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[CircleJerk] Motivation

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-19 02:22:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by That_Happy_Guy
  3. >Day No rest for the wicked in Writefag hell.
  4. >Snoozing away, you let your arm hang over the edge of your bed, blanket only half covering your near nude form.
  5. >This was the first real night's sleep you'd gotten in a while.
  6. >Not in the sense of hours had, in the sense that you are actually getting sleep AT night.
  7. >You figured you would reward yourself for getting everything on your -list- done.
  8. >It would start anew once everything was said and done, but you enjoyed the brief break.
  9. >Taking shallow breaths, you are forced awake by your mobile going off.
  10. >It plays an extremely loud theme you are used too.
  11. >Falling from bed, you groan and reach around for it.
  12. >Wood, wood, wood, mobile?
  13. >Pulling it forward, you see you just grabbed your shoe.
  14. >You toss it and continue your search.
  15. >Feeling a vibrating in your hand, you pull it towards you and swipe the screen.
  16. >Smudgey just sent you a message.
  17. >”Hey faggot, you ready for tomorrow?”
  18. >Annoyed, you pull up your calendar.
  19. >... Shit.
  20. >You head back to your messenger and respond.
  21. “No, I still need you to look over the stories I have.”
  22. >Pulling yourself back in bed, you drag your blanket over you as you wait for a response.
  23. >”What? You said you would be ready. How many do you have?”
  24. >Squinting, you cover your eyes and turn on your flashlight.
  25. >Scanning over the walls, you try to count but keep losing track.
  26. “... Lots.”
  27. >Turning off the light, you sigh and lay back down.
  28. >”Just can't make it easy on me, can you? Lol. So, want to send me what you have now?”
  29. >Sighing, you sit up, turning on the light.
  30. >You walk over to your desk, scanning your mobile over each of the stories.
  31. >Once you are done, you turn around and are met with your wall.
  32. >If not for the many taped lines of paper and sheets, it would be a plain old wall.
  33. >Sighing, you try to look away, but a few of the ideas catch your mind.
  34. >Unable to walk to your bed with these thoughts flowing through your head, you grab a pencil and begin to write down more complete, or additional thoughts.
  35. >As you do, your mobile goes off.
  36. >”Geez, really into the sexy time this batch, huh?”
  37. >You chuckle weakly.
  38. “Yeah, guess I should learn to control my dick.”
  39. >With that sent, you look back to the wall.
  40. >Your train of thought has derailed, leaving a sentence half finished.
  41. >Deflated, you sigh and try to finish it up.
  42. >Once it is poorly finished, you head back to bed.
  43. >Placing your mobile down, you hear it go off once more.
  44. >”Don't, people love a good clop scene.”
  45. “Okay. I'm going to try and sleep before the thread happens, later Smudgey.”
  46. >The response is almost immediate.
  47. >”Ah, night Happy, see you bright and early.”
  48. >With that, you try to get back to your sleep.
  49. >...
  50. >...
  51. >...
  52. >Dammit.
  53. >Day New Thread in Equestria.
  54. >Groaning, your alarm goes off, not even three hours after you finally got to sleep.
  55. >Slapping it, it continues to blare.
  56. >You angrily get up, grabbing your mobile and shutting it off.
  57. >Still pissed, you set the damn thing to silence.
  58. >With a sigh, you pull yourself off your bed and head towards your closet.
  59. >There are literally dozens of the same outfit.
  60. >The stereotypical suit that all Anons wear as well as a single green mask.
  61. >You dress your body first, leaving your face bare.
  62. >After a while, you grab your mask, a bit nervous about putting it on after so long.
  63. >With a deep breath, you steel yourself and pull it on.
  64. >It clings to your face, -hugging- you.
  65. >Not in the metaphorical tight sense, an almost literal hug.
  66. >You wouldn't go so far as to say your mask is alive, but it is different.
  67. >Looking in a mirror, you see that same dopey smile on your face.
  68. >You furrow your brow under the mask, somewhat embarrassed to be wearing it again without posting ACTUAL content.
  69. >Still, you have an obligation.
  70. >Grabbing your mobile, wallet, card, keys, and a little something for a special someone; you head out the door.
  71. >It is going to be a long day and you want to get it over with as soon as possible.
  72. >Arriving outside the thread, you see a practical mob of Anons outside it.
  73. >They all murmur to each other as you shove your way through.
  74. >”Hey, watch it faggot!”
  75. “Sorry.”
  76. >”Move it!”
  77. “Working on it.”
  78. >”And the-OW! Watch your foot, faggot!”
  79. “Apologies.”
  80. >You don't let the words sting, you've been through this before.
  81. >Good thing too, you've built a bit of tough skin because of it.
  82. >As you near the entrance to the thread, a few hands pull you back.
  83. >”Hey, no cutting!”
  84. >You look to the random Anon, raising a hand.
  85. "Sorry."
  86. >"Keep your sorry, just get back to the end of the line."
  87. >The Anon raises his hand up, thumb pointed outwards as he jabs it.
  88. >He accidentally get's another Anon.
  89. >"OW! What the fuck you ass?!"
  90. >The Anon turns to him, hands outwards in the over cocky, overused meme pose.
  91. >"Hey, not my fault you don;t know how to move your head."
  92. >It begins.
  93. >The Anon who got jabbed pushes the guy.
  94. >You can hear a voice from the back.
  95. >"Cripple fiiiight!"
  96. >As the large grouping of Anons starts to get aggressive, you feel a hand reach at your shirt and grab you.
  97. >Being pulled out of the flock, you stumble to keep your balance as the hand lets go.
  98. >You look down and see a big black ink stain.
  99. >Chuckling, you look up to see the maker of the stain, skin as inky and smudged as the stain upon you.
  100. “Hey Smudgey.”
  101. >The Anons stop their fighting, before they even stop.
  102. >A couple of them even push forward.
  103. >”Smudgey? Hey-hi! Just wanted to say, Feral Anon was awesome."
  104. >A few Anons in the back roll their eyes.
  105. >"Pfft, awesome for a hack who only knows how to do song parodies."
  106. >The Anon is either ignoring, or must not have heard the remark.
  107. >He just continues speaking to your blotchy companion.
  108. >"Yeah, going to try and claim the thread for you."
  109. >Oh no...
  110. >It begins 2.0: Electric boogaloo.
  111. >Anyone who was apathetic or negative immediately casts their gaze on the foolish Anon.
  112. >They push forward, like those creepy horror movie characters who just slide on their back's instead of walking.
  113. >"Excuse me?"
  114. >"Heard you talking shit about wasting a claim."
  115. >”Yeah, I'm going to be the one claiming this thread for the all mighty Shin.”
  116. >And now all eyes are on fuckaroo number two.
  117. >”Whoa, Shin? Hell no. Nebulus deserves this one.”
  118. >Ah shit...
  119. >”Excuse you? Raritan's getting this one.”
  120. >GOD DAMMIT!
  121. >Why?
  122. >Everytime some dumbass tries to claim a thread.
  123. >”Raritan?!”
  124. >Annnnd now there's this shit.
  125. >”Yeah! He needs to know we're thinking of him, that we're waiting.”
  126. >”Oh, is that right? Then fuck that, Raritan can wait, I want my Branded.”
  127. >Stepping back, you watch as the mob turns violent; mud slinging, name throwing, shit posting violent.
  128. >Smudgey sighs, slapping you on the back of your head as he walks towards the new thread.
  129. >Groaning, you rub where he hit, following him as Nebulus arrives with a few other writefags, spraying them with mace.
  130. >Chuckling at the sight, Smudgey hits you again.
  131. “OW!”
  132. >”I told you not to go through the public entrance. They were all just begging for a reason to shit up the last thread sooner.”
  133. >Looking back, you can see that the thread is already starting to deteriorate, on its last legs before it reaches it's blowing point.
  134. “Sorry, sorry. Just didn't feel right going the other way.”
  135. >Your inky friend looks back.
  136. >”Why? You have a card, you have a name, you use the other way.”
  137. >Looking away, you know all he'll see is that smile on the fabric, not the frown underneath.
  138. “Just another Anon right now.”
  139. >He smacks you again.
  140. “Owwww!”
  141. >”No, you're That_Happy_Guy, THG, Happy, whatever you want to go by, and you're a god damn writer. So what if you don't have anything to post at the moment? So what! You have fans looking out for your work. Posting Anon only makes you look kill.”
  142. >Sighing, you try to feel for an ink spot on the back of your head.
  143. >Nada.
  144. “Yeah, I guess you're right.”
  145. >Smudgey chuckles, lazily putting his hands into his pockets.
  146. >”Well, I KNOW I'm right. So, progress report.”
  147. >He hands you a list on a notepad.
  148. >Every typo, inconsistency, problem, and suggestion for all your stories.
  149. “Thanks honey buns, you're a life saver.”
  150. >”No problem babe. A few after notes I had when I woke up.”
  151. >You pull out your mobile, bringing up the notepad app.
  152. “Shoot.”
  153. >”Might want to fix the Minotaur name, it sounds way too cheesy and forced.”
  154. “Shit, any suggestions?”
  155. >”Nope. Couldn't think of any.”
  156. >It is kind of hard to find an appropriate switch for a pun.
  157. >”Also, that section with Scootaloo suddenly confessing needs some build up.”
  158. “I'll fix it when I get home.”
  159. >”Good. Anon in that Mirror Pool story seems way too eager near the end.”
  160. “Pull it back, got it.”
  161. >”And you're Satyr story still lacks details on the Satyrs. Still have that problem man.”
  162. >Sighing, you nod.
  163. “Trying not to stroke my dick too hard, don't want to go full OC, you know?”
  164. >Smudgey stops, looking back and laughing.
  165. >”Happy, it's Satyr. They're ALL OCs!”
  166. >Looking at him, confused, you realize he's right and join him.
  167. “Pfft, right. I'll fix that soon. Thanks again Smudgey.”
  168. >He resumes his walk towards the new thread.
  169. >”Any time.”
  170. >Arriving, he opens the door and you step in.
  171. >All the writefags are here, minus a few notable faces for reasons that have either been made clear time and time again, or for no reason at all and are assumed retired.
  172. >Sighing, you look to your mobile.
  173. “How long until they get the archive moved here? I want to stop by somewhere real quick before the thread opens up for the Anons.”
  174. >Smudgey sighs, peeking outside.
  175. >”Looks like you're just barely going to make it. New thread in less than six.”
  176. >Shaking your head, you walk further in, hoping to find your door before the switch.
  177. “I'll be right back, don't go getting lost without me.”
  178. >”Mkay, later.”
  179. >After a few minutes of searching, you see the mark of where your door will appear.
  180. >Waiting, you hear a yell from the butt himself.
  182. >Covering your eyes, the entire thread shines, archive officially moved.
  183. >Without waiting a moment longer, you unlock your door and hurry to finish this.
  184. >Inside your door is an almost orbital system of worlds all connected by steps.
  185. >Many many smaller worlds surround your big ones.
  186. >Flutterrape worlds having a yellow glow, Satyr having a blue, and Satyr with Flutterrape a flat green.
  187. >... Or Flutterrape with Satyr.
  188. >Either or.
  189. >Heading for the largest one, you jump in and are swallowed by a liquid like grab.
  190. >Landing, you see him.
  191. >Your first Anon, your greatest.
  192. >He is sitting alone at the edge of the Everfree Forest, tranquil as a small sphere hovers around his head.
  193. >Walking up, you can make out the blue, neon like cube within.
  194. >Smiling an actual smile, not just your mask, you tap him on the shoulder.
  195. “Hey.”
  196. >He looks back, returning the smile.
  197. >”Hey there. Back again so soon?”
  198. >Your smile weakens, somewhat filled with pain.
  199. “Y-Yeah, I know it's been a while. I'm sorry.”
  200. >He shakes his head, standing up as the blue orb continues to circle him.
  201. >”Don't be. I know you're working hard on this.”
  202. >Nodding, you hug him before backing off and pulling out a stack of papers.
  203. >”Is this what I think it is?”
  204. “Yeah, more of your past.”
  205. >He takes them, flipping through the first pages of the large stack.
  206. >”I get a puppy...”
  207. >A snort escapes him as his smile softens.
  208. >”Geez... Brainon is an ass.”
  209. >Chuckling, you nod.
  210. “Y-Yeah, Smudgey helped with those lines about the food.”
  211. >The orb shines a bit, Anon staring off into nothing as he holds back a laugh.
  212. >”Pfft, heh, so, I take it the section with Winona is an allusion about the next chapter?”
  213. >It really wasn't, just something you made to help give Anon's love for dogs more meaning.
  214. “Mhmm, you'll see.”
  215. >However, the connection there is way too strong for you to just say -Oh, just a coincidence.-
  216. >You are about to speak when yells pierce the world.
  217. >Sighing, you shake your head.
  218. “Dammit, I have to go Anon.”
  219. >He nods, looking to you.
  220. >”Hey.”
  221. >You look back.
  222. >”We just wanted to say, thank you. For giving us a story.”
  223. >Your heart skips for a second, tearing up.
  224. “Thank you for letting me tell it.”
  225. >With that said, you rush out.
  226. >Before you do, you feel a pang of guilt.
  227. >You are going to do horrible things to him and he'll never see it coming.
  228. >Exiting your door, you can see the hall flooded with Anons.
  229. >Some meet and greet their favorite writers, others jump into doors with glee.
  230. >Closing your own as discreetly as possible, you avoid being seen as best you can; not wanting to be falsely claimed as samefagging or mistaken for a random Anon pole riding your dick.
  231. >You make it out okay, relaxing as you head back towards the entrance.
  232. >As you do, you see Smudgey walking towards you, at least in your direction.
  233. >He inspects each Anon, looking for the smile instead of the question mark.
  234. >Whistling, you raise your hand.
  235. “YO!”
  236. >He sighs, running up to you.
  237. >”Hey, what took you so long?”
  238. “Got a bit carried away. I miss anything?”
  239. >He shakes his head, motioning you back towards the entrance.
  240. >”Nah, just the newfags getting into the-... oh no.”
  241. >Confused, you look to the direction Smudgey is staring at.
  242. >There is a Fluttershy outside of a door, talking with a few Anons.
  243. >You have an inkling feeling that is confirmed when you see whose door it is.
  244. >Clicking your tongue, you understand why he wants to avoid her.
  245. >You walk closer towards the opposite wall as Smudgey follows, going to try and sneak past the mare.
  246. >It works about as well as you expected, since you did see the mare socializing with Anons.
  247. >One of them calls out, more than likely a newfag who just discovered Flutterrape.
  248. >”Hey. Hey! Smudgey! Smudgey, I just wanna say that I finished Feral, and it's really-”
  249. >The Fluttershy flies up, pushing the Anon's head a bit.
  250. >”Smudgey?”
  251. >Your inky friend groans, cursing under his breath.
  252. >The yellow Pegasus growls, angrily floating a whopping two miles an hour towards you.
  253. >”Smudgey! Where have you been?!”
  254. >And the shit cycle begins anew.
  255. >Sighing, you step out of the way, letting them work this out.
  256. >”Once again, just leaving me all alone, without a word!”
  257. >Smudgey groans.
  258. >”You know I had things to take care of.”
  259. >Fluttershy scoffs.
  260. >”Oh? I'm sure fapping to fillies is more important than staying with me.”
  261. >He grits his teeth, raising a finger to his lips to shush her.
  262. >"Shhh! Ex nay with the illiesfay!"
  263. >Fluttershy crosses her arms and pouts.
  264. >"Oh yeah? It's true though! You spend all your time with fillies lately. When was the last time we spent any quality time together?"
  265. >The mare gives him the sad eyes.
  266. >She is tearing up, staying true to Smudgey's portrayal of Fluttershy.
  267. >Your inky friend doesn't falter though.
  268. >Pointing his finger directly at her, a spot of ink pecks her in the nose.
  269. >”Hey, I'm a writefag. I write. Remember Snowjob? I let you fuck Anon in that, you should be happy.”
  270. >Wiping the black splotch till it smears across her face, the yellow mare sniffles.
  271. >Good, he's getting into the final stretches of it, bringing up the fact he is a writer.
  272. >The yellow mare sniffles.
  273. >”Oh? I get to fuck an ANON. What about you sweetie? What about us? I thought we were friends, the kind who-”
  274. >Did she just say what you think she said?!
  275. >Apparently she did since Smudgey immediately interrupts her.
  276. >"Hold it, I'm not your -friend-, bitch."
  277. >Fluttershy's tears dry, expression turning blank before it contorts to one of mild annoyance.
  278. >”Well I'm not your bitch, hun!.”
  279. >Smudgey furrows his brow.
  280. >It begins.
  281. >”I'm not your hun, skank!”
  282. >”I'm not your skank, dear!”
  283. >”I'm not your dear, whore!”
  284. >”Yeah? Well I'm not your whore, muffin!”
  285. >Groaning, you walk up to the Anon who called out and smack him across the head.
  286. “Are you happy?! Look what you got started!”
  287. >Looking to the duo, you can see Anons circling around to see this.
  288. >”Not your muffin, cunt!”
  289. >”Well I'm not your cunt, sweety!”
  290. >The Anon simply gives you a confused look.
  291. >”What the fuck does it matter?”
  292. “You got Smudgey stuck in the -friend- zone!”
  293. >He looks even more confused.
  294. “He's Canadian!”
  295. >Like a retarded puppy who just tinkled on the floor.
  296. “Canadian friend zones are different! You NEVER get out of their friend zones alone! Neeeverrrrrr.”
  297. >And the lightbulb finally turns on, causing him to panic.
  298. >”Ah shit! How do we fix this?!”
  299. >Sighing, you look as more Anons watch the spectacle, chuckling at your friend's misfortune.
  300. “One sec... I know how to fix this.”
  301. >Heading towards the entrance, you notice the halls feel a lot more empty than they should be.
  302. >As you make your way, you see another Fluttershy out of her door.
  303. >Looking closer, you see it is just a Fluttershy, not who you're looking for.
  304. >Still, maybe she can help.
  305. >You walk up to her.
  306. “Hey, what door did you come out of?”
  307. >She giggles, turning to you with eyes of blood.
  308. >Her giggles turn to maniacal laughter, blood spilling on the floor.
  309. >Yelling, you grab her by her tail.
  310. >You spin her a couple times on the floor, looking for the nearest possible door she came out of.
  311. >The nearest doors belong to Domino, Swift Monkey, Collar, Theseus, Slasher Science-
  312. >Bingo!
  313. >Dragging the nightmare fuel mare to the door, you open it and shove her in, slamming the door behind you.
  314. >Looking around, you see an Anon with a Sweetie Belle cap on.
  315. >He simply sips at a drink, looking at you with complacency.
  316. >You point to him, then the door.
  317. “Never, EVER, leave the grimderp writer's doors open!”
  318. >He simply shrugs, heading off.
  319. >”Whatever faggot.”
  320. >Sighing, you bring your fingers to the bridge of your nose.
  321. “Assfuck...”
  322. >Shaking your head, you keep searching.
  323. >You pass quite a few Anons, bumping into you as they all head in the same direction.
  324. >More than likely to see the drama going on.
  325. >Reaching the entrance, you see a horde of Anons chanting as a few are on their knees.
  326. >Perfect, you found him.
  327. >As you approach, you see Priest with his molted flutter cock being sucked.
  328. >Fluttershy's are easier to deal with when you have one of their own.
  329. >Since getting one on the writer's side hardly ever happens, Priest made a good substitute.
  330. >Walking up to the not-mare, you tap him on the shoulder.
  331. >He turns to you, smiling.
  332. >”Happy, what's up?”
  333. >The Anons continuing working him over, really putting tongue and cheek into it.
  334. >Feeling a bit awkward watching your friend get serviced, you look away and scratch the chin of your mask with a fniger.
  335. “Hey, I need your help with one of the Fluttershy's who got out.”
  336. >He sighs, shaking his head as he pulls the Anons off, telling them to shoo.
  337. >They do so, some willing while a couple want to keep pleasuring their favorite writer.
  338. >Once they are gone, he strips from his robe, leaving him indistinguishable from a regular Fluttershy.
  339. >”Which one and why?”
  340. "Smudgey's, she said the Canadian f-word and it set him off again."
  341. >He groans, bringing a hoof to his head.
  342. >”... So, where is this at?”
  343. >Turning back to the halls, you begin to walk.
  344. “This way.”
  345. >You lead Priest all the way back to the -fight-, which now has most of the Anons watching.
  346. >Some egg the two on, others yell for them to leave, while others still make bets on how it will end.
  347. >You listen to a few of them murmuring beside you.
  348. >"So what happens if they lose?"
  349. >"Legend has it, the first one to run out of clever things to say has to pay the ultimate Canadian penalty."
  350. >"Holy shit, what's that?"
  351. >"They have to...apologize!"
  352. >Shoving your way through, you don't bother trying to be courteous this time.
  353. >You are met with quite a few jeers, annoying people who want to watch the fight.
  354. >Arriving at the center, you see them still going at it.
  355. >”Oh? I'm not your tramp, lover!”
  356. >”Not your lover, slut!”
  357. >”Hey, I'm not your slut, precious!”
  358. >Priest arrives next to you, looking at them.
  359. >”So, usual plan?”
  360. “Yup, hurry, before Neb gets here.”
  361. >Your faux Pegasus friend nods, putting himself between Smudgey and his Fluttershy.
  362. >He clears his throat, taking a deep breath and...
  364. >The two stop fighting, both looking at Priest.
  365. >Smudgey in delight, Fluttershy in shock.
  366. >The Anons surrounding you just look confused.
  367. >”What the fuck is poutine?”
  368. >Fluttershy, the actual Fluttershy, looks to the crowd.
  369. >”It's a lot of fries with gravy and cheese on top of them. It's very very very bad for you!”
  370. >Smudgey licks his lips.
  371. >Shifting his eyes from Priest to Fluttershy nervously, Smudgey licks his lips.
  372. >"Huh, no, course not, don't be stupid..."
  373. >He starts fidgeting his hands together anxiously.
  374. >"But if you just happen to have any you wouldn't mind me taking off your hooooves~"
  375. >The yellow mare takes a sharp gasp.
  376. >”NO! No poutine for you! You need REAL meals mister!”
  377. >Your inky friend blows a raspberry.
  378. >”Oh come on, I eat real meals all the time.”
  379. >Fluttershy growls at him.
  380. >”Kraft dinner is NOT a real meal!”
  381. >Smudgey gasps in shock, glaring at her.
  382. >”You take that back, you hussy!”
  383. >He is about to pounce her when a smelly yell fills the air.
  385. >Shrinking a bit, you look around to see a very annoyed, fumingly angry butt.
  386. >The Anons quickly nope the fuck out of here, worried they angered their -king-.
  387. >The only ones left in the hall are you, a nude Priest, Smudgey, and his Fluttershy as Nebulus approaches.
  388. >Neb walks forward
  389. >... or, backwards?
  390. >”All right, what the hell happened here?”
  391. >You sigh, looking to the worried mare.
  392. “Smudgey's Fluttershy caused a bit of trouble. It's fine, we handled it."
  393. >Nebulus sighs, looking to the mare.
  394. >”You, back to your door.”
  395. >She whimpers, head held low as she walks off, back to her home.
  396. >The butt man then looks to Priest.
  397. >”You, which Fluttershy are you?”
  398. >Your friend walks up to Neb.
  399. >”It's me, Priest.”
  400. >The two stare at each other a moment before Nebulus speaks.
  401. >”Prove it.”
  402. >Priest sighs, pulling out his card, adorned with a halo and Cadence's cutie mark.
  403. >”All right then. Happy, Smudgey, what the bloody hell do you two are doing?”
  404. >Glaring a bit, you place your hands in your pockets.
  405. “We just came in for the start of a new thread.”
  406. >Smudgey starts to look ill as he covers a hand over his mouth.
  407. >He must be realizing he was seconds away from mistakenly falling for Priest.
  408. >”Figured you would want us here since this is the thread that falls in Happy's one year anniversary.”
  409. >Nebulus looks shocked.
  410. >”Wait, seriously?”
  411. >You nod, your mask hiding your expression of annoyance.
  412. “Yeah, prepping things. Figured I would do something to celebrate.”
  413. >Nebulus chuckles, shaking his -head-.
  414. >”Huh, well then, why are you two causing a shit storm?”
  415. >You just stare at him in silence.
  416. >Priest coughs.
  417. >”Uhhh, pretty sure it was unintentional on their part. Fluttershy got out of her own door, broke the rules.”
  418. >Nodding, you look down the hall.
  419. “Yeah, and some dumb fuck left Slasher's door open. What happened here?”
  420. >The booty boy sighs.
  421. >”Lack of writers walking around, keeping the Anons from messing around too much. That's what.”
  422. >He's quiet for a second before sighing once more.
  423. >As Smudgey sniffs, clearing his nose, Nebulus turns his attention to him.
  424. >"Smudgey, we just started this thread, why you do this?"
  425. >The monochrome man looks around before pointing to himself.
  426. >"Me?"
  427. >Nebulus groans.
  428. >"Yes, you. We already got some shitting and we've been live for less than an hour."
  429. >You sigh, interjecting.
  430. "It's not his fault. Priest already pointed out that Fluttershy was the one who started this."
  431. >The yellow pony man nods.
  432. >"Yeah, Fluttershy's cause this shit to happen all the time."
  433. >The buttocks just looks to Smudgey.
  434. >"Yeah, but we make sure that the writer's who made them take responsibility."
  435. >Sighing, you know where this is going.
  436. >"We have a reputation to upkeep here after all! FR is one of the friendliest boards around."
  437. >Every time something like this happens, Neb gives this speech.
  438. >"We need to make the Anon's feel welcome, not have them come in and see our shit on the walls."
  439. >After the fifth or sixth time hearing it, people tend to lose interest.
  440. >Priest is kicking the ground, a la Fluttershy style, Smudgey is just looking at something, and you are waiting for him to finish.
  441. >"It's up to us, as the blood and sweat of this wonderful thread to make sure everyone has a good time. That Anon's are enjoying themselves."
  442. >Even though the outspoken minority tend to cause shit storms while a majority of them silently observe.
  443. >"That writer's are appreciated."
  444. >After how many have quit?
  445. >"And that we keep a steady flow of content."
  446. >Which you yourself haven't exactly helped with.
  447. >What with your constant dry spells...
  448. >You feel your heart sink a bit, no longer listening.
  449. >Hand shaking a bit, you try to distract yourself.
  450. >You look back to Smudgey and see him still staring.
  451. >What is he looking at?
  452. >Turning to find out what has his attention, you see his Fluttershy, meekly sitting as she watches him.
  453. >... As good an excuse as any.
  454. >You whistle.
  455. "Neb."
  456. >He looks to you.
  457. >"Yeah Happy?"
  458. >You toss your head to the mare.
  459. >The gluteus man furrows his cheeks.
  460. >"Didn't I tell you to get back to your door?"
  461. >Walking to Smudgey, you grab his arm and drag him to the mare.
  462. "Relax, we'll make sure she gets there and stay there."
  463. >The blotchy man looks to you.
  464. >"We will?"
  465. "Yeah, we will."
  466. >Letting go of him, you lift the Fluttershy up.
  467. >Her door is quite literally behind her.
  468. >Priest looks to you, almost begging for you two to take him with.
  469. >You just give him an empathetic wave and try to mouth a sorry, but the mask obscures it.
  470. >Smudgey reluctantly opens his door and you walk through.
  471. >As you step in, Nebulus' speech starts to fade as the world darkens.
  472. >It feels as if you are falling, but a very controlled speed.
  473. >Nearing the end, you are pushed forward.
  474. >You exit out of a tree once you are inside.
  475. >Dropping the mare, she lands on all fours and whimpers.
  476. >Smudgey steps in after you and closes the bark to said tree.
  477. >"Heh, nice save."
  478. >You just shrug, looking around.
  479. >The four see-through glass walls have each of Smudgey's main stories going.
  480. >Just as you finish looking around, Fluttershy flies up to her writer.
  481. >"Ohhh, I hate when we fight Smudgey-kins."
  482. >She leans in for a kiss and is met with two of Smudgey's fingers, giving her a very black shade of ink lipstick.
  483. >"Sit pony, sit."
  484. >The mare does so, smiling that he touched her while also ignoring the inky taste on her lips.
  485. >Smudgey chuckles, walking up to you.
  486. >"Man, remember the first time you heard that speech? How real it sounded?"
  487. >You do and it did.
  488. >Promises of friendly, almost hug boxing Anons.
  489. >Writers who were close-knit.
  490. >The only thing that rang true was the dry spells, even that had a lie of omission about how often they happened.
  491. >"Ahhh, good old days."
  492. >He slaps your back in a friendly way.
  493. >Not feeling up for some broing out, you just walk towards the tree.
  494. >"Happy?"
  495. >You place your hand against it, burning a door into the bark.
  496. >"Happy, you all right?"
  497. "Yeah, I'll see you later."
  498. >Opening the door, you quickly pass through, wanting to be somewhere familiar.
  499. >Letting your leg hang over the edge, you sigh as it dangles back and forth, face bare as you hold your mask in your hands.
  500. >London at midnight, on top of Big Ben.
  501. >Watching the scenery, you just stare, unaware you aren't alone.
  502. >”PSSSST!”
  503. >Yelping, you nearly fall over the edge, only for a pair of hands to pull you back.
  504. >You slide off your ass, landing against the roof of the clocktower.
  505. “Ooomph!”
  506. >Looking up, you see Smudgey.
  507. >He offers you a hand.
  508. >”Hey Happy.”
  509. >You sigh, taking it, covering your own in ink.
  510. “Hey.”
  511. >Sitting back down, you bring your legs to your chest.
  512. >”Feeling down?”
  513. >You nod.
  514. >Your inky pal hands you a drink.
  515. >Looking at it, you chuckle.
  516. “Canada dry?”
  517. >”Figured you could appreciate the irony.”
  518. >Looking out, Smudgey joins you.
  519. >Staring at the scenery, Smudgey lets off a yawn.
  520. >”So, wanna talk about why you're down?”
  521. >You shake your head, not wanting to bother him.
  522. >”Mkay..."
  523. >An awkward silence fills the air.
  524. >Lightly tapping his bottle, he elbows you as a weak smirk sneaks onto his face.
  525. >"Wanna talk about how Neb doesn't clean his ass instead?"
  526. >Snorting, you crack a smile.
  527. “Jeez.”
  528. >Smudgey chuckles with.
  529. >After a few moments of silence, he responds.
  530. >”So, NOW want to talk about it?”
  531. >You sigh, tapping your fingers against your leg.
  532. “... I am not a social butterfly.”
  533. >”Yeah, you've mentioned.”
  534. “I mean, I do bad in crowds. I am literally a social retard.”
  535. >Smudgey just nods, taking out another bottle and cracking the cap off.
  536. >He sips it, just staring out with you.
  537. >”Go on.”
  538. “I don't mean to come off as an assfuck, I just do.”
  539. >Twisting the top off of your Canada dry, you take a drink.
  540. “Besides that, I kind of... keep feeling like another face in the crowd here.”
  541. >Your faded friend looks to you, pointing his drink at you in a lazy manner.
  542. >”And whose fault is that?”
  543. >Taking a deep breath, you look to your mask.
  544. “Mine...”
  545. >He nods.
  546. >”Listen, you're a writefag, like the rest of us. Just because you CHOOSE to feel unappreciated, doesn't mean you are.”
  547. >You sigh, listening.
  548. >”Sure, not everyone is going to flood in front of you to suck your dick. In fact, there is going to be a lot more dick sucking for other writefags that you'll have to put up with, but you aren't any more or less important than them.”
  549. >Taking another sip, you don't interrupt.
  550. >”Hey, why do you write?”
  551. >You blink, confused by his question.
  552. “Huh?”
  553. >Raising a fist to his mouth, he tries to hold back a burp.
  554. >"You heard me, why do you write?"
  555. >Thinking for a second, you have an answer.
  556. “I write because I want to tell my character's stories.”
  557. >Smudgey nods.
  558. >”Good. Keep writing for that reason. If you do it for the fame or the spotlight, you'll end up being nothing more than an attention whore. It just isn't worth it.”
  559. >Sighing, you nod.
  560. >The two of you just sit there in silence, drinking away.
  561. >Smudgey finally speaks up once more.
  562. >”I never asked this, but why are you -That_Happy_Guy-?”
  563. >You look to him, curious.
  564. “What do you mean?”
  565. >”Just that. You are hardly ever happy under that mask, so why That_Happy_Guy?”
  566. >Now THAT, you can answer easily.
  567. “Because it isn't about my happiness.”
  568. >Looking at the view as he takes a sip of his drink, he glances at you through the corner of his eye to show he's listening.
  569. “Well, it is, but not in the -goofy smile- and -stupidly optimistic- kind of happiness. It's more... I'm happy, if I can tell my stories and get some smiles from them.”
  570. >As you put some more thought into this, you smile a bit.
  571. “Yeah. I'm happy telling stories, weaving tales, letting fiction come to life just for a brief moment. I guess I kind of lied earlier, about doing it just for the sake of doing it.”
  572. >Thinking on it, you know it's not that simple or you wouldn't be feeling this down.
  573. >Sighing, you extend the hand you are holding the bottle with and look out.
  574. “I'm That_Happy_Guy, because I like to make people happy, and I write because my stories more often than not, do that. Yeah, that's it, I think.”
  575. >Wrapping his arm around your shoulder, black droplets drip from your friend's hair as he nods
  576. >”You know what I think? I think you need a good dick sucking.”
  577. >Chuckling, you nod.
  578. “Probably. Who doesn't need that though?”
  579. >Smudgey stands up, cracking his back as he hops towards the roof.
  580. >”No one, that's who.”
  581. >Nodding, you look out one more time.
  582. >You are reminded of how many times you've come back to here.
  583. >Not this area in the story, but questioning yourself.
  584. >Then, it dawns on you.
  585. >You always do this when you lose motivation to write.
  586. >When you lose the reason you started writing in the first place.
  587. >Since you realize that, you must be out of your writer's funk, right?
  588. >Looking to your mask once more, you think you've refound your muse, at least for the time being.
  589. >Putting it back on, you head towards Smudgey.
  590. “Hey, I ever tell you you're a good friend?”
  591. >Staring at you with half-closed eyes, he unenthusiastically smiles and shrugs.
  592. >”Don't think so.”
  593. “Well you are. Thanks man.”
  594. >He chuckles.
  595. >”Telling a cynic he's a good friend. You're starting to sound like That_Delusional_Guy.”
  596. >Smirking, you give the jerk a jab in the shoulder.
  597. “Come on, let's get out of here. Don't want to over stay my welcome.”
  598. >Raising a thumb over his shoulder, he casually points back to the scene the two of you are leaving from.
  599. >"So does this make me Luna now? Because I'd totally be down to help praise the sun."
  600. >You just shake your head, grinning.
  601. >"Monday through Saturday! Not Sunday. Sunday is Celestia's day."
  602. >Letting off a sigh, you feel quite a bit better.
  603. >As you exit the world, then your door, you see a pair of Anons standing outside it.
  604. >One of them pushes the other towards you.
  605. >”H-Hi there.”
  606. >You look to Smudgey, who pushes you forward as well.
  607. “Hello?”
  608. >The Anon looks nervous.
  609. >”U-Uhhh, I'm new here and just wanted to say that... your stories are REALLY long.”
  610. >Chuckling, you let off a soft sigh.
  611. “Yeah, I get that.”
  612. >The Anon's friend pushes him once more.
  613. >”Oh! I didn't mean that in a bad way. They're also really good! Um, I just finished your stuff and was wondering when the next part is coming out.”
  614. >Feeling a bit fuzzy inside, you think.
  615. “Soon.”
  616. >He nods, rubbing the back of his head.
  617. >”Oh, well, do you have any recommendations on stories to read?”
  618. >Sighing, you think for a moment.
  619. “Well, if you want a big thing, try GMO. If you want some feels,”
  620. >You point behind you.
  621. ”This faggot's Feral Anon brought me to near tears. But if you want some short stuff for the lols, I'd recommend Swift_Monkey.”
  622. >The second Anon finally speaks up.
  623. >”Yeah, about that, we've been looking for him for a while and he isn't here. Did the guy retire or something?”
  624. >Blinking under your mask, you shake your head.
  625. “No, he's just been...”
  626. >As you walk through the secret parts of the thread with your buddies, you think you are nearing the Circlejerk.
  627. >”Geez, we're going to get in so much trouble for being here!”
  628. “Shut up faggot! Just stay quiet and don't let anyone see you...”
  629. >Passing a dark hall, you hear weird grunts and howls.
  630. >It almost sounds like hot monkey sex.
  631. >”You guys hear that?”
  632. “Yeah, you think it's part of some story?”
  633. >Turning down a corner, you see a treehouse shaking back and forth.
  634. >The monkey howls get louder, a strange purple light shining out of the cracks in the wood with each shake.
  635. >Squinting, you can make out a sign.
  636. “Swift... Monkat... Monkey? And Ultra Violet. Just Marr-”
  637. >The bright light hits you in your eyes, burning them.
  638. >You fall backwards, reaching for your eyes.
  640. >Continuing to scream, your friends panic and bail.
  641. >”Who the fuck is back here?! Dom, go get the dragon dildos!”
  642. “WHY?!”
  643. “... busy.”
  644. >Coughing, you notice the second Anon eying your door.
  645. >”Oh... know when he'll be back?”
  646. “Yeah, he said he's coming back sometime within the month. I could try-”
  647. >Smudgey interrupts you, taking interest in the guy next to him.
  648. >”Hey, you want something pal?”
  649. >You groan, not wanting another friendzone conflict.
  650. >The second Anon nods.
  651. >”Yeah, my friend here says that this guy's stories are pretty good. Mind if I take a peek?”
  652. >Your blotchy friend chuckles, lethargically placing a -not so clean- hand on your shoulder.
  653. >”Sure, but you should know that Happy here has been feeling a bit down. I'm sure we can negotiate a small deal.”
  654. >The first Anon looks to Smudgey.
  655. >”What kind of deal?”
  656. >The discolored man hums for a moment.
  657. >”Howwwww abouuuuut, one dick sucking for one visit?”
  658. >You are about to interject when the first Anon speaks.
  659. >”Deal.”
  660. >You turn to face him, mouth agape.
  661. >At the same time, you feel a slimy pat on your back..
  662. >”You're welcome.”
  663. >Stepping into your room, you toss your mask on your bed and strip out of your thread clothes.
  664. >Groaning, you lay down and sigh.
  665. >Today's been a weird one.
  666. >Deciding to unwind, you grab your pants and pull out your stuff.
  667. >Reaching into your pockets, you see that you have several unread messages.
  668. >They are all from a certain friend of yours you have in Satyr.
  669. >Reading through them, you see he wants you to call him.
  670. >Pulling up his number, you hear ringing.
  671. >”*Click* Happy?”
  672. “Yo?”
  673. “Happy! Where've you been?”
  674. >You chuckle.
  675. “I had a thing to do. Prepping for my one year writing anniversary.”
  676. >He gasps, squealing.
  677. >”What?! Why didn't you tell me?!”
  678. >Smirking, you lay back.
  679. “Geez, calm down man.”
  680. >”No! No! No! No calming down, tell me when!”
  681. >Shaking your head, you let off a sigh of content.
  682. >You begin to question why you were slightly depressed in the first place.
  683. >With friends like yours, you have no reason to be down.
  684. >Relaxing, you look at your laptop.
  685. “I'll tell you later. Right now I have to get some writing done.”
  686. >Before he can respond, you hang up, knowing he would press the issue.
  687. >Pulling up open office, you decide to do a quick little thing.
  688. >A reminder to anyone who is thinking about writing, that it may seem tough at times, but if they keep their muse alive and have good friends to back them up, they only need to do it for themselves.
  689. >That they shouldn't be afraid to ask for help from someone they trust.
  690. >That it's worth it.


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Impossibly Lucky Anon

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