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Day Away from Home

By ArchiveAccount
Created: 2023-09-19 02:28:11
Updated: 2023-09-19 02:45:54
Expiry: Never

  1. Written by That_Happy_Guy
  3. >Day Away from Home in Equestria.
  4. >With apathetic annoyance, you follow Applejack as the cutie mark crusaders in turn follow you; apologizing nonstop.
  5. >Sweetie Belle jumps in front of you.
  6. >”We're really sorry Mr. Anon!”
  7. >Scootaloo jumps on top of her Unicorn friend.
  8. >”Yeah, we didn't mean it!”
  9. >Aaand Applebloom finishes their totem pole.
  10. >”Ah know yer still mad, but honest! It was all Fluttershy's idea!”
  11. >Sidestepping the fillies, you continue on.
  12. >You knew they weren't the ones who made the plan, but they were the ones to blow up your house.
  13. >Fluttershy had gotten tired of guessing your fetish and decided to do something drastic.
  14. >She even went so far as to recruit the three fillies behind you.
  15. >And they did it all for a chance to earn demolition cutie marks.
  16. >You aren't mad at them, just very very very disappointed.
  17. >Also, annoyed.
  18. “How much farther until we reach the clubhouse Applejack?”
  19. >The orange mare pushes a few branches out of the way, leading you through the farm.
  20. >”Ah reckon another minute or so.”
  21. >With a huff, you adjust the sleeping bag you are carrying.
  22. >Once Applejack heard what her sister did, she offered to let you stay with them.
  23. >Not in their house of course, what with three females and all.
  24. >The CMC's club house was the best she could do.
  25. >It was either that or Fluttershy's -generous- offer to move in with her.
  26. >Considering you didn't want to go to jail for murder, you went with Orangekick.
  27. >”We're here.”
  28. >Reaching an open area, you see the small house.
  29. >There is no way it will be comfortable to shack up here, but what are you gonna do?
  30. “Thanks Applejack. I'll make sure to clean up after myself.”
  31. >Walking towards the ladder, the fillies try once more to apologize.
  32. >This time, in unison.
  33. >”Sorryyyyyy.”
  34. >You grunt and once again move past them.
  35. >Stepping into the clubhouse, you can't help but feel... cozy.
  36. >For the next week, this is your home.
  37. >You sigh and mutter under your breath.
  38. “Fucking great.”
  39. >It was a long day and after work, you immediately came -home-.
  40. >Taking off your shoes, you toss them in a corner and sit down.
  41. >You finally let off your sorrow about the situation.
  42. >Falling to your side, you just lay there as the sun sets.
  43. >Your peace is soon interrupted though.
  44. >A loud crackle and fizz is heard.
  45. >Soon after, a familiar song starts to play.
  46. >Oh dear god, how did this song get to Equestria?!
  47. >”Oo-oooh, we're no strangers to love.”
  48. >Fucking yellow little- why is she here?!
  49. >”You know the rules a-and so do I!”
  50. >You are gonna kill her!
  51. >”A full commitment's, what I-I'm thinking of!”
  52. >Pulling yourself up, you head towards the front door.
  53. >”You wouldn't get this from any other mare!”
  54. >Fluttershy is standing at the bottom of the tree with a boombox.
  55. >”IIII just wanna tell you how I'm feeling.”
  56. >Groaning, you furrow your brow and grind your teeth.
  57. >”Gotta make you understand!”
  58. >You head back in and grab a shoe.
  59. >”Never gonna give you up!”
  60. >Aiming for the boombox, you hold your breath.
  61. >”Never gonna let-”
  62. >Fire!
  63. >The boombox flies out of her hooves and breaks, ending the song abruptly.
  64. >Fluttershy squeals and drops to her stomach.
  65. >You growl out to the mare.
  66. “What do you want Fluttershy?!”
  67. >She lifts her head, smiling a bit.
  68. >”I-I just wanted to say I am sorry a-and see if you wanted to come to my place.”
  69. >You glare at the mare.
  70. >”If you give me another chance... maybe you would see I'm not so bad?”
  71. >Slamming your hands against the railing, your eyes shoot wide with anger.
  72. “If I ever see you again, I will literally skin and eat Angel alive in front of you!”
  73. >The mare's eyes fill with fear as she screams and runs.
  74. >Once she is gone, you head back down and grab your shoe, kicking the boombox lightly.
  75. >It starts to play again, skipping.
  76. >You put your shoe on and shit stomp the devil song.
  77. >Physically and emotionally exhausted, you climb back up the ladder.
  78. >Unrolling your sleeping bag, you close your eyes to get some rest.
  79. >It's been a shit day.
  80. >The soft creaking of wooden boards pulls you from your sleep.
  81. >Anger immediately fills you as you snap awake and lift yourself.
  82. “Fluttershy, if you don't get out of here right now, I-”
  83. >You turn and see Scootaloo.
  84. >She is shocked and holding a sleeping bag.
  85. >Your anger subsides and you let off a sigh.
  86. “What are you doing here Scootaloo?”
  87. >Looking outside, it has to be nearing midnight.
  88. “It's gotta be past your bedtime.”
  89. >She mutters something, kicking one of her forelegs back and forth.
  90. “Can't hear you.”
  91. >The filly takes a deep breath and shakily answers.
  92. >”I-I ran away from home.”
  93. >Pausing, you look to the sad eyed filly.
  94. “What, why?”
  95. >”M-My parents were mad at me for blowing up your home and why I did it.”
  96. >Yeah, you figured they would be.
  97. >Still, if she ran away from home, you should probably tell someone.
  98. >She must know what you are thinking as she starts to quickly speak.
  99. >”Please, don't tell anyone I am here! Just let me stay the night, please?”
  100. >You groan and rub your eyes.
  101. >...
  102. >Fuck it, you're tired anyway.
  103. >You'll deal with this in the morning.
  104. >Laying back down, you curl up and close your eyes.
  105. >”Does that mean you'll let me stay?”
  106. >You don't answer, still not happy with her and her friends.
  107. >”... Thank you Mr. Anon.”
  108. >She pecks your cheek before rolling her sleeping bag next to yours.
  109. >You turn away as she lies down.
  110. >”Good night Mr. Anon.”
  111. >Once again, you don't answer.
  112. >He did it!
  113. >He's letting you stay!
  114. >Okay, calm yourself filly, you aren't out of the woods yet.
  115. >Turning to face Anon, all you can make out is the back of his head.
  116. >You try and think of something you can say to get his attention.
  117. “Um, Mr. Anon?”
  118. >He doesn't answer...
  119. >You don't blame him.
  120. >You REALLY messed up this time.
  121. >It's not like you wanted all of this to happen, you just wanted him to notice you.
  122. >He's soooo cool!
  123. >Like Rainbow Dash, but without the wings or speed.
  124. >Plus, if he can do all those things that Rainbow Dash told you he does...
  125. >You have to make him your coltfriend.
  126. “Do you wanna stay up and tell ghost stories?”
  127. >”... No.”
  128. >He's still awake!
  129. >All right, now you just need to find something he wants to do.
  130. ”Oh, how about playing a game or something?”
  131. >”No.”
  132. >Don't give up now, you know you can get back on his good side.
  133. “How about... playing truth or dare?”
  134. >Maybe you can get him to take his clothes off.
  135. >Rainbow Dash always told you about what humans looked like naked...
  136. >It was so weird to hear, since he was a different species, but that just excited you more.
  137. >You have to admit, you've clopped more than a few times thinking of him.
  138. >”No.”
  139. >Darn it!
  140. >Sighing, you try to think of more stuff.
  141. >Then your mind begins to wander, wondering why his tone is so... venomous.
  142. “... Are you mad at me Mr. Anon?”
  143. >He is silent, causing you to panic a bit.
  144. >”... Very.”
  145. >Whimpering, you curl up a bit.
  146. “I-I'm REALLY sorry though.”
  147. >”You blew up my home... I am not in my bed right now because it is blown up.”
  148. >Sniffling, you can hear the resentment in his voice.
  149. >You really messed up filly.
  150. “S-Sorry...”
  151. >He doesn't respond.
  152. >Deciding you aren't going to get anywhere else, you just curl up and turn away.
  153. >As you do, a loud crash fills the air.
  154. >You squeal and hug yourself.
  155. “W-What was that?”
  156. >”Scheduled rain.”
  157. >Oh, you guess that makes sense.
  158. >It is the rainy season right now.
  159. >But that thunder is going to keep you up.
  160. >Anon is mad at you, you ran away from home, and now there's thunder that will keep you from sleeping.
  161. >How can tonight get any worse?
  162. >*Drip...*
  163. >... Please, no.
  164. *Drip drip drip drip drip*
  165. >And now it's raining on you, wetting your sleeping bag.
  166. >Sniffling some more, you can feel the water touching your skin.
  167. >You try to hold back tears, heart sinking.
  168. >It's no use, you hic a couple of times and whimper out.
  169. >You would just move your sleeping bag, but it's already wet.
  170. >Now you're going to get sick too!
  171. >Crying a bit more, you want it to stop.
  172. >”... Get over here.”
  173. >Sniffling, you look back to Anon.
  174. >He is sitting up, looking at you.
  175. >”Well?”
  176. >You get out of your sleeping bag, shaking off the water from your coat.
  177. “H-Huh?”
  178. >He sighs, opening up his sleeping bag.
  179. >”You're getting wet. The last thing I need is a guilty conscience over letting a filly sleep in the rain. Now come on, before I change my mind.”
  180. >Smiling just a bit, you look to him.
  181. “Really?”
  182. >He groans, closing his bag.
  183. >”Changing my mind.”
  184. >You rush him, clambering in.
  185. >Letting off a nervous chuckle, you snuggle up.
  186. “T-Thanks Mr. Anon.”
  187. >He pushes away.
  188. >”Don't mention it. Really, don't.”
  189. >Sighing, you internally squeal.
  190. >You'd never do something that embarrassing out loud.
  191. >Who do you look like?
  192. >Sweetie Belle?
  193. >Sighing happily, you can feel the heat from his body.
  194. >Almost touch his skin.
  195. >Smell his scent...
  196. >His scent.
  197. >Taking a shallow inhale, you can actually smell his -scent-.
  198. >Shivering, you control yourself.
  199. >Rainbow Dash said it was natural to get turned on by a colt's private scent.
  200. >Still, you didn't think it would be this big of a difference!
  201. >Being this close to Anon, you are all but surrounded by it.
  202. >Crawling down the sleeping bag, you hear Anon murmur before shifting a bit.
  203. >Good, he won't notice.
  204. >You take a deep inhale, body shaking in pleasure.
  205. “O-Oh...”
  206. >The smell causes your filly parts to moisten, clit winking slowly.
  207. >You take another sniff, turning around so you can be just a bit closer.
  208. >Crawling down a bit more, you are nearly touching Anon's bulge with your snout.
  209. >Gulping, you realize you should stop soon, or you'll get caught.
  210. >...
  211. >Softly inhaling, you can feel the cold rainy air brush against your skin, hitting just below your chest.
  212. >Stupid rain...
  213. >You miss your bed, you're barely awake, but you can still tell you are on wood.
  214. >Everything feels fuzzy, but not warm.
  215. >You're at the point where you are about to go to sleep, but not quite there.
  216. >”Oh Anon...”
  217. >Letting off a very soft grunt, you think you almost heard someone say your name.
  218. >Can't be though, you're alone here.
  219. >Listening a little closer, you can make out soft panting and shifting.
  220. >Almost like someone struggling to move under blankets.
  221. >Trying to ignore it, you can feel the noise pulling you farther and farther from actual sleep.
  222. >You think you can beat it, until you feel something press against your crotch.
  223. >Jumping awake a bit, you take a hard breath and look around.
  224. “Whu...”
  225. >The shifting stops, silenced all at once.
  226. >Looking down, you see a bump in your sleeping bag.
  227. >You unzip it a bit and see Scootaloo near crotch level with you.
  228. “What the- Scootaloo?”
  229. >She whimpers, eyes welling up.
  230. >Looking closer, you see her hoof between her legs.
  231. >Shocked, you push yourself away.
  232. >Scootaloo panics.
  233. >”W-Wait Mr. Anon, I can explain!”
  234. >She looks to you, scared.
  235. >Your mind is trying to catch up with what is going on.
  236. >She was clearly masturbating and you definitely felt something against your crotch.
  237. >Was she SNIFFING you?!
  238. >Looking back to the filly, she is on the verge of tears as you just look at her.
  239. >Sniffing, you make out a strange, musky scent.
  240. >It's so familiar.
  241. >...
  242. >Fluttershy.
  243. >She has this same smell when she hounds you.
  244. >Scootaloo is turned on, VERY turned on.
  245. >Sighing, you rub your eyes.
  246. “What were you doing?”
  247. >She sniffles more, looking to the ground.
  248. >”I-I-I...”
  249. >You speak in a stern tone, going to get your answer.
  250. “Tell me.”
  251. >”I was... clopping... t-to you.”
  252. >Sighing, you remember that she is at that age.
  253. >As far as you know, you and Big Mac are the only guys in her life.
  254. >So there was a fifty-fifty shot of you being her older guy crush.
  255. “You're a kid Scootaloo, whatever you're thinking, it won't work out.”
  256. >She whimpers.
  257. >”Why not? It's not like we'd be doing anything wrong!”
  258. >You furrow your brow.
  259. “Let's ignore the fact you blew up my house. I'm way too old for you.”
  260. >She scoffs.
  261. >”So? Cheerilee is messing with Pipsqueak, and she is way older than you!”
  262. >Your eyes shoot wide, shocked by what you've just heard.
  263. “What?!”
  264. >The purple maned filly nods, walking up to you.
  265. >”Yeah! Don't tell me that you're too old for me.”
  266. >You stutter, struggling to find the right words for this.
  267. “How is she not in jail?!”
  268. >The filly is at your feet, climbing atop you.
  269. >”Because it's not illegal! The moment a mare can go into heat and a stallion can get it up, they're allowed to have sex. Guess what MR. Anon, I can go into heat! I'm legal!”
  270. >You push her off, standing.
  271. “You're a kid!”
  272. >She looks to you, any fear she had before replaced with determination.
  273. >”Nuh uh! I'm a mare! ... A mare who can take care of your needs.”
  274. >You are almost disgusted by what she is saying.
  275. >... Why only almost?
  276. “I don't have any that you can take care of...”
  277. >She scoffs, sniffing your crotch again.
  278. >”Liar... I want you to be my coltfriend and I know you wouldn't mind having a fillyfriend.”
  279. >She turns around, spreading her cheeks.
  280. >”One with a nice stretchy butt hole like mine.”
  281. >She reaches back, playing with her ponut hole.
  282. >You can't believe you are watching this.
  283. >As her hoof traces over her backdoor, she moans, hips squirming.
  284. >”A-Anon... mmm, c'mon, I KNOW all guys get lonely. You don't have to be.”
  285. >She almost sounds like Fluttershy, but less weird about it.
  286. >”Please... just this once? I-I like you SOOO much... can't we do it, just this once?”
  287. >The filly stops tracing over her anus, turning around to face you with vulnerable eyes.
  288. >Groaning, you try to think, however, her scent is making it very difficult.
  289. >You have to admit, being surrounded by it for this long is kind of nice, almost alluring.
  290. >...
  291. >You have been lonely ever since you arrived here.
  292. >Plus, her ass looked so inviting.
  293. >Groaning, you try to clear your mind when you notice you are sporting a stiffy.
  294. >There is no way you can get any thinking done while your mind is focused on the lewd.
  295. >Looking back to Scootaloo, you see her staring at your bulge, chest rising and falling as she pants a bit.
  296. >...
  297. >She isn't Fluttershy, she won't be weird about this.
  298. >And if what she's saying is true.
  299. >...
  300. >One night.
  301. >You'll only do this for one night.
  302. “Turn around.”
  303. >The orange filly smiles, happily doing so.
  304. >You unzip your pants, walking up and getting on your knees.
  305. >Reaching a finger out, your touch her anus.
  306. >She squeals, giggling at your touch.
  307. >It's soft, a bit spongey.
  308. >This will be a lot easier than with a human girl.
  309. >Placing your mouth against it, you run your tongue over her backdoor.
  310. >She shivers, clit winking.
  311. >You've only seen Fluttershy's, Scootaloo's is much cuter.
  312. >Continuing to run your tongue over her anus, you hear her moan and stamp her hooves.
  313. >”A-Are you going to put it in or not?”
  314. >Spanking her, she stiffens up.
  315. “I will, but we're doing this at my pace. This isn't some romantic encounter, nor me forgiving you... I just really want to fuck your ass right now.”
  316. >You see her ears lower, voice softer.
  317. >”I get it... but it'll still mean something to me, giving my first time to the guy I like.”
  318. >Rolling your eyes, you press the tip of your member against her moist hole.
  319. “Anal doesn't count as a first time.”
  320. >Before she can respond, you steal her virginity.
  321. >Anal virginity, it doesn't count.
  322. >She moans, low, deep.
  323. >”O-Ohhh, so much thicker... than my handle.”
  324. >Looking to her, you feel your eyes close a bit.
  325. “What?”
  326. >”N-Nothing! Keep going, please?!"
  327. >Since she has no qualms, you fill her up with a couple more inches of your shaft.
  328. >You were right, even though she is much smaller than a grown woman, her ass is a lot easier to drive into.
  329. >It is also much more pleasurable, almost massaging your dick with warm pulls and squeezes.
  330. >Holding back any moans you might let off, you grab her flanks and pull her down on your length, spearing her with your cock.
  331. >She squeals, screaming a bit.
  332. >”Big! BIG! So big!”
  333. >You lean in, taking shallow pumps into the filly.
  334. “Do you want me to stop?”
  335. >She shakes her head, tongue out as she takes deep breaths.
  336. >”N-No, it's just big, I-I'll get used to-”
  337. >You pull out, slamming your cock back in as her hairs rise.
  338. >”IIIIIT!~”
  339. >Did she just moan at the end of that?
  340. >This filly is turning out to be a real butt slut.
  341. >Pulling her up, you begin to fuck her like a cock sleeve, holding her in the air as you pull her up and down your length.
  342. >”O-Oh Celestia, this is hot! I-I thought, oh, this would hurt more. MmmpH! Please, don't stop Anon!”
  343. >So she isn't calling you mister anymore?
  344. >Little filly think she can speak familiarly with you?
  345. >Pushing her against the wall, she holds her front hooves out.
  346. >”H-Hey, what're you-”
  347. >You drive your dick into her as hard as you can while holding her, her head hitting the walls of the treehouse a bit.
  348. >”Ow, o-ow! Anon- ow! S-slow down, ow!”
  349. >She is still moaning, more than likely enjoying the rough treatment.
  350. >Good, this means you'll be able to get away with a lot more than you thought.
  351. >Pulling out, you let the filly down.
  352. >”W-Wait! I didn't cum yet!”
  353. >You walk back to the sleeping bag, laying down.
  354. “Neither have I, but I'm done doing all the work.”
  355. >Patting your lap, she gets the message.
  356. >She walks over to you, climbing on your lap, pressing her used, yet not stretched, ass against your dick.
  357. >Just as she is about to push herself down, you raise your hand.
  358. “Turn around.”
  359. >She looks a bit disheartened, but does so.
  360. >Lowering yourself so you are laying back, the filly straddle you.
  361. >”L-Like this?”
  362. >Her ass and tail are in full view.
  363. “Yeah. Now go.'
  364. >She nods, lowering herself.
  365. >You'd expect her to go slow, but she is actually taking you at a pace you can enjoy.
  366. >She coos, cursing a bit as she pushes herself down on your prick.
  367. >”S-Still big...”
  368. “And still horny.”
  369. >The filly nods, giggling a bit as she raises her hips.
  370. >Once she is high enough, she -drops- herself.
  371. >As she does, she lets off an elongated moan.
  372. >”Oooooh~”
  373. >You won't admit it, but this filly's ass may be the best hole you've ever fucked.
  374. >Plus she is very eager to please.
  375. >Grabbing her tail, she squeals as you pull.
  376. >With each pull, her brown ring clenches on your shaft.
  377. >The feeling is amazing, almost indescribable.
  378. >Almost...
  379. >Pulling harder, she yells out.
  380. >”Ow! Too much!”
  381. >Chuckling, you let go, the filly sitting on your cock as she looks back to you, scrunching her face.
  382. “Hey, I want to get this over with as soon as possible.”
  383. >She growls, taking this as a challenge.
  384. >Facing forward again, she redoubles her efforts, bouncing her pretty orange ass on your dick.
  385. >Grunting, you are actually having trouble fighting the urge to moan now.
  386. >”Well? Is this good enough? How about now?!”
  387. >Her anus begins to contract, pulling on your length as she rides up and down it.
  388. >You can't take it anymore, you let out a low moan, actually getting close to finishing.
  389. >”Still think I can't- ah~ Satisfy your needs?!”
  390. >She is talking way too much.
  391. >Bringing your hand back, you smack her ass, causing her to squeal, squeezing your shaft tighter.
  392. >The feeling is incredible, dragging along your length.
  393. >Moaning again, you are about to cum.
  394. >Looking down, you see her sweating, body jerking a bit as she tries to continue her ride.
  395. “What, are you about to cum?”
  396. >”N-No!”
  397. >Perfect, she's going to get off first.
  398. >You would have hated finishing before a filly.
  399. >Grabbing her hips, you begin to buck upwards, filling her with your length.
  400. >She squeaks and squeals, grinding on your hot monkey bone.
  401. >”Y-Yeah, I knew you'd come around!”
  402. >You don't answer her, wanting to get her off before you lose it.
  403. >As if on cue, she begins to squirt all over the floor, cumming as she screams, gripping you as if her life depended on it.
  404. >Trying to pull out, all you end up doing is pushing yourself over the edge, grunting as you fill up the filly.
  405. >You hold back any moans, yells, or words you have; not wanting to let her think she actually got you off.
  406. >She did still blow up your house.
  407. >You were just using her as a cum dumpster.
  408. >Panting, you feel your cock begin to soften, the last of your cum dribbling out in the filly.
  409. >She lays backs, resting on your chest.
  410. >The orange filly pants with you, struggling to breathe.
  411. >”W-Wow... That was... so much better... than my hoof.”
  412. >You just chuckle, trying to think of something to say.
  413. “Yeah, I'd imagine.”
  414. >After a few minutes of basking in the afterglow, she cuddles up to you.
  415. >You push her off, trying to remind her this was just physical.
  416. >She groans, looking at you as she sits on her plot, not wanting to leak your seed on the floor.
  417. >”Really? After all this you're STILL acting like you didn't like it?”
  418. “Oh, I definitely liked it. I'm just not going to let you get attached. This was a one time thing. Nothing more.”
  419. >She giggles, shaking her head.
  420. “What? What's so funny?”
  421. >”Oh, nothing... except this isn't gonna be a one time thing.”
  422. >You sigh, sitting up.
  423. “No, it really is.”
  424. >She looks to you, a knowing grin on her lips.
  425. >”Nuh uh. If it is, then I'll go tell the cops.”
  426. “... You said-”
  427. >Scootaloo raises her hoof.
  428. >”Oh, I know what I said. Wanna know a little secret Anon?”
  429. >The filly leans in, whispering.
  430. >”Mares don't go into heat anymore. They stopped doing that when Ponies developed Cutie Marks.”
  431. >Oh shit.
  432. “But, you're a-”
  433. >”Blank flank? Mhmmmm, and now you're a statutory rapist.”
  434. >Your heart sinks.
  435. >She played you, she just played you!
  436. “Why you little-”
  437. >Before you can respond, she interrupts you once more.
  438. >”Shhhh... I won't tell anyone. All you have to do is be my secret coltfriend. Stick it in me whenever I want and kiss and cuddle me~”
  439. >You groan, looking to the smug filly.
  440. “And if I don't?”
  441. >She begins to frown, sniffling as her ears lower.
  442. >”H-He was so rough Mr. Officer. I-I asked him not too, but he pushed his thingy into my butt! I-It hurt so... m-...m-...”
  443. >Oh, she is good.
  444. >You wish that her acting wasn't pointed at you however.
  445. “So I either do what you say or you throw me in jail?”
  446. >She nods.
  447. >”And I REALLY don't want to. I meant what I said Anon. I like you, a lot~”
  448. >Sighing, you relent.
  449. >You're a filly fiddler now.
  450. >It's either that or you become a prison bitch.
  451. >Looking up to Scootaloo, she steals a kiss.
  452. >”So, do we have a deal?”
  453. “...”
  454. >Day Not a prison bitch in Equestria.
  455. >”So, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, do we have the stuff ready?”
  456. >You look to your secret fillyfriend, watching as she gives orders to her two friends.
  457. >All of which you've fucked in some way or another.
  458. >They nod to her.
  459. >With a smile, Scootaloo looks to you.
  460. >Smirking, you pull out a spyglass and look at Fluttershy's cottage.
  461. >You then trace your gaze over to her chicken pen, where she is currently at.
  462. >After roughly ten seconds, it gives off a cheesy explosion.
  463. >Chuckling, you watch as the mare runs out, crying.
  464. “Yup, exactly as planned.”
  465. >The fillies cheer.
  466. >You lower the spyglass as Scootaloo flies up and kisses you, stroking over your pants.
  467. >Every day since that night has been like this.
  468. >Scootaloo getting fresh with you, sometimes involving her friends.
  469. >The four of you ruining Fluttershy's day in some way.
  470. >And everyone ending the day with a smile.
  471. >Groping the filly's flanks, she moans.
  472. >”Oooh, Anon~ here?”
  473. >You shake your head.
  474. “Nah, I still remember the last time we did it on dirt... how about we head home and I remind you why your ass is mine?”
  475. >She grins, nuzzling your neck.
  476. >”I'll be back later guys, my coltfriend wants some loving.”
  477. >The remaining two fillies groan.
  478. >Applebloom steps up, leaning against your leg as she stands on her hind legs.
  479. >”But it ain't fair! Ah want some sex too.”
  480. >Sweetie Belle nods, looking up at you with pleading eyes.
  481. >Scootaloo simply growls at them.
  482. >”Hey! He's MY coltfriend and I don't want to share him today.”
  483. >Ever since Scootaloo got your balls in a vice, she has REALLY taken over as leader of her friends.
  484. >Still, it only takes you less then five minutes to put her in her place.
  485. “Don't worry you two. I'll make sure to visit you both later tonight.”
  486. >As Applebloom and Sweetie Belle squee, you start to make your way home, about to spend the next hour
  487. >Fucking Scootaloo.


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Impossibly Lucky Anon

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