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Blue Collar Mares

By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2023-10-02 15:04:58
Updated: 2024-04-13 04:09:57
Expiry: Never

  1. Assorted snippets about some characters I came up with
  3. >"PAYDAY!"
  4. >"Jeez King, ya don't gotta yell. We're right here, y'know." Herringbone complained as she cleaned out an ear with a feather
  5. >"I know you're right here, that's why I yelled." King Stud stated as he levitated three envelopes to his awaiting employees. "There, you have your money."
  6. >The stallion quickly returned to his office, poking his head out to say "I don't want to see any of you again until Monday!" before slamming the door and loudly locking it
  7. >Bit Brace and Olive Shiplap put their envelopes in their saddlebags and headed for the exit, while Herringbone quickly tore into hers
  8. >"Aw mare, how come King nevah gives me any ovatime? I came in early! All week!" Herringbone exclaimed as she flapped behind her coworkers
  9. >"You know you gotta actually stay 'til 5 every day too, right?" Bit Brace snarked, earning a snicker from Olive Shiplap
  10. >Herringbone grumbled and rolled her eyes, "There's always a catch."
  12. =-=-=-=
  14. >>40989682
  15. >"And then she tells 'im, 'We's already figured out what kinda colt ya are, now we're jus' negotiatin' price!'"
  16. >The three mares laugh raucously at Herringbone's joke
  17. >Calming down from her laughter, Bit Brace surveyed her surroundings
  18. >They were sitting in their usual booth in their usual bar, the Dirty Dog Bowl
  19. >Staffed almost entirely by Diamond Dogs, a skeevy joint near the industrial district of Manehattan
  20. >It was dimly lit, probably to obscure the years of grime on every inch of the place, and served some of the most mediocre cider in town
  21. >If the place had a couple more stallions, Bit Brace might've called it heaven
  22. >Just as Bit Brace's eyes passed over the bar's entrance, the door was thrown open, revealing the sheets of rain pouring outside
  23. >She craned her neck as much as she could, but Bit Brace couldn't see over the other patrons
  24. >What she did see was the mares and diamond dogs either making way or being magically shoved by whoever came in
  25. >Eventually, from among the legs of the bargoers, out stomped a unicorn stallion
  26. >Though he wore a cloak, still dripping with rainwater and covering his features, his exceptional height-or lack thereof-was instantly recognizable
  27. >It was none other than King Stud
  28. >Her boss
  29. >Bit Brace tried to suppress a groan as King Stud beelined for their table as soon as he spotted them
  30. >"Hi Mr.Stud!" Olive Shiplap greeted happily
  31. "Boss." Bit Brace acknowledged
  32. >"Olive. Bit." King eyed each of them before briefly looking around the bar. "Where's the bird?"
  33. >Both Bit and Olive turned to the now empty spot between them
  34. >At some point, Herringbone had apparently made her getaway
  35. >Looking around, they honed in on the edge of the bar counter, where Herringbone was chirping up a very bored-looking stallion
  36. >With a sigh, Bit Brace trotted over to them
  37. >As she neared them, Bit Brace could start hearing the nonsense coming from Herringbone
  38. >"Come on, toots. Lemme show ya what dese wings can REALLY do~" Herringbone cooed
  39. >Bit Brace rolled her eyes, grabbed a mouthful of Herringbone's scruff, and dragged the complaining pegasus back to their booth, throwing Herringbone into her seat before plopping back into her own
  40. >Herringbone grumbled as she fiddled with her now-ruffled wings, "Stupid bucking bitch..."
  41. >A throat clearing from King Stud quickly brought the pegasus mare to attention
  42. >"Well, heya King!" Herringbone grinned wickedly
  43. >"Guess ya couldn' resist from huntin' us down jus' to look upon my gorgeous mug, huh?" Herringbone brought a hoof under her face and pouted her lips like the stallions in fashion magazines
  44. >King Stud's snout scrunched at her words
  45. >"Don't make me fire you, Herring."
  46. >Herringbone deflated at his words and scooted further back in her seat
  47. >King Stud sighed as he ran hoof through his pinewood-colored mane
  48. >"Now, I don't want to stay in this dump a second longer than I have to, so listen up. Monday morning, you three are meeting me at the train station. Pack for a week-long trip."
  49. >All three mares shared concerned looks among themselves
  50. >"Where we headed?" Olive Shiplap piped up
  51. >King Stud rolled his eyes and groaned, "I'll tell you then. You're getting paid, if that's what you three are worried about."
  52. >Before any of them could ask him another question, King Stud magically pulled his hood back up and swiftly made his way out of the bar
  53. >"Hm." Herringbone hummed, "Whaddya girls think he's got planned?"
  54. >"Maybe he's giving us an all-expenses paid trip!" Olive offered
  55. >Bit Brace shook her head,
  56. "Unless the Pony Express stops in Tartarus, I'd doubt it."

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