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Single Players (Anon x Fluttershy, EQG, updated 9-4-24)

By MagnaAnon
Created: 2023-10-26 01:09:12
Updated: 2024-09-04 22:58:00
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Anon, and right now you're doing your best to concentrate...on the game you're playing.
  2. >Which is hard to do when you have dozens of comments flashing past your second computer monitor.
  3. >Not to mention donations popping up every so often.
  4. >Such is the life of an online streamer, which you've been doing for over a year now.
  5. >You've always enjoyed watching people playing games online, be it on TubeTwo or Quiver.
  6. >It eventually inspired you to wanting to try it yourself.
  7. >You already had a computer with software powerful enough to handle such a thing, so why not?
  8. >You also had most of the other necessary equipment, including a good camera to a nice microphone.
  9. >With that, you posted on your socials about starting your own live channel, hoping enough word would get out.
  10. >It was tough at first, with only a handful of people watching you at any given time, but you knew this was to be expected.
  11. >You went through multiple titles to try and find some that would spark more interest, and also as a means of keeping things fresh.
  12. >By the six-month mark, you had garnered a small following, and your reputation slowly spread.
  13. >You added a little donation tab merely as a joke, as you didn't expect anyone to pitch anything in.
  14. >To your surprise, quite a few did, and you started seeing a little bit of money coming in.
  15. >Certainly not enough to live off of, but at least it helped cover some of your expenses.
  16. >You got some of your buddies involved, too, and at least once a week was devoted to group steams, where you'd all get together and play the latest shoot'em up or beat'em up for a few hours.
  17. >Tonight is a solo night for you, and the last one before school starts up again.
  18. >You'd be busier with upcoming homework, so you've been streaming a little longer this past week or so to make up for it.
  19. >You're in the middle of a platforming game at the moment: 'Mega Matteo Maker.'
  20. >There's an multi-player mode where you and three other online users race to the finish in all sorts of randomized courses.
  21. >You're in the lead at the moment, and you're certain this one will be a breeze.
  22. >You hit the last segment, charging towards the flagpole...
  23. >...then the 'First Place' mark comes up for somebody else.
  24. “Wait, what the hell?” You exclaim.
  25. >You're in disbelief as you hit second, and you're watching the first character doing a little programmed victory dance.
  26. “Hang on, did any of you guys see this person get ahead?” You ask your viewers. “I sure didn't...”
  27. >As the other two players make it to the end, you read replies including 'Not me,' 'Hax,' and 'Cheater.'
  28. >The stage ends, and the user names are posted with their placings.
  29. >The user who won catches your attention – CrimsonSunset64...
  30. “Hold on, guys” you say in surprise. “I know who this is...”
  32. >Morning comes, as does the first day of school.
  33. >It's the start of Junior year for you, and you're not quite sure what to expect.
  34. >Today is intros to what your classes would be like, but you're not really focused on it.
  35. >When lunchtime comes, you meet with your friends.
  36. >You yuk it up for a bit, though your mind is wandering elsewhere.
  37. >Once you've finished eating, you make your way to another table.
  38. >There, another group of friends is eating and gossiping.
  39. >One of them, a fiery redhead, sees you and waves you over.
  40. >“Hey Anon!” She says, and the other girls follow with their own greetings.
  41. >This was Sunset Shimmer, formerly the most popular girl at Canterlot High.
  42. >You're not sure where she came from, but she made an impact upon her arrival, quickly rising through the social ranks.
  43. >You remember she was very aggressive throughout this rise, but it came to a crashing halt at a school gathering the previous year.
  44. >At least, that's what you were told, as you were too busy to attend that function.
  45. >After that, she completely changed, mellowing out and becoming more approachable.
  46. >You later learned she had taken up gaming as a hobby, which was a surprise.
  47. >What started as a basic conversation with her on the subject turned into a fast friendship, as she actually didn't have a lot of friends to confide in with this latest interest.
  48. >It wasn't anything past a friendship, however, as she said she was harboring feelings for someone else, which you were fine with.
  49. >The rest of her group is quite a cast of characters, themselves, and you're familiar with all of them.
  50. >Twilight Sparkle, or 'Sci-Twi' as she was known in her inner circle, transferred from Crystal Prep partway through Sophomore year, and is in the running for valedictorian of the class.
  51. >Applejack, the cowboy hat-wearing farm girl, never misses the chance to tell you her honest opinions on any subject matter, and enjoys anything fruit related, not just apples.
  52. >Rarity, the beauty and drama queen of the group, enjoys all manners of wardrobe and gossip.
  53. >She's always talking about the latest fashions, either ones she sees, or those she makes for herself and her friends.
  54. >Pinkie Pie is the literal loose cannon of the group, although that's not a bad thing by any stretch.
  55. >She's also the happiest, go-lucky girl you've ever met, bringing a smile to anyone's face with enough time, consideration, and sugary goodness.
  56. >Rainbow Dash, another friend of yours since you were little kids, is always the top athlete on the girls teams, especially soccer.
  57. >The fact she was last year's team captain and top scorer just tells you how much devotion she puts into her craft, and you expect this year to be much the same.
  58. >Finally, there was Fluttershy.
  59. >Much like Rainbow, you've known each other since you were young, but you had been drifting apart as you all got older.
  60. >She's still somewhat social with you, but she's kept things mostly to herself and within her main group of friends.
  62. “Hey girls,” you reply. “Decent summers all around?”
  63. >“Fer tha most part,” Applejack states. “Ah was busy most'a tha time on tha farm, but we got a waterin' hole we could relax at durin' tha hot days.”
  64. >“It was the beach most days for me,” Rarity says. “I got to work on my tan, and showed off all of the cute and stylish swimsuits I've designed.”
  65. “I can definitely tell with the former. Would've been nice to have seen the latter.”
  66. >You say this with a playful wink, and the beauty queen chuckles.
  67. >“Perhaps another time, darling,” she replies, providing a wink of her own.
  68. >“I've been taking part in all sorts of sports competitions,” Rainbow says. “Gotta keep in shape for the real serious games down the road, right?”
  69. >“I did some traveling with my family these past few months,” Twilight states. “We were in Fillydelphia not too long ago to see some of its historical sites.”
  70. “Didn't think you much of a history buff.”
  71. >“Well, I'm not one, exactly. I thought it'd help me prepare for this year's social studies course.”
  72. “Yeah, it sounds it's gonna be a challenge, but I bet you'll get through it like everything else.”
  73. >Twilight smiles. “Thanks, I appreciate that sentiment.”
  74. >“I've been way busy over at Sugarcube Corner,” Pinkie says. “The Cakes said if I keep up the good work, I might get promoted up to full-fledged baker!”
  75. “Very cool. Hope that goes well for you. Would you get to make whatever you want back there?”
  76. >“Wish I could, but it's more based on customer needs. If I come up with something dee-lish at home that the Cakes like, they may give it a trial run to see what others think.”
  77. “I'll have to keep that in mind when I stop by down the line. Best of luck to you.”
  78. >You look over to Fluttershy, but as you lock eyes she turns away.
  79. “Hey, what's the matter?” You ask.
  80. >“Nothing...” she replies in a soft voice.
  81. >“Hey, it's okay to open up with him, remember?” Rainbow says in encouragement. “We're all friends here.”
  82. >Fluttershy still looks nervous, but she soon goes along with the conversation.
  83. >“Well...I did lots of and there...but mostly it was volunteering at the animal shelter.”
  84. “Must be a challenge working with so many different animals all at once.”
  85. >“Um...sometimes...but if you love what you can get through it easy.”
  86. “That's a nice way of putting it. Wish I knew what that was like, but I don't have any pets at home.”
  87. >Fluttershy tilts her head a little. “Oh...”
  88. “How about you, Sunset?”
  89. >“Come on, Anon,” the redhead says. “You and I have been in touch most of the summer, and meeting up every other weekend for that matter.”
  90. “Hey, just trying to include you in the group chat. There's no telling what you haven't shared with everyone else.”
  91. >She grins. “Alright. I went a few places, myself, but I did my fair share of gaming on the side...”
  93. “Speaking of games, you were playing 'Mega Matteo Maker' last night, right?”
  94. >Sunset looks surprised. “Uh...yeah I was. Why?”
  95. “Because I was, too. We somehow got grouped together in one of the Mad Dashes.”
  96. >“Hey, who are ya calling Mad Dash?” The rainbow-haired girl asks, sounding insulted.
  97. >“Take it easy,” Sunset says. “He's not talking about you. It's a game mode in that one I showed you before, remember?”
  98. >Rainbow holds up her hands as she sighs. “Sorry, sorry. You know how short a fuse I've got...”
  99. “It's fine, don't worry about it.”
  100. >“Anyway,” Sunset goes, “I did a lot of runs last night, but I don't think I saw you.”
  101. “It was about 9 or so, I think. You somehow got way ahead and hit the flagpole long before anyone else did.”
  102. >Sunset thinks. “I don't know...I didn't have any commanding leads like that.”
  103. >“Um...actually...” a voice murmurs, “that”
  104. >You and everyone else turns to Fluttershy, who's twiddling her fingers.
  105. “Wait...what?” You ask, surprised.
  106. >The rest of the girls look just as shocked, especially Sunset.
  107. >“I didn't know you played that game,” Rainbow says.
  108. >Fluttershy turns to her. “I don't...I mean...not really...”
  109. >“Now I get it,” Sunset says, looking back to you. “She came over last night to bring me a few things, and we hung out for a while.”
  110. >Fluttershy nods. “I was watching her play that Matteo game...showing me how it worked. It...looked kinda fun...”
  111. >“It's fun, alright,” Sunset states. “But when did you play it?”
  112. >“When you went to use the bathroom,” Fluttershy replies. “I only did one game...and I didn't say anything...I...didn't want you to get mad at me...”
  113. >She hangs her head low, as if expecting a reprimanding.
  114. >“Hey, hey would I be mad at you?” Sunset asks. “You didn't do anything wrong. Actually, I'm glad to hear you came out of your shell a little and tried it.”
  115. “So, how did you win that one, anyway?”
  116. >Fluttershy thinks about it. “I was...back in last place, and I didn't really know what I was doing. Suddenly...I pressed down while on top of one of those pipes, and I got sent down it...”
  117. “...and it dropped you right on top of the flagpole,” you finish.
  118. >Fluttershy nods.
  119. “How about that,” you say, impressed. “You found a random warp.”
  120. >“You're...not mad I won...are you?” She asks, looking somewhat ashamed.
  121. “Oh heck no. No one's gonna win all the time. I've had my fair share of rotten luck. You should be happy with yourself and how you did.”
  122. >The rest of the girls give their own words of encouragement, and Fluttershy gives a meek smile.
  124. >Lunch period ends soon after, and it's back to the grindstone.
  125. >The remaining classes pass by with nothing of note happening.
  126. >As school gets out for the day, you head to the gymnasium, as you forgot one of your books in the locker you used.
  127. >When you get there, you see all sorts of booths set up with various students manning them.
  128. >You recall in the morning announcements that club sign-ups would be going on all this week.
  129. >You see Rainbow and some of her sports buddies at the soccer stand, possibly trying to recruit new members for this year's team.
  130. >Twilight is at another one for the science club, and she has multiple beakers and test tubes on display.
  131. >None of the clubs you see look appealing; and even if any of them did, you wouldn't have a lot of time for them.
  132. >You walk past to the locker room and thankfully find your lost book.
  133. >As you're walking out, you see Fluttershy sitting alone at one of the tables, with a small stack of fliers on it.
  134. >She looks dejected, as people walk by without even looking at her.
  135. >Feeling bad, you make your way over to her.
  136. “Hey,” you say in greeting.
  137. >Fluttershy looks up. “Oh, um...hi Anon...” She says, halfheartedly.
  138. “What's wrong?” You ask. “It's not often I see you like this.”
  139. >“It's...nothing...”
  140. “Are you still feeling bad about the chat we had earlier?”
  141. >“'s not's just...what's going on right now. I'm...trying to find extra help for the shelter.”
  142. “And no one else has come over yet?”
  143. >Fluttershy shakes her head. “No...not yet, anyway...”
  144. “So that's what's got you down.”
  145. >“Yeah. about you...since you're over here...”
  146. “I wish I could,” you sigh, “but I'm way allergic to pet dander. I can't be in a room with a single cat or dog for five minutes without my sinuses flaring up on me.”
  147. >“Oh...I see...”
  148. “Sorry 'bout that. I can ask around and see if anyone I know wants to pitch in, if you want.”
  149. >“It's don't have to...”
  150. “But I will. I promise.”
  151. >“It's not gonna matter, really. I'm...usually the only student volunteering there, anyway...”
  152. “Must be lonely...”
  153. >“Sometimes,” she replies, lowering her head again. “It' to be with all the animals...but I can't spend all my time there. I just...wish there was more I could do...”
  155. >You rack your brain, trying to think of another way you can help.
  156. “Hey, they take money donations, don't they?”
  157. >Fluttershy looks up. “Well...yeah. There's any food and toys people can spare...”
  158. >That's when a brilliant idea comes to mind.
  159. “You know...there are lots of people that donate to causes like this online, and some do it through people they watch doing things.”
  160. >“Uh...what kind of things?”
  161. “It can be anything. Take me, for example. I play all sorts of video games for people.”
  162. >“ other people play games?”
  163. “Sure they do. You'd be surprised how many channels there are out there. One of my mine's mottoes is 'I play these so you don't have to.'”
  164. >Fluttershy giggles a little. “That's...funny...”
  165. “Hey, there we go. Feeling better?”
  166. >She gives a small smile. “A little.”
  167. “Glad to hear. But yeah, people will watch streamers play all the time. And if they like what they see, they'll send money the streamers' way.”
  168. >“What does that...have to do with this, though?”
  169. “Tell you what,” you reply, pulling out a twenty from your wallet and holding it out to her. “Here's your first donation.”
  170. >Fluttershy gasps, her eyes seemingly lighting up as she gently takes the bill from you. “Oh you...”
  171. “And there'll be more where that came from. When I stream this week, any money that comes through will go to the shelter, as well.”
  172. >The pink-haired girl becomes more and more elated. “That' generous of you...”
  173. “It's the least I can do...”
  174. >That's when another brilliant thought enters your mind.
  175. “Say...would you....wanna come over and see how it all works?”
  176. >“At your house, you mean?”
  177. “Yeah. You'd be able to experience the games from the streamer's end. Plus, you can help get the word out and make the case for helping the place.”
  178. >Fluttershy thinks about it. “ I could take a look...if you don't mind, I mean...”
  179. “It'll be a blast,” you reply. “I'll probably get started around 8, so you're welcome to show up a little sooner than that.”
  180. >“Oh...okay. I'd...have to let my parents know, first. If they're okay with it...I'll...let you know...”
  181. >You nod, and the next few minutes are spent exchanging numbers and addresses.
  182. >As you leave, you can't help but notice that Fluttershy seemed a lot more cheerful.
  183. >You wonder if she'll take you up on the invitation, and if any of this will actually work out.
  184. >No one's going to know until you actually go to try it...
  186. ------------------------------
  188. >You return to an empty house about a half-hour after your chat with Fluttershy.
  189. >Both of your parents are still at work at this point, so this gives you some quiet time for a while.
  190. >You send them a text letting them know you might be having company over later.
  191. >They seem fine with it, perhaps assuming you were organizing another big gaming session with your regular group of buddies.
  192. >Well, they'd be half-right...
  193. >Around dinner, you receive a text notification on your phone, and it's from Fluttershy.
  194. >'My parents say it's okay for me to stop over. I'll be there later.'
  195. >Shweet.
  196. >Around 7:30 or so, as you're getting things set up, you hear a knock at the door.
  197. “Got it!” You call, rushing down to answer it.
  198. >You open the door, and sure enough, your pink-haired company has arrived.
  199. > “H-hi, Anon,” Fluttershy greets with a smile and a wave.
  200. “Hey. Glad you could make it.”
  201. >“Who's here?” Your mother asks from the living room.
  202. “It's my friend,” you reply, and you wave her in.
  203. >Your father peeks out from the den, and he raises an eyebrow.
  204. >“Can't say I've ever seen you having company like this over,” he comments.
  205. >This piques your mother's interest, and she gasps at the sight.
  206. “This is Fluttershy,” you say in introduction. “She's come over to see me do some of my streaming.”
  207. >“Oh...aren't you precious,” your mother says to your guest. “You remind me of myself when I was your age.”
  208. >Fluttershy wrings her hands together. “Oh, you,” she replies, nervously.
  209. “Hey, don't mind them,” you reassure her. “They're your typical adults who like to meddle.”
  210. >Fluttershy nods, albeit still feeling tense.
  211. >“Come now,” your mother scolds, “is that what you call us getting to know a new friend of yours?”
  212. “She's...not exactly a new friend. We've known each other for a while. I just never really talked about her with you.”
  213. >Your father lowers his glasses. “Wait a I remember that name. Isn't she the reason you nearly got kicked out of school all those years ago?”
  214. >Fluttershy grips her arm, knowing what's being discussed.
  215. “Can we talk about something else?” You say, trying to change the subject. “That was a long time ago, and things have gotten way better since then.”
  216. >“Fine, fine,” your father says, putting his hands up. “Just be careful, is all.”
  217. “Yeah, no problem,” you mutter. “Come on, Shy, let's head up.”
  218. >You turn towards the stairs, and Fluttershy follows you upstairs.
  220. >You give a heavy sigh once you're in your bedroom and out of your parents' earshot.
  221. “God, I hate them sometimes...”
  222. >“I'm...sure they mean well,” Fluttershy says. “Parents are...supposed to look out for their kids...”
  223. “I know. I just hate when they bring up memories like that. That was years ago. Kindergarten!”
  224. >“But it...wasn't your fault. You were...helping me and Rainbow that day.”
  225. “The teachers didn't think so. They thought I randomly beat up on that bully without warning.”
  226. >“They got the truth later, didn't they?”
  227. “Not before they nearly kicked me out. None of them really liked me after that.”
  228. >“It's...not that they didn't like you...they just didn' your methods...”
  229. “Clocking that bastard in the nose after he nearly did the same to you and Rainbow?”
  230. >Fluttershy giggles. “Yeah...that's it...”
  231. >You can't help but chuckle, yourself.
  232. “I remember him crying like a baby as he ran away. He got what was coming to him.”
  233. >“He did. That' first real memory of us...”
  234. >You're surprised to hear this kind of comment.
  235. “Hey, I just did what my dad taught me to do. You don't go and attack a girl unless you wanna be clobbered, yourself.”
  236. >“And he didn't ever do that to anyone again, right?”
  237. “As far as we know. He got sent off to a different school after that incident, so we can't say for sure if he behaved, or if he caused trouble elsewhere.”
  238. >“ you about we...change subjects?”
  239. >You nod, guiding Fluttershy towards your setup.
  240. “ this is where the so-called magic happens...”
  241. >You go through the basics on the equipment with her, and she seems to be following along nicely.
  242. “I've got a easy, comfy game in mind tonight. Nothing real action-oriented or violent. I can have it set so we can play two different versions at the same time, should you wanna try it.”
  243. >“Oh...okay...”
  244. “Before we start, what do you call yourself?”
  245. >“ myself?”
  246. “Your online name, I mean. You shouldn't be giving out your actual name to strangers over the internet, after all...unless you're itching for lots of unwanted attention.”
  247. >“...Um...I don't...actually have anything like that...other than for emails...”
  248. “Alright, then...let's come up with something that you think would suit you. Can't be too obvious, but not overly complicated so you can remember it.”
  249. >Fluttershy puts a hand to her chin and rubs it. “Let me think...”
  251. >At 8, you begin.
  252. “Hey everybody, it's Magnamon,” you announce. “Welcome back to another live stream!”
  253. >You greet people as their comments start rolling in, with many of them asking about the person next to you.
  254. “Yeah yeah, I'm sure you're all wondering who this is. We've got a special guest tonight.”
  255. >“Fluttershy clears her throat a little. “H...hello...I'm Miss Monarch. It's...n-nice to meet you all.”
  256. >All sorts of emojis, from hearts to smiles, fill the chat.
  257. “She's here on a special mission, and we need your help to get her there.”
  258. >Fluttershy looks into the camera. “So...I volunteer at my local animal shelter, and they're...always looking for help from whoever can give it. Adoptions are the big thing...but any donations would help them a lot...”
  259. “Here's the plan,” you announce. “Whatever donations come through during my streams this week are gonna go towards the shelter. Sound good?”
  260. >There are a bunch of thumbs-up emojis and positive comments.
  261. >Fluttershy smiles at the reactions, and you brandish one of your own.
  262. “Alright, let's get started.”
  263. >You turn on two of your handheld gaming systems, each with cables connected to your computer.
  264. “We're going back to Chinpokomans tonight, to see if we can find some more sparklies.”
  265. >“Uh...sparklies?” Fluttershy asks.
  266. “They're alternate colored versions of the regular ones. They're usually hard to find, but since I've filled the 'Pedia in both of these games, the odds have been cut way down.”
  267. >“That must've taken a while...”
  268. “There are two different versions of the game, so it's really a matter of trading 'mans between them.”
  269. “We're gonna make this simple, just walking in the tall grass until you find something. If what you find doesn't glow, just run away from it and try again.”
  270. >“Um...people watch you do that?”
  271. “Among other things. You'd be surprised how many of these buggers I've found on stream. I bet you can find one of these, yourself.”
  272. >“Oh...that's what you meant by me taking part...”
  273. “Like I said, it's nice, comfy and easy. It'll also give you the chance to respond to any messages people may send your way. Alright?”
  274. >Fluttershy nods, and you pass one of the games to her.
  275. “I picked out the same route in both games for us. The encounters will be slightly different, but it's the same basic idea. Just use the control stick to move around and see what you can find.”
  276. >She follows your instruction, and you start a timer on your computer.
  277. >She quickly runs into one of the many Chinpokomans, but there are no added effects when it appears.
  278. “Remember, if there's no glow or glitter effects, it's a regular one. Just hit 'take off' in the touch screen.
  279. >Fluttershy does so, and she's brought back to the map to try again. “So much for beginners luck...”
  280. “Don't worry. A first encounter is very rare, so we'll see how long it takes us to find one...”
  282. >The next hour or so is spent going from encounter to encounter, with no real luck in either game.
  283. >Along the way, the comments roll in, a lot of them trying to ask Fluttershy personal questions.
  284. >'What's your real name?' 'You single?' 'You playing other games with Magna? Nudge nudge...'
  285. >That last one gets a gasp out of her, and a roll of the eyes from you.
  286. “Alright alright, keep it in your pants, ya troll.”
  287. >“Troll?” Fluttershy asks.
  288. “A blanket term for anyone trying to stir up trouble online. It's best to ignore them when you can.”
  289. >She nods, and she gives another gasp when a ringing sound effect comes up over your speakers.
  290. “Hey, we got our first donation of the night. $5 from SpiffytheVampireHunter.”
  291. >The comment comes up, with an automated voice speaking it out.
  292. >'Hey Magna, Monarch, loving your content, and hoping this will go to a good cause.'
  293. “It definitely will, Spiffy. Thank you for the gems.”
  294. >“Gems?” Fluttershy asks in confusion.
  295. “That's the currency here on Quiver. The site converts those into whatever real world currency you use, and after a certain period they'll send it to a connected bank account.”
  296. >“So...we wouldn't be getting this money right away?”
  297. “It's their way of making sure each donation is legitimate and not seen as a scam. We can work something out in the meantime if you want the funds sooner rather than later.”
  298. >“Um...I guess...we'll see...”
  299. >'She don't know how any of this works?' 'What a noob.' 'Someone needs their hand held.'
  300. >Fluttershy slumps into her chair as she sees these comments.
  301. >You're not going to have any of this.
  302. “Hey, come on guys, don't be like that. Yes, she's new to all of this, so cut her some slack.”
  303. >You hear Fluttershy sniffle a little.
  304. “These are the trolls I was talking about. All they aim to do is try to get a rise out of whoever they're watching. Don't take it too personally.”
  305. >“S-sorry,” she replies. “This is new to me. I...don't know how much I can handle.”
  306. “Hey, don't worry about it. It's only your first experience in something like this.”
  307. “We'll take it one step at a time. You can focus on the game, and I'll handle these clowns.”
  308. >“O-okay...”
  309. “Speaking of the games, I'm surprised no sparklies have popped up yet. A lot of rotten luck, tonight.”
  310. >“Maybe...they're all hiding?” Fluttershy suggests.
  311. “Something's gotta pop up sooner or later...”
  313. >“EEP!” Fluttershy gasps.
  314. >This takes you by surprise, and you wonder what's spooked her.
  315. >That's when you hear a familiar sound effect.
  316. >Looking at the monitor screen, you see one of the sparklies in the game she is playing.
  317. “YES!” You exclaim. “You found one! That's awesome!”
  318. >It's a rabbit-like creature, and while normally they're a dirty brown color, this one is pure white.
  319. >The comment section explodes with words and emojis, with everyone showing their enthusiasm and expressing congratulations.
  320. >“N-now what do I do?” Fluttershy asks.
  321. “It's time to catch it,” you reply. “Tap the items tab, and let's bring up the spheres.”
  322. >She does so, and scrolls down through a multitude of types that can be used.
  323. “Try the Dash Sphere. It has increased odds of catching if used on the first turn.”
  324. >Fluttershy selects it, and the avatar throws it at the Chinpokoman.
  325. >It connects, the creature turning to energy and being absorbed.
  326. >The sphere hits the ground and shakes multiple times.
  327. >There's a 'click,' signifying the catch is successful.
  328. >“I...I did it...” Fluttershy says in amazement.
  329. “I knew you could. Now you can give it a nickname if you want to.”
  330. >“ know just the thing...”
  331. >She types in the name 'Angel,' and the Chinpokoman is added to the party.
  332. >“That' pet rabbit's name at home. This looks like like him, so it fits...right?”
  333. “Heh, sure does...”
  334. >That's when the avalanche begins.
  335. >A swarm of donations comes in, to the point where neither of you can keep up with all of the accompanying comments.
  336. >Fluttershy can't believe her eyes as the donation jar at the bottom of the screen fills up with gems.
  337. >“Amazing...”
  338. “This is normal,” you say to her. “A lot of these guys wait until something real exciting happens on stream before they shill out.”
  339. >“How this?”
  340. “We'll count it up after we're done with the stream. There's still time before it ends, so let's see if we can find any more of those sparklies.”
  341. >“S-sure...”
  342. >She leans forward to focus on her game with a smile on her face, and you return to your multitasking.
  344. >When it gets around 9:30, with nothing else of note happening, you decide to call it a night.
  345. “Alright guys, I think that's gonna do it for now. A light sparkly session, but our little butterfly buddy managed to add one to the collection.”
  346. “Thank you for all the gems, tonight. Remember, we're gonna continue this charity thing during my streams this week, so don't be afraid to spread the word and donate to help all those little animals.”
  347. >“Y-yes,” Fluttershy says. “Everyone at the shelter will be happy with this...”
  348. “Until then, this is Magnamon-”
  349. >You gesture to your 'co-host,' and she realizes you want her included in your outro.
  350. >“Oh...and Miss Monarch...”
  351. “...signing off saying au revoir, adios, auf viederseng!”
  352. >You select the 'end stream' function, and you give a sigh.
  353. “So, what did you think of this?”
  354. >“I...had a lot of fun. And I'm...glad a lot of people chose to donate...”
  355. “Me too. I'm sure the rest of the week will have viewers just as generous.”
  356. >“I hope so...”
  357. “Speaking of which, let's see how we did...”
  358. >You bring up the donation tab and count it all up.
  359. “So...for 90 minutes or so of fun...we, $100.”
  360. >“Oh my...” Fluttershy exclaims.
  361. “That's way above-average for one of my sessions. I'm sure you being here made a huge difference.”
  362. >“Maybe...”
  363. “That being said, you're more than welcome to come hang out during these other streams. I bet they'll all love seeing you again.”
  364. >“I...don't know. I wouldn't want to be a distraction...or a bother...”
  365. “You wouldn't be either. I have friends over all the time for these things, including Sunset.”
  366. >“Really?”
  367. “Oh sure. She's focused more on the games than trying to run a channel of her own, though.”
  368. >“I wonder...”
  369. “Hm? What are you thinking about?”
  370. >Fluttershy shakes her head. “It's...nothing. Just a random thought, that's all.”
  371. “Okay... well, it's probably time for you to head home, right?”
  372. >“Oh, yes...right...”
  373. “Come on, I'll see you out...”
  375. >You lead Fluttershy to the staircase, as your parents prepare to come up to ready themselves for bed.
  376. >“Aww, leaving so soon?” Your mother asks.
  377. “Mom, it's a school night, and I don't know how long of a drive she has.”
  378. >“You've exchanged numbers,” your father says, “I'm surprised you haven't exchange addresses yet.”
  379. “We have, but I didn't go to look up where hers is. And it's not like-”
  380. >“It's...fine,” Fluttershy interrupts. “I'm...not too far off from here. Maybe fifteen minutes...”
  381. >Your father adjusts his glasses. “As long as you're able to make it home safely, that's what matters.”
  382. >Fluttershy nods. “Okay, then...”
  383. >“How did your little thing go, anyway?” Your mother asks.
  384. “It went great. Fluttershy here did really well for her first time.”
  385. >As those last words leave your mouth, you immediately regret them.
  386. “Uh...wait a minute-”
  387. >Your mother gasps. “Anon, don't tell me you two-”
  388. “Not what I meant!” You exclaim, waving your hands in a flabbergasted manner. “I'm talking about the games, not what you're obviously thinking about!”
  389. >You look back to Fluttershy as she turns beet red, putting her hands over her face.
  390. >You feel your heart drop.
  391. > “I...better go,” she states, racing down the stairs past you and out the door.
  392. “W-wait a minute, come back!” You say, following in panicked pursuit.
  393. >“Oh dear,” you hear your mother say. “Did I say something wrong?”
  394. >“You both did,” You hear your father reply.
  395. >Your rush outside after Fluttershy, trying to formulate a way to to resolve things.
  396. >In the darkness, you see her continuing out to her car.
  397. “Hold on, wait up!”
  398. >She stops in her tracks, turning her head towards you.
  399. >“That was...embarrassing...” She mutters, her cheeks still burning red.
  400. “And I'm so sorry for that. I didn't mean to say things the way I did.”
  401. >“I...know you didn't. It wasn't...your fault...”
  402. >You scratch the back of your head in the silence that follows.
  403. >Fluttershy wrings her hands again, turning her head away again and shutting her eyes.
  404. >The air feels so thick, it can be cut with a knife.
  406. >You mind scrambles to try and think of what else you can say to make her feel better.
  407. >Then it hits you – in multiple figurative ways.
  408. “That...could have gone a lot smoother there at the end...but it could have been far worse...”
  409. >Fluttershy looks confused. “H-how so?”
  410. “I mean...if Rainbow was here, she'd have beaten me up for making a comment like that.”
  411. >It takes a moment, but soon Fluttershy laughs at this.
  412. >“I-I don't know what's funnier...” She giggles. “What you said...or knowing it's probably true...”
  413. >You join in on the laughing, glad that the air is being cleared up.
  414. >When it dies down, you're left in another period of silence, though this one is not as awkward.
  415. “I...hope this little episode didn't turn you off to the fun we had earlier...”
  416. >Fluttershy shakes her head. “ didn't...”
  417. “Would you...want to try doing this again some time?”
  418. >Fluttershy smiles, a slight blush returning on her face. “I'll...give it another try...if you want me to...”
  419. >You breathe a sigh of relief.
  420. >“Thank you again...for tonight,” she continues. “I...never thought it'd work out like this...”
  421. “Anything to help out a friend, right?”
  422. >“Even though...we haven't really been that much of friends for so long?”
  423. “Hey, you've always been one to me, no matter how long it's been since we've really shown it.”
  424. >Fluttershy comes in and gives you a big hug, which surprises you a little
  425. >“That means a lot...I...want you to know that...”
  426. “Glad to hear,” you reply, returning the embrace.
  427. >You escort her outside to car, and she gets in. “I'll...see you tomorrow, okay?”
  428. “Sure...see you then.”
  429. >She waves before driving off into the night.
  430. >You watch until she's gone.
  431. >You then go back inside and clear things up with your parents.
  432. >There are apologies abound, and they're happy to hear Fluttershy may visit again in the future.
  433. >Despite the minor hiccup, you're happy with how everything went this evening; even more-so with how well you both managed things.
  434. >The hug at the end threw you off a little, but you took it in stride.
  435. >Simply a brief exchange between friends...right?
  437. ----------
  439. >You weren't quite sure what the next day wold bring.
  440. >Specifically, you don't know how Fluttershy or any of her friends are going to be around you.
  441. >Things start off as normal, with a bunch of boring lectures.
  442. >At lunchtime, all of your friends are abuzz.
  443. >One of them acts as a moderator in your Quiver chat, keeping an eye out for anything worthy of the almighty ban-hammer.
  444. >It looks like he spilled the beans about your 'special guest,' and everyone else wants you to give them all of the juicy details about how last night went.
  445. >Needless to say, you're not exactly pleased.
  446. >You keep your cool, however, and you give them the cliff-notes version of 'events,' mainly how well Fluttershy did during the stream.
  447. >Of course, your friends ask if the two of you took part in any 'bonus' levels.
  448. >You wave them off, assuring them nothing like that happened.
  449. >As you go to turn in your lunch tray, you pass by the girls' table at lunchtime, and they seem to be in happy moods.
  450. >“Hey Anon!” Dash calls, waving her arm. “Get over here!”
  451. “What's up?” You ask, making your way towards them.
  452. >“Fluttershy's bin talkin' 'bout yer lil' gamin' session,” Applejack explains.
  453. “Oh, has she?”
  454. >Pinkie nods. “She says you two had a lot of fun, wink wink.”
  455. >“Don't mind her,” Rarity replies. “We're told you were a total gentleman.”
  456. >“And she talked about how she found one of those special critters in your game all by herself,” Twilight adds.
  457. >You notice Fluttershy just sitting there, looking embarrassed.
  458. “Hey, what's wrong, Shy? You did great. Heck, you got one of those sparklies when I couldn't.”
  459. >Fluttershy smiles a little. “'s just...I'm not used to being open about stuff like this...”
  460. >“What, spending time with an old friend?” Sunset asks. “Isn't it good to come out of your shell once in a while?”
  461. >“I...I guess...” Fluttershy stutters.
  462. “Maybe you're still feeling the effects of the comments made last night,” you suggest.
  463. >“She didn't mention anything about that,” Dash says, turning to her friend. “What things were said?”
  464. >Fluttershy slumps into her seat, whimpering.
  465. >All of her friends begin to look concerned, and you feel your stomach squirm.
  466. >Dash turns back to you, a look of annoyance on her face.
  467. >“...maybe you should let us talk this over,” she says.
  468. >You're hesitant, but you agree to step away to let them sort things out.
  470. >The rest of the day's classes are pretty uneventful.
  471. >Fluttershy is in your history course, but there's no real chance to speak with her.
  472. >The one time she makes eye contact with you, she turns her head away almost immediately.
  473. >It's a complete turnaround from the other night for her, which doesn't feel right at all.
  474. >You're put off from this, but you figure you can try and talk with her later on.
  475. >When school ends, you go to gather what you need from your locker.
  476. >As you shut the door on it, you're met by a certain rainbow-haired girl...
  477. >...and she does NOT look happy.
  478. “What's up, Dash?” You ask.
  479. >“Don't 'What's up, Dash' me, mister,” she retorts. “I've got a bone to pick with you.”
  480. >She pokes your chest with one of her fingers, which makes you feel a little annoyed.
  481. “Pick away,” you reply, standing your ground.
  482. >“I want answers,” Dash starts, “what REALLY happened last night?”
  483. “In terms of what?”
  484. >“You know what. Fluttershy's been all tight-lipped since lunchtime. I can't get anything out of her.”
  485. “And you think I had something to do with it?”
  486. >“Damn right I do!”
  487. “What, you think I did something to her?”
  488. >“Listen, she's my best friend. Hell, she's the first friend I've ever had. I know when something's really gone wrong with her.”
  489. “I get it, you're being protective.”
  490. >“What if you have other things in mind? What if this whole gaming bit is your way to...take advantage of her?”
  491. >You can sense her unease, as well as her desire to act in her friend's best interests.
  492. “Dash, listen to me. I'd never dream of hurting Fluttershy that way...or anyone else for that matter. That's just not who I am, and you know me much better than that.”
  493. “Besides, if that's what I really had in mind, don't you think I'd have come up with a better method?”
  494. >Dash crosses her arms with a huff. “I don't know...I mean, it's been forever since we've all really spent time together. You could have...changed since then...”
  495. “Not really. I'm still the same old guy, just taking his interests to higher levels.”
  496. >“Like the levels in all those games you play?” Dash comments.
  497. “Heh, yeah, that's one way to put it.”
  498. >The two of you share a laugh.
  499. >With that, the heated atmosphere lifts, and you feel you're both lightening up.
  501. >Dash breaks the ice. “So...can you at least tell me what happened?”
  502. >You take a breath, lowering your head.
  503. “There were two sets of comments that put her off. One set was from some of the people watching the stream last night.”
  504. >“Damn stupid trolls, I bet. What did they say?”
  505. “It was all over the place, but they were making fun of her for not knowing anything about the game.”
  506. >“Then what?”
  507. “I told them to stop, and I reassured Shy, telling her not to take those comments too personally.”
  508. >Dash nods. “I know the feeling. I've had to put up with my fair share of peanut gallery crap, especially during my soccer matches.”
  509. “Yeah, you're gonna hear or see it one way or another. She did feel a little better after the pep talk.”
  510. >“Okay, so that's the first set of comments. What was the other?”
  511. “The other was...sorta my fault. I phrased something in a way that made my parents think she and I did...other stuff...”
  512. >Dash tilts her head in confusion.
  513. “'Other,' other stuff,” you iterate, making a particular set of motions with your fingers.
  514. >The proverbial bulb lights up in Dash's head, and she guffaws. “Oh, wow...seriously?”
  515. “Yeah,” you reply, rubbing the back of your head. “All one big misunderstanding, but it was enough to send Shy out the door in a hurry.”
  516. >“With the way she was talking about you earlier, I take it you two made up?”
  517. “Pretty much. She at least knew I didn't mean to say things the way I did. In fact...I told her you'd have beaten me up if you were there, which got her to laugh...”
  518. >Dash chuckles. “Maybe, maybe not. Guess it'd depend on how angry I'd be in the moment.”
  519. “But that's it, really. She probably wanted to keep all that to herself, given how awkward it was.”
  520. >Dash sighs. “That's my guess, now. She's opened up so much since the whole Sunset fiasco, so it's just weird to see her bottling up again.”
  521. “Should we tell her we had this chat? I'm not sure how private she'd want to keep things.”
  522. >“I'll talk to her, and I'll make sure to say I'm the one who pressed this out of you. She'll understand.”
  523. “If you say so...”
  524. >Dash turns her head as she thinks about something. “So...this thing you do with the games. How often do you go live with it?”
  525. “It depends, but I'll be on again tomorrow night. I can send you a link to the channel should you want to check it out.”
  526. >“You think a certain someone will be joining you?”
  527. “Well, she did say she'd want to try the gaming again, so I really hope she does.”
  528. >Dash gives a grin.
  529. >“Well, if that's the case...I oughtta be watching, then,” she replies, extending a fist, which you bump.
  530. “Thanks...”
  532. >That evening, you're going through some of the homework you had.
  533. >Just a few days in, and you're already having to prepare for a quiz? Yeesh.
  534. >You hear your phone ringing, and when you go to pick it up, the caller ID shows it's...Fluttershy...
  535. “Hello?” You answer.
  536. >“Um...hi...Anon...”
  537. “Hey Shy. You doing alright?”
  538. >“A little bit...sorry about today...”
  539. “Hey, there's nothing to be sorry for. You didn't wanna talk about it, and I can respect that.”
  540. >“I...talked to Rainbow earlier. She said the two of you...had a chat...”
  541. >Here we go...
  542. “Yeah, we did. She wanted to clear the air and find out what was going on, is all. She was worried about you.”
  543. >“She's...always been like that, even when we were little. Whenever I'm down...she's there to pick me up...whether I want it or not...”
  544. “That's a friend, there...”
  545. >“I...asked her not to tell anyone else. I really...wanted this kept just between you and me...”
  546. “I kinda figured that. Sorry...”
  547. >“It's...okay. You both want to look out for me...”
  548. “If it's any consolation, it looks like Dash is a bit more on-board with you taking part in the gaming.”
  549. >“Oh? R...really?”
  550. “Yeah. Who knows, maybe she'll try joining in at some point. It'd provide extra entertainment, don't you think?”
  551. >“Maybe. Um...what did you...have in mind for next time?”
  552. “So you wanna give it another go?”
  553. >“Y...yeah...”
  554. “Well...I haven't really decided yet. I'll dig through the collection and find some simple ones, and you can pick out which one you want.”
  555. >“You'd...let me do that?”
  556. “Why not? It's all part of helping you out, remember? The least I can do is let you have a say in what we play.”
  557. >You can't see it, but you sense she's smiling at the moment.
  558. >“I' that...”
  559. “I'll bring them with me tomorrow, okay?”
  560. > “S...sure. H...have a good night...”
  561. “You, too. Talk to ya later...”
  563. >The next day, you're invited over to sit with the girls at lunchtime.
  564. >As promised, you brought several games with you, pulling them out for Fluttershy and the rest of her group to see.
  565. “This one is a party style game,” you explain with the first selection. “Lots of simple little minigames and board game elements where you try and collect the most prizes.”
  566. >“Ooh, I remember this one,” Pinkie says. “My sisters and I played it all the time as kids.”
  567. >“I played it with my friends at Crystal Prep,” Twilight adds. “Some claim that games like this destroy friendships, but I didn't see any scientific evidence of it.”
  568. >“Maybe you weren't looking hard enough,” Dash says. “I absolutely CRUSHED some of my friends at this game once, and some of them haven't been the same since.”
  569. >“...and this is why I don't invite you over to game that often,” Sunset mutters.
  570. >Fluttershy looks nervous, and rightfully so. “This...doesn't sound like a good game at all...”
  571. “Well, it's best played with more than just two people. But don't let Dash's comments sway you. It's about having fun, not making a big competition out of it.”
  572. >“Maybe...some other time. I'm still not sure...”
  573. “Into the 'later' pile, then. Let's try something else...”
  574. >You put the first game away, pulling out a second.
  575. “How about this one? It's the original version of Mega Matteo. Doesn't have the big modern graphics, but still plenty of nostalgia to be had.”
  576. >Fluttershy tilts her head left and right as she thinks. “I...guess I don't have a lot of that...maybe because I never played this before...”
  577. >You shrug, drudging through your selections again.
  578. “There's this one, where you're searching abandoned properties for treasure and catching ghosts.”
  579. >“Ghosts?” Fluttershy says in a scared tone. “I don't wanna be scared playing a game...”
  580. “It's not THAT scary,” you mutter, putting the game back.
  581. >“All this sounds like we're at a used car lot,” Applejack says, “an' you ain't sellin'em that good.”
  582. >“It's not about what's being sold, silly,” Pinkie mentions. “It's about who they're being sold to.”
  583. >“She's right, darling,” Rarity quips. “This is all for Fluttershy. Give him a chance to make it work.”
  584. >Applejack sighs. “Ah know, ah know. Pay me no mind, Anon.”
  585. “It's fine,” you reply. “I get what you mean.”
  586. >You grab a fourth option.
  587. “How about a world-building game? You can craft just about anything you want, from buildings to whole landscapes. The sky's the limit.”
  588. >“I'd have...that much responsibility?” Fluttershy asks worriedly.
  589. “Hey, take it easy. No one's going to be judging you for what you may make, and it's not like you have to take care of it.”
  590. >“ know how I can be sometimes...”
  591. >“Don't worry,” Sunset says. “We'll find something, I'm sure.”
  592. “There's gotta be one here you might like,” you comment, digging through your cases.
  594. >As you search, one game catches your eye.
  595. >You had picked it on a whim, but...
  596. >You pull it out, handing it over to Fluttershy.
  597. “How about...this one?”
  598. >She eyes the case as she takes hold of it. “ Simulator?”
  599. “It's part puzzle game, part animal encyclopedia. It's up to the player to figure out what's wrong with different pets, then work to make them feel better again.”
  600. >“It's like that surgery RPG, right?” Twilight asks.
  601. “Same basic concept, and I'm pretty sure they're made by the same company.”
  602. >“How did a game like this end up in your collection?” Sunset asks.
  603. “I got it a while back from another friend as a gag gift, since they know I can't have animals at home.”
  604. >Fluttershy remains silent, looking at the back of the case and reading everything on it.
  605. “I've...never played this one, so...I have no idea if this game is any good...or if it's of any interest to-”
  606. >“It is...” Fluttershy interrupts.
  607. “Wait...wha?”
  608. >“It IS of interest to me...I...wanna play this...”
  609. >Dash seems just as surprised. “Really?”
  610. >“Remember how I've told you how I've always wanted to be a vet?” Fluttershy asks her.
  611. >“Yeah, I guess,” Dash responds. “But ain't this a bit different from the real thing?”
  612. >“M...maybe,'s still practice...and maybe there's a lot to learn from it...”
  613. “Well, we won't know until we try it, right?” You say.
  614. >Fluttershy looks back to you with a smile and a nod. “R...right...”
  615. “ want me to boot it up first and see how it is, or-”
  616. >“No,” she says. “I want to experience this at the same time as you. It'll be...our own little adventure.”
  617. >You can't help but chuckle at this.
  618. “If that's how you want it,” you state.
  619. >“Guess it's settled,” Sunset comments.
  620. >Everyone at the table seems to be content with how this went down, Fluttershy especially.
  621. >You weren't quite sure how today was going to play out, especially with the speed bump in the form of Rainbow Dash, but you at least got over it.
  622. >Tomorrow night should be quite the show, since you have no idea what's in for Fluttershy or yourself.
  623. >You can hardly wait...
  625. ----------
  627. “It's going to be's going to be's going to be fine...”
  628. >You've been thinking this to yourself for the past few days, but you're not sure if you can believe it.
  629. >You want so badly to pour through what videos and information you can about this 'Vet Simulator' game as a means of preparation.
  630. >But that would be going against Fluttershy's wishes, and you'd rather not have another incident like the other night.
  631. >It's been difficult, but you restrained yourself.
  632. >What you did do in preparation, however, was get the necessary gaming system ready.
  633. >It's been a while since you've used it for a stream, after all, and because it makes use of motion controls, you want to ensure everything is as it should be.
  634. >You fiddle around with it, playing another random game to make sure everything is working, and thankfully it is.
  635. >After dinner, you breeze through your homework as quickly as you can.
  636. >No sooner do you finish do you hear the doorbell ringing.
  637. “Got it!” You tell, zipping downstairs to answer it.
  638. >Sure enough, Fluttershy is there, with a bag in hand.
  639. “Hey, Shy. Glad you could make it.”
  640. >“I...said I would...” Fluttershy replies.
  641. >“Ooh, is this the cutie from the other night?” You mother asks from the other room.
  642. >You sigh.
  643. “Yeah, it is...”
  644. >Your mother comes out to greet Fluttershy, and she's looking a little embarrassed.
  645. >“I'm so sorry about before,” she says. “I don't know half the stuff my son gets into sometimes, and I let my imagination get the better of me.”
  646. >Fluttershy blushes. “I-it's alright. No need to apologize. I've gotten so many of those already from Anon since it happened.”
  647. >Your mother breathes a sigh of relief. “Well, that's good to know. Hope you two have more fun this time than last.”
  648. “We'll try,” you say, turning to Fluttershy. “Ready to head up?”
  649. >“Well, before that...” Fluttershy begins. “I...brought a favorite snack of mine along. I...just need to prepare it.”
  650. >“Oh, be my guest,” your mother says, pointing behind her. “Kitchen is that way.”
  651. >“T-thank you,” Fluttershy replies, walking past her.
  652. >You're about to follow, when your mother pulls you aside.
  653. >“I'm starting to like her more and more,” she whispers to you. “How long have you said you've known her?”
  654. “Kindergarten, remember? It's just that we haven't really done much together until now.”
  655. >She sighs. “Sorry, don't mind me. It's rare for you to have any kind of company over, let alone someone like her.”
  656. “We'll see how long that lasts,” you reply with a sigh, heading after Fluttershy.
  658. >You reach the kitchen, and Fluttershy has set her bag on one of the counters.
  659. “Anything you need help with?” You ask.
  660. >“ can grab a sauce pan...and cutting board...that would be great,” she replies.
  661. >You reach into one of the ground-level cabinets to grab both items.
  662. >As you stand back up, you see that Fluttershy is pulling items out of the bag.
  663. >There's a container of strawberries, a large chocolate bar, and box of toothpicks
  664. “So that's what you have in mind,” you comment, going back into the cabinet.
  665. >You pull out a colander and serving bowl, placing them on the counter with the rest.
  666. >“T-thank you,” Fluttershy says. “I...needed one of those, too...”
  667. >You open a drawer and grab a couple knives, passing one to her.
  668. >Together you cut the stems off the strawberries, and you try your best to leave as much of fruit intact as you can.
  669. >Fluttershy deposits it all into the colander before handing it to you.
  670. >“Can you wash these while I handle this?” She asks.
  671. >You nod, bringing it to the sink.
  672. >As you clean the fruit, you see Fluttershy cutting the chocolate bar into little pieces before depositing them into the saucepan.
  673. “How did things go at the shelter today?” You ask as you continue your work.
  674. >“It was...fine,” she replies, putting the saucepan on one of the stove burners.
  675. “You don't sound very enthusiastic,” you comment.
  676. >“Well...some days are better than others. It depends on the number of animals that needs taking care of, and what kind of special needs they may have.”
  677. >She stirs the chocolate around with a wooden spoon as the burner temperature rises.
  678. “And today was one of those not so good days?”
  679. >“It's...hard to say. Most of the time I can handle it no problem, but a new arrival made things...tough.”
  680. “How so?”
  681. >“He's a mixed-breed dog of some kind. He was abused by his owner before someone convinced her to surrender him to us.”
  682. >“He's been really aggressive...even with me. I can't imagine what he's been through...”
  683. “Neither can I. Sorry to hear...”
  684. >“I'd love more than anything to find a good home for him...but I'm scared that if he doesn't come to trust us...he'll be like this with everyone...”
  685. “You shelter is a no-kill one, right?”
  686. >“Yeah...but that means it could be a really long time before we find someone to adopt him...”
  687. >She sighs, hanging her head low.
  689. >There's silence for a while, broken up by burner going.
  690. “I...get what you're going through,” you finally say.
  691. >Fluttershy looks to you, confused. “You can?”
  692. “'s more from my dad's experience. He told me about one of the pets he had as a kid.”
  693. “A neighbor down the street from him treated his dog like crap...beating him...nearly starving was awful.”
  694. “My dad would always go after school with scraps left over from lunch, and he'd feed the dog through the fence, since he always wanted one.”
  695. >Fluttershy giggles. “Sounds like the complete opposite of you,” she commented.
  696. “Hey, it's not that I don't like animals. I just can't stand being near them without my sinuses kicking into overdrive.”
  697. >She sighs again. “Sorry...I keep forgetting.”
  698. “It's fine. Anyway, the dog was aggressive with him at first, but the more my dad visited and fed him, the more he trusted him.”
  699. “One day he got caught by the owner, and they were so pissed that they grabbed him through the fence and beat him up real bad. Then they beat the dog even worse.”
  700. >Fluttershy gasps. “That's terrible!”
  701. “Yeah. My Grandpa was NOT happy when he heard about it, and he was friends with the Chief of Police at the time.”
  702. “Not only were charges pressed, but the dog was taken away. As soon as it was nursed back to health and put up for adoption, Grandpa picked him up and brought him home.”
  703. “Dad took full responsibility in raising that dog. There were still some trust boundaries that needed to be broken down, but he was able to manage. I'm told he lived close to a dozen years, and they were real happy ones.”
  704. >Fluttershy gives a little chuckle. “I'm...glad this story has a happy ending...”
  705. “The best ones always do. But listen, if he was able to connect to an animal like that without outside help, I bet you can do the same with all the support at the shelter.”
  706. “Animals are kinda your thing, right? I know you'll be able to reach out to this little guy and open up that heart of his to better things.”
  707. >Fluttershy starts to tear up a little.
  708. “...sorry, I didn't mean to-”
  709. > “It's alright,” she replies, wiping her eyes. “I get talks like this all the time...but never from people like you.”
  710. “”
  711. >“People not around animals as much as I am. I...appreciate your thoughts and hopes...”
  712. >By now the chocolate had fully melted.
  713. >“Can you bring those over?” She asks. “It's time to put this all together.”
  714. >You bring the colander with the cleaned fruit, and one by one she skewers them with the toothpicks and dips them into the chocolate, coating them as much as possible.
  715. >You watch as she places one strawberry at a time into the serving bowl until it they're all inside.
  716. “Can't wait to try these,” you comment. “Just like trying this Vet game. Let's say we get to it.”
  717. >Fluttershy smiles and nods. “Let's.”
  718. >Grabbing the bowl, you escort her upstairs.
  720. “Hey everybody, it's Magnamon,” you announce. “Welcome back to another live stream!”
  721. >The comments pour in as they always do at the start.
  722. “And guess who's back for another round?” You say playfully, gesturing to Fluttershy.
  723. >“H-hello again,” she says to the camera. “Miss Monarch here.”
  724. “And she's joining us for something interesting. It's a game that neither of us have played, but one she has shown interest in.”
  725. >You hold up the packaging for your viewers to see, although they can also see the game's title screen.
  726. “Vet Simulator, from the same people that put out ER Simulator, something else I've never heard of.”
  727. “You're gonna have to bear with us, as we're gonna be learning this on the fly. If anyone in the chat actually played it, try to keep the hints to yourself for now. Miss Monarch requested that we all go into this blind.”
  728. >There are plenty of thumbs-up and OK symbols from the chat, so you should be good.
  729. >You start up the game and go through the lengthy starting animatic, which introduces the major characters you'd be playing as.
  730. >You and Shy enjoy the strawberries in the meantime while you take turns reading the dialogue out loud, as if you're acting out the scene of a play.
  731. >You finally get to the tutorial, where you're tasked with setting a puppy's broken hind leg before putting it in a cast.
  732. “Alright peoples, it's time to go to work...wait...what the hell is this?”
  733. >The screen bombards you with different buttons and motions to make.
  734. >It's tough to wrap your head around, especially with the remote and nunchuck going here, there and everywhere.
  735. >You can only imagine this is similar to what a real-life vet would be dealing with when handling a distressed and injured animal.
  736. >True to that example, the puppy on screen is whining, carrying on, and struggling against whatever you try and do.
  737. >The chat is loving this, apparently, with a lot of 'bomb' emojis popping up.
  738. >“What are those for?” Fluttershy asks.
  739. “When a game is being difficult,” you reply, “I sometimes call it a total bomb. Usually it's when I get really stuck on a level or a tough boss battle...but this is just the freaking tutorial!”
  740. >The bombs in chat are quickly followed up by 'KABOOM' emojis.
  741. >“Here, let me try,” Fluttershy says.
  742. >You shrug, handing the controls to her.
  743. >“Come here, little guy,” she says out loud. “It's okay, we're here to help you...”
  744. >Suddenly, the puppy stops its crying and looks out to the two of you.
  745. “Wait, did you do that?” You ask.
  746. >“I saw that this game has a mic feature,” Fluttershy replies. “I guess the avatars respond to our voices as well as the motions we make.”
  747. “Well I'll be damned,” you state. “Alright, why don't you take it from here?”
  748. >“I'll do my best,” she says.
  750. >You watch as Fluttershy follows the tutorial to a T, while saying all sorts of lovey-dovey things to keep the puppy avatar calm.
  751. >All the while, you keep your talking to a minimum so as not to break the immersion.
  752. >You instead focus on the donations that are popping in every few seconds.
  753. >They're mostly small, but it's slowly but surely adding up.
  754. >Before long, the puppy's leg is in a cast, and a big 'CLEAR' notification appears on screen.
  755. “Nice work,” you compliment.
  756. >“I-it was easy,” Fluttershy replies, “once you...figure out how it's supposed to work...”
  757. “Better than me. What do you think, guys?”
  758. >The chat gives its own seals of approval, and you see Fluttershy is both beaming and blushing.
  759. >“Guys, you're embarrassing me,” she says nervously, hunching her shoulders.
  760. “It's okay,” you say. “You're doing great here. Let's show her some support as we continue on with this, hm?”
  761. >Messages of 'YOU CAN DO EEEEEEEEET!', 'YOU GO GIRL', and 'AWESOME!' pop up.
  762. “See? They're loving it.”
  763. >“Oh-okay...”
  764. “Alrighty, let's give the real first level a try and see what happens...”
  765. >The level has three separate stages to complete, each with a different 'patient' with its own unique problem to solve.
  766. >They're simple ones, but you imagine they'll become more complex as the game progresses.
  767. >It feels like it's simulating a typical day at a vet clinic...which isn't exactly a surprise.
  768. >It takes longer than you expect, as Fluttershy takes the time to go through everything as thoroughly as she can.
  769. >You are not about to ruin the moment or break her focus, instead giving your own words of advice and encouragement.
  770. >She clears the last puzzle, and the notification of 'DAY 1 COMPLETE' appears.
  771. >Fluttershy gasps in her surprise, and looks really happy with this accomplishment.
  772. >More donations pour in, following the usual formula of the chat after finishing something major.
  773. “Awesome,” you state. “You handled that like it was nothing.”
  774. >“W-well, it wasn't exactly nothing...”
  775. “Maybe, but knowing my luck, I'd have still been stuck in the tutorial.”
  776. >You check the time, and you feel it's time to close down for the day.
  777. “That's all we got for you tonight,” you announce to the chat. We'll be back in a couple days with more content. Will it be more of this, or something new? You'll have to wait and see.”
  778. > “Th-thank you again for your donations tonight,” Fluttershy says. “S-see you next time...”
  779. >With that, you exit out of the program and shut off the game, but not before saving Shy's progress.
  781. >“How...did we do this time?” Fluttershy asks.
  782. >You bring up the tally, and...
  783. “Wow, it's more than twice what we made the other night.”
  784. >“Really?”
  785. “And based on the stats, we had more than double the average number of people watching at its highest point in time. You're a hit!”
  786. >“I...don't know about that...”
  787. “Come on, Shy, they're loving this content...just as much as they love you.”
  788. >“You...really think so?”
  789. “I know so. I honestly can't remember the last time I've had this much traffic, especially for a type of game I don't usually feature.”
  790. >Fluttershy blushes again. “Well...I guess I'm glad to help with that...”
  791. “Hey, remember, this is more about helping you and the shelter out than it is about helping me.”
  792. >“R-right...”
  793. “That being said, do you wanna keep playing this game next time, or try something else?”
  794. >Fluttershy thinks about it for a moment.
  795. >“I...think I wanna keep at this one. I...had a lot of fun with it...”
  796. “It's settled, then. I'll keep everything set up for Friday, as we'll go from there.”
  797. >You notice there is one strawberry left in the bowl, and you reach down to grab it.
  798. >Fluttershy seemed to do the same thing, and her hand meets yours mid-grab.
  799. >You both instinctively look up and lock eyes.
  800. >This lasts for a few seconds as the tension rises...and Shy's face reddens.
  801. >You laugh nervously as you try and break said tension, pulling your hand back.
  802. “Go ahead,” you finally say. “You earned it tonight.”
  803. >Fluttershy shares in your awkwardness, taking up the fruit and takes a small bite from it.
  804. >“S-sorry,” she stammers.
  805. “Hey, don't be. It's fine...just fine...”
  806. >After finishing the snack, she comes in for a hug, much like the one from the previous night.
  807. >“Have I...told you how much I appreciate what you're doing?”
  808. “Plenty of times,” you reply, returning the embrace.
  809. >“Well...I'm...gonna keep telling you, then...”
  810. “And I'll keep listening...”
  812. >You break it off for the night, escorting Fluttershy to her car as you did before, except this time there was no extra drama.
  813. >You head back inside, and you're about to head upstairs when you hear a voice.
  814. >“Anon...a word?”
  815. >You hit the living room to see your parents on the couch, your father just shutting off the TV.
  816. “Yeah?”
  817. >“Your father and I overheard the chat you had with your friend in the kitchen,” your mother says.
  818. “And?”
  819. >“We're just...surprised with the way you're opening up to her,” your father replies. “I can't think of the last time I told anyone about ol' Sparky.”
  820. “I remember that story well. I thought it'd be a nice way to cheer her up, and it worked.”
  821. >“You think that dog she talked about will find a home?” Your mother asks.
  822. “Can't say for sure. Based on what she said, it's gonna be a real challenge no matter what. Wish there was something else I could do...”
  823. >“Have you thought about volunteering at the shelter?” Your father asks.
  824. “Dad, you know I wouldn't last a minute in there without my throat closing.”
  825. >“Not if you took the necessary precautions,” your mother suggests. “You could get one of those special masks to cover your nose and mouth, and take a dose of allergy meds on top of that.”
  826. “Wouldn't that freak any of the pets out? I'd be like that sci-fi character with the heavy breathing.”
  827. >“I bet a lot of the vets who go there wear similar masks when they're working on the animals,” your father says, “so it shouldn't be new to any of them.”
  828. >“And I'm sure your friend would appreciate whatever help you can provide,” your mother adds, “even if it's just a little bit.”
  829. >You chuckle.
  830. “Sounds like you're trying to set me up.”
  831. >Your parents chuckle, as well.
  832. >“Well, it'd be nice to see you interacting more with girls your age,” your father replies. “Besides, you already know each other, and it sounds like you're both having a good time with your gaming sessions.”
  833. >“We're just looking out for you,” your mother says. “We want what's best for you and what will make you happy, however and wherever you find it.”
  834. >You smile as you sigh.
  835. “I'll...sleep on it. We'll see if something like this is actually in the cards...”
  836. >“That's all we ask for,” your father says.
  837. >You say your 'good nights' and turn in a short time later.
  838. >You toss and turn at first as the events and words from tonight flood your mind.
  839. >You know Fluttershy could use help...but how much?
  840. >And would she even want any of it from you?
  841. >You finally drift off...your thoughts still filled with uncertainty...
  843. ----------
  845. More to come...

Secret Santa (Anon x Fluttershy)

by MagnaAnon

Measuring Up (Anon x Rarity - Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Pinkie Promises (Anon x Pinkie Pie, EQG, Complete)

by MagnaAnon

Uncommon Ground (Anon x Rainbow Dash, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon

Study Buddies (Anon x Twilight, EQG, complete)

by MagnaAnon