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Hot For Horny Teacher (Scene From VQC)

By Grey
Created: 2023-11-21 05:31:32
Updated: 2023-12-09 00:02:11
Expiry: Never

  1. Isolated scene from because I made this as a new paste by accident and Ponepaste won't let me delete it.
  3. >Math is hard.
  4. >At least for a number of students, it’s relatively easy for some.
  5. >But you, math isn’t just hard for you.
  6. >It’s FUCKING impossible to tackle.
  7. >You don’t even understand what you don’t understand.
  8. >Why can’t you swap it with something easy like drawing instead?
  9. >Drawing is great, and it’s fun and easy, and barely had even a hint of math involved at all.
  10. >Even then, that math doesn’t involve the alphabet with the numbers.
  11. >Any math found in drawing and art can’t begin to compare to the overcomplicated symbol sorcery written on the board by your math teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  12. >Properties of limits?
  13. >The only property of a limit you can understand is your own one you’re at.
  14. >Can’t say it enough:
  15. >You don’t even understand what you don’t understand.
  16. >It shows in the plague of sub-20 percentages on your report card so far this year.
  17. >If this keeps going this way, your grades are gonna be in an ocean floor trench even a perfect streak of 100% scores for the rest of the year couldn’t save you from.
  18. >This is what Miss Cheerilee tells you after class one day, and in a regretful tone at that.
  19. >You sulk into your seat to how disappointed she sounds; the last thing she wants to do is flunk one of her students.
  20. >It really felt like you let her down as she tried to “introduce you to the wonders of the calculus world”.
  21. >She’s really tried to help you understand in class but it’s just not clicking.
  22. >You’re hopelessly lost, and your grades are bleeding out.
  23. >Can’t even bring yourself to pay attention during lectures anymore.
  24. >You already know it’s a lost cause, and it’s a shame because Miss Cheerilee really REALLY believed in you.
  25. >Miss Cheerilee wants ALL of her students to succeed in her pre-calculus course.
  26. >She’s always been so cute and nice to you.
  27. >Had it been any other teacher and you wouldn’t care so much, but Miss Cheerilee has always been such a sweet young woman.
  28. >Barely more than a decade older than you are too, so she’s relatively in-touch with her students’ generation.
  29. >And you know she hates to have to give you failing grade after failing grade.
  30. >Especially after you declined one-on-one tutoring she offered.
  31. >You’re just too jaded and accepting of the mindset of “yeah I’m gonna fail and there’s nothing I can do about it, might as well perpetuate it on purpose even in the face of hope because I don’t trust having hope anymore”.
  32. >What was that Gotye line?
  33. >”You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness”?
  34. >It’s where you’ve just become so self-defeating on purpose because it at least makes you feel like you’re going out on your own terms.
  35. >It birthed a part of you that’s been mindbroken and jaded from failing so long that it doesn’t want to get better anymore and just fail on purpose from now on, and that part of you has grown too powerful now.
  36. >The more time passes, the more you fail, and the more that lyric makes sense to you.
  37. >God help those who suffer from this in both math AND drawing… hahah… hah…
  38. ~
  39. >Miss Cheerilee only wants all of her students to succeed.
  40. >And it really bums her out that one of her students is failing so hard at calculus.
  41. >She takes the stack of papers to the faculty conference room to review each of her students’ grades with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna.
  42. >Maybe she can somehow force her failing student to say yes to tutoring?
  43. >Maybe he, god forbid, has a crush on his teacher and is too nervous to accept help.
  44. >She would love to somehow cast that awkwardness aside and just help him with his math grades already so she can keep him from failing and having to retake her class.
  45. >Miss Cheerilee cautiously approaches the office door.
  46. >Hesitates before touching the doorknob, then hears the faint muffled voices of Celestia and Luna behind it.
  47. >Right as Vice Principal Luna says something about Wallflower Blush, the conversation is interrupted by the door handle being tried from out in the hallway.
  48. >The two sisters fall silent as the door swings open.
  49. >A rush of warm, humid air greets Miss Cheerilee upon her entry.
  50. >”Hey… having a bad hair day?” Miss Cheerilee addresses their noticeably ruffled hair.
  51. >Celestia gives Luna a worried look, as though it’s a bad idea to let Cheerilee into this room at the moment.
  52. >Cheerilee herself senses a sort of presence about the room.
  53. >But the longer she continues to act normally, the more relieved the principal and vice principal appear to be.
  54. >”Hey, how’s Wallflower doing?” Asks Miss Cheerilee after finishing up discussing the grades of her students. “I heard you mention her right before entering.”
  55. >”She’s doing great.” Replies Luna in a reassuring tone. “Things are a lot better between us now.”
  56. >Cheerilee smiles warmly. “That’s fantastic to hear. I suppose the uptick in her grades might be an indication of that as well.”
  57. >Luna nods. “Anyway, let’s discuss your students who have… not being doing too well grade-wise.”
  58. >The three proceed to talk about mostly just you, as you’re the only student who’s been falling behind and flunking to an actual serious degree.
  59. >Celestia and Luna had already gone over the topic with your other teachers with a less concerned overtone due to you only failing calculus dangerously hard.
  60. >Miss Cheerilee had already assumed a little more new things about you even after the previous time she entered this room with Celestia and Luna and noticed how weirdly warm and humid it felt.
  61. >Wonders if any of the other teachers felt the same way.
  62. >Maybe it didn’t happen to be so humid in here when they came by… only this time of day.
  63. >”So he doesn’t want tutoring? Even though he KNOWS he desperately needs it?” Asks Celestia.
  64. >”I can’t imagine why he’s so shy about it. It seems like he just kind of… gave up.”
  65. >”If he was a senior, I’d attribute it to senioritis. But that’s far from the case.”
  66. >Luna suggests Miss Cheerilee simply require you to attend tutoring, on account of your poor grades.
  67. >Miss Cheerilee isn’t thrilled about the idea, but eventually agrees that it’s probably necessary.
  68. >At least at this point; she would have said no under practically any other circumstances.
  69. >The quick meeting wraps up, and Miss Cheerilee leaves.
  70. >It won’t be long before you’re told you HAVE to stay after school for mandatory tutoring by Miss Cheerilee.
  71. >…
  72. >And now, here you sit in the desk each day after classes, mad as hell and wanting to leave as soon as possible.
  73. >Crossing your arms, mulling over how annoying and inconvenient it is to not only lose lots of your free time, but to lose it to pre-calculus you already know you’re never going to be able to understand or have to use in the real world either.
  74. >What makes this so important?
  75. >It’s not like she’s teaching you how to pay your taxes or anything like that.
  76. >Remain in your seat at your desk, repeating “I can’t” every time you literally can’t.
  77. >”Yes you can!” Miss Cheerilee begins to feel dizzy and out of breath. “Let’s go over it again.”
  78. >Something about you is really making her feel funny.
  79. >She begins writing the equations on the board and then making you get up and solve them after doing the work on the paper.
  80. >This cycle continues until the end of the after school tutoring session.
  81. >You leave after noticing her looking at you funny, and wonder what it is she was about to say… or do.
  82. >…
  83. >Miss Cheerilee starts having really confusing thoughts about her student and she doesn’t know why.
  84. >These thoughts make Miss Cheerilee uncomfortable, but make her feel good inside at the same time.
  85. >As though they imply something really really wrong.
  86. >It’s an urge she can’t quite decipher, like an un-solvable equation in her head.
  87. >Or rather, she knows how to solve the equation, but there’s no way that can be the right answer, because something about it might imply something really really wrong that doesn’t feel as wrong as it should.
  88. >Miss Cheerilee herself is getting frustrated trying to figure out what’s bugging her so much.
  89. >Is there some sort of magic going around the school again?
  90. >Why is it that her student who is flunking the most and making her feel the worst about her status as a teacher, is slowly becoming her favorite student?
  91. >She really… REALLY likes being around him now.
  92. >He’s just so… appealing and interesting to her when he’s so frustrated.
  93. >There’s just so much frustration and tension in him, and the more of an obstacle it becomes, the more Miss Cheerilee wants to just… break it all down…
  94. >To break down his boundaries and directly address her young male student’s frustration.
  95. >Something needs to be gotten out of the way.
  96. >It has to be more than just wanting to get through to him… she wants to GET THROUGH to HIM.
  97. >No other words can describe it.
  98. >She doesn’t mention any of this to Celestia or Luna every time she asks for clearance to make her student stay another afternoon, afraid it might imply something REALLY wrong and get her in serious trouble.
  99. >It’s not always humid in the room, but when it is… Miss Cheerilee feels funny every time, each time slightly more than the last.
  100. >…
  101. >Every time you come back for after-school one-on-one tutoring with your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee, she looks more tense.
  102. >Tense and eyeballing you in odd ways you can’t figure out the reason for.
  103. >Miss Cheerilee pushes an urge back down that she can’t even identify.
  104. >”So the thing about this part of the equation you got wrong is…” She continues to explain the steps the best way she can on the third after-school day of this funny feeling being so prominent.
  105. >Tries her best to write the equation on the board for you but she’s now starting to lose her place and her train of thought keeps derailing.
  106. >It doesn’t take long for her to look over at you with begging eyes, as if you’re going to help her.
  107. >So she doesn’t feel so alone in her frustrated confusion.
  108. >Breathing heavily, Miss Cheerilee suddenly realizes that she’s turning to you because she’s become just as confused and frustrated as you are, and doesn’t know how to react to it.
  109. >Now you’re not alone; Miss Cheerilee is frustrated and confused too.
  110. >You angrily put your pencil down after once again failing to solve the equation, visually expressing your frustration to Miss Cheerilee.
  111. >She looks as though seeing you frustrated is deeply affecting her.
  112. >Just like others before her, Miss Cheerilee can sense deep inside that something’s trying to get out.
  113. >Something is crying out at her from deep inside, but she can’t decipher what it is.
  114. >This unsolvable equation in her mind just won’t go away, and she gets more and more just as frustrated and confused as you are.
  115. >She tries not to look at her student but can’t take her eyes off of him.
  116. >That flustered look on your face contagiously spreads to your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  117. >But she persists with the tutoring lesson she’s trying to give you, even if she herself is lost in what she’s writing on the board and has to go over it to herself again.
  118. >She tells you to wait a minute while she figures it out.
  119. >You yourself are just so done with trying to figure this out.
  120. >It’s just not clicking, not happening, not making any sense.
  121. >Limits, sines, cosines, tangents, what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck you just wanna go home and play video games.
  122. >Miss Cheerilee shudders in response to that quiet little growl you do as you stare back down at your attempts to solve the equation on the paper.
  123. >The room was quieter before the breathing got louder.
  124. >Miss Cheerilee can’t figure out what’s going on with her; she keeps glancing over at her student as though something REALLY needs to be done with him.
  125. >She feels funny every time you two make eye contact.
  126. >But she persists with the lesson.
  127. >Luckily manages to contain herself around her lone student.
  128. >Albeit still breathing pretty heavily as quietly as she’s able to.
  129. >As long as it’s obvious that he’s only frustrated at the work, Miss Cheerilee can keep going and try to help her student understand the wonders of pre-calc.
  130. >Miss Cheerilee feels really hot in her clothes as she gets ready to hand you your extra homework you’ll have to complete tonight.
  131. >”Oh, I know.” She responds to your agitated grunt at this, voice slightly shaking. “Don’t worry, it gets easier the more times you do it.”
  132. >But you even want to do it at all.
  133. >She hands you the work packet, finger lightly brushing against your finger.
  134. >That’s all it took to make Miss Cheerilee jump a little bit in response.
  135. >Her reaction to making slight physical contact with you starts to make you feel funny.
  136. >Her reacting like this wouldn’t have felt this way to you before your fingers together, but it feels like something spread to you.
  137. >You always thought she was a young woman being your math teacher this year.
  138. >But now she’s also a different kind of cute in addition to that.
  139. >You have your hands on the papers she just touched.
  140. >Stuff them into your folder, stuff your folder into your backpack and head out.
  141. >Don’t look back as you say “see you tomorrow”, but a new part of you can feel her staring at you as you walk out the door.
  142. >…
  143. >Try to remember everything Miss Cheerilee told you the best you can as you struggle and struggle and struggle still with your pre-calculus homework.
  144. >It’s still all one big labyrinth to you, and you have no idea where to go.
  145. >Math is hard.
  146. >So hard.
  147. >You fill everything out the best you can, noticing your mind continuing to slip back into a state of thinking about how cute your pre-calc teacher is and how you can’t wait until you see her agin.
  148. >Where did this come from all of a sudden?
  149. >…
  150. >Miss Cheerilee stays at the school super late trying to look into the possibility of a magical outbreak that might have happened.
  151. >She has no idea that Celestia and Luna are already covering it up and hoping she doesn’t find out.
  152. >But what she does know is that something did indeed happen and it may or may not be trying to affect her.
  153. >Miss Cheerilee has always been a smart cookie, and her own willpower has usually followed suit.
  154. >There’s definitely something going around the school, and it’s not a cold or the flu.
  155. >One example out of a few indications of this:
  156. >Those two students who are a couple have been hanging out in the hallways more often, making out for longer periods of time.
  157. >Were either of them in Principal Celestia’s office at any point?
  158. >Maybe that strange warm humidity in there had something to do with it.
  159. >Miss Cheerilee naturally begins to automatically plan out a way to find a solution for this.
  160. >Being as usually analytical as she is.
  161. >As she’s driving home, she thinks about whether or not it’s safe to directly confront Celestia and Luna about this.
  162. >That step would possibly open up a door where she finds out exactly what’s going on and with whom.
  163. >If not, then how does she figure out which students have recently been in Celestia’s office.
  164. >Is there a new magical artifact somewhere in there?
  165. >The last thing she wants is for the students to start getting heavily affected by whatever this is, especially her own students.
  166. >And that’s another thing… what exactly is this anyway?
  167. >It’s making Miss Cheerilee have these strange yet strong feelings about the student she’s tutoring and trying to save the grades of.
  168. >She feels as though she might be the first person to figure out this much about whatever’s happening to her before it takes whatever full effect it’s trying to take.
  169. >And she has to prevent it from proceeding any further.
  170. >The solution to this problem cannot be reached until that’s out of the way.
  171. >The first thing Miss Cheerilee has to figure out is… what is this spell trying to do to her?
  172. >It can’t be some sort of love spell… is it?
  173. >Why did she suddenly guess this? There was nothing that could have indicated this.
  174. >Right?
  175. >Miss Cheerilee plans out how she’s going to tackle this problem and unravel the steps to solve it.
  176. >It just makes her feel so weirdly confused and frustrated.
  177. ~
  178. >You turned in your extra homework during school-hours class the next day.
  179. >Knowing full well you’re gonna get a 50% at best despite your efforts.
  180. >Miss Cheerilee can see it in your eyes that you know you didn’t do well, and she starts to panic.
  181. >The dilemma with your grades once again became her primary concern.
  182. >She does NOT want to fail you for this course, she WANTS you to succeed in getting a passing grade.
  183. >Your own mind is awash with thoughts about how to make the graphs look a certain way, and what to do with those weird “lim” parts of the equation and all that.
  184. >She tells you after class that you have to stay after again, and she’ll have graded your homework by then.
  185. >…
  186. >”See, here is the part you keep doing wrong…” Miss Cheerilee explains to you with the chalk clacking against the board and echoing across the empty room after school hours.
  187. >It looks so easy when SHE does it, but everything goes out the window when YOU try to do it on your own.
  188. >So much symbol sorcery.
  189. >It’s driving you insane.
  190. >At least you could depend on all the other students being present during regular class so you could just tune out and not pay attention.
  191. >But now it’s just you in here; you HAVE to pay attention to all this confusing stuff.
  192. >It’s just so hard.
  193. >With another frustrated grunt, gently slam your head onto you desk to lightheartedly express that frustration.
  194. >That was an odd sounding sigh Miss Cheerilee did just now.
  195. >”Let’s start over from the beginning. Okay?” She sighs.
  196. >Ugh, you don’t WANT to start over from the beginning, you just wanna go home.
  197. >Why didn’t you just take the bus home despite her orders to stay after school?
  198. >You already know you’re gonna flunk no matter what and you don’t care if you even get expelled at this point.
  199. >Why did you STILL feel so compelled to stay after with Miss Cheerilee?
  200. >What’s going on?
  201. >She continues to explain to you each and every step you have to take to solve the equations, and what to do at which point and why it’s important to do so.
  202. >Standing directly over you and pointing to things all over the paper.
  203. >But she’s now losing her place
  204. >There’s just something about being up close to you.
  205. >Tries, loses her place, tries, loses her place. Right in front of you.
  206. >This mystery urge is coming back stronger than ever.
  207. >She wants to really REALLY get though to you once again, but she’s drawing a blank, leaning on her close together arms.
  208. >You always thought Miss Cheerilee was cute, but now you’re noticing how big and soft her chest looks getting pushed together in that clingy sweater vest.
  209. >Stop thinking about that, you got a 20% on your homework, she wants you to succeed.
  210. >Miss Cheerilee feels increasingly hot inside her clothes again.
  211. >She needs to start taking drastic measures before it’s too late to save your grades.
  212. >There’s just so much frustration holding you back.
  213. >Why does she want to give her student a hug so badly?!
  214. >Miss Cheerilee immediately retreats back to the board.
  215. >Whatever it is going around must have already gotten to Celestia and Luna, that part of this problem is obvious.
  216. >Miss Cheerilee must do everything in her power to stop it from getting to her, and oh is it trying.
  217. >WHY does the way her student sits look so appealing?
  218. >She has to keep herself rational, and analytical as she usually is.
  219. >But she’s stopped trying to solve the equations on the board until she can solve what’s going on in her head.
  220. >As it becomes more of a frustrated mess by the minute.
  221. >She tells you to hold on a minute while she sits at her own desk, pretending she needs to send an important email and telling you to try the next equation to the best of your ability.
  222. >There’s something alluring about the way her voice sounded when she said that; you heard some strain.
  223. >Miss Cheerilee frantically sends an email to Principal Celestia, too afraid to go over to her office in person.
  224. >Typing away asking what the hell is going on with whatever this weird thing in the air is that’s making her feel funny.
  225. >There’s no response, even though Principal Celestia HAS to be at her computer right now.
  226. >[Is there a magic spell going around? I need to know as soon as possible] Part of the email says.
  227. >After several more minutes of no response, Miss Cheerilee sends out another cry for help after noticing you glancing over at her again.
  228. >That eye contact you made felt like something she can’t explain.
  229. >Miss Cheerilee had taken her mind off of the math on the board and paper and now there’s less in the way of whatever this… thing is.
  230. >She’s trying to decipher the end goal of this urge, and it directs her attention right back at her handsome student after she finishes sending the second email to Celestia calling for help.
  231. >”O-Okay… let’s continue~…” Miss Cheerilee stands up.
  232. >She does her best to explain how she’s solving everything on the board step by step.
  233. >Realizes she made mistakes left and right and starts over.
  234. >Meanwhile, you’re feeling more and more comfortable seeing that Miss cheerilee herself getting confused by all this just like you are.
  235. >Her clingy skirt is the center of your attention now, showcasing the shape of her thighs and hips and soft behind as she turns around to face the board.
  236. >You never realized how attractive Miss Cheerilee was until now.
  237. >She could unironically compete with the hottest girls in school as far as you’re concerned.
  238. >And she’s one of the teachers!
  239. >Miss Cheerilee meanwhile waits to hopefully hear an email notification from her computer swooping in to rescue her.
  240. >To rescue her from this growing mystery urge that she discovered not only didn’t go away since yesterday, but got even stronger.
  241. >She looks back over to you, looking at you slumping in your seat, wanting to get through to you, to get through… something… to you almost physically.
  242. >Or maybe literally physically.
  243. >Anything that addresses your frustration at the source.
  244. >Maybe what this urge is calling for is something that addresses Miss Cheerilee’s frustration too.
  245. >Maybe it’s too late to save Celestia, which is why she can’t respond.
  246. >But Miss Cheerilee knows that she will NOT suffer the same fate.
  247. >She WILL help her student get a good grade.
  248. >She WILL keep whatever this is from spreading to him.
  249. >And she WILL snap out of it herself before it takes her over.
  250. >Being a pre-calc teacher got her used to solving problems.
  251. >She’ll solve this one too as soon as Celestia emails her back.
  252. >Even though this problem in her head keeps feeling more unsolvable by the minute.
  253. >Miss Cheerilee doesn’t know what she wants.
  254. >But she knows that whatever it is, it involved something VERY direct with her student in the desk before her.
  255. >The student she’s alone with after school.
  256. >The after school tutoring session undergoes another break with you fidgeting in your seat and Miss Cheerilee sending another desperate email begging for Principal Celestia’s help with something she can’t even describe in words.
  257. >Getting Celestia’s help is an important step in solving whatever this is, but Miss Cheerilee subtly feels like Principal Celestia can’t help her with this.
  258. >She thinks about the problem from an almost mathematical standpoint, going over the components of it she’s given.
  259. >Celestia’s office was weirdly warm and humid, and ever since this discovery, Miss Cheerilee’s felt odd about her student she’s tutoring after school.
  260. >Whatever caused this clearly must have gotten to Celestia already, most likely Luna too, and Miss Cheerilee has to use her analytical approach and dedicated focus to keep it from getting to her too.
  261. >She’s trying to get her student to focus on the material so he can save his grades.
  262. >He’s extremely frustrated, which oddly makes Cheerilee’s random frustration out of nowhere flare up as well.
  263. >She’s clearly very frustrated with her student being frustrated, and with the way they make eye contact, and… a couple of other things she can’t put her finger on.
  264. >What does it mean?
  265. >She and her student share a state of confused frustration, and there’s some magic going around the school possibly causing it.
  266. >How is Miss Cheerilee going to make the frustration go away?
  267. >It’s making her feel so hot inside her clothes, she can’t sit still as she types her email.
  268. >Something’s making her feel unintentionally excited over something she can’t identify.
  269. >She MUST ignore it!
  270. >Whatever’s going on, it won’t take her like it took Celestia and Luna.
  271. >Miss cheerilee already figured out something’s wrong early on, she can maneuver her way out of this thing, whatever it is.
  272. >Like an equation.
  273. >She goes back to trying to figure out the answer: how to make this frustration go away???
  274. >She should reverse it, not let it follow through to whatever end goal it so impatiently demands before agreeing to go away.
  275. >Something about this student.
  276. >Maybe Miss Cheerilee needs your help to make the frustration go away.
  277. >Just like how you need her help to make yours regarding pre-calc go away.
  278. >It’s a team effort, that’s why you’re here, that’s why this tutoring session is even happening right now.
  279. >She’s helping her student, so now maybe her student can help her back.
  280. >That makes sense, right?!
  281. >Miss Cheerilee mulls over it again and again in her head, remembering that she survived the past couple of tutoring sessions without caving in to whatever magic this must be.
  282. >As if she isn’t intentionally ignoring what she already knows it’s all about but pretends to herself that it must be something else.
  283. >No, it’s still a mystery, she still DOESN’T know what this is about.
  284. >It didn’t click just now, she refuses to accept that.
  285. >The answer to this unsolvable equation can’t be… THAT!~
  286. >It CAN’T be!
  287. >You and Miss Cheerilee make eye contact once again, and exchange an invisible spark that sends shivers up each of your spines for surely no reason at all.
  288. >It makes Miss Cheerilee’s nipples start to get hard inside her bra cups. She can feel it happening.
  289. >Whatever that must have taken Celestia and Luna probably had this same affect it’s now having on her.
  290. >Miss Cheerilee gets excited inside making eye contact with her student.
  291. >Enough to make her nipples harden.
  292. >She has to think about the answer to this problem, the solution.
  293. >How is she going to make this frustration get out of the way?
  294. >Miss Cheerilee returns to the chalkboard and continues trying her best to explain the lesson to you.
  295. >She’s still able to hold it together as long as she knows you aren’t interested in her the way she hopes you’re not.
  296. >It doesn’t feel like a green light if the feeling isn’t returned.
  297. >The idea of you not welcoming it and her getting in trouble keeps her restraint in tact.
  298. >Which is good.
  299. >Miss Cheerilee must resist this slew of dirty urges invading her mind.
  300. >She can analytically push them back down one by one with reminders of how wrong it is for her to act in such a way with one of her students.
  301. >But only for so long as they multiply and come back stronger each time.
  302. >Dirty fantasies asserting themselves into her imagination again and again, distracting her from the pre-calc equations on the board she’s trying to work on.
  303. >She can’t think straight and keeps messing up, becoming gradually overwhelmed by her own dirty thoughts.
  304. >She doesn’t just want to get through to her student with math, she wants to physically get through his clothes… to his body.
  305. >Miss Cheerilee stutters and shakes her head to shake the dirty thoughts away.
  306. >That’s not what she’s thinking about, she’s thinking about the pre-calc lesson.
  307. >And putting an end to Anon’s frustration once and for all.
  308. >Ph-… physically~
  309. >Miss Cheerilee has to shake the increasingly persistent dirty thoughts away again.
  310. >You’ve meanwhile been checking out Miss Cheerilee’s body so much that you noticed slight bumps from her nipples beginning to show through her sweater vest.
  311. >Miss Cheerilee doesn’t realize this is happening, and you can’t stop staring.
  312. >But Miss Cheerilee can still feel her nipples getting harder and harder and HARDER inside of her rather thin bra cups.
  313. >Miss Cheerilee’s erect nipple bulges become clear and obvious, but she is completely unaware of this happening.
  314. >She noticed your attention on her has skyrocketed, but thinks its because you’re finally getting it.
  315. >This is great!
  316. >She can finally end this early and send you home before this becomes any more torturous for her.
  317. >Miss Cheerilee tries not to bit her lips as she feels so hot inside of her clothes that she’s beginning to sweat a little.
  318. >Her erect nipples have gotten nice and hard inside of her bra cups; she may or may not be getting a little moist inside her panties.
  319. >Miss Cheerilee can feel all sorts of things happening to her body underneath her clothes.
  320. >She’s… ready~
  321. >No! No! That solution’s not supposed to happen!
  322. >This apparent love magic may have gotten Celestia, it may have gotten Luna too, but it will NOT get Miss Cheerilee.
  323. >She cares too much about getting her students to succeed to think about them in such a dirty way.
  324. >These frustrating intrusive thoughts keep beating away at her mind, making her mess up the equation on the board again.
  325. >But she can unravel these frustrating fantasies
  326. >She can decode them.
  327. >She can disarm them, before they have a chance to disarm her first like they did Celestia and Luna.
  328. >Miss Cheerilee is too smart and resilient.
  329. >And analytical and able to work around these intrusive thoughts like an equation.
  330. >She’s standing there just trying to… figure it all out.
  331. >Finding the answer to how to make intensifying sexual thoughts go away.
  332. >And she finally figured it out! She has the answer!
  333. >Have sex with her student!
  334. >Let it all out so it can go away!
  335. >No, no, that’s the wrong answer again!
  336. >That’s what she’s trying to avoid…
  337. >She thinks about it over and over again, running through this frustrating, unsolvable sexual equation in her head only to get the same result.
  338. >There HAS to be another way to solve this!
  339. >Miss Cheerilee can figure it out, she knows it.
  340. >She just has to really put her analytical mind to the test here.
  341. >But she feels like if she stays in here with you much longer, she’s gonna fail that test.
  342. >Everything in her brain is becoming jumbled and tangled together… which equation is she still trying to solve again?
  343. >Miss Cheerilee didn’t realize she started to draw a cock on the board, but catches herself and erases it before you can tell what it was supposed to be.
  344. >She’s supposed to solve the MATH equation on the board, not the frustrating sexual one!
  345. >It’s time to cut this short.
  346. >She invites you up to the board to finish the equation for her, assuming you get it now and can prove today was productive so you can go home.
  347. >Miss Cheerilee briefly adopts the assumption that she survived yet another after school day without throwing herself at her handsome young male student.
  348. >Just two more minutes and she did it, she made it.
  349. >Won’t have to make him stay after again either because he understands now and can redo his homework and, and…
  350. >You stand up and immediately notice an unmistakeable tension in the front of your pants.
  351. >Look down and discover your full mast erection protruding out that you didn’t even realize you had.
  352. >It’s just as obvious as Miss Cheerilee’s visible fully erect nipples poking through all the layers of her clothes that she’s still not aware of.
  353. >Miss Cheerilee pretends she didn’t notice your erect bulge as you stood up in after class class, quickly spinning around to face the board.
  354. >But she shudders thinking about it.
  355. >Visibly, noticeably shudders.
  356. >Letting out an aroused groan you definitely heard.
  357. >Her reasons to redouble her restraint just went out the window.
  358. >Miss Cheerilee’s student is erect in his pants… he’s horny for her…
  359. >You still sheepishly approach the board to finish the equation you’ll obviously struggle on and need help with.
  360. >This becomes clear to Miss Cheerilee when she sees that you actually don’t understand the material yet.
  361. >She looks down and finally discovers that her erect nipples had gotten so nice and hard inside her bra cups that they can be seen poking through everything including her sweater vest.
  362. >THAT’S what you, Miss Cheerilee’s horny student, were staring at.
  363. >Miss Cheerilee’s obvious nipples are only getting harder and harder.
  364. >Your full erection is refusing to go away.
  365. >Miss Cheerilee fumbles with her words as she tries to help you with the equation but can’t stop looking down at… at your…
  366. >You keep looking down at… her…
  367. >So this is how the love spell probably wins every time.
  368. >It’s so powerful that it HAS to be from Crystal Prep’s Principal Cadance.
  369. >Why would she allow this to happen? Let alone do this on purpose…
  370. >Both of you fall silent.
  371. >Miss Cheerilee practically loses her ability to speak.
  372. >Her fidgeting and erect nipples doe all the talking for her after she hands the chalk to you.
  373. >Your hands touched even more this time during that chalk exchange.
  374. >It gives each of you a rush of excitement.
  375. >The way Miss Cheerilee’s clingy skirt creases and folds as she tries to cross her legs inside of it keeps a hold on your gaze.
  376. >Out of what is probably pure survival instinct at this point, Miss Cheerilee walks back to her teacher’s desk, feeling another rush of excitement when she hears you put the chalk down instead of do anything on the board.
  377. >You don’t want to do the equation, you want to… do…
  378. >Miss Cheerilee clumsily types another email to Principal Celestia, but her shaky hands fumble all over the keyboard and not much coherent comes out onto the text box.
  379. >[is i am i canty jqu i need oduis you to tell me iah if i] she starts off then accidentally hits send before she can finish.
  380. >This wasn’t supposed to get so close to happening.
  381. >Miss Cheerilee was supposed to be the smart and analytical one who resists whatever love spell is going around.
  382. >At least so it feels the more she assumes it.
  383. >Miss Cheerilee’s wildly trembling hands can no longer form any further words on the keyboard except for what she’s really REALLY feeling inside.
  384. >Her racing heart sinks as she finally sees it typed out on the screen before her eyes, as it doesn’t even feel like it’s really her typing it, except it IS her typing it, just some autopilot version of her.
  385. >[sex with student]
  386. >It was the solution to this whole frustrating thing all along.
  387. >How is Miss Cheerilee going to deny it now?
  388. >She didn’t even notice herself hitting send this time.
  389. >Scooting forward in her chair to make the bottom of her clingy skirt hike up her smooth thighs and expose them to you more.
  390. >You’ve meanwhile started going back to your seat after catching an alluring glimpse of this.
  391. >Don’t know how to react.
  392. >Neither of you do.
  393. >Both of you remain completely silent aside your heavy labored breathing.
  394. >All you can really do is what you have known for a long time.
  395. >Sit in your seat and pretend to be doing your work until this sudden awkward moment blows over.
  396. >But Miss Cheerilee can’t get to the end of this without you~
  397. >She now has lost her ability to type as well.
  398. >Forgot how to teach and perform pre-calc too.
  399. >It all got drowned out by something else.
  400. >Miss Cheerilee knows only one thing now.
  401. >Hopelessly slipping into absent-minded sexual autopilot, Miss Cheerilee swings her hips on her way over to you.
  402. >You innocently pretend to be solving one of the equation like she’d want you to.
  403. >Miss Cheerilee swiftly swipes the paper away from you and off the desk to the floor.
  404. >You stare at her for a second or two before she snatches your pencil out of your hand and tosses it across the room.
  405. >She leans on the desk and pushes her boobs together inside of her sweater vest with her arms, deliberately prompting you to look at them.
  406. >Those absent eyes aren’t thinking about pre-calc anymore…
  407. >She lunges down at you in the desk, her horny persistence unable to be pushed away.
  408. >Miss Cheerilee gets into the desk with you, sitting in your lap on your pitched tent.
  409. >It was so sudden.
  410. >You try to react, but she catches your arms wherever they flail and press them up against her body.
  411. >Her heavy breathing unevenly tries to match your heavy breathing.
  412. >Everything she’s been holding in just spills out so suddenly.
  413. >She finally solved the equation, now she needs your help addressing the solution.
  414. >Despite your half-hearted panicking, Miss Cheerilee cannot be deterred and only persists in pressing herself up against you.
  415. >Her soft smooth thighs are on either side of your waist after a few more seconds of the desk getting loudly slid around across the floor.
  416. >Your waist only helps to push her skirt all the way up as she holds you by the wrists.
  417. >Prolonged contact with her hands along with feeling her thighs and crotch clamp around your pelvic area puts you in a state of only listening to your trapped erection.
  418. >Your horny pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee persists with the only thing she knows right now.
  419. >Try to ask her something, anything, maybe something about the lesson, or if this is part of the lesson.
  420. >This isn’t part of the lesson.
  421. >Doesn’t matter now, you’re both done with the lesson.
  422. >Miss Cheerilee pushes her tits up against you while her bare thighs lock onto you so she can grind against your tent.
  423. >The grinding makes you jolt in scared excitement, rubbing the inside of your underwear against your shaft as Miss Cheerilee obviously intends to.
  424. >She holds you still and tries and tries to plant a kiss onto your lips.
  425. >Start to get a few stammering words out before Miss Cheerilee succeeds and silences whatever you were about to say.
  426. >It turns your entire world upside down feeling your pre-calc teacher force a kiss onto your lips.
  427. >Locking mouths together deeper and deeper until you yourself subconsciously return the kissing.
  428. >Now you understand what she’s telling you… she’s been trying to communicate this to you all this time.
  429. >Finally relax yourself and allow Miss Cheerilee to advance herself upon you as much as she wants.
  430. >Her solution to your frustration was always sex, that frustration of yours that had put a seemingly unsolvable equation into her head until it broke her and then found this solution to it.
  431. >Wrap arms around eachother and accept the grinding make-out session that this after school tutoring session has now become.
  432. >You always wanted it, and Miss Cheerilee is helping you realize this.
  433. >You become complacent with it and accept it, then begin to encourage the kissing to deepen and deepen along with Miss Cheerilee doing this herself.
  434. >Probe your hands around the outside of her clothes in a sexually excited frenzy, letting every little fantasy you ever had about touching her play out.
  435. >Even feeling your pre-calc teacher’s sexy body through her clothes is getting you as brave as possible.
  436. >Now you welcome her grinding on your crotch, knowing full well you have to be precumming inside your underwear by this point.
  437. >You somehow found the zipper spanning the back of Miss Cheerilee’s skirt at some point, because it had to be completely undone for you to suddenly pull her skirt away like this.
  438. >She only rewards you for this step in your act of coitus with another deep kiss on the lips.
  439. >The frustration almost feels like it’s flaring up when you and Miss Cheerilee enthusiastically touch eachother so much like this.
  440. >But it’s only because it’s finally being addressed, like having been imprisoned in a basement and is getting all riled up as the lock finally clicks undone and someone reaches in to pull it out.
  441. >Like sprinting faster to reach the finish line that’s right there.
  442. >A hyper-determined drive of finality if the face of what you wanted all this time.
  443. >Miss Cheerilee does nothing to mask her horny groans now, only does it louder upon feeling your hands snake their way underneath her sweater vest.
  444. >She only moans louder to welcome you groping her chest and encourage you to find all her buttons in the way and undo them.
  445. >Miss Cheerilee’s bare smooth thighs leg lock you without her realizing how hard she’s doing it.
  446. >You thrust your hips upward against Miss Cheerilee’s grinding crotch, seeing that your stiff tent is jutting directly against the soft cameltoe of Miss Cheerilee’s green panties.
  447. >The next steps towards completing this solution is right there waiting to happen.
  448. >There’s a damp blot of moisture on Miss Cheerilee’s panties as she clumsily scrambles her hands all over the front of your pants to free your longing mast.
  449. >You assist her, helping her get the front of your pants completely open and the front of your underwear out of the way enough for what she was waiting for to propel out into the open for her to grab onto.
  450. >She makes you let out a reactive grunt when she strokes her grasping hand up and down your shaft.
  451. >You forgot how to undo buttons now, so you simply pull the front of Miss Cheerilee’s white dress shirt open by force inside her sweater vest.
  452. >She lustfully grins and pleads with her eyes for you to open her shirt even more so you can get her bra out of the way.
  453. >There’s nothing left on the desk’s surface to do, but you’re occupied with what and who is in the desk’s seat to do.
  454. >Miss Cheerilee IS your assignment to do now~
  455. >And you are her assignment to do, in some kind of confusing way you’re figuring out together as you swap saliva in your kissing and mutually grope and hug one another.
  456. >Any details further than this are only mutually known by your bodies themselves, and wholly expressed by your bodies as well.
  457. >This is all either of you know for the next several minutes.
  458. >Miss Cheerilee’s analytical side is no more, fully gave way to her high pitched breathy moaning and arousing jerking motions of her sexy body you’re gradually undressing.
  459. >Finally knead around her green bra cups after pulling her sweater vest up, finding her pulled open shirt is already generously baring her chest for you.
  460. >She helped you figure out how to unhook the front of her bra, and you mindlessly grope Miss Cheerilee’s exposed breasts as soon as her bra cups fling out of the way.
  461. >The bridge of Miss Cheerilee’s green panties have already been guided to the side by either your hands, her own hands, or both.
  462. >All you know for sure is that your leaking tip is pushing its way up between Miss Cheerilee’s sleek vulva lips with your throbbing shaft impatiently following suit.
  463. >Miss Cheerilee’s eyes light up in explosive arousal in response to you penetrating her like this.
  464. >This was ALWAYS the solution.
  465. >She couldn’t go any steps back in this even if she wanted to.
  466. >Miss Cheerilee rises and falls in a language both of you can understand much more easily than pre-calc.
  467. >*plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap* *plap*
  468. >You joyfully strain, finally understanding what this was all about now.
  469. >She joyfully strains, finally understanding what this was all about now.
  470. >Don’t remember how, but you got one side of Miss Cheerilee’s panties all the way off of one of her legs before you stood up together.
  471. >Your member still didn’t slip out of her at any point, and you continue obediently following her lead.
  472. >Ram your cock in and out of Miss Cheerilee’s dripping pussy, making her bare soft breasts shake back and forth for you and her bare round buttcheeks jiggle to each plap you deliver unto her.
  473. >Miss Cheerilee can only let out wordless moans to instruct you to go even harder, begging for your most ferocious thrusting you have to give to her.
  474. >Encouraging you to apply yourself to the fullest extent.
  475. >And so you do, working your hips with all your effort for Miss Cheerilee with your erect cock deep inside of her.
  476. >Keeping one of her legs raised, making her cry out in sexually excited joy as she mindlessly gives in to her horny urges she had for her frustrated struggling student.
  477. >Making her grit her teeth and roll her eyes up to the overhead lights on the ceiling for a brief moment.
  478. >Head empty of everything except her currently playing out sexual fantasies, Miss Cheerilee groans agains for you to fuck her harder and harder.
  479. >To REALLY get that frustration out of both of you~
  481. >Both of your bodies are on full sexual autopilot as how whatever this spell is works, exchanging a close-range impromptu lesson in sex-ed.
  482. >Lock lips with her once more, making sure she’s dearly rewarded for giving in to her urges for her frustrated student.
  483. >You’re getting closer…
  484. >…
  485. >Principal Celestia stays in her seat in shame, watching the next email arrive in her inbox, officially confirming what she was most afraid of.
  486. >Vice Principal Luna had already left out the door after putting her clothes back on.
  487. >Hadn’t seen that final message come in that her currently intimate older sister just witnessed.
  488. >Luna races through the halls, trying to remember which classroom Miss Cheerilee was tutoring that student in.
  489. >She remembers the messages as follows:
  490. >[I’ve been looking into things recently, Is there a magic spell going around? I need to know as soon as possible, because I want to be ready in case this really is happening again]
  491. >[This is kind of an urgent matter at the mometn I need to know if there’s something my student I’m tutoring is in danger please get back to me as soon as possible thanks]
  492. >[Are you there? Are you here I need help there might be a spell affecting me and it might have somebtign to do with your office]
  493. >[is i am i canty jqu i need oduis you to tell me iah if i]
  494. >She scouts the hallways, praying that it’s not too late.
  495. >Right as Celestia shudders in her seat to the evidence that it is already too late.
  496. >Reading that final email sent out:
  497. >[sex with student]
  498. >In the hallway, Vice Principal Luna feels her stomach churn to the distant sound of wanton moaning.
  499. >”No, no no NO NO!” She follows it.
  500. >Not Miss Cheerilee.
  501. >Please, not her too.
  502. >Please don’t let it be too late to keep her from getting sucked into this thing.
  503. >It’s already long been too late for Luna and Celestia, but please not Miss Cheerilee too!
  504. >Luna approaches the classroom door, gulping at how fogged up the little window on the door looks.
  505. >”No…” She croaks, mouth contorting into a defeated frown. “Please, not her too…”
  506. >She puts her hand on the door handle.
  507. >”Not Cheerilee…”
  508. >Vice Principal Luna peers through the window and discovers the terrible truth.
  509. >It IS too late for Cheerilee.
  510. >”Fucking… damn it!” Luna cups her hands over her face in response to what she just saw.
  511. >…
  512. >Fully naked, Miss Cheerilee is eagerly and absent-mindedly hopping on top of her horny, frustrated young male student.
  513. >You finally feel yourself begin to ejaculate inside of your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  514. >She huffs in horny determination with you as she feels your cock flinching and releasing your thick load of cum deep into her.
  515. >Neither of you can see Luna peeking through the little window into the room, who’s now unable to look away.
  516. >The two of you holler out at the top of your lungs.
  517. >You release gush after gush of semen all over the inside of Miss Cheerilee’s awaiting cervix.
  518. >At your maximum yet most enjoyable point in your tension you share together.
  519. >This was it.
  520. >This was what it was all about, this moment right here, right now.
  521. >Cumming deep inside of your pre-calc teacher Miss Cheerilee.
  522. >This is what you needed all along, this is what SHE needed all along too.
  523. >Miss Cheerilee’s body trembles in her own ejaculation in response to feeling yours directly address the frustration, nipping it in the bud.
  524. >And so, after several more seconds of mutually climaxing, then several MORE seconds of further mutually climaxing, you two fall back into the desk together with your loud panting filling the warm humid room.
  525. >…
  526. >Vice Principal Luna finishes biting her lips and crossing her legs slightly at the lewd display.
  527. >She waits a couple of minutes for the two of you to calm down before quietly opening the door.
  528. >The clicking noise is instantly recognizable.
  529. >”OH FUCK!” Miss Cheerilee was still in the middle of figuring out what the hell just happened between her and her student.
  530. >Your heart skips a beat.
  531. >”Th-this isn’t what it…” Miss Cheerilee starts, but knows there’s no possible way to reframe this.
  532. >”It’s okay! Hang on! It’s okay!” Luna puts her hands up.
  533. >There’s still a moment of loud clamoring before you and your teacher begin actually listening.
  534. >”Listen, my older sister and I have a lot of explaining to do.” Begins Vice Principal Luna.
  535. >”Y-you mean…” Croaks Miss Cheerilee. “Your office… it was…”
  536. >”I’m so sorry!”
  537. >Before you know it, a fully nude Miss Cheerilee embraces Vice Principal Luna in a mutually apologetic hug.
  538. >”I couldn’t control myself! I tried!” Your teacher wheezes for forgiveness.
  539. >”It’s not your fault, Cheerilee. My sister and I should have told you. We didn’t warn you, it’s our fault.”
  540. >”What’s going on?! Is everyone affected? Is it a love spell?”
  541. >”I’ll explain everything in a minute.” Luna glances over at you. “We have to keep this a secret. All of us. And anyone else involved.”
  542. >You nod, not at all opposed to staying loyal to this dirty little secret.
  543. >Holy fuck this was great.
  544. >You just had SEX with your fucking TEACHER!
  545. ~
  546. >Principal Celestia re-dresses herself as Vice Principal Luna arrives back with Miss Cheerilee and her student she was tutoring.
  547. >Needless to day, you keeping quiet about this is going to do WONDERS for your grades now.
  548. >The school’s principal glances down at her feet in shame as the school’s vice principal hmph’s and crosses her arms.
  549. >”I suppose we have a lot of explaining to do.” Celestia takes a deep breath.
  550. >Having just come from the classroom with fogged up windows, Miss Cheerilee doesn’t even notice the warm humidity in the principal’s office now.
  551. >It feels normal in here to her now.
  552. ~

(Wet) Dream Girl

by Grey

Venus's Mercy

by Grey

Bros With Benefits (RD)

by Grey

A Hunter's Moon (not yet finished)

by Grey


by Grey