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A changeling's lucky night

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2023-12-25 10:58:24
Expiry: Never

  1. Oh crap, I’m so hungry…
  2. I can’t believe it. Am I really going for the green biped guy? Why is it even attracted to ponies? Who is it even? Damn! But it feels like all the ponies are in couples in this town already. And why are they so dawn faithful too! I’m so hungry… Please come back, Queen. I feel so useless on my own…But I don’t want to die… Oh, hell. I’m going for it, am I not? Is he even gonna like me? I got my mare-next-door look right now. Will he fall for that? I feel so weak… I’m not even sure I’ll be able to make a new disguise if I drop it right now. I have no choice. I must try. Oh please, please don’t figure it out… Alright what do I say. Does he even speak pony? Duh, he’s sitting at a bar, of course he does! So do I go with the usual? I don’t have anything else planned other that the usual… I’m already walking toward him, it would be weird if I turned back now. Here goes nothing…
  4. “Hey! Are you drinking on you own?”
  5. >Huh, hi. Yeah.
  6. “Cool, me too! How about we do so together! Mind it if I take that seat next to you? My name’s Wild Tail.”
  8. Alright, here we are. Okay, keep talking. Keep talking! Sell this to this guy! Please don’t figure it out. Now, your turn… Yeah, that’s right, your boring day is so interesting. Haha… that pun was so funny… I’m having such a good time, and…
  9. Oh.
  10. Woah.
  11. You… You’re really biting that much? Goodness, that’s a full-course meal right here! Were you really that lonely? Well, it’s your lucky day, green guy, I’m about as starved for love as you are. Well, I was. At this point I could go a month without another dinner. And goodness, you’re still going? How much pent-up affection to you still have? W-wait… Where am I gonna hide all this? Dude, you’re literally gonna blow up my disguise! Hold on… I’m gonna keep sitting on it for now, but I gotta think about something before I get two giant cushions under me. But… No, I’m not letting you get away. So much love… I gotta take it all in while I can!
  13. “Say, are you free tonight? If you don’t mind, maybe we could watch a movie at your place or something.”
  14. >You… Ahem, are you inviting yourself to my house?
  15. “Ah, sorry… I’m just passing through this town actually. I just wished we could hang out somewhere the two of us could get more… comfortable. So, what do you say?”
  16. >Ah, y-yes. Well, sure thing then. Let’s go!
  18. Phew! The dumb stuff I say for love. Good thing it’s dark outside already, that should help me make the… changes go unnoticed. Oh, damn, and there’s still so much flowing to me right now… alright. Don’t panic. Walking at his side like right now, he can’t really be seeing my rump is turning into a blimp.
  19. I mean… he shouldn’t. But I might be getting a little too blimpey right now. Dude, how far do you live? And it’s been just 10 minutes we’re walking! How do you keep feeding me all that? Alright… keep looking at my face while I figure something out. Maybe, maybe I could… Oh goodness there’s no way he won’t notice. But there’s no way he won’t notice if I don’t either. Alright, slowly, let me… let me even out that mass a little while you look forward. Hnnng… Oh, goodness… I just grew, like a whole head taller. I was looking at this belt and now I could bump into his chest. Sh-should I, like, slouch a little? Walk on my knees? No, come on, this is gonna look so stupid. Maybe I could-
  21. >Are you okay?
  22. “Oh! Uhm… Sorry, I was just spacing out here. Just… Thinking I was lucky to have met such a nice guy like you.”
  23. >Y-you too. I mean, I feel like the lucky one here. You’re… you’re really cute, Wild Tail…”
  25. Oh thank goodness he’s eating it all up. I just shot up a couple more inches bigger. If I didn’t bend my knees right now, I might have bumped into his chin. Maybe he just isn’t good at seeing differences in ponies, or maybe he just thinks it’s normal… or maybe he’s pretending! Wait, is this to good to be true? Could this be a trap? Well… hopefully not… but trap of not, he sure is getting one hell of a crush on me. Between starving and being led on with enough love to grow me queen-sized already, I’d rather go with the later.
  26. And if there’s the smallest chance there is genuinely a guy pouring Equestria-ending amounts of love into me, I’m definitely not missing out on this one.
  27. Alright, that’s a nice house you got. Single house. No direct view for any neighbor, just what we need. Nice big couch too. Let’s keep the lights dim too. Maybe you won’t notice yet how big I’m getting like that. Yeah, that adventure movie will do. It’s long and it’ll keep you distracted while I get enough love to last another century.
  29. “That’s a really nice place you have. I’m feeling so comfortable around you. Mind if I hold you a little?”
  30. >N-no of course. It’s fine. Th-thank you.
  32. Uhnng… YES! Oh, that’s so much… don’t mind me shifting on your couch, you’re just filling me so much I can FEEL myself growing right now. There’s no way you haven’t noticed I guess. I got my hooves wrapped all around you, and my head’s at the same height as yours, there’s no use hiding it by now… but you’re in THAT state anyway, right? I can feel it, you’re so lovesick you’re wondering if this is a dream and ridding it out. I could poke your eyes out with my horn and you’d still be wanting to kiss my hooves. So yeah, snuggle yourself closer to me, little one, and keep feeding me for the ages. Your couch is getting too small for my legs at this point, but who cares? Give it all to me. I want ALL the love you have.
  34. >Wild Tail…
  35. “Mmh? Is anything wrong?”
  36. >Hum… Are you… alright? I-I think something is happening to you…
  38. Huh. Well, I guess it’s time to wrap this up then. Let’s get these pesky little thoughts out of your head once for all.
  40. “Ah, this… well… yes it’s true. I didn’t want to tell you right away because I was so scared of how you’d react, but when I get emotional, my body somehow changes like that. Ever since I got into this freak magic accident it’s been that way, and all my friends… they got scared of me because of it and left me. So I’d understand if you were scared too.”
  41. >N-no! I mean, I’m not scared of you. I still think you’re very pretty. I-I could even say th-there’s more of you to love now…
  42. “Aw, thank you so much. That’s the sweetest thing somepony has ever told me… So you’re okay if we…”
  43. >B-but of c-mmm!”
  45. Sush. No more talking. More kissing. More loving me! Yes, just like that! YES! I’m already too big for that couch of yours, but I want MORE! Oh goodness you’re getting so small, good thing you don’t mind kissing a head that’s bigger than you are. That’s right, keep at it. Keep feeding me MORE! I’m not gonna crush you don’t worry. This little house we’re in however… Don’t mind me ceawling over you, I just need to make so nothing fall on you while I… Burst out of this shell! Ooooh yes! YES! Keep Going! I want to be bigger than Canterlot Mountain! YES! But… Oh… Looks like we finally reached your limit. Let me get a good look at you little guy. Mmmmh. Yeah, you’re all out of juice for now. I guess this cant’ be helped. Turning me into a 50’ mare is a good effort already.
  47. >Wild Tail… I feel…faint.
  48. “Oh, don’t worry little guy. I’m gonna take it from here.”
  50. I think it should be safe enough into my mouth… slowly now… alright. This should work to carry him around, and I think he’ll like it too. Just gotta make sure to keep some air for him. Now that we’re good, what should I do next? Should I take the world already, or let this green guy rest a little so he can grow me city sized before that?
  51. Yeah, I’m gonna go with the later. I think we’re both gonna enjoy this, little guy.

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