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Elements of Harmony but justifying them being fat I guess

By Guest
Created: 2023-12-21 19:00:28
Expiry: Never

  1. This totally wasn't made because of insecurities and an attempt to not sound like a schizo about liking fat
  2. And it definitely doesn't make me seem more like a schizo to justify it with the cartoon horse program
  4. >be the pink one
  5. >you are the Element of Laughter
  6. >your element carries a great deal of deeper meaning that many ponies don't think about
  7. >many ponies simply see you as the fattest of the bakers at Sugarcube Corner, and a hedonistic party animal
  8. >in reality....well, you're definitely huge. But that's not the whole story
  9. >your size is the embodiment of the bronze virtues of your element: live, love, drink and make merry
  10. >your size doesn't stop you from traipsing around, telling jokes, singing and dancing
  11. >you simply make a bit more of a show out of it -- not intentionally, but because you simply take up more space
  12. >everything moves when you so much as wave to a pony in greeting
  13. >some may connect your obesity to gluttony, or lack of control
  14. >you certainly are a passionate mare, but you just don't feel like there are enough downsides to pigging out
  15. >after all, what's so bad about being a big jiggly wiggly cutie? Look at these squishy li'l cheeks!
  16. >and yes, you do eat and drink more than most -- maybe even unhealthily so
  17. >but life is short, and life is all about sharing in cheer
  20. >be the quiet one
  21. >you're the Element of Kindness
  22. >accommodating, warm, loving
  23. >when somepony needs company in hard times, or a shoulder to cry on, you are the best in the trade
  24. >it's difficult for you not only to act evil, but even perceive of doing it
  25. >sure, you've had lapses in character, but they never lasted
  26. >you've found a sense of calm and contentment with life in your time caring for others
  27. >your form is practically devoid of muscle outside that which is necessary for carrying your hefty midsection and rump
  28. >sure, you've exercised with your closest friend, but you've always lagged behind
  29. >some may call you weak, but in reality, you simply have little need for physical fitness
  30. >what matters is the comfort you provide to others
  31. >your animal friends practically smother you in the winter
  32. >you don't begrudge it, you actually enjoy the company
  33. >company makes you feel so warm..
  36. >be the dress horse
  37. >you are the Element of Generosity
  38. >you weren't always as wealthy as you are now, but you were always a mare of culture and class
  39. >but more importantly, you treated all you had as temporary and better suited to the hooves of others
  40. >you pride yourself on your connection to the cultures of the known world
  41. >you may reside in a small town, but by no means do you let that limit you
  42. >you've worn a variety of garbs, you've read literature and listened to music from all walks of life
  43. >you're not as well read as another friend of yours, but you've experienced the world in a more visceral way than she has
  44. >but of course, most of all, you've had a great many meals from every locale in Equestria and some beyond
  45. >this bountiful flesh only accentuates your well-rounded beauty and worldly wisdom
  46. >your femininity nearly rivals that of your spa-buddy and close friend, but unlike her, you rigorously maintain your appearance
  47. >some may see you as vain, but you prefer to see yourself as conscious of your appearance
  48. >and looking your best helps you to feel your best!
  51. >be a humble backgro-- apple farmer
  52. >Freudian slip
  53. >you are the Element of Honesty
  54. >you're a hard worker, a hospitable country girl, and a rowdy lady
  55. >your brute strength is an extension of your honesty; you're not one for abstractions and speaking around what you see and think
  56. >you're fat. Doc might call ya obese. She'd be right. No harm in tellin' it like it is.
  57. >your job isn't to run the fastest, climb the highest, or to look the daintiest
  58. >you're strong, but you're fat
  59. >you need that muscle to do your job, and the fat is because you eat well
  60. >it's not too complicated to understand -- it's blindingly simple
  61. >who gives a buck if you're a twig or a blob? You do your job and you do it well
  62. >some might call that round belly and stallion-like barrel chest ugly on a mare, they can shove it
  63. >your firmness and groundedness is a part of who you are
  64. >and beauty standards have nothing to do with it
  67. >be the hot shot
  68. >you are the Element of Loyalty
  69. >for your friends, your community, and the princesses, you kick ass and take names
  70. >you're a fighter, a powerhouse, and a celebrity to those who know of your exploits
  71. >you're hot shit, and you know it
  72. >your flanks and middle are bigger than most in the athletic sphere, but you are by no means soft
  73. >your endurance is impeccable, and your muscles are hard to miss
  74. >you are the epitome of health, and your hardiness is a testament to that
  75. >it's not about the weight, it's about how you throw it around, and you got the agility and strength to prove that adage
  76. >you dedicate yourself to being the best you can be
  77. >and whether it's just your appetite or your proximity to some of the biggest mares in Equestria, the best you can be is pretty big
  78. >but that's fine, because a champion doesn't starve herself or take shortcuts
  79. >no, you eat every meal and go through every workout with purpose
  80. >you got all the macros you need, plenty of vitamins and minerals, even between the empty calories of Pinkie's baking
  81. >you were born to be the mare you are, and you're proud of where you are today
  84. >be the bookworm
  85. >you are the Element of Magic
  86. >you have committed yourself to learning everything there is to know about your element, and that of your friends
  87. >you admit to being new to the meaningful kind of friendship that you now have, but it's not for lack of trying
  88. >before you fully knew what you had in your closest friends, you were nose-deep in every ancient tome in every library in Canterlot
  89. >some may call you obsessive, easy to overwhelm or confound -- they would be right
  90. >you've had your fair share of long nights of study, distractions from your work or livelihood, small embarrassments and hit to your pride
  91. >but it's made you more humble as your obsession has mellowed out
  92. >Magic is more than just wishy-washy woowoo, it has form and function that require study and practice
  93. >by dedicating your life to Magic and its practice, you've left other things on the wayside
  94. >you aren't the fittest, the fastest, the strongest
  95. >but you don't have to be any of those things to learn from ponies long past and use their endowed power for good
  96. >you are an understated kind of mare, content to keep to the sidelines with a notepad and study the world around you
  97. >you're meticulous in that way, and it makes you great at scholastic pursuits
  98. >your fat isn't enormous, it's more the product of lacking self-care
  99. >as you've found, your friends help pick you up when you're low -- their aid has made you a lot less frumpy and uncared-for than you once were
  100. >maybe you're not as well-coiffed as your fashionista friend, or as naturally beautiful as your confidant
  101. >maybe you're not a beefcake athlete, or stacked like a brick shithouse
  102. >what you are, however, is the amalgamation of those closest to you, and a mirror to their best qualities
  103. >there are worse things in this world to be, and your sense of place makes you happy

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