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Vinyl and Sunset Sisters (unfinished)

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2023-10-19 22:16:54
Updated: 2023-10-19 22:18:19
Expiry: Never

  1. >"No way dummy, Zakus are entry level basic bitch cannon fodder mobile suits."
  2. "Hating on Zaku while your favorite is Unicorn, I didn't know it was possible to have such plebeian taste Sunny."
  3. >"Ugh, "plebeian" do you even hear yourself? Are you an ancient Roman or are you just a sperg Anon? Keep talking like that and you'll never get a girlfriend."
  4. >Sunset scrunches her face in disgust and shakes her head as the two of you walk down the sidewalk, your trip home almost over.
  5. >Hunching your shoulders, you purposefully put on a nazily nerdy voice and do your best incel imitation.
  6. "I'll have you know all females desire me due to my vast and impressive intellect, the only logical reason I haven't been propositioned yet is because they are simply intimidated by my superiority."
  7. >"Haha, shut up! You know when you talk like that it creeps me out!"
  8. >Punching you on the shoulder, your older sister adjusts her backpack.
  9. >"But seriously Anon, we gotta get you a girlfriend. Y'know, Twilight has similar interests to you, have you tried talking to her yet?"
  10. "W-Well yeah! I talk to her all the time!"
  11. >"I mean without the rest of us there silly, and more than just a "hey" or "what's up" at the lunch table."
  12. "I-I do! We talk sometimes in P.E. she really likes science."
  13. >"Okay I guess that's a good start I suppose, but there's no need to rush, you're still just a freshman."
  14. >Reaching your house with Sunset, the two of you see a familiar car in your driveway.
  15. >"Huh, wonder what she's doing here after school."
  16. >The two of you walk up the driveway and into your house, your mom calling you into the living room.
  17. >When you get there, your other sister is waiting for you, sprawled out on the couch.
  18. >Your hot HALF sister.
  19. >'Hey guys! We're gonna be roomies.'
  20. >Popping up off the couch, Vinyl takes off her shades, grins at you, and pulls you both into a hug.
  21. >"Wha-"
  22. >Sunset is cut off as Vinyl hugs her and you tightly.
  23. >Soft...
  24. >Your mom explains that your step sister's house flooded which then started an electrical fire, which meant her and her mom were technically both homeless.
  25. >'Eh it's not so bad, I managed to save most of my stuff, well, the important bits anyway.'
  26. >Letting you two go, Vinyl smirks.
  27. >'It's kinda cool being a hobo, but mom wants me to keep going to school so I gotta stay with you guys.'
  28. >Vinyl was a year older than Sunset, and being your step sister there was some family stuff mixed in with that.
  29. >It wasn't hard to put together why your mom and Vinyl's mom disliked each other to say the least.
  30. >In any case, her mom was staying with some of her own family and had dumped Vinyl on you because you were closer to school.
  31. >Which meant Vinyl would be sharing a room with one of you.
  32. >And since one of you was a girl, it was obvious who's room she'd be staying in.
  33. >Patting Sunset on the back, you head to your room, grinning.
  34. "Have fun sis, I'm sure you have tons of sisterly bonding to get started on."
  35. >Chuckling at your sister as she grumbles behind you, you open your door and see your room is stacked full of soggy and half burned boxes.
  36. >'Yeaaaaaahh sorry little dude.'
  37. >Nearly jumping out of your skin, you hadn't noticed Vinyl had followed you.
  38. >'Mom kinda dumped all our shit in your room before she had to jet, you guys don't really have anywhere else to put it.'
  39. >Rubbing the back of her neck sheepishly, Vinyl shrugs.
  40. >'I donno what to tell ya, you know how my mom is, real sorry about this.'
  41. >Before you can answer, Sunset pops up next to you with a wicked grin.
  42. >"Looks like we'll both have some sisterly bonding to do huh Anon?"
  43. >Pinching both your cheeks vengefully, you can't help but cry internally as Sunset tortures you.
  44. >Getting your essentials from your room and into Sunset's was a pain in the ass.
  45. >There was a ton of crap packed into your room, which made even getting your sleeping bag out difficult.
  46. >But you manage to get the bare minimum out and make a little bed next to Sunset's, all the while seething at your step mother.
  47. >Vinyl to her credit seemed embarrassed about it, offering to help with whatever you needed.
  48. >But you blamed this situation on again having she short end of the stick as the youngest sibling.
  49. >As usual.
  50. >But being forced to hang out with your sisters wasn't all bad, Vinyl showed you how some of her electronic equipment worked and the three of you played a few video games together.
  51. >Which quickly devolved into Sunset screaming her lungs out as Vinyl taunted her relentlessly, to which your sister fell hook line and sinker for and proceeded to lose six games in a row while raging.
  52. >All while Vinyl smirked.
  53. >She had always been good at pushing buttons.
  54. >After Sunset had worn herself out, the controller was finally passed to you while your sister flopped onto her bed, defeated.
  55. >'Think you got what it takes to beat me little man?'
  56. "Unlike Sunny, I actually know how to play."
  57. >'Heh, right on.'
  58. >"Screw both of you."
  59. >As Vinyl queues up another game, you grab the controller, which was slick with Sunset's sweat.
  60. "Aww gross! You didn't even wipe it off Sunset!"
  61. >"Bite me."
  62. >Wiping the controller on her comforter, you see Vinyl had picked a racing game, and it was almost about to start.
  63. "Didn't even wait for me?"
  64. >'That's life in the fast lane for ya, you gotta be ready, sweaty controller or not.'
  65. >Grinning at you, Vinyl puts an arm around your shoulder, pressing a large amount of sideboob against you.
  66. >This makes you fumble on the starting line and puts you in dead last, with her of course getting off a perfect start.
  67. "Jerk."
  68. >'Whaaaat? Sister can't even hug her own brother now?'
  69. >"Careful Anon, Vinyl fights dirty." Your sister warns from her bed.
  70. >'Now you're just being a hater. Sunset? More like, "lack-of-skill-set" haha.'
  71. >"Bitch."
  72. >Pushing off of you, Vinyl quickly takes the lead, leaving you to deal with the other AI racers.
  73. >One by one you pass or take out the competition, Vinyl nodding her head in approval as you got close to the front of the pack.
  74. >'Looks like you weren't just blowing smoke, you actually might know which buttons do what.'
  75. >Ignoring her trash talk, you focus on getting closer to her, overtaking third and closing in on second.
  76. >Vinyl lets out a feminine grunt, making your eyes flick over to her for a split second.
  77. >This was a mistake.
  78. >Stretching her back, your sister had her arms high above her head as she pushed out her huge rack, giving you a glimpse of her pale underboob as her shirt rode up.
  79. >Distracted, your car barrels into a guardrail at top speed and sends it careening down the track.
  80. >'Hmm, or maybe not.'
  81. "Dammit."
  82. >Cursing yourself for being so easily distracted, you continue the race in seventh place.
  83. >With two laps down, the race was almost over, and you again had climbed back up until you were in second place.
  84. >'Back already huh? Maybe I'll actually have to start trying.'
  85. >Entering the final stretch, Vinyl gets more animated with her movements, as if she was copying Sunset who for some reason thought that moving your whole body effected the game in any way.
  86. >Vinyl however was doing it on purpose, making sure to swing her torso back and forth enough to send her boobs jiggling.
  87. >You didn't want to lose, but the view in your peripheral vision was too good to pass up.
  88. >And as they say in drivers ed, "taking your eyes off the road to look at your half sister's awesome jiggling tits will send your car over a barrier and into someone's house and explode.".
  89. >Well not exactly, but that's what happened to you as Vinyl crossed the finish line uncontested.
  90. >'Too easy.'
  91. >Standing up, Vinyl gives you a side eye and a sly smirk.
  92. >"You've failed our bloodline Anon." Sunset says disapprovingly from her bed.
  93. "Tch, says the sweaty hands ten time loser."
  94. >"Ten?! We didn't even play that many, and besides, it's best of 15 anywa-"
  95. >Sunset is cut off as your mom calls you all in for dinner, Vinyl walking to the kitchen with a heavy amount of swagger.
  96. >The two of you shuffle in behind her, defeated, the three of you loading up on spaghetti and meatballs.
  97. >After dinner, all of you get ready for bed, the girls showering and you getting your pajamas on in your cramped room.
  98. >Going back into Sunset's room, you find your sisters on the bed, with Vinyl brushing Sunset's hair behind her.
  99. >'Thanks for letting me borrow your pjs Sunset, I donno where mine are in those boxes or if they're still at the house.'
  100. >Getting into your sleeping bag, you get comfortable on the floor.
  101. >"Of course Vinyl, it's awful what happened."
  102. >'Could be worse I guess, but yeah thanks.'
  103. >Closing your eyes, your sisters keep talking above you.
  104. >"If you need any more clothes just ask, though my style is a little... different from yours."
  105. >'A little tighter too, especially around the chest and ass...'
  106. >'Pfft hahaha what's with that look? I'm just kidding sis, you're filling out juuuuust fine.'
  107. >"W-Well if you wanted something that fit better you should've- AHN! V-Vinyl?!"
  108. >Your eyes shoot open and you see above you Vinyl groping Sunset's chest through her pajama top.
  109. >'What? They're a good size is what I'm saying, your boyfriend must be pretty happy, heh.'
  110. >Letting Sunset's breasts go, the two large mounds fall and slap together, Sunset covering them with her hands.
  111. >"I um- I don't have a boyfriend."
  112. >'Whaaaaaaat?! How come? What about you little man?'
  113. >Leaning over the side of the bed, Vinyl looks down on you, the angle showing off even more underboob than before with Sunset's tight top.
  114. "Uh... n-not yet."
  115. >'Don't worry, we'll get you two boyfriends in no time.' Vinyl says, grinning down at you sharkishly.
  116. "I-I mean I don't have a GIRLFRIEND yet!"
  117. >Your sisters laugh at your sputtering, the two highfiving on the bed.
  118. >"Got him."
  119. >Leaning back over the bed, Vinyl and Sunset look down at you.
  120. >'Sure you're gonna be comfortable down there bro?'
  121. "Yeah I'll be fine." You say, grumbling.
  122. >"Oh for- Anon get up here already."
  123. >Hopping off the bed, Sunset ushers you up on top of her bed with Vinyl, laying your sleeping bag on top of her covers.
  124. >"There, now you can't bitch about being sore or having a bad back or whatever tomorrow."
  125. "Gee thanks sis."
  126. >'So what's the deal 'Non? No girl grab your eye yet?'
  127. >Leaning back, Vinyl rests on her arm looking at you questioningly.
  128. >"I'm trying to get him to talk to more girls, so far it's my friends and uh... that other nerdy girl in your class, what was her name... Scribble something?"
  129. "Scribble Dee, and yeah, she sits next to me and we usually partner for assignments together, sometimes she brings snacks."
  130. >"Oooh sounds like someone's got a little admirer~!" Sunset teases, pinching your cheek.
  131. "Ah cut it out! It's not like that, she's just being nice, just because we talk every day and she laughs at my jokes and walk together in the halls and uh..."
  132. >'Uh huh, you two tooooootally have nothing going on. Nothing at all.'
  133. >Vinyl and Sunset share a look and grin.
  134. >You don't respond, reevaluating your relationship with Scribble Dee in your head.
  135. >'Looks like I didn't have anything to be worried about after all, lil Romeo here's got a girl he didn't even know he had.'
  136. >"Well I wouldn't go that far, but I'd say she's definitely intereste-"
  137. >'You gonna kiss her?'
  138. "W-What?! Why would I do that?!"
  139. >'Do you like her?'
  140. "Well, uh, I guess?"
  141. >Scanning your face, Vinyl shakes her head.
  142. >'Never mind, you're not ready yet.'
  143. "What? Yeah I am, I just, need to find the right time is all."
  144. >'Nah, just by the way you answered I can tell you're not. Do you even know how to kiss?'
  145. >Opening your mouth, Vinyl interrupts you.
  146. >'The RIGHT way.'
  147. ""
  148. >'That's what I thought. It's okay little bro, you'll get there.'
  149. >'Now, what about you Sunset? Any boy you're trying to get?'
  150. >"W-Well I-"
  151. "How do I kiss?"
  152. >Turning back to you Vinyl lifts an eyebrow.
  153. >'Huh?'
  154. "H-How do I kiss the right way?"
  155. >'Mmm, that's something you gotta practice, it comes naturally to cool people like me, but you're gonna need some trial and error dude.'
  156. "Can you teach me?"
  157. >Scratching her chin, Vinyl shrugs and sits up.
  158. >'Yeah sure.'
  159. >Grabbing your shoulder, Vinyl unceremoniously leans in and plants her full lips on yours.
  160. >"Whoa!"
  161. "Nnnf!"
  162. >Taken aback you pull away from Vinyl and break the kiss abruptly.
  163. "Wh- What was that?!"
  164. >Raising her eyebrow again, Vinyl looks at you like you were retarded.
  165. >'You asked me to teach you how to kiss.'
  166. >"Yeah but like THAT Vinyl?!"
  167. >'What am I gonna do, teach him to kiss with Powerpoint? You can't teach this with a quiz.'
  168. >"Yeah but you could've I donno, led with a few words or something instead of immediately KISSING your BROTHER?"
  169. >'Jeez calm down hothead, if you've got a better way, why don't you teach him then.'
  170. >"Um, yeah so... when you're kissing you need to..."
  171. >Balking, Sunset trails off and starts playing with her hair, looking off to the side.
  172. >'You gotta be kidding me.'
  173. >Dragging a hand down her face Vinyl shakes her head.
  174. >'Looks like I'll be teaching both of you then.'
  175. >Beckoning you over, Vinyl sits you in front of her.
  176. >'Okay we're going to do this again, if you don't wanna, lemme hear it now.'
  177. >Thinking for a second, you make your decision.
  178. "I- I want to know how."
  179. >'Okay, here I come.'
  180. >Again Vinyl leans forward and touches her lips to yours, her warmth spreading into your face like a warm summer breeze.
  181. >Then, just as soon as it started, it was over.
  182. >'You're too tense, loosen up and relax, it's just a kiss bro.'
  183. >Once more Vinyl puts her lips on yours, sending your heart fluttering as she cups your cheek with a hand.
  184. >Her other one grabs one of yours and guides it to her head as well, making you mimic her movements.
  185. >And again it was over too soon.
  186. >Breaking the kiss Vinyl nods, showing some approval.
  187. >'Not bad for a first timer, but you're gonna need more practice.'
  188. >Letting you go, Vinyl swivels over to Sunset, you sister looking nervous.
  189. >'Yes or no.'
  190. >Looking at Vinyl, Sunset bites her lower lip unsurely, before hesitantly nodding.
  191. >'Atta girl, here we go.'
  192. >Quickly, Vinyl meets Sunset's mouth with her own, your sister's eyes going wide as Vinyl kissed her.
  193. >Breaking it off, Vinyl shakes her head.
  194. >'Too nervous and tense, just like Anon, relaaaaaaaax girl.'
  195. >Sunset shakes the jitters out of her body before nodding slightly, leaning forward herself to meet Vinyl this time.
  196. >Your sisters kiss again in front of you, Sunset's hands not knowing what to do as they fidget in her lap.
  197. >Separating, Vinyl takes one of Sunset's hands like she did yours.
  198. >'Again.'
  199. >And just like you, Vinyl guides Sunset's hand up to her cheek and shows her what to do with it.
  200. >After they break, Sunset's face is flush, a massive blush having bloomed across her entire face.
  201. >'Heh, you're looking more red than usual Sunny.'
  202. >Sunset tries to laugh along with her, but it comes out as forced.
  203. >'Okay, now lemme see what you two have learned so far.'
  204. >Looking questioningly at Vinyl, you and Sunset don't understand until Vinyl points between the two of you.
  205. "Uh..."
  206. >"No way!"
  207. >Rolling her eyes, Vinyl just shakes her head.
  208. >'Why. What's so different about this versus what we just did.'
  209. >"It's... different!"
  210. >'It really isn't. Look, this is just to show me you've learned something, besides, it's just a kiss, you've kissed each other before right?'
  211. "Y-Yeah but-"
  212. >"Not like that..."
  213. >'Ugh, stop making it weird and just do it already.' Vinyl says flippantly, waving a hand.
  214. >Turning to Sunset, you sister does the same, the two of you scooting closer until your knees touch.
  215. >Leaning forward, you look into each other's eyes as you slowly close the distance between you two.
  216. >You feel Sunset's breath on your face as she gets closer, and then a moment later your lips contact.
  217. >The two of you pause for a second before copying what Vinyl had shown you, both of you cupping each other's cheeks and pressing your lips together firmly.
  218. >'Mmm pretty good, Anon you're getting stiff again, heh, Sunset move your head over so you aren't blocking half the kiss, there you go.'
  219. >Vinyl brings her hands to your heads while you kiss, making adjustments here and there as you make out with your sister.
  220. >'Perfect, okay, I want you two to remember this, exactly how you are right now is how you should kiss.'
  221. >You stay like that for a moment, taking in your sisters lips and the way her wavy hair drapes over you fingers, the two of you locked in a perfect kiss.
  222. >'...You can stop whenever you want, but hey, don't let me stop you, you need as much practice as you can get.'
  223. >Awkwardly separating, you and Sunset find it hard to look each other in the eye, Sunset playing with her hair and you coughing to the side.
  224. >'Okay, good first lesson, now you know the right way to kiss when you two get the hots for someone.'
  225. >Wiggling under the covers, Vinyl gets comfortable in Sunset's bed.
  226. >'Kay, goodnight.'
  227. >Without saying anything, both you and Sunset quietly get into bed as well, you getting into your sleeping bag on Vinyl's side with Sunset on the other.
  228. >The silence was deafening as you try to go to sleep, your heart pounding away in your chest as you stare at the ceiling.
  229. >It was just a kiss right? It didn't mean anything, especially not when it was from your sisters.
  230. >...It was your first kiss though.
  231. >As your thoughts spiral out of control, you eventually fall asleep.
  232. >'Psst hey Anon.'
  233. >Woken up abruptly, you see that it was still dark out, and your step sister was out of the bed and looking down at you.
  234. >'Yo Anon, what's with your sis? She's kicking the hell outta me.' Vinyl whispers.
  235. "Oh, yeah Sunset does that, she's a really... animated sleeper."
  236. >'Ah, well I can't sleep like that, open up.'
  237. >Grabbing the zipper to your sleeping bag, Vinyl unzips you and quickly climbs in.
  238. >'Ooh Nice and warm.'
  239. "V-Vinyl!" You whisper shout.
  240. >'What?'
  241. "Why are you... n-never mind."
  242. >Without another word, Vinyl Snuggles up to you in your now cramped sleeping bag, her butt pressing firmly against your crotch as she closes you two up.
  243. >'Night bro.'
  244. >Trying not to think about how you were spooning your hot step sister, you reply with the driest of throats.
  245. "N-Night."
  246. >Getting to sleep this time was even harder than the last, but eventually you drift off despite your hammering heartbeat, Vinyl's blueberry shampoo being the last thing you remember.
  248. >'Yo, rise and shine bro, we gotta get moving.'
  249. >Feeling something pat you on the face, you blink sleep out of your eyes to see your step sister impatiently trying to wake you up.
  250. >'C'mon get up, and I'm flattered, but put that thing away before you poke someone's eye out.'
  251. >Looking to where Vinyl was pointing, you see your crotch had a massive bulge in it from your morning wood.
  252. >Mortified, you quickly hunch over as Vinyl giggles her way out of the room.
  253. >You had just woken up and this was already too much.
  254. >Adjusting yourself and getting out of bed, you go and have breakfast with your sisters and mom and then get ready for school.
  255. >Going to brush your teeth, you find Vinyl and Sunset were already there, Vinyl blasting some electronic music from her headphones.
  256. >When Sunset meets your gaze through the mirror, she quickly looks away, brushing her teeth quietly.
  257. >Brushing your teeth as well, an awkward silence hangs over the three of you despite Vinyl's music blaring.
  258. >Maybe the three of you went too far last-
  259. "Ah!"
  260. >Stumbling, you catch yourself and glare at Vinyl, your older sister just smirking back at you as she hip checks Sunset as well.
  261. >"Wah!"
  262. >Your sister was quicker than you and she returns Vinyl's shove, slamming her waist into her sister's with vengeance.
  263. >Vinyl expected this and pulled away, but was still hit by Sunset hard enough to send her backwards, her butt bouncing off of you.
  264. >Laughing, Vinyl puts her hands on Sunset and goes for her armpits, making her sister squeal and laugh as she tickles her.
  265. >Your sister writhes in place, only able to fend Vinyl off with one hand, doing her best not to make a mess with her toothbrush still in her mouth.
  266. >Quickly spitting out her toothpaste, Sunset tosses her toothbrush and tries to go on the offensive, but can't match her sister's speed and has to run out of the bathroom screaming.
  267. >Vinyl chases after her and the two run through the house as you finish up brushing your teeth.
  268. >Leaving the bathroom, Sunset runs behind you and uses you as a shield between her and her sister, panting heavily as Vinyl stalks closer with an evil grin.
  269. >"I-I give up! We need to get to school anyway!" Sunset pleads.
  270. >'Ah we got plenty of time, I just want to give my lil sis a good morning hug is all.'
  271. >As Vinyl gets closer, Sunset shoves you forward into your step sister and books it to her room, slamming the door behind her.
  272. >Falling forward, your sister catches you, your head landing into her ample cleavage with a "plap".
  273. >'Whoa, not cool sis! Anon missiles are against the rules!'
  274. >Sunset shouts something unintelligible from her room, most likely an insult.
  275. >'Hmf, little twerp. Hey, Anon.'
  276. >Pulling your face out of your sister's boobs, you try to pretend you didn't enjoy yourself and play it cool.
  277. "Y-Yeah Vinyl?"
  278. >Your voice only cracked a little bit, smooth.
  279. >'Go get dressed, we gotta leave soon.'
  280. >Letting go of you, Vinyl walks down the hall toward Sunset's room, you following her.
  281. >Before you can get into your own room, Vinyl throws open your sister's door to reveal a surprised Sunset, who immediately adopts a kung fu stance.
  282. >What makes you pause though, was that she was half naked, her huge boobs just hanging out in the air for you to see.
  283. >You'd accidentally seen your sister naked once or twice before, but this was the first time you got a really good look.
  284. >'Nice tits sis, but get ready for school already.'
  285. >"Yeah I knOW?!"
  286. >Realizing she had her boobs out, Sunset quickly covers them with a yelp, Vinyl closing the door behind her.
  287. >Behind the door Vinyl goes on to say something about how they're nothing she hasn't seen before, but you're preoccupied with making it to your own room and trying to ignore the raging boner in your pants.
  288. >This wasn't because of Sunset right? Just more morning wood coming back, yeah, that's all, you definitely didn't pop a stiffy seeing your sister's bare boobies, nope, no sir.
  289. >Wrestling with your thoughts, you get dressed in your cramped room and head out, getting your bag on the way.
  290. >Saying goodbye to your mom, you walk outside and down the driveway, starting the trip to school.
  291. >Absorbed in your own thoughts, you don't hear your sister call for you until she shouts at you from the porch.
  292. >"Anon where are you going?!"
  293. >Stopping mid stride, you look at Sunset and tilt your head.
  294. >In return your sister presents Vinyl's car in the driveway like she was giving it away on a game show, Vinyl exiting the house twirling her keys on a finger at the same time.
  295. >Oh, well that'll make getting to school faster.
  296. >'Kay I only have two seats so you guys are gonna have to share one.' Vinyl says, getting into the driver's seat.
  297. >'Rock paper scissors or something for who gets it.'
  298. >Facing your sister, you and her line up your hands and throw down, your sister playing scissors and you going with paper, quickly changing it to a finger gun.
  299. >Jumping into the car before Sunset can react, your sister stomps her foot indignantly on the pavement.
  300. >"Hey that's cheating!"
  301. "Nuh uh, gun beats scissors every day of the week."
  302. >"I mean there's no such thing as gun!"
  303. >You and Vinyl laugh as Sunset rages, your sister tossing her backpack at you roughly.
  304. >The fresh air really did away with the awkwardness of the morning.
  305. >'Get in loser, we're gonna be late if you keep this up.'
  306. >"I didn't lose!"
  307. >Despite her adamancy, Sunset stomped over to the car, until she realized she needed to sit in your lap.
  308. >Something you hadn't thought about either.
  309. >Hesitating for only a moment, Sunset straightens out her skirt and gets in the car.
  310. >Sunset's ass meets your crotch the next moment, her butt squishing against you through her skirt.
  311. >You let out an involuntary "oof" earning you a bap on the leg from your sister.
  312. >"S-Shut up I'm not that heavy."
  313. >If only that's all you were worried about.
  314. >'Okay buckle up kiddos, let's get you to school.'
  315. >"We're barely younger than you." Grumbles Sunset, locking the seat belt as Vinyl starts the car.
  316. >The rumbling engine only makes your life harder as it sends vibrations up through the seat and into you and Sunset, the area between you two becoming even more noticeable as it shakes.
  317. >You and Sunset try to ignore it as Vinyl throws the car into reverse, backing out of the driveway and down the road.
  318. >Your trip was mostly uneventful, though you were hyper-aware of every movement and shift your sister made in your lap despite Vinyl blasting music from the speakers.
  319. >As you neared school however, there were a few speed bumps in the parking lot to keep people from going too fast.
  320. >Vinyl didn't seem to get the memo however as she hit them a little to quick for comfort, bouncing Sunset in your lap each time.
  321. >By the third one, you prayed your sister didn't feel the growing bulge in your pants nestling into the cleft of her heavy ass as it landed in your lap again, you doing your best not to perfectly map your sisters butt in your mind.
  322. >Before the situation couldn't be reasonably ignored anymore, Vinyl pulls into a parking spot and gets out of the car.
  323. >Quickly copying her sister, Sunset tries not to look at you, her face crimson as she snatches her backpack and staggers away.
  324. >"B-Bye Anon! I need to go see my friends b-before class starts!"
  325. >Adjusting yourself again, you follow Vinyl across the parkinglot, a matching blush of your own on your face.
  326. >'Hmf, didn't say bye to ME.'
  327. "I-I'm sure she's just excited to see her friends."
  328. >As the two of you reach the front of the school, Vinyl puts you in a headlock and gives you a noogie.
  329. >The pain of her knuckles is easily overshadowed by the amount of boob pressed against your cheek, Vinyl's massive funbags wobbling with her sisterly bullying.
  330. >'Alright, see ya little man, try not to break any hearts when you try that thing I taught you on the girl you like.'
  331. >It takes you a second to come out of your daze and realize what she means, remembering you told her about Scribble Dee.
  332. >Feeling uneasy, you go to ask her something but realize she was already gone, disappearing into the sea of students getting to class.
  333. >Your first class would normally be boring as usual, but with your new thoughts about Scribble Dee, it made it hard to act casually with her right next to you.
  334. >She seemed to pick up on this and asked if you were feeling okay, to which you just brushed it off as not getting enough sleep.
  335. >Eventually you calmed down enough to talk a bit with her, sharing her small veggie platter and making her laugh until she snorted.
  336. >She seemed much more in focus today than before, you took in how she smiled, the way she tucked some of her puffy hair behind her ear, and how she adjusted her thick glasses periodically.
  337. >Things you hadn't bothered to pay attention to all the other times she had sat next to you.
  338. >How were you going to kiss her?
  339. >After your first class the two of you walk down the hall together to your lockers, saying hi to your friends as you see them.
  340. >Should you ask her to meet you somewhere during lunch? After school? And if she says yes does she even like you like that?
  341. >The worrying thoughts swirl in your mind until Scribble Dee calls after you, wondering why you walked past your locker.
  342. >As you're about to respond, your sister comes down the hall, saying she needs you for a sec and grabs your arm.
  343. >You wave goodbye to Scribble Dee as you're carried away, the confused girl returning the gesture as she opens her locker.
  344. >Dragging you behind her, Sunset keeps a hold of you until she finds a secluded spot, pushing you into a janitors closet and following you inside.
  345. >"I need practice."
  346. "Wha-?"
  347. >Unable to look at you, Sunset repeats herself.
  348. >"I-I need practice, with what Vinyl s-showed us."
  349. "Y-You do? Why?"
  350. >Fidgeting, Sunset plays with her hair.
  351. >"I want to- I'm g-gonna kiss a guy I like and I need to make sure I do it right."
  352. "O-Oh, when? I was actually going to try to do that too."
  353. >Quickly meeting your gaze, Sunset goes still.
  354. >"What? With who?"
  355. "Uh, Scribble Dee? You guys said she likes me so I was going to-"
  356. >"Ah right right, yeah, uh okay."
  357. >Twiddling her thumbs Sunset again looks away from you.
  358. >"W-Well then I guess we both need the practice, h-here, let's do it quick before next class starts."
  359. "O-Okay."
  360. >Stepping forward, Sunset is forced to look at you again as she slowly leans forward, her eyes darting everywhere but at your own.
  361. >Pursing her lips, you realize she was shaking as your mouths touch.
  362. >The kiss is fairly innocent at first, but then Vinyl's teaching takes over and the two of you lock lips.
  363. >"Mmmfh..."
  364. >Your heart beats in your chest as you kiss Sunset, her shaking having stopped as she brings her hands to your head.
  365. >Staying together, you only come out of it when you hear the class bell ring, Sunset immediately breaking it off and hurrying out the door.
  366. >"KaythanksAnonloveyoubye!"
  367. >Stumbling out after her, you shake the wonderful haze from your head, realizing this crazy day had only just started.

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit