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EQG KidAnon - Nightmare Night

By theEQGkid
Created: 2023-10-25 01:07:34
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Whooo-eeeee! Just smell that air. I tell ya, nothing finer."
  2. >Applejack says.
  3. >You oblige and take a deep breath.
  4. >It smells sweet, like apples.
  5. >Probably why they called it Sweet Apple Acers.
  6. >You and everyone else just got off the bus for the feild trip.
  7. >Despite being primarily an apple farm, they have a small pumpkin patch.
  8. >And also have a deal with the school to have the kids pick out pumpkins for Halloween.
  9. >Only they call it Nightmare Night in this world.
  10. >Fucking wizard...
  11. >"Now remember class, everyone needs to be on their best behavior. We are guests here."
  12. >Miss Goldenstar tells your class.
  13. >"Breal into groups and you can explore the petting zoo, corn maze, and even the hay ride before it is time to pick pumpkins. So go enjoy and find me or a chaperone if you need anything."
  14. >Way to be hands off Goldstar.
  15. >You going to sit in the shade and drink from your water bottle that may or may not be vodka too?
  16. >"Hey sugarcube, looks like I can finally show you around the farm."
  17. >Applejack walks over to you and says.
  18. >I did ask Celestia about coming here per her invitation earlier, but she said there would be a feild trip soon anyway.
  19. >"Maybe I can show you around?"
  20. >That's nice of her to offer.
  21. >No one would know this place better than her anyway.
  22. >You are about to answer her when a pink poof pokes right between you two.
  23. >"Wow! This is nothing like my families rock farm!"
  24. >Pinkie says excitedly.
  25. >You turn to look at her and see Fluttershy next to Rainbow walking towards you, Twilight came by to your other side and Rarity close behind too.
  26. >The other kids are running around and disregarding the rules the teacher just told them.
  27. "I guess this is our group then. Is this too many for the tour Applejack?"
  28. >She looks at all of you and sighs.
  29. >"I suppose I can show you all around."
  30. >It might be more than she is used to showing around all at once so you understand her frustration.
  31. >"Alright, let's go everyone. I'll show you around."
  32. >She says and you all start to follow.
  33. >You turn to Twilight.
  34. "You have your pillow case for your pumpkin?"
  35. >"Mmm-hmmm."
  36. >She responds positively while holding up an old pillow case they told everyone they needed to bring.
  37. >Depending on how big the pumpkin she picks is, you may end up carrying it for her.
  38. >Pinkie is strong enough to hold her own, Rainbow should be able to take hers and Fluttershy's, Rarity may need help, and Applejack... well she is strong enough and doesn't have far to take hers anyway.
  39. >As you are walking, you take a moment to just breath and take it all in.
  40. >You can hear kids voices merging into one big white noise, slight chill in the air, leaves are changing, you smell apples and hay.
  41. >It's really relaxing here.
  42. >"So this here is the petting zoo we setup. Nothing much, but we grabbed some of the more mellow critters and put them in here for everyone to interact with. Ain't that right Jessabell?"
  43. >She says to a goat that came over to her and rubs it's head.
  44. >In fact, when Applejack walked up to the fence all the animals came up to her.
  45. >Probably think she's going to feed them since they know her for doing that.
  46. >Fluttershy is very interested in seeing them, not so much Angel who is happy to stay in his bag.
  47. >"Oh my goodness, look at you. Let me get something for you sweetie."
  48. >She takes a coin and puts it into the feeder machine and gets a bit of feed in her hand.
  49. >"Here you go."
  50. >She says and holds out her hand to the goat.
  51. >"Now remember, you need to keep you fingers flat and not curved so they don't bite you accidentally."
  52. >Applejack explains to her.
  53. >"That looks like fun!"
  54. >Pinkie exclaims and comes over with a giant handful of feed.
  55. >Rainbow is next to Fluttershy with her arms behind her head watching, Twilight is content to just watch, and Rarity... she is standing a little at a distance bit still close.
  56. >Maybe she doesn't feel invited or doesn't like animals.
  57. "Hey Rarity. Did you want to see the animals?"
  58. >"Oh! No, no thank you."
  59. >She replies.
  60. >Maybe she just doesn't like animals.
  61. >You get it, you're fine not petting a goat.
  62. >But then again you're like a twenty something year old man.
  63. >Man birthdays are going to be confusing here.
  64. >"Anon, what do you think of this?"
  65. >She holds up her pillow case.
  66. >"I made it myself! I've been practicing sewing."
  67. "Wow, you made that?"
  68. >You ask with a smile.
  69. "That's really impressive."
  70. >She smiles and blushes a little while brushing her hair with her free hand at the compliment.
  71. >She must be a little embarrassed about showing off her work.
  72. >"Thanks. I've been practicing ever since you showed me those patterns and gave me the idea to start sewing. I'm not comfortable enough for clothes yet but a sinole pillow case is fine."
  73. >It looks good, if she hadn't told you then you would never have known.
  74. >Come to think of it, you have seen her repeating clothes now.
  75. >Not that you are focusing on what clothes a little girl would be wearing, just that you notice she isn't wearing new things every day like she did.
  76. "Well, let me know if there's any issue with the seams or anything. I'll let you use mine if yours break or rips."
  77. >You offer holding up your own makeshift sack.
  78. >"Thank you, I will."
  79. >She smiles again and nods.
  80. >You walk back towards the other girls and notice Rarity follow behind.
  81. >Good you made her feel more welcome.
  82. "Did I miss anything?"
  83. >You whisper to Twilight.
  84. >"Despite Pinkie's abundance of food, the animals seem to prefer Fluttershy's demeanor and general attitude more."
  85. "Huh, go figure."
  86. >"And Pinkie also asked if Applejack has any alligators."
  87. >Up until you came to this world you'd have thought that question strange.
  88. "And does she?"
  89. >"No."
  90. "That's good to know."
  91. >"Agreed."
  92. >You see man walking over to your group you don't recognize, but he's also wearing a cowboy hat so you assume he works here.
  93. >"Hey there AJ, you showing your friends here around?"
  94. >"Pa!"
  95. >Applejack says excitedly and runs up to him and hugs him.
  96. >Then again he could just be Applejack's father.
  97. >They seem more open and she is definitely less embarrassed by her father at least than many kids you know.
  98. >Celestia made a system where if you see eachother at school, so as not to bring unwanted attention and just keep saying 'hi' all day, you would make eye contact and blink slowly and hold it for a little longer than a normal blink.
  99. >Sure it's a little silly, but it makes her happy to see you and you always like when she smiles after you do it for her.
  100. >Even Luna got into the signal.
  101. >"Pa, I want you to meet someone. This is Anon, and these are my friends from school."
  102. >She says gesturing to you and the girls.
  103. >She probably pointed you out alone because you are closest to her.
  104. >"Oh, so you're Anon then? AJ here has been telling me about you. Says you'd probably fit in around here."
  105. >He extends a hand to you.
  106. >Your instincts take over and your body knows exactly what to do.
  107. >You've practiced for this your whole adult life on the perfect handshake.
  108. >Confidently extend your hand, check, firm grip... as firm a grip as your new body can manage, check, maintain eye contact, check.
  109. >If this was a job interview you would totally get the job.
  110. >You feel his calloused hand and can tell right away he works with his hands all day.
  111. >You would not want to get into a fight with this guy either.
  112. >You can also tell he didn't go too hard because you are a kid, but he still put some extra grip into the shake due to principal and years of doing this.
  113. >"That's a good handshake you got there son. I can see why AJ here said you remind her of her brother Mac. You ever consider farm work? It might suit you and it's a good honest days work."
  114. >He says and let's go of your hand.
  115. "Thanks for the offer sir, but right now I'm focusing on school to help my mom out."
  116. >Besides, aren't there child labor laws in this world or something?
  117. >Or is that backwards here too you shit wizard!?
  118. >"Family driven too... I respect that. Well, if you change your mind just let AJ here know."
  119. >He says rustling her hat she's wearing.
  120. >"Soooo... you run this entire farm?"
  121. >Twilight says while coming right next to you.
  122. >"Oh not just me. There's my wife and me, Granny Smith, Big Mac, AJ, and little Apple Bloom too. Course little Bloom is far to young to be helping for now."
  123. >He explains.
  124. >"That reminds me, I should go check on ma and see how she and Granny Smith are doing. Be good now dumpling."
  125. >He says while taking off her hat and kissing her head before putting it back on her head.
  126. >"Bye pa."
  127. >She waves to him as he walks off.
  128. >"Come on y'all, let me show you the pumpkin patch and see of anyone finds one they want."
  129. >She leads everyone to the pumpkins.
  130. "He seemed nice."
  131. >"Uh huh. Hey, did you study for the math test coming up?"
  132. >Twilight asks.
  133. "Of course."
  134. >You lie through your teeth.
  135. >Why would you need to study for a grade school test?
  136. >The only thing you even need to study is history, mainly because the names are all crazy sounding compared to what you are used to.
  137. "Did you want me to come over and help you study again?"
  138. >"Yes please. It helps me so much."
  139. >She answers.
  140. >She'd probably be fine with how much she studies anyway, but it's become a tradition or good luck charm for her to have you go over questions and answers with her before tests.
  141. >You're lead over to the smaller patch and begin to look over all the options.
  142. >The ones you're allowed to pick from are already in rows you can just grab and go with.
  143. >You're fine with any actually.
  144. >You never really got into carving pumpkins when you were young, maybe because your parents never got into it so you never did either.
  145. >You see the girls pick out their own, except for Applejack.
  146. >Must be hard not being able to do this.
  147. "You going to pick one too?"
  148. >You ask walking up to her.
  149. >"Nah, my family normally get what's left and let everyone else pick out what they want since they pay for them. We normally have more than enough left over to pick from though so everyone can get at least one to carve up. We use the rest people don't buy for pies and such."
  150. >She seems a little sad though.
  151. >Guess you never considered it from the farmer's family's point of view.
  152. "Would you like to help me pick out a good one? It'd be like you got to pick one yourself if you like."
  153. >You ask trying to get her involved so she can still 'pick' a pumpkin.
  154. >"Yeah, I think I could help with that."
  155. >She looks at you and smiles.
  156. >She goes down the row with a discerning eye and occassionally taps the gourd.
  157. >"What do you think of this one?"
  158. >She finally says with a nice pumpkin in front of her.
  159. >You crouch down and look it over.
  160. >Not too big, not too small, no bumps or anything like that.
  161. >Pretty much a perfect pumpkin.
  162. "It looks great. I'll take it."
  163. >You say getting your pillow case ready.
  164. >As you pick it up by the stem to brush the dirt off the bottom, you notice her smiling.
  165. >She must appreciate being able to pick out a pumpkin while they are in season instead of just picking from the left overs.
  166. >Once the pumpkin is as clean as you can get it without washing it, you put it in the case and sling it over your shoulder.
  167. >You see Fluttershy and Rainbow in the last row pointing at different pumpkins trying to pick out good ones.
  168. >Pinkie seems to have found a one with bumps all over it.
  169. >She sees you looking at her.
  170. >"Nonny! Look! I'm going to make a party witch with this!"
  171. >You don't want to yell back, so you respond by giving her a thumbs up instead.
  172. >Twilight seems to have found one herself and is just finishing putting it in her case too.
  173. >You put yours down and walk over to her.
  174. "Need a hand?"
  175. >"No, I got it."
  176. >She grabs the case and tries to fling it over he shoulder like you did but she goes flying backwards with the momentum she had.
  177. >"WHAAA!"
  178. >You reach out and catch her to stop her from falling on her back.
  179. "How about I just carry it for you?"
  180. >"O-okay..."
  181. >You pick up hers and your pumpkin and sling one over each shoulder.
  182. >You see Rarity trying to lift hers without getting any dirt on herself.
  183. "You okay Rarity?
  184. >"Oh yes, just trying to get this dirty pumpkin into my brand new pillow case is all."
  185. >You walk over and put the pumpkins you're already carrying down and just pick hers up.
  186. >You dust it off the way you did yours as best you can for her.
  187. >"Anonymous, please! I had it all under control."
  188. "It's fine. Here I got most of it off, so please open up the bag."
  189. >She complies and opens the bag for you to put it in.
  190. >You pull on her bag and the seams seem to hold so she did a good job making it.
  191. >Heh.
  192. >Seams seem.
  193. >You pick up her pumpkin and go back for yours and Twilight's.
  194. >"I can carry mine fine, please Anon."
  195. "But I already have it."
  196. >You see Rainbow come over with Fluttershy and she is carrying both of their pumpkins like you thought.
  197. >You did not expect the one Fluttershy to pick would be so large though.
  198. >Her pillow case looks like it has one double the size of the one Rainbow picked.
  199. >"Seriously?"
  200. >Rainbow looks at you and says before turning to Rarity and Twilight.
  201. >"You're making him carry yours? Here give me one of those."
  202. >She tries to reach for one with her full hands.
  203. "It's fine, I offered. So where do we take these?"
  204. >You ask Applejack.
  205. >"You can take them up front to Granny Smith and she can check them out. Then you can store them there till we go back to school."
  206. >Works for you.
  207. >These pumpkins are getting heavy for your little kid body.
  208. >Maybe you should work out more?
  209. >Add that to the list of things you need to do like buy stocks or bitcoins... and get money for such things.
  210. >You walk up front and Applejack is first.
  211. >"Hey there Granny Smith!"
  212. >"Well hey there sweetie, are toy having fin with your friends?"
  213. >"Yes ma'am, I brought them up to check there pumpkins and am going to take them back for the maze."
  214. >"That's good. So what does everyone have?"
  215. >Pinkie walks up and opens her bag to show hers before getting a nod and placing it on a shelf.
  216. >Rainbow is struggling now but manages to being the two up, leaving Fluttershy to awkwardly stand next to her.
  217. >"It was very nice of you to help your friend."
  218. >Granny says with another nod.
  219. >You go up and place the three pumpkins down on the counter.
  220. >You breath a sigh of relief from not having to carry the weight anymore.
  221. >Granny Smith is scowling and looking at Twilight and Rarity.
  222. >"You two mind telling me why you able bodies girls are making a boy carry your stuff? Ain't you got any pride in yourselves?"
  223. >"No Granny, I-"
  224. >"And dont think I'm not upset at you too! Least you could have done was offer to carry his. It's called hospitality, and I though we raised you better than that."
  225. >Well, you can stand around all day or just get this over with.
  226. "I offered, okay?"
  227. >You say as you pick them up again and walk them to the shelves.
  228. >You can tell she wants to say more but is deciding against.
  229. >Best you all move along.
  230. "There's still a while left in the feild trip. Applejack, can you show us that corn maze?"
  231. >"Uh, sure thing partner. I'm gonna go... show them the corn maze."
  232. >She says to her granny behind the counter while slowly shuffling away.
  233. >"See you after school then."
  234. >You know that tone.
  235. >Means this isn't over.
  236. >Once you are away from Granny Smith you go next to Applejack.
  237. "Hey, sorry if I was out of line or got you in trouble."
  238. >"Don't worry about it. Granny is just old and set in her ways. Now a days just ain't like they were when she grew up. And I know if I would have offered to carry your bag you would have said no. You're not that kinda guy. You like to do things for yourself. And I respect that. You're not waiting for someone else to do everything for you because you're a boy."
  239. >She explains.
  240. >You've been trying to be self reliant as best you can, but can see how that comes across as this world's equivalent of 'I'm a strong independent woman who don't need no man.'
  241. >"Besides, if she gives any trouble, I'm sure Pa will go to bat for you. Especially since he's a strong fella himself. Granny never could say no to him anyway."
  242. >You smile and nod in response.
  243. >Sounds like the professional handshake saved the day again.
  245. ----------------
  247. >It's almost Halloween, or Nightmare Night.
  248. >Celestia and Luna have been invited to a Hallo- a costume party.
  249. >Velvet and Nightlight were invited too like every other year.
  250. >You were told that the kids, unfortunately meaning you in this situation, go out trick or treating while the grownups enjoy the party for a bit.
  251. >The host's daughter Cadance is the one who normally watches the kids and takes them out for a few hours.
  252. >Cadance has also been babysitting Twilight since she was born and has watched you a few times too when both Celestia and Luna were both unavailable.
  253. >Not the same as babysitting.
  254. >She is decent enough and is always good with the kids she watches.
  255. >But you are a little jaded because this feels incredibly condescending to be watched by a person who is technically younger than you.
  256. >Twilight did a dance when she saw her for the first time.
  257. >Apparently it was a thing they did since she was young and they still do.
  258. >A good thing about Cadance's neighborhood is that it is rich.
  259. >So generally that means better candy.
  260. >There are a few other kids with you too but you probably won't see them again so you honestly didn't bother to try and remember their names.
  261. >Shining is with you too, but he is at that odd age where he doesn't need to be babysat but isn't old enough for the party.
  262. >He's basically the same age as Cadance.
  263. >You also see Cadance walking very close to Shining and are pretty sure she's hitting on him.
  264. >But the guy just isn't registering it.
  265. >Looks like even guys in this world don't know they are being hit on unless the person is incredibly blunt about it.
  266. >Everyone else can see it though.
  267. >Shining is a knight, Cadance is a witch, Twilight is a scientist, and you... are a different enough to not get sued generic Disneigh prince.
  268. >You fucking hate the horse puns of this world.
  269. >That small dicked wizard that sent you here probably had a horse fetish too.
  270. >Your group goes to the first house with the porch light on and rings the doorbell.
  271. "Tri-"
  272. >"Nightmare Night, what a fright, give us something sweet to bite!"
  273. >Is that what you fucking have to say each time!?
  274. >"Oh now look at you all! Very good."
  275. >The woman says and takes full sized bars and places them into your pails.
  276. "Thank you."
  277. >You say instinctively as she gives you one.
  278. >You have never gotten a full size bar trick or treating before.
  279. >This Crystal whatever area certainly is different from where you live.
  280. >Time to move on to the next one.
  281. >"Hey, that's a nice prince costume."
  282. > A girl with freckles in your group says to you.
  283. "Oh, thanks."
  284. >"Too bad it looks so generic I can't tell which prince you're supposed to be."
  285. >She adds to her previous statement with a smile.
  286. >You hear the other kids who came with her start to giggle.
  287. >The fuck?
  288. >You just raise an eyebrow at her and just wonder for a bit what the actual fuck is wrong with this girl.
  289. >You know kids are brutally honest but the way she said it was deliberate.
  290. >Is she like a psychopath or something?
  291. >"Hey leave him alone."
  292. >Twilight comes to your defense.
  293. >"Oh look, the poor girl from last year is back. Bit of advice, a lab coat and flour in your hair is not a costume."
  294. >"It's actually corn starch, not flour."
  295. >Twilight corrects her.
  296. >Not helping Twilight, not helping.
  297. >You look back at Cadance to see if she is going to intervene in this at all, but she is just talking with Shining and not paying attention.
  298. >Because why should she be paying attention to the kids she's being paid to watch?
  299. >The bitch walks back to her group and starts talking with them.
  300. >You don't want to cause a scene right when you start and possibly make Celestia and Luna look bad.
  301. >So you decide against making her cry, for now.
  302. "So what kind of candy bar did you get?"
  303. >You ask Twilight to distract her from the encounter.
  304. >"The same kind as you right?"
  305. "Yeah, just wanted to make sure. Smart move with the corn starch too, I think it looks good. Really adds the affect."
  306. >She smiles at you.
  307. >Distraction complete.
  308. >You continue with the trick or treating, no you're not calling it Nightmare Nighting or whatever it's called.
  309. >Cadance occasionally checks in on the rest of the kids and is otherwise awkwardly flirting with Shining.
  310. >More than one time even calling him a knight in shining armor.
  311. >How does he not see he is being hit on, is he blind?
  312. >No, all he does is comment on her outfit and says how a mage and knight combo in O&O would be a good balance of offense and defense.
  313. >Velvet was jealous you said you wanted to be involved in their game night with Chrysalis and tried to get her kids into it too.
  314. >Shining took to it more than Twilight but she still enjoys it.
  315. >You reach the next house and just lip sync what they are saying.
  316. >Get more candy and repeat.
  317. >Not all of them are full size bars but a lot are.
  318. >You see Twilight struggling with her pail.
  319. "Here, let me get that for you."
  320. >You reach over and take it in your hand and carry it for her.
  321. >It does weigh a lot now and you can see how it might be awkward for her.
  322. >"But-"
  323. "Don't worry, you can have it back when we walk up to the next house. Besides, scientists shouldn't be doing all that manual labor."
  324. >"But then by that logic, princes shouldn't either."
  325. >You think about it for a second and she's right.
  326. "Well, yeah. But have you seen the recent Disneigh movies where the princes are all strong and independent? I'm like that kind."
  327. [spoiler]>"I'm happy you're my prince."[/spoiler]
  328. >Twilight said something to herself you couldn't make out.
  329. "What was that? I couldn't here you."
  330. >"Nothing! Nothing at all!"
  331. >She says quickly.
  332. >You hand her back her bucket for the next house.
  333. >As you walk away after getting your candy Candace looks at her watch and then back up at all of you.
  334. >"Okay kids, let's head back."
  335. >Twilight is looking down at her candy with a smile.
  336. >It makes you happy to see her happy.
  337. >"It must have been a good day for you two."
  338. >The freckled girl from before says.
  339. >"Too bad you both have to go back to where you came from, bit I guess it is nice to experience the good life. Even if just once a year."
  340. >Alright, fuck it.
  341. "Look, you have been on our cases since we started and I have had it. You think you are so much better than us because you live here and have an expensive costume."
  342. >"Of course I'm better. As you said, I live here and have am expensive costume."
  343. "That doesn't make you better. That makes your parents better, and you are just riding their coat tails. They did that, not you. Twilight has parents that love her and work with her to MAKE her the costume she wants because they love her. Your parents bought you an expensive outfit to make themselves look good, so everyone can look at you and say how much money they spent on it."
  344. >She is just staring at you with her mouth open.
  345. "You are an accessory to them, nothing more. Just something to make them look better to their peers. When was the last time they told you they loved you?"
  346. >You just shake your head at her.
  347. "I feel sorry for you. You are relying on everyone else and are probably going to be someone who peeks in high school and never goes on to accomplish anything of value on their own. So yeah, we will go back to our homes and live good fulfilling lives with families that love us. Thank you and your rich parents for the nice candy."
  348. >You finish your rant and notice everyone is looking at you.
  349. >The girl looks like she's going to cry.
  350. >"Anonymous! You need to apologize to Sour Sweet right now."
  351. >Cadance says to you.
  352. >Did she just fucking say that?
  353. "And you. If you were actually paying attention to the kids you're supposed to be watching, you would have seen her tormenting Twilight all day. But instead you were busy flirting with Shining and him being too dense to notice. Either be babysitting or be on a date, pick one."
  354. >You are not in the mood to be talked down to by a teenager.
  355. "I tried to let it slide the first few times but she kept at it. Turns out she can dish it out but can't take it. And then the last person gets blamed instead of the instigator. Get your own house in order before you come after others."
  356. >She looks at you in surprise.
  357. >Probably because no one talked to her like that, let alone a kid.
  358. >"Sour Sweet, were you saying things to Twilight and Anon that started this all?"
  359. >She asked the young girl.
  360. >"W-what? No, I was just walking with my friends and he started being mean. And then, and then he said I needed to give him my candy."
  361. >Lying cunt.
  362. >Cadance looks from her to you.
  363. >"That isn't true Cadance! Anon didn't ask for her candy and she said mean things first. Just like every year..."
  364. >This surprises her.
  365. >"Twilight, is this all true? Have you been being bullied?"
  366. >And the 'No Shit' prize goes to Cadance.
  367. >"Why didn't you say anything to me about this?"
  368. >Twilight just looks at the ground.
  369. >"So what are you going to do to him?"
  370. >The girl with freckles asks.
  371. >"I am going to believe him. He has never lied to me and neither has Twilight. I trust them. So I'm not going to do anything. Now let's all go back, and I want you to stop bullying Sour."
  372. >She says and leads the kids away.
  373. >Shining walks up next to you.
  374. >"Hey, so you really think Cadance was hitting on me?"
  375. >You look at him and shake your head in frustration.
  376. >This fucking idiot.
  377. "Yes, but stop talking about O&O. She isn't into it and is humoring you. She seems okay with you liking it but isn't into it herself. Talk about her instead."
  378. >Why are you bothering with this dense idiot anyway and how could he not see she was into him?
  379. >Just again goes to show people are clueless to this kinda stuff when it involves themselves even though everyone else can see it clear as day.
  380. >You like to think you can tell if someone likes you, just hasn't happened here though.
  381. >Guess you are the exception to the rule.

EQG Kid Anon - Meeting the HuMane Six

by theEQGkid

EQG KidAnon - Playing Games

by theEQGkid

EQG KidAnon - Nightmare Night

by theEQGkid