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EQG Kid Anon - Meeting the HuMane Six

By theEQGkid
Created: 2023-10-25 00:08:29
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon.
  2. >You've been transported to some kinda weird technicolor people world.
  3. >Oh and you're a little kid again.
  4. >It all started when you went to see a magic comedian at a club.
  5. >He was an old dude with a beard, he definitely looked wizardy.
  6. >And he did amazing stuff, like you still don't know how he did some of those tricks.
  7. >But fuck could he not tell a joke.
  8. >And you had been drinking a bit, thinking it might make him funnier... it didn't.
  9. >It did make you bolder however and you actually called him out.
  10. >You shouted from your seat and asked if he could do something actually funny for once.
  11. >He didn't like that and made a huge mirror appear from almost nowhere and the slammed it on top of you.
  12. >And now you are probably in a new magic world or might be dead.
  13. >Guy probably was a wizard, just a terrible comic.
  14. >Fucking jerk probably had a small dick too.
  15. >But you were turned into a kid too and found a note in your pocket that asked 'Funny enough for you?'
  16. >A woman found you wandering the streets and brought you to the police.
  17. >They had no record of you, and honestly why would they?
  18. >The woman was named Celestia and she didn't want you going into the system at such a 'young age' and tried to adopt you.
  19. >She was a school teacher and in good standings apparently so she got to foster you and eventually got to adopt you properly.
  20. >All in all you got lucky.
  21. >Turns out things are backwards here and you walking around was the equivalent of a 4 or 5 year old girl walking around alone in the city.
  22. >You're lucky you got picked up by Celestia instead of some creeper or something.
  23. >You live with your new mom and her sister, now your aunt.
  24. >You sometimes think about your old life and wonder if you could ever go back.
  25. >It wasn't the best life, work sucked, family was distant at best, no girlfriend.
  26. >Wonder if they even notice you're gone.
  27. >Here though, you have a mother that actually cares about you AND an aunt who plays video games with you.
  28. >Then there is the family friends, the Sparkles.
  29. >There was Twilight Velvet who is a teacher with Celestia and Luna, and Night Light is a stay at home dad to Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor.
  30. >You don't know your exact age in this world but assume it is the same as Twilight's.
  31. >Which has made her interested in you.
  32. >It didn't help that since this place is backwards, her mom told her to always look out for you as it is her duty as a girl.
  33. >Because you have knowledge of your previous life, you have a better understanding of math and such than a normal kid your 'age' does.
  34. >Only thing you don't know is the history of this world which is expected even of gifted children.
  35. >Seeing this, Twilight worked even harder so she wouldn't be left behind.
  36. >It is honestly scary seeing a kid that smart... you know, even though you technically are one too.
  37. >Man fuck magic.
  39. --------------------------
  41. >You grow up again and decide to take it easy this time.
  42. >People rolled their eyes at Celestia when she said you were gifted, or they did until you shut them up with your actions.
  43. >You are doing math a few years above what your peers are doing.
  44. >English, well reading a children's book and writing a book report on these things is a breeze compared to the ones you did in college.
  45. >Gym, forget about it.
  46. >Turns out you can still kick the old kick ball out of the lot.
  47. >Speaking of which.
  48. >You walk up to the plate and stare down the poor kid who is the pitcher.
  49. >Is the kid who throws the ball the pitcher in kick ball?
  50. >Fuck it, who cares.
  51. >"You can do it Anon!"
  52. >Twilight yells from the side.
  53. >The pitcher rolls the ball and you let it go because it was too bouncy.
  54. >"You'll need to actually kick the ball."
  55. >The gym teacher says to you, not really looking at the throw.
  56. "I'm waiting for a good one Miss Harshwhinny."
  57. >"Of course you are. Just please kick it when you can."
  58. >She still has a bias of girls are better than boys and thinks you should fall into that roll.
  59. >The rest of the boys in your class aren't helping that stereotype.
  60. >The pitcher throws another one your way and ot has less of a bounce to it.
  61. >Oh yeah, that's the one.
  62. >You take a step towards it and kick the son of a bitch square in the center and it goes flying.
  63. >You see Rainbow, the other star athlete in your class on the other team go running for it.
  64. >Can't run over a fence though and she watches it sail over her head into the neighbor's yard next to the school.
  65. >"Ah come on!"
  66. >You can hear her call out from the outfield.
  67. "That was a good one."
  68. >You say to the teacher as you slowly do your home run walk around the bases while Rainbow jumps the fence to get the ball.
  69. >You notice a look on the teacher's face but fuck that dyke.
  70. >"Whoo-hoo! Way to go Anon!"
  71. >Twilight calls out to you.
  72. >Kind of awkward to have a cheerleader for you so you awkwardly wave to her as thanks.
  73. >You finally finish rounding the bases and jump onto home plate to emphasize the point.
  74. >They don't keep track of scores in grade school, but you're totally kicking their asses.
  75. >Twilight goes up to the plate next.
  76. >"Move in people, easy out!"
  77. >Rainbow yells.
  78. >Twilight takes a big swing at the ball, and misses.
  79. >"Girl, I could feel the breeze all the way out here from that one."
  80. >Rainbow yells again to her team.
  81. "Hey! Don't make me kick another one over your head!"
  82. >You yell back.
  83. >"That isn't very gentlemanly like Anonymous."
  84. >The teacher says to you.
  85. "I wish I could say you calling me out after I said something back to the instigator and not stopping it yourself is not very much a teacher response Miss Harshwhinny, but I'd be wrong."
  86. >That made her eyes twitch with that one.
  87. >"Principal's office, now!"
  88. >You shrug and walk off.
  89. >Not like they have anything on you that can stick, just got under her skin.
  90. >As you walk off you hear the ball being kicked, and then caught.
  91. >At least Twilight hit it this time.
  93. --------------------
  95. >Life is going pretty easy.
  96. >Of course you are just a kid and need to do what your new mom says, but that is literally a small price to pay.
  97. >Only real downside is you're really about 20 years older than you look.
  98. >Means things like booze and porn are out.
  99. >Maybe this time you'll have sex earlier than you did last time.
  100. >But if you did would it be with a teenager like you technically are or an 'older' woman like you... spiritually are?
  101. >You really don't know how you should morally feel about any of this.
  102. >Also doesn't help that your new mother and aunt are pretty attractive, but you are NOT going down that road.
  103. >You know, unless they get drunk, realise you aren't related, and are into young boys.
  104. >So at that point the road came to you and who are you to say no?
  105. >But anyway, that is the kinda thing you are stuck thinking about on a Friday night because you can't do anything else.
  106. >Kid appropriate tv kinda sucks here too.
  107. >You walk into the kitchen and see your mom and aunt sitting at the table going over some papers, most likely grading them.
  108. "Hey, is everything going okay?"
  109. >"Oh, hi sunshine. Yes, just going over some papers. Teachers are busy around the nee school year."
  110. >She looks tired amd calls you by her favorite nickname for you.
  111. >You know it must of been hard on a young teacher to adopt a kid out of the blue.
  112. >Probably torpedoed her social life if she had one to overnight become a single mom.
  113. >Didn't help that she bought a house with her sister who was also a teacher either.
  114. >You try and think about how that would sound if a guy did it in your world.
  115. "Well, do you want some help with that? Maybe I could help grade some papers for you or something."
  116. >They look at eachother and it seems like Luna is at least considering it.
  117. >"Thank you sunshine, but we're fine. Did you finish your homework?"
  118. "I didn't have any because I finished it in school. How about a snack then? Can I make you something to eat?"
  119. >"I'm fine for now. Thank you sunshine. Luna?"
  120. >She looks down at her cup and then to you.
  121. >"Would you be willing to get me some more water please?"
  122. >She asks holding up her cup.
  123. "Sure."
  124. >You say and take the cup from her.
  125. >You walk over to the sink and stand on your toes to turn on the water.
  126. >Definitely something you miss is your height, makes you feel silly when you need a step stool for basic things so you try to go without when possible.
  127. >You walk back amd hand her the now full cup.
  128. "Here you go Aunt Luna."
  129. >"Thank you my nightsong."
  130. >She says and offers you a hug which you accept.
  131. >Man they have weird nicknames here.
  132. >You then walk around to Celestia and hug her too.
  133. "Thank you both for everything you do. It is appreciated. I'm going to go read for a bit then."
  135. >You just look at your son as he walks away and then turn to Luna who sees to be doing the same.
  136. >"I don't know what you did in a previous life to deserve to find a kid like that but I'm grateful for it."
  137. >This causes you to chuckle.
  138. "I know! Sure he is a bit of a janegirl, but he is the smartest and most well behaved child I've ever interacted with."
  139. >"I just hope it will last. The 4th graders I teach are terrors."
  140. "Hopefully it lasts and he doesn't become a wild child as he gets older or something like that."
  141. >It felt good to be recognized for your hard work.
  142. >Even if it was just from your son.
  143. >It's like he saw the actual struggles you do for him and the household.
  144. >You felt seen and know Luna felt the same.
  145. "I think he's bored. He hasn't had homework since school started because he always finishes it, he is reading and doing math at several grade levels above his own. I know every parent thinks this, but he's a fucking genius!"
  146. >"I know. How about this weekend we do something nice like go to the arcade or take him to the library to get some other books that are more his level so he doesn't get bored here."
  147. "You just want to go to the arcade."
  148. >"I said OR the library, but yes I do."
  149. >If that is the one thing you do this weekend then fine, you know Luna and the arcade can add up pretty fast.
  150. "The arcade would be fine if we didn't spend a lot and went to the library after to balance it out."
  151. >Your sister's face lights up.
  152. >"Yes."
  153. >You hear her say under her breath as she gets back to grading her papers.
  154. >"Maybe we can ask Velvet if she wants to come with and bring Shining and Twilight."
  155. >She says without looking up from her pile.
  156. "You are dead set on getting them together aren't you?"
  157. >"They live right next door. Besides maybe being with Shining will mellow out his janegirlness and you can't tell me you don't want ot either. They compliment eachother so well."
  158. >You get a flash in your head of Twilight and Anon married and living a few houses away so that your genius grandchildren can walk over to see you every day.
  159. "I don't know what you are talking about. But okay, I'll call over and ask."
  161. --------------------------
  163. >So they want to take you to an arcade and the library today.
  164. >Sure whatever if they are offering.
  165. >Come to think about it, you aren't making money or earning an allowance right now either.
  166. >Maybe you should be doing chores or something to earn it.
  167. >Fuck, should you be mowing the lawn or doing the dishes or something?
  168. >"Okay, here we are. Now we just need to wait for Velvet and the others."
  169. >Celestia says.
  170. >"Probably Night or Shining taking too long again like boys do."
  171. >Luna responds.
  172. >"In case you haven't noticed, we came with a boy too and are on time."
  173. >"Anon doesn't count. You said 'get your shoes, we're heading out' and he actually got his shoes and was ready in less than 5 minutes. That is an anomaly and you know it."
  174. >Luna says to which Celestia just shrugs her head in agreement.
  175. >"We can just go in and look around to see what they have here. Maybe see if there is anything Anon wants to play."
  176. >Your aunt asks hopefully.
  177. >"You just want to start playing don't you?"
  178. >"No, no. I just want to be a good aunt."
  179. >"Uh huh."
  180. >You wait for them to finish talking and the car to be turned off before you unbuckle and open the door.
  181. >You follow them inside and look around.
  182. >Seems like any arcade you can remember, only no cards.
  183. >It's coins.
  184. >You haven't seen a coin arcade in years.
  185. >Not since you were a kid...
  186. >Fuck that terrible comedian wizard was either really elaborate in the thing he did or you're dead and this is some kinda devine punishment thing or irony, but fuck.
  187. >Luna gets what you believe is a 20 out and a lot of coins come out.
  188. >"Let's look around for games while we wait."
  189. >Luna says and you follow behind her, taking stock of the games here.
  190. >Shooters, vintage, fighters, racers, claw machines, ski ball.
  191. >Subtle differences in game designs but they seem to be the same for the most part.
  192. >The game called Pac-man for example looks like Mrs. Pac-man is the character and the one with just Pac-man in it is called Mr. Pac-man.
  193. >Not a lot of male characters on the cabinets and not a lot of guys in the arcade at all.
  194. >Just the occasional dad with their daughter.
  195. >Man this place is weird.
  196. >"There you are."
  197. >You hear Velvet call over the sound of the games.
  198. >"Hi Aunt Celestia, Aunt Luna."
  199. >Shining says to them.
  200. >Shit, should you be calling Velvet 'aunt' to be polite as she is a family friend?
  201. >"Hi Anon."
  202. >Twilight says to you.
  203. "Hey."
  204. >You respond automatically.
  205. >"I assume you already got come tokens Luna?"
  206. >Velvet asks.
  207. >"Of course. We even scoped out the games too."
  208. >"Suppose we should too."
  209. >Velvet says looking over to Night Light.
  210. >He goes into his wallet and brings out a 10.
  211. >Looks like she is on a tight leash.
  212. >Luna crouches down to you and she starts to get some coins ready in her hand.
  213. >"Now my nightsong, it's okay to be smart, but it is also important to be free and have fun at times."
  214. >She takes your hands and puts about half her coins into them.
  215. >"So let's have some fun."
  216. >She says with a wink.
  217. >You never had this before.
  218. >You had love growing up but it felt almost like obligation, nothing really like this.
  219. >It takes you a moment to realize you were smiling.
  220. "Thanks Aunt Luna."
  221. >You walk around some more and stop when someone wants to play something.
  222. >You want to see the claw machines though, you always loved playing them since you were a kid.
  223. >Generic toys and plushies are in it.
  224. >At least you think they are.
  225. >What with it being a different world you can't really tell.
  226. >You see a dragon though.
  227. >You don't care of that is from a show or anything, a dragon is a dragon.
  228. "I want to try these."
  229. >The rest of the party stops and follows you.
  230. >You put in the money and work on positioning the claw.
  231. >First getting it in the right space from the front, then you step to the side and gage the depth back.
  232. >"Look at you. Now don't be surprised if it doesn't pick it up. I've never won on these things."
  233. >Night Light says as you press the button.
  234. >And down it goes, and grabs it.
  235. >It lifts it, but it was a weak grip and it drops it as it moves back.
  236. >"See, I told you."
  237. >You tune him out and look at it again.
  238. >It did drop it but it is closer to the hole and you know the grip strength and what you have to do.
  239. >As you were looking at it, you saw Luna looking at it too with a similar look of determination on her face.
  240. >You position it behind it so that the claw would grip it by the tail and the body and it lifts it just enough for it to drop and roll into the hole.
  241. >You just smile.
  242. >"Nice."
  243. >You hear Luna say with some pride in her voice.
  244. >"Can I try that dad?"
  245. >Twilight asks.
  246. >"I'm sorry sweetheart, but we're out of tokens."
  247. >She looks dejected.
  248. >You reach into your pocket and grab some spare coins.
  249. "Here, I have some extras."
  250. >She looks so happy right now.
  251. >With a smile on her face she puts in the coins and tries for a purple horse.
  252. >She positioned it wrong and you knew before it fell it was going to miss, plus it is in a terrible placement.
  253. >She looks frustrated and sad.
  254. >You feel bad for her and reach into your pocket again.
  255. >Just enough for one more play.
  256. "I can try to get you something, but that horse is out. It's in a bad place and would take a few tries to get it. I might be able to get you that one."
  257. >You explain pointing at a horse with button eyes and looks like it has shorts on.
  258. >"Okay. If you think you can get it."
  259. >You put the last of your coins in and position it again over the easy to grab plush.
  260. >Another step to the side to make sure of the placement and you press the button.
  261. >A good grip and it grabs ot under the arms and chest.
  262. >It drops it into the shute and you pick it up and hand it to her.
  263. "Sorry, it's the only thing I could get."
  264. >"I love it! Thank you!"
  265. >She says and hugs the plush.
  266. >"Thank you very much Anon."
  267. >Velvet says.
  268. >"Yes, that was very nice of you sunshine. I'm very proud of you."
  269. >"So what do you want to name your new friend Twily?"
  270. >Night asks her.
  271. >"I'm going to call him... Smarty Pants."
  272. >"Because... he is wearing pants?"
  273. >Night asks her again.
  274. >Sharp as a tack this one.
  275. >"Uh huh. I love him."
  276. >"Oh we know."
  277. >Velvet says.
  278. >She then looks over to Celestia and Luna and smile.
  280. ‐-------------------
  282. >You in the lunch room, bored off your ass.
  283. >You get hot lunch free you think because your mom is a teacher, that or you just get it at school because they don't have the time to pack it.
  284. >Which you keep offering to do but they keep saying no.
  285. >You look down at the food.
  286. >Still sucks in this world too.
  287. >Looking around you see kids talking with other kids, eating their food.
  288. >Except one kid...
  289. >A pink haired girl who is sitting alone with a cold lunch.
  290. >A pretty shy girl ironocally named Fluttershy.
  291. >She is a loner and doesn't like to talk or sit by others if she doesn't have to.
  292. >Your adult brain is screaming at the possible red flags she is raising.
  293. >You have been eyeing up possible school shooters and doing some preventive maintenance to make sure it never happens.
  294. >You sit down next to her, which catches her by surprise.
  295. >"Eeep!"
  296. "Hi."
  297. >She doesn't respond but slinks away a little from you.
  298. "So... mind if I sit here?"
  299. >"........nd."
  300. >You could have sworn she said something but can't make it out.
  301. >You can see her look down towards a bag near her lap.
  302. >How did no one notice her having that?
  303. >Maybe they just don't care.
  304. >You can see she is nervous and she reaches down into it.
  305. >Oh shit!
  306. >Is it happening?
  307. >Is today the day she snaps?
  308. >Oh fuck, were you the cause?
  309. >You grip your lunch tray and get ready to slam it into her if she pulls out a weapon.
  310. >Try to defuse first.
  311. "So... how's your day?"
  312. >Smooth...
  313. "Do you like it here? Anyone bullying you?"
  314. >She looks at you weird but did slowly take her hand out of the bag WITHOUT a weapon so it's working.
  315. >"No. No one is bullying me. Is this because Rainbow asked me for money again? It's fine since she's my friend so please don't tell on her."
  316. >Now that she says that, you do remember seeing her talk with Rainbow Dash at recess on the playground some days.
  317. >So why isn't she there now sitting with her is she's her friend?
  318. "Okay, I was just checking."
  319. >You see her reach into her paper bag and get some brocolli but then puts her hand back into the bag near her lap.
  320. "Uh... what are you doing?"
  321. >"Oh! Nothing! Nothing at all."
  322. >She says looking around.
  323. >Yeah, totally not suspicious there.
  324. >You notice she no longer has the brocolli in her hand.
  325. >Looking down at the bag near her lap, you notice it move a little.
  326. >You look back up to her again.
  327. "Seriously, what's in the bag. I know something is in there."
  328. >She looks at you for a while before quickly looking from side to side.
  329. >"Okay, but don't be too loud or freak out."
  330. >She lifts the bag onto her lap and opens it a little more.
  331. >You get ready yourself just in case.
  332. >A little furry white head pops out.
  333. "Is that a rabbit?"
  334. >"Yes! He's my Angel bunny! And he's the sweetest and nicest little guy. Yes he is, yes he is."
  335. >She says while scratching his chin.
  336. "So, you brought a rabbit to school?"
  337. >"Yes, he helps calm me down. Plus I can't stand to have him home alone without me."
  338. >She smiles.
  339. >"You won't tell you mom or anything? I know she's a teacher."
  340. >She seems to realize that she shouldn't have been telling you about her secret pet.
  341. "No. But aren't you afraid he'll run away?"
  342. >"Oh no, he's a good boy and won't do that."
  343. >She continues to scratch his head and then looks at you again.
  344. >"Did you want to pet him?"
  345. >You've never actually petted a rabbit before, and you did confirm she isn't a school shooter... yet.
  346. >So you've earned yourself a reward.
  347. "Okay."
  348. >You gently brush your hand against his head.
  349. >Man that is smooth.
  350. "I didn't know it could feel this smooth."
  351. >"It feels nice doesn't it?"
  352. >"Ah-hem!"
  353. >You both turn around and see your mom looking down at you and seems pretty pissed.
  355. >You are Celestia, and you are on stupid lunch room duty.
  356. >You need to be monitoring all the kids and don't really have time to eat your own lunch.
  357. >Wonder if you can take sneak a quick moment with Anon.
  358. >You look over to his class and see him sitting next to a girl.
  359. >VERY close.
  360. >He seems to be looking down at her lap.
  361. >That little- you don't know what she is planning with your precious little boy but she is not going to get away with it!
  362. >You are walking towards them and see her say something to him and see him nod, then put his and onto her lap and starts moving it!
  363. >You are close enough to hear them now.
  364. >"I didn't know it could feel this smooth."
  365. >"It feels nice doesn't it?"
  366. >Bitch fucking what!
  367. "Ah-hem!"
  368. >You loudly announce yourself too them.
  369. >Anon looks at you and the pink haired little hussy looks up at you with fear in her eyes.
  370. >She should be afraid.
  371. >Taking advantage of your sweet baby- is that a rabbit on her lap!?
  372. "What is going on here?"
  373. >"Mom, this is Fluttershy from my class."
  374. >"H-hello Miss Celestia."
  375. >"And this is her emotional support animal Angel."
  376. >You just look down at the two of them dumbfoundedly.
  377. >"She didn't know the propper way to request the paperwork but brought him anyway. Please don't be mad or get her in trouble."
  378. >You didn't know you could feel this relieved in your life.
  379. >He was petting a rabbit.
  380. >You should have known better.
  381. >Anon is a smart and capable young man and not easily manipulated into feeling up a girl.
  382. >They both are still too young for that anyway.
  383. >You rub the bridge of your nose and sigh.
  384. "Please put it away for now and I can check with the office for paperwork for you to keep him at school."
  385. >"Thanks mom."
  386. >"T-thank you!"
  387. >You watch her put it away and move a little further away from Anon.
  388. >Yeah, you better not get too close.
  389. >...
  390. >If you got this defensive of Anon now, you wonder how bad you're going to be when he gets older and starts dating?
  391. >You're going to be the kinda mom that has terrifying talks with his dates aren't you?
  392. >You always thought that would be Luna and you would be the cool layed back one.
  394. -------------------------
  396. >You're in gym again, not that you mind.
  397. >Get out of school and get some exercise.
  398. >"Now class, we normally have the two best students as captains, but after some complaints from parents of... some students, we are having other students pick first."
  399. >Miss Harshwhinny says with annoyance in her voice.
  400. >Way to be subtle bitch.
  401. >"Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, you two are captains today."
  402. >They are each surprised by that announcement but walk next to Harshwhinny.
  403. >Fluttershy leaves Angel in his blue service animal vest on the sideline and the two captains walk up.
  404. >You will probably get picked by Twilight and Fluttershy will pick Rainbow.
  405. >You don't even know what you will be playing today but it doesn't matter.
  406. >"Fluttershy picks first. Twilight gets two picks after."
  407. >You look around and wonder who Twilight will pick with you.
  408. >You see Rainbow acting smug.
  409. >"Umm... I pick... Anon."
  410. >What?
  411. >"WHAT!?"
  412. >Rainbow seems equally confused.
  413. >Okay.
  414. >You can't help but see Twilight visibility disappointed at the choice.
  415. >You stand next to Fluttershy and see her smiling.
  416. >Guess she thinks you're better than Rainbow.
  417. >"Okay, well, I'll take you and you."
  418. >Twilight says pointing at Rainbow and Vinyl.
  419. >"Um, Anon?"
  420. >Fluttershy whispers to you.
  421. "Yes?"
  422. >"Who should I pick next?"
  423. >She asks innocently.
  424. >She must really not know who else is good after Rainbow.
  425. "Pick Applejack."
  426. >You whisper back.
  427. >If Twilight watched the other students more, Applejack was the next best if not as good as Rainbow.
  428. >She missed a prime opportunity and you are going to capitalize on it.
  429. >Sorry Twilight.
  430. >It's not personal, it's business... or educational.
  431. >Damn you wish that sounded cooler.
  432. >Good thing you said it in your head and no one else can hear you.
  433. >"Applejack?"
  434. >You see the other girl smile and walk up next to you.
  435. >Don't care what they spring on you, you got this now.
  436. >And judging by how the looked you up while still smiling she knows it too.
  437. >The rest of the teams are picked, which Fluttershy did with your council.
  438. >Twilight looks like she asked Rainbow too but she didn't feel like helping because she was still upset she didn't get picked first.
  439. >"Alright class, today is dodgeball. Teams on each side of the gym. Bounce balls only, throw it at someone without the bounce or they catch the ball you are out. Get ready for my whistle."
  440. >You walk back to the wall and Applejack is next to you.
  441. >"Rainbow first?"
  442. "Yeah."
  443. >"Good, I owe her from before."
  444. >Clearly this is personal for her.
  445. >Normally you would want to get rid of the weakest first to thin the numbers, but she is angry and will be reckless.
  446. >The whistle blows and you run for the balls in the center.
  447. >Applejack, Rainbow and yourself make it almost at the same time and each grab a ball.
  448. >Rainbow winds up but you bounce it at her so she needs to dodge, right into the ball Applejack just bounced at her.
  449. >"Rainbow out!"
  450. >"UGH!"
  451. >She says and walks off the court.
  452. >"Nice distracting her."
  453. "Nice hit."
  454. >With Rainbow gone, the match is over pretty quick.
  455. >The whistle blows again signaling the end of the match.
  456. >You see other kids seem winded but Applejack and you are fine.
  457. >The second match goes similar to the first, except Rainbow threw hers first this time and you used your ball to bounce it away.
  458. >Applejack threw her out again.
  459. >You decided to try and help the other kids after the main threat was gone by handing the ball to the other kids to give them a turn.
  460. "Here you go Fluttershy."
  461. >"Oh! T-thank you."
  462. >She of course didn't hit anyone but she felt included.
  463. >The other team lost again and Harshwhinny seems annoyed at how one sided it is.
  464. >Next game Rainbow runs again but must be really angry because she just threw the ball at you without the bounce.
  465. >Luckily you caught it.
  466. >"Rainbow, out!"
  467. >"You got to be kidding me! He caught it!"
  468. >You see the other team really depressed.
  469. >Well now you feel bad.
  470. >They need something, so time to take one for the team... their team.
  471. >You half heartedly bounce the ball to Twilight.
  472. >She picks it up on the third bounce and looks at you.
  473. >She throws it at you and you don't move so it hits you on the bounce.
  474. >"Anon! Out!"
  475. >Hasrhwhinny says with a little more excitement in her voice than she should.
  476. "Good one Twilight!"
  477. >She smiles when you compliment her.
  478. >You sit down next to Angel.
  479. "Hey."
  480. >He looks up at you and moves his nose or whatever you call it they do.
  481. >Without you on the field it takes longer to win, but Applejack caries the team without you.
  482. >The rest of class goes easy enough and Applejack comes up to you and slaps your back.
  483. >"Hoowie, that was fun! You did great, I haven't seen a fella handle himself like that since my big brother Big Mac."
  484. >No wonder she isn't as sexist as the other kids in school.
  485. "You did great too."
  486. >"You ever consider farm work?"
  487. "Not really. Where is there even a farm in the city?"
  488. >"My family's farm on the edge of the city. You should stop by some time. I can show you around."
  489. "Maybe. I've never been to one. I'll see if I can."
  491. >It's recess time right after lunch.
  492. >You're walking Twilight towards Fluttershy.
  493. >"I don't know. What if it bites me?"
  494. "He hasn't bitten me yet. Come on, it'll be fine."
  495. >Fluttershy is sitting by herself again by the only bit of grass near the parking lot, letting Angel roam freely.
  496. >She looks up at you and smiles but stops when she sees Twilight.
  497. >She must be scared she will make fun of her or something.
  498. "Hey Fluttershy, this is Twilight."
  499. >"Um... hi..."
  500. >She says.
  501. >As if sensing what was happening, Angel runs over and jumps onto her lap and Fluttershy starts to pet him.
  502. >Looks like he really is a service animal and helps her out.
  503. >"That was amazing! Did he sense you needed help or something? Because he just ran right over to you."
  504. >"Oh, well, um... Angel does come over when I'm feeling stressed. Mainly because he's such a good friend."
  505. >He sits still and allows himself to be petted but looks up at Twilight.
  506. >He just must not be used to her yet.
  507. "Can I pet him too?"
  508. >"Of course!"
  509. >He allows you to pet him and doesn't try to pull away from you like he did earlier.
  510. >Hopefully he will take to Twilight too.
  511. >You saw how Fluttershy opened up more when Twilight talked about Angel, hopefully she will open up more and you can get them to be friends.
  512. >Fluttershy is friends with Rainbow but you aren't sure how strong that is and you want Twilight to be able to make some friends too.
  513. >Apart from you, she only has her big brother Shining Armor, and you want her to have friends her own age.
  514. >Well, not like you are her age either.
  515. >You more relate to Celestia and Luna age wise.
  516. >Fucking wizard...
  517. "Can Twilight pet him too?"
  518. >"I suppose so, if that's alright with him."
  519. >You stop petting and move away giving Twilight a chance to move in and extend a hand to pet him.
  520. >He accepts and Twilight's face goes from concern to happiness at petting him.
  521. >This causes Fluttershy to smile too.
  522. >"If you scratch him on the sides of his face on his cheeks he really likes that and will chatter his teeth."
  523. >Twilight tries it and is rewarded with Angel chattering his teeth.
  524. >"Fluttershy, what's going on here!?"
  525. >You turn and see Rainbow walking up to you.
  526. >"First you don't pick me for dodge ball today and now you hanging out with these two? I thought we were friends."
  527. >"We are Rainbow. But I can have more than just one friend can't I?"
  528. >"Well, yeah, but why pick Anon over me?"
  529. >Fluttershy gets really quiet, even for her.
  530. >She probably got tired of being bullied into 'loaning' money to her friend.
  531. "Maybe she wanted a team player instead of a one person show?"
  532. >"Excuse me? Wanna say that again?"
  533. "You heard me. You're great, amazing even. But whenever it's gym or recess, it's always the Rainbow Dash show and everyone else is just along for the ride. There's no 'I' in team but there is one in Rainbow Dash and you let everyone know it."
  534. >She's doing that thing kids do when they are angry where she starts breathing very heavily and looks like she wants to hit something.
  535. >"You're lucky you're not a girl Anon. If you weren't a boy... I would punch you square in the face."
  536. >She angrily says.
  537. >"Try it and I'll beat the living tar out of you."
  538. >Applejack says, causing everyone to look at her.
  539. >She apparently came when she saw what was going on.
  540. >"Even if I think he could probably take you in a fair fight."
  541. >If anything Applejack is getting her angrier.
  542. >You should probably try to defuse this before you or anyone gets expelled for beating the piss out of her.
  543. "Let's everyone calm down. What will it take for this to be over?"
  544. >"You think you can do anything a girl can do only better! So let's put that to the test."
  545. >Is that what this is fucking about?
  546. >You saw kids growing up angry a girl could beat them on sports or gym and it shattered their fragile egos.
  547. >Guess you are emasculating her... or de-fem- fuck it!
  548. >You know what it is even of you don't know the words for it!
  549. "So a sport off or something like that? Fine. Pick whatever you want. Can you girls be the judges please?"
  550. >"I may be terrible at sports, but great at rules."
  551. >"Um, okay."
  552. >"Sure thing sugarcube."
  553. >They all answer.
  554. >"How about a race first. First one to the basketball hoops and back wins this round."
  555. "Round?"
  556. >"How many of these are there going to be?"
  557. >Twilight asks.
  558. >"As many as it takes!"
  559. >Guess you know what you're doing this recess.
  560. >You stand next to Rainbow.
  561. >Applejack holds her hand up.
  562. >"And go!"
  563. >She says and lowers her arm.
  564. >The two of you start running.
  565. >One big flaw with wanting to do a race at recess is everyone else outside.
  566. >You are trying your best to zig and zag through everyone and not get hit by all the other kids playing.
  567. >Rainbow seems to be discovering this herself, needing to awkwardly dodge other kids.
  568. >You make it to the hoop easy enough, touch the pole and start running back to where you started.
  569. >Rainbow is hot on your tail.
  570. >As you are running back, you see Fluttershy moved onto the blacktop from the grass to watch the race better while Applejack and Twilight stayed on the grass with Angel.
  571. >She is so focused on you two, she doesn't see a group of kids playing football running right towards her from behind.
  572. >And the speed they're running at means they don't see her either.
  573. >Shit!
  574. >She is going to eat it hard if she gets slammed by them.
  575. "Fluttershy! Look out!"
  576. >Fuck, you aren't going to get to her in time.
  577. >You see a rainbow blur go past you and heading towards her.
  578. >You realize it's Rainbow almost immediately but are surprised she could move that fast.
  579. >She gets there just on time to push Fluttershy out of the way.
  580. >Shy landed on her ass out of the way and looks fine at a glance, but Rainbow got hit hard by the older kids and she lands on the concrete.
  581. >You get to her not a second after she got hit and are looking her over.
  582. >She is scrapped up in a couple places and she bloodied up her knee.
  583. >She is making that little kid hurt noise they do before they full on start crying.
  584. >Come on shitty health class from high school, don't fail you now.
  585. "Rainbow! Are you alright?"
  586. >You ask knowing she's fucked up.
  587. >Step one, ask if she's alright, check.
  588. "Twilight, go get the teacher on duty and tell them what happened and where we are."
  589. >Step two, tell someone to call for help while remaining in control of the situation, check.
  590. >Oh yeah, it's all coming together.
  591. >Step three, perform cpr... wait she isn't choking or not breathing.
  592. >That stupid fucking class!
  593. >Okay... concussion test maybe?
  594. "Rainbow, do you know what city we are in?"
  595. >You see she rolled herself onto her back.
  596. >Good, because you aren't supposed to move them, or are you not supposed to let them move either?
  597. >Fuck!
  598. >"C-Canterlot?"
  599. >She says through a sniffle.
  600. "Good, good."
  601. >You say while getting a better look at her.
  602. >Mainly scrapped, no limbs seem out of place or bending the wrong way and no teeth missing.
  603. "And what day is it?"
  604. >"W-Wednesday?"
  605. "Good. So I don't think you have a concussion but I still think you should be looked at by the nurse."
  606. >She still looks like she is going to cry, need to take her mind off the pain at least.
  607. >You look up to see where Fluttershy is and she is right next to you looking at Rainbow too along with Applejack
  608. >In fact a lot of kids have circled around you to watch what is happening.
  609. "You did really good. You saved Fluttershy, see?"
  610. >You say gesturing to her.
  611. >"T-thank you Rainbow Dash!"
  612. "You got her out of the way in time."
  613. >She smiles at that but doesn't say anything.
  614. >Still seems close to crying, better try harder.
  615. "Even I couldn't do that. I couldn't reach her in time and you did. You beat me fair and square. I guess you are better than me."
  616. >This seems to have the opposite effect and she starts crying anyway.
  617. >Shit, maybe it's tears of joy because you acknowledge she's better?
  618. >Come on Twilight, where are you?
  619. >"Here they are!"
  620. >That worked?
  621. >Come on million dollars, where are you?
  622. >"Make some room, move aside."
  623. >The teacher says while moving next to you.
  624. "She was hit from behind by a group of kids running at full speed and didn't see her. She looks scrapped up but doesn't have a concussion. I still think she needs the nurse to give her a once over though."
  625. >You explain to save time before they decide to ask what happened.
  626. >They look at you funny and then direct their attention to her.
  627. >"Hey kid, can you stand?"
  628. >That's right, most teachers don't know or care enough about first aid to be effective.
  629. >"I-I think so."
  630. >Rainbow says between tears and struggles to stand.
  631. >You reach down and put her arm over your neck and start helping her up.
  632. >Applejack gets the idea and does the same to her other arm.
  633. >If only you were bigger then you could just pick her up and carry her yourself.
  634. >But then you would have other problems, like carrying a beaten and bloody grade school girl who is crying, like that would end well.
  635. >"Well she seems fine, but you two can take her inside to the nurse anyway."
  636. >Way to be ultra hands off you cunt.
  637. >"Come on partner, let's get you inside."
  638. >AJ says to her.
  639. "Come on then, slow and steady."
  640. >The two of you walk her back to school.
  641. >"Thank you. For everything."
  642. "Hey don't mention it. You did a good thing. Besides, I'm sure you'd do the same for me."
  643. >She looks at you while you're walking with her.
  644. >"Yeah, I would."
  645. >She says with a smile.
  646. >Good, she stopped crying.
  647. >Looks like your pep talk helped.
  649. --------------------
  651. >You're at home, just relaxing.
  652. >Man, kids don't know how easy they have it.
  653. >Just school and some chores but no 8 to 5, bills or anything like that.
  654. >"Sunshine, can you come in here a minute please?"
  655. "Okay."
  656. >You answer and walk into the other room and see Celestia and Luna looking at you.
  657. >Oh shit, are you in trouble for something.
  658. >Is this about the thing at school?
  659. >Or did you fuck up in some kinda thing this world does that you aren't aware of?
  660. >"I see what you mean."
  661. >Luna says after looking at you.
  662. >Oh shit, are they onto you that you're an adult living in a kids body?
  663. >Poker face it Anon, poker face.
  664. >"We'll just have to get some more clothes for him. Sunshine, I swear you are growing like a weed."
  665. >That was close.
  666. >You look yourself over and you guess you are.
  667. >You only had the first set of clothes they bought you when you were adopted and they have been getting smaller, but you didn't say anything because they still worked.
  668. >You also know how expensive an entire wardrobe is too.
  669. >"We can keep an eye out for coupons for the department stores. They send 20 to 40% coupons out every month or so."
  670. >Luna says.
  671. >"Yes, but they always bump up their prices to compensate those 'savings' they offer."
  672. >She says using air quotes.
  673. >"Well how else are we supposed to get an entire wardrobe?"
  674. >"I know, I know."
  675. >She puts her hands on the sides of her head and sighs.
  676. "How about a second hand store?"
  677. >That stops them and they both look at you.
  678. "I mean, it's cheaper right?"
  679. >They then look at eachother for a while.
  680. >"Well... it would definently be cheaper."
  681. >Luna says, thinking out loud and stroking her chin.
  682. >"Of course it would be cheaper, but..."
  683. >You can see the conflict in her eyes.
  684. >She wants to do what is right by you, her son.
  685. >Even if it costs more than she can afford to spend.
  686. >A teacher's salary, even two counting Luna's would still be hard to buy clothes for a growing kid while paying for a mortgage, food, and everything else that is needed.
  687. >She is trying so hard for you...
  688. >Someone who isn't even blood.
  689. >She took you in, when she had no reason to.
  690. >The least you can do is make it easier for her.
  691. "I don't mind. It'll be easier and cheaper. I really don't mind mom."
  692. >She loves you, and is willing to put her own wants and needs aside for you.
  693. >You respect her so much for that.
  694. >You... love her for that.
  695. >The very least you can do is make it easier on her.
  696. "We can probably get a bunch of shirts for the cost of one new one."
  697. >She is looking at you and seems conflicted.
  698. >"Anon... Sunshine, are you sure. We can buy you new things if you want them."
  699. >You walk up to her and hug her, which seems to surprise her.
  700. "I appreciate what you are trying to do. But I'm fine mom, honest."
  701. >You feel an arm go around you to pull you into a hug.
  702. >"Okay. Why don't we go out and see if there is anything that speaks to you at the store? We can always buy new if we need to."
  703. >She says.
  704. >As you pull back from the hug you see a smile on her face.
  705. "Okay mom."
  706. >You say with a smile back.
  708. >You are at the second hand store.
  709. >Not bad stuff in general.
  710. >Don't know why they get such a bad wrap.
  711. >You pass an end cap and see some underwear on hangars.
  712. >Okay... now you remember why they do.
  713. >"Are those..."
  714. >Celestia says while pointing to the underwear.
  715. >"Yes. Yes they are. Why is it always huge extra large underwear?"
  716. >Luna responds.
  717. >"I'm just wondering who donates them?"
  718. >Time to pretend you didn't see anything to make it easy for them.
  719. >You walk towards the boys clothes.
  720. >Celestia and Luna give you a lot of leeway and don't hover around you like other adults do for their kids.
  721. >Probably because you are so trusted and they know you won't do stupid shit or be dumb enough to follow someone else.
  722. >Let's see.
  723. >Teen, kids, there we go.
  724. >There is a half off today on red tags, so might as well keep an eye out for those.
  725. >Maybe some pants, shirts, maybe skip the socks and used underwear.
  726. >Oh, that's a good one.
  727. >You pick the shirt off the rack and look it over.
  728. >"No, no, no, yes, ghastly, no, no, maybe."
  729. >You hear a voice from the next row.
  730. >Weird.
  731. >"Yes, yes, y- on second thought no. What was I thinking?"
  732. >You know that voice.
  733. >You walk around to the next isle where you heard the voice.
  734. >It's Rarity from your class, and she has a shopping cart full of clothes.
  735. >Why does she have so much?
  736. >"No, no, no, n- Anonymous!? W-w-what are you doing here?"
  737. >She says while looking up at you.
  738. >Immediately she turns and throws the cart down the isle and away from her.
  739. >"What a pleasant surprise to see you here."
  740. >She says while fixing her hair.
  741. >Okay, weird...
  742. "Are you okay Rarity?"
  743. >"Yes! Never better. Why do you ask?"
  744. >Seriously?
  745. "You're sure? Because you just threw a cart full of your clothes down that way."
  746. >You say pointing behind her.
  747. >"Oh no, no, no, no, no. Those couldn't have been my clothes. I only buy the best from the name brand stores."
  748. "So... why are you here then?"
  749. >"Here?"
  750. "Yes. The place you are standing."
  751. >"Oh, you mean right here. Ha, well... my... parents are looking for cheap dish towels for their sports bar. They say to keep costs down it is best to buy used you know."
  752. >She says while looking at the clothes now like they aren't worth her time as opposed to how she did not even a minute ago.
  753. "Uh-huh."
  754. >"Why their business is doing so well I hear they are even planning on expanding to a second- or even third location."
  755. "Hey, that's good news."
  756. >"Hey there pumpkin!"
  757. >Comes a voice from behind her and you notice her eyes go wide at the voice.
  758. >A slightly overweight guy with a mustache comes up behind her.
  759. >"Oh you will never guess what I just found down the way. A while shopping cart of clothes I know you would just love my little darling."
  760. >He says pushing her former cart towards the two of you.
  761. >You have never seen someone so embarrassed they are trying to hide in plain sight before until now, but that is what she is trying to do.
  762. >"Gee, I hope I didn't take this from someone who took the time and effort to pick them out."
  763. >He says looking around for anyone he may have taken it from.
  764. >"Daaaad. You're embarrassing me."
  765. >"Ope, sorry there sweetie. I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of your boyfriend here. Please to meet you son, I'm Rarity's father."
  767. >She says with a blush on her face.
  768. >"Oh that's a relief. For a minute there I was afraid I would be embarrassing you in front of someone you know with how red your face got. Good thing you don't know him and will probably never see him again then."
  769. >"He's in my class."
  770. >"Oh... well... now that is awkward. Annnnyyyywayyy... I would love to get you all those clothes honey, but with how the bar is doing, I could only get you one or two regular priced things or three or four half off ones. What is the half off today?"
  771. >He asks looking around for a sign.
  772. "Red is today's half off."
  773. >You say holding up your shirt for added effect.
  774. >"Hey look at him, so helpful. Sure you don't want him to be your boyfriend? He seems smart and knows the value of a dollar."
  775. >"DAD!"
  776. >"Alright, alright I'm going. Still gotta find that bag of towels for the bar."
  777. >He walks off leaving you looking at a completely destroyed child.
  778. >She probably thinks her life is over now.
  779. >She slowly walks to the cart and looks through it.
  780. >"So, now you know. The great Rarity, who always is so chic and stylish buys now only off the rack, but used off the rack. I assume you will tell everyone at school tomorrow. I look forward to the rest of the boys mocking me until high school."
  781. >She says while pulling out clothes and determining what she truly wants.
  782. >Fuck now you feel bad for her.
  783. >You never really got the chance to know her in school and you always thought she was some rich girl because she never wore the same outfit twice.
  784. >You've been wearing the same five or seven shirts this whole time to help with money.
  785. "Why would I say anything? I'm shopping here too."
  786. >She looks up and sees you holding a shirt and must realise for the first time that you had it.
  787. >"Why are you shopping here? Isn't your mother a teacher? She should have tons of money from that."
  788. >Oh you sweet sweet innocent girl.
  789. "I do it to help out. If buying a used shirt helps them, then I get a used shirt instead of a new one."
  790. >She sighs.
  791. >"I know. And I have been. Sometimes I just wish I had more, something new for a change. They try so hard, I want people to think their bar is doing well and they can afford to buy me everything and anything."
  792. >She says with a sniffle.
  793. >Well, this is really awkward now and you somehow feel even worse for her.
  794. >You look around the store for something, anything that could help cheer her up.
  795. >And you see the craft area.
  796. "What if you make your own clothes for yourself?"
  797. >She stops sorting and looks at you like you're insane.
  798. >"And how would I do that? I'm not a factory."
  799. "Not all clothes come from factories. Come on."
  800. >You say and walk towards the back of the store, not really caring if she follows you or not.
  801. >If she doesn't want your help she won't get it.
  802. >You hear her feet running behind you to catch up to you.
  803. >"Where are we going?"
  804. "Here."
  805. >You say pointing to the craft section.
  806. >You walk up to a bin with patterns in it.
  807. >You've seen them in your old world and assumed they would be here and luckily they are.
  808. "You take these patterns, cut them out, pin them to fabric, cut them and sew them together. Look, they even have fabric you can buy here too."
  809. >You point to several used spools of material.
  810. >She tentatively picks a package up.
  811. >"There are about four different designs in this?"
  812. "Some more, some less, and it's only a dollar."
  813. >She starts looking through the bins for different patterns.
  814. >"These look amazing. And if they could be mixed together... it would make something no one else had."
  815. >She says, getting an 'ah hah' moment.
  816. >She then goes over to the material and looks it over.
  817. >"Maybe I could convince him to buy me the patterns and the fabric, I think he still has his old sewing machine. Maybe he could teach me how to use it."
  818. >As much as you like standing around while someone mutters to themselves, you should probably get back.
  819. >You only have the one shirt for now.
  820. "Okay, well, looks like you have this all in order then. I'll see you at school then."
  821. >You say and walk off, not waiting for her to acknowledge what was said.
  822. >You are walking back and see Celestia and Luna looking for themselves too.
  823. >Luna is holding up a video game shirt and holding it against herself while checking the size.
  824. >You drop your shirt off in the cart.
  825. >"Just that sunshine? Wasn't there anything else?"
  826. >You could tell them why you only have the one.
  827. "That one jumped out to me. I'm going back to see if anything else speaks to me. If you're done you can come and give me your opinion if you don't mind."
  828. >"Of course sunshine."
  829. >She says with a warm smile.
  831. --------------------
  833. >You're in school before the first class starts.
  834. >With nothing else to do you are going over your history book.
  835. >Turns out there they did have a Hitler figure here.
  836. >You've been reading from the back of the book in free time to understand more of this world and from the front for assignments.
  837. >"Now class, before the bell rings I want to announce that we have a new student today. Her entire family just transferred to this school."
  838. >Your teacher, Miss Goldstar says while gesturing to the little girl with pink hair standing next to her.
  839. >"Please say hello to Pinkamena Pie."
  840. "Hi."
  841. >You say automatically with the rest of the students.
  842. >"Pinkamena comes from a rock farm with her family, and I understand those rocks are used in building material, art pieces, and even the countertops in kitchens. Isn't that fascinating class?"
  843. >Miss Goldenstar asks.
  844. >You're not sure if she's trying to convince the rest of you or herself.
  845. >And rock farm?
  846. >Isn't that just a quarry?
  847. >Whatever.
  848. >"Why don't you tell the class a little about yourself."
  849. >"Hello, I'm Pinkamena Pie, but you can call me Pinkie. I live and work on a rock farm with my father, mother, and three sisters."
  850. >"Okay... what do you like to do for fun?"
  851. >"I like parties!"
  852. >She says loudly with a smile.
  853. >"Anon. Please stand up."
  854. >The teacher calls out to you.
  855. >Wait, fucking what?
  856. >You stand up and look around as all the other kids look at you.
  857. >"Pinkamena- oh, I mean Pinkie, this is Anon. He is the best student in the class. Please show her around the school Anon."
  858. >Well, way to make you stand out Miss Goldstar.
  859. >You bitch...
  860. >"Trixie, can you move from your desk next to Anon so Pinkie can sit next to him?"
  861. >Trixie looks upset.
  862. >Probably because she can no longer copy from you on tests anymore.
  863. >She thought she was being subtle.
  864. >She wasn't.
  865. >"Trixie will move to a new spot for the betterment of the new student."
  866. >She says and stands up, gathering her stuff from her desk.
  867. >Maybe you shouldn't have told her about talking about herself in the third person to build her self confidence.
  868. >The new girl sits down next to you once Trixie goes to the empty seat in the corner up front next to Twilight.
  869. >She'll be fine...
  870. >Maybe.
  871. >"Anon, you can be excused and please show her around the school. And please be sure to tell her about the school festival this weekend."
  872. "Okay Miss Goldstar."
  873. >Is it your fucking job to be a teacher now?
  874. >Well, gets you out of shit you already know.
  875. >Which is probably a sub goal she had at least, no one else could leave and catch up like it was nothing.
  876. "Let's go on the tour then."
  877. >"Okie dokie lokie."
  878. >You stand up and walk towards the door and she follows shortly behind you.
  879. >Miss Goldenstar hands you the hall pass.
  880. >Which is another way of saying you have a ruler with the words 'HALL PASS' written on it.
  881. >Because why not take your ideas from gas station bathroom keys.
  882. >Time for the tour.
  883. >The bell rings right as you walk out of the class.
  884. >Did she say how long you should take?
  885. >Eh, fuck it.
  887. >It is now lunch time.
  888. >You managed to show her around school all morning.
  889. >During the tour you asked strategic questions to help determine if she could be a potential school shooter and the results are still inconclusive.
  890. >You are sitting next to Pinkie with Twilight and Fluttershy on your other side.
  891. >Looking directly across from you you see Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity.
  892. >It's good Rainbow and Applejack are getting along well now.
  893. "So how is it with your new neighbor in class?"
  894. >You ask Twilight.
  895. >"She won't stop talking about herself, in the third person. How did you tolerate it for so long?"
  896. >Probably shouldn't tell her you introduced the concept.
  897. >You look at your hot lunch.
  898. >Score, you got double desserts.
  899. >You look at Pinkie's cold lunch and she brings out a thermos.
  900. >She unscrews the cap and pours out what you assume is soup.
  901. "So, what you have for your lunch?"
  902. >"Stone soup."
  903. >"Oh, you mean where it's made with everything you have left over? I love stone soup?"
  904. >Applejack says from across from you.
  905. >"No. It's just regular stone soup."
  906. >She says and a large rock falls into the bowl from the thermos.
  907. >"Made with stone."
  908. >Everyone just looks at her.
  909. >She takes a spoonful and slurps it with a smile.
  910. >"Mmmmm, you can really taste the essential minerals today."
  911. >Now you feel really bad for her.
  912. >You look down at your lunch and see your second dessert.
  913. >Why does the right thing to do always suck.
  914. "Here. You need more than just rock soup."
  915. >You hand her one of your cupcakes.
  916. >Her eyes light up.
  917. >Does her family not allow her sugar or anything?
  918. >"I love cupcakes! It's like a little cake for a mini party!"
  919. "So you've had them before?"
  920. >"Well yeah, who hasn't had a cupcake before?"
  921. "Oh, yeah, I just wasn't sure because of your soup if you had."
  922. >"My soup?"
  923. >She says looking down at it.
  924. "Yeah, I thought it was a cultural thing where you only had to live off the land or don't use sugar and can only use... rocks I guess."
  925. >She looks at you and then at it again.
  926. >"So you don't eat stone soup with actual stones in it?"
  927. >Everyone in earshot of her shakes their heads no.
  928. >"Ooooooh, well that makes sense then. I can see why you would think that now. And you gave me this cupcake thinking that I was a poor sad girl with rocks in her soup without knowing it is actually really good and nutritious."
  929. >She says looking back at you.
  930. >Did- did she just read your mind?
  931. >"You can have the cupcake back if you want. I appreciate the offer."
  932. >You can't just take it back.
  933. "It's fine. You love them so just think of it as a welcome to school mini party cake then."
  934. >"That's so nice! No one outside of my family has ever done something nice like that for me before. Thank you!"
  935. >She says while wrapping her arms around you in a hug and pulling you toward her.
  936. >All of the girls look enviously and jealousy at Pinkie.
  937. >Wow she is strong.
  938. >Must be all that rock farming?
  939. >"Thanks for being my first friend and giving me a cupcake!"

EQG Kid Anon - Meeting the HuMane Six

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EQG KidAnon - Playing Games

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EQG KidAnon - Nightmare Night

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