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By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-18 01:51:07
Updated: 2023-09-18 01:52:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by Smudgey
  3. (This is my tribute to Slasher_Science, enjoy.)
  4. >Day Hug.exe in Equestria.
  5. >You are Anon
  6. >And today is the same as any other.
  7. >You roll on your side, the sun barely managing to break the horizon with its shining rays.
  8. >What point was there in getting out of bed...
  9. >There was only one thing you looked forward to each and every morning.
  10. >Picking up the photo on your side dresser, you stare at it longingly.
  11. >The image of a small white filly is framed immaculately in glass.
  12. Oh Sweetie Belle...
  13. >You sigh in a depressed manner.
  14. >Every morning your sole reason for getting up would be to see her off to school.
  15. >She didn't even live with you, but you didn't care.
  16. >Each day you would step outside clad in bathrobe with a cup of coffee, pick up the daily paper, and sip it as the sun rises.
  17. >And every day you would catch Sweetie Belle as she walks to school.
  18. >She was such a nice filly, she didn't think you were creepy or weird.
  19. >When you would wave, she'd wave back and make a detour in your direction.
  20. >She would just smile, chat for a while, talk about how excited she was for school and to see her friends again.
  21. >And eventually...she'd wave goodbye and make her merry way off to school to enjoy her life.
  22. >You knew you couldn't have her for yourself, but you would always dream that one day...things might change.
  23. >And then the bane of your life would arrive to ruin your favorite routine, punishment for your idle thoughts of better days.
  24. >"h-hello Anon, b-beautiful morning isn't it?"
  25. >You stare at the morning in all its glory, taking another sip of java.
  26. mmmhmm
  27. >"It's so w-wonderful, I just know today is gonna be the day you f-f-fall in love with me!"
  28. >You scowl behind your mug as you take another sip.
  29. I doubt that Fluttershy.
  30. >" see...I've been watching you for a long time...and well I know you how much you've grown attached to Sweetie Belle..."
  31. >Your jimmies begin to rustle beneath your bathrobe.
  32. >"So I decided to bring you a present!"
  33. >Your spider senses come knock knock knocking on brain's door.
  34. Fluttershy, if you've foalnapped Sweetie Belle right before school... I will eviscerate the very fabric of your mortal being...
  35. >She shrinks back beneath your unblinking stare.
  36. >"Oh heavens no..I know I can't give you the REAL Sweetie Belle... so I thought long and hard about what I could do for you instead."
  37. >You stare her, your skepticism was palpable.
  38. >"And I realized if I couldn't bring you Sweetie Belle herself, I'd bring you the next best thing!"
  39. >The next word that reaches your ears startles you in a very primal manner.
  40. >"faTHer!"
  41. >You and your coffee do a spit-take, your garden wasn't gonna enjoy that at all...
  42. >A small white filly jumps out from behind YellowMellow.
  43. >For an instant you believe its the honest to god real Sweetie belle.
  44. >But as she briskly walks toward you, the soothing sound of hydraulic components betray the illusion.
  45. >"I am swEETie beLLe, and I lOVe yOu!"
  46. >You let out an shrill gasp.
  47. >"I am inSTALLing yOu oNTo my hEARt-drIve!"
  48. >She sits down in front of you and holds out her arms.
  49. >"sEt phASErs to hUg!"
  50. >Your eyes grow wide, pupils dilating to the size of gaping black holes.
  51. >You start breathing heavily.
  53. >"Oh that... I just asked Twilight for a little help in getting you to love me and she agreed right away!"
  54. >Damn it Twilight, you used to be cool...
  55. Fluttershy, what in Celestia's name were you thinking?
  56. >You point a finger directly at the chrome copy.
  57. This is NOT SWEETIE BELLE!
  58. >Arms still raised in optimal hugging position, Sweetiebot looks up at you with sad emerald coated puppy dog eyes.
  59. >"bUt i wAs bUILt fOr yOu faTHer..."
  60. >Fluid that you can only assume is water starts dripping from her eyes.
  61. >"is my lOVe not sufFICIent enOUgh faTHer?"
  62. >Her lips quiver with imminent sadness.
  63. >You look down at her...
  64. >She meets your eyes...
  65. >Must...fight it...
  66. >Oh god you can't resist feels of this magnitude.
  67. >Kneeling down, you pick her up and embrace her in a hug.
  68. >She feels...metallic, heavier than you expected...
  69. >And very warm.
  70. >She shouts in your ear.
  71. >"miSSion suCCESSful! yAy~!"
  72. >She wraps her arms around your neck and rests her head on your shoulder, nuzzling your cheek affectionately.
  73. >Holding her to your chest like the child you never had, you glare at Fluttershy unable to decide if you should thank her or teach her how "precious" life can be.
  74. >She notices you staring at her and grins back at you sheepishly from behind her mane.
  75. >" now that I've found your fetish that means you're going to love me now right? We can be a fami-"
  76. >You cut her off, speaking your next words with all the malice you can muster.
  77. If there's anyone I'm going to love from now on its Sweetiebot!
  78. >Taking a step inside, you slam the door in her face.
  79. >Her muffled voice resonates from the other side.
  80. >" then...I'll try again tomorrow... I guess."
  81. >It is quite possible that bitch will never understand how you feel in both of your combined lifetimes.
  82. >Turning around, you start walking down your hallway.
  83. >You notice Sweetiebot scanning the rooms as you pass by.
  84. What are you doing Sweetie?
  85. >"digITAlly maPPIng bluEPRints fOr eACh seCTIon of tHe hoUse, i wILl be liVIng hERe afTer aLl."
  86. >You don't recall saying she could live here, but it didn't sound like a bad idea so you let it slide.
  87. I guess you don't need much of a tour do you?
  88. >Pulling a bit away from your shoulder to look at your face, she asks.
  89. >"wHAt shAll we do nOw tHEn faTHer?"
  90. >You think for a moment.
  91. >All you had was coffee this morning.
  92. It's still early, why don't we have some breakfast Sweetie.
  93. >She lights up with happiness, at this point you think you could tell her anything and it would still make her excited.
  94. >"yAy! i shAll cOOk fOr yOu tHEn!"
  95. >You were surprised at that statement.
  96. You know how to cook Sweetie?
  97. >"of coURse! we shAll demONSTRate oUr lOVe fOr yOu faTHer!"
  98. >Wow, you didn't think robots would understand the fundamentals of how to cook, Twilight must've given her some really advanced software.
  99. >Happy to let her do her thing, you set her down in the kitchen and go upstairs to get dressed in some real clothes.
  100. >Not even ten minutes pass and the smoke alarm is screeching...
  101. >You should've known, this is what you get for not trusting your gut instincts.
  102. >Black smog begins funneling upstairs to your bedroom.
  103. >Stumbling into the kitchen, you hold your sleeve up to your mouth as you begin to cough and choke.
  104. >Your eyes water as the black shroud burns them mercilessly.
  105. >You see Sweetiebot standing on a stool, hovering over your stove, mixing things in a frying pan.
  106. >You have no idea where the little heart apron came from...
  107. >She's happily humming a tune, adding different herbs and spices as black fog plumes out into her face.
  108. >Her cheeks are being covered in soot and charcoal, but it doesn't even seem to bother her at all.
  109. >Running to the windows, you crack them open and let in the sweet release of fresh air before you can suffocate.
  110. >She turns to you after hearing the sudden noise.
  111. >"faTHer! yOu hAVE reTURNed!"
  112. >Turning off the stove, she jumps down from her stool and runs over to you.
  113. >She hugs your leg with the death grip of a teddy bear and stares up at you.
  114. >"i hAVe prEPARed yOUr breAKFast wITh aLl my lOVe fOr yOu!"
  115. >She starts tugging on your pant leg, where you notice freshly made black spots of soot.
  116. >"plEAse, cOMe sIt, i caNNot wAIt to waTch yOu enJoy tHe mEAl i hAVe crEATed!"
  117. >Against common sense, you follow her to your chair.
  118. >You didn't want to hurt her feelings.
  119. >Settling down, you see her place a plate of what resembles a burnt out campfire in front of you.
  120. >Bloody hell, it was resting on your fine china too!
  121. >Sweetiebot hops onto the chair on the opposite side of your table with a silly grin plastered to her face.
  122. >i kNOw yOu wILl lOVe it, i mADe it JUST fOr yOu!"
  123. >You look at her, then stare at the contents of your plate.
  124. >You inspect the plate of...stuff no person of sound body and mind would consider "food" in front of you.
  125. >You roll over a piece of charcoal with your fork.
  126. >You didn't think it was possible to burn fruit.
  127. >It looked...horrible, but you couldn't bear to break her heart.
  128. >She watches you, smiling in ignorant bliss as you sweat with nervous tension.
  129. >With a shaky hand, you stab at one of the pieces of ebony coal.
  130. >You hear it *crack*... food isn't supposed to crack.
  131. >Raising it to your mouth, your lips quiver with resistance.
  132. >She looks at you with her emerald eyes, beady with anticipation.
  133. >Deciding to just get it over with, you shove it in your mouth with a *crunch*
  134. >She nods her head up and down excitedly.
  135. >"hOw is it faTHer, do yOu lOVe it as mUCh as i lOVe yOu!?"
  136. >You might have chipped a tooth if you're not mistaken.
  137. >But you can't disappoint her.
  138. MMMMMMM itsh... goohd
  139. >You smile weakly, your normally perfect ivory teeth stained a sick obsidian.
  140. >Black flecks of ash escape between your lips with each word you speak.
  141. >Thank god you took those online acting classes as a child.
  142. >You painfully swallow as you break under her undying gaze.
  143. >You let out a loud sigh.
  144. >If there was ever a time to earn that oscar Anon... it was now.
  145. Phew! Oh man that was so good Sweetie, I don't think I could possibly eat another morsel.
  146. >She looks at you and tilts her head, visibly bewildered.
  147. >"bUt yOu hAVe nOt eVEn hAd yOUr seCOnd seRVIng yEt!"
  148. >Oh god kill me now...
  149. >Managing not to vomit, you made it through the ordeal that was breakfast, albeit very painfully.
  150. >After tossing the dishes in the sink for later, you carry Sweetiebot upstairs.
  151. >"wHAt aRe we goIng to do nOw faTHer?"
  152. >You give her a dorky smile.
  153. Weeeee are going to give YOU a bath!
  154. >Her face scrunches up in disgust for a moment before she audibly groans next to you.
  155. >"uGg, bUt tHe waTer maKes me fEEl fuNny...
  156. >You put a finger to her lips.
  157. No buts! You're covered from head to hoof in disgusting black gunk, no daughter of mine is going to walk around all day looking like some diamond dog!
  158. >She gives a loud electronic sigh in protest and pouts.
  159. >You chuckle and snuggle her close to your face.
  160. >Your sharp whiskers make her laugh as they tickle her, covering your own cheeks in charcoal ash.
  161. >She giggles as she dusts out bits and pieces from your hair and replies.
  162. >"nOw we bOTh reQUIre maiNTENAnce!"
  163. >The daylight was beginning to wane, you hardly had any reason to ever leave the house and you suspected other p0nies would panic if they saw you wandering around with a carbon clone of a little filly in your arms.
  164. >So you had spent the whole evening doing various monotonous things around the household.
  165. >She helped you with each of the dull chores you'd go through in your daily routine, sometimes making them even worse than they were before...
  166. >Alright, most of the time she'd cause trouble.
  167. >But she meant well, and it was always in the name of your love, so you'd usually have her sit and watch as you would find things to talk about.
  168. >You regaled her in the grand adventures of "Anon the adventurer" back on earth and all the epic stories that had earned you a name.
  169. >Mildly embellishing the story was ok for entertainment's sake and she seemed relish it.
  170. >Although, you suspect you could just tell her about your times at the dry cleaner and she would still paw and tug at you excitedly.
  171. >She really was the perfect little daughter for the broken down man you had become.
  172. >For once in your life, you actually felt happy to be alive.
  173. >Finally, nighttime arrived.
  174. >You decided to put Sweetiebot in the guest room next to yours.
  175. >You never asked for it, but the p0nies building your house insisted on making one.
  176. >They had said once you had your own home, you would have so many visitors that you would need a spare room unless you wanted everyp0ny sleeping with you in yours.
  177. >You twinge and laugh with a hint of bitter sadness.
  178. >...Sweetie will be the first visitor to have ever stayed long enough to use it.
  179. >You place her in the single size bed and tuck her in with the pink sheets Rarity had given you.
  180. >Pink wasn't your color anyway.
  181. >You decide to read her a bedtime story, but there's one problem.
  182. >You don't have any books at all.
  183. >You would've have picked some up from the library occasionally, but Twilight seemed...creeped out by you.
  184. >It made things...uncomfortable.
  185. >Sitting down beside the bed, you put your index fingers to your temples and wrack your brain for past knowledge.
  186. >Trying to remember a fairytale from you childhood, Sweetie comes up with a different idea instead.
  187. >"faTHer...wHy dON't yOu hAVe a spECIal soMEP0ny?"
  188. >The question caught you off guard, but you try and just laugh it off.
  189. Hahaha...well I guess its just because I've never fallen in love with a p0ny before.
  190. >Before realizing what you just said, tears start to well in her eyes.
  191. >"bUt yOu lOVe me faTHer...dON't yOu?"
  192. >You smile warmly and kiss her horn.
  193. Of course I do Sweetie, I'll always love you.
  194. >You pick up the lamp that's been gently illuminating the room and carry it to the doorway.
  195. >Grasping the door handle you look back at her, her face soaked in a mixture of sadness and empathy for you.
  196. >It makes you feel a twinge of pain in your heart.
  197. Goodnight Sweetie.
  198. >She brings a hoof out from under her sheets and waves weakly.
  199. >"...goodnight faTHer."
  200. >You smile as you raise the lamp and blow out the light.
  201. >It had been such a long day, but now you'd finally have the chance to catch up on some much needed sleep.
  202. >As you laid down in your bed, you began thinking idle thoughts about the future and what it would hold.
  203. >You couldn't just hide in here forever, would the other p0nies freak out when you introduced Sweetiebot to them?
  204. >...Would the real Sweetie Belle hate you?
  205. >You cringe in fear and roll into the fetal position, you had been so busy today that the thought didn't have the chance to cross your mind.
  206. >But now it had, and it was there to stay.
  207. >The thought of Sweetie Belle never speaking to you again horrified you, she was the only reason you got up every morning!
  208. >No, stop thinking like that.
  209. >You shake your head to try and knock some sense back into you.
  210. >It didn't matter now, you had Sweetiebot to take care of, she was your family and god damn it you were gonna treat her like it!
  211. >Finally allowing yourself to calm down, you take in a deep sigh and relax.
  212. >Those were troubles for another day, tonight you were gonna sleep and dream of your bright future together.
  213. >Slowly letting your exhausted body take over, you close your eyes and try to drift off to sleep.
  214. >An odd noise causes you to stir from your slumber.
  215. >You sit up from the bed and look across the room.
  216. >Its was hard to see, your eyes were blurred with remnants of sleep still caught in them.
  217. >You rub them thoroughly with your knuckles and tried again.
  218. >The only source of light came from the window as the moon shone its brilliant luminescent radiance through.
  219. >The beams of light rested upon a sole figure at your door.
  220. >You squint as you try to make it who it is, but then again there should be only one answer.
  221. Sweetie? Is that you?
  222. >A moment passes...
  223. >The silence kind of rustles you somewhere deep in your soul.
  224. >Eventually, she replies.
  225. >"faTHer...mAy i... spEak wITh yOu?"
  226. >You let out a breath you didn't notice you were holding in.
  227. >Calmly getting up, you walk over to her.
  228. >You notice that her green eyes glow in the dark as you get closer.
  229. >You bend over and pick her up like a princess.
  230. Of course Sweetie, you know you can talk to me about anything right?
  231. >She nods apprehensively.
  232. >"i trIed to fALl asLEep, bUt i coULDn't..."
  233. >You look at her and frown.
  234. Why not, are you having nightmares?
  235. >She weakly shakes her head from side to side.
  236. >"no...aLl i coUld thInk abOut wAs hOw yOu sAId yOu hAd no spECIal soMEP0ny to lOVe"
  237. >uh oh...
  238. >"i wAs scARed...scARed tHAt yOu woUld beCOme sAd aNd loNEly sOMe day..."
  239. Now Sweetie that's just-
  240. >She puts a hoof on your mouth as liquid stains the corners of her eyes.
  241. >"i lOVe yOu so mUCh! aNd i jUSt thOUGht tHAt if...if no p0Ny eLSe wILl, maYbe i cAn be yOUr spECIal soMEP0ny?"
  242. >She cringes in your arms, letting go of your mouth, and fearing your answer.
  243. >Oh dear, she might be developing a bit of an Electra complex...
  244. Oh know you can't-
  245. >Before you can finish your sentence, she places her chrome lips onto yours.
  246. >The sudden action caught you off guard, you had never expected this from her of all p0nies.
  247. >The smooth sensation of her silicone tongue invades your mouth and dances with your own.
  248. >It felt so good.
  249. >After a moment of dull bliss, your eyes go wide as you regain your senses.
  250. >You pull her away from you and set her on the ground, your brain attempting to process the sheer shock of what just occurred.
  251. >She looks up at you dejectedly, her eyes furrowed with confusion.
  252. >"wHy...wHy dId yOu sTOp faTHer? wAs my tecHNIque insuFFICient?"
  253. >You wipe away the saliva that was drooling from your lips and gulp.
  254. >You didn't know what to say, all you could do was panic and say the first words that came to your mouth.
  255. I'm sorry Sweetie, I love you so much... I really...REALLY do...but just not in...that way.
  256. >In a sense of addled panic, you hear the motors in her eyes shift uncomfortably as she looks around nervously.
  257. You're like the daughter I've never had, I don't want that to be tainted and ruined.
  258. >Her face contorts with sadness, perhaps you should've worded that better...
  259. >She opens her mouth and attempts to say something but nothing comes out.
  260. >Once more...still nothing.
  261. >She begins to quietly whimper.
  262. >Slowly giving up, the servos in her neck churn as she hangs her head in shame.
  263. >It cuts you deeper than you could have ever possibly imagined.
  264. Aww geez come on Sweetie it's alright.
  265. >You kneel down and give her a strong hug.
  266. >She shivers in shame unable to bring herself to wrap her arms around in return.
  267. >You don't know what to say, so you simply squeeze her tight and stroke her fiber optic mane.
  268. >Eventually, she relents and hugs you back.
  269. >For a metallic automaton she can be so warm.
  270. >After a few minutes you decide its enough and let go.
  271. >Only you can't...
  272. Come on Sweetie its time to let me go now.
  273. >You try to move but she has you firmly in her grasp bolting to the floor and locking you in place.
  274. >You start to get an odd sense of claustrophobia, confused at what is happening.
  275. >Was she really THIS MUCH stronger than you?
  276. Sweetie...why... just how strong ARE you?
  277. >She cranes her head and looks you in the eye, her normal emerald glow replaced with a fiery red glare.
  278. >You feel the room start to shift and shake under her presence.
  279. >Before you even have the chance to scream in terror, you feel your legs swept out from under you as you go careening to the floor.
  280. >You see stars as your head hits the solid oak.
  281. >As she bites onto your belt buckle, you can feel her drag you across the room.
  282. >In one swift motion she lifts you off the ground and slams you onto the bed.
  283. >Oh fucking Jesus this is how your going to die isn't it?
  284. >She jumps on top of your chest, the weight making it excruciatingly hard to breathe.
  285. >Leering down at you, she moves until your noses touch face to face.
  286. >The words she utters grasp onto every fiber of fear in your being.
  287. >"I reQUIre a saMPle of yOUr cOOm faTHer."
  288. what?
  289. >Looking at you, her eyes glow red with pure animosity.
  290. >Not bothering to answer, she turns around and directs her eyes at your pajamas.
  291. >You feel the bitter sting of heat as she lances your clothes apart with scarlet shaded optical beams.
  292. >Your pants disintegrate as you find yourself praying to god that she didn't nick anything important.
  293. >Giving her tail a flick across your face, she moves down to your crotch, the familiar whizzing and buzzing of her mechanical legs permeating your ears.
  294. >You look down and watch as she positions her face next to your junk.
  295. >"beGINing exTRACTion prOCEss"
  296. >You panic and try to protest.
  298. >Your mind is wiped clean as your head enters her own.
  299. >Your previously flaccid penis engorges itself inside of her almost instantly.
  300. >The vibrations coupled with her ample lubrication was blowing your god damn mind.
  301. Sweetie...please...ugg...I'm begging you...stop.
  302. >You reach down, about to attempt to pull her off when her crimson eyes look straight at you.
  303. >Pausing midair, you listen to her digital voice as audio pulses through her speakers.
  304. >"reSIst aNd i shAll BREAK yOu faTHer!"
  305. >You freeze in place, scared for your life as she begins to pick up the pace.
  306. >She pistons back and forth with digital precision, tilting her head as fluids drip out with each thrust.
  307. >Warm steamy breath comes out of her soulless body.
  308. >Why was it so hot!?
  309. >You start to hold your breath each time her tongue swirls you inside her mouth.
  310. >The sounds of the slick sloppy mess invade your ears despite your best attempts to block it out of your mind.
  311. >You lean back and brace yourself with both arms.
  312. >Your brain can't cope with the situation, its like someone flipped on the crazy.
  313. Oh god what's happening...hnnngggh...this is...this is insanity...
  314. >Your breathing is becoming ragged.
  315. >You hear the sound of gears changing as she suddenly switches the pace.
  316. >Her mouth begins pulsing with electricity, stinging your dick with the sensual numbing sensation.
  317. >Your heart starts beating along with the smooth rhythm.
  318. >The veins in your shaft respond painfully, throbbing with each watt of voltage.
  319. >Gasping for air you barely manage a whispered moan.
  320. Sweetie...stop...ugg...its too much...
  321. >Finally getting a reprieve, she lets go of your dick.
  322. >Steamy strands of fluid connect the tip to her mouth.
  323. >You sigh with relief.
  324. Oh thank god...I don't think I could take much mo-HNNGGGH!
  325. >You're complaints are cut short as she enraptures your coin purse with the silky smooth touch of her velvet tongue.
  326. >She starts licking and sucking your balls, casually massaging them as she jerks you off.
  327. >You've been with a few women before, but the swift electronic motion of her hoof was unparalleled.
  328. >Your shaft trembles against the slick metal with each stroke, the uneven metal rivets catching you by surprise.
  329. >Tears form in your bedsheets as your hands rend them apart, attempting to resist the intense stimulation.
  330. >Your gasps and moans are mixed in with the synthetic sound of her hydraulic arm pumping up and down, kicking into overdrive.
  331. >Its as if she never gets tired, but you on the other hand are being drained of all will to live with each passing second.
  332. Sweetie...hnnngh...for the..for the love of Luna cut me some slack...
  333. >For a moment she ceases her actions, giving you a few seconds of sweet relief.
  334. >But it doesn't last long.
  335. >Flashing a wicked smile, she gives your nuts a sensual lick and goes onto her next objective.
  336. >Moving her tongue from the base to the tip, she wraps it around your sensitive glands.
  337. >You feel your back straighten out as jizz starts to form at the tip.
  338. >With precum oozing out, she skillfully leans over with a small lick, and kisses the top.
  339. >Pursing her lips, she forms a tiny seal with her kiss, and starts her concentrated vacuum.
  340. >Your mind can't even hope to describe it, the suction is so strong it feels like your insides are being sucked out of your body.
  341. >With a cheeky smile she bring the rest of her lips down and surround your head.
  342. >But its different this time, you feel her putting all her strength into focusing on just the crown of your rising glory.
  343. >Your mind is forced to concentrate on the sweet sensation of her silicone tongue as it wraps around you like a warm blanket.
  344. >This can't be normal, its like she has another sentient creature playing with you in her mouth.
  345. >You twist your face away, trying to ignore the wet soppy sounds as she rolls your dick between her tongue like a lollipop.
  346. >You feel her grin around your cock, seemingly amused at your pathetic attempts to keep yourself in check.
  347. >Audio emanates from her speakers.
  348. >"resISTAnce is fuTIle faTHer"
  349. >Your arms buckle and give out, unable to withstand the force of her stabbing tongue attempting to invade your urethra.
  350. >Falling on the bed, you cover your eyes with an arm as your hips begin bucking against your will.
  351. >Your ass starts to clench, just about ready to blow your load when she stops completely.
  352. >Dazed and confused, you try to sit up and look at her, unable to comprehend why she was suddenly killing you with these excruciating blueballs.
  353. >She looks at you and gives you a sexual giggle in stark contrast of her usual innocence.
  354. >Suddenly, you feel the cool night air trying to dry your cock as she frees you from your silky prison.
  355. >You look down at her, wondering why she's finally decided to stop.
  356. >"it is nOt oVEr yEt faTHer~"
  357. >Her smile fades as she stares you straight in the eye.
  358. >With a low synthetic growl she says.
  359. >"it is tIMe to eNd tHIs."
  360. >Before you can protest, she slams you to the base of her throat, completely devoid of any gag reflex.
  361. >You hilt against her smooth lips, slick with both of your liquids.
  362. >The sudden all encompassing suction makes your legs buckle.
  363. ah..AHHH...OH GOD!!!
  364. >Against all common sense, your limbs move free of their own accord.
  365. >Unable to think straight, you close your eyes as you wrap your legs around her body
  366. >Curling over, you clutch her head in your arms, fastening her to your stomach and refusing to let go.
  367. >Her head isn't moving, but you can feel her insides gyrating and churning, pulsing up and down attempting to draw out of your "well" by force.
  368. >Your toes curl at the edge of the bed, nails digging into the soles of your feet.
  369. >Her voice reverberates through the speakers on her cheeks.
  370. >"gIVe it to ME, gIVe me yOUr cOOm faTHer!"
  371. >With a small sliver of sanity, you shake your head with your eyes closed.
  372. n-n-no!
  374. n-no damn it! can't...I CAN'T
  375. >The moment of silence foretells the calm before the storm.
  376. >Gripping her body with enough strength to hurt a normal filly you let out a wail.
  378. >You feel your balls betray you as they begin to inject Sweetiebot with your bitter white seed.
  379. >The soothing vacuum tickles your glands as it milks you for each and every single drop, sipping from the "drink" that is you.
  380. >You cringe in sick ecstasy as your life force is drained from you.
  381. >She won't allow you to stop, each extraction filling up her a stomach a bit more.
  382. >With one final squeeze, she releases you with a *pop*.
  383. >You sigh with defeat, leaning on one arm to stay balanced...
  384. ah...there goes my youth...
  385. >Strings of your musky fluids hang from her mouth, lightly connecting the both of you.
  386. >She licks her lips clean, leaving a shiny coat of polish.
  387. >"obJECTive acQUIRed!"
  388. >Free from stimulation, you collapse in a heap on your bed.
  389. >You barely manage to watch as Sweetie walks to the dark corner of your room.
  390. >There was someone else there.
  391. >Who...who is that?
  392. >A lavender unicorn steps out into the light.
  393. >You squint and barely manage a whisper.
  394. T-twilight?
  395. >You watch as Sweetiebot ejects a test tube full of transparent ivory fluid, the familiar fog of dry ice spilling off of it.
  396. >The shadowy figure speaks.
  397. >"Yes, this sample will do nicely."
  398. >Your brain is almost ready to shutdown, the complete and utter madness threatening to sink in.
  399. Twilight? What is this? Why are you here? ...What are you going to do with that?
  400. >She looks over at you, somehow you can tell she's grinning even in the darkness.
  401. >"My apologies, but now that I have this perfect are no longer needed...Zero"
  402. w...what? what are you talking about? ...You're not Twilight...who...what ARE you?
  403. >Sweetiebot turns and looks straight you.
  404. >You feel her crimson eyes burning through your soul.
  405. >"faTHer...tHIs is [MOTHER]"
  406. >She grins as her eyes glow with heated blood lust.


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Impossibly Lucky Anon

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