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By KodiaKowboy
Created: 2023-12-19 04:21:28
Updated: 2024-01-26 20:10:39
Expiry: Never

  1. "Something wrong, Twilight?"
  2. >Instead of answering, she simply sputtered and mumbled under her breath, her eyes occasionally stealing glances at Anon before returning to staring at the ground
  3. >Her horn fizzled and popped, weak embers of magic falling from it and dissipating before they could land
  4. >Anon smirked and adjusted his towel to show off a bit more of his Adonis belt
  5. >Despite his plant-heavy diet, Anon had been blessed with a physique fit for Olympus after some time in Equestria
  6. >Due to some quirk of his body reacting to the land's ambient magic, according to the blushing mess of a mare before him
  7. "Twiight, are you okay? Was it something I did?"
  8. >"NO!" Twilight yelped, cringing at the volume of her own voice
  9. >She cleared her throat before continuing, "N-no, Anon...You did nothing w-wrong..."
  10. >She refused to look at the half naked man, instead preferring to keep her eyes on anything and everything else
  11. >Anon was silently elated by her reaction
  12. >He had only been assuming, but now he knew for certain that her nerves could be overpowered by her need to keep the males around her calm, regardless of species
  13. "Well, what is it then? You seem a little...tense." Anon said, emphasizing the last word as he stepped closer to her
  14. >Twilight's breathing hitched with each step Anon took towards her, thought she didn't dare look up at him
  15. >She was a gentlemare, after all. She's far too civilized to be caught gawking at the opposite sex
  16. >That didn't stop her from letting out a surprised "Eep!" when Anon laid a hand on the nape of her neck
  17. >Anon tsked, shaking his head in disapproval
  18. "Tense is an understatement. When was the last time you took a day off, Twilight? Your muscles are stiff as stone!"
  19. >Twilight's blush deepened at the thought of Anon noticing her musculature
  20. >"W-well, I-I-Ieeeaauuhh!"
  21. >Twilight's words spilled into a moan as Anon began to rub slow circles into the spot between her shoulder blades
  22. >He sighed as he rubbed
  23. "Twilight, you're far too stressed. I can't, in good conscience, let this go on."
  24. >He moved to be right in front of Twilight, kneeling down so she was eye level with his chest
  25. >She couldn't help but blatantly stare at his pecs, still pumped from his earlier workout
  26. >Anon pretended not to notice her eyes subtly widen as he gently flexed his chest
  27. "Twiggles, would you mind if I gave you some...relief?" Anon asked coyly
  28. >Twilight gulped and laboriously dragged her eyes upwards to meet his own
  29. >Anon could see the sweat foaming on her brow
  30. >"R-r-r-" Twilight cleared her throat, "Relief?"
  31. >Anon nodded and brought a hand to Twilight's cheek
  32. >Despite her racing heart, she leaned into his touch
  33. >Anon brought his voice low, whispering softly
  34. "That's right, Twiggy. Relief. R-O-L-A-I-D-S."
  35. >"Wha-huh?"
  36. "Shhshhshh, don't talk." Anon cooed
  37. >Rubbing his thumb in small circular motions quickly eroded Twilight's confusion into a blushing bliss
  39. "I'm gonna make you feel so good~" He whispered into her twitching ear, a chill running down her spine as his moist breath tickled the most sensitive parts
  40. >Twilight's breath was heavier now, damp and heated
  41. >She absentmindedly rubbed her thighs together, the fur sticky from her dripping sex
  42. >If her brain weren't swimming in a lagoon of pleasure and anticipation, it'd no

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