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Daring Do and the Amulet of Enthrallment

By cloudruler
Created: 2023-11-13 09:04:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Just trying some stuff out...
  3. Daring Do bursts into Anon’s study room carrying a golden trinket.
  4. “Anon!”
  5. He curses, jumping in his seat.
  6. “For crying out loud, Daring! I told you to stop barging in like that!”
  7. She waves off his protests.
  8. “Shaddup and look at this!”
  9. She holds up the trinket. A thick golden ring with a hollow center. Anon’s expression changes in realization.
  10. “Holy shit, is that what I think it is?”
  11. “I don’t know for sure, but all the facts line up. I raided the underwater temple in the Tenochtitlan Basin, and it was right where the glyphs said it would be. But… It’s missing a piece.”
  12. Daring sets it down on Anon’s desk, and he cautiously turns it over.
  13. “Don’t worry, it’s not dangerous like this.”
  14. Anon nods, entranced.
  15. “...The amulet of enthrallment. This is probably the most prized and feared relic of the ancient jungle ponies. If this were to fall into the wrong hands…”
  17. Daring shrugs.
  18. “Or hooves.”
  19. “Right. Wait here, I need to compare this to my notes.”
  20. Anon picks up the amulet and storms into an adjacent room. Daring hops onto his sofa and lays back, kicking off a few books from his coffee table to cross her hind legs over it.
  21. “Did I really hear you kicking my books again?”
  22. Daring smirks.
  23. “No.”
  24. Anon mutters to himself in the other room, the sound of papers and other items shuffling emanate from beyond the open door.
  25. “...Aha!”
  26. Daring sits up.
  27. “Find what you’re looking for?”
  28. “Yes… Yes, I think I have.”
  29. Anon comes back into his study, standing in the doorway with an odd grin on his face. Daring raises her eyebrow at him.
  30. “So, what did the notes say-?”
  31. Daring stops. The amulet is hung around Anon’s neck. Its center, once hollow, is now filled with a large red gemstone that flickers with some faint magic light. The same light dances in his retinas. She bolts up in her seat.
  32. “What? Where did you-”
  33. Anon runs his fingers over the glowing gemstone.
  34. “Anon, take that off right now!”
  35. “It’s alright, Daring. There’s no need for you to be alarmed.”
  36. Her eyes twitch between his and the gemstone, and a haze falls over her. Daring blinks and rubs her eyes, suddenly nauseous. The glyphs never described the feeling of enthrallment, but she knows a spell when she feels it.
  37. “No need for-... Agh, are you trying to use it on me?”
  38. Anon nods.
  39. “Of course, we need to test it to make sure it’s the real thing, after all. You don’t need to be concerned.”
  41. Daring hisses as the haze hits her again. What he’s saying is stupid; the amulet is not a toy but… But… Even as she formulates her rebuttal, Daring feels her heart rate slow. Anon is a student of history, just like her. Of course he’d be eager to test out such a rare item.
  42. “But… It’s… it’s affecting me, Anon. We know it’s real now.”
  43. “Is it? I can’t tell. What is it doing?”
  44. Daring talks slowly, needing to carefully lay out her words one after the other.
  45. “I can feel it working into my head. It’s… convincing me to listen to you. Anon, you have to stop now.”
  47. But he doesn’t stop. Anon fondles the amulet continuously as he comes closer.
  48. “Well there’s nothing wrong with that, Daring. You know you can trust me.”
  49. She shakes her head, but can’t help but agree with his words through the fog in her mind. Anon has been a good friend to her, and a great ally in her quest to seize this powerful amulet before Cabelleron does. After all, who KNOWS what he would do if he’d gotten it first?
  50. “I know I can trust you, but… We really shouldn’t go any further.”
  51. “Yes, we should. You know that we need to complete our research before we can be certain that this is the amulet of enthrallment.”
  53. She groans and sways side to side. They’d spent months researching this item together, tracking down leads, and all that time they reiterated how dangerous this could be. But… Wouldn’t this all be for nothing if they don’t catalog this relic in its entirety?
  54. “That’s… True?”
  55. Anon nods sagely.
  56. “It’s true.”
  57. Daring nods back, more confident in her response.
  58. “It’s true.”
  59. “Right, now you need to be a good research partner and let me test this amulet on you.”
  60. She raises an eyebrow.
  61. “Well… Our research would be more complete if we switched part way, don’t you think?”
  62. Anon shakes his head and taps the gemstone.
  63. “No, this amulet is made to be used on ponies. You have to be the test subject, here.”
  64. She supposes that’s true. What use could learning the effect of this enchantment on humans be if there’s only the one human?
  65. “Fine, fine. What do I do, then? Just stand here while you flash me with it?”
  66. “Better that you sit down.”
  67. Daring sits upright on the sofa, wrapping her tail around herself. Anon shakes his head, his finger working over the amulet.
  68. “Now that’s hardly a relaxed posture. Go ahead and lean back, make yourself comfortable. I’ll be doing all the work.”
  70. She shrugs and falls backwards, laying herself nonchalantly over the sofa. She kicks her legs up and crosses them over Anon’s coffee table.
  71. “Better?”
  72. “Much. Now, let’s see how powerful this amulet really is…”
  73. A tiny pang of concern fizzles and dies in Daring’s belly. She watches Anon squat down across from her, partitioned by the table between them. She pins back her ears. Something about this is… Dangerous, somehow. She watches him curiously.
  74. “What are you going to do, Anon?”
  75. “I’m going to see how much reinforcement it takes to manipulate you into doing something you really wouldn’t do otherwise.”
  76. “...Uh-”
  77. Anon holds the amulet, not caressing it.
  78. “Daring, spread your legs for me.”
  79. Despite how calm she feels, Daring contorts her face.
  80. “What? No. Don’t be a pervert, Anon!”
  81. “That’s our baseline.”
  82. Anon’s finger traces up and down the gem, and its glow rises.
  83. “Daring, spread your legs for me.”
  84. She snorts, indignant that such a method is being used on her.
  85. “I-is this really how you want to test this thing?”
  86. But she looks down to see her own legs shuffling, uncomfortable in her current position. Anon told her to get comfortable for the experiment. She’ll be more comfortable with her legs apart… For… Him?
  87. “Ugh, I-I’m not going to spread my legs for you. F-forget it.”
  88. Anon brings up his other hand and rubs the gem more actively, and Daring winces as the buzzing becomes auditory in her head. Her head swims, confused, and uncomfortable. Anon’s voice somehow booms above it all.
  89. “You agree that this research is important. You know that in order to complete the research, you have to be a good research partner. In order to be a good research partner, you need to follow my instructions.”
  91. Daring cannot bring herself to rise from her slumped position, spread like paste over the sofa. She weakly raises a hoof in protest.
  92. “Ugh, s-stop-”
  93. “We can’t stop until we’re done, Daring. You need to follow my instructions.”
  94. Daring watches her legs fidget, her hooves rubbing on each other, anxious to move. It’s embarrassing, but this is all in the interest of knowledge.
  95. “Okay, you’re right, you’re right.”
  96. She reluctantly uncrosses her legs, placing them far apart and exposing her dark nethers to Anon. The haze, thick as fog a second ago, lifts. She glowers at him, unimpressed.
  97. “There, I did it. Now can your next instruction be to punch you in the face?”
  98. Anon chuckles.
  99. “No, you would never do anything to hurt me.”
  100. She sighs and blinks the minor fuzziness that accompanies this new undeniable fact.
  101. “Well, no… I was just kidding. But seriously, Anon. The fact that THIS is the first thing you get me to do…”
  103. Anon unashamedly eyes her exposed parts. Small teats peaked with perky nipples, a slight shade marks them from the rest of her coat. Below them, Daring’s tight cunt and pucker, clenching under his vision like they want to suck back inside herself, both swarthier than the rest of her body.
  104. “You’re not enjoying yourself?”
  105. She stares at him.
  106. “...What do you think, creep?”
  107. “I think you need to let go of your inhibitions if we’re going to get anywhere with this research.”
  108. “Well, that’s not happening. And don’t try to convince me with the amulet, either.”
  109. Anon shrugs as he feels the gemstone.
  110. “Hmm, well you don’t need to be convinced by me. You know that you’re totally fine with showing yourself off to me.”
  111. “H-huh? Anon, I know what…”
  112. He holds it out like a weapon, glaring at her.
  113. “You like having my attention, Daring. That’s why you always come over here. That’s why you barge in and knock my things on the floor. Because you crave my attention.”
  114. Daring groans, unable to take her eyes off the stone. It’s the only thing not blurred in a wave of confusion, replaced by revelation.
  115. “I… Guess so. I never thought about it that way, before…”
  116. Startled, she breaks her eyes from the stone to look at Anon.
  117. “Whoa, I think it’s working faster than before.”
  118. “You’re right. Now that the spell has taken hold of you, there’s no purpose in resisting it. Our research will move faster if you just let it happen.”
  119. Daring flinches, and squirms. A dying fire inside her desperately searches for more kindling. But it shrinks, shrinks to embers. She offers Anon a tiny smile and nods.
  120. “You’re right. I’ll play along, now.”
  121. “Now, what were we just talking about before you interrupted?”
  122. Daring blinks.
  123. “Uh, a-attention. I…”
  124. She feels herself blush.
  125. “I… Guess I like having your attention on me, Anon…”
  126. “No need to be embarrassed with me, Daring. You crave my attention.”
  127. Daring nods, more confident.
  128. “Yeah.”
  129. “My attention turns you on.”
  130. She gasps. Those embers catch light, but the haze washes over her. And by the time she finishes rubbing her eyes, she can’t deny it. Between her legs, she feels a warmth grow. Anon leans in.
  131. “Admit it, Daring.”
  132. “...I… I get off on having your attention.”
  133. He nods.
  134. “Very good. You know, you’re getting my full attention right now..”
  135. Daring’s pussy twitches under his gaze. She watches him watch her squirm, her strong thigh muscles dancing under her skin for his interest.
  136. “O-oh yeah?”
  137. “Yeah, I like bending your will, too. It’s a welcome change from your usual disrespectful self. And you like it, too.”
  139. Daring shudders, her asshole clenches and releases as a droplet of excitement trickles down from her pussy above it.
  140. “You get so hot when I change you. You love doing whatever I say. Being under my control is the sexiest thing you’ll ever experience.”
  142. Daring’s back arches and she lets out a shaky breath, quaking from a bout of haze that is almost orgasmic. She never knew any of this about herself before today, but damn, was Anon right.
  143. “You’re one hell of a sight, right now. You know that, Daring?”
  144. She looks back at Anon. He’s not stroking the amulet, merely watching her with a pleased face. Daring smirks back. She shifts her legs wider and slowly rocks her hips up, further displaying her soaking wet pussy and ass. Her small teats, their nipples stiffened, ache and yearn to be touched.
  145. “Y-you like the view, big guy~?”
  146. Daring coos, as confident in her killer body as she is aroused. Hundreds of stallions have propositioned her over the years, maybe thousands. But she is a mare on a mission, so she saved her body for the thrill of adventure, rather than the thrill of flesh. But now, as Anon grins wolfishly and rounds the table towards her, Daring Do hopes for nothing more than for him to continue to play with her.
  147. “Fuck yeah, I do.”
  148. Anon unbuckles his pants and slides them off, his cock throbs against his underwear as he stands before Daring Do. The amulet clutched in his hand, the gemstone burning red between his fingers. Daring bites her lip as the haze overtakes her again, lost in bliss.
  149. “You enjoy the view, too. You think I’m so attractive. You desire more than any fantasy, for me to rut you. Just the thought of my cock makes your pussy burn.”
  151. Daring hungrily glares at his bulge, watching it rhythmically swell and relax.
  152. “...Tell me, Daring. Do you want to see it?”
  153. Shooting upright, Daring nods, almost frothing.
  154. “Oh, BUCK YES! I gotta see your cock, Anon! My cunt is on FIRE! Come on, don’t hold out on me!”
  156. Anon gestures to his contained bulge.
  157. “Well, take them off, then. Use your mouth.”
  158. She plunges her face against the throbbing meat, and sucks the scent harshly into her nostrils. Her legs shake as she wets herself further with her arousal. She exhales in muffled groans as she grinds her face against him, his meat hot and pulsating behind the barest fabric. Daring pauses for one last hungry glance up at Anon, who’s possessive eyes gaze hotly into hers, then she grips the waistband of his boxers and tears them down. As they surpass his bulge, Anon’s cock snaps out of its confinement and slaps Daring in the face. She gasps, tongue lolling from her panting mouth, her cunt audibly winks behind her. His cock is just as perfect as she imagined, thick and hot and hard as iron.
  159. “Anon, your cock is AMAZING! I-it’s the hottest bucking thing I’ve ever SEEN!”
  160. She feels her tail giddily thrashing behind her, her wings flare outwards. The greatest idol of pleasure she could ever imagine drapes over her face. Daring leans in and buries her muzzle in Anon’s ballsack, breathing in his heavy scent. His hand grips Daring’s mane and pulls her out, and she takes the opportunity to run her tongue along his shaft.
  161. “Well, you’re an eager little slut, aren’t you?”
  162. Despite everything, Daring scoffs and rolls her eyes.
  163. “Shut up and rut me, Anon. Q-quit messing around…”
  164. His other hand is still firmly on the amulet.
  165. “Sit still. You don’t get a thing unless you’re polite about it.”
  166. Daring groans and sits back, almost whimpering as she grinds her wet nethers on the sofa cushion.
  167. “Anon, please. M-may I please shove your cock inside me? Is that… Polite enough for you?”
  169. Anon stares at her, deadpan. Swallowing, she tries again.
  170. “Ugh… Ex-excuse me, Anon… Uh, would you be willing to maybe…”
  171. She stops to lick her lips.
  172. “...Maybe… Do it with me? R-right now?”
  173. She watches him, but Anon remains stoic.
  174. “...PLEASE?”
  175. Mercifully, he laughs.
  176. “That’s better. We’ll work on it. Now, you’ll work on this.”
  177. Anon prods his head against her lips. Daring inhales his whole shaft in an instant. She shoves herself to the hilt, her nose painfully bounces on his pelvis as she pounds it back and forth. Ambrosia fills Daring’s every sense as she sucks Anon’s perfect dick, and she hungrily swallows every drop. The same buzzing drills into her head, and she feels herself smile as she yields to it without resistance.
  178. “That’s it, Daring! You suck my cock like it’s your life’s work… You love the taste of me…You love being my cocksleeve- FUCK-!”
  180. Daring lets out a muffled squeal as Anon grips her mane with both hands and shoves her face hard against himself. Her eyes roll back, wet with tears as her idol bursts with hot cum straight into the back of her throat. Daring wraps her own hooves around Anon’s waist and nestles deeper, her tongue madly lapping whatever it can reach from its position, firmly squeezed between his hard shaft and her own straining jaw. She’s held in this pleasurable suffocation for sometime, until she realizes that Anon had already let go. Pulling back, if for any other reason than to double-check every inch of his pipe for sweet leftovers, Daring lovingly swirls her tongue over the sensitive flesh.
  181. “That’s enough, Daring. Stop.”
  182. She grumbles and pulls back to look up at him. Anon props himself against a ledge, a weary smile on his face.
  183. “I… Knew this thing was potent, but… To think it could make even the great Daring Do into a prime cock-sucker… That is a truly amazing experience.”
  185. She smiles back, even as drool runs down her chin.
  186. “You’re telling ME, stud! I had NO idea you were so much fun!”
  187. Raising her backside, she wags her tail.
  188. “I’ve got more holes than my mouth, too… If you’re interested, that is!”

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