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Day What a Twist

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-18 03:37:56
Updated: 2023-09-20 22:30:50
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by That_Happy_Guy
  3. >Day Elementary in Equestria.
  4. >Flipping through your pocket-sized copy of basic algebra, you wait for the schoolbell to ring, signaling the start of your tutoring session with Twist.
  5. >It's been almost two weeks since you have started tutoring the filly and she has really improved.
  6. >She caught on quick, was very attentive, and always checking to make sure she made no errors.
  7. >That was just her as a student though, as a filly...
  8. >Listened well, respectful, kind.
  9. >The perfect student.
  10. >Normally you would wait for your perfect student at home, but her parents asked you to pick her up yourself today.
  11. >You knew it was a matter of time, given that they all but ignored the girl.
  12. >Most days they would leave the two of you alone in their home after only a few minutes, if not immediately.
  13. >Twist knew how to take care of herself though, cooking, cleaning, everything but make time to study.
  14. >That's what most of your job is, making sure she studies.
  15. >As you flip through to the next page, you hear the bell go off.
  16. >You pocket the miniature text and look to the many foals rushing towards freedom.
  17. >Three fillies accidentally hit your leg as they make a bee line out of the building.
  18. >Two of them ignore you while a white unicorn looks back.
  19. >”Sorry mister!”
  20. >She doesn't stay behind for you to respond, joining her two friends.
  21. >As the building empties, you see no sign of Twist.
  22. >Stepping inside, you see a pink mare who you assume is the teacher, two fillies gossiping quite loudly, and some other foals.
  23. >*Thump*
  24. >”Owthch!”
  25. >Looking towards the source of the thump and lispy groan, you see Twist pulling herself from under her desk.
  26. >She rubs her head and places a pencil down.
  27. >Walking up to her, you take a knee and smile.
  28. >”Mithter Anonymouth! What are you doing here?”
  29. “Your parents asked me to pick you up today. Are you all right?”
  30. >She nods, looking down to the pencil with a smile on her face.
  31. >”Jutht dropped my penthil and hit my head. I'm okay though. Thankth for athking.”
  32. >You rub her head and stand.
  33. >A pair of giggles draws your attention.
  34. >It's the two fillies who were gossiping.
  35. >”Oooh, who's that Twist? Your boyfriend?”
  36. >”I bet it is. She couldn't get a colt so she had to settle for a monkey!”
  37. >Your student looks embarrassed, sinking in her chair with red cheeks.
  38. >Now that is just plain rude.
  39. “Getting an older man with a higher education and enough bits to toss around. Monkey or no, I'd say that's pretty damn impressive of her. Where as you two are as single as the day your mother's birthed you, or am I wrong?”
  40. >The two fillies stop giggling, flashing you twin glares.
  41. >”We could get any colts we wanted!”
  42. >”Yeah, unlike Twist there.”
  43. “Prove it. Until you do, I believe my student and I have some matters to attend to. Are you ready Twist?”
  44. >Turning your gaze back to the filly, she seems a bit shocked, nodding once your eyes lock with hers.
  45. >”U-Uh huh, mithter Anonymouth.”
  46. >The filly puts her pencil and other supplies away, hopping off her chair to follow you.
  47. >As you head out the door, you are stopped by the mare from before.
  48. >”Excuse me, sir?”
  49. >Halting, you look to the pink pony with only a hint of curiosity on your face.
  50. “Yes miss?”
  51. >She steps towards you, a look of concern on her features.
  52. >”I understand you were trying to stand up for Twist, but I can't have you talking to my students that way. Please, don't let it happen again.”
  53. >She is kind of cute, perhaps a little older than you are used to, but still quite young.
  54. >You bow and take her hoof in your hand.
  55. “I regret that I handled things the way I did, but I could not just allow two of your students to verbally bully one of mine. Please, may I ask for your forgiveness?”
  56. >The mare's pink cheeks are now a high tint of red.
  57. >”O-Oh, I see. W-Well, Twist is one of my students as well, uh-”
  58. “I am aware. Perhaps we could get together and discuss our shared student. Say, this Friday at seven?”
  59. >She nods, a small smile on her face.
  60. >You plant a kiss on her hoof before turning around.
  61. “I'll see you then miss. Come Twist, we have a lot to attend to today.”
  62. >Walking, your student follows you, mouth agape.
  63. >As you round a corner to enter the road, she manages to stutter out.
  64. >”Wh-What wath that?”
  65. “That, my dear pupil, was flirting. You'll experience it a lot when you get older.”
  66. >Her ears and head droop, looking to the ground.
  67. >”No I won't, colth don't like me.”
  68. “Tut tut, COLTS don't like you. Stallions will. You see, colts are immature, naïve, stupid. You just need to remember several things in order to find a stallion you want.”
  69. >The filly's head jumps back up, ears at attention for your advice.
  70. “Be confident, be determined, and be seductive. Men like a woman who knows what she wants and doesn't play mind games. They also always think with a different head, always remember that. Oh, and don't worry Twist. You'll grow into a fine mare one day. After all, you are a pretty filly now.”
  71. >She blushes, eyes back on the road, yet ears still raised.
  72. >”I-I'm noth pretty.”
  73. “Well, beauty is subjective, but I happen to think you are down right adorable Twist.”
  74. >Your student smiles, pressing herself up against your leg.
  75. >”T-Thankth, mithter Anonymouth.”
  76. >Rubbing her head once more, you place your free hand into your pocket.
  77. “You're quite welcome Twist.”
  78. >Sitting on the floor of young Twist's room, you look over her answers once more to insure quality.
  79. >As usual, stupendous.
  80. >It always brings you a sense of joyous pride to see students you like excel.
  81. >... Unlike those fools Snips and Snails.
  82. >One of them even ate glue during one of your sessions.
  83. >If he were on Earth, it would have been practical cannibalism!
  84. >No, no anger.
  85. >Only pride.
  86. >Twist reenters the room, carrying a tray of candy canes as she does.
  87. >Fantastic, you loved Twist's sweets.
  88. >Placing them in front of you, she blushes and looks away.
  89. >”I-I made you thome thweeth. To thay thank you. I-I know they aren't the betht in Ponyville, b-but I made them ethpethially for you.”
  90. >Heh, sweet little Twist, really is a perfect student.
  91. >Veritable angel.
  92. >Taking one, you pet her head and flash her a smile.
  93. “Thank you Twist, really.”
  94. >Taking the sugary treat into you mouth, you let out a contented moan.
  95. >This thing is down right heavenly!
  96. >So sweet, without an overbearing peppermint taste.
  97. “Oh, Twist! These are amazing!”
  98. >She rubs her hoof, biting her lip as she looks to the ground.
  99. >”I'm glad you like them. Take ath many ath you want!”
  100. >Chuckling, you continue to suckle the sweet treat as you pass your pocketed book to Twist.
  101. “We still have to work on chapter nine and ten Twist, don't try to distract me.”
  102. >After ruffling her mane a little, she sits next to you and scootches close to get a good look at your book.
  103. >She starts to read the questions in front of her, jotting them down as she does.
  104. “Are you sure you don't want one for yourself Twist? You are the one who made them after all.”
  105. >She shakes her head, giggling as she passes the tray to your side.
  106. >”It'th okay. Thethe are yourth.”
  107. >Oh well, maybe she'll want some later.
  108. >Watching the filly work, that same sense of pride you got before returns.
  109. >Groaning, light begins to fill your eyes as you try to open your eyes.
  110. >You shut them tight, the light stinging them.
  111. >As you come to, you wonder what happened.
  112. >Your body feels hot, mind foggy, and for some reason every thought seems to send pleasure running up your body.
  113. >*Smeck, smeck, smeck.*
  114. >The sound of soft kisses fills your ears.
  115. >Soon after, the feeling of lips against an erection you weren't even aware you had follows.
  116. >This forces a moan from you that gets suppressed as it tries to leave your mouth.
  117. >Trying to close your jaw, you gently bit against some sort of gag.
  118. >You need to see what is going on.
  119. >Forcing your eyes to open at a speed where the light won't sting, you see a blob.
  120. >In fact, the whole world is a blob, saturated together.
  121. >As everything comes into focus, you make out the figure of your dick... but... it looks like a candy cane.
  122. >What?
  123. >More of the world comes into view, showing Twist placing small kisses on the tip of your member.
  124. >Shocked, you try to yell at her to stop, only to get suppressed again.
  125. >After your failed verbal attempt, you try to move only to find you are bound as well.
  126. >The filly notices you awake.
  127. >”M-Mithter- I mean... Anonymouth~”
  128. >Her eyes go half lidded, lips pursing as she plants a slow, deep kiss at the tip of your cock.
  129. >This forces another moan from you.
  130. >”Hee hee, you like that? How about thith?”
  131. >She pushes her tongue out from her lips, lapping it over your tip.
  132. >Her eyes close as she keeps this up, pace increasing as she lets more of her tongue trail up and down your other head.
  133. >Soon her mouth is open, tongue running circles around the entirety of your crown.
  134. >Each trace elicits more moans from you, which all stop before they even have a chance to be verbalized.
  135. >Th-This is so wrong.
  136. >This is the darling angel who for the past two weeks you have taken under your wing, helped to focus her attention.
  137. >Why is this happening?
  138. >You have to stop her, to get free!
  139. >At least... that's what you KNOW is the right thing to do.
  140. >Oh god, why does it feel so good if it's so wrong?
  141. >Without a moments warning, she pushes her mouth down, suckling your cock.
  142. >Bobbing her head gently, she pushes further down.
  143. >Soon she is at her limit though, being just a filly.
  144. >Or so you would think...
  145. >Her brows furrow, eyes still closed as she tries to push further.
  146. >D-Damn, how can she be so skilled at this, she is ju-
  147. >Throat! Y-Your cock is pushing into her throat!
  148. >Her eyes spring wide, in obvious discomfort as she pushes deeper.
  149. >Once she reaches the base of your cock, she drags herself off.
  150. >Gasping for air, small tears roll down her eyes.
  151. >You want to speak, tell her to stop, not to hurt herself.
  152. >Even if you could though, you wouldn't be able to finish as she takes a deep breath.
  153. >Forcing your member back down her throat, she begins to grind her mouth up and down your raging member, pulling on it with every muscle she can manage.
  154. >As she whimpers, you can't fight it anymore, balls churning with desire as you unleash your load down her throat.
  155. >Taken by surprise, the filly swallows it all without choice, given that your member is still in her throat.
  156. >She continues to hold your cock as you let off two more shots, coating the filly's throat with your semen.
  157. >Once she is sure you are finished, she pulls your member from her mouth, gasping.
  158. >The coating, of what you hope is not paint, is smeared and leaking down your member.
  159. >Twist smiles, licking the white and red streams off your flaccid member.
  160. >Each lick brings you closer to a second full erection.
  161. >”I hope you don'th mind. I-It tasted too bitter by ithelf tho I coated ith with thugar.”
  162. >Although there are many things you wish were different right now, you are at least thankful young Twist didn't just eat paint.
  163. >This feeling of gratefulness doesn't last long, as you are erect once again.
  164. >Twist grabs your member, lining it up with her petite snatch.
  165. >Struggling to stop her, your efforts are cut short as she lunges her lips forward, kissing you.
  166. >”Make me feel pretty Anon, pleathe.”
  167. >Locking your eyes with the filly's, she looks so sweet... so... beautiful.
  168. >Nnngh, why is your head getting cloudy?
  169. >Every thought turning lustful and raunchy.
  170. >You are a moral man, yet here you are about to fuck an underage alien girl...
  171. >And enjoying every minute of it.
  172. >What happened?
  173. >Your thoughts suddenly shoot back to ones of lust as the filly forces her marehood down on your member.
  174. >She is not nearly as tight as you would assume, fitting quite a bit of your cock in at once.
  175. >Twist seethes, breathing deeply as she pushes herself downward, making your cock fit in her still developing cunny.
  176. >Each push sends pangs of pleasure running through your body.
  177. >If you weren't gagged right now, you might moan like the perverted filly fucker you are.
  178. >Your fun is soon stopped as half your member remains untouched.
  179. >Twist has clearly filled her cunt with all she can take.
  180. >Damn, you wanted to feel mo-o-oh god!
  181. >Her pussy starts to contract on your member, ridges clasping it as she bounces a bit up and down your cock.
  182. >Is this what those mares mean when they say wink?!
  183. >What have you been missing out on in your life?
  184. >Your hips start to thrust upward, making the poor filly squeal as you push her skyward.
  185. >She pants and moans, eyes locked with yours.
  186. >”Th-That'th right Anonymouth, fuck me. Make thith fi-filly thcream!”
  187. >She grunts out as you match her movements.
  188. >Her winking marehood taking a -light- ride from whatever thrust you can manage in your tied state.
  189. >Twist's eyes once again go wide as she screams.
  190. >Clear liquid starts to trickle down your cock, coating it in what you know is her feminine juices.
  191. >She coos and looks into your eyes, silently begging you to stop as you continue to thrust.
  192. >Damn... how can you say no to this sweet angel?
  193. >Stopping, she pulls herself off of you, denying you another orgasm.
  194. >She turns around, showing her surprisingly round rump towards you.
  195. >You can guess where all the sweets she eats goes.
  196. >...
  197. >Wait, she cannot be serious, can she?
  198. >You get your answer as she lowers her tight brown ring onto your lubricated member.
  199. >She can't do this, she was a virgin up until a recently!
  200. >Wasn't she?
  201. >Sh-She didn't bleed after your penetration.
  202. >Maybe she can do this...
  203. >No, she can, and you want her too.
  204. >The filly looks back, shaking her buns lightly left and right, dragging your cock with each movement.
  205. >You nod, pushing against her ring to show you are ready.
  206. >With a smile, she engulfs your member in her anus.
  207. >This filly must be used to this, as not only is she taking you without painful resistance, she is whimpering out high pitched moans.
  208. >”O-Oh Celethtia, thith ith tho much better than my toyth!”
  209. >You feel her begin to bounce her plump young ass up and down your dick.
  210. >The feeling of a winking cunt is amazing, but this is better!
  211. >Returning to your thrusts, you start to push more of your member into her tight backdoor.
  212. >She's already managed to take more than half your dick at this point, and only digging deeper with each thrust and bounce.
  213. >Oh god, if she can take your whole thing.
  214. >You know the attempt is made in vain, but you yell out.
  215. 'Come on Twist, take it all, take every inch you filthy filly!'
  216. >She is nearly there, forcing her ass down to nearly touch your sack.
  217. >You are so close, about to bust a nut in your student's ass.
  218. >Twist must see this, as she doubles her efforts, moaning like a wanton whore.
  219. >”P-pleathe Anon! Finithe inthide me!”
  220. >Not wanting to disappoint the filly, you take slow, but deep thrusts.
  221. >As your cock is moments from unleashing your seed, you bury it as deep as you can.
  222. >Damn this gag!
  223. >It is stopping you from letting out a practical yell of a moan throughout all of Twist's house.
  224. >Shooting off inside the young mare's button, you hear her seethe and squeal.
  225. >Dropping your hips, you finally notice that you have been sweating like a pig...
  226. >A perverted pig who just came not once, but twice because of a filly.
  227. >Looking to Twist, she is struggling to get balanced on her four legs.
  228. >Once she is, the filly walks over to you and undoes your gag, hugging your neck as she collapses next to you.
  229. >”W-Wath it good for you too?”
  230. >Your answer is a guttural moan followed by labored inhales.
  231. >”That'th good...”
  232. >The ma-... the filly falls asleep next to you.
  233. >Smacking your lips, you taste the familiar mint of Twist's candy canes.
  234. >... She drugged you.
  235. >Who knows what she put in them.
  236. >Oh god... what... did... y... you...
  237. >...
  238. >”A-Anonymouth?”
  239. >Your head rolls left and right as you try to come back to consciousness.
  240. >Groaning, your cock is sore and your head is light.
  241. “W-What happened?”
  242. >Twist is no longer laying against your arms, which are now free.
  243. >Sitting up, you see your student standing by her closet, which is now wide open and revealing a large array of female masturbatory aids.
  244. >Along with your new-found physical freedom, your mental and carnal stability have returned.
  245. >No longer do thoughts of taking your students holes for a rough ride cloud your mind...
  246. “Twist, what did you do to me?”
  247. >The filly sniffles, trying to meet your gaze, but failing to do so.
  248. >”Y-You thaid that to get the man I wanted, I thould be confident, be determined, and be theductive. I wath all three, right?”
  249. >Shaking your head, you bring your palms to your face.
  250. “Twist, this is so wrong... There is a BIG age gap here.”
  251. >She jumps onto her bed, walking towards you.
  252. >”I don't care! Tho what if I am younger? I am clearly more thexually exprienthed than any mare you've been with. I could tell!”
  253. >Not that you've been with a mare before this.
  254. >Wait, no, she is still a filly...
  255. >Yet she was better than any human woman you've been with.
  256. >Her throat... winking marehood... her sweet ass...
  257. >What are you thinking?!
  258. >This is a child you are talking about here!
  259. >A sexually aggressive... attractive...
  260. >No!
  261. >You grab your clothes, redressing yourself.
  262. >”A-Anonymouth?”
  263. “I need some time to think, I need to go.”
  264. >Leaving your book and a sexual mess, you head out the door, going to clear your head.
  265. >Day Addiction in Equestria.
  266. >Trying to get Twist to focus on the problems in front of her, you can't help but feel your hand shakes as she buries her rump in your lap.
  267. >”Tho, Anon?~ What thould we get thtarted on today?”
  268. >Looking to the book, your eyes slowly scan left to right.
  269. >You can't believe you are doing this again.
  270. >Yet, here you are.
  271. >Twist's parents have already left, leaving you alone with the filly.
  272. >You tried going back to women, or in this case, mares.
  273. >It didn't work.
  274. >Twist's teacher, Cheerilee.
  275. >She was a lovely mare, so beautiful, so kind.
  276. >You bedded her and it was amazing...
  277. >But this red headed filly was so much better.
  278. 'One more time, just one more time.'
  279. >That's what you kept telling yourself.
  280. >The one fact you refuse to accept is that the ride never ends.
  281. “I guess the same thing we start with everyday.”
  282. >Taking one of her canes to your mouth, you begin to suckle and chew the sweet aphrodisiac.
  283. >About to start your daily session of
  284. >Fucking Twist.


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount

Impossibly Lucky Anon

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