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Day Code Red

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-18 04:53:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by That_Happy_Guy
  3. >Day Reflection in Equestria.
  4. >Panting, struggling to breathe, you continue to run through the Everfree forest.
  5. >Fluttershy was hot on your tail up until you entered the creepy tree place, then she pussied out.
  6. >Still, to be safe, you are trying to put as much distance between her and you as possible.
  7. >”Anoooon~”
  8. >You were smart to run, you're going to give yourself a goldstar when you get home.
  9. >”Come out, come out, wherever you-EEEK!”
  10. >Wait, she's still Fluttershy.
  11. >She'll freak out at every little thing.
  12. >Slowing down, you catch your breath.
  13. >As you do, a certain yellow Pegasi sneaks up behind you.
  14. >”GOTCHA BABY!”
  15. >Yelling, you spin around and see the end of a knife coming towards you.
  16. >You dodge, running again.
  17. >The lunatic thought knives were your fetish, fucking knives!
  18. >You aren't some young woman with daddy problems, you don't like pain in your sex!
  19. >Screaming, you continue to run through the forest like one of those teenagers in a horror flick.
  20. >Wait!
  21. >Those teenagers always get killed!
  22. >”You can run honey buns, but you can't hide!”
  23. >Why can't you hide?
  24. >It's worked before.
  25. >Looking around, you see a rock, a BIG rock.
  26. >Walking up behind it, you notice a small hole on the ground immediately next to the rock.
  27. >Looking harder, you see it is attached to the bottom of the rock, like it's covering something.
  28. >Pushing it a bit, there is a bigger hole underneath it.
  29. >You could probably hide here.
  30. >Is it really safe to hide in a hole under a rock that you found in the middle of a spoopy forest?
  31. >”Where are you snookums? I promise to only cut a little!”
  32. >Hole it is.
  33. >Pushing harder, you open it enough for you to jump in.
  34. >As you do, the rock falls back in place.
  35. >Touching the floor, you realize it is really slippery.
  36. >Like, snail sperm levels of slippery.
  37. >Trying to keep your footing, you lose it and slide.
  38. >The fall isn't so much scary as annoying.
  39. >Lots of weird turns.
  40. >Riding this slope all the way to the bottom, you see a giant pool of water.
  41. >Standing up, you wipe your butt of dirt.
  42. “Huh.”
  43. >”Huh.”
  44. >Cool, echo.
  45. “Hey!”
  46. >”Hey!”
  47. >Heh, fun.
  48. “I fucked your mom!”
  49. >”You son of a bitch!”
  50. >Whoa, that's new.
  51. “Sorry.”
  52. >”Come over here and say that again, I'll fucking wreck you m8!”
  53. >Taking a couple steps back, you raise your hands up.
  54. “Geez, I said I'm sorry, I thought you were an echo.”
  55. >”Oh! Oh! Just because I'm an echo means I don't care about my mom? Fuck you, you limp dick mother fucker!”
  56. >You are now uncomfortable.
  57. >A yell comes from behind you.
  58. >”Hey! Be nice George, he was just playing with an echo!”
  59. >The echo voice grumbles, slowly going silent.
  60. >Looking back, you see Pinkie.
  61. “Uhhh-”
  62. >”Don't mind George. He gets cranky around strangers. Hi there!”
  63. >Confused, you watch as the pink mare walks in front of you.
  64. “Hi, listen, I-”
  65. >”Oh! I almost forgot, my name's Pinkie! Nice to meet you.”
  66. >Closing your mouth, you give her a confused look.
  67. “Pinkie, you all right?”
  68. >She nods, quirking her head.
  69. >”Uh huh, why wouldn't I be?”
  70. “Because we've already met. It's me, Anon.”
  71. >She gives you a confused look.
  72. “Anon. You threw a welcoming party for me when I first came to Equestria. We've been good friends ever since.”
  73. >Still confused.
  74. “... We made out at the new years party.”
  75. >She giggles.
  76. >”That sounds hot.”
  77. “It was.”
  78. >”Ahhh, but that wasn't me.”
  79. >You blink twice.
  80. “I'm pretty sure it was you.”
  81. >Pinkie shakes her head.
  82. >”Nah, that was the original Pinkie. I'm Pinkie number five hundred thirty two! Or, just Pinkie number two now.”
  83. >Nodding, you chuckle.
  84. “Yeahhhh, bull shit.”
  85. >The mare furrows her brow.
  86. >”Nuh uh! I'm a clone!”
  87. >You roll your eyes.
  88. “I think I would notice if there was more than one Pinkie running around.”
  89. >She sighs sadly.
  90. >”That's because there is only one Pinkie running around now... There used to be hundreds! Then they decided to kill us all, for no reason!”
  91. >This got dark fast.
  92. “What?!”
  93. >”Uh huh! Pinkie cloned herself, because she wanted to have fun with all her friends, but she did it too much! Everyone got annoyed and they were saying stuff like 'Oh, we only want one Pinkie, there's too many!' Then Twilight Sparkle came up with a plan. She was gonna kill all of us!”
  94. >Holy shit, Twilight is a murderer.
  95. “No fucking way.”
  96. >”It's true! When it came down to the last dozen of us, I snuck away and ran home. I didn't wanna die!”
  97. >Fucking christ, this mare has a sad story.
  98. “Damn. How did Pinkie clone herself in the first place?”
  99. >She points to the pool of water.
  100. >”See that thing?”
  101. “Uh huh.”
  102. >”That's the Mirror Pool. You say a lil chant, step in it, and BOOM! Instant clone.”
  103. “Whoa... really?”
  104. >She nods, smiling.
  105. >”Uh huh!”
  106. “... I don't believe you.”
  107. >She sighs, pushing you towards it.
  108. >”Look down.”
  109. >Sighing, you do so.
  110. “All right.”
  111. >The echo returns.
  112. >”I don't think that's a good idea!”
  113. >Pinkie sighs.
  114. >”I'm just gonna do it once! Show him that it's real George!”
  115. >George groans.
  116. >Looking to Pinkie, she points back to the pool.
  117. >”Lookie.”
  118. >You return your gaze to the water.
  119. >”And into her own reflection she stared, yearning for one whose reflection she shared, and who solemnly sweared not to be scared.”
  120. >She pushes you in, causing you to yell out.
  121. >”At the prospect of being doubly mared.”
  122. >Falling through the other side, you gasp.
  123. “Pinkie!”
  124. >”Pinkie!”
  125. “Why'd you do that?!”
  126. >”Why'd you do that?!”
  127. “George, shut up!”
  128. >”George, shut up!”
  129. >The echo groans.
  130. >”It's not me, you dumb ass! Look around.”
  131. >Doing so, you see Pinkie, some rocks, another you-
  132. “AHHHHHH!”
  133. >”AHHHHHH!”
  134. >You two are now screaming at each other.
  135. >Continuing to scream, you poke his face as he pokes yours.
  136. >You touch his hand as he touches yours.
  137. >You turn to Pinkie as he does as well.
  138. >She simply giggles at the two screaming humans.
  139. >”See! I told you that I was a clone!”
  140. >Screaming still, you look back to your clone.
  141. “Why are we screaming?!”
  142. >”I don't know! I think it's because there are two of me- two of US!”
  143. “This is awesome!”
  144. >”I know!”
  145. >Calming down, you begin to laugh.
  146. “Oh man, this is awesome.”
  147. >”Yeah!”
  148. >Continuing to touch him in nonsexual ways, you can't help but be amazed.
  149. >A second you!
  150. >Think of all the thing you can do!
  151. >...
  152. >Okay, you can't think of any now, but it's still awesome!
  153. “Whoo! You are one good looking man.”
  154. >”Right back at you buddy.”
  155. >Pinkie number two giggles.
  156. >”I think you're both good looking.”
  157. >Smiling back at the mare, you sigh.
  158. >She seems content, until she gives you a curious expression.
  159. >”Oh! I forgot to ask, how'd you get here?”
  160. >Right, you almost forgot why you hid here in the first place.
  161. “Fluttershy was chasing me.”
  162. >Your clone nods.
  163. >”She tried to rape me- him- us... one of us.”
  164. “Yeah, I saw a hole a rock, figured I could hide behind it.”
  165. >”Then I noticed a hole underneath it.”
  166. “I lifted the rock up, fell down, and slid all the way here.”
  167. >”Mhmm!”
  168. >Pinkie number two nods.
  169. >”Whoaaa, Fluttershy tried to rape you?”
  170. >You and your clone nod once more.
  171. >”... Why?”
  172. “Because we have hot monkey dick.”
  173. >”Because we have hot monkey dick.”
  174. >Chuckling, you fist bump him.
  175. >Pinkie hums.
  176. >”Wow, that stinks... You could stay here with me! We can play games, and hang out, and tell spooky ghost stories, and make out, and-”
  177. >Walking up to the mare, you and your clone place a finger on her lips.
  178. “No.”
  179. >”Yeah, we're not going to be bullied out of our house.”
  180. “Mhmm, we just need a plan to get her to stop.”
  181. >”One that's genius.”
  182. “Sneaky.”
  183. >”And will make sure we are safe.”
  184. >Pausing, you and your clone both look to the pool, grinning.
  185. >”Uh, Anons? What are you thinking?”
  186. >Day A few good men in Equestria.
  187. >Walking alongside your friends, you can't help but feel this is your fault.
  188. >Anon hasn't been seen in over a month!
  189. >He just vanished that day you thought scary movies were his fetish.
  190. >Oh, you shouldn't have lied to him, you should have just told him that you were acting out a scary movie!
  191. >Now he's run away!
  192. >Twilight stops at the opening of the Everfree Forest.
  193. >”Okay, we'll split up and search for any traces of Anon. If anypony finds ANY trace of our human, find the others. All right?”
  194. >You nod, on the verge of tears.
  195. >She sighs, turning back to the dirt road.
  196. >”Okay... let's go!”
  197. >You all rush into the forest, but immediately stop.
  198. >There is a sign nailed into one of the trees.
  199. >Rainbow Dash flies up to it.
  200. >”Humans go here... what?”
  201. >Curious, you walk up to the sign.
  202. >It really does say humans go here...
  203. >This sign wasn't here before.
  204. >Inspecting it, you see a stickfigure of a human wearing a weird yellow hat holding a brown rectangle with weird squiggly lines on the inner ends.
  205. >Underneath the bad picture is an arrow.
  206. >Twilight hums to herself.
  207. >”This is weird...”
  208. “D-Do you think we should follow the sign?”
  209. >Your friend nods.
  210. >”We probably should. It's clearly sign meant for Anon. Whether he made it or not is up for debate, but he might be wherever this sign is leading.”
  211. >Rainbow Dash nods.
  212. >”Right, if someone made a sign just for me, I'd follow it.”
  213. >You look to her quizzically.
  214. “Why?”
  215. >”Because it's a sign JUST for me, duuuuh.”
  216. >Applejack groans, already making her way in the direction the sign is pointing.
  217. >”Let's just get this over with. Ah left mah good hat at home ta dry n' ah KNOW Applebloom is gonna try n' mess with it if ah'm gone too long.”
  218. >Twilight just rolls her eyes, following Applejack.
  219. >”I'm pretty sure your hat is just fine.”
  220. >Whimpering, you watch as the rest of your friends take after Twilight.
  221. >You take the rear, not wanting to be at the forefront in case something spooky comes out.
  222. >Looking around, you see some more signs.
  223. >All of them are meant for Anon.
  224. >Maybe he made them so he wouldn't get lost?
  225. >Y-Yeah, that's probably it.
  226. >He just moved to the Everfree forest, for... reasons.
  227. >Whimpering some more, you walk into Pinkie's booty.
  228. “Ooph! S-Sorry Pinkie Pie.”
  229. >She giggles, looking back at you.
  230. >”No worries! My fault for stopping and looking at this awesome castle.”
  231. >What?
  232. >Looking over her, you see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna's old castle, but it's completely rebuilt!
  233. >In fact, it looks improved upon.
  234. >New paint job, new walls, new everything.
  235. >A strange music is coming from it, something... creepy.
  236. >Almost like it's meant to put you in a false sense of security so something can attack!
  237. >The rest of your friends must not think so, since they are heading towards the castle.
  238. >You gulp, following after.
  239. >”If you like making love at midnight~ in the dunes of the cape~”
  240. >That sounds like Anon's voice!
  241. >Rushing to the head of the group, you try to see if it is your precious human.
  242. >”I'm the love that you've looked for~ write to me and escape~”
  243. >Rushing in, you see that the inside of the castle is completely different as well.
  244. >It is almost like the interior was designed for a vacation spot.
  245. >There are palm trees growing inside, new green vines hanging from the walls, some sand is on the floor and there is a boombox in the corner.
  246. >Between two of the trees is a hammock.
  247. >Anon is sitting in it!
  248. >Rushing to him, you hear him singing along with the seductive song.
  249. >”I didn't think about my lady~ I know that sounds kinda mean~”
  250. “Of course it is mean! Ohhh, how could you not think of me?”
  251. >He sighs, getting off of the hammock and pressing a button on a small black thing.
  252. >The music stops.
  253. >He walks towards you, wearing a pair of shorts and a short sleeve shirt.
  254. >Smiling, you ignore the fact he looks annoyed.
  255. >As your friends pile into the castle behind you, he starts to smile.
  256. >”Heeeey, what are you all doing here?”
  257. >Twilight steps forward, annoyed.
  258. >”What are we doing here? Anon, you disappeared, we were all worried sick!”
  259. >He chuckles, waving her off.
  260. >”Twiii, come on. So I was gone a couple weeks-”
  261. >The purple mare interrupts him.
  262. >”You were gone over a month!”
  263. >He blinks a couple times, raising and dropping his sexy fingers while mouthing something.
  264. >”... Holy crap. Has it really been a month?”
  265. >All five of your friends speak at once.
  266. >”YES!”
  267. “Y-Yes.”
  268. >He sighs, shaking his head.
  269. >”Oh, geez, sorry everyone. I was just busy out here with my work.”
  270. >Twilight steps towards him.
  271. >”Work?”
  272. >He nods, pulling up the black thing.
  273. >”Yeah, been doing some renovations, look.”
  274. >Anon presses another button and a disco ball lowers from the ceiling.
  275. >You all just stare at him.
  276. >“After some stuff happened, I kind of decided to live here. I mean, it took some work, but I think I made good time. Look, it lights up.”
  277. >After another button press the curtains close and a light hits the ball.
  278. >As it starts to spin, your friends look around, watching the room fill with spinning light.
  279. >Applejack sighs, heading for the door.
  280. >”Well, ah'm glad yer safe Anon, but if it's all well n' good, ah'm gonna get headin' home.”
  281. >Rarity sighs, following after Applejack.
  282. >”Quite, I do have a business to run after all.”
  283. >Smiling, you wonder if you can convince the others to leave so you can get some alone time with Anon.
  284. “What about you Rainbow? Do you want to stick around in this dusty old place?”
  285. >You look to your friend and see her staring at the Disco Ball, floating up with her jaw dropped.
  286. >”Uhhh...”
  287. >Anon takes notice and turns the lights off.
  288. >Shaking her head, Dash groans.
  289. >”Nnn... whoa, why's my head hurt?”
  290. >Pinkie chuckles, helping Rainbow get out of the air and onto her hooves.
  291. >”C'mon Dashie, let's get you some fresh air.”
  292. >As the two leave, you smile.
  293. >Perfect!
  294. >You only need to get rid of Twilight and you'll have Anon all to yourself.
  295. >You even have a special fetish guess for today.
  296. >Rape~
  297. “Say, Twi-”
  298. >Anon interrupts you.
  299. >”Twilight! Wanna come help me with something real quick?”
  300. >No!
  301. >Then Anon will be alone with Twilight and you'll just be... alone.
  302. >Your friend giggles, taking a step towards Anon.
  303. >”Sure, though I'm not sure what you could need help with. You seem to have everything handled all by yourself.”
  304. >As the two walk, you see Anon place a hand on her back.
  305. >”Well, not ALL by myself.”
  306. >Raising a hoof, you reach out and take a couple steps after them.
  307. ”C-Can I come with?”
  308. >Anon doesn't look at you, raising a hand and waving instead.
  309. >”Nah, just wait for us here.”
  310. >Whimpering, you sit down, ears drooping as you look to the ground.
  311. >Sighing, you look around.
  312. >Anon really has turned this place around.
  313. >Although, it looks like he's turned the entrance room into a studio apartment.
  314. >There's a fridge sitting opposite the palm tree/hammock area.
  315. >Next to it are a large number of shelves, an insanely large number.
  316. >Why would one human need all those shelves?
  317. >Looking around once more, you see Anon reaching into the fridge.
  318. >Anon!
  319. >Rushing to him, you look around for Twilight.
  320. “H-Hi Anon.”
  321. >He seems to be wearing his typical suit, but with weird splotches of green and brown all around it.
  322. >”Huh? Oh, hey Fluttershy. What are you doing here?”
  323. >Giggling, you touch his leg.
  324. “Ohhh, you know why I'm here honey buns. You told me to wait for you while you and Twilight did a thing! G-Guess it was a quick thing, huh?”
  325. >He looks confused.
  326. >”What? What thing are-”
  327. >A look of realization crosses his face.
  328. >”Oh. Ohhhhhh. OHHHH! THAT thing, right.”
  329. >Giggling some more, you flutter up to him.
  330. “Right. Silly billy.”
  331. >He gives a deep chuckle, shaking his head.
  332. >”Ahhh, Fluttershy, you should leave.”
  333. >Stroking up his chest, you see a weird “II” patch on his chest.
  334. “But why would I leave? I have a very special fetish guess for you today~”
  335. >He looks unamused, the silly cutie.
  336. >”Yeah? What is it?”
  337. >Giving him a devilish grin, you lick your lips.
  338. “Rape.”
  339. >His eyes go wide.
  340. >As you are about to wrap your hooves around him, he grabs you and tosses you towards the sand.
  341. >Squealing, you land on your tushy and watch as Anon grabs his collar.
  342. >”All units, we have a code red!”
  343. >Yells fill the room, hundreds of them!
  344. >”Code red! Code red! Code red!”
  345. >A loud metal *KUNCK!* fills the room.
  346. >Looking to the front door, you see a giant metal slab locking you in!
  347. >On top of it are two more Anons wearing armor, yelling that same phrase.
  348. >”Code red! Code red!”
  349. >They rappel down, strange tubes of metal in their hands.
  350. >Glass breaks, armored Anons wearing backpacks falling from the sun roof!
  351. >They pull strings on their backpacks and parachutes shoot out.
  352. >The chants of a “Code red” don't stop.
  353. >Whimpering, you can feel yourself tinkle.
  354. >A slam catches your attention as more Anons come out the fridge and shelves, all of them carrying those tubes.
  355. >They surround you in a circle, pointing the tubes at you as they do.
  356. >A loud ear shattering *Zoom* comes from above and you see a giant metal bird with even MORE Anons jumping out of it!
  357. >Just as you think there can't be more, bagpipes fill the room and Anons wearing kilts file in from every possible door or hallway.
  358. >The Anon with a II patch chuckles, walking up to you as the many humans growl and yell at you like a herd of wolves.
  359. >”All right, settle down!”
  360. >The army of humans calms down.
  361. >”Good. Now, Fluttershy, don't attempt to move or they'll end up shooting themselves.”
  362. >Voices from the back yell out.
  363. >”Hell yeah we will!”
  364. >”Fuck yeah! We don't care!”
  365. >”Let's just shoot her now!”
  366. >The II patch wearing Anon looks back, annoyed.
  367. >”Hey! We trained you better than this.”
  368. >Whimpering, you see all but the closest Anons lower their tubes.
  369. >”Good. Now, here's what's going to happen.”
  370. >II Anon looks to you, angry.
  371. >”You are never going to bother us again. If you even THINK about doing so, me and my army will tear you a whole plethora of new anuses.”
  372. >You nod, tearing up.
  373. ”O-Okay!”
  374. >”And don't even think about telling anyone we're here, or we'll find you AFTER we handle them.”
  375. “Okay!”
  376. >”Good. Now get the fuck out of here.”
  377. >The slab is thrown upwards, opening the front door.
  378. >You run past all the Anons, screaming the entire time.
  379. >”Ahhhhhh!”
  380. >Chuckling, you take a sip from your wine as you sit across from Twilight.
  381. >As you watch Fluttershy run out of your new home on the big screen, you feel a smile crack your lips.
  382. “Well, that went better than expected.”
  383. >Looking to the mare, you see her eyes wide and glass broken on the floor.
  384. “Tsk, Twiliiiight. Look at this.”
  385. >You whistle and one of your clones comes in and takes the carpet out of the room as two more place another one.
  386. “Thank you.”
  387. >The mare snaps back to reality.
  388. >”Anon, wh-what the hell was- who are all these humans?!”
  389. >Pinkie number two, or as you like to call her, Hot Pinkie, walks in.
  390. >”Simple Twilight, they're clones from the mirror pool!”
  391. >She gasps, looking at Hot Pinkie with malice.
  392. >”You! I KNEW one of you escaped!”
  393. >The purple mare lunges forward, holding her ground as she charges a spell.
  394. >The three Anons from before bust in, pointing guns at Twilight.
  395. “Twilight, please don't. I like you, I'd hate for my friends to have to fill you with more holes than swiss cheese.”
  396. >Twilight growls, but backs down.
  397. >”Anon, I can't believe you did this!”
  398. “What, cloned myself?”
  399. >”No! Worked WITH a clone!”
  400. >Furrowing your brow, you cross your arms.
  401. “Hey, Hot Pinkie did nothing wrong.”
  402. >Twilight's eyes shoot wide once more.
  403. >”H-Hot Pinkie?”
  404. >The mare in question giggles, walking up to you and sitting on your lap, pecking your cheek.
  405. >”Mhmm! Because I'm the one getting the hot monkey dock~”
  406. >You peck her back.
  407. >Twilight scowls, cheeks beet red.
  408. >”Anon! I thought you didn't like ponies that way?!”
  409. “I did. I also told you that Fluttershy was stalking me and trying to rape me. Didn't believe that either, did ya? Now look where we are. My number two had to call a code red and I'm about to fill Hot Pinkie's tight ponut hole.”
  410. >Twilight groans, looking away.
  411. >”Y-Yknow I could just tell Princess Celestia about everything that's going on!”
  412. >You chuckle, groping the phat booty on your lap.
  413. “Yeah, you COULD do that. Orrrr, I share my technology with Equestria, you take the credit, and a bonus incentive.”
  414. >The three Anons lower their guns, eying Twilight up and down.
  415. >She must notice, since she is now trying to cover herself a bit.
  416. >”H-Hey, stop that.”
  417. “Oh? You don't like the attention? Let's face it Twi, if given the chance, we both know we'd have fucked long ago. Now you have the chance.”
  418. >She looks to you, worried, but also a bit anxious.
  419. >”But three of you?”
  420. “Hey, three times the fun.”
  421. >She gulps, smiling as she looks back to the clones who are already undressing and heading out the door.
  422. >As you watch her leave, you can feel Hot Pinkie working your zipper.
  423. >Just as Twilight's about to exit, she stops and looks back to you.
  424. >”Wait!”
  425. >Hot Pinkie groans, annoyed by the interruption to her sexy times.
  426. “Yes Twi?”
  427. >She looks over to the big screen.
  428. >”That Anon, the one with the two on his shirt, he was about to grab something from the fridge.”
  429. “Right, and?”
  430. >”How have you been feeding all these humans?”
  431. “...”
  432. >Sighing, you are nearly home.
  433. >All that fuss over nothing.
  434. >You're glad Anon's back and all, but you missed a whole mess of work!
  435. >Looking into the laundry room, you see your favorite hat missing.
  436. >Groaning, you go to look for Applebloom.
  437. “Applebloom, ah swear, if ah find ya with mah hat on, I'ma throttle ya!”
  438. >Looking around, you see shaking from the trees.
  439. >There she is!
  440. >Running towards her, you hear an *eep*.
  441. “Ah gotcha, ya little-”
  442. >Passing through the orchard, you see many of your trees missing apples.
  443. >Confused, you pick up the pace to catch your sister.
  444. >As you near her, you see a branch slam towards your face.
  445. >Groaning, you growl and get back up.
  446. >You are definitely beating her now!
  447. >Yelling out, you resume the chase.
  448. >Losing track of her, you just run.
  449. >As you do, you come to an open section.
  450. >It is not open naturally though, a giant section of your trees is missing!
  451. >As your jaw drops, you hear tiny hoofsteps come from behind you.
  452. >”Were ya callin' me sis?”
  453. >Looking back, you see the filly with your hat on, looking innocent.
  454. >She steps forward and her jaw joins yours on the floor.
  455. >”W-What the hay happened ta our trees?!”
  456. “... Applebloom?”
  457. >”Yeah sis?”
  458. “Ah think we got coons.”
  459. “We, uh, appropriated some produce.”
  460. >Twilight looks confused.
  461. >”Appropriated how?”
  462. “... You ever try stopping a giant hungry hoard of men in training?”
  463. >In truth, you didn't want to steal from Applejack, but hey.
  464. >It was either feed your army, or end up
  465. >Fucking Fluttershy.
  466. >... And not fucking Hot Pinkie.
  467. >Which is not an option.


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount

Impossibly Lucky Anon

by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount