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Pipp's Big Stream

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2023-12-23 21:22:15
Expiry: Never

  1. “Hello everypony!” Pipp smiles at the camera of her phone as the stream begins. The familiar pink royal bedroom of the princess is in the background. “And welcome to my channel! Today I’ve got something I’m SO excited to share with you all! So as you all know, we’re back to being friends with earth ponies and unicorns, and just like we got our flight back, the unicorns got their magic too, right Izzy?”
  2. The camera turns to show a lanky unicorn with a long blue mane and an ecstatic grin.
  3. “Oh? They can see me now?” Izzy asks
  4. “Yeah! We’ve got thousands of viewers for this special event!”
  5. “THOUSANDS!?” Izzy exclaims, and then excitedly waves at the camera. “Woah! Hi everypony! Thousands of hi-s to you all!”
  6. “Like I said, today’s special.” Pipp continues while Izzy marvels at the comments flooding the chat in response to her greeting. “With my friend Izzy here, we’re gonna discover what unicorn magic can do together! I know the stories made it sound like unicorns were evil enchanters and all, so that’s why we want to show you there’s nothing to be scared about unicorns and their magic. Ready to help Izzy?”
  7. “Sure!” The unicorn nods with enthusiasm. “I never learned how to use it myself because, you know, since everyone just got their magic back we got no classes about it, but I’m ready to show you everything I can do! I totally got this.”
  9. “Then can you, like, use telekinesis for a start?” Pipp suggests. “On this pen for example. That should be easy enough for a start.”
  10. “Oh, yes! I’ve practiced this one!” Izzy playfully sticks her tongue out as she focusses on the pen, and as her horn lights up, the small item shivers briefly before starting to float a couple feet off the nightstand it was on.
  12. “Whoa! That’s amazing!” Pipp chuckles, but frowns after a look at the viewers’ messages. “Huh? Come on now…” There she turns to her unicorn friend. “Some of them says we’re faking this, that we’re using strings or something!”
  13. “Like how you and Zipp pretended you could fly at that one ceremony?” Izzy airily asks, still focussed on the levitating pencil.
  14. “Well, uhm…” Pipp’s smile freezes into a cringe for a second, but she swiftly recomposes herself. “Alright chat, what should Izzy lift with her telekinesis then? Ask for anything in the room, that way you’ll know it’s not staged… this time.”
  16. “Ooh! I wonder what they’ll pick!” Izzy drops the pen and comes to observe the messages with Pipp.
  17. “The chair… the bed… lift Pipp…? hey, why not?” The pegasus tuns to her friend. “The haters will say that one is fake too, but I’m curious to know how levitation feels.”
  18. “Sure, let’s do this!” Izzy readily places herself in front of Pipp and again her horn lights up. This time however, nothing seems to happen. Pipp does register some kind of tingle over her coat, but she isn’t even feeling any lighter despite the unicorn squinting her eyes in deep focus.
  19. “Are you okay Izzy?”
  20. “Mmmh… Hold on, it’s harder to lift you!” She grunts.
  21. “Hey, that’s not very nice to-Woah!” Pipp suddenly sees her perspective rise a couple feet in the air, going way over Izzy’s own head. But something’s wrong, and Izzy’s shocked face isn’t the only thing telling Pipp so. She definitely went up, so why doesn’t it feel like she’s floating? Why would she still feel the floor under her hooves?
  23. “Pipp! Sorry! I… I don’t know what happened!” The unicorn panics at the sight of the pegasus princess that went from a puny 3’ and some inches to around 5’ whole, taller that nearly all ponies she ever knew about. But despite Izzy’s scare, and while a part of Pipp is worried, she remains strangely calm.
  25. Memories come back to Pipp’s mind. She remembers all the times her sister outran her with her longer legs and larger wings when they were playing. All the times she’s been showed the fillies section were buying clothes. All the memes her followers made about her small size. These were objectively in good fun for the most part, but still they added to some self-consciousness of hers. But right now…
  27. Pipp glances at the chat. Of course it is mostly a cascade of shocked emojis at the moment. But among them there were also some messages that were all of the same kind.
  28. >BIG PIPP OwO
  30. >PLZ HUG ME
  31. >QWEEN PIPP YAS!!!
  32. And as zany as those comments were, Pipp could tell herself that there was something to do with this incident other than to stop the stream right away.
  34. “Pipp! We need to fix this!” Izzy pleads, prancing nervously. “Oh, we… I don’t know, we should see another unicorn maybe?”
  35. “Calm down. I’m sure you can fix this, Izzy.” Pipp says collectedly.
  36. “B-but, I don’t know how!”
  37. “It’s alright. I’m not upset.” Pipp smiles, glancing to make sure the camera was still rolling. “I trust you’ll know how to do the right thing. Why don’t you try casting this spell again?”
  38. “Huh? But…”
  39. “It’s alright. You don’t know yet how to reverse this because this is new to you, so you just need practice.”
  41. Pipp walks to the unicorn, and places an encouraging hoof on the smaller unicorn’s head. While she keeps a straight face, being on the giving end of those condescending pats feels exhilarating to the formerly small princess.
  42. “Ehm… I-if you say so?” Izzy sounds doubtful, but somehow the smaller unicorn can’t voice out any counterargument to the bigger Pipp.
  44. Her horn lights up again, and this time Pipp is ready for it. She feels herself slowly swell bigger, the room shrinking around her as the pink princess occupies more of its space. It is slower this time, allowing Pipp to see her hoof that is still on Izzy head cover more and more of it until the whole face of the unicorn is under its shadow.
  45. Izzy is obviously uncomfortable repeating her mistake. This is wrong, and she’s making it worst, but as she looks at the comforting smile of the pink pegasus, she can’t seem to stop and still she grows her friend bigger and bigger.
  47. It’s only when Pipp’s mane was about to touch the ceiling that Izzy can bring herself to stop, and Pipp is now over twice the height of her.
  48. “Pipp, I…” Izzy stutters in confused dismay. “I don’t think I’m any closer to figuring this out…”
  49. “Well, I’m starting to think this isn’t an issue Izzy.” Pipp calmly replies.
  50. “What? But look at yourself!”
  51. “Is there something wrong with me?” The giant mare playfully tilts her head to the side. “I’m as fine as ever Izzy, am I not?”
  52. Izzy opens her mouth to speak, but Pipp is obviously delighted by the situation and seems neither hurt nor worried. Is there something wrong after all? Izzy strats doubting that.
  53. “You see I think this is just your calling.” The giant Pipp explains. “That growing me is what you magic is supposed to do. Here. Take a look at the chat.”
  54. And indeed the messages flowing on the screen are anything but against by what just happened.
  57. >B I G G E R
  58. >Izzy is turning pipp into the big PIPP LUL
  59. >MOAR!
  60. >brb, gonna create religion to worship MegaPipp
  62. “See? You’re doing the right thing Izzy.” Pipp says with her evergrowing smile. “So how about we continue?”
  63. Everybody seemed happy with this. Pipp was already really, really big, yet both her and her followers encouraged her to grow her even further. This felt wrong somehow, but… this is what her friends wanted, right? And all her new pagasi friends too.
  64. Maybe this is for the best after all, Izzy thought. She focussed again on Pipp, and with her magic she went back on her task of turning the pegasus princess into a goddess.

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