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Day Whipped

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-18 05:14:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by That_Happy_Guy
  3. >Day of the Whipped in Equestria.
  4. >As you lightly snore, enjoying the fine Saturday morning the best way you know how, you fail to notice the creaking of your front door opening and closing.
  5. >Laying in bed, vulnerable, and unaware of your surroundings; your intruders decide to forgo subtlety and get you up asap.
  6. >A heavy ball slams into your stomach, knocking the breath out of you.
  7. >Eyes wide, breathing harsh, you see Pinkie smiling at you.
  8. “Puh-puh-puh-”
  9. >”Pinkie Pie!”
  10. >Groaning, you push her off your body and onto the floor.
  11. >She lands next to five familiar ponies and a dragon who is currently carrying five different purses.
  12. >Gaining your breath back, you let off an annoyed yell and look to the mares.
  13. “What are you doing in my house?!”
  14. >Twilight steps forward.
  15. >”We decided that you get to come with us to the mall.”
  16. >Pulling your blankets over your head, you grumble,
  17. “It's too early for the mall.”
  18. >A pair of wings flap up to your bed, landing next to you.
  19. >After a few pokes, a meek and soft voice speaks next to your ear.
  20. >”B-But it's past noon.”
  21. “Too early!”
  22. >You shift until Flutterbutt falls off your bed.
  23. >*Pomf*
  24. >Not even going to question the sound her butt makes, just going to ignore the ponypones.
  25. >After a couple minutes of quiet deliberation, your blanket is yanked off of you at the speed of magic.
  26. >Rarity is holding your warm cuddly friend above her head.
  27. >”We were not asking, Anonymous.”
  28. >Looking at the mare, you give her a deadpan stare.
  29. “Rare, give my blanket back before I drop kick you from a third story building.”
  30. >Before she can respond, a thick leather collar is latched around your neck.
  31. “What the... get this fucking thing off-GAAAAAAAAAAH!”
  32. >It unleashes a large shock, turning your vision blue tinted.
  33. >Rarity is blue, Spike is blue, Rainbow Dash is more blue.
  34. >Living in a blue world right now, and Jebus fucking Christ is it painful!
  35. >The shock stops, letting the world turn back to its regular technicolor self.
  36. >Panting, you reach for the collar.
  37. “Get this fucking thing off me!”
  38. >It goes off again.
  39. >As you scream, Twilight uses her bullshit wings to fly next to you.
  40. >”You should really stop being so mean Anon. My obedience collar will just keep shocking you until then.”
  41. >This bitch has an obedience collar?!
  42. >As the shock dies down, you gag and gasp.
  43. >”So, are you ready to go to the mall or what?”
  44. “... I fucking hate-GAAAAAAAH!”
  45. >Gritting your teeth, you walk next to Spike as you two carry bags upon bags of trivial bull shit that these mares don't need.
  46. >Clothes, kitchen utensils, and sex toys.
  47. >They don't wear clothes, you have never seen any one of them cook for themselves, and there isn't a stallion alive who would willingly fuck them.
  48. >Not that the six mares care.
  49. >They are just walking through the mall, gossiping and squealing at their dumb jokes.
  50. >Whether it be Earth or Equestria, females always react the same while in the mall.
  51. >Speaking of, this mall sucks donkey dick.
  52. >No arcades, no game stores, not even a fucking electronics shop.
  53. >Just a bunch of female oriented stores.
  54. >What kind of bullshit mall is this?
  55. >You understand that the ratio of male to female stores is like one to six back on Earth, but this is fucking ridiculous!
  56. >The collar goes off, causing you to fall to the ground.
  58. >When, not if, WHEN you get this collar off, you are going to beat that purple fucking Alicorn within an inch of her life!
  59. >As you continue to get shocked, a mare with a bottle of perfume walks up to you.
  60. >”Free sample?”
  61. >She spritzes the bottle right in your face as the collar continues to shock you.
  62. >It is strong, potent, and is burning your eyes and nose.
  63. >Still not as bad as the collar.
  64. >Once the collar dies down, you hear the mares giggle.
  65. >”Looks like Nonny was thinking bad thoughts!”
  66. >Fucking Pinkie Pie.
  67. >As you continue to walk, the mares approach a big wooden door.
  68. >There is a mare with a hat sitting in a booth next to it.
  69. >She opens it and looks to you.
  70. >You wait for the mares to step inside, but only see Spike solemnly walk into the room.
  71. >”Come on Anon...”
  72. “What?”
  73. >The mares look at you expectantly.
  74. “Oh, you have got to be- GAAAAAAAAAAH!”
  75. >You fall to your knees, shock causing you to twitch on the floor.
  76. >As you do, Rainbow Dash starts to push you into the room with her hoof.
  77. >”We'll be back in an hour.”
  78. >If you could, you would tell the Pegasus to go fuck herself.
  79. >The door slams shut, deadbolts setting as you spasm on the floor.
  80. >After a couple minutes it stops.
  81. >Panting, you pull yourself up and look around.
  82. >The bags you were holding are haphazardly tossed on the floor next to you.
  83. >Spike is sitting on a bench that is attached to the wall, about a dozen or so stallions next to him.
  84. >... Is that Rarity's dad?
  85. “Where the hell are we?”
  86. >Spike looks up, frowning.
  87. >”We're in the waiting room; it's where the girls drop us off when they don't want to lose us while shopping.”
  88. >Each of the stallions have hopeless expressions on their face.
  89. >Man, what have these mares done to them?
  90. >There is no way in hell you are staying here to find out.
  91. >You look around some more when you see a vent near the floor.
  92. >It looks big enough for someone like Spike to sneak through.
  93. >Stepping next to it, you try to figure a way to take it off.
  94. >A series of squeals causes you to grimace.
  95. >Looks like this vent is attached to wherever the mares are.
  96. >”Oh, look at how cute this top is! Wouldn't Anon just look adorable in it?”
  97. >You can't make out exactly who is talking, it's somewhat muffled.
  98. >”I don't know. It clashes with these briefs.”
  99. >Are they buying you underwear?
  100. >What the fuck is wrong with those mares?
  101. >”Oh, it does. Hmmm, I would say we switch them, but that little heart shaped hole right where his ass is isn't on any of these other pairs.”
  102. >Fucking creeps.
  103. >You could probably undo the screws if you had a bit.
  104. >”Oooh! Do you think this dildo is too big for him?”
  105. >What?!
  106. >”Doesn't matter, we'll make it fit.”
  107. >Stepping back from the vent, you take deep breaths.
  108. >You look to Spike and point.
  109. “They're going to try and rape me!”
  110. >He looks to you, still frowning.
  111. >”I know...”
  112. >Have they...
  113. >They wouldn't do that to him, would they?
  114. >Looking around once more, each of the stallions has the same expression Spike does.
  115. “Oh my god... all of you?”
  116. >They nod, some even cry.
  117. >Rarity's dad chuckles.
  118. >”I-It's our own fault for teasing them all so much.”
  119. >You move to the stallion and smack him.
  120. “Don't you feed me that bull shit.”
  121. >He looks to you, surprised.
  122. “Since when is it okay to blame the victim? In fact, how are these mares not in jail?!”
  123. >Spike sighs, drawing your attention.
  124. >”It's what happens when you live in a matriarchal society. Women have all the power, and we're lucky if we can find a pretty one who will take us as a trophy husband.”
  125. >Oh his horse god, what kind of fucked up world is this?
  126. >This is just like how those Tumblr girls describe the world, but gender swapped!
  127. >You won't let that bullshit fly on Earth, and you certainly won't let it factually exist here.
  128. “We're busting out.”
  129. >The stallions look to you, murmuring.
  130. >Rarity's pop shakes his head.
  131. >”And do what?”
  132. “Show those mares we aren't property! Tell me, do you like feeling like an object?”
  133. >”Well I-”
  135. >He shakes his head.
  136. “Let me tell you something, I came from a so called patriarchal society. Maybe at one point it was, but a lot of shit went down that had it where men and women were pretty equal.”
  137. >You think you had them when you said patriarchal society, since now a majority of them are listening to you.
  138. “One of those things that happened were the women rising up and telling the men to fuck off. Guess what? We're the women now! Now it's time for us to go out there and tell those mares, who are men, to fuck off!”
  139. >A few hopeful stallions are nodding, voicing their agreement.
  140. >Spike on the other hand, is still a sad sack.
  141. >”Anon, what are you trying to do? All you'll accomplish is pissing off Twilight.”
  142. >You place a hand on the dragon's shoulder.
  143. “Spike, that is the dumbest shit I have ever heard. I shouldn't stand up to Twilight because it will piss her off? That is the whole point! To piss. Them. Off! We piss them off, they'll see us as a threat. We're suddenly a threat, they'll give us respect. We get respect, we get treated like equals! You!”
  144. >You point to a random stallion.
  145. >”M-Me?”
  146. “Yes, you, what do you want?”
  147. >”Um, snuggling after sex would be nice.”
  148. “Kind of gay, but okay. And you, what do you want?”
  149. >You point to another stallion.
  150. >”Well, I'd like to go to a bar every now and again.”
  151. >You nod, smiling at the stallion.
  152. “Right, see? THAT is what I'm asking for. For us to do what we want and not be treated like fuck toys. You!”
  153. >The next stallion you point to looks a bit more confident.
  154. >”I want to be able to stare at other mares if my girl gets to stare at other stallions!”
  155. “You!”
  156. >”I want to be able to piss and not have to put the toilet seat down afterward!”
  157. “You!”
  158. >”I want to be able to fart in my own house!”
  159. >This is good, they are getting some vigor in them.
  160. >Pointing back to Rarity's dad, you need to get him and Spike on this boat if you want to get out of this place with your ass virginity still intact.
  161. >Rarity's dad since he'll more than likely keep his daughter off you and Spike since he is a dragon.
  162. “YOU!”
  163. >”I... I...”
  164. “Don't pussy out on me now. What. Do. You. Want?!”
  165. >He takes a deep breath.
  166. >“I want my wife to give me oral sex!”
  167. “Yes!”
  168. >”Why should I have to be the only one to go down?! If I have to navigate that- that bush of hers, the least she can do is choke on my chode!”
  169. >Ha haaa, gross.
  170. >The stallions are now cheering, voicing their wants openly.
  171. >Meat, be on top during sex, no more stuff shoved up their ass, all the good stuff.
  172. >Looking to Spike, the kid is still not even cracking a smile.
  173. >What is wrong with this scaly bastard?
  174. “Spike?”
  175. >He sniffles.
  176. >”You wanna know what I want, Anon?”
  177. >You nod.
  178. >”I... I want Rarity to like me!”
  179. >The cheers suddenly die down.
  180. >”I mean, maybe she'll treat me bad, maybe I'll just be a toy to her, but at least I'll be hers, right?”
  181. >Standing in front of the dragon, you take a knee.
  182. >You nod for a bit before back handing him.
  183. >He yells out and looks to you.
  184. “Spike, respect yourself.”
  185. >The babby looks confuzzled.
  186. >Looks like it's time for you to explain some shit.
  187. “Let's get this out of the way. Rarity is a bitch.”
  188. >He looks shocked, about to voice his anger when you interrupt him.
  189. “She is a bitch!”
  190. >The bitch in question's dad stands up and walks next to you.
  191. >”It's true, I raised her.”
  192. >Whimpering, the dragon looks in your eyes, tears welling up.
  193. “Spike, you are a strong, powerful, independent dragon. Why should you settle for someone who will treat you like dirt?”
  194. >He doesn't respond.
  195. “I heard about what happened on your birthday, how you grew up and became a beast. Tell me, who says that was a bad thing? Sure, you wrecked some shit, but that's only because you unleashed it all at once! Why did you unleash it all at once?”
  196. >The kid looks less depressed.
  197. >”Because... I couldn't control it?”
  198. “Mhmm, and you couldn't control it because those mares refused to let you be yourself! Tell me, how many things do you have?”
  199. >He tries to speak, but stops.
  200. “Exactly! Do you want THAT your whole life?!”
  201. >”I-I-I-”
  202. “Do you want to be treated like a PET?!”
  203. >He furrows his brow, getting angry.
  204. >”No.”
  205. “Do you want more stuff shoved up your butt?!”
  206. >”No!”
  207. “Are you a bitch?!”
  208. >”NO!”
  209. “Are yo-GAAAAAAAAAAH!”
  210. >The collar suddenly goes off, causing you to fall and flop on the floor.
  211. >As it goes off, you hear the loud uproarious cheers dying down.
  212. >A bang comes knocking from the door.
  213. >”Keep it down in there! Dumb ass human...”
  214. >Probably shouldn't have been so loud.
  215. >Now you're on the floor, being shocked like a torture victim.
  216. >As it stops, you look to Spike, panting.
  217. “Are you going to get this thing off me?”
  218. >He looks worried, the fury from before gone.
  219. >”I-If I do, I'll just get in trouble.”
  220. >Looking around, you're losing the crowd.
  221. “Not if my plan works you won't.”
  222. >Spike looks curious.
  223. >”You have a plan?”
  224. >Smiling, you nod.
  225. “A good one.”
  226. >Standing at the door, the collar shocking itself in the corner, you are practically dick to ass with the other men in here.
  227. >You all are waiting on Spike.
  228. >”Er, ma'am?”
  229. >A grunt comes from outside the door.
  230. >”What the- how'd you get outside?”
  231. >The lock shifts, opening the door.
  232. >Phase one starts now.
  233. >You all charge the mare, stomping over her as you all make a bee line for the exit.
  234. >A giant metal door slams down in front of it.
  235. >Looking back, you see the mare, beaten and trampled, standing at her booth.
  236. >”You'll-*Kph* You're gonna pay for that.”
  237. “Get the bitch!”
  238. >Yelling out, you and your small dozen plus army charge the mare as her eyes go wide.
  239. >Shit stomping on her, one of the stallions strips her and takes her handcuffs.
  240. >He proceeds to cuff her while shoving her socks in her mouth.
  241. >Admiring his work, he gets twin pony high fives from a couple stallions next to him.
  242. “All right, get those doors open.”
  243. >Spike runs to the booth, looking around.
  244. >”I dunno how to do that.”
  245. >Sighing, you look around.
  246. >There's still an exit, but it leads somewhere no man should step foot.
  247. >You hear a gulp and Magnum(Rarity's dad is named Magnum) walks up next to you.
  248. >”We're, uh, we're going to have to go through there, aren't we?”
  249. >Nodding, you sigh.
  250. “No one said phase two was going to be easy.”
  251. >Spike joins you and Magnum(Rarity's father) as you stare at the one obstacle keeping you where you are.
  252. >”The perfume department...”
  253. “We're going in.”
  254. >Running, you hear the battle cries of the stallions following you.
  255. >Taking your first step in, you are met with a mare.
  256. >”Free sample?”
  257. >She sprays you in your face, barely missing your eyes.
  258. “BLEGH!”
  259. >It stinks of something fierce.
  260. >Coughing, you continue on.
  261. >”Free sample?”
  262. >”Free sample?”
  263. >”Free sample?”
  264. >The stallions behind you are getting their first barrage of sprays, some screaming out, others groaning, one even tosses his lunch.
  265. >You are met with your second hit, gagging as it clogs your nose.
  266. >”No! Token! Get up man!”
  267. >”I was two days... from divorce.”
  268. >Looks like you're a stallion down.
  269. >”Free sample?”
  270. >Jumping over the mare, you can feel her spray your balls, causing a weird tickling.
  271. “FUCK!”
  272. >Grabbing your nads, you continue to run.
  273. >Magnum(the owner of the sperm Rarity came from) passes you, somehow acquiring a gas mask.
  274. >A mare grabs it, lifting it up.
  275. >”Free sample?”
  276. >He gets it right in the face, causing him to gag.
  277. >You run next to him as he goes limp, carrying the stallion.
  278. >Spike jumps on your back, screaming.
  279. >”They're everywhere!”
  280. >Looking forward, you see the exit.
  281. “We're almost there!”
  282. >Making it out, you jump and hit the floor, gasping for air.
  283. >The other stallions make it out, one crying.
  284. >”Why Token, why?!”
  285. >Standing, you wipe the scented burn off your face.
  286. >In front of you are the six mares who dragged your ass here and Rarity's mom.
  287. >Twilight furrows her brow.
  288. >”What are you all doing out of the pen?”
  289. >Coughing, you walk forward.
  290. “Twilight, I just wanted to say-Pocket sand!”
  291. >You push your hand into your pockets, grab your emergency sand, and toss it at the mare.
  292. >She grabs her eyes, screaming.
  293. “Viva la rapesistance!”
  294. >Cheers come from all over the mall, the stallions who were not in the pen with you joining your revolt.
  295. >As the remaining six mares stare you down, you see Magnum(Rarity's mom's husband) tackles his wife.
  296. >”Why do I always have to be the one who asks for sex?!”
  297. >He rolls around, beating(?) her.
  298. >The white Unicorn screams, looking at her parents.
  299. >”Mother! Father! St-Stop this at once!”
  300. >Watching her parents fight, Rarity chases after them, leaving you with four very angry mares to deal with.
  301. >Spike hops up your back, pointing to them.
  302. >”CHARGE!”
  303. >The stallions behind you do just that.
  304. >Fluttershy and Pinkie go down easy, the former falling to the ground before any of the stallions even touch her.
  305. >Twilight is still busy recovering from your pocket sand when three stallions grab her and carry her off.
  306. >Well, she won't be a problem.
  307. >Applejack and Rainbow Dash however...
  308. >The orange mare kicks off the stallions trying to tackle her while Rainbow Dash just flies out of their reach.
  309. >Smirking, you look around and see every stallion around fighting back.
  310. >Somewhere, you hear a jukebox needle scratch.
  311. >This is so fitting.
  312. >Cracking your knuckles, you chuckle.
  313. “I am going to find out which one of you has the dildo, and shove it sooo far up your ass.”
  314. >The blue blur pulls out a thick, black, latex like horse shaft.
  315. >”Funny, I was just about to say the same thing.”
  316. >You hear a loud gulp from the side of your head.
  317. >Turning, you see Spike bail and run.
  318. >Either he was scared of the dildo, or scared of Rainbow Dash.
  319. >You can understand either way.
  320. >While you are distracted, Dash tries to tackle you.
  321. >You side step and try to kick her in the face.
  322. >Bad move, since the blue Pegasi is now airborn again, leaving you open for Apple mare to buck you.
  323. >She launches you hard enough that you hit the wall.
  324. “Ngh. Fuck biscuits.”
  325. >Grabbing the back of your leg, you realize your going to need a new plan to deal with both of them.
  326. >”Viva la rapesistance!”
  327. >Looking up, you see Spike standing at the second story with a wooden chair.
  328. >He yells and jumps, slamming the piece of furniture into Applejack's head.
  329. >She's out cold, hat flopping to the floor.
  330. >... It's a hat.
  331. >How does it flop?
  332. >As you wonder, the thing skitters off.
  333. “Was that fucking thing alive?!”
  334. >As the three of you watch it wander off, Rainbow Dash takes advantage of the situation, swooping at you.
  335. >With your back against the wall, nowhere to run, you grit your teeth.
  336. >”RAAAGH!”
  337. >You hear a slam and yelp.
  338. >Opening your eyes, you see Magnum(the stallion who you've been making sure every one knows his relation to Rarity) and his wife standing over Rainbow Dash as she grabs her head.
  339. >The two look to each other and kiss.
  340. >”Dammit, I love you woman!”
  341. >He dips her.
  342. >Rarity is tied up behind them, squirming and yelling.
  343. >Huh, looks like they worked out their marital problems.
  344. >As Dash whimpers, you stand up and walk to her.
  345. >”F-Fucking cheater.”
  346. “No.”
  347. >You grab the dildo.
  348. “Just some guy who doesn't want to get raped.”
  349. >Keeping to your word; you walk behind the mare, lift her tail, prod her ass a couple times, then shove the fist sized, arm length monstrosity up her backdoor.
  350. >She yells, tears in her eyes.
  351. >Standing up, you pull your foot back and stomp it in further.
  352. >Apparently it was a vibrator, since it is now moving.
  353. >”N-No! NO NO NO-!”
  354. >Her stomach expands a bit in very strange shapes, rocking back and forth like a stereotypical robot thrash.
  355. >As it goes on, she lets off sickly moans and gasps.
  356. >After a few moments, all the fighting as well as the music are stopped to watch the strange spectacle before you, the machine, which you are certain is neither dildo nor vibrator, lunges outwards harder before stoping.
  357. >It is during this time that Dash's vag literally becomes a fire hydrant, cumming so hard that it shoots her up into the air.
  358. “You were going to put that thing in me?!”
  359. >She gasps, voice hoarse and weak.
  360. >”H-Hell yeah~ A-a-ahhhh~”
  361. >Shaking your head, the fighting continues.
  362. >Grabbing Spike, you place him on your shoulder as you join the fray.
  363. >Magnum(this is the last one, I swear) and his wife are alongside you as you all headbutt, drop kick, suplex, and shit stomp mares.
  364. >After many gruesome fist/hoof fights, the last mare finally goes down.
  365. >Panting, shirt bloody and arms weak, you look around.
  366. “We did it!”
  367. >All the stallions who are still up help their fallen comrades as cheers fill the mall.
  368. >Spike chuckles, his hand up and awaiting a high five.
  369. >How can you say no to your veritable partner in crime?
  370. >Giving him the high five he wishes, you set him down.
  371. “Okay! Now it's time for us to bail.”
  372. >Murmurs fill the building.
  373. “We just caused a riot, beat up a shit ton of mares, and I'm pretty sure I just raped an element of harmony. What did you think was going to happen?”
  374. >All eyes are on you.
  375. >Magnum facehoofs himself.
  376. >”Anon, THIS was your long term plan? We all live here! The mares will remember us!”
  377. >Yeah, you really should have thought this through further.
  378. >Sighing, you look around.
  379. “Okay, does anyone have any ideas where we can all go where the law can't follow us?”
  380. >Silence.
  381. >Should have expected that.
  382. >A tug on your pants leg has you look down.
  383. >Spike gives you an unsure look.
  384. >”Uhhh, I may know a place.”
  385. >Day Tribal in Equestria.
  386. >Chugging the firewater, you hear the chants of your stallions and the buffalo as they watch you down the barrel.
  387. >”Chug chug chug chug!”
  388. >Finishing it, you toss it to the side and yell out.
  389. >The cheers grow.
  390. >Chuckling, you look around.
  391. >These are definitely your kind of people.
  392. >They drink all day, sleep all night, consensually fuck whenever they want, AND they worship Spike.
  393. >Whom you have grown a brotherly attachment to.
  394. >Getting high hoofs from everyone you pass, you make your way to the chief's tent.
  395. >On your way, you see Magnum and his family outside of their tent.
  396. >His wife is cuddling up to him as Sweetie Belle plays with the younger Buffalo.
  397. >Rarity is still tied up, still trying to make attempts to escape.
  398. >Waving to the mostly happy family, you smile as the elder's tent comes into view.
  399. >Inside, you see Spike sitting on a throne.
  400. >He grows a bit as more and more gems are placed at his feet.
  401. >Flicking the back of his head, his growth stops.
  402. “Don't do that. Remember what happened last time?”
  403. >All those poor cows.
  404. >That poor mountain...
  405. >Sighing, the dragon waves his hand and a large number of the gems are taken away, causing him to shrink down to about teenage height.
  406. >”Why do you have to bust my balls?”
  407. “Because I care. Now, The chief wanted to see me?”
  408. >Spike nods, standing and walking you towards the back -room-.
  409. >Inside, you see Chief Thunderhooves and Little Strongheart.
  410. >The female Buffalo blushes as Thunderhooves chuckles.
  411. >”Ah, Anon, it is good to see you once more. Tell me, have you ever thought of taking a bride?”
  412. >Welp, this was dropped on you out of butt fuck nowhere.
  413. >Looking to Little Strongheart, she is giving you a schoolgirl like smile.
  414. “Depends, will it be equal partnership?”
  415. >The elder Buffalo nods.
  416. “Will I have to sign any paper?”
  417. >”No.”
  418. “Will this change anything?”
  419. >”You'll have sex on a consistent basis.”
  420. “Does she do anal?”
  421. >Thunderhooves stops, looking to the female buffalo.
  422. >She nods excitedly.
  423. >”Yes.”
  424. >Thinking on it, you shrug.
  425. “Why not?”
  426. >Little Strongheart squeals, rushing up to you and wrapping her hooves around your neck.
  427. >Thunderhooves nods in approval, joining Spike as they make for the exit.
  428. >”Very good, all you need to do is consummate your marriage.”
  429. >Spike chuckles.
  430. >”Have fun buddy.”
  431. >As they exit, any light from the room is drained.
  432. >The top opens up to reveal a bed that came from god knows where, and the winds start to flow strangely.
  433. >Holy shit, buffalo -magic- is awesome.
  434. >”Come my husband... let us make the silence of the night end.”
  435. >She presses her lips to your own, letting go and positioning herself over the bed.
  436. >Your -wife- wags her butt.
  437. “Welp, when in rome.”
  438. >Unzipping your pants, you free Anon Junior.
  439. >Looks like from now on you'll be
  440. >Fucking Buffaloes.


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount

Impossibly Lucky Anon

by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount


by ArchiveAccount