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Assorted Snippets

By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2023-09-30 19:02:53
Updated: 2024-09-08 04:41:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be Stallion
  2. >Have marefriend
  3. >Also be into CBT(Cooking and Baking Torture)
  4. >Marefriend is completely incompetent when it comes to cooking
  5. >She requires supervision just to make a bowl of cereal
  6. >Marefriend tries to make you a Hearts & Hooves Day dinner
  7. >She uses metal utensils on your nonstick pans
  8. >Overcooks pasta to the point of becoming mush and forgets to strain it before adding other ingredients
  9. >Bakes a loaf of bread and somehow manages to burn the outside while leaving the inside completely raw
  10. >She presents it all to you in a paper bowl
  11. >You cum violently while wailing in anguish
  13. -=-=-=-=-
  15. >You slow your thrusting, quickly coming to a dead stop
  16. "That...that doesn't sound right."
  17. >Redheart rolled her eyes and scoffed
  18. >"Anon, which of us is the medical professional?"
  19. >You slowly raise a hand and point at her
  20. >"That's right. So if I say that spanking my ass and calling me a dirty pony slut results in a brief increase in fertility by 37%, then it's because I know what I'm talking about."
  21. "I-I know, but I just-"
  22. >Redheart shushed you by putting a hoof to your lips
  23. >"Anon, sweetie, honey, love of my life," She cooed, squishing your face with her hooves
  24. >"I know you're a little nervous, but this is for the both of us. This is to finally start our family. Don't you want an adorable little foal?" She gazed deeply into your eyes
  25. >You nod
  26. >She smiles warmly "Good. So do I. So please, just trust me. Ok?"
  27. >You nod again
  28. >"Ok."
  29. >She releases your face and lays back onto the mattress
  30. >Before you have a chance to start thrusting again, she quickly interrupts you, "Ohohoh, pull my mane too!"
  31. >You sigh and pinch the bridge of your nose
  32. "Will...Does that also increase your fertility?"
  33. >"Nah, it just makes me cum harder."
  35. -=-=-=-=-
  37. "Mmm, pastel blue?"
  38. >Chrysalis shook her head and opened her mouth widely to reveal her neon orange maw.
  39. >"That's 5 to 7 now, my favor." Chrysalis proudly stated.
  40. >You and Chrysalis were playing one of her favorite larvahood games
  41. >The object of the game being for one changeling to change the color of the inside of their mouth, and the other to guess it
  42. >Though you being human did mean that the game was a bit one-sided, Chrysalis was still thoroughly enjoying herself
  44. -=-=-=-=-
  46. >Be Anon
  47. >"Mr. Mous?"
  48. >And also be very upset
  49. >A ponice officer has just shown up at your door, with none other than Mono Trail, your oldest daughter
  50. "Yes, that's me. What is the meaning of this?"
  51. >"Sir, your daughter and her friends were found being truant."
  52. >The ponicemare glared at Mono from the corner of her eye before venomously adding "Among other things."
  53. "Truant? Mono, is this true?"
  54. >Mono morosely nodded, refusing to look at your face
  55. >You shake your head in shame
  56. >She was always a rambunctious foal, but you had never thought she'd go so far as to play hooky
  57. >Your attention is brought back to the ponicemare when she clears her throat
  58. >"Seeing as she's underage and this is her first offense, I figured it'd be best to let her off with a warning."
  59. "Thank you, officer. I'll be sure to have her mother talk to her." You say, emphasizing the word "talk"
  60. >You turn and point towards the interior of your home and Mono whimpers as she slinks past you, ears folded back and wings limp at her sides
  61. >The ponicemare nods curtly, "See that you do."
  62. >Her eyes trail down your form, her frown melting into a smirk upon reaching your crotch
  63. >"Y'know, if you're having trouble keeping your foals in line, I could always...lend a hoof~" She licks her chops while blatantly staring at your groin
  64. "Thank you but I have it under control." You close the door on her and head to Mono's room to see her sulking on her bed, hiding beneath her turquoise wings
  65. "Mono. I'm not mad."
  66. >She parts her wings a bit to let her shame-filled eyes take a look at you
  67. "I'm just disappointed."
  68. >She let out a pathetic groan
  69. "If you think that's bad, just wait until your mother comes home."
  70. >Mono Trail shoots up, her wings spread and fur standing on end
  71. >She gulps before shakily speaking up
  72. >"W-w-which one?" she squeaks out
  73. >You sigh
  74. >Dramatically, of course
  75. >Rarity taught you well
  76. "Mama Shy."
  77. >Mono's anguished wail could be heard in Canterlot
  79. -=-=-=-=-
  81. >"Anon, sweetie? Are you alright? It's been over thirty minutes!"
  82. "I-I'm fine, Sunbuns! Ju-just doing some, uh...human stuff!"
  83. >You hear the ruffling of wings from the other side of the door
  84. >"O-oh...well, alright then! Let me know if you need any help!" You hear Celestia trot off, probably back to bed
  85. >You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding
  86. >Looking back into the bathroom mirror, your eyes dart across your naked form
  87. >Bitemarks and bruises mottle the landscape of your flesh, some deep enough to have drawn blood
  88. >Your pelvic region and thighs are all roughly the same shades of deep purple and burning red
  89. >Your chest is almost as bad, crescent-shaped cuts accompanying each bruise there
  90. >Your hair is greasy and matted from the various fluids
  91. >Your throat is excruciatingly dry, as if you had chugged a few gallons of saltwater
  92. >It hurts to move
  93. >It hurts to breath
  94. >With another sigh, you lean against the wall as you limp over to the door
  95. >Turning the knob takes more strength than it should, but you manage
  96. >As the door creaks open, your welcomed by the sight of Celestia's private quarters
  97. >Bits of furniture and cloth litter the scene, various holes in all four walls
  98. >A few in the ceiling too
  99. >Her massive mattress, bare of any sheets or blankets, laying atop a pile of snapped boards
  100. >The bedframe had been the first thing to break
  101. >On that mattress sat Princess Celestia
  102. >As prim and proper as the day of her coronation, save for a single hair of her mane that stuck out
  103. >Her eyes drink in the sight of you as she bites her lip
  104. >You can see her flank sway as she gently grinds against the pillow between her thighs
  105. >"Ready for round 2, my little human?"
  107. -=-=-=-=-
  109. >"Anon, sweetie? Are you alright? It's been over thirty minutes!"
  110. "I-I'm fine, Sunbuns! Ju-just doing some, uh...human stuff!"
  111. >You hear the ruffling of wings from the other side of the door
  112. >"O-oh...well, alright then! Let me know if you need any help!" You hear Celestia trot off, probably back to bed
  113. >You let out a shuddering breath and look back down to the scene before you
  114. >And what a scene it was
  115. >You were getting the blowjob of 20 lifetimes at the moment and it was taking every damn ounce of willpower you had to not scream her name to the heavens
  116. >Whose name?
  117. >Why, none other than Queen Chrysalis herself, Queen of the the Changelings
  118. >She was sliding her mouth along your shaft, her lips keeping a perfect seal around it, shown by how her cheeks were sunken in from the suction
  119. >Her needlelike fangs were only a hairsbreadth from your flesh, but she expertly avoided so much as a graze
  120. >Her long, prehensile tongue wrapped just behind the helmet of your cock, swiping across the glans occasionally
  121. >Her face was illuminated by the glow of her horn as she used her magic to give your balls a massage like no other
  122. >Then there were her eyes
  123. >Lakes of emerald with slits of pitch black, staring deeper into your eyes than you thought possible
  124. >If you didn't know any better, you'd say that she's staring at you the way only soulmates do
  125. >Exuding so much love that you almost forget the salacious act the two of you are partaking in
  126. >Almost
  127. >Another shiver runs up your spine, forcing a muffled moan to escape from you
  128. >Your eyes dart to the door and you pray that Celestia didn't hear you
  129. >Looking back to Chrysalis, her eyes now gleam with pleading, her hoof tenderly rubbing your thigh as if to beg for you to finish
  130. >Not one to keep a lady waiting you quickly reach your peak, stuffing a hoof towel into your mouth to bite down on and keep from being too loud
  131. >Chryssi takes your whole shaft into her mouth and shuts her eyes
  132. >Despite the makeshift gag, you moan loudly as your vision explodes into white
  133. >You feel her moan lowly as you release into the back of her throat, her tongue working along your length to milk as much of your seed as possible
  134. >After possibly the longest orgasm of your life, you finally fade back to reality
  135. >Panting and covered in sweat, you look back down to see Chrysalis slowly pull back from your member, giving your head a soft suckle before letting it go with a pop
  136. >She licks her lips and looks into your eyes once more, still retaining that deep, cosmic sort of love in them
  137. >After a moment, she stands, steps over to the open window
  138. >Looking back to you, she blows you a kiss before gracefully leaping out the window
  139. >You're left a sweaty, dishevelled mess, leaning against the bathroom wall
  140. >There's the knocking of a hoof on the door again
  141. >"Anonymous?"
  143. -=-=-=-=-
  145. >You looked to the ceiling in thought for a few moments
  146. "Hm. Not my cup of tea, but quite good for a filly her age."
  147. >Be Rarity
  148. >You had just finished reading some surprisingly decent stalliondom fiction, written by your own little sister no less
  149. >Her schoolbag had been tossed carelessly when she had come home and the notebook had just been lying open on the floor when you found it
  150. >You didn't INTENTIONALLY read her most likely private writing, you just happened to glance at it
  151. >Having placed the small, spiralbound notebook back into Sweetie Belle's saddlebag, you took it upstairs
  152. >You left it in front of her door and hoped she wouldn't assume you read it
  153. >You can't imagine how embarrassed she'd be if she knew
  154. >But, mares will be mares
  156. "By Celestia's milky teats..."
  157. >Be Rarity
  158. >Also be disgusted and terribly uncomfortable
  159. >Once again, through no fault of your own, you've found yourself reading Sweetie Belle's private notebook
  160. >While her writing has shown some improvement, she continues to write about the incredibly taboo subject of stalliondom
  161. >And now there's been a terrible development
  162. >Her latest story features none other than you as the main victim
  163. >She even gave a whole backstory of what you were like before the fictional stallion's mindbreaking of you
  164. >Maybe you should'nt have let this one fly under the radar
  165. >It's one thing to have shameful fantasies
  166. >It's an entirely different thing to fantasize about your relatives being involved
  167. >Perhaps you ought to have a word with her
  168. >She may only be a filly, but she needs to understand that there are certain lines you don't cross
  169. >A shiver runs up your spine as you're reminded of your aunt Filly Flanks
  170. >You really hope that sort of behavior doesn't run in the family
  172. -=-=-=-=-
  174. Prompt:
  176. Here's something simple, /mlp/
  178. >You've grown quite accustomed to Ponyville ever since being teleported to Equestria
  179. >You've heard talk about this odd pink pony around town
  180. >After asking the mare who helped you move in, Twilight gives you a warning about this 'Pinkie Pie', noting her 'Pinkie Sense'
  181. >You just nod your head, not taking her cautions seriously
  183. >One day, you find yourself in Sugar Cube Corner, picking up an order for Twilight
  184. >There she is
  185. >She begins to talk
  186. >After a long stream of seemingly random questions hitting you faster than Rainbow Dash in bed, the mood in the room suddenly changes
  187. >"Uh oh"
  188. Her tail starts twitching
  190. What happens?
  192. Response:
  194. "Uh oh? What do you mean. 'Uh oh'?"
  195. >"My tail!" Pinkie exclaimed
  196. >"It's a twitch-twitchin'! That means something's gonna fall!"
  197. >Suddenly, your jeans dropped to the floor
  198. "What the fuck?" You say as you pull them back up, only for them to fall again
  199. >Taking a closer look, you see that the button has fallen off, and since your belt was being repaired by Rarity, you had nothing to keep your pants up
  200. >"Oh gosh Anon! I didn't know you felt that way..." Pinkie blushed and turned her head away, stealing glances at your crotch
  201. "No, my pants just-wait, what?"
  202. >"I guess that explains why my back was so itchy this morning!"
  203. "Huh?"
  204. >"When my back's super duper itchy, it means it's my lucky day! And my special filly place was real tingly too, so that means I'm gonna get some super duper secret fun hugs today! And then my dock twitched left twice, right once, down three times, and up twenty-three times, so THAT means that those super duper secret fun hugs are gonna be from a virgin stallion who I don't know very well!"
  205. >"And since I already know everypony else in pony super duper well, that must be you!" The pink mare reached over the counter and booped you
  206. >The sudden invasion of your personal space made you drop your pants again
  207. "Wha? Pinkie that's-GAH!"
  208. >You're interrupted by Pinkie dragging you upstairs by the hand with her mouth
  209. >"Come ah! Ah'm drippim ike a fawhet!" She mumbles as she expertly walks backwards up the steps
  210. >Any protest you can think of is taking a backseat to the task of trying not to fall on your face as you try to ascend the stairs with your pants around your ankles
  211. >You're abruptly thrown forwards into a bedroom and barely keep your balance
  212. >Before you can catch your bearings, you hear a firm click from behind
  213. >Turning your head, you see a very lecherous looking Pinkie with her hoof on the doorknob
  214. >"The Cakes shouldn't bother us during shop hours, but you can never be too careful~" Pinkie sang
  215. >You quickly open your mouth to speak, but Pinkie was quicker as she put a hoof in your mouth to silence you
  216. >It tastes like sugar and bits
  217. >"Shh, it's okay Nonny~" The lusty mare leaned in so her lips were a hairsbreadth from your ear and whispered, her breath moist as a cupcake and voice smooth as the icing on it
  218. >"We're gonna have a real party~"
  220. -=-=-=-=-
  222. >Anon lands in Equestria
  223. >Without vidya, he quickly gets bored of life with ponies and decides to go /out/ for a hike
  224. >On the hike, he meets a friendly doe who goes by Deerdre
  225. >She joins him and they pass the time talking
  226. >Some time later, they run into her good friend, Doerothy
  227. >She joins as well, and the three are having a grand old time
  228. >Then, they run into a third doe, one miss Cowtalina
  229. >Cowtalina, being the perceptive doe she is, noticed a tick on dear Anon
  230. >Being quite a fat tick, Anon surmised it must have been on him for nearly the whole hike, and lamented that he must surely have Lyme disease
  231. >The three deer did not share his morose woes however
  232. >As a matter of fact, they were downright delighted
  233. >The does shared a knowing look before Doerothy spoke up
  234. >"Oh Anon," she started, "What a terrible fate has come upon you."
  235. >"Yes, a truly terrible thing." Deerdre added
  236. "What ever will I do?" Anon wailed, cursing the ponies' lack of modern medicine
  237. >"Ah, but fear not," It was Cowtalina's turn to speak, "I know of a treatment for this accursed affliction."
  238. >Anon was elated, what luck, his life was saved!
  239. >He begged Cowtalina to tell him, grant him the knowledge of this cure
  240. >The doe shook her head "Neigh, no cure. A treatment. To be administered multiple times a day, by qualified professionals."
  241. >Anon asked where he could find such professionals
  242. >Cowtalina simply smiled a wickedly lascivious smile, as did the other does
  243. >"Why, us, of course!" Cowtalina answered, the three deer puffing their chests in pride
  244. >Deerdre spoke up, "And as professionals, we know that time is of the essence. Dear Anon, please allow us to administer the treatment at once."
  245. >Anon consented, still too overjoyed to notice the predatory glint in their eyes and lecherous grins on their lips
  246. >The three deer quickly took control of the man and proceeded to take turns sucking the very essence of Anon's being through his penis
  247. >This, along with other 'treatments', became Anonymous' daily life
  248. >It was only once he had given each of the does at least two children that he learned that there was no such thing as Lyme disease in Equestria
  250. -=-=-=-=-
  252. >'Get an autistic cf' they said
  253. >'It's like dating a mare with a dick' they said
  254. >Why did you believe them?
  255. "-said that the Crystal Spear had a lower unloaded weight so that made it faster, but that's retarded since the Ponyville Express has a better top speed to weight ratio, which is a far more accurate measure-"
  256. >He hasn't shut up about trains for the past hour
  257. >Although you're pretty sure that he's been talking for even longer since he was midsentence when you had woken up
  258. >Apparently he was having some sort of disagreement with one of his fellow autistallions
  259. >About bucking trains
  260. >You're not really sure how, seeing as there's only, like, 3? 4 trains? In all of Equestria?
  261. "-started saying some bullshit about 'thaumaurgical friction negation' to try and avoid actually responding to any of my arguments-"
  262. >Why couldn't he be autistic about, like, baking?
  263. >Imagine, waking up to the smell of a different baked good every morning, and he hand feeds it to you, acting all nervous and hoping you like it
  264. >Sweet Sun, that'd be so bucking awesome
  265. >But nope
  266. >You're getting dicked by a colt who knows the dimensions of the bolts that keep the seats attached on a train
  267. "-implied that he was sterile, then the fag was trying to think of a comeback, but I could tell I won cause he was about to start crying-"
  268. >Hmm
  269. >Maybe you can talk Anon into having a threesome with his cute friend
  271. -=-=-=-=-
  273. "What is this?"
  274. >You gazed down into the cup in Chrysalis' magical grip
  275. >Filled with various, swirling shades of creamy green
  276. >"Eggnog." Chrysalis answered with a smug grin.
  277. >"You said that you would love to be able to taste it again, so I had some drones whip up a batch."
  278. >"Now, go ahead. Love it." Chrysalis lifted the cup until the rim of it was touching your lips, the liquid begging to enter your mouth
  279. >With how close it is now, you can see - and feel - it's actually more of a slurry
  280. >Holding back a gag, you gently push the cup away
  281. >It reeks of too much alcohol and you can smell slightly off milk
  282. >But you smell something else too
  283. >It almost smells like...
  284. "Chryssi?"
  285. >"Hm?" Chrysalis hummed, absentmindedly examining a hoof
  286. "What exactly did you put in here?"
  287. >Chrysalis scoffed, "Nothing dangerous, if that's what you're whining about."
  288. "Chrysalis, what I meant was, what kind of eggs did you use?"
  289. >She looked at you like you just asked if water was wet
  290. >"My own...?" She answered cautiously
  291. >She was very upset when you threw away all of her lovingly, hoofmade eggnog instead of drinking it
  293. -=-=-=-=-
  295. >>40812766
  296. >Be Anon
  297. >Be big chillin at Nightmare Night-o-ween festival in Ponyville
  298. >You went as a normie
  299. >Be about five ciders deep when you see her
  300. >Her beauty wraps around your heart like a rope, pulling you to her
  301. >How her scales glimmer in the pale moonlight
  302. >Her tail sways smoothly as the waves of the sea
  303. >You MUST speak to her!
  304. >The two of you hit it off and start talking
  305. >Turns out she actually lives here
  306. >How come Spike never mentioned another dragon in Ponyville?
  307. >After whipping out a few cheesy lines you stole from romcoms back home and getting twice as drunk as you were before, the two of you head back to her place to end the night
  309. >Be Berry Punch
  310. >Be just waking up
  311. >And be a little less hungover than usual
  312. >That's weird
  313. >At least you're facing away from the window this morning
  314. >And that sunlight feels real nice on your back
  315. >As you try snuggle deeper into bed, you grimace at the sensation of your matted fur rubbing against soiled clothes
  316. >Glancing down, you see you're still in your dragon costume
  317. >Hmm...
  318. >Now that you're waking up a bit more, you realize the warmth on your back isn't quite like sunlight
  319. >You crane your neck to see behind you
  320. >And what a sight you see
  321. >It's that weird minotaur from last night
  322. >With less clothes!
  323. >Pushing your rump back, you feel...
  324. >You feel his dick pressing up against you
  325. >And from the feel of it, it's a tad on the bigger side
  326. >The thought makes you grin to yourself
  327. >Yep, you still got it
  328. >With that knowledge, you lay your head back onto your pillow and let yourself enjoy his warm embrace
  330. -=-=-=-=-
  332. >"Your Honor, permission to sniff the defendant's crotch?" Swift Justice asked
  333. >Judge Injury contemplated the request for a moment before speaking
  334. >"I'll allow it."
  335. >"Thank you, your Honor." Swift Justice stepped around the witness stand and proceeded to bury her snout into Anon's crotch, taking deep, rapid huffs
  336. >Anon wiggled and squirmed in his seat
  337. >He would have stood up if the minotaur bailiff hadn't been keeping him in place by his shoulders
  338. >The jury murmured to themselves as they had a front-row seat to Swift Justice's now-dripping marebits
  339. >After a few more minutes, Swift Justice's head shot back up
  340. >She wore a doofy grin and glowing blush she hadn't had before
  341. >Swift Justice readjusted her tie as she moved back into the main area before the bench
  342. >"Now to start with my cross-examination." Swift Justice levitated a paper off of her table and gave it a quick once-over
  343. >"Mr. Anon. Where were you on the night of August 12th, around 8 o'clock?"
  345. -=-=-=-=-
  347. >Anon dragged his eyes up from his drink and to the mare next to him
  348. >She gazed back with a deep sympathy in her eyes as her hoof rubbed circles into his back
  349. >It's...comforting
  350. >Though, he had no idea what she just said
  351. >She was speaking some indecipherable pony language
  352. >Most of Equestria spoke normal English, but it would seem that Puerto Caballo was an exception
  353. >"No deberias ahogar tus penas en azucar, guapo. Engordaras." She said with a smirk.
  354. >Anon smirked humorlessly around the churro in his mouth and shook his head
  355. "Yeah, I guess I'm a bit more...morose, than I ought to be..."
  356. >He had come here to get away from it all
  357. >The constant monster attacks, the ponies without personal boundaries, and the entire system being rigged against him
  358. >Just getting this vacation was an ordeal in and of itself
  359. >But it would seem that not even the sugar sand beaches nor the ebb and flow of the tides were enough to wash away his melancholy
  360. >Not if this vaguely familiar-looking mare took notice
  361. >"¿Por qué no cambias el churro por una concha?" The pink mare leaned in as she asked, trying to make eye contact with the man
  362. >Anon shrugged, taking the sugary treat from his lips and glaring at it in disappointment
  363. "I thought it'd help me get in a more vacation sort of mood. Kinda just makes it worse," Anon unceremoniously dropped the half-eaten churro onto the plate with the others.
  364. >Anon spun his barstool to look out at the shore, and the mare did the same
  365. >Not a single scrap of garbage in sight
  366. >No boats or jetskis or gross old people wearing far too little
  367. >Looked more like a postcard than a real place
  368. >"Oye, papacito." The mare said, calling Anon's attention to her
  369. >"Mira, esto es lo que va a pasar. Volvemos a mi casa y te voy a mostrar exactamente lo que necesitas: muchisimos potros y una yegua adecuada para dartelas." The pink mare placed a hoof on his thigh and looked at him expectantly
  370. >Anon smiled and stood from his stool
  371. "You're right," Anon ruffled the mare's poofy pink mane, "Life's too short to be dwelling on the past. If I'm not living in the moment, I'm not living."
  372. >With a new perspective on things thanks to this pink stranger, Anon walked off to take full advantage of this trip
  373. >"Puto padre..." The mare grumbled as she tried to fix her mane
  375. -=-=-=-=-
  377. >>40971718
  378. >"I could injure myself on purpose and still-"
  379. "Woah woah woah, what?"
  380. >Rainbow was taken aback by Anon's interruption, but quickly brushed it off and rolled her eyes, "I SAID that I could injure myself on purpose-"
  381. "Why?"
  382. >Rainbow grimaced
  383. >"There's another thing, I'm a better listener than you and don't interrupt everypony."
  384. >Anon ignored her words and pressed on
  385. "Why would you hurt yourself on purpose?"
  386. >Rainbow opened her mouth to speak but no words came out
  387. >Her eyes swayed pensively from side to side as if looking for something
  388. >"It...I just mean that, like, even with a handicap, I'd outperform you."
  389. >Anon's concerned expression took on a more determined tone
  390. "Then why not say 'With a hoof tied behind my back'? Or just 'Even if I was injured'?"
  391. >Rainbow glowered at Anon as some of the wind was taken out of her sails
  392. >"I...I dunno, ok?"
  393. >Rainbow lowered herself down from Anon's eye line and to the ground, where she kept her glare pointed at the dirt between her front hooves
  394. >"I just...It sounded right in the moment, I guess or something. Can we just drop it already?"
  395. >Anon sat down on the ground to meet Rainbow's height
  396. >Rainbow refused to look Anon in the eye as he leaned closer to her
  397. "Rainbow, I know we're not the closest of friends or anything, but if there's something going on, you can tell me."
  398. >Rainbow scrunched at Anon's words, her lip quivered and her ears folding back
  399. >Rainbow then shook her head with a growl
  400. >"Shut up! You're just trying to get into my head!"
  401. >With a flap of her wings, Rainbow was airborne once more and hovering over Anon with crossed hooves
  402. >Rainbow scoffed, "Guess I can't blame ya. I'd wanna be me too if I were you. Smell ya later, dork!"
  403. >With a half-turn and another beat of her wings, Rainbow zoomed off in a multicolored blur
  404. >Anon sat for a few moments, still processing the emotional flipflopping he just witnessed
  405. >With a shrug, Anon stood up, brushed himself off, and went on with his day
  407. -=-=-=-=-
  409. >>41268138
  410. >"Let me go! I'm not touching that jobbing bitch!"
  411. "Just fuck her already, you stupid monkey!" Cadance growled
  412. >The baby blue glow of her horn shone twice as bright as she redoubled her magical grip on Anon's harness
  413. >The human shouted and flailed as he was unwillingly dragged closer to the mattress Celestia lay on
  414. >"Niece," Luna started, "I still don't understand how producing and distributing such...material, will be effective."
  415. >Cadance sighed
  416. >She doubted explaining it again would be of any use
  417. >But, love is patient
  418. "If we want our subjects to start having interspecies relationships, we need the idea of them to be normalized. By having a sex tape of Anon and Auntie Cece get 'leaked'-" Cadance made air-quotes with her wingtips, "-then everypony will think that it's a super common thing among even the highest class of ponies."
  419. >Luna's brow furrowed at her explanation
  420. >"And we want that because...?"
  421. "Because, Auntie Lulu, once it's normalized, it'll be easier to ease up on immigration into Equestria without ruffling any feathers."
  422. >Luna's uncertain expression took on a more suspicious twist
  423. >"Hm. But why choose the human?"
  424. >Luna gestured towards Anon, who was trying to push himself away from the bed with all his strength while screaming "Not my mare! Not my mare!"
  425. "Well, that's simple. There's only one of him, so that way we don't run the risk of favoring any one species. Now, keep a hoof on that camera. I gotta try to make this look real."
  426. >The hum of Cadance's magic getting louder was immediately followed by Anon's shouts becoming more desperate.
  428. -=-=-=-=-
  430. "Stupid fucking horse."
  431. >She tracked coal dust inside
  432. >Again
  433. >Following the black hoofsteps stamped into your carpet, you stomp over to her open bedroom door
  434. > She acknowledges your presence with a "Hm." as she's digging around in a chest, back turned towards you
  435. "You're making my house filthy." You don't bother trying to hold back the venom in your voice
  436. >Nine pauses her movements and glances over toward you
  437. "You're filthy."
  438. >Her brow furrows some and she turns fully around, facing you with blank stoicism
  439. >Both of you stand stock still, you with your arms akimbo
  440. >A minute passes
  441. >Nine's lips purse in this sort of lopsided way, bothered by the lack of a cigarette
  442. >Your eyes remain on one another's
  443. >Another minute
  444. >Your eyes dart to the floor as she takes a tired hoofstep forwards
  445. >Another hoofstep, your brow raises suspiciously
  446. >Steadily, she moves closer and closer to you, each step leaving behind progressively less prominent black crescents on the tan carpet
  447. >She's only inches away
  448. >You swallow from how dry your mouth has gotten
  449. >You have to remain firm
  450. >She's much taller than the average pony, eye level with your chest
  451. >Your chest which she gently places the top of her head
  452. >With a shove from her powerful neck, you land flat on your back on the hallway floor with a grunt
  453. >Thank God for carpeting
  454. >Too busy gathering your bearings, you fail to notice as Number Nine places herself over you
  455. >She gently lowers herself, pinning you beneath her substantial weight
  456. >It's enough to keep you in place but not enough to keep you from breathing
  457. >You go to shout in her face, but she tucks her muzzle into the crook of your neck and immediately starts nuzzling
  458. >You squirm and turn your head away, inadvertently giving her more to nuzzle
  459. >You can tell that you won't be able to get away until she lets you
  460. >She keeps nuzzling against your neck, her soft fur contrasting against the gritty soot being rubbed into your skin
  461. >Your neck starts feeling damp from the deep, heavy huffs from her nostrils, sending a shiver down your spine with each breath
  462. >Nine lets a bit more of her weight rest on you, her body hot as a furnace
  463. >Hot enough to make your skin tingle with sweat
  464. >Several more minutes of Nine's nuzzling later, she finally pulls her head back
  465. >The side of her face is cleaner now
  466. >She gazes down at you with an unreadable expression for a moment before she brings her nose to the front of your hair and blows a harsh puff of air from her nostrils and into your scalp
  467. >Nine pulls away once more and lifts herself off of you, walking off down the hall
  468. >Once you hear the bathroom door open and close, you lift yourself into a seated position
  469. >Your clothes is filthy with coal dust, dirt, and mare sweat
  470. >And this erection is really uncomfortable
  471. "Stupid fucking horse..."
  473. -=-=-=-=-
  475. "What?"
  476. >"I thaid..."
  477. >Fleetfoot took a slow hoofstep closer, her eyes staring into yours with a challenging glare
  478. >"Want to thee thome hot, wet, winking horth puthy?"
  479. "I still don't-Oh! You mean horse pussy?"
  480. >Fleetfoot raises a confused brow
  481. >"Y-yeah, that'th what I thaid."
  482. "No, you said 'horth puthy'." You couldn't help but grin as you mimicked her words
  483. >Fleetfoot's muzzle scrunches
  484. >"My lithp ithn't that thevere, Anon. Now, come on," Fleetfoot renewed her sultry yet predatory demeanor
  485. >"Let me thow you why pegathuth puthy ith thuperior."
  486. >A chuckling exhale escapes your nostrils and you decide to humor the speech-impeded mare
  487. "Oh? Is it really thu-I mean, superior?"
  488. >Fleetfoot nods, stepping even closer
  489. >"Oh yeah. Thure, ya got bulky earth ponieth, and thkinny little unicornth. But, pegathi? We're the betht of both worldth, baby."
  490. >Covering your smile with one hand, you gesture for her to continue
  491. >Fleetfoot, with a single beat of her wings, brings herself eye-level to you
  492. >Her voice takes on a low, salacious tone
  493. >"Uth pegathi got plenty o' throng, firm muthleth to keep going for ath long ath you want, and we're flexthible enough for you to thretch uth out any way you dethire~"
  494. >Fleetfoot repositioned herself in midair, hovering with her flank presented to you
  495. >"Go ahead, thtud. Feel for yourthelf."
  496. >You roll your eyes, lazily planting a palm on her suit-covered flank
  497. >Once you did, Fleetfoot slowly lifted and lowered that leg, letting you feel how her sculpted muscles pulled and stretched beneath her hide
  498. >You could feel how her flight suit barely slid over her coat, a testament to how well-fitted the uniform was
  499. >"Thee? Doethn't that feel nithe, colt? Doethn't it feel...perfect?"
  500. "It's..."
  501. >Your words caught in your throat
  502. >You'd wanted to take her down a peg for having the gall to call her own body "perfect"
  503. >But as you felt her incredibly trained musculature flex and relax, you couldn't help but agree
  504. >Thick, firm muscle, that felt even stronger than it looked, wrapped in just enough fat to keep her entire flank smooth
  505. >"Bet ya wanna feel more, huh?"
  506. "Yeah..." You answer breathlessly, not even noticing the word fall from your lips as your eyes - and hand - remain glued to her body
  507. >You don't notice as Fleetfoot's smirk grows wider, like a fisherman whose line just went taut
  509. >Fleetfoot snickered to herself as she watched you practically groping her flank
  510. >"Thatithfied with jutht a thample, or do ya want thomething more...thubthantial?"
  511. >You're pulled out of your tushy trance by the trainwreck of words that refuses to stop spilling from Fleetfoot's mouth
  512. "Goddammit, do you just actively seek out every 'S' sound you possibly can?" You snark
  513. >Fleetfoot's grin falls, her snout scrunching
  514. >"I'm jutht talking, Anon. My thintheretht apologieth that you keep focuthing on a minor thpeech impediment." Fleetfoot responded, clearly annoyed
  515. >You groan and rub your face in frustration
  516. "It's kind of hard not to focus on something you keep shoving in my face." You growl
  517. >Fleetfoot spins around, her face inches away from your own
  518. >"Theriouthly? I'm thoving it in your fathe? You're the one who can't thtop talking about it!"
  519. "I'd stop talking about it if you stopped doing it!"
  520. >"Wow. Clathy Anon, real clathy. 'Jutht thtop doing it', how come I never thought of that?"
  521. "I meant stop saying words with S's!"
  522. >"That'th thupid, Anon! You exthpect me to quit thaying 'Thaturday'? Or 'thathparilla'? Or 'thupercalifragilithticexthpialidociouth'?"
  523. "Yes! Stop saying anything like that! Maybe then people would actually take you seriously instead of treating you like a fucking clown!"
  524. >Fleetfoot's angry glare was washed away by pained shock
  525. >Seeing the water welling up in her eyes tells you how badly you just messed up
  526. "Fleetfoot, I-I'm sor-"
  527. >"No, you know what, Anon?" Fleetfoot interrupted, holding a hoof up to keep you from talking
  528. >"Buck you."
  529. >You were nearly knocked back from the blast of wind created by Fleetfoot's wings as she took off, bolting away into the distance

RGRE Pegasus Herd [1]

by KodiaKowboy

Shiny's Spectacular Sales Pitch

by KodiaKowboy

Mayor Mare short

by KodiaKowboy

MilfHunter Anon

by KodiaKowboy


by KodiaKowboy