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Day Paintball

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-19 02:20:49
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by That_Happy_Guy
  3. >Day Paintball in Equestria.
  4. >As you lay belly down in some mud, you reach for your headset to get a status report from your team.
  5. “This is Banana smacker. Any sign of the enemy?”
  6. >Your headset screeches with static before you get a response.
  7. >”Mac-talk here. Eeenope.”
  8. >”White death here. Nope.”
  9. >”This is Blueballs. I have an eye on Rarity aaaand...”
  10. >A loud fling is heard followed by a scream.
  11. >”Yes, she's down.”
  12. “Good job Blueballs. Shock therapy, Trixie, what about you two?”
  13. >”Yeah, I don't see any- GAH!”
  14. >Several shots are heard over the headset before you get another response.
  15. >”That's one a yer guys down Anon. We're comin' for ya! Ah hope ya like givin' oral, cause ah'm gonna-”
  16. >You shut off your headset and shiver.
  17. >After a few moments you turn it back on.
  18. >”-Then once ya finish off inside, ah'm a ride ya up a wall 'n-”
  19. “Blueballs, shut off Thunderlane's headset please.”
  20. >More shots and screams are coming from Blueblood's line before he replies.
  21. >”Yes yes, now leave me alone. I've almost finished my first set of rounds and are about to get a second.”
  22. “Wait, you found some of the others?”
  23. >”Of course not you dolt. I've been unloading on Rarity this entire time. Hmmhmm, seeing that mare burn red is so fucking satisfying! I swear, if I knew how easy it was, I would have-”
  24. “If you're not going to try and get the others, shut your line off too!”
  25. >As soon as you finish your sentence the line goes silent.
  26. >Several more screams from Rarity are heard.
  27. >You sigh, looking around.
  28. >Nothing.
  29. >You stalk around, careful to look for bright colored rapists.
  30. >As you round a tree, Big Mac is right in front of you.
  31. >You both have your sights set on the other before realizing who it is.
  32. “Hey.”
  33. >”Howdy.”
  34. >Lowering the plastic rifle, you sigh and motion for Big mac to follow you.
  35. “Thanks again for helping me with this.”
  36. >”Taint nothin'. AJ needs ta stop tryin' ta get in yer pants anyway. She's shirkin' her responsibilities on tha farm.”
  37. “Yeah, I'll bet. Hold up.”
  38. >The two of you stop, listening as some leaves crackle nearby.
  39. >You two peek around a corner and see Dash.
  40. >She is giggling while pointing her gun at Snowflake, who is unaware he is in any danger.
  41. >Big Mac fires of one shot into the mares ass and she falls over screaming.
  43. >She keeps screaming and wailing as Snowflake turns around.
  44. >He sees the rainbow maned mare and flys over to you two.
  45. >”Thanks.”
  46. >”Don't mention it pardner.”
  47. >Dash stands, grabbing her ass as she hops back to the cabin you all agree would be base.
  48. >Deciding to find out why Trixie hasn't responded, you open the line again.
  49. “Trixie, what's going on?”
  50. >No response.
  51. “Trixie, seriously, talk to me.”
  52. >Silence again.
  53. >Sighing, you swallow your pride and manage to mumble out.
  54. “Great and powerful Trixie, what are you doing.”
  55. >”Ahhh, Banana smacker, Trixie was wondering when you would check in with her.”
  56. >Stuck up bitch.
  57. “So, have you seen any of the mares?”
  58. >”You know that the great and powerful Trixie is a mare, right?”
  59. “Then why did Twilight let you join a male only team?”
  60. >Silence.
  61. “So, did the great and powerful Trixie find any of the mares?”
  62. >”Trixie is hot on the trail of the second rate Unicorn now. You are lucky to have a mare who is mastered in the arts of stea-”
  63. >The sound of rapid fire pellets fills the headset.
  64. >”Trixie has been spotted!”
  65. >Bringing your face to your palm, you sigh and wonder why you thought it would be a good idea in the first place to have her on the team.
  66. >Because it would give you a foil to Twilight.
  67. >That's why you chose everyone you did.
  68. >Trixie to mirror Twilight, Big Mac for Applejack, Thunderlane for Fluttershy, Blueblood for Rarity, Snowflake for Rainbow, and yourself for Pinkie.
  69. >It seemed like such a good idea at the time.
  70. >”BWAGAH!”
  71. >Snowflake reaches for his back as he falls.
  72. >On his back is a large orange paint smear.
  73. >Looking up, AJ is smiling deviously as she moves her plastic pellet shooter to you.
  74. >Jumping behind a tree, Big Mac scrambles to hide as well as the cowmare unloads pellet after pellet.
  75. >”Ah found ya Anon! C'mon big boy, ya know ya want this! Just give up now 'n ah promise we'll go easy on ya!”
  76. >”Dammit AJ! Ya need ta settle down!”
  77. >The red stallion returns fire, trying to hit his sister in a non-vital area.
  78. >You join him and try aiming for between her legs.
  79. “Seriously! Calm the fuck down! Once I win, WHICH I WILL, you'll have to give this up anyways. Better start now!”
  80. >The mare yells, not willing to go down without a fight.
  81. >As she does, a certain yellow Pegasus flutters in the sky.
  82. >”I-I see you Anon~ H-high ground has the advantage... right?”
  83. >Her hooves shake as she tries to aim.
  84. >Taking a quick second to pause your fire on the real threat, you aim up and get the mare right in the wing.
  85. >She squeals and goes plummeting down into a pile of leaves.
  86. “Not if you're in the open you dingus!”
  87. >Whimpering, she sulks all the way back to the cabin.
  88. “I think that's three now, right?”
  89. >”Eeeyup!”
  90. >Turning your attention back to AJ, the mare is nowhere to be seen.
  91. “Where'd she go?”
  92. >She jumps out from behind you, without her weapon.
  93. >Before you can shoot a pellet off, she smacks the rifle out of your hand and starts to rip your pants off.
  94. >Big Mac tries to fire at his sister, but is out of ammo.
  95. >He reaches for another case full of pellets as the mare tries to wrap her mouth around your donk.
  96. “No-NO!”
  97. >Kicking and pushing at the mare, she is gaining an advantage, about to taste your man meat.
  98. >Before she can get even a single lick of your rod, a large magical explosion throws the three of you in the direction you are facing.
  99. >AJ lands on her back while Big Mac flails towards a tree.
  100. >You land face first in some mud.
  101. >Groaning, you lift yourself up to find your dick throat deep in the mare's mouth.
  102. “God dammit.”
  103. >She is smiling, suckling on your member as you grab your rifle.
  104. “Well, that's all you're going to get in your lifetime.”
  105. >She continues to suck as you put a single pellet into her protected chest.
  106. >Big Mac grabs his sister off your dick as she tries to keep sucking you.
  107. >”Consarn it Applejack! Show some respect. Tha man obviously ain't interested, quit botherin' him!”
  108. >You pull your pants up, letting your why-boner settle.
  109. “Thanks Big Mac.”
  110. >As the stallion is about to respond, a single pink pellet hits his chest.
  111. >He looks down, dropping his sister.
  112. >”Heh, looks like we're about ta win. Hope ya aren't plannin' on getting any sleep tonight lover~”
  113. >You pull your rifle up, looking for the second to last; if not last, mare.
  114. >All you hear are her giggles.
  115. >”Oh Nonny, you look so cute! Freaking out, about to lose, going to spend the rest of your life as our little love monkey~”
  116. >Beads of sweat start to drop down your brow as you step back.
  117. >Big Mac is scanning the area as well, trying to help you find the pink party animal.
  118. >Applejack simply licks her lips, laying on her stomach as she eyes your crotch.
  119. >Hitting the wall, you pant and start to feel the warm sensation of fear rush over your body.
  120. >”Hi Nonny~”
  121. >Pinkie grabs you from behind, holding onto your back as you try to reach for the mare.
  122. “Get off me! GET OFF!”
  123. >She giggles, enjoying the ride.
  124. >”Whee! This is so much fun Nonny! Me, riding you!”
  125. >She pulls her rifle to the side of your head.
  126. >”Don't worry, we'll be having a REAL ride soon enough~”
  127. >Gritting your teeth, the mare suddenly lets go and falls on her back.
  128. >Looking to her, she has a single dark blue spot on her forehead.
  129. >”Owie owie owie owie!”
  130. >She starts to rock from side to side while reaching for the pain spot.
  131. >Grabbing your rifle, you step away from Pinkie.
  132. >”Ha! Just like with you, the great and powerful Trixie only needed a single shot!”
  133. >”No! It doesn't count! You're out!”
  134. >”Naaaay! Trixie hit you first, you are the one who is out Sparkle!”
  135. >The two mare's are walking to you, arguing as they do.
  136. >They are each covered in large spots of paint.
  137. >Not risking it, you fire a round into Pinkie before aiming for Twilight.
  138. “Doesn't matter.”
  139. >Boom, one shot right in the chest has the mare on her stomach, clinging at the paint covered spot.
  140. “I just got you both. We win!”
  141. >You hear Snowflake cough before laughing.
  142. >”YEAH!”
  143. >Growling, Twilight fixes her eyes on you.
  144. >”There's no way you got us all!”
  145. >With a sense of accomplishment, you start striding back to the cabin.
  146. “Mhmm. Blueblood got Rarity, Big Mac got Rainbow, and I got the rest of you. We win!”
  147. >Snowflake lets out another gusto filled roar.
  148. >”YEAH!”
  149. >Once you are all back at the cabin, you see every pony who participated in the little wager of yours.
  150. >Rarity is covered in white paint, which you can only tell because it is mixed into her mane.
  151. >*Foop*
  152. >She cries as more of her mane is painted white.
  153. >Thunderlane's chest is painted orange.
  154. >All the other mares have the same wounds from before.
  155. >Blueblood is spotless, smiling as he finishes his second or possibly third barrage on Rarity.
  156. >Chuckling, you throw open your hands and raise them above your head.
  157. “WE WIN!”
  158. >The mares groan as Thunderlane and Blueblood clap their hooves together.
  159. >Twilight pulls out the contract you all signed before you started the game.
  160. >”Oh yeah?”
  161. >All five of her friends nod.
  162. >With a wicked smile, she tears it up.
  163. “W-Wait a minute! You all agreed to this!”
  164. >All five mares begin to rush you as your team tries to grab them.
  165. >Covering yourself, you wait for an imminent pony train to be run on you.
  166. >...
  167. >Nothing.
  168. >Opening your eyes, you see the six mare rapists hovering in the air, in some sort of stasis.
  169. >Their eyes all dart around, aware of what is going on.
  171. >Covering your ears, you look up and see the Princess of the night descending from the skies.
  172. >She lands next to you, flashing you a smile.
  173. >”Excellent work winning the game Anonymous. We quite enjoyed watching the events unfold.”
  174. “Wait, you were watching us this entire time?”
  175. >”Correct.”
  176. “Why didn't you stop Applejack from sucking me off!”
  177. >The Princess -tut tut tut-s before looking at you.
  178. >”Anon, it would have been unfair for us to have interfered. Also, forced sexual relations are legal in Equestria.”
  179. “Well fucking great! Why did no one tell me this earlier? Would have saved me a lot of time running back and forth from the police!”
  180. >The night blue mare giggles before nodding.
  181. >”Indeed. Now, we must properly punish these contract breakers. Ten years, dungeon.”
  182. >They all whimper as Luna flies off with them being magically pulled behind her.
  183. >”Welp, ah guess ah better get home. Tell granny that Applejack won't be comin' home fer supper.”
  184. >Looking around, the rest of your team seems to have the same sentiment.
  185. >”Yeah, I need to hit the gym and shower.”
  186. >”Wait up Snowflake, I need to borrow your membership card.”
  187. >”Well this has gotten rather boring rather fast. I guess I could go break some upstart foolish mare's heart.”
  188. >As the stallions leave, you sigh and rub your temples.
  189. >”So... The great and powerful Trixie isn't doing anything tonight. Perhaps we could go back to your place and... hmmm?”
  190. >Looking at the paint covered conceited mare, you let out an exasperated sigh and bury your head further in your palm.
  191. “Fine. Whatever. I don't even care anymore.”
  192. >With that, you spend the rest of your evening
  193. >Hate-fucking Trixie.


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