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EQG KidAnon - Playing Games

By theEQGkid
Created: 2023-10-25 00:59:42
Expiry: Never

  1. >It's game night at the house.
  2. >And not the typical game of Sorry or Monopoly.
  3. >The dining room table has been used to house and display miniature figures, maps, and scenery pieces.
  4. >They are playing O&O.
  5. >This world's equivalent of D&D.
  6. >At first you thought it was weird that women liked and even played it, but then you remembered things were backwards here.
  7. >This is like a group of guys just getting together and nerding out.
  8. >Good for them, they could use the break.
  9. >You've been around enough to see a few of these games.
  10. >About once a month, Celestia and Luna host a game night with Velvet and their other old friend, Chrysalis.
  11. >They get together, drink, laugh, swear, and in general have a good time while they catch up and talk about stupid stuff that's happened to them.
  12. >It makes you smile seeing your mom and aunt happy like this.
  13. >They all grew up together and while they never did things like this when they were young, they are using it as a way to stay together and see each other now.
  14. >Aparently Luna and Chrysalis were in a goth phase in high school together and got into gaming, both tabletop and video games.
  15. >Velvet was the nerd so they crossed paths frequently and her love of fantasy and comics helped her get into this.
  16. >And Celestia... she was a fucking jock back in the day.
  17. >Captain of a couple different teams.
  18. >You assume something happened where she couldn't turn pro and became a teacher instead, but don't want to pry.
  19. >Maybe she got hurt or wasn't good enough, you don't know.
  20. >If she wants to share then she will.
  21. >But she loved her sister so much that she crossed social circles and hung out with her sister and friends who in turn became her friends too.
  22. >Honestly you're kind of jealous of them.
  23. >They have a deep friendship that they can go months without seeing eachother and just pick right up like they just left the room and came back a few minutes later.
  24. >You see Velvet often because she lives next door, but Chrysalis lives a little away near the high school where she teaches acting.
  25. >Or do they call it theater in high school?
  26. >Anyway, she is close enough they consider her family like Velvet.
  27. >So she is considered another 'aunt' for you, which she has taken to like a fish to water.
  28. >She always wants to be involved in not just your life, but Twilight and Shining"s as well.
  29. >The doorbell rings and Luna goes to answer it.
  30. >"What up father fucker!"
  31. >Chrysalis says with a smile and comes in with a bottle and some chips.
  32. >"Same old same old. How've you been?"
  33. >"Ugh, don't get me started. Let's just say I hate high schoolers and need this tonight. And this."
  34. >She says holding up the bottle of booze in her hand.
  35. >She walks in, sees you and she smiles again.
  36. >"There he is!"
  37. >She says and puts down her bag and stuff before coming over to you.
  38. >You get ready to say hi but she bends down, wraps her arms around you and lifts you up into the air in a hug before you can.
  39. >Effecrivly burying you into her huge tits.
  40. >Sometimes being a little kid in this world has its perks.
  41. >"How's my favorite little guy?"
  42. >You try to respond but are muffled by breasts.
  43. >She puts you down after a few seconds and releases you from the bear hug.
  44. >"Hey Chrys!"
  45. >Your mom says coming into the room.
  46. >"Pizza will be here in about 15 minutes."
  47. >"Which means Velvet will be here in 16. She lives next door, how is she always late?"
  48. >Chrysalis asks with a laugh and they all share a laugh.
  49. >"We have some time. Hey Anon, want to roll a character while we wait?"
  50. >Chrysalis more says than asks as she walks into the kitchen to get a cup.
  51. "Sure, looks like you all have fun so I'll give it a try."
  52. >You say with a shrug.
  53. >This causes the house to go quiet.
  54. >She looks at Celestia and then to Luna with a hopeful smile.
  55. >"He plays advanced games with me so I'm pretty sure he can handle this."
  56. >Luna states.
  57. >"Wait, by 'advanced games' do you mean age inappropriate?"
  58. >Celestia asks with an eyebrow raised.
  59. >"Ah ha ha ha, well... you know... those age ratings are more of a suggestion than anything. It's more of a guideline."
  60. >"And you keep on boasting about how good at math he is. You could think of it as him playing homework the game when he is making a character."
  61. >Celestia puts starts to massage her brow with her hand again and sighs.
  62. >"Fine. Let's see how this goes. But please go easy on him Chrys. And watch the content please."
  63. >She begs of Chrysalis, who runs the games and is the Game Master.
  64. >And she does an incredible job of it too.
  65. >She can improv like it was nothing and does incredible voices.
  66. >So much so that if you closed your eyes you would think there was a completely different person talking.
  67. >Luna seems very excited at the news you can play and does a fist pump while Chrysalis is just smiling ear to ear.
  68. >"Let Auntie Chrysie help you out champ."
  69. >She says and goes into her bag.
  70. >She brings out a book, some papers, and a little pouch.
  71. >"We can get you some other stuff later if you want to keep playing with us, but for now you can have one of my dice sets. I'm sure Lulu or I have a mini you can have too."
  72. >"I probably have something. Do you know what you want to be? Human, elf, dragonborn, halfling, male or female? And then also what class?"
  73. >You have seen them playing a few times already and have a basic understanding of the game but never played yourself.
  74. "Let's make one based on what guy characters you have available. If it works out and he doesn't die I can find or make something else if necessary."
  75. >"So a guy, got it. Let me see what I have first."
  76. >Luna starts digging through her painted miniatures to find you one.
  77. >You feel yourself being picked up and placed onto Chrysalis's lap.
  78. >"While Auntie Lulu does that, let Auntie Chrysie help you make a character."
  79. >She says while putting a sheet in front of you and opening up the bag of dice she just gave you.
  80. >"This is a d20, your best friend and your greatest enemy all depending on luck and fate. And fate can be generous or a cruel master."
  81. >She explains while holding up the black dice with green numbers on it.
  82. >"But for now we just need to use this regular six side like what you normally use in board games."
  83. >She says holding up another black dice with numbers instead of dots like you're used to.
  84. >"Now we need to roll a couple six sides and then take away the lowest one to make your stat blocks. But don't worry, we can help you out with all that."
  86. >You watch as your son is sitting on Chrysalis's lap and she explains more about the game.
  87. >You can't help but smile at how it makes them happy he is involved.
  88. >A kid being into O&O is not really uncommon, but a boy?
  89. >You wonder how other parents would feel about you encouraging him with this.
  90. >And fuck them if they have a problem with it.
  91. >You are going to love and support your son no matter what.
  92. >There is no question he can handle the intelligence needed to play and the maturity from what you've seen too
  93. >And he enjoys fantasy books when presented them from the library.
  94. >You just hope Chrys doesn't get him hooked on her Hyperspace Hyper-whatever it is.
  95. >That is an expensive hobby.
  96. "I'm opening this Chrys, you want some?"
  97. >You ask holding up the bottle she brought.
  98. >"Yes please."
  99. >One thing is certain though.
  100. >You are going to take home outside this weekend and play catch with him or something sports related.
  101. >You don't mind him being a janegirl, and want to encourage him.
  102. >And a part of you wants to see him play sports like you did.
  103. >But on a selfish note, you just want to play ball with him.
  104. >You think while taking a sip of the drink you just poured.
  105. >Fuck that is strong!
  106. >You're going to need to mix it with something or you will be fucked up tonight.
  108. >You are Celestia, and you are planning on playing outside with your son.
  109. >So you are in the garage digging though your old sports gear.
  110. >You always wanted to play ball with your kid.
  111. >Just never thought it would be like this.
  112. >Not that this is bad, just different.
  113. >You thought you would have had a husband, and that never really worked out.
  114. >Sure you had guys back in high school and college, but none were marrying types.
  115. >Then when you decided to be a teacher, your options dried up even more.
  116. >Why is being a teacher an immediate date killer?
  117. >And then came Anon.
  118. >And you love him with all your heart as if he were your own.
  119. >But the second potential dates hear you're a single mother, they want no part of you.
  120. >And fuck them then.
  121. >If it comes down to either a date or your son, you will choose Anon everytime.
  122. >There it is.
  123. >Your old baseball glove.
  124. >Still with baseball inside.
  125. >You slip it on and take the ball in your free hand and throw it into the gloved hand.
  126. >A smile comes to your face.
  127. "Still fits like a glove."
  128. >You chuckle to yourself.
  129. "A baseball GLOVE."
  130. >You laugh a little harder at your stupid pun.
  131. >You're a mom so you can get away with the bad joke.
  132. >It's expected.
  133. >Let's see now.
  134. >Got your glove, gew balls, bats, soccer ball, football, ugh those need are in them.
  135. >Going to need the pump then.
  136. >Wait he will need a glove for him though as Luna's probably won't fit him.
  137. >Also is he right or left handed?
  138. >You always wanted to break in a glove with your kid, just like your mom did with you too.
  139. >You head back inside the house.
  140. "Hey sunshine?"
  141. >You call out.
  142. >"Yeah mom?"
  143. >He responds from it sounds like his room.
  144. >You also hear him start to walk towards you so you decide to meet up with him.
  145. >You meet up in the hallway just outside his room.
  146. "You want to go out and get a glove so we can play catch outside?"
  147. >You ask hopefully.
  148. >Because you can hope to play ball all you want, but if he doesn't want to then it will be for nothing.
  149. >He looks at you for a moment.
  150. >A smile forms on his lips.
  151. >"I'd love to mom."
  152. >The breath you didn't know you were even holding gets exhaled and you are smiling too.
  153. "Okay, go get your shoes on and meet me at the car."
  155. >You're riding in the car with Celestia, going to a sports shop to buy you a glove.
  156. >One of the sucky things about being a kid again is good gloves don't fit you.
  157. >So you're going to need one of those piece of shit kid gloves.
  158. >Those things can barely be used to catch a tennis ball in them.
  159. >It really made her happy to do this with you.
  160. >Kinda like a dad in your world would be happy to play ball with their kid.
  161. >You enjoy the radio while driving to the resale sports shop.
  162. >Music is surprisingly the same, like eerily the same.
  163. >Only songs you are used to being sung by men are now sung by women and everything is flipped.
  164. >... Fucking wizard.
  165. >You pull up to the store and wait for the car to stop before getting unbuckled and stepping out.
  166. >The smell of leather immediately hits you as you walk inside.
  167. >You're both greeted by the worker behind the counter... who has rainbow hair.
  168. >"Hello, welcome!"
  169. >He calls out as you come inside.
  170. >"Hello."
  171. "Hi."
  172. >You both respond.
  173. >"Can I help you find anything at all?"
  174. >"We're looking for a baseball glove for my son. A good one that will last a few years."
  175. >Celestia explains.
  176. >He nods holding his chin in his hand while thinking.
  177. >"I think I've got just the thing. Follow me."
  178. >He says while motioning him to follow you.
  179. >"So you looking for new or used?"
  180. >"Either is fine. Though used you don't need to break in the glove, I do miss doing that myself."
  181. >"I hear that. It's one of the things my wife and I enjoy doing too."
  182. >He says with a chuckle and leads you to the baseball section.
  183. >"Here we are, and perfect! My daughter's here stocking. Sweetie, show these nice people the gloves please."
  184. >"Okay dad."
  185. >You hear her before you get into the isle.
  186. >It's Rainbow Dash.
  187. >"So what can I help you wi- ANON!?"
  188. "Hi Rainbow."
  189. >The man who lead you here was starting to walk away but stopped when he heard her.
  190. >"Wait, young man. Is your name Anon?"
  191. >He asks crouching down to get on your level.
  192. >Celestia gets close to you and you feel her hand on your shoulder.
  193. "Yes, sir."
  194. >"As in the Anon that my daughter here won't stop talking about?"
  195. >You look over at Rainbow and see her face go red.
  196. "That depends on what she told you. I'd only believe the good stuff if she told you any."
  197. >You say trying to make a joke.
  198. >"It's only been good stuff! She won't stop talking about you my boy! All my wife and I hear is how you are running circles around everyone in gym and sometimes that even includes my little girl here! I was wondering when you'd come into our shop. Hold on, I need to go get my wife."
  199. >He says and runs off.
  200. >You look at Rainbow and if her face was red before, then she must want the ground to open up and swallow her whole right now.
  201. >"H-hi Anon, Miss Celestia."
  202. >"Hello Rainbow Dash, can you help us find a good baseball glove for Anon here?"
  203. >Celestia tries to bring her out of her embarrassment.
  204. >"O-okay. Right over here."
  205. >She leads you to the gloves.
  206. >"You don't want any of those ones there."
  207. >She says gesturing to the baby blue 'boys' gloves.
  208. >"They will work, but you want these."
  209. >She picks up a real leather glove, instead of the trendy generic one.
  210. >"I have one just like it, best one we sell. You're right handed right? I've seen you throw at school- not that I'm watching you or anything! I just remember is all."
  211. >She says handing you the glove.
  212. >You try it on and it has that tight feel from a new glove and you try to close it.
  213. >Really needs to be broken in.
  214. >You look at the price of the glove.
  215. >Wow, that is a lot.
  216. >You can't ask Celestia to buy you this, even if she did offer.
  217. "Thanks, but do you have anything used or cheaper?"
  218. >She is about to respond when you hear footsteps come down the isle.
  219. >It's Rainbow's dad and you assume mom.
  220. >"Why hello there, my name is Windy and you already met my husband Bow. Welcome to our store!"
  221. >She says extending a hand to Celestia who shakes it.
  222. >"Hello, I'm Celestia and this is my son Anon."
  223. >She says gesturing to you.
  224. >Windy looks you over.
  225. >"He is every bit the boy she described dear. Just look at the way he's holding that glove."
  226. >"I know, a natural like our daughter. Even picked out the best one too."
  227. >The two confer with eachother.
  228. >"Our little Rainbow has been telling us so much about you."
  229. "She has has she? Like what?"
  230. >You ask, deciding to tease Rainbow a little more.
  231. >"Everyday we hear how you are so good at gym and sports at recess. It's been making her come home and practice extra hard after helping out at the shop to get better at it all."
  232. >"What is it she says hun? 'I gotta prove how good I am' or something like that?"
  233. >"Yeah, that's pretty much it. And how smart he is too."
  234. >"Sports AND brains? Sounds like you hit the jackpot there Miss Celestia."
  235. >"And then we hear about him being Fluttershy's friend, which is so nice because the poor girl only had our Dashie as a friend until recently it seemed."
  236. >"Don't forget the whole falling incident at recess either. She really-"
  237. >"MOM! DAD! PLEASE! Please just stop."
  238. >Rainbow yells and it breaks up their talking.
  239. >Luckily.
  240. >"Oh, we're sorry."
  241. >Windy says to all of you.
  242. >"We get so excited about anything our little girl does and when we saw her get excited about your boy, well..."
  243. >"I see you found a good glove there sport. Would you like me to ring it up for you?"
  244. "Actually, I was still-"
  245. >"Hey mom, dad! I was wondering, since he's a friend and all, can he maybe have a discount like you let me have when I get stuff?"
  246. >Rainbow asks, cutting you off.
  247. >The two look at each other for a moment and then smile at her.
  248. >"Sure slugger. I suppose we could give him the friends and family discount."
  249. >Her mom says to her with a wink.
  250. >And her face went red again.
  251. >Man she must really be embarrassed by her parents.
  252. >"Did you need anything else? Bat, balls, stuff like that?"
  253. >The dad asks.
  254. >"No thank you, I still have a bunch of supplies from when I played."
  255. >Celestia explains as you all walk to the counter.
  256. >"Wait a minute, you said your name was Celestia right? I thought you looked familiar, honey you remember her? She was on the college team that won the title. No wonder your son is so good."
  257. >"That was a long time ago."
  258. >Huh, you did not know that about her.
  259. >Guess you should ask her about it later.
  260. >You also notice Rainbow has been walking with you as well.
  261. "Hey, thanks for offering the discount."
  262. >"Y-yeah. No problem. What are friends for."
  263. >She says while brushing her hair with her hand and smiles at you.
  264. >It's a good thing she isn't trying to be better than you anymore and has mellowed out since you and her had that race.
  265. >She's a lot more bearable now.

EQG Kid Anon - Meeting the HuMane Six

by theEQGkid

EQG KidAnon - Playing Games

by theEQGkid

EQG KidAnon - Nightmare Night

by theEQGkid