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Family Friendly Fun (unfinished)

By TiredAsShit
Created: 2023-10-27 02:15:42
Updated: 2024-06-02 06:16:48
Expiry: Never

  1. >You're vaguely aware of something shifting next to you, rousing you from sleep.
  2. >Cracking open an eye, you look over at Sunset laying next to you, your sister's smile getting bigger when she notices you were awake.
  3. >SunSis: "Morning... sleep well?"
  4. >Her voice was groggy, seems like she just woke up too.
  5. >The morning light illuminated her body, the only thing covering her being a pair of black panties, her large breasts bare to the world.
  6. "Of course, I got to sleep next to a beautiful woman."
  7. >Grinning, Sunset begins to speak but is cut off.
  8. >AD: "Mmm thank you dear, you're not half bad yourself."
  9. >A weight on top of you shifts as it crawls out from under the covers, Adagio's head poking out.
  10. >Well at least her hair does, the poofy mass hiding her face like a thick wool hoodie.
  11. >That same hair drapes itself over your chest as she climbs up your body further, her nipples dragging themselves against you as she yawns.
  12. >SunSis: "Morning to you too cheeto poof." Sunset says, only a slight tinge of annoyance to her voice.
  13. >Sitting up, Adagio lifts the covers up off of you as she stretches, looking around the room.
  14. > AD: "Seems we're the last to get up, and there's no need to be jealous of my volume cousin, with an hour and a curling iron you could look almost as fabulous as I."
  15. >Parting the hair out of her eyes, Adagio lifts her curls in her hands to show it off, making your sister roll her eyes.
  16. >SunSis: "Yeah, I'll pass thanks."
  17. >Shrugging, the shorter girl climbs off of you and out of bed, revealing her similar lack of clothes to Sunset.
  18. >AD: "Suit yourself, but it's time to get up, the others are probably already having breakfast."
  19. >Both you and Sunset groan, making Adagio titter, the big haired girl taking your hand and attempting to pull you out of bed.
  20. >But as she pulls, Sunset grabs you around the waist, keeping you anchored.
  21. >AD: "Really you two, don't be last again and make everyone wait."
  22. >Giving a few more pulls Adagio gives up with a huff, letting your arm fall.
  23. >AD: "Fine, see if I care, be barnacles as much as you want. I won't be the one getting yelled at."
  24. >Groaning again, you find the will to rise from the bed, pulling Sunset along with you.
  25. >SunSis: "Mmmf five more minutes..."
  26. >As you stand, Sunset lets go, her head and breasts dangling over the side of the bed as she grumbles her displeasure.
  27. >AD: "Sorry to steal your bed warmer, but some of us would rather make it on time to school."
  28. >Turning sharply, Adagio leaves the room, with you shambling out behind her.
  29. >As soon as she opens the door, the sounds of chaos greet you two, the voices of several girls filling the house as you step into the hallway.
  30. >Running past you, two naked blurs shoot down the hall, saying hello as they pass.
  31. >SS: "Morning Adagio!"
  32. >DT: "Hi Anon!"
  33. >Your younger half sister Silver Spoon and cousin Diamond Tiara disappear from sight into the bathroom where the voices are coming from.
  34. >AD: "No running in the hallways!"
  35. >There is no response as adagio huffs, trotting off down the hall to the bathroom as well.
  36. >AD: "Honestly, they've been told enough times..."
  37. >Wiping the sleep from your eyes, you follow along as well, the noise getting louder and louder as you get closer to the bathroom.
  38. >When you enter, the scene before you would be any guy's wet dream scenario, a room packed full of hot girls in various states of undress.
  39. >For you though, it was fairly common, at least whenever the family decided to have a family event, which was often.
  40. >The bathroom was more of a locker room than a traditional bathroom, your female relatives talking amongst themselves as they combed their hair, got dressed, or fought, like two of your cousins seemed to be doing right now.
  41. >AB: "-why you're a fucking bitch all the time."
  42. >Gilda: "Takes one to know one cunt!"
  43. >It seemed like your cousins Aria and Gilda were fighting again, looking as if they were about to bite each other's heads off as they shouted in each other's faces over something minor yet again.
  44. >Normally two girls fighting wouldn't be that big of an issue, but your cousins were both pretty big, and pretty strong, a shove from Gilda sending Aria backwards and almost crushing your cousin Twist as the pigtailed girl hit the wall.
  45. >As the two girls got more physical, the rest of the room scooted away from them, trying to keep out of range of stray fists.
  46. >When the two started screaming at each other again, two more girls pushed past you through the door, Spitfire and Fleetfoot.
  47. >SF: "What the hell's going on here?!"
  48. >Your two half sisters were older than the rest of the girls, due to your dad porking their mom first, and acted as intermediary authority figures, usually disciplinary, for your moms and aunts.
  49. >FF: "Ah they're jutht fighting again, they'll thort it out, remindth me of when we uthed to be like that."
  50. >Raising an eyebrow at her lisping sister, Spitfire gives Fleetfoot a look.
  51. >SF: "Used to? We fought just last week over cabbage."
  52. >FF: "Yeah but that'th differ- HEY! NO!"
  53. >Interrupting your sisters' talk, Aria had decided to take a bite of Gilda's shoulder when the grey haired girl grabbed her by the pigtails.
  54. >Now the two were being bodily separated from each other and chewed out, Fleetfoot's lisp going into overdrive as she loudly explained why you shouldn't bite your siblings.
  55. >TS: "Same old, same old huh Anon?" Comes a soothing voice from behind you.
  56. >Turning to see yet another of your cousins, you greet her with a smile.
  57. "Hey Fizzle."
  58. >Making room for your cousin, you step inside, the purple mohawked girl booping you on the nose as she passed.
  59. >TS: "Tempest Shadow" she clarifies "You're lucky I like you." She says with a smile, dragging her hand across your chest before disappearing into the cacophony.
  60. >Yeah, "Tempest" was in a bit of an edgy phase, but at least she wasn't as rebellious as she used to be.
  61. >Walking through the crowd of sisters and cousins, you make it to a sink, where the still nude Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were doing their makeup.
  62. "Girls, could you move for a sec, I need to brush my-"
  63. >Not even bothering to look at you through the mirror, Silver Spoon hands you a toothbrush with toothpaste over her shoulder.
  64. >It wasn't yours.
  65. "...Thanks."
  66. >Too groggy to really care, you pop it into your mouth and begin brushing, standing behind the two girls making kissy faces and batting their eyelashes at the mirror.
  67. >FDL: "Non non non!"
  68. >Before you can even look behind you, someone practically crashes into your back, reaching over you and grabbing the lipstick and eyeliner from the girls.
  69. >FDL: "Too much! Do you WANT to look like a pair of salopes?"
  70. >Fluer-De-Lis, another of your half sisters, was sandwiching you between herself and the girls she was about to lecture.
  71. >FDL: "Merde, do you think zis falls out of trees?" She says, waving the makeup over their heads.
  72. >The more your tall sister leans over you, the more you're aware of her breasts pushing into your back and your crotch digging into the spot between Diamond and Silver Spoon's butts.
  73. "Um, hey Fleur, do you mind-"
  74. >FDL: "Anonyme! Bonjour mon chéri, tell zeez prostituée to stop wasting mon maquillage!"
  75. >DT: "Hey! We're not prostitutes! Riiiiiight Anon?"
  76. >Grinning over her shoulder at you, Diamond grinds her butt against your crotch, Silver Spoon quickly catching on and copying her.
  77. >SS: "Yeah Anon~ You wouldn't call your little sis a prostitute, right?"
  78. >With how they gyrated against you, they weren't exactly proving Fleur wrong.
  79. >But the growing bulge in your underwear makes the decision for you, quite enjoying the girls rubbing on it.
  80. "It- It's not nice to call your cousins prostitutes, Fleur" You say weakly to your older sister.
  81. >FDL: "Ugh, garçon stupide et excité."
  82. >Clicking her tongue, Fleur lightly slaps you on the head and leaves with her makeup, Silver Spoon and Diamond giggling.
  83. >DT SS: "Bump, bump sugar lump rump!"
  84. >The two celebrate by squishing your cock between their butts, leaving you at the sink with a boner and a mouthful of toothpaste.
  85. >Finishing up at the sink, you follow the steam to the shower, taking off your underwear and opening the fogged up door.
  86. >Greeting you inside were your cousins, Aria and Gilda, both glaring down at you as you stood there.
  87. "Oh! Uh, I'll... come back later."
  88. >It wasn't that you were embarrassed that you walked in on them, it was actually common to shower together to save water, you just didn't want to shower between your two short fuse hot head cousins and get crushed when they inevitably started fighting again.
  89. >AB: "Get in dumbass, you're letting out the hot air."
  90. "S-Sorry I'll just close-"
  91. >Gilda: "She wasn't asking dweeb."
  92. >A hand from each of them grabs a shoulder and pulls you into the cramped shower between them, slamming the door closed behind you.
  93. >Seeing as how you only came up to your cousins' chests at the most, your vision was obscured by tit, your head enveloped by mostly Aria's massive boobage.
  94. >Gilda had a lot herself, especially due to her size, being even taller than Aria, but the purple grump was STACKED on top of being a big bitch.
  95. >AB: "Peppermint or lavender?"
  96. "Um, peppermint?"
  97. >AB: "Too bad, there's only lavender left." Aria says, squeezing a bottle of shampoo into her cleavage and on top of your head.
  98. >As Aria works the suds into your hair, Gilda squirts some bodywash into her hands and begins scrubbing you down.
  99. >Her rough hands work over your body, Gilda not really caring about being gentle or if she tickled you, but definitely lingered and strayed into certain "areas" often.
  100. >Gilda: "Mmh, we gotta get some more muscle on you cuz, you can't be weaker than a girl."
  101. >AB: "Yeah, letting your older cousins always fight for you makes you look like a wimp."
  102. >Moving on to conditioner, Aria's nails scratch into your scalp.
  103. >AB: "The brother is supposed to be the protector, not the other way around."
  104. >Gilda: "You're gonna start joining us in the gym, cause this-" Gilda grabs your bicep for emphasis "Ain't gonna cut it."
  105. >You seriously doubted either of them would ever need protection, but you nodded your head in their cleavage anyway.
  106. >Gilda: "Good, cause we're not always gonna be there to bail you out of trouble, dweeb."
  107. >The ironic thing was that most of the fights and "trouble" that happened to or around you was almost always instigated by one of them.
  108. >But you decide to keep that little tidbit to yourself to avoid becoming a punching bag.
  109. >...You don't think a single drop of water from the shower head has hit you directly this entire time, you're willing to bet that a hundred percent of the liquid on you right now is runoff from the girls.
  110. >Just then, you feel a pair of small hands grab your package, one feeling up your balls and the other stroking your cock.
  111. >Seeing as how you weren't exactly soft pinned between your busty cousins, it only took a few pumps to get you hard.
  112. >Peering down through said tits, you see Gilda had grown quite the bush.
  113. >Or at least you thought she did, until a cute face looks up at you from between her thick legs.
  114. >CG: "Oh golly Nonny, I'm not hurting you, am I?"
  115. >Poking her head and arms between Gilda's legs was one of your smallest and youngest siblings, Cozy Glow.
  116. "N-No?"
  117. >CG: "Thank goodness! I just wanted to help my favoritest cousin get nice and clean."
  118. >Giving you a smile that could cause diabetes, Cozy Glow keeps jerking you off, massaging your nuts at the same time.
  119. "C-Cozy-"
  120. >CG: "What's the matter Anon? Aren't I doing a good job?"
  121. >Slightly pouting, Cozy Glow bats her eyes at you.
  122. "Y-yes? But-"
  123. >CG: "Oh golly, but what, Nonny?"
  124. >She really wasn't making this easy for you, between being felt up by Gilda and being stuck between your cousins' tits, Cozy's stroking was starting to get you close.
  125. >Gasping comically loud, Cozy all of a sudden stops, bringing her hands to her cheeks, one still with your cock in one of them.
  126. >CG: "Oh golly, oh golly! I didn't see what was happening!"
  127. >Taking your dick off her soft cheek, Cozy holds it in both her hands as she feigns shock.
  128. >CG: "I didn't mean to get you hard Nonny!"
  129. >Yeah, right.
  130. >CG: "But... it's not like you didn't have plenty of time to stop me."
  131. >Continuing her stroking with both hands now, an evil smile grows on Cozy's face.
  132. >CG: "Not only did you get hard for her, even now, you're still letting your widdle cousin beat you off!"
  133. >Speeding up, Cozy laughs, pointing the tip of your cock at her mouth.
  134. >CG: "Golly you're a pervert! That grimace can't fool me, are you worried about cumming all over your sweet baby cousin's face? Huh? Are ya?"
  135. >Licking her lips, Cozy watches you with predatory look in her eyes.
  136. >CG: "Yeah, you're gonna blow a fat, sticky load- guhgk-!"
  137. >All of a sudden Cozy stops jacking you off, her body pinned in place as it's crushed between Gilda's muscular thighs.
  138. >Gilda: "Quit playing with Anon's cock and finish up my back already pipsqueak, I don't wanna wash cum off my thighs this early in the morning."
  139. >CG: "Hey what's the big idea!? I was just about-"
  140. >A large hand goes down to Gilda's crotch and shoves Cozy Glow back through, putting your much larger cousin between you and her.
  141. >Gilda: "Yeah yeah save it, get to work."
  142. >Sighing in relief but also in a little bit of pain from blue balls, you rest your head forward against Gilda's chest.
  143. >Gilda: "And you." A finger roughly pokes you "Get my front, but don't even THINK about feeling me up."
  144. >Snickering, your cousin behind you decided to light the fuse.
  145. >AB: "Hah, why not? You gay or something?"
  146. >Immediately, Gilda pushes her body against Aria's, trapping you between them.
  147. >Gilda: "What did you say bitch?!"
  148. >You were afraid this was going to happen.
  149. >AB: "Oh you deaf now too? Get off me you fuckin' queer!"
  150. >You know, all things considered, there were definitely worse ways to go than tit suffocation between two busty girls.
  151. >Just then, a large fist slams into your stomach, knocking the air out of your lungs.
  152. >Like internal hemorrhaging.
  153. >Wheezing, you can't even double over as you're still pinned in boob prison between the two large girls.
  154. >Gilda: "Oh shit, sorry 'Non."
  155. >Laughing, Aria's chest jiggles around you as you try to get air back into your body.
  156. >AB: "Wow, good job dumbass!"
  157. >Aria please I'm begging you, stop egging her on, my body can't take anymore.
  158. >You'd say that out loud, if only you both had air in your lungs, and weren't currently being crushed to death between two big chicks.
  159. >Letting out something between a screech and a roar, Gilda tries to grab hold of Aria in the shower.
  160. >The two lock hands and snarl at each other, forcefully pushing each other around the cramped space.
  161. >You might as well have been a loofah for all the care they gave you as the two of them wrestled in the shower, your dick in constant peril as it rubbed against their thighs and abs while you were tossed about between them.
  162. >Cozy was fairing even worse than you, constantly being battered by her cousin's asses and legs as she tried to dodge between them.
  163. >CG: "Wah!"
  164. >She even caught a few cockslaps to the face by accident in the commotion, the third time smacking her in the lips.
  165. >Getting angry, Cozy's head ended up buried in Gilda's asscheeks as Aria shoved her against the wall, the final straw breaking the camel's back.
  166. >Yelling out the cutest shout of rage from inside her cousin's ass, Cozy plunged her entire little hand up Gilda's pussy in one go.
  167. >Letting out a loud shocked moan that made your dick twitch, Gilda locks lips with a surprised Aria, moaning into her mouth.
  168. >Taking her hand out of her cousin, Cozy opens the shower door with a huff, leaving the three of you still inside.
  169. >Realizing what she was doing, Gilda immediately breaks the kiss, pulling back quickly as Aria grins at her.
  170. >AB: "You even kiss like a fag."
  171. >You stagger in the small space between them and catch your breath, your dizziness slowly subsiding.
  172. >Gilda: "I. Ain't. A. FAG!"
  173. >Her entire face getting red from anger and embarrassment, Gilda quickly grabs you by your butt and hefts you up into the air, shoving you cock first into her pussy.
  174. >Gilda: "See?! I like DICK bitch!"
  175. >AB: "So? Anyone can do tha-"
  176. "Don't. Move."
  177. >The girls freeze for a moment, looking at the floor as if expecting to see a spider or something.
  178. >AB: "Uh, what is it Anon?"
  179. "Gilda, do not move."
  180. >Gilda: "What, why? How come I have to stay-"
  181. "Because unless you want a pussy full of cousin cum you'll stay still! I am THIS fucking close to busting and I'm not even sure I want to stop it!"
  182. >Going deathly still, Gilda's pussy quivers around your cock as she glares down at you.
  183. >AB: "Geez, we're gonna have to work on your stamina too Anon, that's pretty pathetic."
  184. "Wh- d-did you miss the part where Cozy Glow was jacking me off this whole time?!" You say, trying to defend yourself.
  185. >Bringing her head down to your ear, Gilda says her next words in the calmest tone you've ever heard her speak.
  186. >Gilda: "Anon, if you cum in me, I'm going to beat the living shit out of you."
  187. >Your butt clenches at the thought, but your cock is still rock hard inside her, ready to blow.
  188. >Giggling mischievously, Aria puts her mouth to your other ear and whispers.
  189. >AB: "Oh but it'd feel sooooooooo good~"
  190. "A-Aria please."
  191. >AB: "Mmmf, imagine cumming DEEP into that cunt's tight cunt."
  192. "I beg of you."
  193. >Gritting her teeth, Gilda growls angrily, her walls trying not to clamp on you.
  194. >Aria's giant nipples drag over your back as she rubs you with her immense tits, chuckling mischievously.
  195. >AB: "C'mon, do it for Ari? You know you wanna~"
  196. >She was only telling the truth, and right now, you were weighing how much hurt Gilda would lay on you versus how good blasting a hot load inside her would be.
  197. >AB: "I'll make it worth it, I'll give you the best titjob of your llllllife~ All you gotta do is paint this slut's guts white."
  198. >Pushing against your back, Aria drives you even deeper into Gilda's wet pussy.
  199. >Gilda: "Aria, if you stop now, we're cool, okay? But if you make Anon cum in me, after I'm done whaling on him, I'm gonna KILL YOU."
  200. >Grinning nefariously, Aria brings a hand up and smacks your ass, hard, making you jolt a little bit and push further into Gilda's walls, moaning.
  201. >Gilda: "ARIA!" Gilda shrieks.
  202. >Laughing hysterically, Aria gets out of the shower as well, revealing more girls ready to take a shower.
  203. >AB: "Think about it Anon!"
  204. >Resting your head between Gilda's tits against her chest, you try to focus on your breathing, water running over the both of you.
  205. >Gilda: "F-Fuck, I feel you twitching in there, just- just hold on, okay?"
  206. >Nodding, you try to think unsexy thoughts.
  207. >Gilda: "Shiiiit, it's not a safe day, if you cum, moms are gonna kill us, well, kill me and whatever's left of you."
  208. >Slightly shifting her grip on you, Gilda blushes as someone enters the shower.
  209. >VS: "Heyyyy that's one way to start the day, hope I'm not interrupting anything."
  210. >Gilda: "Shut up Vinyl, and don't touch Anon."
  211. >VS: "Jeez, bit of a clingy bitch aren't ya?"
  212. >Gilda: "Look Anon, whatever lame titjob Aria promised you, I swear I'll- I'll let you do what you want, mouth, ass, whatever."
  213. >VS: "Nice."
  214. "Gilda shhh!"
  215. >Gilda: "Oh c'mon! Please?! I'll- you can cum inside once it's safe, okay?! Just, just don't!"
  216. "Shhh, please, Gilda if you keep saying that stuff desperately, I will cum." You say in your most measured tone, trying not to think about how she just promised her pussy to you.
  217. >Gilda: "What? Do you have a fetish for... chicks begging or something? Weirdo."
  218. >VS: "I do!" your half sister says cheerfully, holding up a hand.
  219. >Gilda: "No one asked you!" Gilda snaps.
  220. >VS: "Ugh, when was the last time you got laid? Y'know, besides right now. Maybe a belly full of cum might get rid of some of that cuntiness, I say go for it Anon."
  221. "Vinyl, you're not helping."
  222. >Grunting, Vinyl puts some shampoo in her hair, the smell of fresh lavender filling the shower again.
  223. >A minute goes by in silence before you tap Gilda on the shoulder.
  224. >Gilda: "Ready?"
  225. "Go slow."
  226. >Gently, Gilda lowers you out of her, inch after aching inch slowly pulling out, scraping against her walls until just your head was still inside.
  227. "Okay, now lets just-"
  228. >You feel weightless as you're dropped, the floor of the shower smacking your ass.
  229. >Looking up the tall girl's muscular thighs, toned abs and large tits, you see her glaring down at you again.
  230. >You hadn't considered the possibility of her killing you regardless if you came in her or not.
  231. >Gilda pulls you up by the arm roughly and then socks you squarely in the shoulder, pain radiating out from where she struck.
  232. "Fuck! Oww!"
  233. >Yeah, you should've just cum in her.
  234. >Gilda: "Dweeb."
  235. >Without saying another word, Gilda leaves the shower, fuming.
  236. >VS: "Geez, what a bitch huh?"
  237. >Wrapping an arm around your neck, Vinyl squishes a generous amount of wet sideboob into you.
  238. >VS: "Hey, look at it this way, if she keeps her word, you've got some pussy coming your way 'Non!"
  239. >Slapping you on the shoulder, the same one that Gilda punched, Vinyl tries to cheer you up.
  240. >When she sees you wince, she pulls her hand back quickly.
  241. >VS: "Ooh, right, sorry. Hey, that looks painful too, want me to take care of it and make it feel better?"
  242. >Pointing at your still rock hard cock, Vinyl waggles her eyebrows at you.
  243. "Yes please."
  244. >As Vinyl gets on her knees, two more girls take Gilda's place.
  245. >SD: "Hi Vivi, hi Nonny!" Comes the chipper voice of Sonata.
  246. >TS: "Hey guys- oh."
  247. >Vinyl waves back to Sonata and Tempest as she takes your cock into her throat in one go.
  248. >She doesn't even have time for another stroke as you're already cumming.
  249. >Initially laughing at how fast you busted, her giggles soon turn to choking and gulping as you blast a torrent of cum down her throat.
  250. >SD: "Whoa, you gotta teach me that move Vinyl!"
  251. >TS: "Holy shit he's trying to drown her."
  252. >Grabbing two fistfuls of Vinyl's hair, you push her head against the shower wall, trying to get as deep as you could in her throat.
  253. >Even though she started gagging, to her credit, Vinyl held your legs in place as you empty your nuts into her.
  254. >Only until your last spurts have died out do you let go, your head feeling dizzy as you stagger back, fall, and are caught by Sonata and Tempest.
  255. >TS: "Uh, is he dead?"
  256. >Vinyl coughs as she stands up, cum leaking out of her mouth and nose, wiping the tears from her eyes.
  257. >VS: "Shit Anon! I didn't mean for you to force feed me breakfast! Fuuuuck you were backed up!"
  258. >Ready to fall back asleep, the girls heft you back up onto your feet, Vinyl letting you lean heavily on her, her huge breasts acting as very comfortable cushions.
  259. >VS: "Man I'm kinda jealous, that looked like the best nut of your life, I'm not even mad you almost made me pass out, impressive dude!"
  260. >Giving you a kiss on the cheek, Vinyl leaves behind a cum print of her lips.
  261. "...Gross." You say weakly.
  262. >VS: "Baby. Now stand up already, you're not exactly light."
  263. >Doing as she says, Vinyl looks at how wiped you are and laughs, shaking her head.
  264. >SD: "Aww, someone's all tuckered out, you okay Nonny?" Sonata asks sincerely, putting a hand around you.
  265. >TS: "He's better than okay, he almost made Vinyl tap out."
  266. >VS: "As if! I'd rather pass out than tap out, girl. Momma didn't raise no quitter."
  267. >As the three talk, you grab at Sonata's huge ass mindlessly, the fat squeezing pleasantly between your fingers.
  268. >SD: "Nff, d-don't get me worked up Nonny, we don't have time!"
  269. >Despite this, Sonata pushes herself into you, biting her lip.
  270. >In response, you feel up her front next, her small B cups filling your palms nicely.
  271. >VS: "He still ready to go? Atta boy Anon!"
  272. >SD: "C-Can one of you girls take him? He's- ohhh g-getting feisty."
  273. >Pulled away from Sonata's chubby belly, Tempest's toned body takes its place.
  274. >TS: "C'mere grabby, Sonata hasn't even done her hair yet."
  275. >Tempest didn't have as much to get a hold of as her cousin, but her wet muscles were just as fun to touch.
  276. >TS: "Mmm, someone's definitely a cuddler."
  277. >Your cousin leans into your hands as you grope her, sucking in a breath when you pinch her nipples.
  278. >TS: "If you're going to be this handsy, you c-could at least help me wash."
  279. >A glob of soap is put in your hand and you work it into Tempest's wet skin, the girl shuddering as you rub around her crotch and between her legs.
  280. >As your fingers trace around her abs and grip her hips, Anon Jr. starts to wake up again and begins nestling between her muscular cheeks.
  281. >Just as Tempest gasps and widens her stance, she booty bumps you off of her, sending you back to Vinyl.
  282. >Catching you, a pair of pale arms wrap around your chest from behind, two heavy breasts pressing into your back.
  283. >TS: "A-As much as I'd love to Anon, there's still girls waiting for a shower."
  284. >With one hand between her legs, Tempest points at the fogged up door with the other, several blurry shapes standing outside it.
  285. >VS: "Aww spoilsport, buuuuuuut I guess she's right, c'mon lets go loverboy."
  286. >As Vinyl opens the door, Tempest calls after you, washing shampoo out of Sonata's hair.
  287. >TS: "I'll make it up to you, don't worry."
  288. >SD "M-Me too! You can play with my butt as much as you want later Nonny!"
  289. >Pushed out of the shower, Vinyl guides you over to the towels, Lightning Dust and Moondancer taking your places.
  290. >LD: "Heyyy, that for me? Doioioing."
  291. >Giving your cock a smack, Lighting laughs as she gets into the shower.
  292. >Following her, Moondancer can't keep her eyes off your bouncing dick as she hurries past, her face crimson.
  293. >MD: "P-Put that thing away!"
  294. >You'll get Lightning back for that cockslap, but it really did wonders for you as you're now mostly back awake instead of stuck in your sleepy post-fuck haze.
  295. >Looking at the rack, you see there was only one dry towel left, Vinyl immediately snatching it.
  296. >VS: "Ladies first!"
  297. >Trying to run, you grab Vinyl around the waist before she gets far.
  298. >VS: "AH!"
  299. >Quickly toweling off her face, Vinyl tries to wiggle out of your grasp.
  300. "Share."
  301. >Grabbing at the towel, Vinyl tries to keep it away, but when that doesn't work, she grinds her big wet butt on your crotch instead.
  302. >Letting go of the towel, you grope at Vinyl's giant tits, the girl moaning but still continuing to dry herself off.
  303. >VS: "Mmf you can have it after I'm done~"
  304. >Trying to distract you, she rubs your cock between her soft slick thighs, using the towel over her front.
  305. >It appears you need to use your trump card.
  306. >Taking your hands off her weighty boobs, you instead put them in her armpits.
  307. >VS: "Anon don't you dAREEEE-!
  308. >Shrieking, Vinyl writhes as you tickle her, her tender weakpoints no match for you.
  309. >VS: "C-Cut it- HAHAHA! Cut it out!"
  310. >Trying to pull away, when she realizes she can't, Vinyl copies Tempest and slams her butt into you, knocking you off of her.
  311. >Quickly drying her back off, she tosses the now moist towel at your face and huffs.
  312. >VS: "T-There, it's all yours now!"
  313. >Shaking her head like a dog, water drops go everywhere, her hair going back to it's normal spiky self.
  314. "IT'S WET!"
  315. >Unhappy, you take the moist towel and go after her, Vinyl yelling and pushing her way through your relatives.
  316. >Coiling up the towel into a whip, you snap it at your sister's ass, scoring a direct hit on her right cheek.
  317. >VS: "OW SHIT!"
  318. >Girls dodge you and your sister or are jostled out of the way as you chase her, some complaining or yelling and others cheering you on.
  319. >Vinyl's enormous tits bounce and slap against her chest as she runs, giggling as she narrowly avoids running into her mother, ducking behind Luna and using her as a shield.
  320. >VS: "Mommy help me!"
  321. >Coming to a screeching halt in front of your aunt/stepmother, she sighs and crosses her arms.
  322. >Luna: "Anonymous, is there a particular reason WHY you're chasing after my nude daughter while sporting an erection?"
  323. >Pointing at your crotch, Luna watches you quickly cover up your middle with the towel.
  324. "Auntie I- She- Vinyl used up the last dry towel and..."
  325. >Your weak excuse was met with an eye raise from Luna, and a taunting tongue stickout from Vinyl.
  326. >She was still hiding behind her mom, though "hiding" wouldn't be very accurate as she was both taller and wider than her mother.
  327. >Luna: "Do I even need to waste my breath?"
  328. >Shaking your head, Luna just nods and walks away, leaving a triumphant naked Vinyl standing before you.
  329. >VS: "See ya later chump, maybe next time you'll get a fresh one."
  330. >Grinning at you, Vinyl doesn't react fast enough as your hand darts forward and grabs one of her fat nipples, giving her a titty twister.
  331. >Letting out a lewd pained moan, Vinyl yanks her chest away from you, hissing in pain.
  332. >VS: "Okay fair, but truce alright?!"
  333. >Humphing, you nod.
  334. "Truce."
  335. >Going your separate ways, you find that drying yourself off with the soggy towel was going to be fruitless, so you grabbed a seat and simply waited to air dry instead.
  336. >OM: "Good morning Anonymous."
  337. >The British accent immediately gives away who was seated next to you, your half sister Octavia Melody brushing her long black hair beside you.
  338. "Morning Octy."
  339. >OM: "You've been quite... rambunctious this morning hmm?"
  340. >It takes you a second to catch her meaning but when you do you nod.
  341. "Oh chasing Vinyl? Yeah I guess, but you know what she's like."
  342. >OM: "Hmm, that's not what I was referring to, but yes I do know what she's like."
  343. >Cocking your head at your topless sister, your eyes drift down to her bare chest, her perky D cups staring back at you.
  344. "...Not what you were referring to?"
  345. >OM: "Gossip spreads rather fast in our little family you know, especially so when it's about you."
  346. >Thinking about what she meant, your eyes roam over Octavia's body, her lithe modelesque curves closely matching her sister Fleur's.
  347. >OM: "You simply can't help yourself, can you?"
  348. "Huh?"
  349. >As your eyes try to bore a hole through Octavia's pantyhose, an arm reaches out to you, a dexterous finger pushing up on your chin.
  350. >Forced to look into your sister's magenta eyes, there's a twinkle in them.
  351. >OM: "If you were anyone else, I'd say you would get yourself into trouble one of these days, but...
  352. >Trailing off, Octavia hands you a purple bra, her lips turning up into a small smile.
  353. >OM: "Why don't you make yourself useful hmm?"
  354. >Turning her back to you, your sister moves her hair out of the way, still brushing it.
  355. >Taking the invitation, you reach around her smooth back to her breasts, lining up her frilly bra cups with them and then dropping the clothing into her lap.
  356. >Instead, you get two handfuls of your sister's tits, making Octavia gasp.
  357. >OM: "I m-may be wrong, but I do not believe this is required for dressing m-me."
  358. >Giving her breasts a squeeze, Octavia leans back into you, stifling a moan.
  359. "I'm... just making sure your bra will still fit, sizing is important you know?"
  360. >OM: "Oh, f-forgive me, I thought you were only a- ngh- a lascivious rapscallion."
  361. "No, I'd never be... whatever that is you said, you think so poorly of me Octy, don't you know I'm FBI?"
  362. >Sighing, Octavia shakes her head.
  363. >OM: "Female Body Inspector, you and Vinyl both. Well, I suppose a q-qualified agent such as yourself knows what they're doing."
  364. "That's right, I got a loicence to "inspect" as much female body as I want."
  365. >Rolling your sister's nipples in your fingers, Octavia lets out a few cute squeaks, the buds hardening.
  366. >OM: "Mmm y-yes, you've been quite diligent in your duty, especially- ah! t-today if the rumors are to be believed."
  367. >Your fondling is cut short however as Fleur walks over to Octavia and snatches the brush she was using from her.
  368. >FDL: "You 'are done with ziz, oui? Merci ma soeur."
  369. >Before Octavia can get in a word, Fleur walks off, taking the brush along with her.
  370. >OM: "Bloody faken-! Grrr- I-I'm terribly sorry officer, but I must insist, you may continue your "inspection" at a later date."
  371. >Standing, Octavia quickly puts her bra on and marches after her sister, her accent slipping a bit more in her rage.
  372. >OM: "OI! You daft cunt, you taking the piss?! You fookin tramp get back here! Don't "qu'est-ce que c'est" me!"
  373. >As the two sisters start fighting over the brush, you decide you've dried off enough and go to get dressed.
  374. >Exiting the bathroom and going back down the hall, you walk into your closet and get a brief moment of silence to put on some pants until you hear someone call your name from the doorway.
  375. >CP: "Anon? A-Are you in here?"
  376. "Yeah what's up?"
  377. >Zipping up your fly, you turn to see the third sister to Octavia and Fleur, Coco Pommel.
  378. >CP: "Oh n-nothing much I- I just wanted to know what you thought about m-my u-u-underwear?"
  379. >Standing in the doorway, your shy half sister is clad in what looked like very expensive lingerie.
  380. "Whoa."
  381. >Fidgeting under your gaze, Coco looks away.
  382. >CP: "I-Is it too much?"
  383. >Stepping closer, you examine the intricate embroidery all over the clothing with interest.
  384. "No I mean, wow, did you make this? It looks like it took forever."
  385. >Beaming, Coco nods happily.
  386. >CP: "I s-sure did! It wasn't as long as some of my dresses but it did take a little bit of time."
  387. >Grabbing your hands, Coco brings them to her body.
  388. >CP: "Here, feel how soft it is, it's silk."
  389. >Not needing to be told twice, your hands roam over Coco's clothing, one hand on her chest and the other on her crotch.
  390. >Your normally quiet and shy sister has a field day telling you about the process and features of her underwear, really coming out of her shell.
  391. >She isn't even embarrassed as she shows off how the fabric was semi-transparent, her areola and vulva easy to see after she pointed them out.
  392. >Going on to explain the stitch type, she remains unaware of the reaction your fondling is having on her body, her nipples hardening and crotch getting wet.
  393. >It's only after you stop giving her one word reactions, does she snap out of her little bout of clothing autism.
  394. >CP: "U-U-Um A-Anon?"
  395. "You're right Coco, the fabric IS very soft."
  396. >Squeezing her small boob, your sister whimpers needily.
  397. "I can tell you put a lot of effort into this, I think my favorite part is riiiiight here, what about you?"
  398. >Your other hand rubs between Coco's legs, your fingers tracing her puffy moist lips through the incredibly thin fabric.
  399. >Blushing, Coco can only nod and rub her thighs together, her voice leaving her as her embarrassment takes over.
  400. >Just as you're about to see how good the lingerie looks when it's not on her body, someone comes barging into the closet.
  401. >SG: "Mmph do we have enough time?"
  402. >TL: "Hah, Trixie will MAKE time!"
  403. >Make that two someones.
  404. >SG: "W-Wait, I think there's someone in here!"
  405. >There's a brief second where the four of you pause, your cousins Trixie and Starlight in the middle of a make out session and you practically fingering Coco clad in sexy lingerie.
  406. "Uh-"
  407. >Loudly yelping, Coco dives behind you, shielding her body from her cousins as they untangle themselves from each other.
  408. >TL: "A-Anonymous what a surprise! Trixie did not know you were in here, please accept her most sincerest apologies."
  409. >Giving you a little bow, Starlight just stands there blushing.
  410. >Clearing your throat awkwardly, you try to defuse the situation.
  411. "Look, I know if Starlight's mom were to find out she'd have a fit again so-"
  412. >TL: "So you'll be extorting us?!"
  413. "What? No I-"
  414. >TL: "Hmph, very well, Trixie can buy your silence."
  415. >SG: "Trixie I don't think he-"
  416. >Cutting her off, Trixie puts a finger to Starlight's mouth.
  417. >TL: "Hush, Trixie already knows what he wants."
  418. >Bending over, Trixie reaches under her dress and then wiggles her hips, a pair of purple panties falling down to her ankles.
  419. >TL: "Here. Do we have a deal?"
  420. >Shoving her panties into your hand, you look down at the underwear that had Starlight's initials on them.
  421. "N-No? I don't want-"
  422. >TL: "Drat, Trixie knew that would be too easy, come here Starlight."
  423. >SG: "Wha-? Hey!"
  424. >Reaching under Starlight's skirt, Trixie yanks down her panties as well, nearly tripping Starlight as she removes them.
  425. >TL: "Okay, now is this payment enough?"
  426. >You find yourself now with two pairs of panties in your hand, the new pair a light baby blue with the waistband stenciled "The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon's panties~".
  427. "Please take these back."
  428. >SG: "I think you have the wrong idea Trixie."
  429. >Gritting her teeth, Trixie has to force herself to be quiet as she whisper shouts.
  430. >TL: "Disgusting pervert! Taking advantage of Trixie like this is unforgivable!"
  431. "Look I don't want-!"
  432. >TL: "Yes yes, Trixie KNOWS what you want, and seeing as how she's backed into a corner she'll have no choice but to give it to you."
  433. >Hanging her head, Trixie pushes Starlight forward.
  434. >TL: "Starlight will give you a handjob."
  435. >SG: "What?!"
  436. "Uh..."
  437. >TL: "Hmm yes, Trixie supposes that isn't good enough, a blowjob then."
  438. >SG: "Hey wait a minute!"
  439. >TL: "What? Oh of course. Anonymous, you will have the privilege of having Trixie suck your cock as well, Starlight isn't as experienced."
  440. >SG: "That's not the- wait, what, like you are?!"
  441. >Patting Starlight on the head, Trixie tries to comfort her cousin.
  442. >TL: "Calm down dear, Trixie will show you how it's done, she's surely a natural at it, just like everything she does."
  443. "That's okay, really, you don't have to-"
  444. >TL: "UGHH! Again you change the terms?! So be it, Trixie didn't want to have it come to this, but..."
  445. >Grabbing Starlight by the hips, Trixie yanks down her skirt, showing off Starlight's pussy.
  446. >SG: "Trixie!"
  447. >TL: "...You may fuck Trixie's girlfriend."
  448. >Rounding on Trixie, Starlight's face was red as a cherry.
  449. >SG: "Are you seriously trying to pimp me out to our cousin?!"
  450. >Waving her off, Trixie puts an arm around Starlight.
  451. >TL: "Starlight, Please, Trixie knows what's best. Besides, it isn't HER mother who has a problem with us."
  452. "This really isn't necessary, I don't know how I can be more clear."
  453. >TL: "What, is her body not to your liking?"
  454. >Tearing off Starlight's top, Trixie gropes her breasts, examining them herself.
  455. >TL: "Hmm yes, Trixie supposes she's not quite as impressive as the Great and Busty Trixie."
  456. >Starlight's demeanor changes instantly at those words, going from trying to hide her nude body from you to placing her hands on her hips indignantly.
  457. >SG: "Tch, Trixie you WISH you had bigger tits than me, I have AT LEAST two cup sizes on you."
  458. >TL: "Jealousy doesn't suit you my dear, you have plenty to be envious about, but Trixie knows she's impossible to compare to and she loves you all the same."
  459. >Looking down at her large chest still being fondled by her girlfriend, Starlight's face becomes less confident.
  460. >SG: "Y-You always do this, even if you did have bigger tits that- that doesn't mean- I mean- I-I'm still hotter, r-right Anon?"
  461. "Please, I didn't want any of this."
  462. >TL: "Oh bravooo Anonymous, bravo. Fine, Trixie will also allow you to fuck her as well." Trixie says, clapping sarcastically.
  463. >SG: "Yeah, you're not getting out of this one that easily buster."
  464. "Now you're on her side?! C'mon guys please-"
  465. >TL: "No no no, it is done! Trixie makes no further concessions or compromises! You WILL be fucking us and that is that!"
  466. >Putting a hand to your head, you feel a headache coming on.
  467. "Okay, I'm going to try and lay this out as clearly as I can. You're very pretty but you-"
  468. >TL: "Haahhh!~"
  469. >Cutting you off, Trixie's legs shake, the girl biting her lip as she moans loudly. Conversely Starlight blushes with jealousy assuming your compliment was only for Trixie.
  470. "You- *ahem* you d-do not need to fuck me to keep me silent, I quite literally would have forgotten this even happened if you two had just left."
  471. >TL: "Ngh, FINE, you drive the hardest of bargains Anon. You may also have SOME of Trixie's peanut butter crackers at lunch, but that is IT!"
  472. >Exhaling explosively, you let your arms fall to your sides.
  473. "Are you retarded?"
  474. >TL: "Away my love! Our cousin is too shrewd a negotiator!"
  475. >Pushing the now nude Starlight out the door, your now self concious and validation seeking cousin calls after you.
  476. >SG: "Wait Trixie! Anon still has to- I-I'm hotter, right Anon?!"
  477. >You really hope you aren't closely related to those too.
  478. >Not because of the incest but because of the monumental stupidity you hope isn't hereditary or contagious.
  479. >CP: "Wow I-Impressive Anon."
  480. "Ah fuck!"
  481. >Jumping forward, you had completely forgotten Coco had been hiding behind you.
  482. >CP: "Oh s-sorry!"
  483. "N-No my bad, I should've remembered you were there."
  484. >Looking over your sister, you noticed something was missing.
  485. "Hey Coco... what happened to your panties?"
  486. >Blushing, Coco shyly covers her bare crotch as she walks up to you, pulling her other hand out from behind her back.
  487. >Unable to say a word, she gently lays her fancy underwear on top of the other panties in your hand and walks past you out the door.
  488. >Not knowing what to do, you stare at the still warm pile of panties in your hand for a while, eventually giving them a sniff.
  489. >When in Rome.
  490. >After that little incident, you get dressed and go down to the kitchen, but are stopped halfway down the stairs on the landing by your full blooded sister.
  491. >Sunsis: "Anon what the hell?!"
  492. >And she wasn't happy.
  493. >Her fiery hair billowed around her head as she quickly went down the stairs after you, Lightning Dust and your cousin Babs Seed snickering as they went past.
  494. "Hey Sunset, what's up?"
  495. >Sunsis: "Pshh "Hey Sunset"." Sunset scoffs, mocking your tone of voice. "What's the big idea jerk?!"
  496. >Not catching her meaning, you scratch your head.
  497. "Uh, I was hungry and am going down to get some breakfast?"
  498. >This was apparently the wrong answer as your sister's hand baps you on the chest.
  499. >Sunsis: "Don't joke about this! Do you even care about what you did?"
  500. >Confused, you try to figure out what your sister was getting at.
  501. "What did I do now?"
  502. >Again, this was a poor choice of words as your sister pushed you backwards and pinned you to the wall with her huge tits.
  503. >Sunsis: "Unbelievable, Vinyl I can understand, but Gilda? Before me?!"
  504. >Putting a hand on her waist, you try to calm down your sister.
  505. "Sunset, you need to be more specific, I really don't know what you're talking about."
  506. >Balling her fists up, Sunset gets in your face.
  507. >Sunsis: "YOU C-" Looking around her, Sunset lowers her voice as your Aunt Harshwhinny goes down the stairs, raising an eyebrow at the two of you.
  508. >Gritting her teeth, Sunset hisses at you angrily.
  509. >Sunsis: "When you were in the shower did you fuck and CUM in Vinyl and Gilda?!"
  510. "What? No that was just- well you're kinda half right but-"
  511. >Sunsis: "Vinyl's y'know, Vinyl, but you did it with Gilda unprotected?!"
  512. "Wait a sec sis you're overreacting."
  513. >Sunsis: "Oh I'm overreacting now, I thought we promised each other I'd be the first to get pregnant?! Or was that just a lie?"
  514. >Seeing your sister start to tear up, you quickly give her a tight hug.
  515. "Whoa there Sunset, no one's pregnant."
  516. >Probably, your pullout game was rough this morning.
  517. >Calming down a little, Sunset wipes her tears away.
  518. >Sunsis: "Okay, what happened this morning? I need details, all I heard was that you had sex in the shower with some of the girls an now Gilda's pregnant."
  519. "Damn I'm a stud."
  520. >That earns you another bap.
  521. >Sunsis: "This is serious Anon!"
  522. >Tracing down your sister's back, your hands reach under her skirt and grab both her cheeks, giving the sunnybuns a good squeeze.
  523. >Sunsis: "Mmf, that won't work this time Anon, c'mon, spill."
  524. >Despite her words, Sunset can't help but push her crotch against yours, blushing a little.
  525. "Okay, here's what happened Sunny, I was in the shower with Gilda, Aria, and Cozy, who then started jerking me off."
  526. >Sunsis: "So, typical Cozy Glow. I swear, those little hands of hers get into more trouble than her smart mouth."
  527. >Starting to grind against you, Sunset keeps listening intently.
  528. "Yeah, she played her usual innocent self while also trying to get me to cum into that smart mouth."
  529. >Sunsis: "Hmf, little slut."
  530. >Putting her legs on either side of yours, Sunset straddles you against the wall.
  531. "Then also typically, Gilda and Aria get into a fight and Aria ended up calling Gilda gay."
  532. >Sunset just nods, putting the pieces together in her head, still grinding into you.
  533. "So they fight a little bit, then one thing leads to another and I'm balls deep in Gilda's pussy, trying not to blow the load that Cozy had been working on."
  534. >Sunsis: "Just like that? How'd that happen?"
  535. >One of Sunset's hands travels down to her crotch, flipping up the front of her skirt.
  536. "Gilda picked me up and shoved my cock inside her, to prove she wasn't gay."
  537. >Giggling, Sunset sneaks a hand into your pants as well.
  538. >Sunsis: "Mmm, did it feel good?"
  539. >Grabbing your cock, Sunset starts rubbing you in your pants, doing the same to herself in her panties.
  540. "I-It felt great, even without moving."
  541. >Getting you hard, Sunset pulls you out of your pants, pulling down her underwear.
  542. >Sunsis: "Were you gonna cum in that big bitch's hot cunt?"
  543. >Stroking you faster, Sunset bites her lip.
  544. "I barely hung on, e-even with Aria trying to make me cum the whole time.
  545. >Sunsis: "Naughty~ I bet you wanted to nut soooooo bad~"
  546. >Guiding your cock past her panties and between her legs, Sunset grinds your tip against her wet folds.
  547. "Yeah."
  548. >Sunsis: "Then what?"
  549. >Slipping you into her pussy, Sunset sighs, feeling you fill her up.
  550. "She dropped me."
  551. >Stopping for a moment Sunset tries not to laugh.
  552. >Sunsis: "Srnk- What?"
  553. "She literally dropped me out of her pussy and then punched me for the inconvenience of sticking me in there."
  554. >Laughing, Sunset slips down your cock until her crotch meets yours, her boobs jiggling against you.
  555. >Sunsis: "Haaaah~ A-And after?"
  556. >Beginning to thrust, Sunset starts fucking you against the wall.
  557. "Vinyl came in and o-offered to blow me."
  558. >Sunsis: "What a- ngh- t-thoughtful sister~"
  559. >Going faster, you start to thrust back into Sunset, using the grip you had on her ass as leverage.
  560. "I lasted about two seconds."
  561. >Sunsis: "Oooh fuck, y-yeah, I bet- ahn! s-she's great with her mouth."
  562. >Little plaps sound from your crotches, the area getting wet with fluids.
  563. "T-Tempest thought I was- t-trying to drown her."
  564. >Sunsis: "Uh huh?~ You e-emptied those f-FAT nuts into her- haaaah- t-throat until you were dry~"
  565. >Getting close, the two of you start really going at it.
  566. >Sunsis: "You have a b-big, juicy load like- naagh! t-that for me too l-little brother?"
  567. >Nodding, you tried to focus on your thrusts, Sunset panting heavily as her walls started to clamp on you.
  568. >Sunsis: "G-give it to me Anon! F-Fill your sister up!"
  569. >A few more thrusts and you pulled Sunset's ass into you tightly as you started to unload, keeping it there.
  570. >Stormy: "Hey kiddos, go get breakfast before it gets cold."
  571. >The two of you go deathly still, Sunset turning her head to see who was talking.
  572. >Standing behind Sunset on the landing was Stormy Flare, your stepmom.
  573. >Your sister's legs quiver as she feels you cumming inside her, her pussy doing its best to milk you dry.
  574. >Sunsis: "K-Kay!"
  575. >Tittering, Stormy puts a hand to her mouth.
  576. >Stormy: "Oh you two, practicing kissing again just like Spitfire and Fleetfoot, how cute."
  577. >Thankfully, Sunset's skirt was long enough to hide what you were doing from behind, your stepmom unable to tell that you were currently filling your sister's pussy with brother cum.
  578. >Hopefully it covered you close up as well, as Stormy started walking toward you two with a smile, Sunset's pussy clamping on you with fear.
  579. >Stormy: "Here, let me show you what I taught my girls."
  580. >Before either of you could stop her, she was already placing a kiss on your lips.
  581. >And seeing as Sunset was between you, Stormy pushed your sister into you even harder, driving your cock deeper and deeper into Sunset's pussy.
  582. >Stormy's tongue forced it's way into your mouth as she moaned, gripping the back of your head for leverage.
  583. >It was definitely more intimate than a mother should give, even for a stepmother.
  584. >As your last shots of cum filled Sunset, Stormy broke the kiss, grabbing your sister next.
  585. >Sunset squeaked as your stepmom did the same to her, her pussy spasming around you while her cheeks bulged when Stormy's tongue licked against the insides.
  586. >Breaking the kiss, Stormy smiles at you two before heading back down the stairs.
  587. >Stormy: "You guys can practice kissing with me whenever you want, now c'mon, lets go get some chow."
  588. >You and Sunset stare at each other as your stepmom leaves, both of you flush and panting.
  589. "H-Holy shit."
  590. >Sunsis: "That was s-so fucking hot!"
  591. >Slamming her lips against yours, Sunset grinds her pussy on your sensitive cock.
  592. >Biting your lip, Sunset pulls away, sweating.
  593. >Sunsis: "You have no idea how badly I want to go again, I'd tell you to get hard but we should go eat."
  594. >Stepping back, Sunset separates the two of you, your cock pulling out of her with a wet noise.
  595. >Pulling her panties back up, Sunset gives you another kiss before heading down the stairs as well, leaving you with your cock out.
  596. "Fuck."
  597. >Tucking yourself in, you finally make it downstairs, the smell of breakfast making your mouth water.
  598. >Going into the clamoring kitchen, it was packed full of your family, food being passed here and there as the girls ate.
  599. >Celly: "Anonymous! There's my sunshine!"
  600. >Looking over to the stove, you see your mom let go of Sunset, your sister gasping for breath as she was freed from your mom's massive cleavage.
  601. >With her bust and height, Celestia outdid any of your other relatives, her full womanly curves portraying how much of your family was genetically "gifted".
  602. >Celly: "Come give your poor mother a hug!"
  603. >You take your sister's spot and your mother envelops you in a warm, soft hug.
  604. >Celly: "Good morning sunshine, did you sleep well? I made you breakfast."
  605. >You can barely hear her with how muffled she is from the sheer amount of boobage over your ears.
  606. "Yeff, fank yuu mommy." You reply even more muffled, more to her boobs than your mother.
  607. >Giving you a squeeze, your mom lets you go, allowing you to breathe again.
  608. >No sooner had you been liberated, a plate is put into your hands, a huge stack of pancakes covered in fruit smiling at you, along with eggs and bacon also formed into a happy face.
  609. >Celly: "Sunny side up, just how you like them!"
  610. >It wasn't really your favorite way to eat eggs, but it made your mom happy, and that's all that mattered.
  611. >"Go find a seat, if you want more come back! Though I'll have to charge you another hug."
  612. >Giving you a grin and a pat on the butt, your mom sends you on your way over to the crowded table.
  613. >Immediately your sisters and cousins vie for your company, shouting over each other and trying to make room.
  614. >VS: "Yo Anon over here bro!"
  615. >FF: "Anon! Thpitfire and I are gonna thee who can eat fathter, you gotta be the judge!"
  616. >SS: "You can sit between me and Diamond Anon!"
  617. >Gilda: "Get away from me dweeb."
  618. >LD: "There's plenty of room over here dude!"
  619. >CP: "P-Please stop pushing!"
  620. >All the yelling was quickly silenced by your aunt Chrysalis practically screaming over it.
  621. >Chrys: "QUIET you little shits! Anon come here and sit down already!"
  622. >Hurrying over to your aunt, you do as she says, not wanting to piss her off further.
  623. >HW: "Is that really appropriate language at the table Chrysalis?"
  624. >In her usual way, your aunt Harshwhinny chides Chrysalis, your other aunt, Spoiled Rich nodding along.
  625. >SR: "Yes, let's try to set a good example for the children."
  626. >Chrys: "Grr, I'll set an example alright." Your moody aunt growls under her breath. "They're old enough."
  627. >Chrysalis was not a morning person.
  628. >Huffing, Spoiled goes back to her breakfast, knowing Chrysalis was not someone to pick a fight with.
  629. >Turning her attention back to you, Chrysalis glowers at you.
  630. >Chrysalis: "I told you to sit."
  631. >The back of your neck starts to sweat as you look around the table, not a single seat open for you to take.
  632. >"T-There's nowhere to sit auntie."
  633. >Getting a handful of your shirt, Chrysalis yanks you down to her, pulling you into her lap.
  634. >Chrys: "It's too damn early for this. Eat your food."
  635. >Despite her children, the dazzles, sniggering at you, you found Chrysalis' lap was very comfortable, her squishy thighs making for an excellent seat and her large breasts a nice cushion for your back.
  636. >As you ate your food, the usual din of the breakfast table picked back up, conversations going back and forth as everyone ate, girls rotating out as they finished their food.
  637. >Chrysalis sipped on her black coffee, the only thing that gave her joy in the mornings, giving you a drink or two as you demolished your pancakes.
  638. >Looking around the table, Cozy catches your eye, making a lewd gesture to which your niece sitting next to her, Flurry Heart, picks up on.
  639. >Cozy was a really bad influence on her, your niece sucking on the end of a knife and fondling invisible balls, all while giving you bedroom eyes, your older cousin Cadance oblivious to her daughter's actions as she chatted with your aunt Cheerilee.
  640. >You swear Cozy had single-handedly turned all your younger sisters and cousins into little horny sluts, well, maybe except for Twist, the redhead giving you a happy wave as she drank some milk.
  641. >She might be a sleeper agent.
  642. >Both Sunset and Vinyl were sitting together opposite you, both pretending they weren't both currently full of your cum as they talked about music.
  643. >And then Spoiled Rich sat at the end of the table, nagging her daughter, sitting between her and Trixie.
  644. >SR: "-why don't you find a nice BOYfriend Starlight? Someone nice you can bring home, like Anonymous."
  645. >Starlight's and your eyes meet for a brief moment, before Trixie cuts in, heavily rolling her r's.
  646. >TL: "The Grrreat and Powerful Trrrrrrrrixie is more than enough for Starlight!"
  647. >Gritting her teeth, Spoiled turns to Trixie, irritated.
  648. >SR: "I want grandchildren young lady! Diamond and Cozy aren't old enough for that right now and-"
  649. >Cutting off her mom, Cozy puts a hand on her Spoiled's arm.
  650. >CG: "Golly mom! You make us sound like little babies, if you wanted grandkids you shoulda just said so silly!"
  651. >DT: "Yeah! We're old enough, we just... haven't found the right guy yet!"
  652. >CG: "Oh, I have."
  653. >You stare down at your food, making a point to NOT look at your young cousin who was most certainly at least giving you "fuck me" eyes.
  654. >As Spoiled tries to dissuade her younger daughters from getting pregnant, Trixie smiles smugly.
  655. >TL: "They seem ready to Trixie, but worry not, Trixie will make sure you have plenty of grandchildren to spoil." Trixie says, looking at you purposely, causing you to choke on your bacon.
  656. >Sometimes you wish your family was a little more normal.
  657. >It was a dirty secret that your family had a bit of flavor to it in the form of rampant incestuous tendencies, which were impolite to talk about or acknowledge directly.
  658. >Along with the accepted nudity in the house, no one in your family really batted an eye at a little fooling around, as long as it was minor or kept somewhat discreet.
  659. >But something like cumming in your cousin in the shower, or sister on the stairs would make for great gossip, and punishment.
  660. >But despite that, you almost always took the risk.
  661. >After all, you were only human. Specifically a young male around a ton of hot horny girls (and women), the inevitable was going to happen. Frequently.
  662. >And it wasn't like you were alone, you yourself had caught your mom and Luna "wrestling" a few times.
  663. >Rumors of others had floated in the family as well, Trixie and Starlight, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the dazzlings, all of Stormy Flare's part of the family, et cetera.
  664. >Even the stuck up Harshwhinny had supposedly been found with her cousin Peachbottom in a compromising position more than once.
  665. >Whether true or not, pretty much everyone had gotten a little more than family friendly with someone they were related to.
  666. >Despite the taboo, most of your sisters and cousins treated it like naughtily stealing cookies from the cookie jar, it was only really seen as a problem by your aunts and mothers.
  667. >Even so, Spoiled had more of an issue with Starlight dating her cousin because Trixie didn't have a cock, rather than because they were related.
  668. >Knocking you out of your thoughts was an elbow to the ribs, your cousin next to you getting your attention.
  669. >AB: "Still alive huh Anon? I heard what happened, guess I owe you."
  670. >Chrys: "What happened?"
  671. >AB: "N-Nothing mom, just... something Anon did for me, some homework."
  672. >Aria's mother was about the only person who could cow the big girl.
  673. >Chrys: "Mmm, my nephew is very helpful isn't he?" Chrysalis says, rubbing your chest with her free hand, finishing her coffee.
  674. >Chrys: "Why don't you get me a fresh cup hmm? I almost feel alive."
  675. >Finishing your food, you take your dishes and hop off your aunt's lap, taking her empty mug as well.
  676. >Going to the sink, your stepmother Peachbottom was diligently going through a mountain of dishes.
  677. >PB: "Well gah-lee, if it isn't my favorite son!"
  678. >You were everyone's favorite son, stepson, nephew, cousin, and brother by default, but it still felt nice.
  679. >Your stepmom turns from the sink and grabs you, hugging you tight into her bosom, as was tradition in your family.
  680. "Hi momma Peach."
  681. >PB: "Brought me some more work didja?"
  682. >Letting you go, Peachbottom turns back to the dishes, grabbing the ones from your hands.
  683. "Hope you don't mind."
  684. >Ignoring the wet spots her hug had left on your shirt, you grab the coffeepot from the machine and pour a fresh cup.
  685. >PB: "Oh not at all sweet thing, in fact I like to keep my hands a moving, helps with the... ahem, c-claustrophobia."
  686. >Looking at the ceiling for a moment, Peachbottom quickly looks back outside the window in front of her, the tension leaving her body as she resumes washing.
  687. >PB: "I'm just itchin' to go for a run after this..."
  688. "Well let me know if you need any help, I know we make a lot of dishes."
  689. >Giving your cheek a pinch with her wet hand, Peachbottom smiles at you.
  690. >PB: "You're sweet, but you better go get to school now, don't want to be late again."
  691. >Nodding, you bring the fresh cup of coffee to Chrysalis, the table mostly empty now save for a few stragglers.
  692. >Chrys: "Ah, thank you dear."
  693. >Taking the cup from you, Chrysalis immediately takes a sip, closing her eyes and humming with satisfaction.
  694. >As you go to leave, your Aunt gives your butt a hard, full handed squeeze, chuckling into her coffee when you jolt.
  695. >Rubbing your ass as you leaving the kitchen, you go to get your things, most of your sisters and cousins having left the house already.
  696. >Grabbing your backpack as you walk out the door, you see only two of your relatives waiting at the end of the driveway.
  697. >PT: "Hurry up Anon we're gonna be late for thcool!"
  698. >Peppermint Twist, or just Twist as she liked to be called, was standing next to her sister Moondancer, who looked like she wanted to leave five minutes ago.
  699. >MD: "Yeah by all means, keep us waiting even longer."
  700. >Hurrying down the driveway, you join the two girls as they start walking down the sidewalk.
  701. >Most of your family was well ahead of you, with some taking their cars if they had them or carpooling with their sisters and cousins.
  702. >Still, there wasn't enough room for everyone, and the rest of you had to walk.
  703. >It wasn't that far though, and you enjoyed having a little morning air with your cousins.
  704. >Twist and Moondancer flanked your sides as the three of you strolled to school, the cool breeze blowing their hair in the wind.
  705. >Shivering, Twist wraps her arms around herself.
  706. >PT: "Ith a little cold out..."
  707. >MD: "Maybe you should've worn a jacket then Twist." Moondancer says, dressed in her usual thick sweater.
  708. >PT: "I'll be fin- oh!"
  709. >Wrapping an arm around your cousin, you bring Twist into a side hug, sharing your body heat.
  710. >PT: "Thankth Anon."
  711. >Snuggling into your side, Twist's curly hair spills over your chest, Moondancer doing her best not to look jealous.
  712. >Seeing her usual frown get a little deeper, you use your other arm and wrap it around her, bringing her into a hug as well.
  713. >MD: "I-I'm not cold!"
  714. >Despite this, Moondancer doesn't pull away from you, instead she lets you hug her and eventually rests her head on your shoulder as well.
  715. >This was nice.
  716. >The three of you walk in silence until you start to see the school in the distance, Moondancer picking her head up.
  717. >MD: "Huh, maybe you'll actually make it on time for once Anon."
  718. >Getting closer to school, Twist perks up, seeming to remember something.
  719. >PT: "Oh! Anon I don't know if anyone told you or Thunthet, but momth thaid they wanted to go thomewhere tomorrow for a family trip."
  720. >MD: "We're going to the beach tomato head, it's supposed to be hot Saturday."
  721. >Pouting, Twist adjusts her glasses on her face.
  722. >PT: "You've got red hair too thithter."
  723. >Smiling, Moondancer picks at a lock of Twist's unruly hair.
  724. >MD: "Yeah but yours is REALLY red, way more than mine, even Babs and Sunset's aren't as red."
  725. >Looking at the curly strand in her sister's hand, Twist sighs.
  726. >PT: "I gueth tho... I with I had hair like yourth Moonie."
  727. >Smiling sheepishly, Moondancer pats Twist on the head.
  728. >MD: "N-No your hair is fine sis, I was only teasing. But we could flat iron those curls if you really want to."
  729. >As the three of you step on school grounds, the sound of someone running behind the three of you gets your attention, your stepmom Peachbottom closing in fast.
  730. >PB: "Heya kids!"
  731. >PT: "Hi auntie Peach!"
  732. >MD: "Hey."
  733. >Catching up with the three of you, your stepmother starts jogging in place beside you.
  734. >PB: "Girls, wouldja mind if I stole Anon from y'all for just a tick?"
  735. >MD: "Sure auntie."
  736. >PT: "Oh okay, thee you later Anon!"
  737. >Sticking a finger into your chest, Moondancer looks at you square in the eye.
  738. >MD: "DON'T wander off and be late again, mom has had it up to here with you showing up halfway through her class."
  739. >Going off into the grass on the edge of school grounds, Peachbottom starts doing some stretches.
  740. >PB: "Oh don't you worry none, I'll have him back off to school lickety-split."
  741. >Pointing at you threateningly, Moondancer turns and follows after Twist, the two sisters continuing on to school.
  742. >PB: "Hooh boy does it feel good to be out of the house and stretch these legs."
  743. "What did you need me for mom?"
  744. >Walking over to your stepmom, you enjoy the view she was giving you in her tight running shorts.
  745. >She wasn't particularly busty, especially compared to your other moms and aunts, but boy did she have an ass.
  746. >Standing up, Peachbottom turns to you and smiles, pulling you into a hug.
  747. >PB: "Gimme some sugar, sugar."
  748. >Your stepmom immediately brings her mouth to yours, locking you in an unexpected kiss.
  749. "Mmfh!"
  750. >Laughing into your mouth, Peachbottom licks at your tongue before breaking the smooch.
  751. "Jeez mom, what if someone saw us?!"
  752. >Looking around you, you search for anyone who might've seen the two of you.
  753. >PB: "Oh you worry wart, why would anyone be looking over here?"
  754. >Pushing your head back to face her, Peachbottom smiles at you.
  755. "Oh we can't mom, I'll be late for-"
  756. >Not letting you finish, your stepmom pulls you over to a tree and pushes you against it.
  757. >PB: "Pshaw, a little morning exercise will do you some good."
  758. >Quickly unbuttoning your pants, Peachbottom yanks off her shorts, starting to pump your cock in her hand.
  759. >Seeing that she hadn't even bothered to wear underwear, you realize this was a premeditated boning.
  760. >Being this close to her, you realize how sweaty Peachbottom had gotten on her little run, drops of sweat falling into her cleavage and down her bare thighs.
  761. >PB: "Mmm, that's it, get nice and stiff for momma."
  762. >Working your erection until she was happy, your stepmom turns around and puts her huge ass to your crotch, your cock pinned between her thick cheeks.
  763. >They didn't call her Peachbottom for nothing.
  764. >PB: "Why don't I get us started?"
  765. >Maneuvering your cock to her entrance, Peachbottom sticks you in, slamming her butt against you immediately.
  766. >She doesn't give you a chance to acclimate to her hot insides before she's throwing her ass at you again.
  767. >PB: "Don't have time? Then I guess we'll just have to make this a quickie!"
  768. >Hammering you against the tree like a woodpecker, Peachbottom's ass rippled with each hit, the plap of skin on skin getting faster and louder as she put it into high gear.
  769. >If there was one thing your stepmother wasn't short of, it was energy.
  770. >PB: "Nothing like hoppin' on a mare and going for a ride, eh Anon?"
  771. >Going for a ride was right, Peachbottom hadn't slowed down at all since she started, her powerful legs showing no signs of stopping, even as her walls clenched on you again and again.
  772. >Her green ponytail bounced this way and that, never settling down as your stepmother put her whole body into fucking you.
  773. >Sweat ran down her freckled ass and pooled on her back, the intense cardio making her huff and puff.
  774. >PB: "You just- *pant* finish when you're ready dear, *huff* momma's already had her fill."
  775. >The space between you and Peachbottom had become slick with sweat and fluids, her ass smeared with the combination as it bounced off your waist.
  776. >Feeling yourself come to the edge, you grab your stepmother's wide hips and pull her against you.
  777. >PB: "Oh!"
  778. >Flipping her around, you push her against the tree you were just on and take over, slamming your hips into her fat ass.
  779. >PB: "Oh my stars, YES!"
  780. >Digging her heels into the grass, Peachbottom braces herself against the tree as you hammer away, her pussy squeezing you as you fuck another orgasm out of her.
  781. >You couldn't match your stepmother for long, but you gave her as good as she gave you, slapping her ass and leaving a handprint on top of her freckles.
  782. >PB: "Y-Yeehaw!"
  783. >Reaching the end, you had Peachbottom hugging the tree as she moaned out, voicing her pleasure as you crossed the finish line, right as the school bell rang.
  784. >PB: "T-That's it darlin'! Put it deep in my oven!"
  785. >Grabbing around your stepmother's waist, you pull yourself inside her as far as you can, falling on her sweaty back as you unload.
  786. >Peachbottom's hot walls caress you as you cum inside her, your hands reaching to grope her modest chest through her running top.
  787. >As the last of your cum leaves you, you rest on your stepmother's back, again spent for the third time this morning.
  788. >PB: "Hoo! I'm sweating more than a hooker in church!"
  789. >Looking back at you, Peachbottom smiles.
  790. >PB: "I'd ask if y'all had fun, but I can see that for myself, now go on and get to school, before Harshwhinny gives you hell again."
  791. >When you don't move, Peachbottom sighs, getting her breathing under control.
  792. >PB: "I may as well be talkin’ to a fence post. C'mon now, you need to get to class."
  793. >Bouncing you on her ass, Peachbottom quickly realizes you weren't moving and stands up, catching you before you fell.
  794. >PB: "Dear me, I must not know my own strength."
  795. >Looking you over, Peachbottom decides to kneel in front of you.
  796. >PB: "Well, while you get your sea legs, I suppose I can make you a little presentable."
  797. >Feeling a hot mouth on you, your stepmom sucks your softening cock into her throat, cleaning your cum and her juices off of you.
  798. >Coming back to the land of the living, you steady yourself on her shoulders as her tongue gives your balls a bath.
  799. >Licking around your head, Peachbottom pops off your cock and stands back up, giving you a hug and zipping up your fly.
  800. >PB: "There he is, now go, you might be able to sneak into class while no one's lookin'."
  801. >Making sure you won't fall over, Peachbottom finds her shorts and pulls them back on, waving goodbye.
  802. >PB: "Take care hun, and don't fall asleep in class!"
  803. >Running back the way she came, you turn towards school and shamble forward, your legs feeling like lead.
  804. >Going inside, you find the halls were completely empty, not a single student to be seen.
  805. >Looking at a clock on the wall, you notice you were very late.
  806. >Again.
  807. "Shit."
  808. >Hurrying as fast as you could to your class, you look through your classroom door's window and wait until your aunt Harshwhinny faced the board to make your move.
  809. >Quickly opening the door, you try to be as quiet as possible, other students and your relatives stifling giggles as you tiptoe to your seat.
  810. >HW: "How nice of you to join us Anonymous."
  811. >Freezing in place, you look behind you to see that your aunt hadn't even turned around and was still writing on the board.
  812. >You always suspected she had eyes in the back of her head.
  813. "See, what happened was-"
  814. >HW: "Stop interrupting my lesson and take a seat, you can inform me on your reasons for being late again when you stay after class."
  815. >Swearing quietly, the students giggle at you again as you fall into your chair, leaning heavily on your desk.
  816. >Trying not to immediately fall asleep, you catch Moondancer glaring at you from her seat, her eyes burrowing into you from behind her glasses.
  817. >Trying to look apologetic, you give your cousin a shrug, which only seems to irritate her further.
  818. >Oh well.
  819. >As class goes on, your eyes get heavier and heavier, the morning's activities catching up with you and reminding you how tired you were.
  820. >Struggling to stay awake, you fade in and out of consciousness, your aunt's voice helping to sooth you to sleep as she taught.
  821. >You eventually reason that you were already in trouble, so getting in a little more for sleeping through the class wouldn't be so bad, right?
  822. >In any case, you lose the fight to stay awake, your head resting on your desk as you fall asleep.
  823. >HW: "Wake up."
  824. >You feel a tapping on your head as your eyes open, Harshwhinny looking unamused as she crosses her arms underneath her bust, one hand holding a yardstick.
  825. >HW: "So, not only do you not have the professionalism to attend class on time, but you then proceed to sleep through the entire lesson?"
  826. >Sitting up, you see Harshwhinny's nostrils flare and eyes narrow.
  827. >HW: "Chickadee."
  828. "Sorry auntie, I was t-"
  829. >HW: "Anonymous, you positively REEK of my cousin. I know EXACTLY what you were doing."
  830. >Walking away from you, your aunt motions for you to stand and follow her, and you see the class was empty except for her and an upset Moondancer.
  831. >You must have slept through the bell as well.
  832. >HW: "To my desk please." Harshwhinny says, motioning to the both of you.
  833. >MD: "Mom I tried to-"
  834. >Raising a finger, your aunt silences her daughter before pointing to her desk with the yardstick.
  835. >HW: "To the desk."
  836. >Doing as she was told, Moondancer joins you at her mother's desk looking frustrated.
  837. >Harshwinny then takes her daughter by the shoulders and turns her around, facing the desk.
  838. >HW: "Bend over."
  839. >Squirming a bit, Moondancer does as she's told, bending over her mother's desk, knowing what was coming.
  840. >Catching on to what was happening, you eye the yardstick as you try to dissuade your aunt from punishing your cousin.
  841. "Auntie I'm sorry, please don't punish Moondancer for my screw up, it was completely my fault."
  842. >Showing no emotion, Harshwhinny simply hands you the yardstick.
  843. >HW: "Not to worry Anonymous, I'm not doing anything."
  844. >Turning to her bent over daughter, your aunt grabs the waistband of Moondancer's skirt and yanks it down to her ankles, leaving her only in her panties.
  845. >To her credit, Moondancer only stiffens up a little bit, knowing not to try to cover herself even while embarrassed.
  846. >HW: "YOU will be punishing Moondancer. Seeing as how you were twenty-seven minutes late, that many spankings should be sufficient."
  847. >MD: "T-Twenty-seven?!"
  848. >Looking from the yardstick to your cousin's ass, you shake your head.
  849. "I-I don't want to auntie."
  850. >HW: "This is part of your punishment as well Anonymous." She says, taking a seat in her chair. "Carry it out, or I will find something worse."
  851. >Gripping the stick, as you raise it up you see Moondancer flinch and you halfheartedly bring it down onto her ass, a smack sounding though the room.
  852. >Staying silent, Moondancer doesn't react.
  853. >HW: "Zero. If you don't use enough force in the spank I will not count it. Continue."
  854. >Gritting your teeth, you bring back the yardstick again and this time give it a good swing into your cousin's cheeks.
  855. >The smack was louder than before, and this time Moondancer couldn't hold back the yelp.
  856. >HW: "One."
  857. >Repeating the motion, you try to avoid the area you just hit and aim lower, another crack of the stick making Moondancer cry out.
  858. >HW: "Two."
  859. >Pulling back again, Moondancer decides to pipe up after you give her a third spank, her butt jiggling as the flat ruler paddled her.
  860. >MD: "W-Why am I the one being punished?! He was the one who was late!"
  861. >HW: "Three."
  862. >Pausing, you hold the yardstick still.
  863. >HW: "I did not tell you to stop." Harshwhinny says, motioning for you to continue.
  864. >You do as she says.
  865. >HW: "Did I not explicitly tell you to make sure he attended class on time?"
  866. *Smack*
  867. >HW: "Four."
  868. >MD: "Y-Yes but-"
  869. *Smack*
  870. >HW: "Five."
  871. >MD: "Ah! B-But I wasn't the one who-"
  872. >HW: "I assigned you a simple task." *Smack* "Five again, harder Anonymous."
  873. >HW: "You were to escort him to school on time." *Smack* "Six. Making sure he was in the classroom before the bell rang."
  874. >MD: "T-T-That's not fair!" *Smack* "AHH!"
  875. >HW: "Seven. No? I didn't ask Anonymous, I asked YOU." *Smack* "Eight."
  876. >HW: "Then instead of doing so, you showed up by yourself, leaving him in someone else's care." *Smack* "Nine."
  877. >HW: "If you were both late I would've shown some leniency." *Smack* "Ten. But you left him, knowing full well he would almost certainly be tardy again."
  878. *Smack.*
  879. >HW: "Ten. If you continue to go easy on her Anonymous, I will take over from the beginning."
  880. >Moondancer's ass was starting to turn red, several long marks across her skin showing where the yardstick had landed.
  881. >But you do as your aunt says, not wanting to start your cousin's punishment over.
  882. *Smack*
  883. >HW: "Eleven."
  884. >MD: "Hng! I-I only left him right outside! How was I supposed to know he'd still manage to be late?!" *Smack "AAAhhn!"
  885. >HW: "Twelve. Please, you know just as well as I how distracted Anonymous can become." *Smack* "Thirteen. I didn't bother asking him because I knew it was a fool's errand in the first place."
  886. *Smack*
  887. >HW: "Fourteen."
  888. >MD: "F-F-Fine! I-I'm sorry for not bringing him all the way here like you asked! *Smack* "HAAaaah!"
  889. >HW: "Fifteen, over halfway there. Apology accepted."
  890. *Smack*
  891. >HW: "Sixteen."
  892. >MD: "NGhh, A-Anon just h-hurry up and get it over with! Give me the rest already!"
  893. >Doing as your cousin asked, you don't pause between spanks, giving her the rest of her punishment as fast as you could, her butt jiggling with each hit as she cried out.
  894. >Harshwhinny counted out each one, Moondancer yelling and moaning as she made a mess of her mother's desk, messing up her papers and knocking books to the floor as she jerked and twitched.
  895. >Seeing her writhe in a mixture of pain and pleasure made your pants tight, even though you felt bad about doing it and getting her in trouble.
  896. >When it was over, Moondancer's face was as red as her ass, tears in her eyes as she moaned softly while rubbing her butt.
  897. >HW: "Adequate. Now remove your pants Anonymous."
  898. >Turning to Harshwhinny, you see she was clad only in her purple blazer, the rest of her clothes folded neatly beside her daughter.
  899. >Taking your pants off hesitantly, your aunt guides you to her chair, sitting you down in it.
  900. >HW: "Since you would much prefer to waste your time fooling around with Peachbottom than getting an education, it seems I must provide an incentive."
  901. >Straddling you, you could smell Harshwinny's perfume as her mature tits bounced in your face.
  902. >HW: "The stick works better on my daughter, but this seems to be the only thing that can hold your attention."
  903. >Grabbing your cock, Harshwinny lines it up with her pussy.
  904. >HW: "The "carrot" as it were."
  905. >Sitting in your lap, your aunt sighs as you enter her, taking you to the hilt.
  906. >HW: "I see why she kept you, I suppose I shouldn't blame Peachbottom too harshly for her part in this."
  907. >Rising, Harshwinny lets some of your length out before taking it back in, her warm wet depths welcoming you once more.
  908. >Your aunt bounces in your lap and gets into a rhythm, her breasts swaying invitingly with her movements.
  909. >Unlike Peachbottom, Harshwinny kept a strict quick pace, neither speeding up nor slowing down, her ass slapping against your thighs evenly.
  910. >HW: "Perhaps if taking care of your urges were better scheduled, your attendance would be more satisfactory."
  911. >Starting to sweat, your aunt's professional facade began to waver, her breathing becoming heavier.
  912. >Taking one of her nipples into your mouth, you suck on it as she sighs agreeably.
  913. >HW: "You needn't worry about my pleasure, but it is appreciated nephew."
  914. >Smiling for the first time today, Harshwinny pushes her chest against your face, holding you close as she keeps fucking you.
  915. >HW: "I know a young man like yourself needs to "blow off some steam" frequently, but you must plan accordingly."
  916. >Harshwinny's legs start shaking as she keeps her pace, telling how much she was enjoying herself.
  917. >HW: "I or my girls would be happy to help when you need it, at an appropriate time."
  918. >Your aunt's pussy squeezes around your cock, her measured words sounding like they needed effort to stay that way.
  919. >HW: "S-So do not hesitate to call upon- "G-Goodness!"
  920. >Arching her back, Harshwinny pulls her tit out of your mouth, quickly replacing it with her lips, kissing you deeply.
  921. >Her walls squeeze and twitch around you as she cums, but doesn't stop her rhythm even as her legs refuse to stop shaking.
  922. >Breaking the kiss, Harshwinny blushes, wiping the spit from both your mouths.
  923. >HW: "Pardon the unprofessionalism Anonymous, and do let me know when you are about to... "arrive" if you would."
  924. >Glancing over her shoulder, your aunt looks at her daughter who was still bent over the desk, watching you two while her fingers matched her mother's speed in her panties.
  925. >HW: "Moondancer, remove your underwear please."
  926. >Shyly, your cousin wiggles her panties down her legs, her arousal stuck to them and leaving glistening lines up to her wet pussy.
  927. >The sight of your cousin's wet lips between her red cheeks helps you along greatly, and soon you reached your tipping point.
  928. >Squeezing your aunt's breasts, Harshwinny looks down at you with a raised eyebrow, noticing a change in you.
  929. "Auntie, I-I'm close."
  930. >HW: "Good, let me know exactly when you're-"
  931. "Now!"
  932. >HW: "Ah."
  933. >Finally breaking her steady bouncing, Harshwinny quickly gets off of you, your cock standing in the air about to blow.
  934. >You almost assume your punishment would be a pair of blue balls, until your aunt picks you up out of the chair and guides you over to Moondancer.
  935. >Her eyes go wide as she sees you approaching, her pupils focused on your boner as her mom pushed you toward her.
  936. >Before you or your cousin knew it, Harshwinny had expertly lined you up and with another shove stuck you balls deep into Moondancer's pussy.
  937. >Both of you cry out with pleasure, Harshwinny pressing her hips into your ass to push you as deep as she could.
  938. >This was all too much for you as you immediately bust into your cousin's pussy, Moondancer squealing as she felt you fill her.
  939. >HW: "Very good Anonymous, just like that, let my daughter take care of you."
  940. >Falling onto Moondancer's back, you hug your cousin tightly, her thick sweater filling your arms.
  941. >As you finish cumming, you notice how hot her butt was against your pelvis, all the spankings having made the skin toasty.
  942. >The two of you lay there for a moment before a sheet of paper is placed on the desk next to you two.
  943. >HW: "Here, take this syllabus, it outlines times when my office hours are available."
  944. >MD: "D-Did you just give Anon a timesheet for when you're down to fuck, mom?"
  945. >HW: "Language Moondancer. I also expect you and Twist to do the same."
  946. >You wouldn't have minded laying on top of your cousin for the rest of the day, seeing as how you'd already cum in four family members before lunch.
  947. >However your Aunt had quickly gotten the two of you presentable before ushering you out of the classroom and sending you on your way.
  948. >Something about not wanting to turn her English class into sex ed.
  949. >In any case, Moondancer was still blushing, giving you a piece of paper.
  950. >MD: "H-Here, I wouldn't mind if you... n-needed help at these times. I'll make sure Twist gives you hers too."
  951. >Rubbing her butt as she left, Moondancer leaves you in the hall as you look over her timesheet.
  952. >???: "Oh there you are Anon!"
  953. >Looking up from the paper, you quickly put it away as your girlfriend waves happily at you.
  954. >Dee: "I didn't see you this morning, were you late again?" Scribble Dee says in an "oh, you" tone.
  955. >Giving you a hug, Scribble wraps an arm around yours and walks you down the hall.
  956. "Yeah, sorry Dee, I got held up and missed the start of class."
  957. >Dee: "Oh I hope Harshwinny didn't go too hard on you..."
  958. "Ah don't worry, she was... pretty soft actually, at least on me."
  959. >Getting to your lockers, the two of you chat idly until Scribble's locker was forcefully slammed shut by a fiery demon.
  960. >Sunsis: "Good to see you've found my brother for me four eyes."
  961. >Staggering back, Dee quickly grabs your arm possessively.
  962. >Dee: "Y-You mean my BOYFRIEND? H-He's easy to find if you're not busy b-blowing the whole football team!"
  963. >Glaring at your sister, Dee did her best to stand her ground, Sunset having adopted her familiar queen bitch personality.
  964. >Scribble had gotten better at direct confrontation and was much less meek than she used to be, but she still preferred to take the passive aggressive route when possible.
  965. >Flipping her hair with a bit of irritation, your sister steps forward, closing the distance between the two of them.
  966. >Sunsis: "Rrrrrrright, boyfriend. How long have you been saying that now? Yet I don't think I've ever seen you even kiss him."
  967. >You knew not to get involved in these catfights, even though they were about you it wasn't worth butting in on.
  968. >Dee: "It's our two year anniversary in a month, and we k-kiss all the time!"
  969. >Smelling blood in the water, Sunset takes another step forward.
  970. >Sunsis: "Already two years huh? You must be pretty far in your relationship then, kinda weird how he's never been to your house."
  971. >Dee: "W-We're taking it slow, s-something you wouldn't understand."
  972. >Inching behind you, Scribble puts you between her and your sister.
  973. >Sunsis: "That's rich, considering if you ever managed to get into my brother's pants you wouldn't even know what to do with it. Hell, I don't think he'd even fit."
  974. >Blushing, Scribble holds your shirt tightly.
  975. >Sunsis: "It's okay, I know how hard you're trying to just get on first base, let alone second, and I also know why things have been so slow for you."
  976. >Dee: "I don't mind s-slow! I'm happy to go at Anon's pace!"
  977. >Sunsis: "Lemme clue you in washboard, why would he even look at you when he's got ME at home."
  978. >Striking a confidant pose, your sister puts an arm under her large tits and bounces them, smiling smugly at Scribble.
  979. >Looking down at her own flat chest, Scribble grits her teeth.
  980. >Angrily stepping out from behind you, she starts yelling at Sunset.
  981. >Dee: "So what?! If I was as fat as you I'd have tits like that too! Who cares anyway, they're just useless- HAAH!"
  982. >Cutting Scribble off, Sunset grabbed the smaller girl's chest, pinching her AAA cups through her shirt.
  983. >Sunsis: "Jeez, are you even really a girl with these?"
  984. >Stepping back and covering her chest, Scribble's blush deepens further.
  985. >Dee: "J-Just because you've got cow tits doesn't mean he'd do anything with you either, you're his sister, it's fucking disgusting you even think about him that way, freak, why don't you go back to the locker room where you can suck-"
  986. >Sunsis: "He came in me this morning."
  987. >Like a puppet with its strings cut, Scribble immediately halts her tirade and falls to her knees, Sunset standing over her, looking at her own nails nonchalantly.
  988. >Dee: "Wha- no, Anon- h-he wouldn't..."
  989. >Sunsis: "That's right, he'd cum in his own sister before even kissing you. That's how little you mean to him."
  990. >Looking back at at you with tears in her eyes, Scribble's face begs you to tell her it was a lie.
  991. >Dee: "I-Is it- Is it true Ano-?"
  992. >Sunsis: "Don't speak to him, if you want proof, here."
  993. >Lifting the front of her skirt and pulling her panties to the side, Sunset shows off her pussy to Scribble Dee on the floor.
  994. >Sunsis: "I think there's still some of his cum in there, if you're so curious why don't you see if you can find it with your tongue? It'd be the only way you'd ever get any of his cum inside you."
  995. >Looking around the hall, Scribble sees a few other students watching the commotion, seeing her on the ground as Sunset stood over her.
  996. >Dee: "T-That's disgusting you p-pervert, I'm not gay and unlike you I'd ever do something like that."
  997. >Sunsis: "Suit yourself." Sunset says with a shrug.
  998. >Dee: "No!"
  999. >Before your sister could lower her skirt, Scribble shouts and pushes her head between Sunset's thighs.
  1000. >Her glasses fall off as she starts desperately eating out your sister, periodically sobbing between licks.
  1001. >Smiling smugly, Sunset pats Scribble's head.
  1002. >Sunsis: "Yeah that's right, eat up dyke."
  1003. >Letting go of her skirt, it falls around Scribble's head like a curtain, giving her some privacy.
  1004. >Sunsis: "C'mere Anon, Let a real woman kiss you."
  1005. >Pulling you into a hug, you feel Sunset's erect nipples through her shirt as she kisses you deeply, making Scribble cry louder under you as she laps at your sister's pussy.
  1006. >It wasn't a long kiss, but long enough to prove your sister's point.
  1007. >Parting, Sunset rubs her thumb over your lips as she gives you a smouldering smile.
  1008. "Adagio's been helping you dom huh?"
  1009. >Smirking, Sunset idly strokes your cheek.
  1010. >Sunsis: "Maybe a little, though it doesn't take much to break your little friend."
  1011. >Accentuating this, Sunset grinds her crotch into Scribbles face, biting her lip as the other girl whimpers beneath her.
  1012. >Sunsis: "Mmf, I love how combative she is now, makes knocking her legs out from under her that much more fun."
  1013. >When you first started dating Scribble Dee, it was a normal budding relationship, but Sunset and a few of your other relatives had quickly "taken care of her".
  1014. >Now your "girlfriend" is little more than a plaything for your sisters and cousins to torment.
  1015. >Sunsis: "Sometimes I feel like you should throw her a bone, maybe a kiss on the cheek or something, but then I remember how hard this pathetic cuck gets off to this."
  1016. >Putting a hand on the front of her skirt, Sunset forces Scribble's head deeper between her legs.
  1017. >Sunsis: "You know, with how desperately she eats pussy, I don't think we had anything to worry about with her dating you."
  1018. >Smirking, your sister perks up when the bell rings, taking your arm and pulling you along.
  1019. >Sunsis: "C'mon bro, lets get to class."
  1020. >Stepping over Scribble, Dee falls on her back, mouth wet and sticky as she watches Sunset walk you down the hall.
  1021. >Dee: "I-I'm so pathetic..."
  1022. >Wiping more of Sunset's juices into her mouth, Scribble sucks on her fingers as the two of you round a corner out of her sight.
  1023. >Escorted to class, Sunset gives you another kiss and pushes you in, giving you a wave goodbye as you stumble back into someone who catches you in a hug.
  1024. >CL: "Hello Anonymous, I hope you're ready for your test!"
  1025. >Ice cold dread washes over you as you remember you were having a test today and that you hadn't studied even a little bit.
  1026. >Turning around, your aunt Cheerilee notices the face you were making and raises an eyebrow.
  1027. >CL: "You ARE ready, right? Just because you're my nephew doesn't mean I can give you a passing grade if you don't study."
  1028. >Smiling sheepishly, you nod your head.
  1029. >"Y-Yeah of course I'm ready aunt Cheery, In fact, I'm so ready I wouldn't be surprised if I got a perfect score! Heh heh..."
  1030. >Why did you say that.
  1031. >Beaming, Cheerilee hugs you tight, mashing her boobs against you.
  1032. >CL: "That's my student!"
  1033. >Then in a hushed tone, she whispers in your ear.
  1034. >CL: "If you do get a perfect score, I'll give you a little something special~"
  1035. >Rubbing her leg briefly between yours, Cheerilee then lets you go.
  1036. >Feeling like an ass, you go to your seat, but are soon stopped by your half sister Sugarcoat.
  1037. >SC: "You didn't study at all did you."
  1038. >Reading your face, Sugarcoat shakes her head with disapproval and then gives you a bonk on the head.
  1039. >SC: "Well, luckily for you, I DID study, so I'll take the seat next to yours and-"
  1040. >CL: "Okay students, take your seats please!"
  1041. >Seeing you and Sugarcoat talking, Cheerilee smiles.
  1042. >CL: "Your ORIGINAL seats."
  1043. >Looking at you, Sugarcoat just shrugs.
  1044. >SC: "Never mind, good luck Anon."
  1045. >Crap.
  1046. >As everyone starts to take their seats and get ready, you try to remember your aunt's lessons as best you could, taking a quick peek at your book as the tests were being handed out.
  1047. >Flipping though pages, you try to memorize as many things as you could when a test gets slapped on your desk.
  1048. >CL: "And no class, this test is not open book."
  1049. >Seeing your aunt standing above you, you quickly shut your textbook.
  1050. >Maybe you're just overreacting, sure you might not get a perfect score but how hard could this-
  1051. >Staring at your paper, you realize you were totally boned.
  1052. >CL: "Okay class, test starts now, you have one hour."
  1053. >M-Maybe there was someone you could cheat off of?
  1054. >Seeing as you were in the back corner, there was only one other person next to you.
  1055. >Looking over, you see it was your ditzy cousin Sonata, who smiles and waves when she sees you looking.
  1056. >SD: "Hi nonny!"
  1057. >A shh goes though the classroom, Sonata immediately putting a hand over her mouth.
  1058. >CL: "No talking students."
  1059. >Well, looks like you were truly on your own.
  1060. >Looking over the test again, you try to concentrate and remember something, anything to help you out of this jam.
  1061. >But as ten minutes go by, your sheet was still blank.
  1062. >It didn't help that any further attempts at cheating were thwarted by Cheerilee patrolling the classroom, helping students here and there with basic questions.
  1063. >One of these students was annoyingly your cousin right next to you. Frequently raising her hand for help.
  1064. >Resigning yourself to your fate, you start giving your best guesses to the beginning questions as your aunt comes to help Sonata again.
  1065. >You pretend to be working hard as your aunt bends over to talk to Sonata, glancing over at her butt as her dress rides up.
  1066. >At least you could enjoy yourself while you were failing.
  1067. >As you were staring at your aunt's ass, you notice a few marks on her left cheek.
  1068. >Looking closer, you quickly realize it was a list. Not just any list, but a list of answers.
  1069. >Quickly copying the notes down, you answer the first five questions as Cheerilee goes to help another student.
  1070. >Did your aunt write these on her own butt? No, that'd be too hard, plus she'd rather hold you in summer school than let you cheat.
  1071. >Then who-?
  1072. >Looking around, you see your half sister looking at you with a small smile.
  1073. >Watching Sugarcoat, you see her sister Silver Spoon sitting adjacent to her being helped next.
  1074. >As Cheerilee bends over, Sugarcoat takes the opportunity to gingerly write answers on her ass, the duo working as a team to help you.
  1075. >You'll have to remember to thank them later.
  1076. >As Cheerilee makes her rounds, you steadily fill out your test, your aunt's ass starting to look like a messy whiteboard with how many notes were scribbled on it.
  1077. >Nearing the end of the time limit, you were on the last question, and Sonata had asked Cheerilee over again.
  1078. >Everything was falling into place as you look at your aunt's ass, only to not see the answer.
  1079. >Panicking, you scour Cheerilee's cheeks for the last answer but don't find it anywhere in the paragraphs of ink.
  1080. >Looking at Sugarcoat, you motion to your aunt's ass, quietly miming where the last question was.
  1081. >Confused for a moment as the last minutes tick away, Sugarcoat finally interprets what you were asking and mouths the word "panties".
  1082. >Looking back at your printed asswer sheet, you spy the beginning of the question disappearing into Cheeriliee's panties.
  1083. >Ever so carefully , you pinch the edge of the thin fabric and slowly pull it to the side, revealing the rest of the answer and your aunt's pussy at the same time.
  1084. >As you copied the last question down, Cheerilee shifts her weight, making you noticeably pull on her panties and your thumb graze her lower lips.
  1085. >Your heart stops as your aunt looks over her shoulder at you, thinking you were caught.
  1086. >Turning around, your teacher bends down to you, a husky tone in her voice.
  1087. >CL: "Someone's getting ahead of themselves~ We'll see if you managed to earn that or not."
  1088. >Just then the bell rings and your aunt takes your paper with her as she collects the rest of the student's tests.
  1089. >As you all start to file out, Cheerilee stops you.
  1090. >CL: "Don't you want to see how you did on the test Anon?"
  1091. >Stopping in place, someone grabs your arm.
  1092. >SC: "Yeah Anon, let's stay a little bit to see how you did, all that studying we've been doing together better have paid off."
  1093. >Sugarcoat says this pointedly, as if to tell you something, pulling you back to Cheerilee's desk as the rest of the student's leave.
  1094. >You helped him Sugarcoat? Aww what a nice sister you are, well, lets see how he did."
  1095. >Pulling your sheet out of the pile, Cheerilee takes her red pen and starts going over the test.
  1096. >As she starts grading, she begins looking more impressed as she goes on, her free hand drifting between her legs.
  1097. >CL: "Very good Anon, you got the trick question too. So far this is looking like at least a B."
  1098. >Continuing, Cheerilee smiles wider and wider, openly masturbating in front of you as her hand shlicks away in her panties.
  1099. >CL: "This *huff* is the best test you've turned in to far!"
  1100. >Nearing the end, your aunt was breathing heavily, and as she went over the last question her eyes widened, quickly putting a circled 100% at the top of the page before biting down on her pen and crying out.
  1101. >Her fingers bury themselves in her pussy as she cums, her mouth turning up into a goofy smile.
  1102. >Panting, Cheerilee looks up at you with a grin.
  1103. >CL: "VERY good Anonymous, *huff* I think you've earned your reward~"
  1104. >Standing up out of her seat, your aunt looks over and is surprised to see Sugarcoat already fully nude.
  1105. >CL: "Oh, someone's got the right idea, and thank you Sugarcoat, I'm sure you helped him a lot."
  1106. >Walking around her desk, Cheerilee brings your naked half sister into a hug.
  1107. >SC: "Y-You could say that, auntie."
  1108. >Placing a kiss on the younger girl's mouth, Cheerilee smiles.
  1109. >SC: "I take it you want a reward too? Then why don't you help me out of these stuffy clothes hmm?"
  1110. >Letting go of her, your aunt lets Sugarcoat undo her dress, your sister blushing as she revealed her aunt's curves.
  1111. >Like most of your older family members, your aunt had a motherly figure, nice wide hips and full breasts.
  1112. >Sugarcoat on the other hand was pretty lithe, her breasts even smaller than her younger sister's, which she pretended she wasn't jealous of.
  1113. >As Sugarcoat peeled off Cheerilee's panties, the two stood there looking at each other for a moment before turning to you.
  1114. >SC: "Why're your pants still on?" Sugarcoat asks, a little annoyed.
  1115. >Quickly undoing your pants, Sugarcoat marches over to you and yanks them down.
  1116. >Your cock springs free and lands on Sugarcoat's face, startling her for a moment before she blushes harder.
  1117. >Standing back up and going to Cheerilee, Sugarcoat pushes her over to her desk.
  1118. >CL: "Oh! I guess we're doing it your way huh?"
  1119. >Bending the older woman over her desk, Sugarcoat kneels down so that her head was level with her ass.
  1120. >Without delaying, your sister licks Cheerilee on the cheeks, rubbing them after to try and remove the answers she had written there.
  1121. >However she quickly realized that all she was managing to do was smudge them slightly, making her worried.
  1122. >Standing up, Sugarcoat walks over to you and pushes you toward your aunt.
  1123. >SC: "I need you to make her sweat."
  1124. >CL: "Ooh, I like that sound of that~"
  1125. >Lining you up with Cheerilee's pussy, Sugarcoat kneels back down to get a front row seat of you plowing your aunt.
  1126. >Not needing any further encouragement, you grab Cheerilee by her hips and thrust inside her wet folds.
  1127. >The two of you gasp as you enter her, your aunt pushing back against you to put her ass against your pelvis.
  1128. >CL: "Mmm, isn't this a good reward for all your hard work?"
  1129. >Pulling out of her, you're quickly shoved back in by your sister pushing on your butt.
  1130. >SC: "Faster."
  1131. >Building up a rhythm, it seemed like that wasn't enough for Sugarcoat as she patted you to speed up again.
  1132. >SC: "Faster."
  1133. >Kicking it up a notch, your thrusts start to jostle the desk and knock things over, your aunt trying to stabilize herself.
  1134. >CL: "Oh my, *haah* she is demanding isn't she?"
  1135. >Wet plaps sound in the empty classroom, your sister's blush intensifying but her face still looking unsatisfied.
  1136. >She had started to play with her own pussy as she watched, but soon gave your butt another pat.
  1137. >SC: "Faster."
  1138. >Speeding up to as fast as you could comfortably go, you knew you weren't going to last long like this.
  1139. >Cheerilee's desk was slowly getting knocked backwards as you gave your aunt full power, barely anything still left on her desk as you plowed her.
  1140. >CL: "I can see- ngh! w-why you a-aced the- ahnn! test!"
  1141. >But this pace was still not fast enough for your sister, Sugarcoat still working her fingers inside herself as she grabs one of her small tits.
  1142. >SC: "F-Faster."
  1143. >Gathering your strength, you start to jackhammer into your aunt, Cheerilee unable to brace herself against you anymore as you ravaged her.
  1144. >CL: "Y-Yessss!"
  1145. >Your speed quickly wore away at both of your stamina as you reached your limit, but you held on as best you could while Cheerilee started to clamp on you.
  1146. >Your hips slap into your aunt's ass hard enough to sound like spanks, the desk she was on scooting into the wall from your powerful thrusts.
  1147. >SC: "Fuck!"
  1148. >Your sister suddenly hunches over as she cums, and the sight is enough to push you over the edge as well.
  1149. >Giving your aunt the last of your thrusts, you bury yourself inside her and unload.
  1150. >Your balls deep cumming is short lived however as Sugarcoat pulls you out of Cheerilee and starts jacking you off, your cum spraying all over your aunt's sweaty ass and your sister's face.
  1151. >Decorating the two of them like a cake, by the time you run out of cum the two are covered with plenty of frosting.
  1152. >CL: "A-A plus..."
  1153. >Immediately, Sugarcoat starts massaging Cheerilee's ass, working her sweat and your cum into her cheeks in an attempt to wash away the ink.
  1154. >Licking up the mess, Sugarcoat moans, still playing with herself as she cleans up Cheerilee's ass.
  1155. >Your aunt's cheeks are given a tongue bath by your sister, lapping and slurping up the cum greedily, making a mess of her own between her own legs as she keeps fingering herself.
  1156. >Soon, all the cum is gone from Cheerilee's butt, as well as any evidence of your cheating.
  1157. >With all the cum gone from her aunt's skin, Sugarcoat spreads Cheerilee's cheeks and goes in for her pussy, kissing her lips and burying her tongue into her dripping folds.
  1158. >This makes Cheerilee coo and stand on her tiptoes as her neice goes deeper, getting all she could before she turns her attentions to you, wrapping her hot mouth around your cock.
  1159. >While She couldn't deepthroat you like some of your other family members, Sugarcoat still lavished your cock with licks and kisses, cleaning you up in no time.
  1160. >After she finished with you, she started wiping the leftover cum on her face into her mouth, panting and moaning as she made a show of swirling it around with her tongue.
  1161. >Taking her glasses off and licking them clean as well, Sugarcoat's thighs start quaking as she brings herself to another orgasm.
  1162. >SC: "Nghhh!"
  1163. >Standing up on wobbly legs, Cheerilee smiles and watches the younger girl enjoy herself as she swallows the last of your cum.
  1164. >CL: "You should tutor Anon more often Sugarcoat."
  1165. >Picking the smaller girl up off the floor once she finished, the two brace against each other on shaky legs.
  1166. >CL: "And thank you for the cleanup, though I think you might be too full for lunch now."
  1167. >Giggling, Cheerilee and Sugarcoat kiss deeply, the two nakedly hugging as you're reminded it was lunch time.
  1168. >Putting your pants back on, you gather the discarded clothes off the floor and help the two change, enjoying pulling up their panties and clipping on their bras for them.
  1169. >With the three of you dressed, Cheerilee ushers you out and gives you both a hug.
  1170. >CL: "Great job today you two, keep it up!"
  1171. >Giving your aunt a wave, Sugarcoat braces herself on you as the two of you leave for the cafeteria.
  1172. >SC: "Thank you auntie, we will."
  1173. >Watching you go, your aunt stabilizes herself on the doorframe, rubbing her sore butt with a smile.
  1174. >Getting to the cafeteria, Sugarcoat breaks off from you, but not before you can land a nice pat on her butt.
  1175. "Thanks sis."
  1176. >Giving you an unconvincing glare, your sister merely adjusts her freshly cleaned glasses on her blushing face and gives you a hug.
  1177. >SC: "I'd tell you to study for our next test but I already know you won't."
  1178. "That's what I have you for though, right?"
  1179. >SC: "Hmf, you're lucky I don't like leaving you high and dry Anon."
  1180. >Pushing off your chest, Sugarcoat gives you a little wave of her fingers before disappearing into the crowd.
  1181. >Getting in the lunch line, you file in with the other students and are immediately cut in line.
  1182. "Little shit."
  1183. >The person in front of you turns around to give you a smug smile.
  1184. >BS: "Heya cuz, thanks for saving my spot."
  1185. >The chubby line cutter was of course your cousin Babs Seed, who gives you a bump with her big butt.
  1186. >She was Gilda's younger sister and was a bit of a bully herself, though unlike her big sister she was much less abrasive.
  1187. "I didn't. You can wait at the back like everyone else."
  1188. >This only made Babs grin wider as she pulled you into a hug, making a point to squish her bust into you.
  1189. >BS: "C'mon 'Non... not even for your little cuz?"
  1190. >Just then, another pair of hands wrap around you from behind, the girl copying Babs and pressing herself against your back.
  1191. >SD: "Yeah Nonny be cool! it's sloppy joe day today!"
  1192. >Upon hearing her bubbly voice, you realize Sonata was the one hanging off your back.
  1193. "Of course it's you two, I should've known it was the biggest eaters in the family."
  1194. >BS: "Ya callin' us fat, buddy?"
  1195. >Babs' hug gets tighter as her smile gets less friendly.
  1196. "What makes you say that Babs?"
  1197. >Grabbing at both your cousins' bellies, you're able to get a hold of a healthy amount of squishy fat from both.
  1198. >SD: "Don't be m-mean Anon, you know I'm sensitive about my tummy..."
  1199. >Babs blushes as you give her belly a little jiggle, the normally confident girl looking away from you.
  1200. >BS: "S-So what if I've got a little chub? Gil is just helping me b-bulk is all."
  1201. >Both girls try to push your hands away from their stomachs but you hold firm, pleased with yourself as the three of you shuffle to the front of the lunch line.
  1202. >You only let go of your annoying cousins when it's your turn to be served, Babs grabbing a tray.
  1203. >GS: "Well ain't you a ladies man." Granny Smith the lunch lady says to you, slapping a generous amount of ground beef into a hamburger bun.
  1204. "Seems like they just can't keep their hands off of me Granny."
  1205. >Chuckling, Granny Smith gives you a sloppy joe of your own, sending you down the line.
  1206. >Getting a scoop of fries and a salad so your mom would be happy, you go to look for a seat.
  1207. >Most of the tables in the cafeteria were full, many packed with your relatives.
  1208. >One in particular was completely filled with your younger family members, two of them noticing you.
  1209. >And of course they had to be Cozy and Flurry, the duo looking in your direction, hungry for more than just food.
  1210. >Quickly moving away from that table, you spot a mostly deserted one near the back wall.
  1211. >Walking over and taking a seat, the green haired girl next to you shyly waves at you.
  1212. >WB: "H-Hi Anon."
  1213. "Hey... Wallflower right?"
  1214. >Surprised, the girl is taken aback.
  1215. >WB: "Y-You know my name?!"
  1216. "Well yeah, we're related right? At least I think so, you were at the reunion a year ago I'm pretty sure."
  1217. >WB: "You remember? I can't believ- AH!"
  1218. >An arm thrusts itself between you and Wallflower, knocking the green haired girl back.
  1219. >TL: "Out of Trixie's way!"
  1220. >Your cousin Trixie barges her way into your conversation and personal space, climbing onto the bench next to you and then proceeding to straddle your waist while facing you.
  1221. >Sitting in your lap with a haughty "hmf!", Trixie gets comfortable while Starlight sits apologetically next to you.
  1222. >TL: "Hello cousin."
  1223. "Hello."
  1224. >TL: "Trixie is here to honor a part of our deal."
  1225. >Rummaging in her pocket, Starlight just rolls her eyes at Trixie.
  1226. "What deal?"
  1227. >The original occupiers of the table you were at quickly start to vacate as more of your relatives sit down at it, claiming yet another table for your large family.
  1228. >TL: "What deal? Surely you have not already forgotten this morning when Trixie and her girlfriend Starlight prostrated themselves before you?"
  1229. >SG: "Prostrate is a strong word, and I'm pretty sure you don't even know what it means, let alone how to spell it Trixie."
  1230. >It was now Trixie's turn to roll her eyes.
  1231. >TL: "As you can see, Trixie's girlfriend has been in... a mood as of late, most likely due to being without panties."
  1232. "What?"
  1233. >Your table quickly fills with family members, Babs sitting on your other side.
  1234. >TL: "Do you not remember?"
  1235. >Flipping up her own dress and Starlight's skirt, Trixie shows off their bare pussies, completely uncovered by any form of underwear.
  1236. >SG: "TRIXIE!"
  1237. >BS: "Nice muff cuz."
  1238. >Trixie shudders at the sarcastic compliment, seeming to enjoy it anyway.
  1239. >Angrily shoving her skirt back down, Starlight blushes heavily at being publicly exposed.
  1240. "...Why aren't you wearing any panties?"
  1241. >TL: "Trixie recalls needing to give them to you, surely you are not this dull, have you perhaps hit your head?"
  1242. >Remembering some of this morning's escapades, you stare at Trixie's crotch, your cousin enjoying your gaze on her pussy, angling her hips to give you a better look until Starlight flips her dress back over for her.
  1243. "And you didn't think to put on a new pair?"
  1244. >Trixie looks at you like you were an idiot.
  1245. >TL: "That would defeat the purpose, no?"
  1246. >Resisting the urge to ask further questions of your strange cousin, you realize your table was now completely full of your sisters and cousins.
  1247. >Needless to say, the amount of footsie going on under the table was insane, more than a dozen feminine legs rubbing and teasing yours.
  1248. >A bold lightning streaked sock even pushed itself against your crotch, it's owner, Lightning Dust, smirking at you from across the table.
  1249. >Before you can even think about complaining, a cracker gets shoved in your mouth.
  1250. >Taken by surprise, you nearly choke on the thing before remembering how to chew, Trixie coating another one with peanut butter.
  1251. >TL: "Trixie assumes you don't remember this either, but she pledged to share some of her divine peanut butter crackers with you as well."
  1252. >Swallowing, you simply nod, letting Trixie feed you another cracker.
  1253. >BS: "Aww how cute, what's next, you gonna chew it up and baby bird him?"
  1254. >Putting a finger on your chin, Trixie keeps you from looking at Babs.
  1255. >TL: "Ignore the rotund child. Keep your sensual eyes on Trixie and enjoy her crackers Anonymous."
  1256. >Looking confused, Babs, stops eating her lunch.
  1257. >BS: "Rotund? The hell's that mean? Hey Moondancer-"
  1258. >Spreading more peanut butter on a cracker, Trixie accidentally spills some of it, a drop falling onto her small amount of cleavage.
  1259. >TL: "Oh, would you mind getting that for Trixie? She's liable to lose it between her great and powerful breasts."
  1260. >Despite her claims to the contrary, Trixie was one of your flatter relatives, but it didn't seem to bother her. Either because she had very high self esteem, or more likely she couldn't see past her own self delusion.
  1261. >Leaning in close, Trixie pushes her mosquito bite boobs towards your face, intending for you to lick the peanut butter off.
  1262. >Which you do, dragging your tongue over Trixie's tit to scoop up the nutty paste, her skin prickling at the wet sensation.
  1263. >TL: "Oooh, very good~ now Trixie-"
  1264. >BS: "You called me FAT, bitch?!"
  1265. >No sooner had you licked her tit clean, did Trixie get shoved over into Starlight, Babs having been informed what rotund meant.
  1266. >TL: "Unhand Trixie this instant, oaf!"
  1267. >Climbing into your lap as well, Babs sits on your knee, Trixie taking your other one as she knocks her younger cousin's arm off of her.
  1268. >BS: "I'm sick of watching this lovey-dovey crap, here Anon, I'm not gonna feed you like a baby, but you can have whatever falls on my tits like a man."
  1269. >Babs then proceeds to eat her sloppy joe messily, a good portion of it falling onto her chest that was twice as big as Trixie's even though she was years younger.
  1270. >Trixie looks on with a mixture of disgust and horror as the burger quickly disappears and lives up to its name by leaving sauce and grease stains all over Babs' shirt.
  1271. >Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Babs hooks an arm around your neck and pulls you into her meaty cleavage.
  1272. >BS: "Dig in."
  1273. >In contrast to Trixie, Babs had plenty to clean up, the ground beef getting all over her chest with a fair portion between her boobs.
  1274. >Well, you couldn't let your younger cousin stay this messy now could you? So, being the responsible older cousin, you decided to help her.
  1275. >Your tongue glides over Babs' skin as it picks the beef and sauce up off her body, every two licks or so needing a second to chew before going in again.
  1276. >Your cousin grunts and stifles moans as you lick over her tits, her nipples quickly hardening and tenting her shirt.
  1277. >Digging into Babs' cleavage, you get as much of the food as you can, but some still falls deeper down into the valley out of reach.
  1278. >Babs soon can't take anymore licking and pushes your head back, panting and blushing as she struggles to make eye contact with you, the crotch of her jeans feeling hot on your leg.
  1279. >BS: "Y-Y-Yeah so t-there."
  1280. >TL: "That's it? Was that supposed to be seduction or filling a pig trough?"
  1281. >Your less experienced cousin blushes further, glaring at Trixie.
  1282. >BS: "T-That was called making a move instead of pussyfooting around like you were doing!"
  1283. >Scoffing, Trixie returns the glare in full force.
  1284. >TL: "Oh please, you dove head first into the deep end and realized you couldn't swim, why don't you go back to the kiddie pool, you're clearly not ready for adult swim."
  1285. >That was a weird and long pool analogy, and Babs clearly didn't pick up on most of it besides that she was being insulted.
  1286. >BS: "Yeah well, why don't you go and... play bingo grandma!"
  1287. >As you chew on your mouthful of beef, the two hotheads trade terrible insults, starting to get into a shoving match.
  1288. >Before fists start to fly, someone behind you interrupts them.
  1289. >SF: "Okay, that's enough."
  1290. >Two pairs of hands reach over your shoulders and grab the two bickering cousins, Spitfire and Fleetfoot lifting them off of you.
  1291. >FF: "Letth go. Dang kid, you're heavier than you look."
  1292. >BS: "I-I'm bulking."
  1293. >Pulled away from the table as well, Trixie sulks.
  1294. >TL: "Ugh, of course Trixie is punished too, once again dragged down by those beneath her."
  1295. >With the two girls taken out of your lap by your family's designated tard wranglers, you could actually enjoy your own food now, well, mostly.
  1296. >The amount of legs and feet that caressed your lower body was still very distracting, especially Lightning's as her heel dug into your crotch while she laughed with Tempest about some joke.
  1297. >SG: "Sorry about that Anon, you know how Trixie can be a handful sometimes."
  1298. "Most times, but yeah, no problem Starlight."
  1299. >Idly playing with her food, Starlight blushes as she asks you a question.
  1300. >SG: "S-So when are you going to..." Hesitating briefly, Starlight forces herself to look at you. "...T-Take me?"
  1301. "Huh? Take you where?"
  1302. >Her face blooming with a blush, Starlight's voice starts to shake.
  1303. >SG: "T-Trixie's deal."
  1304. "What the whole cracker thing? I thought we just did that?"
  1305. >Seeing you didn't remember, Starlight shakes her head with a laugh.
  1306. >SG: "You're really going to make me spell it out."
  1307. "Please do, the amount of mind games all you women do drives me up the wall sometimes Star." You say, taking a bite of your salad.
  1308. >Swallowing her nerves, Starlight keeps eye contact as she clarifies herself.
  1309. >SG: "When are you going to fuck me Anon?"
  1310. >Choking on your food, your mouthful of salad goes all over the table, a few girls saying "eew Anon!" and others laughing at you while Wallflower takes some of the leaves for herself when no one was looking.
  1311. >Starlight's blunt words bring you back to this morning where Trixie had practically demanded you fuck her and Starlight.
  1312. "R-Right. That part."
  1313. >Why was your family so horny?
  1314. >Starlight stares at you patiently as you clear your throat and you realize she was expecting an answer.
  1315. "Uhh I dunno, we can play it by ear?" You say weakly.
  1316. >Starlight's face twists into a few complex emotions before she hits you with a verbal sledgehammer.
  1317. >SG: "A-Am I not attractive enough for you Anon?"
  1318. >Oh boy.
  1319. >You try to formulate an appropriate response to your cousin, she didn't look like she was about to cry, yet.
  1320. >SG: "I-I know they're not as big or sexy as Trixie's b-but..."
  1321. >Grabbing your hand, Starlight pulls it to her chest, making you fondle one of her tits though her shirt.
  1322. >Despite her words, Starlights boobs were easily bigger than Trixie's, obvious even by just looking at them, let alone by feel.
  1323. >However, it seemed that a combination of self esteem issues and being gaslit by her girlfriend had altered Starlight's perception of herself enough for her to think her D cups were inferior to Trixie's A's.
  1324. >Looking around nervously, you see no one had noticed your predicament.
  1325. "I-I thought you were gay!" You whisper shout, unable to stop yourself from squeezing Starlight's soft boob.
  1326. >Starlight's face turns hurt and upset.
  1327. >SG: "Oh the classic I "thought you were gay" defense, wow, okay, so I guess I'm just an ugly lesbian then?"
  1328. >This was quickly spiraling out of control.
  1329. "When did I say that?!"
  1330. >SG: "It's what you're NOT saying Anon!"
  1331. >Some of your closer family members start to take notice of the two of you.
  1332. >Pulling up her skirt again, Starlight shows you her pussy of her own volition this time, her eyes starting to get a crazed look in them.
  1333. >SG: "Look! Don't you like it? Trixie makes me trim it short, do you love it?!"
  1334. >Against your better judgement, you don't resist as Starlight makes you look at her crotch, the hair above her lower lips trimmed neatly just as she said.
  1335. >She was also wet.
  1336. "I uh..."
  1337. >"Why am I not good enough for you Anon?!"
  1338. >Help.
  1339. >Looking around desperately for someone to save you, your sisters and cousins around you looked just as creeped out by Starlight as you did.
  1340. >Where were your family tard wranglers when you needed them? Hell, you'd even take Trixie back to reel in her crazy girlfriend.
  1341. >Pleading silently to all your nearby relatives, each one gives you an apologetic look as your cousin forces you to grope her some more.
  1342. >SG: "Say something!"
  1343. >Quickly running out of options that weren't karate chopping your cousin and running away, you spy someone who might actually be able to help.
  1344. >Your cousin Aria sits at another table demolishing her food when she notices you staring at her.
  1345. >Initially this pisses her off, until she notices Starlight all over you while you were practically blinking SOS in morse code at her.
  1346. >Throwing her head back exasperatedly, your large cousin quickly finishes her food before she starts stalking over to your table with a scowl.
  1347. >You wished she had a little more urgency as Starlight was currently trying to undo your pants and pull your hand into her crotch at the same time.
  1348. >But soon enough, Aria towered over the two of you, looking down on Starlight, disgusted.
  1349. >AB: "You're in my spot."
  1350. >Starlight doesn't even look at who was talking to her, too engrossed in her own mania.
  1351. >This of course doesn't fly with Aria, who gets a large handful of the girl's purple hair.
  1352. >"Fuck! You're tearing out my hair bitc- oh, h-hi Aria."
  1353. >"Move. Now."
  1354. >SG: "Ow ow ow! Okay I'll move! Stop pulling!"
  1355. >Ignoring her, Aria starts to bodily lift Starlight out of her seat by her hair, much to the smaller girl's dismay as she tries to free her head.
  1356. >SG: "OWW! I-I'll lend you my copy of the new Maretallica record, AHH! Just please stop yanking!"
  1357. >Placated, your large cousin lets go of your smaller one, Starlight rubbing her scalp as the pain seems to have brought her back to somewhat normal.
  1358. >AB: "Beat it."
  1359. >SG: "Y-Yes of course I was just leaving!"
  1360. >Hurriedly getting up and walking away, the embarrassed Starlight smooths out her rumpled and damp skirt.
  1361. >That girl has some intense attachment issues.
  1362. >Sitting down next to you, Aria starts eating Starlight's forgotten food, taking the rest of your burger as well.
  1363. >AB: "You owe me."
  1364. >You'd make an unflattering comment, but she did just save you from being raped in the middle of the cafeteria, so you let it go.
  1365. >Plus you'd already eaten one gut punch today and would really prefer not to receive another.
  1366. "What do you want?"
  1367. >AB: "After lunch you're gonna do the thing I like."
  1368. "Aww come on Aria, in school?"
  1369. >Turning in her seat, Aria looks down on you with contempt.
  1370. >AB: "I didn't ask."
  1371. >A shiver goes down your spine as Aria glares at you, the bell ringing soon after.
  1372. >AB: "Looks like it's time."
  1373. >Standing up, Aria pulls you out of your seat and throws you over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, the other girls laughing as she takes you away.
  1374. >AB: "Useless cunts, didn't even try to stop Glimmer." Aria grumbles to herself.
  1375. >AB: "So, what did you do to get Starlight all worked up like that anyway?"
  1376. "What did /I/ do?" You ask incredulously.
  1377. >Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Aria's grip on you tightens as she carries you through the halls.
  1378. >AB: "I don't like repeating myself."
  1379. "Look, it really isn't my fault. This morning, Trixie basically strong-armed herself and Starlight into promising that they would fuck me."
  1380. >Blood was starting to rush to your head as you were carried, but at least you had a nice view of Aria's ass in her purple pants.
  1381. >AB: "What? I thought they were dykes?"
  1382. "That's what I thought too, so I tried to tell them I didn't want to-"
  1383. >AB: "Fag."
  1384. "Yeah yeah, but then Starlight asked me just now when I was going to-"
  1385. >AB: "I don't care anymore, it's pretty obvious what happened."
  1386. "It is?"
  1387. >AB: "Yeah it is dumbass, Starlight thought you didn't wanna fuck her because you thought she was ugly."
  1388. "But I didn't say that!"
  1389. >AB: "Did you say she was pretty?"
  1390. "Well, no... but she didn't give me a chance!"
  1391. >AB: "Idiot."
  1392. >Adjusting you on her shoulder, Aria shakes her head.
  1393. >AB: "Whatever, that's your problem now."
  1394. >Just as Aria says this, the bell for class rings.
  1395. "Uh, Aria? That was the bell."
  1396. >AB: "And?"
  1397. "And I'm supposed to be-"
  1398. >AB: "You're SUPPOSED to be wherever I fuckin' want, faggot."
  1399. >Turning a corner, Aria drops you on your feet and shoves you into a utility closet.
  1400. >AB: "And where I want you, is right here."
  1401. >As the door slams shut behind Aria, the tall girl leers down at you.
  1402. >AB: "Enough talking, you're gonna do as I say, and I'm going to make good on my part of the deal we had."
  1403. >All this family fucking must be screwing with your memory as you don't have the foggiest idea what she was talking about.
  1404. >Until Aria pulls her shirt up and unclips her industrial strength bra, letting her gargantuan tits flop out.
  1405. "Oh right."
  1406. >Grabbing your crotch roughly, Aria undoes your pants and lets them fall to the floor, giving your cock a squeeze.
  1407. >Smirking at you, your cousin stands with her hands supporting her melons.
  1408. >AB: "If you want these babies you're gonna need to earn 'em, get to it."
  1409. >Hesitating, you look Aria in the eye for confirmation.
  1410. "You sure you want to do this here? It's kinda extreme."
  1411. >Squinting angrily at you, Aria's eyes have an even higher intensity behind them than usual.
  1412. >AB: "Do it, or I'm pegging you instead."
  1413. >Not needing any further encouragement, you reach up high with your hands, grabbing around Aria's throat and squeeze, making her moan.
  1414. >AB: "Harder."
  1415. >As you grip her neck tighter, Aria starts to grin.
  1416. >AB: "I-If I can still talk, you're not doing it hard- *gasp* enough, f-fag."
  1417. >You had a lot of weirdos in your family.
  1418. >Dropping to her knees, Aria was still tall enough that her tits were at crotch level even while sitting on her heels.
  1419. >This came in handy as Aria pushed her huge boobs together to sandwich your cock in her soft titflesh.
  1420. >Yeah, class could wait.
  1421. >Thrusting into your cousin's plentiful chest, Aria lets out a strained laugh, massaging your cock with her tits as you kept choking her.
  1422. >You weren't super worried about Aria, the big girl had a pair of just as big lungs on her, which she made good use of whenever she was angry. Which was often.
  1423. >Getting into a rhythm, the closet was filled with the sound of your hips plapping against Aria's chest and the sound of her struggling to breathe.
  1424. >She was a great swimmer too, even with all that extra drag and buoyancy she had.
  1425. >Aria's large nipples rub on your thighs, the stiff buds rolling over your skin until she adjusted her grip to grab them.
  1426. >Squeezing them, your cousin lets out a strangled moan and speeds up, flicking and pinching her tender nips as she started putting more effort into the titfuck.
  1427. >You begin to lose yourself in the pleasure, using Aria's neck as leverage to drive your cock deeper into her ample cleavage.
  1428. >Aria's tits slosh as you fuck them, sending ripples through the supple skin like jello.
  1429. >A goofy smile spreads on Aria's lips, drool leaking out as tears stream down her face, ruining her mascara, both liquids dripping off her chin and into her cleavage, lubricating it for you.
  1430. >With the new wetness you could go even faster, the slick skin feeling heavenly on your cock as you held Aria's neck even tighter.
  1431. >You could feel the muscles strain under your fingers as her closed airway struggled for precious oxygen against your thumbs, but you didn't care, too absorbed in your cousin's tits to worry about anything else.
  1432. >Instead, you enjoyed the faces Aria was making, her tongue lolling out of her open mouth while her eyes crossed, full on ahegao like in your Japanese comics.
  1433. >You really wanted to pull out your phone and take a picture of her ridiculous face, but nothing could make you stop fucking your cousin's fat tits.
  1434. >Taking one of her hands off her heaving boobs, Aria shoved it into her pants as she started twitching, burying her fingers inside herself.
  1435. >Nearing your limit, you start to jerk as you grind into Aria's expansive chest, her pillowy flesh surrounding you on all sides.
  1436. >It's only when you start to hear her gurgle do you come back to reality, seeing Aria's face turning a worrying shade of purple.
  1437. >The fog clears in your head and you realize you're white-knuckling Aria's neck like you were trying to kill her.
  1438. >This, coupled with the sight of her face made you immediately let go of her, a strike of fear filling you as she fell forward.
  1439. >Thankfully though, your cousin catches herself before she can fully faceplant, a giant gasp of air sounding out.
  1440. "Aria! Are you okay?!"
  1441. >AB: "WHat *gasp* t-the FUCK is wrong with *gasp* you?!" Aria violently coughs out.
  1442. "S-Sorry! I got caught up in the moment and I-"
  1443. >AB: "Why the *cough* hell did you stop moron?! I was about to fucking CUM!"
  1444. >Her words make you pause, your fear lessening with relief.
  1445. "Oh, sorry Aria, you just looked-"
  1446. >AB: "SORRY?!"
  1447. >Wincing at her angry scream, you try to quiet her.
  1448. "Shhh! Someone will hear!"
  1449. >AB: "Shut the FUCK UP FAGGOT!"
  1450. >Indignant anger flares up inside you at Aria's words, replacing your relief entirely.
  1451. >As color returns to her face, Aria glares up at you with teary eyes, her plump lips open and drooling spit as she panted for air.
  1452. >AB: "You're gonna fucking pay for that, *gasp* you little shit!" Aria snarls.
  1453. >Between your fear, anger, and frustration of your own receding orgasm, your body moves on it's own and your hands grab each of Aria's pigtails tightly.
  1454. >AB: "What the fuck are yo- HURK!"
  1455. >Shoving your cock into Aria's mouth, you silence your pissed cousin, something you would never have had the balls to do before.
  1456. "Why don't YOU shut the fuck up BITCH?!"
  1457. >Aria's eyes go wide as you push your dick into her throat and make her choke, her hands trying to push your thighs back from her head.
  1458. >Before she can push herself off, you slap the side of her face, making her jerk with surprise as you go balls deep.
  1459. "Heaven fucking forbid I give a shit about you, you dumbass!"
  1460. >Absolute fury paints Aria's tear streaked face as you pull back and thrust into her throat again, making her gag.
  1461. "Maybe I was scared I had just fucking killed my cousin?! Did you think about that?!"
  1462. >Anger and self-righteousness fuel you as you fuck Aria's throat and berate her, using her pigtails as handlebars.
  1463. "You just had to run your mouth like always, it's time someone used it for something useful for once!"
  1464. >Aria stops resisting and starts groping herself, fondling her boobs as a hand goes back between her legs.
  1465. "You're always a cunt to everyone just for the sake of being a cunt!"
  1466. >Your cousin coughs and gurgles around your cock, fresh tears streaming down her cheeks, your balls bouncing off her chin again and again.
  1467. "I don't even like choking you, you fucking freak!"
  1468. >Aria's throat spasms around your length, swallowing involuntarily around the blockage.
  1469. "But if you want it so bad I'll give it to you, because unlike you, I actually give a shit about others!"
  1470. >Copious amounts of spit drool out of Aria's mouth and coat your balls as her eyes start to roll back in her head, the big girl sucking on your cock.
  1471. "So choke on this, bitch."
  1472. >Done with words, you viciously face fuck Aria, coating your crotch with spit and tears as your cousin's tongue dances around your shaft between desperate sucks and swallows.
  1473. >Her throat muscles massage your cock in a way that sends shivers down your spine, her mouth sloppily gagging and making wet gurgles as you use it.
  1474. >Your cousin's body shakes and convulses, barely able to stay upright as she fights for consciousness.
  1475. >Feeling yourself near the edge, you jackhammer into Aria's face, the wet noises getting louder and messier until you reach your limit.
  1476. >You don't bother to warn Aria as you go balls deep into her throat and unload, your cousin only able to moan weakly as cum is forced down her esophagus and out her nose.
  1477. >Grinding her face into your crotch, you keep her there until you were finished, finally letting go of her pigtails and pushing her off of you.
  1478. >Aria limply falls back onto some cleaning supplies, her chest heaving as she coughs up cum and spit, her foggy eyes fluttering open.
  1479. >The girl was a mess, barely clothed, barely conscious, her neck starting to bruise, a red hand print on her cheek, and one of her pigtails had come undone.
  1480. >Taking a large shaky breath, Aria blinks away more tears, rubbing her throat gingerly.
  1481. >As you look down at your cousin's ravaged body, your post nut clarity hits you, making you feel like a piece of shit.
  1482. >But before you could apologize, Aria cuts you off, her voice raw.
  1483. >AB: "H-Holy fuck. Where- *cough* w-where did that come from f-faggot?"
  1484. >And just like that, all your sympathy was gone again.
  1485. >As she was splayed out on her back, Aria's pants had fallen down to her knees, letting you see her still rubbing her soaked pussy between her legs.
  1486. >AB: "Fuck I came so h-hard."
  1487. >Zipping up your pants, Aria shudders as she mumbles something else quietly.
  1488. "What?"
  1489. >Glaring at you Aria coughs again.
  1490. >AB: "I said I'm FUCKING SO-"
  1491. "Don't fucking yell at me cunt! I'm sick of it!"
  1492. >Shuddering, Aria's eyes go wide.
  1493. >Glaring right back at her, your cousin swallows.
  1494. >AB: "I- I said I'm s-sorry. For- *cough* for being a c-cunt all the time."
  1495. >Your glare softens, you'd never gotten an apology from Aria before.
  1496. >AB: "I d-don't mean to be such a b-bitch, I just- *gasp* I just get angry easily."
  1497. >Sadness tinges Aria's voice as you kneel down next to her, your cousin covering her eyes to try and hide her crying.
  1498. >She tries wiping her face, but all it does is smear more of her makeup, fresh tears making it a pointless gesture anyway.
  1499. >AB: "Sorry Anon." Aria says in a small voice as you pick her up from the floor and hug her.
  1500. >Hugging you back tightly, Aria cries into your shoulder hard enough she starts hiccuping.
  1501. >Her sweaty body holds onto you as she shakes, letting out her built up emotions and adrenaline.
  1502. >Eventually she calms down enough to talk again, her voice wobbly.
  1503. >AB: "You don't- *sniff* you don't really hate choking me, do you?"
  1504. >Ending the hug, your cousin gives you puppy-dog eyes, something that was typically Sonata's forte.
  1505. "To be honest, it kinda freaks me out, I was really scared I had fucked up earlier, and sorry about uh, face fucking you like that."
  1506. >AB: "No, no, no! Don't feel bad, I was being a cunt I d-deserved it."
  1507. >Coughing again, Aria swallows, her eyes sparkling.
  1508. >AB: "The face fucking was hot as hell, I came SO hard from that, you gotta do it again sometime."
  1509. "Yeah it was great, but..."
  1510. >AB: "Aww come on, the yelling made it even better, finally grew a pair huh? Heh."
  1511. >Still unconvinced, Aria lightly punches you on the shoulder.
  1512. >AB: "A girl is practically begging you to face fuck her again and you're still on the fence, you SURE you're not gay? Eh-heh heh..."
  1513. >Seeing her teasing was getting her nowhere, Aria's weak laughter peters out, leaving an awkward silence.
  1514. >AB: "P-Please? I'll give you whatever you want, a little throat swabbing and a cry feels great."
  1515. >Well, if she wanted it that bad, could you really say no to your cousin?
  1516. >Getting an idea, you pull out your phone.
  1517. "Okay, I'll do it again, but I want you to make that face you were doing when I was choking you earlier."
  1518. >Looking confused, Aria squints at you.
  1519. >AB: "Huh? What face?"
  1520. >Quickly loading up a photo that closely resembled what Aria was doing, you show it to her.
  1521. >Cringing, Aria looks between you and the photo.
  1522. >AB: "I was doing THAT?"
  1523. "Yup."
  1524. >Blushing, Aria shakes her head.
  1525. >AB: "No way, that's fucking embarrassing, why do you even have that on your phone?"
  1526. >Standing up, you flip to your camera app.
  1527. "Do it, or I'm never choking you again, bitch."
  1528. >Aria glares daggers at you, but shudders as she gets back on her knees.
  1529. >AB: "FFFFuck me, why does that make me so horny? Alright asshole, you win, but no more bitching after this."
  1530. >Grimacing, Aria begrudgingly does her best impression of a Japanese schoolgirl getting her cervix penetrated, making you laugh as you take the picture.
  1531. >AB: "GRRR, shut UP! Happy?"
  1532. "I dunno, does it look good?"
  1533. >Turning your phone to face her, you had gotten a Picture of her whole messy body and made it your background, making your cousin's face turn bright red with embarrassment and anger.
  1534. >AB: "What the FUCK pervert?!"
  1535. >Trying to grab your phone, you dodge Aria's lunge as she falls back to her knees.
  1536. "Don't you like it? I think it's one of your prettiest pictures." You taunt.
  1537. >Grinding her teeth, Aria gives you her signature glare.
  1538. >AB: "You're SO lucky I can't stand right now. You think you're hot shit just because you made a girl cry and humiliated her?"
  1539. >Reaching for you again, your cousin finds she doesn't have the strength or the will to catch you.
  1540. >AB: "You show that to anyone and you're DEAD, got it?"
  1541. >Sighing with defeat, Aria grumbles at the floor.
  1542. >AB: "Help clean me up Anon, I feel gross."
  1543. >Wiping Aria down with the convenient cleaning items that surrounded you, you eventually got her looking less like a hot mess.
  1544. >Pulling up her panties, you give her hot mound a cheeky rub before pulling up her pants as well.
  1545. >Fitting her bra back on was a little more troublesome, the amount of weight the thing carried made it hard to hold and clip on at the same time.
  1546. >After a lot of struggling, you managed to secure the back, helping Aria adjust her massive boobs until she was comfortable again.
  1547. >Lastly you put her shirt back on and retie her pigtail, Aria thanking you after you were done.
  1548. >There wasn't much you could do about the bruises and the red handprint on her face, but Aria waved your concern away.
  1549. >AB: "Don't worry about it, I get in fights all the time, no one will notice."
  1550. >Taking her word for it, you turn to leave.
  1551. >AB: "Hey, you're not gonna leave a poor defenseless girl all alone in a closet after she gave you the best head of your life are you?"
  1552. >Defenseless would not be something you'd ever describe Aria as, but despite that, she did look rather vulnerable.
  1553. >Helping Aria up on her feet, your cousin smirks down at you.
  1554. >AB: "Softy."
  1555. >Trying to take a step, Aria's legs almost immediately give out from under her as she catches herself on a shelf.
  1556. >AB: "H-Hey remember when I carried you here? I'm gonna need you to return that favor."
  1557. >Getting in front of Aria, you offer your back to her and she leans her full weight on you.
  1558. "Oh sweet merciful heaven."
  1559. >AB: "Shut up pussy, I'm not that heavy."
  1560. >Staggering out of the closet, you carry/support Aria down the hall on her wobbly legs.
  1561. AB: "Woof, I'm still dizzy. Maybe getting choked out and trying to breathe through your cock wasn't the smartest thing to do at school."
  1562. "Gee, you think?"
  1563. >Aria just laughs as you adjust her on your back, her heavy tits resting on your head and obscuring most of your view.
  1564. >Noticing you were struggling, Aria supports even less of her own weight, practically letting her feet drag on the floor as she crushes you.
  1565. >AB: "Is someone having trouble carrying a GIRL? You're not really that weak are you Anon?"
  1566. "Glad to see you're feeling better Aria, you want me to drop you here?"
  1567. >AB: "And I'm glad to see you're growing a spine, took long enough."
  1568. >Using her feet to walk again, your cousin squeezes your shoulder.
  1569. >AB: "Oh, and if you tell anyone I cried like a bitch, I'll fucking kill you faggot~"
  1570. >Aria's voice was quiet and a little teasing, but still had enough danger behind it that you took her at her word.
  1571. "Noted."
  1572. >"Drama class, up to the right." Aria points with a shaky hand.
  1573. >Getting to the door, you open it, seeing your Aunt Chrysalis in the middle of a lecture.
  1574. >When she turns to look at the two of you, her face turns into a scowl as she marches up to you.
  1575. >Wonder where Aria gets it from.
  1576. >Chrys: "And where the fu-dge, were you?!"
  1577. >Jabbing a finger into her daughter's chest, Aria weakly replies.
  1578. >AB: "S-Sorry mom, I got messed up really good before class, Anon walked me here."
  1579. >Showing concern for her daughter, Chrysalis then frowns at hearing your name, looking around your cousin.
  1580. >Chrys: "Anon? Where is he?"
  1581. "Down here auntie."
  1582. >Looking down at you, Chrysalis looks surprised as the class laughs.
  1583. >Chrys: "Oh my dear nephew~ Thank you for helping Aria back to class."
  1584. >Looking back up at her daughter, Chrysalis seemed to have come to a realization as she gives her daughter a stern look.
  1585. >Chrys: "We're going to talk about your "fighting" later, now go sit down, you smell like bleach."
  1586. >Aria just nods her head, barely helping you carry her now as she was on the brink of passing out.
  1587. >Bringing her to the only open seat in the back, you turn and sit her down, only for her to grab you and pull you into her lap.
  1588. "A-Aria!" You whisper shout. "I need to get back to my own class!"
  1589. >But your words go unheeded, the big girl hugging you close to her body as she nods off on top of you, her huge breasts once again resting on your head.
  1590. >You're going to have a sore neck tomorrow for sure. Well, at least it won't be as bad as hers.
  1591. >Resigning yourself to your fate, a voice calls out from your side as a chair scoots over to you.
  1592. >AD: "Hello Anonymous~ You two look tired, anything fun happen?"
  1593. >Adagio practically purrs her words as she slides over to you, her small fingers dancing over your arm.
  1594. "Aria just got in a fight is all."
  1595. >AD: "Hmm, if that were true I'd have to kill the ones responsible for laying their hands on my little sister, but I think THESE are the only pair that touched her."
  1596. >Grabbing your hands in hers, Adagio smirks knowingly at you.
  1597. >SD: "What'cha guys talking about?" A bubbly voice says from your other side, another chair bumping into you.
  1598. >AD: "Ugh, go away Sonata, it's none of your business."
  1599. >SD: "Aww but I wanna know too."
  1600. >Just then, a marker flies past Sonata's head and hits the wall behind her.
  1601. >Chrys: "Pay attention! Don't make me come back there again you three! I am NOT in the mood!"
  1602. >With their fun ruined, the two other Dazzlings grumble and thankfully don't ask anymore questions.
  1603. >As the lecture goes on, Aria gets harder and harder to prop up, her weight eventually bending you forward onto the desk where her chest smothers you against the wood.
  1604. >Feeling sleepy yourself, you get comfortable in the grump's pillowy cleavage, as she snores on top of you.
  1605. >With the outside world muffled by your cousin's warm body as she spooned you, you don't stay awake for much longer.
  1606. >"-ake up you two."
  1607. >"Get up, class is over"
  1608. >Someone pokes your side as you leave sleep for the third time today.
  1609. >AD: "Up."
  1610. >You can tell by the voice that it was Adagio, along with the small but sharp finger that was jabbed into your side.
  1611. >Your eyes open but you're still cast in darkness, Aria's warm tits still enveloping your head.
  1612. >Another jab to the ribs wakes you up fully.
  1613. "Ahm upfff!"
  1614. >Your voice was muffled from all the titmeat pressing against your face, but it seemed to be enough for the poof.
  1615. >AD: "Then get up."
  1616. >Instead of trying to speak again, you use your hands to gesture to the sleeping tiger you were currently a captive of.
  1617. >AD: *sigh* "Why must I do everything myself?"
  1618. >You assume Adagio pokes Aria in the side like she did to you as you feel her move slightly on top of you.
  1619. >And then move quite a lot as the tall girl snarls and practically jumps out of the desk, making you tumble to the ground.
  1620. >From your vantage point on the floor you look up at the two Dazzlings, the large one filled with fury, teeth and fingers bared like claws, and the other much smaller one unfazed, even bored at her sister's threatening posture.
  1621. >AD: "You done?"
  1622. >Lowering her arms, Aria grunts, leaning on a desk to stabilize herself, her legs evidently still a little wobbly.
  1623. >AD: "Good, I have the homework mom gave us. Next class starts soon, get going."
  1624. >SD: "Okie dokie Dagi!"
  1625. >As you follow the bubbly Sonata and the grumbling Aria to the door, Adagio calls after you.
  1626. >AD: "Anon, could I talk with you for a second?"
  1627. >SD: "Ooooooh, Nonny's in trouuuuubleeeee~"
  1628. >Great, what did you do now?
  1629. >Despite her small stature, Adagio shared a similar role to Spitfire and Fleetfoot in the family in that being an older and more responsible relative she was trusted to watch over the younger family members.
  1630. >Her job was less on the tard wrangling side and more on the administrative side. Helping your mothers and aunts to make sure the family was on time, organized, and with what was probably in your case, completing tasks, like schoolwork.
  1631. "Look Adagio, I-"
  1632. >AD: "Sit please."
  1633. >Pointing to a chair, Adagio motions for you to sit in it.
  1634. >Doing as she says, Adagio gives you a stern look, putting her hands on her hips.
  1635. >AD: "Where were you supposed to be today?"
  1636. >Now that you were sitting down, the short girl would've been on the same eye level as you, if it weren't for her tall heels.
  1637. >Adagio was one of your shortest family members, even shorter than Sugarcoat and most of your younger siblings despite being much older.
  1638. >But in her heels and with you sitting, the short girl could look down on you disapprovingly.
  1639. "Math."
  1640. >AD: "One of your weaker subjects. Do you want to repeat a grade?"
  1641. "No, but Aria-"
  1642. >AD: "You can always say no to her Anon, despite her outward appearance she's not a complete barbarian. But we both know you didn't put up a fight."
  1643. >Unable to find words to deny her, Adagio looks at you unimpressed.
  1644. >AD: "Mhmm, now for example..."
  1645. >Removing her vest jacket, Adagio's face goes from disappointed to sultry.
  1646. >AD: "Even though you've already fucked my sister, you still won't be able to resist a woman coming on to you."
  1647. >Undoing her spiky belt, Adagio lets it and her leotard jumpsuit fall off her onto the floor, smirking down at you, left only in her underwear and thigh highs.
  1648. >AD: "And who could blame you? Shooting a nice, /hot/ load into your cousin is much better than any silly math or English class, right?"
  1649. >Unclipping her bra and panties, they too land on the floor, Adagio walking right up to you, her heels clacking on the floor.
  1650. >Standing in front of you, Adagio bites her lip, letting you take in her nude form.
  1651. >To put it bluntly, the eldest Dazzle was flat. Like washboard flat, possessing the smallest tits in the family to be exact.
  1652. >You weren't really sure why she bothered with bras in the first place, the fabric not providing any support as there was nothing TO support.
  1653. >She also wasn't very curvy in general, but she did have a small flare to her hips and a little cushion on her ass to keep her from being a complete 2x4.
  1654. >Despite her less than ample proportions, Adagio's personality made up for it a bit, and she was right, just like she said, Anon Jr. was raring to go.
  1655. >Putting a hand to your crotch, Adagio undoes your pants, unzipping them slowly as she starts to sweat.
  1656. "A-Adagio, we can't."
  1657. >AD: "Oh hush, we both know you're not serious."
  1658. >Getting you unzipped, Adagio looks anxiously at the door, as if she expected someone to come in.
  1659. >When no one does, she goes back to pulling your pants down, shivering slightly.
  1660. "I-I mean it, what if Sunset found out?"
  1661. >At the mention of your sister's name, Adagio jolts in place, her face blushing deeply.
  1662. >AD: "She w-wont find out as long as neither of us say anything, correct?"
  1663. >Not waiting for an answer, your cousin gingerly tugs at the waistband of your underwear, her breathing heavy.
  1664. >Pulling it down, your cock springs out, Adagio hyperventilating as she then frantically starts looking around the room, and towards the door several times.
  1665. >Looking back to your freed member, her hot breath washes over it as she stares at your cock like she found an oasis in a desert, licking her lips and swallowing nervously.
  1666. >Reaching her hand out, her arm shook like a leaf, getting exponentially worse as it got closer to touching you.
  1667. >Just as her small fingers were about to touch it, the door to the classroom opens suddenly, causing Adagio to yelp and stand straight up, her hair bouncing with the quick movement.
  1668. >And just as you feared, walking through the door was none other than your sister, Sunset Shimmer.
  1669. >She was chatting to your other sister Vinyl about something when she notices you in the room, and then Adagio.
  1670. >Seeing the two of you together like this made Sunset's face darken, her smile changing to a cruel frown. Adagio only able to quiver in place as now bitch Sunset's eyes bored holes into her.
  1671. >AD: "H-H-Hello S-S-S-Sunset! What a-a-aa-are y-you doing here?"
  1672. >The authoritative and calm Adagio was gone, replaced with a petrified and whimpering girl.
  1673. >Sunsis: "What am I doing here? You know I have photo and fashion class now. More importantly, what are YOU doing here with HIM?!"
  1674. >Unable to answer, Adagio stares back at Sunset like a deer in the headlights, almost gasping for air with how she was hyperventilating.
  1675. >Vinyl leans against a wall to enjoy the show as a few more students walk in, mostly your relatives, Coco and Fleur being among them, along with the teacher, your stepmother Photo Finish.
  1676. >PF: "Was ist das?"
  1677. >Upon taking in the scene, your stepmother grins widely and snaps her fingers excitedly.
  1678. >PF: "Hoh! Cameras! It iz time to make da magicks!"
  1679. >The rest of the small class scrambles at their teacher's command, lights and photography equipment being set up hastily as Sunset glares at Adagio.
  1680. >Sunsis: "Answer me."
  1681. >As Sunset stomps over, Adagio's legs shake uncontrollably, her thighs wet with arousal, threatening to give out as your sister stands over her with barely restrained rage.
  1682. >AD: "I-I-I-I was m-mearly- H-HE did it!" Like a cornered animal desperate for escape, Adagio was completely cowed and tried taking the only way out, pointing at you with an accusatory finger.
  1683. >This only earned her a slap across the face, the smaller girl falling to the floor with a cry, camera shutters snapping like mad.
  1684. >PF: "Gut, gut! Action, drama!"
  1685. >Standing over Adagio, Sunset puts a foot on her cousin's chest and pins her to the ground.
  1686. >Sunsis: "Don't ever point at my brother like that again. Worm."
  1687. >Nodding fervently, Adagio rubs her face, her legs splayed on the ground, showing off her soaked pussy.
  1688. >Sunsis: "Now tell me /exactly/ what happened."
  1689. >Gulping, Adagio struggles to meet Sunset's gaze, speaking quickly.
  1690. >AD: "I-I was about to walk to my next class when Anon came in and told me to strip."
  1691. >Sunset eyes you for a moment before nodding.
  1692. >Sunsis: "Go on."
  1693. >AD: "H-He just wanted me to walk around school like this, w-we didn't do anything!"
  1694. >Nervously looking around, Adagio shyly covers up her chest and crotch with her hands as the cameras keep taking pictures.
  1695. >Sunsis: "Then why is his cock out?"
  1696. >The dangerous edge to her voice was still present, clearly not believing Adagio.
  1697. >Adagio's eyes go wide for a moment before she speaks again.
  1698. >AD: "H-He wanted to c-cum on me before I left! To show how worthle- AH!"
  1699. >Sunset digs her heel into Adagio, cutting her off.
  1700. >Sunsis: "You think you're good enough to masturbate to?"
  1701. >AD: "N-No! NO! I didn't mean it like that! I know I'm not!"
  1702. >Sunsis: "You also know you're not allowed even a DROP of his cum unless I say otherwise."
  1703. >AD: "T-That's what I was telling him right before you came in! I would n-never even THINK about breaking your rules, m-mistress!"
  1704. >Looking to you, Sunset keeps her foot on top of the smaller girl.
  1705. >Sunsis: "This all true Anon?"
  1706. >Knowing that any answer other than yes would get Adagio into a heap of trouble, you look down at your cousin, who was begging you with her eyes to go along with her story.
  1707. "Pretty much, I guess."
  1708. >Sunsis: "Pretty much? You GUESS?"
  1709. >Adagio cries out again as Sunset pushes her foot down on her.
  1710. "Well I mean, she hadn't exactly told me she wasn't allowed to get cum on her yet, but I'm sure she was going to."
  1711. >Sorry Adagio, but you know your lie deserves a little punishment.
  1712. >Sunset's lip curls with scorn at your words, your sister grabbing a handful of Adagio's poofy hair and pulling her up by it.
  1713. >Sunsis: "You get naked with my brother alone without my permission, and then you LIE to me?!"
  1714. >AD: "NO! I didn't lie! I-I just misspoke! I meant I was about to tell him!"
  1715. >Pulling Adagio behind her by her hair, Sunset looks to Vinyl.
  1716. >Sunsis: "Vinyl, would you mind stripping and helping me with, /this/?" Sunset punctuates her sentence by shaking Adagio by her head.
  1717. >Smiling, Vinyl nods and starts happily taking her clothes off as if she expected to be nude in the middle of class today.
  1718. >VS: "Sure thing sis."
  1719. >As her jacket comes off, Sunset adds to her request, cameras taking pictures of Vinyl undressing.
  1720. >Sunsis: "But leave your underwear on."
  1721. >VS: "Mkay, you're the boss Sunny."
  1722. >Vinyl's clothes hit the ground one by one, the last piece being her leggings, the only things left being her thong, bra, and glasses she elected to keep on.
  1723. >Bodily pulling Adagio in front of Vinyl, who then takes a selfie of the three of them, Sunset bends down to be eye level with her cousin.
  1724. >Sunsis: "Tell me, are you a woman or a worm Adagio?"
  1725. >Barely able to stand due to her quaking legs, Adagio was dripping arousal down her inner thighs and onto the floor like a broken faucet.
  1726. >AD: "A w-worm mistress." She mewls.
  1727. >Sunsis: "Louder."
  1728. >AD: "I-I'm a WORM!"
  1729. >Nodding, Sunset strokes some of her cousin's hair.
  1730. >Sunsis: "And why is that?"
  1731. >Thinking for a second Adagio answers.
  1732. >AD: "B-Because worms are small and pathetic, like me."
  1733. >Tapping a finger on Adagio's shoulder, Sunset hums.
  1734. >Sunsis: "Hmm, yes. But I mean what in particular separates you from being a woman. Here, let's do a physical demonstration with Vinyl."
  1735. >Hearing her name, Vinyl perks up from scrolling on her phone and sets it on a desk.
  1736. >Sunsis: "Take off Vinyl's bra."
  1737. >Without a word, Adagio walks up to your almost nude sister with shaky legs.
  1738. >Needing to wrap her short arms around Vinyl to get at the bra clips, Adagio was forced to push her face between Vinyl's huge tits as she undid them one by one.
  1739. >With a series of clicks, Vinyl's bra comes off, your sister's tits falling on Adagio's head and shoulders as their support was removed.
  1740. >Pulling off the bra, your cousin steps back as Vinyl rolls her shoulders, making her freed boobs jiggle slightly.
  1741. >Vinyl was one of the more stacked members of your family, not quite as much as Aria or your mother, but a close third.
  1742. >Her puffy areola by themselves outclassed Adagio's chest, let alone her actual breasts which were bigger than your cousin's head, minus poof.
  1743. >Sunsis: "Put it on."
  1744. >Doing as she was told, Adagio puts the oversized bra on herself, doing all the clips even though it hung loosely on her.
  1745. >Sunsis: "You don't need to say anything. Just look, it should be obvious."
  1746. >Not one part of the bra fit Adagio, the straps were too long, the band looked even too big for her hips, and of course, the cups were gigantic, doing nothing to hide her small nipples, let alone provide any sort of support.
  1747. >Staring down at her chest almost in disbelief, Adagio puts her hands through the empty cups, imagining what it would be like to fill them out.
  1748. >Sunsis: "Now take off her panties."
  1749. >Reaching forward, Adagio grabs Vinyl's thong and pulls it down her shapely thighs, a few more pictures being taken as Vinyl is undressed completely.
  1750. >Sunsis: "You know what to do."
  1751. >Putting her legs through the holes of the thong, Adagio pulls it up to her crotch, where it then falls back down, her hips not wide enough to keep them on.
  1752. >Pulling them up again, Adagio is forced to hold them up, a wet spot forming in the middle where it pressed against her pussy.
  1753. >Several pictures are taken as Adagio is forced to show how small she is in every regard, your cousin on the verge of tears and cumming herself from the humiliation as she can barely stand straight.
  1754. >Sunsis: "You're making a mess in my sister's panties, take them off and clean them with your tongue.
  1755. >VS: "That's alright, it's kinda hot actu- oh right."
  1756. >Wordlessly taking off the thong, Adagio puts the crotch into her mouth and sucks her juices off of it, more pictures being taken.
  1757. >Sunsis: "Vinyl, could you do me a favor and lie on that desk for me?"
  1758. >Giving Sunset a thumbs up, Vinyl bends over the desk nearest you, giving you a nice view of her ass.
  1759. >Sunsis: "Sorry, other way Vinyl, on your back."
  1760. >VS: "Oooh kinky."
  1761. >Hopping up onto the desk, Vinyl gets into position with a smile.
  1762. >Sunset pulls the thong out of Adagio's mouth and lifts the bra off of her without needing to undo any of the clips, leading the small girl over to Vinyl again, but this time between her legs.
  1763. >Sunsis: "Only a woman is worthy of my brother's cum."
  1764. >Pushing Adagio's head between Vinyl's legs, Sunset pulls back some of her hair so it didn't get in the way.
  1765. >Sunsis: "Now, worm, you're going to prepare my sister, do a good job and I'll reward you by letting you watch."
  1766. >AD: "Y-Yes mist-mmMF!"
  1767. >Adagio's face was unceremoniously shoved into Vinyl's crotch, her mouth pressed against her pussy.
  1768. >Taking the hint, Adagio gets to work immediately, Vinyl moaning out, her hand joining Sunset's on Adagio's head.
  1769. >Adagio ate Vinyl out like it was her last meal, desperately and thoroughly.
  1770. >VS: "D-Damn Sunny, you trained her reeeeally gooooood~ That little tongue of hers knows /right/ where to go."
  1771. >You were enjoying yourself as well, though probably not as much as your stepmom, who was holding a video camera at Vinyl's crotch.
  1772. >You weren't sure when she'd started recording, but she was into it almost as much as Vinyl and Adagio.
  1773. >Hopefully it wouldn't end up on the internet, as this was well outside the realm of artistic nudity, though you think Photo Finish would disagree, despite basically shooting a family porno.
  1774. >Adagio noisily licked and slurped at Vinyl's pussy, bathing it with her mouth and tongue as Vinyl let out pleasured moans, Sunset watching intently until she pulled Adagio back by her hair.
  1775. >Your cousin coughed and gasped for air, her face covered in spit and Vinyl's juices, looking to Sunset for approval as camera flashes went off around her.
  1776. >Sunsis: "Good enough worm, come here."
  1777. >Pulling Adagio alongside Vinyl, Sunset pressed her cousin's head on Viny's stomach so that her ear was against Vinyl's skin.
  1778. >Sunsis: "You may only watch. No touching, especially not yourself."
  1779. >Looking to you, Sunset beckons you over.
  1780. >Sunsis: "Well? Come on bro you're up, lose the pants."
  1781. >You couldn't stand fast enough as your bottoms hit the floor, not needing much help as Adagio had already gotten them most of the way off.
  1782. >Shutter clicks sound as you take your spot between Vinyl's legs, Sunset spreading her pussy for you with her fingers as she looks intently at Adagio, keeping her head pinned in place.
  1783. >Your cousin watched your cock excitedly as it neared Vinyl's pussy, biting her lip with anticipation.
  1784. >Picking up Vinyl's legs, you throw them on your shoulders, your cock sliding against her lower lips.
  1785. >VS: "Hey, if you guys need me for this kinda thing again, just let me know, I'm SO there."
  1786. >Pressing your tip against your sister's entrance, Vinyl sucks in a breath of air, making Adagio squirm.
  1787. >VS: "Give it to me lil bro~"
  1788. >She didn't have to ask twice as you entered your sister with a thrust, making Vinyl moan, Adagio joining in with her as the cameras caught the penetration.
  1789. >Adagio had done a good job getting Vinyl ready for you, your cock slipping inside her easily the first few inches.
  1790. >Her slick walls hugged you as you pushed further in, Vinyl voicing her pleasure as you split her depths.
  1791. >Adagio watched with stars in her eyes, looking as if she were the one about to be fucked instead of her cousin.
  1792. >Bottoming out inside Vinyl, your sister coos happily as your tip almost kisses her cervix.
  1793. >VS: "Perfect fit~ Almost like we're made for each other, or at least came from the same place. Heh."
  1794. >Pulling back, you thrust into Vinyl again, this time much quicker.
  1795. >VS: "Mmmf, fuck yeah, give me that dick big boy~"
  1796. >Getting into a rhythm, your hips slap into Vinyl's ass, sending ripples through the layer of fat as you fucked her.
  1797. >Your stepmother darts around you as she takes pictures, getting several angles of you fucking Vinyl.
  1798. >PF: "Show a little more stärke, strength. Ja like that, perfekt, za camera loves you."
  1799. >The camera wasn't the only one as Vinyl took your thrusts with joy, her voice echoing off the walls of the classroom.
  1800. >VS: "Yeah, that's it, give it to me!" Vinyl's voice was a husky growl, filled with desire and passion in lieu of her usual casual temperament.
  1801. >As you fucked Vinyl, Adagio panted on her cousin's stomach, Sunset keeping Adagio's curly hair out of the smaller girl's eyes so she had an unobstructed view.
  1802. >Sunsis: "Are you enjoying your reward worm?" Sunset asks, she herself rubbing one of her huge tits absentmindedly.
  1803. >Adagio nods vigorously, her eyes locked on where Vinyl's crotch and yours met, unable to look away.
  1804. >AD: "Y-Yes! Thank you mistress, I love watching my cousins fuck! I love smelling them too, and I REALLY love hearing your brother's cock inside your sister!"
  1805. >Not only could Adagio hear each slap of skin on skin like everyone else, with her head against Vinyl's belly, your cousin could hear every wet noise your thrusts made inside Vinyl as well.
  1806. >Running her hand through Adagio's hair approvingly, Sunset enjoys the show with her.
  1807. >Sunsis: "Good, because this is as close as you're going to get to the real thing."
  1808. >VS: "Oh fuck! Yeah that's it, right there!" Vinyl's breath comes in shuddering gasps as you hit a certain spot, her body starting to tremble with anticipation.
  1809. >Finding her weak spot, you angle your hips to hit it even more, your tip even closer to the entrance of Vinyl's womb every time you hilted now, her hot insides squeezing around you.
  1810. >Taking a firm hold of Vinyl's love handles, you give yourself a better grip to drill into your moaning sister, her pussy trying to hold onto you every time you pull back, not wanting to let you go.
  1811. >Vinyl was really into it now as she had her head thrown back off the side of the desk, the normally quiet girl screaming at the top of her lungs, not caring in the slightest who could hear her.
  1812. >She massaged her fat tits with her hands, pulling and pinching at her nipples, her more than generous bust overflowing her arms as she played with them.
  1813. >Vinyl's glasses clatter to the ground as her wide hips bucked wildly, your sister moaning and grunting with pleasure.
  1814. >Her body was slick with sweat, and her hair was a wild tangle around her face as she lost herself in the sensations of the moment.
  1815. >Adagio was no better, a crazed look had spread across her face, wholly enraptured by the scene before her as she licked at Vinyl's stomach, desperate to participate.
  1816. >She could feel your cock slam inside Vinyl's pussy, the slightest feeling of your cock bulging her cousin's stomach against her cheek was sending her into a lust filled frenzy, but kept in check by Sunset with a firm grip on her head.
  1817. >Even while desperate, Adagio never made a move with her hands, not on herself, and not on you or Vinyl, knowing it would only end with her being removed.
  1818. >VS: "NGHHHH!~ Fuck you're so GOOD! You're gonna make me cum! I'm gonna cum so f-fucking hard! MMMNNHH! I can feel it! Give it to me Nonny!"
  1819. >Encouraged by Vinyl's words, you topped out on your speed and strength for your thrusts, Sunset helping out as she used her free hand to rub at Vinyl's clit, blushing as her sister moaned appreciatively.
  1820. >You weren't lasting much longer either, you could feel the tingling sensation creeping up on you as you pounded Vinyl on the desk.
  1821. >Vinyl moaned and cried out your name as you fucked her to the finish line, grabbing the desk so that she didn't fall off from the power you were putting into her.
  1822. >VS: "Oh god, I'm right there! I'm cumming Anon, don't stop Anon, DON'T STOP!" Vinyl's voice was urgent, her body tensing as her climax came fast and hard.
  1823. >You feel your sister's muscles clench around you as she cums, her walls squeezing you tightly as her abs twitch and she cries out to the ceiling, camera shutters snapping like mad.
  1825. >This sudden tightness causes your dam to burst as well, your white hot load shooting directly into Vinyl's womb, Adagio's eyes widening as she hears you cum inside your sister.
  1826. >AD: "He's- it's so much I- I- AHNNNN!~"
  1827. >Convulsing along with Vinyl, Adagio cums as well, just the sound of you cumming inside your sister pushing her over the edge, your cousin making a mess on the floor.
  1828. >Vinyl's eyes roll back in ecstasy as you filled her up, her whole body trembling with pleasure as her hips gyrated on your cock in an attempt to coax out every last drop from your balls.
  1829. >Giving Vinyl your last shots, you feel a little dizzy and brace yourself against the desk, your head a haze as you get your bearings back.
  1830. >Shaking your head, sweat drips from your face onto Vinyl's torso and Adagio's head, and you silently curse and thank your father for having so many cock hungry daughters.
  1831. >PS: "And CUT! Wunderbar Anonymous, wunderbar. A perfekt performance, to be expected from a family such as ours. Now, we go!"
  1832. >Snapping her fingers again, your stepmother along with the other students abruptly leave the classroom, seeming to have gotten what they wanted, the bell ringing right after.
  1833. >Sunsis: "Hmph, I expect you to fuck me like that the next time WE do it Anon." Sunset says, a little jealousy tinging her words as she looks at Vinyl's blissful face.
  1834. >AD: "H-Holy- s-so good you guysssssss~"
  1835. >Quickly turning her attention to Adagio, Sunset pulls her cousin up by her armpits.
  1836. >Sunsis: "Oh we're not done yet, you still need to do what my brother told you to do."
  1837. >Realizing what she meant, Adagio found her footing and looked up at her cousin pleadingly.
  1838. >AD: "N-Now?"
  1839. >Sunsis: "Don't backtalk me, you came without permission. Yes you're going out there now AND you're going to eat me out afterwards, I'm super horny after watching all that." Sunset gestures to you and Vinyl.
  1840. >Your arms felt heavy holding yourself up so you simply stopped doing it, your head coming to rest between your sister's sweaty tits with a wet slap.
  1841. >AD: "Yes mistress." Adagio says, her heels clicking on the floor as she walks out into the hallway, nude save for a few useless pieces of clothing, Sunset right behind her.
  1842. >VS: "Haaaah~ I could go for a smoke right now... good job dude, you fucked the shit outta me... heh."
  1843. >All you could do was grunt. You had pretty much blown both your backs out with that one.
  1844. >Combing her fingers through your hair, Vinyl laughs softly, your bodies sticking to each other with drying sweat.
  1845. >VS: "I'm supposed to hit up music class after this but, damn if I don't give a shit about any of that at all right now."
  1846. >You shared your sister's sentiment as the two of you cuddle on the desk, until another pair of heels is heard entering the room, taking a few steps inside before pausing.
  1847. >Chrys: "Really? Did you think coming in with Aria stinking of sex was too subtle?"
  1848. >VS: "Hey auntie."

Goodnight Anon

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: BOOTY BATTLE (Vy and Tav)

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Spoopy Vinyl

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Choco overload

by TiredAsShit

Vinyl shorts: Bangin till the crack of dawn

by TiredAsShit