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Fluttershy's Idea of Dating (P2/?)

By Guest
Created: 2023-12-06 03:49:04
Expiry: Never

  1. Another smutty drabble by ponyschedule, based on the intersection of estrus and diapers. More details here:
  3. - - - - -
  5. Her satchel strap slides off her body, a diaper and a lightly-soaped bag of homemade silk wipes set on the ground. With the most delicate of pushes, Fluttershy is gently rocked onto her back on the cleanly-washed tile of Sugarcube Corner's restroom. Her front forelegs curl up against her chest, her breathing releasing small puffs of steamy warmth as the mood intensifies. Her tail can't help but slowly wag beneath her, causing her squishy, soggy rump to rustle against it. She gazes longingly into the deep, intellectually stimulated eyes of her...well, 'date' might be a loose term for it, but 'lay' seems too brutish for such a dainty (if desperate) mare.
  7. "S-so, mister, I don't suppose introductions are in order? I'm Fluttershy, but you can c-call me, ah, anytime, aheh..." At first she was so confident in her tone, but clearly her pickup line didn't hold the same impact when spoken aloud as it did in her racing mind. His snout reaches down to open her padded confines, the sudden coolness in the bathroom perking her teats up. The stallion's lack of a horn or wings makes the act of changing both more intimate and more clumsy -- a fair trade, in the overgrown filly's mind.
  9. 'Especially with that mental image...a stallion with his snout between my legs...'
  11. The wipe rests atop her damp, excited vulva as the pretty stallion smiles, oozing that authority and confidence once again. "For now, let's call you Shyshy, little lady. As for me...I think I would like you to call me daddy. That sound good to you, Shyshy?"
  13. As he returns to wiping, her quivering vulva continues to try to entice him. She thinks of a great many patriarchal fantasies from her prone position beneath this...Daddy. "Mmmn~..." A very simple way of affirming, 'yes...that will do.'
  15. "I'll take that sound as a yes. You're so cute, I don't know where to start with you. You know that, Shyshy?"
  17. "Y-you could- Ah! Yes, ooh, right there...y-you could helping me a little more. P-perhaps with...more than just cleanliness. W-would that, interest you?"
  19. A big hearty smile slowly spreads across Daddy's muzzle. His hoof raises, denying her exposed button the stimulation it craves. "Would that interest you what?"
  21. "W-wha-?" Her expression goes beet red. Her internal monologue is loud enough to drown out her perception of the world around her. 'No! Why did you stop!? I /need/ this! Turn me around and buck me senseless ready!'
  23. "You forgot the magic word."
  25. "P-please?"
  27. He doesn't relent immediately. An eyebrow raises. He tilts his head a little. "Little fillies should specify /who/ they are asking~"
  28. She gasps in realization, a smile of her own spreading. "Would that interest you, Daddy?" Seeing the stallion sit upright to grab another wipe raises her heartrate. This is it. She can see and smell and HEAR his throbbing horsecock, primed for launch. He's dying to rut her, surely. Finally, someone will grant her true relief from this worsening hormonal hurricane, and not a moment too soon!
  30. "Mm, I'll think about it cutie. But first, you need a fresh diadee, don't you?" He unfurls the new diaper, lifting her hind legs to slip it under, and simply continues to wipe and dote on her. This time, conspicuously avoiding her needy snatch as it gently pulses, as if trying to grab and pull anything phallic inward. With this statement, he pulls her diaper tapes up, carefully trapping her pelvis within its confines.
  32. Panic sets in. "W-wait! Could we at least, take this home? It's nice and quiet at my cottage!"
  34. To his credit, the stallion does seem to consider it. A few seconds pass in a palpable silence, before finally, this Daddy shakes his head, grinning like he got away with something evil -- Fluttershy would argue that he has. "Mm, not today, sweetheart. But I'll keep my eyes peeled for you in town~"
  36. She's floored. Humiliated speechless. Horny beyond description. Disappointment tinged with some other, radical emotion she can't put her hoof on. She rolls off of her back and rests on her side, just staring at the door as it closes, her scattered brain focused on breathing short, exhausted puffs of steam.
  38. Her day has only just begun...and she's left a misty-eyed, whimpering mess. It only faintly occurs to her mind that she has literally saved thousands of lives in the few years she has held the Element of Kindness, and yet something as simple as a gentle and affectionate diaper change has her tearing up. 'Maybe I really am just an overgrown filly...useless, useless, useless...'
  40. Eventually the poor mare at least has the common sense to dry her eyes and /try/ to level her breathing, but the light bristling of her coat along her fetlocks and withers show something very, uncomfortably lewd is on her mind. Shuffling her way out of the bakery, Fluttershy keeps her eyes very, very far from anypony's face, not wanting others to pay attention to her through eye contact. Clearly she has a lot to think on, after her changing session. And the absolute last thing she wants is to be confron-
  42. "Mornin'! You look preoccupied."
  44. A simple tan and brown unicorn stallion with a pudgy midsection pokes his head directly into her downward line of sight, causing her to fumble and trip facefirst. He retreats a bit, his horn flashing a dark green to catch her just enough to soften her fall. When her chin lightly scratches on the dirt of the road, he reaches out and scoops her muzzle up again, his chipper demeanor fading. "Whoa, yeah. Are you alright? Do you need a minute to think?" A careful nod follows, and so he ushers her to a quiet alley, sitting on his flanks a respectful distance in front of her.
  46. Where would the encounter lead? One can scarcely be sure so early into this, but Fluttershy's instincts struggle to think of anything aside from glomming onto him and never letting go.

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