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In need of a big hug

By Pleeny_the_Ill
Created: 2023-12-25 10:59:30
Expiry: Never

  1. “Miss Canopy! Miss Canopy!” The colt bawled while coming to hug the leg of his teacher. “I hit my head! It hurts.”
  2. Carefully, Canopy turns and looks down toward the sobbing foal that didn’t come halfway up her knee. With a dexterity impressive for her size, she scoops up the little one and brings it in front of her face.
  3. “Aw, Sticks, you have to be more careful.” She says, examining the head of the little foal. It was getting a little red, but the skin didn’t break. “But you should be okay. Here. Calm down now…”
  4. And after sitting down, the mare who’s head still peaked over most trees of the forest gently hugged her little pupil, holding him against her chest. One of her hooves made sure he didn’t fall while the other gently stroked his back and head.
  5. Her pupil hugged her dearly, and soon, the sounds and shaking of his sobs started waning. Even after he calmed down, she kept holding him for another minute to make sure he was fine. Canopy just new her pupils loved this, and it’s not like she wasn’t able to keep an eye on the rest of the class little this. Her size made that easy too. As a teacher, her pupils always knew where she was, and she always had a good point of view to look after them.
  7. This little trip around the nearby forest was going fine and the class was having fun. It seemed like Stick got a little distracted earlier, but another perk of her impressive size was that the boo-boos of the kids would go away after being held close for a moment. It must really feel great to get a hug from a bigger pony.
  9. Too bad nopony could give her one of those, Canopy thought to herself once the field trip had ended and that she came back to her home. She had been feeling more tired than usual these days, and found herself longing for some comfort. A bigger mare like her could hug the pain away from everypony else, but nopony could do it for her. Technically, somepony had to be the biggest in the end, and it just turned out to be her. No bigger pony existed to comfort her. In fact, a lot of comforting stuff has always been… underwhelming to Canopy. A fireplace warmed her barely more than a candle, there was no blanket so large she could hide under, and the barrel full of hot cocoa big enough to actually warm her belly was a one-time birthday gift. Three years ago.
  11. Now, it's not that she was cold. In fact, at her size, the harshest blizzard barely gave her a chill as she was just so big and resistant to the elements. Again, it is her class of foals that would come to seek some warmth against her in the heart of winter.
  13. But still, there was one thing. As she often did to unwind, Canopy walked out of her house, took a few steps, and then lied down on the hill nearby to fully expose herself to the sun.
  14. A sigh of delight came out of her mouth as she let the warmth of its rays shine down her coat. Good old sun. The one thing big enough to make her warm, and the rest of Equestria while it’s at it. Just lying down on her back and soaking the afternoon glow was something canopy enjoyed. Even letting its yellow light nearly go through her pupils was comforting to her.
  16. The earth shook slightly as Canopy stretched her arms and legs in all directions, like a flower would her petals. The air was particularly nice today, just a tiny breeze to make the grass daintily rustle around her. A perfect time for a nap, Canopy though. And after one big yawn, she started letting herself be carried away by the tranquility of the moment. The soft ground, the heat on her coat, the distant song of birds, she let her mind wander around all the ambient little things. She felt completely at peace, calm and relaxed.
  18. The light of the sun felt so nice on Canopy. All the front of her felt like she was bathing in it, almost like she was both resting of the ground and against the warm light. As the limit between the real and dream worlds blurred, she reached out to the light, embracing its warmth, and nestling her snout in its fur. Big hooves came on her back and held her gently while she did so. Canopy felt so good, so safe as she was cradled by the light, and felt its gentle hooves, bigger than her whole head, gently caress her mane. As Canopy let out another sigh of contentment, the warm and gentle giggle of a mare responded to her.
  20. “Wait, who…” Canopy suddenly woke up. Jumping on her hooves and looking around, she was still alone of her hill.
  21. “Th-that was a nice dream.” Canopy somehow felt obligated to say out loud. But… princess Luna only looked after the dreams of ponies at night, so…

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