, but for some reason as soon as you asked, an awkward silence settled between the two of you.
  123. >As she stares into her cup, she closes her eyes and makes a very somber face.
  124. >"It is not by my own choice do my words unfold, it is an unnatural curse of tale untold."
  125. >Her solemn expression is met by yours of cheeky skepticism, followed by blowing a raspberry.
  126. Pffft, come on Zecora. I know it's your talent and all, but calling it a "curse" is a bit much, rhyming isn't THAT hard.
  127. >The mare raises a brow as she takes another sip of her tea, though her turquoise eyes remain closed.
  128. >"It seems you do not quite fully understand, for this is no ordinary curse at hand."
  129. >She places her cup down and grabs a small flower that looks like any other from her pouch, holding it above your drink.
  130. >Opening her eyes, she locks them with your own.
  131. >"Why I must live in this forest alone, many a plant grows in spots most unknown."
  132. >Plucking petals one by one, she lets them fall gently into your cup, each one causing the water to hue a sickly green.
  133. >"You'll see that this tea has a taste like no other, too soon you are doomed and will beg for another."
  134. >As if to emphasize her words, the drink spits out a green puff of smoke much like her own did earlier.
  135. >You stare down at your drink and wonder how anything so putrid looking could possibly taste "good".
  136. >"But beware for the price is higher than you think, your voice will not be your own after just one drink."
  137. >Another petal and another puff of green smoke plumes from your cup, accentuating her other worldly aura as she smiles mischievously.
  138. >"The curse of the rhyme, we'll both share. Just sip from this brine, should you dare."
  139. >Sliding the bubbling liquid to you, she flutters her eyelashes in a surprisingly seductive manner.
  140. >Crossing your arms, you stare at the concoction with skepticism.
  141. So you're telling me, that this drink -forces- you to rhyme?
  142. >With a slight smirk, she nods her head slightly.
  143. Now why in the seven hells would you possibly do that?
  144. >Reaching for her own drink, she takes a sip nonchalantly.
  145. >"Anon this is no ordinary beverage, in fact I'd say it goes quite beyond -average-."
  146. >She leans down and places the tip of her hoof on the lip of your cup, circling the rim slowly.
  147. >"A simple rhyme is a small price to pay, to sip from its exotic taste each day."
  148. >You narrow your eyes, trying to see what she's playing at.
  149. >Seeing you still haven't been sold on the idea, she lifts her hoof away and taps her chin in thought.
  150. >"It seems that this bet is more than you'd care, perhaps a wager might spice up this dare?"
  151. >Your ears prick up a bit.
  152. >You always did like a friendly wager.
  153. >Tentatively, you intertwine your fingers and rest your hands on your lap.
  154. ...I'm listening.
  155. >She smirks as she gets ready to throw out the bait.
  156. >"Thinking my manner of speech is such ease, surely outdoing myself is a breeze."
  157. >Sitting back down in her seat, she places her elbow on the table and rests her hoof on her cheek, continuing to smile her subtle grin.
  158. >"What I propose is a test of will, we'll see who can rhyme till we've had our fill."
  159. >She picks up your cup and begins to swirl it around.
  160. >"No matter the manner to converse one chooses, the first one to stumble is the first one who loses."
  161. >Taking a sip of your drink herself, she offers it to you up close and personal.
  162. >"To beat me in rhyme would bring me such shame. Your heart's desires... if you best my own game."
  163. >You let her words sink in for a moment.
  164. >Your heart's desires eh?
  165. >Immediately, you start to toss and jumble a number of random thoughts in your head.
  166. >An image of Zecora wearing a maid outfit creeps up, but you gently push it away when you realize that seems kinda racist.
  167. >Still giggle at the idea though.
  168. >You can't even decide on what you want, but the excitement of a challenge is already eating at you.
  169. >Looking down at her poison of choice, you watch as your hand slowly creeps up to it.
  170. >Well... why not. Heck you're a human, this joke of a drink might not even work on you.
  171. >It probably won't even have an effect, you like those odds.
  172. >Gripping it tightly, you feel the condensation on your fingertips.
  173. >Just as you lift it up, you suddenly stop right before the first sip.
  174. Wait... what happens if I lose?
  175. >You had been so caught up in the idea of winning, you hadn't thought of the possible consequences.
  176. >Can't believe you almost let that detail slip by.
  177. >Closing her eyes, she puts on a very solemn poker face.
  178. >"A promise that's broken will spell your own doom. The curse of unspoken you'll be forced to consume."
  179. >You feel yourself gulp.
  180. >Though you had no idea what that riddle meant, it certainly sounded unpleasant.
  181. Hold on a damn sec, that sounds pretty mean spirited for a simple bet, what do you even get out of it?
  182. >Flashing a gentle smirk, she calmly walks around behind you and glides her hooves along your back before lifting them over your shoulders, whispering in your ear.
  183. >"You're not the only one with carnal desires. Lose at this bet and you'll stoke my own fires~."
  184. >You could feel your face visibly scrunch up in protest.
  185. >"But that would be assuming of course, your voice has not already grown... hoarse~?"
  186. >The cheeky zebra covers her mouth as she pretends to hide a chuckle.
  187. >Suddenly the stakes had been raised far more than you'd had liked.
  188. >Zecora was your friend... a GOOD friend... hell maybe even your only friend, but you didn't really want her to be *that* kind of friend.
  189. >Sensing your feelings, she places her cheek next to your own.
  190. >"Do not feel pressured by my lust for fun, a friendship once weathered will come undone."
  191. >You stare down at the bubbling concoction.
  192. >Would it be right to puss out now?
  193. ...Ah fuck it.
  194. >Picking your cup up, you place it to your lips.
  195. >You can't help but hesitate for a moment before finally giving in.
  196. Bottoms up.
  197. >Soon as the fluid hits your throat, your mouth starts to burn.
  198. >It takes all your will power not to cough and choke.
  199. >For a while it stings like hell, but oddly enough it soon begins to change into the most delicious beverage you've ever had.
  200. >As if the scalding liquid was physically transforming your taste buds to its own whim.
  201. >Running your tongue along the roof of your mouth, you smack your lips a couple times.
  202. Hmmm, not bad, not bad at all.
  203. >You see her staring at you in the liquid's reflection.
  204. >"Anon my friend, how do you feel? Do you now see, its alluring appeal?"
  205. >Well, you may not feel like rhyming, but she definitely got one thing right that's for sure.
  206. >This drink is actually pretty good, if she offered another you probably would.
  207. >It's a real "shame" it was all for naught, guess it wasn't as strong as she thought.
  208. >With another gulp, you relax with a gasp. You let out a sneer as you chide with a rasp.
  209. The drink is fine, to that I'll confess. But I'm afraid you'll find I must contest.
  210. >Your head held up high, your cup raised aloft. Ready to mock her as you smugly scoffed.
  211. Zecora this drink is totally bogus, I knew it was no more than hocus pocus.
  212. >But right as the words escape your own lips, you notice her smile reaching its tips.
  213. >"It would seem our game has begun! I do hope you're prepared for some fun."
  214. >In an instant you cover your mouth, it's clear your "plan" has already gone south.
  215. >It didn't make sense, you didn't pull through? How could it be that your gamble came true!?
  216. What the hell, this simply can't be. It wasn't supposed to happen to me!
  217. >Clasping your head with both of your hands, the rhymes spill out despite your commands.
  218. I'm not a horse, I'm a son of man. This wasn't part of the fucking plan!
  219. >This shouldn't be right, you know you're from earth! Yet all of your pleas, are answered by mirth.
  220. >"Oh dear Anon, surely you jest? Do not tell me that was your best?"
  221. >You try to calm down and keep hold of your grammar. You refused to be made a fool in this manner.
  222. I must concede I've made a mistake, of the things you've done this takes the cake.
  223. >"Perhaps now our bout can ensue? Or how about one more sip of brew?"
  224. >You look at her with a defiant stare, as smug as can be without a care.
  225. Maybe I should, that's what you're implying. The deed has been done, no sense in crying.
  226. >Snatching the cup off the table it rests, you down the whole drink without protests.
  227. >Relieved of its contents, you slam the cup down. You even make a point, to not show a frown.
  228. >All she sees is a toothy grin, a clear sign that you plan to win.
  229. >Clopping her hooves, she giggles with joy. Seems she approves, despite playing coy.
  230. >"Oh Anon you are truly a treat, the fun we'll share just cannot be beat."
  231. >Look at her there, as proud as can be, it seemed as if she bubbled with glee.
  232. Go ahead and laugh, but I'll tell you my friend. I'll wipe that smug grin right off in the end.
  233. >Through all your sneer, she takes it in stride. It seems to be clear, she has nothing but pride.
  234. >"I wouldn't want it any other way, it's been too long since I last got to play."
  235. >As your eyes meet, you stare her with daggers, taking a seat, your will just staggers.
  236. So um... what should we talk about? I'd rather not just scream and shout...
  237. >She idly waves a hoof in her face, seems a duel wasn't the case.
  238. >"My dear Anon, no need to go crazy. The game just started, we can be lazy."
  239. >Blinking at her, you relax with a sigh. Nervous you were, though you don't quite know why.
  240. Sorry, my nerves were getting ahead. Let's just converse as normal instead.
  241. >"A most pleasant decree, one that I must simply agree. If you'd like more tea, I insist please feel free."
  242. >Pouring out another shot, her next words tie you in a knot.
  243. >"Why not talk about your cares, why must you run from all those mares?"
  244. >A topic you didn't like to share, she already knew this dumb affair.
  245. All of these tries, my heart's not in it. As if it's a prize, they all want to win it.
  246. >Her face clouds over with a sense of pity, it cuts through your soul and makes you feel shitty.
  247. >"Do you not worry, it's love that they feel? Lines might be blurry, but their hearts are real."
  248. >You shake your head and completely refuse, it seems she does not share your views.
  249. At first I thought they just may be, but now they all want my baby.
  250. >Her eyes opened wide as she openly laughed. She didn't quite know they were all so daft.
  251. >"I do admit that's quite the affection. Would you like a mare with more discretion?"
  252. >Laughing as she wiped a tear, you're still glad they're no longer here.
  253. >"How cute that you hide from a hug and a kiss. Perhaps you'd confide with a simpler Miss?"
  254. >You sigh and place your head in your hand, as if you could meet such a demand.
  255. I have no idea what I should do, the only sane mare is probably you.
  256. >As soon you say that, her eyes light up. From the spot that she sat, she stands right up.
  257. >"What's this, giving credit where due? Perhaps the drink has affected you."
  258. >Holding your cup you swirl it around, this drink isn't bad so you've found.
  259. Oh please, give me some credit Zecora. You think I'll lose to this dumb flora?
  260. >Through all her teasing, you feel quite fine. The trouble was easing, balancing the line.
  261. >You think you might have a hold on this, so long as nothing runs amiss.
  262. >As if the mare was reading your mind, what she suggests puts you in a bind.
  263. >"Oh dear, Anon you're such a bore. This dare, do we need to spice it more?"
  264. >This isn't good, you're finally steady. Why'd she spring this, you simply aren't ready!
  265. No thanks, I think this is hard enough. No need to make it even more rough.
  266. >"But Anon where is your sense of fun, who knows when you'll have finally won."
  267. >She seems to think that you are weak, as if you couldn't match her speak.
  268. I'm sorry Z', somewhere you need to be? Maybe you should quit and concede to me.
  269. >"I must say you're a cheeky one, but this bout is far from done."
  270. >Right then she slides up to your side, hiding your nerves you take it in stride.
  271. >Suddenly hither, she's far too near. She sends you a shiver, as she blows on your ear.
  272. >Focusing hard, you ignore her licks. You wouldn't be beat, by her silly tricks.
  273. As if I'd let this get me bothered, I feared much worse from what you offered.
  274. >"Is that so? Then don't mind me. Allow me to share a spot on your knee."
  275. >With surprising grace, she climbs up with ease. Finding her place, you suddenly freeze.
  276. >Shifting her spot, you feel her lush bottom. With a sultry smile, she knows that you've sought'em.
  277. >It seems that she is quite content, despite the fact you're pitching a tent.
  278. >"Oh my, do you like what you see? I'll show you more if you ask nicely~"
  279. >Rolling your eyes, you let out a scoff. Another surprise, where does she get off?
  280. Please, you just want to be amused, frankly I'd rather not be abused.
  281. >She flutters her eyes and shakes her head, ignoring everything you said.
  282. >"Come now Anon, you know I tease. I do this for fun, I aim to please."
  283. >As those words slip out, she rubs with her rump. Without any doubt, you could feel her plump.
  284. To be honest, I'd feel more secure, if you didn't cheat with your soft demure.
  285. >She rests a hoof beneath your chin, a gentle caress along your skin. Your eyes say you want to win, yet hers say that she wants to sin.
  286. >"Oh hush Anon, you're so dramatic. You treat me like I'm some fanatic."
  287. Maybe not, but you're getting close. You know I find that stuff quite gross.
  288. >Pinching your cheek, she gives it a shake. Treated so meek, it's more than you'd take.
  289. >"Despite how stubborn, you are quite cute, even when my charms you try to refute."
  290. You're right in that rhyme, I am stubborn as a mule. It's still quite some time, before I'll run out of fuel.
  291. >To your surprise, she smiles with a nod. For your demise, at the gates she gnawed.
  292. >"Indeed this is true, so please humor me. A plan just for you, assured victory."
  293. >She takes a long pause, then takes a deep breath. As if she is on the brink of death.
  294. >You watched in silent anticipation, what she had planned for your damnation.
  295. >Holding her drink aloft in her hoof, she unleashes all of her proof.
  296. >"Your faint complaint is just so quaint, no need for restraint you aren't a saint. Let me acquaint without constraint that with my love, we shall paint!"
  297. >Lifting her cup, she takes a mouthful of drink. What she does next, sends you to the brink.
  298. >Locking your lips, each swig flows to you. This turn of events, comes out of the blue.
  299. >Each gulp forced down, is never the last. As if you'll drown, it's just too fast.
  300. >With one last drip, there is no more. Losing your grip, you are done for.
  301. >Finally over, you're stuck in a craze. Confused beyond words, trapped in a daze.
  302. What the hell, what is this? T-That just now, was that a kiss?
  303. >Licking her lip, she shoots you a smile. As if on script, she keeps it in style.
  304. >"Oh what's that, was that a stammer? Are you bothered by my manner?"
  305. >Embarrassed, your cheeks flush red. At this point, you'd rather be dead.
  306. W-What? No, don't be stupid! It's not my first time... d-dodging cupid?
  307. >This damn rhyming is suddenly harder, if you don't win soon you'll have to barter.
  308. >"It seems that you won't make a move, you must like being in my groove."
  309. >With a shake and a grind, a lick and a pet, soon both your thighs are covered in sweat.
  310. >Closing your eyes, you let out a groan. Despite her best efforts, you hold back a moan.
  311. You think some foreplay will make me lose? I'm afraid to say I have bad news.
  312. >You bite your lip and concentrate, it all ends if you masturbate.
  313. >"Defiant till the very end. I have my ways to make you bend."
  314. >Reaching down and unleashing your prison, she smiles and finds you've already risen.
  315. >"Without those restraints, it seems I'm correct. Despite your complaints, he doesn't object."
  316. >Locking your eyes, she grabs hold of your dick. Mocking your cries, she gets moist with a flick.
  317. >"It's time for the best part to begin, you'll cry out in joy once it is within."
  318. >Suddenly this close, you start to panic. If she goes through, you might go manic.
  319. >Is this what it'll really cost? If you win, you'll feel like you've lost.
  320. >You're sick of this crap, it was all a trap, you're gonna snap!
  321. N-...No.
  322. >As she lines you up, you're finally center. In just one thrust you finally ente-
  323. STOP IT!
  324. >You push her off violently, so much so that she needs to use the table to keep from falling over, spilling what remained of the devil's drink.
  325. >A horrible headache hits you all at once, forcing you to groan in pain.
  326. Guhh, god damn it enough! I quit! You win! Do you want me to say it? You're the better rhymer okay!
  327. >She looks at you shocked, you could tell she was visibly hurt by your sudden declaration of defeat.
  328. >Trying to catch your breath, you feel yourself heaving, the pounding pain in your head growing as you stare at her.
  329. >Unlike the look of triumph you were expecting her to mock you with, her face looks like it's clouded by sadness instead.
  330. >"But... Anon I thought we were having fun, I never wished for our game to be... done."
  331. >She looks down and averts her gaze from you, a depressing atmosphere quickly settling in the room.
  332. >You say nothing, instead crossing your arms and frowning at her like a child.
  333. >For some reason she sniffles and rubs her eye a little.
  334. >"I didn't want it to end this way, but a deal one makes is one must pay."
  335. >You feel your resistance waver, her grave expression sucking the wind out of your sails.
  336. W-What? Come on Zecora, it was just a gam-
  337. >You cough for a second and stumble over your words.
  338. >Fumbling a bit, you shake your head and try to correct yourself.
  339. It was just a-
  340. >A loud wheeze soon follows, for some reason it feels like the air is being sucked out of your words.
  341. >Blinking a few times, you take a thick gulp and lick your dry lips, trying one more time to force the sentence out.
  342. It was-
  343. >Before you can even finish, nothing but hot air escapes you.
  344. >You continue to flap your gums like you normally would, but you can't make a sound.
  345. >Freaking out, you stumble to your feet and back away from the table, eventually smacking the back of your heel on her bedpost.
  346. >You try to ask Zecora what the hell is happening, but all you manage to do act like a fish out of water.
  347. >Resting her cheek on her hoof, she sadly looks at you and slowly shakes her head back and forth.
  348. >"I'm afraid you did not heed my warning, now is far too late for mourning."
  349. >Confused, it takes you a moment, but it finally clicks.
  350. >The words you brushed off as nothing earlier suddenly come rushing back to your mind like a brick shattering a window.
  351. >'A promise that's broken will spell your own doom. The curse of unspoken you'll be forced to consume.'
  352. >Shakily, you reach your fingers up to your mouth, sudden fear and realization setting in.
  353. >"I'm sorry Anon, this plan was wrong, if only you'd had played along."
  354. >She runs a hoof through her mohawk and takes a deep breath, sighing as she tries to relax.
  355. >"It's good that your friends are no longer near, they'll take much time to realize you're here."
  356. >As she calmly walks up, you're too shocked to fight back as she pushes you down on her bed and gently places a hoof over your lips.
  357. >For just a moment, you look into her turquoise eyes and see what must be love... mixed in with a bit of sadness, and a disturbing hint of determination.
  358. >"I'm sorry Anon, but the truth you must know. The one who can't speak, [spoiler]can't possibly say -no-."[/spoiler]


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Impossibly Lucky Anon

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