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Aftermath of Slime Attack, Dated [REDACTED], Proctored by [REDACTED]

By BigPone
Created: 2023-09-19 23:56:44
Updated: 2023-09-22 16:16:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Day 3.
  2. Transcription begins:
  3. Two ponies enter room [REDACTED] with patient, identifying individuals:
  4. -Doctor [REDACTED], UM
  5. -Head Researcher [REDACTED], US
  6. -Patient: [REDACTED], identified as field research from ESA Corps [REDACTED] division, US
  7. Initializing voice transcription. Matching voice records. Categorizing events. Transcribing.
  8. Doctor: Tell me what we’ve got.
  9. HR: Field expedition agent [REDACTED]. His team got attacked by sentient slimes on [REDACTED]. With… great difficulty, his team was able to move him back to his ship and bring him here. It took a whole squad to move him upon arrival.
  10. Doctor: Unusual. Slime attacks aren’t usually that bad.
  11. HR: [REDACTED] is low-grav. Agent [REDACTED] weighed nearly six hundred pounds at Equestria gravity before the event. The attack was rather severe, as you’ll see.
  12. Both halt by patient.
  13. Doctor: I’m not sure if I should be impressed by how much he withstood, or how his suit hasn’t exploded.
  14. HR: Don’t take this as gospel, but we’ve been theorizing some amount of intent was at play.
  15. Doctor: Meaning?
  16. HR: [REDACTED] is known to be rather heavy and has a much higher than average food intake. His two crewmates are similar in build, weight, and lifestyle choices. He was aware of the slimes and their alleged flavors long before contact.
  17. Doctor: So, you think-
  18. HR: Yes, the team and I believe he did not, in fact, get his hoof stuck in a pile of rubble preventing his escape. We believe he willfully stood there with the intent to taste the slime creatures, which went further than expected. He is not in a state to respond yet, but he does blush when positing this theory.
  19. Doctor: Why can he not respond? Verbally or through magic, he should be capable of that much.
  20. HR: [REDACTED] is suffering from multiple afflictions beyond the apparent, visual symptoms. He is running a high fever, experiencing labored breathing – effectively, his body is running at full capacity, and any voluntary action beyond looking around, well it’s like trying to perform an action on a computer while the CPU, RAM, GPU, storage device, and network adapter are all at 100% utilization. If anything, he should be sleeping or in a coma.
  21. Doctor: Have you not induced vomiting? Or is your intent to watch him grow? I didn’t figure you for that type.
  22. HR: Oh, shut up.
  23. HR paces around the room, moving display sheets around.
  24. HR: You know that nonsense hasn’t made it out here yet. We don’t even allow food that isn’t naturally grown on the premises. We’ve tried induced vomiting and many other options to remove the slime from his body. None have worked. What we’re left with is letting it run its course, and [REDACTED] facing lasting consequences for his hubris.
  25. Doctor: Where do I come in? It seems your team is handling the studies fine.
  26. HR: Given the circumstances, we need somepony to make sure agent [REDACTED] doesn’t expire. If you look here, his stomach is stretched an order of magnitude beyond its limits. We’re unsure at this time how that is possible without any visible damage. Moreover, while there has clearly been some digestion, as evident by increased adipose visible on limbs, posterior, and face, and the stomach has shrunken in volume somewhat, there has been no decrease in percentage of volume used. As we’ve discussed, the high fever and labored breathing are of great concern. We are not in the business of letting ponies die, even if they got themselves into the mess.
  27. Doctor: Very well. I can’t say I’m experienced with extreme slime intake, but I’ll do what I can. What else can you tell me?
  28. HR: Patient [REDACTED] arrived weighing approximately 2,061 pounds, unknown composition of body weight versus stomach contents. Current weight after three days is, hmmm, 2,223 pounds. Body size is… interesting. He seems to be taking up an extra inch of space. Prognosis: [REDACTED] is going to be around this size after completion of digestion and may need aid with transport. I’ll tell his crewmates. I leave the patient to you, good doctor.
  29. HR leaves room carrying a stack of research papers. Unintelligible muttering detected. Unable to transcribe. Transcription disabled for Head Researcher [REDACTED].
  30. Doctor: Ok, mister [REDACTED]. If you can hear me, look at the ceiling, then at me.
  31. Doctor: Fantastic. I am Doctor [REDACTED], you will be in my care until this situation is resolved, however long that may be. Answer me in the same way: Are you able to think?
  32. Doctor: I’m going to place these monitors on your head. With them, I should be able to receive some information from your thoughts. It’s experimental tech, probably won’t do much more than yes and no, but should be easier for yourself. I’ll be able to monitor additional biometric data.
  33. Doctor [REDACTED] moves a ladder, climbs upon it. Warning: New magic detected. Processing… Alarm terminated. Magic confirmed safe: telekinesis from Doctor [REDACTED]. Biometric devices (Experimental) confirmed attached to patient [REDACTED]. New data flow detected.
  34. -Body temperature: 30F above standard (!!!ALERT!!! SEVERE THREAT TO PATIENT HEALTH)
  35. -Heart rate: 230 BPM (!!!ALERT!!! SEVERE THREAT TO PATIENT HEALTH)
  36. -Mana usage: 100% (Unknown target)
  37. -Immediate medical attention required
  38. -Neurolink v0.031 Active
  39. New transcription active: Neurolink v0.031 output
  40. Doctor: This time, think of an answer. Just think “yes” or “no”, then think of a longer response. Are you, um, hungry?
  41. NL: No. [garbled text]
  42. Doctor: Did you think of a coherent sentence after thinking “No”?
  43. NL: Yes. [garbled text]
  44. Doctor: Technology is not advanced enough yet. Stick to affirmatives and negatives for now. Are you in pain?
  45. NL: No.
  46. Doctor: Are you in pleasure?
  47. NL: No. [Error: lie detected]
  48. Elevated body heat in facial cheek area of patient [REDACTED] detected.
  49. Doctor: No sense lying to me. I am here to treat and help, not to judge. Did you intentionally allow yourself to be attacked by the slimes?
  50. NL: Yes.
  51. Elevated body heat in facial cheek area of patient [REDACTED] detected.
  52. Doctor: Do you regret it?
  53. NL: Unknown.
  54. Elevated body heat in facial cheek area of patient [REDACTED] detected.
  55. Doctor: Do you feel strange? Unusual?
  56. NL: Yes.
  57. Doctor [REDACTED] consults patient records. Accessing….
  58. List of treatments: [REDACTED]
  59. Doctor: Known treatments for accelerated heart rate and excessive body heat tried, and unsuccessful. Concerning. Mister [REDACTED], I will be putting you on an IV drip for water, and lowering the temperature of the room posthaste. I will be back.
  60. Doctor [REDACTED] leaves the room. Transcription disabled for Doctor [REDACTED].
  61. Standby
  62. Room temperature decreasing. Thermostat set to: 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Steam detected. Source: Patient [REDACTED].
  63. Doctor [REDACTED] enters the room. Transcription enabled for Doctor [REDACTED].
  64. Doctor [REDACTED] shows sign of change: DeepFreez-brand environmental suit added. Liquify-brand water treatment system in inventory.
  65. IV drip inserted into medical access port located adjacent to spine. Dehydration levels: decreasing.
  66. Doctor: This should help. The slimes are providing you with more than enough calories, but not enough nutrients and water. This IV should help with that. Perhaps with time, this temperature drop will lower your body temperature. Were it possible to remove your suit without risking injury, I believe that would help.
  67. Doctor [REDACTED] paces the lab, notating information and environmental data. Patient [REDACTED] vital signs remain consistent.
  68. Day 4
  69. Transcription begins:
  70. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  71. -Body temperature: 20F above standard (!!!ALERT!!! SEVERE THREAT TO PATIENT HEALTH)
  72. -Heart rate: 210 BPM (!!!ALERT!!! SEVERE THREAT TO PATIENT HEALTH)
  73. -Mana usage: 100% (Unknown target)
  74. -Immediate medical attention required
  75. -Neurolink v0.031 Active
  76. -Body weight: 2,346 pounds
  77. -Stomach capacity: 587% (Unchanged)
  78. -Suit status: integrity stable
  79. Doctor: Patient weight: increased. Cause: Frankly, he’s gotten fatter. The suit, I’ve learned, may be causing harm. While it prevents certain messes, it is causing a greater amount of weight gain by virtue of forcing every molecule of ingested food, or slime, to be treated as nutrients and calories the body can absorb. The things those sections of Equestria have developed, I hope such technology does not make its way out here. The patient appears somewhat calmer with minor improvements to biometrics, but no further developments have been noted. Sanitation of patient and suit increased due to information received from suit manufacturers. No aerosol due to inability to place respirator on patient.
  80. Day 5
  81. Transcription begins:
  82. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  83. -Body temperature: 7F above standard (!Warning!)
  84. -Heart rate: 180 BPM (!!!ALERT!!! SEVERE THREAT TO PATIENT HEALTH)
  85. -Mana usage: 100% (Unknown target)
  86. -Immediate medical attention required
  87. -Neurolink v0.031 Active
  88. -Body weight: 2,492 pounds
  89. -Stomach capacity: 587% (Unchanged)
  90. -Suit status: integrity stable
  91. Doctor: Patient continues to grow heavier and larger, while his stomach shows no change in shape or form. Minor improvements continue to be noted in biometrics. No other developments.
  92. Patient [REDACTED]’s crew is allowed into the room. Crew A, UM, Crew B, CM. Summarizing discussion:
  93. -Crew B teases patient about his predicament, Crew A remarks he is like a giant, heated pillow. Sanitation occurred shortly before crew visit.
  94. -Crew complain about local food.
  95. -Doctor [REDACTED] mutters how they could stand to skip a few dozen meals.
  96. -Fight nearly breaks out between Crew B and Doctor, unknown connection between patient and Crew B seems to stop it.
  97. -Simple communication from Neurolink allows, with interpretation, message to crew.
  98. -Crew granted permission to take the ship out for repairs, deliver research data to ESA.
  99. -Patient [REDACTED] will contact Crew when he is able to leave.
  100. Day 6
  101. Transcription begins:
  102. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  103. -Body temperature: 47F above standard (!!!ALERT!!! SEVERE THREAT TO PATIENT HEALTH)
  104. -Heart rate: 270 BPM (!!!ALERT!!! SEVERE THREAT TO PATIENT HEALTH)
  105. -Mana usage: 100% (Unknown target)
  106. -Immediate medical attention required
  107. -Neurolink v0.031 Active
  108. -Body weight: 2,999 pounds
  109. -Stomach capacity: 588% (Increased)
  110. -Suit status: Significant strain detected.
  111. Transcription: Filtering voice data to compensate for unusual tone of voice. Detected: Panic
  112. Doctor: Patient experienced severe degradation of prognosis. Room temperature reduced to sub-zero to compensate. Water feed increased. Patient unresponsive. Neurolink outputting a constant stream of garbled text. All hooves called forth. Researchers helping find treatment options. Situation dire. Sent message… sent message to crew.
  113. Day 7
  114. Transcription begins:
  115. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  116. -Body temperature: 8F above standard (Warning cleared: determined excess body fat is raising temperature)
  117. -Heart rate: 140 BPM
  118. -Mana usage: 100% (Unknown target)
  119. -Monitoring of patient suggested
  120. -Neurolink v0.031 Active
  121. -Body weight: 3,001 pounds
  122. -Stomach capacity: 591% (Increased)
  123. -Suit status: Significant strain detected.
  124. Doctor: Prognosis improved, after significant time and effort. Medical team and myself are exhausted. Patient’s stomach capacity has increased in percentage, worryingly, while weight gain has nearly stopped. Room is returning to standard temperature. Patient has resumed full faculties and, with effort, has managed to move to something resembling a standing stance, though he remains resting on his still taut to the touch torso. Patient’s crew is on their way, having just received the notice from yesterday. Attempts to send a follow-up contact are of questionable success.
  125. Patient: So uh, am I stuck like this?
  126. Doctor: The remainder of the slime in your stomach should digest down soon, but I’m afraid it will take significant effort to repair the er, lasting effects.
  127. Patient: If I could just get back to low-grav, I should be fine. Just… Need to be able to move again.
  128. Sounds of patient trying to reach the floor with his forehooves, suit groaning and straining. A loud gurgle emits from the patient’s stomach.
  129. Doctor: I wouldn’t strain it. You’ve only just come back from the brink of death, and who knows how much damage that fever and a constantly pounding heart have done, not to mention you haven’t slept in a week.
  130. Patient [REDACTED] has caught himself on a video feed, and seems to be blushing at finally being able to comprehend how large he has grown.
  131. Patient: Hey Doc, it’s funny. All of a sudden, I’m feeling hungry-
  132. A series of loud gurgles, groans, and snaps echo throughout the room in rapid succession. Patient’s belly has shrunk for the first time, or so it seems: It has now expanded to the sides and morphed from a taut, solid ball to a squashed sack of blubber. Patient’s rear has unexpectedly expanded wider than it previously was. Change of muzzle shape and eyelash length detected. Patient’s entire body has expanded by hundreds of pounds.
  133. Patient?: Hungry?
  134. Error: change of vocal tone and pitch detected. Scanning biometrics. Patient found. Anomaly detected.
  135. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  136. -Body temperature: 8F above standard (Warning cleared: determined excess body fat is raising temperature)
  137. -Heart rate: 140 BPM
  138. -Mana usage: 0%
  139. -Patient appears to be normal
  140. -Neurolink v0.031 disconnected
  141. -Body weight: 3,994 pounds
  142. -Stomach capacity: 0% (Total capacity: 300% of last known measurement [ESA pre-flight check, one moon prior to incident])
  143. -Suit status: Integrity compromised. Multiple ruptures detected. Integrity compromised. Body exposed.
  144. Patient: Doctor, what just happened?
  145. Doctor [REDACTED] missing. Searching…. Doctor [REDACTED] discovered. Patient’s sudden expansion knocked Doctor [REDACTED] back multiple meters.
  146. Doctor: It would seem… ow. You have grown, even more monstrously large, by Celestia. Fascinating. It would seem you’ve changed genders. If I could… Biometrics confirm. I was worried I’d have to look. Congratulations, [REDACTED], you’re now the tallest, and largest, mare I’ve ever seen. Lucky you. If you somehow have the strength to move… nearly two tons, I must be dreaming. I must have a concussion. [REDACTED] will see you out.
  147. Doctor [REDACTED] exits the room. Biometric scan commencing…. Concussive wound to head confirmed. Multiple fractured bones confirmed. Alerting medical staff.
  148. Head Researcher [REDACTED] arrives with Crew A and Crew B. Patient [REDACTED] has managed, with difficulty, to turn around in place, with minimal movement and damage to nearby equipment. Significant increase in heat along facial cheeks. Crew A and Crew B gawk at Patient [REDACTED]. Analyzing. Facial expressions appear a mixture of arousal and bewilderment. Crew B makes an about face and leaves.
  149. Crew B: We’re gonna need a bigger ship.
  150. Crew A uses Patient [REDACTED] as a warm pillow again.
  151. HR: Don’t worry s… madam. You’ll receive a copy of the results once they’re all processed. Get used to being a mare, you tub of blubber. I wouldn’t expect to find a way to reverse this.
  152. Construction crew A-ZA enter the lab to assist moving [REDACTED] out. Patient appears mobile, but at a rate too low to leave in a timely manner. Error: Doorway obstructed. Cause: Patient is too large for door.
  153. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  154. -Body temperature: 16F above standard (Warning cleared: determined excess body fat is raising temperature. Extra temperature caused by exerted physical effort.)
  155. -Heart rate: 240 BPM (!!!ALERT!!! Dangerously high heart rate. Cause: exerted physical effort, mental stress, normal-grav environment.)
  156. -Mana usage: 86% (Target: healing spells, self)
  157. -Patient appears to be normal, for size. Mental distress at dangerous levels caused by sudden change of sex.
  158. -Neurolink v0.031 disconnected (Expunge from further reports)
  159. -Body weight: 4,015 pounds
  160. -Stomach capacity: 140% (Subject overate outside ship due to stress and greatly increased stomach capacity. Overfilling will cause further capacity increases.)
  161. -Suit status: Awaiting industrial application.
  162. Extended monitoring continues. Patient struggles to cope with her new situation. Crew members attempt to console her, but make the situation arguably worse. Patient exhibits existent, but limited, mobility at Equestrian gravity, but is so large low-gravity environments will still present challenges.
  163. Day 8
  164. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  165. -Body temperature: 8F above standard (Warning cleared: determined excess body fat is raising temperature)
  166. -Heart rate: 140 BPM
  167. -Mana usage: 0%
  168. -Patient appears to be normal, for size. Mental distress at elevated levels caused by sudden change of sex.
  169. -Body weight: 4,040 pounds
  170. -Stomach capacity: 145% (Subject continues overeating, rarely allows stomach to digest before eating more. Unclear if stress or extreme size contributes more.)
  171. -Suit status: Integrity normal. Industrial application with magic-generated zero-grav field successful. Industrial suit expected to hold Patient [REDACTED]’s body until she is as large as the ship she pilots. Additional metrics gathered by pilfering data from industrial suit applicator:
  172. -Skeletal height: 4’2” (Same height as former stallion self)
  173. -Standing height: 5’11.5” (rear and back fat stand taller than head/skeleton)
  174. -Width: 12’3” (belly)
  175. -Width: 13’9” (flanks)
  176. -Standing height, floating: 14’7”
  177. Patient [REDACTED] observed entering ship after suit fitting. Crew A and Crew B entered first. Patient [REDACTED] could barely fit, and got stuck inside. Landing bay was able to close.
  178. Day 38
  179. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  180. -Body temperature: 8F above standard
  181. -Heart rate: 140 BPM
  182. -Mana usage: 0%
  183. -Patient appears to be normal, for size.
  184. -Body weight: 5,360 pounds
  185. -Stomach capacity: 160%
  186. -Suit status: Integrity normal.
  187. Patient observed engaging in ruthless gluttony. Crewmates appear to be enabling her. The new, larger ship more than accommodates her growth. Reported food intake exceeds 142,000 calories. Unable to observe changes in patient’s size. Weight estimated based on caloric intake. Patient and cremates observed staying in space or navigating to planets with no greater than 0.10 Equestrian Gravity ratings. [REDACTED] monitoring continues to show little promise for remote monitoring. Communications are unable to be picked up adequately. Small snippets are collected when possible. Patient appears annoyed and distressed that she cannot stop eating.
  188. Day 373
  189. Patient [REDACTED] status:
  190. -Body temperature: 24F above standard
  191. -Heart rate: 180 BPM
  192. -Mana usage: 85%
  193. -Patient is under added duress.
  194. -Body weight: 18,582 pounds
  195. -Stomach capacity: 190%
  196. -Suit status: Suit is heavily strained.
  197. Final observation before remote connection terminated. Patient’s state has continued as previously plotted. Last spotted on planet [REDACTED], reported to have full atmosphere and life support functionality at 0.01 Equestrian Gravity. Patient has not been mobile even here for months according to logged data. This appears to be caused by size, rather than weight. Movement aided by magically controlled crowds. Crew A and Crew B appear to have gained weight as well, but are continuing to support Patient [REDACTED]. Patient is showing signs of mounting issues once believed to be solved by [REDACTED] technology. Due to Patient [REDACTED]’s low-gravity environment, it is difficult to ascertain if her weight or sheer body mass are to blame for her predicament. Despite all noted issues, Patient [REDACTED] continues to engorge herself to ever more extreme degrees, seemingly uncontrollably.
  198. Connection to implanted device lost. Possible cause: patient enormity.

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