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Human Pheromones

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2024-01-17 00:50:21
Expiry: Never

  1. Prompt:
  2. >>40716079
  3. >I’m writing my thesis about you. Its going to be about the unique interactions that homo sapiens can have with equines. I’ll be writing about how ponies compel the human brain to bring out its protective instincts and other things like the effect pony pheromones have on humans. Of course I’ll also have to cover other topics like why humans and horses have such a profound symbiosis not found anywhere else in nature. What do you think?
  4. ///
  5. >>40716154
  7. >>40716079 (OP)
  8. What effects do human pheromones have on equines? Do humans even have pheromones?
  9. ///
  10. >>40716164 (Me)
  12. >>40716154
  13. Yes. It's clearly not something we knowingly smell. It's more of a subtle indicator. I'm pretty sure humans release pheromones outside of mating purposes. Like, in terms of feeling fear at a perceived threat. Wouldn't something like that be able to communicate to others how we feel subtly and key them into the same state?
  15. Either way, pheromones to attract mates in a visual species that doesn't rely on smell all that much would wreak havoc upon ponies who probably use smell a whole lot more. If we're horny, they'd know it. How badly it affects them is always up to the writer.
  16. ///
  17. >>40716741
  19. >>40716154
  20. Yes, humans do have pheromones. We don't have the biology required to actually clearly sense them anymore, but we still give them off. It's why animals can smell your fear. And as the other anon said, they can also smell your horny. It basically lets them smell your general emotions. But another thing is that the pheromones come from sweat. The sweat that most animals use to communicate is the same sweat that we use to cool ourselves. This means that humans have extremely strong smells due to the comparatively immense amount of sweat we produce.
  21. ///
  22. >>40716753
  24. >>40716741
  25. So ponies can basically sense our emotions?
  26. ///
  27. >>40716768
  29. >>40716741
  30. >You can hide, but the mares will always smell you.
  31. >They smell your sweat. They smell your fear. They smell your semen.
  32. >Only in 2024: the first horror-porn "Anon in Equestria".
  33. ///
  34. >>40717341
  36. >>40716768
  37. Anon can't even jack off without ponies knowing about it and being driven mad horny by his scent.
  38. ///
  40. And so, in response to this Anon, a writefag emerged and the story begins. Not me mind you, but I'll tell you when it is.
  42. ///
  43. >>40717404
  45. >>40717341
  46. >Be Anon.
  47. >Super green funny man.
  48. >Currently in your humble abode, wanking off like no tomorrow.
  49. >Unbeknownst to you, there are a whole ass herd of mares gathered outside your window.
  50. >All peering and peeking in, pushing each other aside to get a gander of your dingy.
  51. "Hm! Shit!" *fapfapfapfap*
  52. >They watch in awe as you pleasure yourself with such vigor.
  53. >Furiously masturbating like a strapping young lad.
  54. >The sweet, horny mares just want a taste of what you could do to them.
  55. >Especially with those hands...
  56. >"Out of the way, Lyra!"
  57. >Berry Punch shoves Lyra aside.
  58. >Which Lyra returns in kind, shoving her right into Vinyl.
  59. >Who merely peeks from the top of her sunglasses with a menacing glare.
  60. >"Oh, what? Whats the mute gonna do about it huh??"
  61. >They get into an adorable brawl, creating a giant puff of smoke around them in a looney toons fashion.
  62. "What the fuck is that noise?"
  63. >You cease fapping, much to the dismay of the mares still watching.
  64. >You look over at the window and see at least half a donen pairs of eyes watching you.
  65. "What the fuck??"
  66. >They're too mesmerized to react to you seeing them.
  67. >They just continue to stare, their noses sniffing around the crack of your window.
  68. >You holster your weapon and walk to the window, opening it up.
  69. >The mares are sent into panicky rage of hormones.
  70. >"Oh Celestia it smells even better up close!"
  71. "Mayor Mare??"
  72. >"Oh my stars..."
  73. "Rose??"
  74. >Lyra leaps out of the smoke poof and straight against your chest, wrapping her legs around you and deeply inhaling as she presses her nose against your bare chest.
  75. >"Ohhhohhohoo yeah~."
  77. >They all pout and slowly disperse.
  78. >All save for the one with a music note on her ass and blue highlights that make her look like she got struck by lightning.
  79. "What??"
  80. >She smirks, and leaps into the window, taking you to the ground and slamming the window shut behind her.
  81. "GET OFF!!"
  82. >She ignores you, and begins ripping off your clothes, a desperate look of horny rage on her face.
  85. >>
  86. >You awaken several hours later in a daze.
  87. >Your very dehydrated.
  88. >You stink of musk and shame.
  89. >At your bedside, a familiar looking color of mane and hair attached to a familiar looking mare lay beside you, snoozing away.
  90. >A look of pure satisfaction upon her face.
  92. Be careful out there, Anons.
  93. ///
  94. >>40717516 (Me)
  96. >Red eyes
  97. Now that's the real Vinyl I know
  99. I'd like to be forcefully taken by a hottie like this. Imagine their surprise when they realize the mute did something after all. And now when they smell his pheromones, they know it's him fucking Vinyl. Who goes back home and drives her roommate crazy with the scent that clings to her and drives her to be full-blown bi just to get the sloppy seconds by proxy off of Vinyl. Only after thoroughly corrupting her roommate, does Vinyl bring her to Anon to be properly defiled.
  100. ///
  101. >>40717616
  103. >>40717516
  104. >Be Anon.
  105. >Green man.
  106. >Snoozing on the couch when a all of a sudden you hear a knockin' at the door.
  107. >Fuck...
  108. >Begrudgingly getting up from your couch, you approach the door and open it up.
  109. "What do you want- oh..."
  110. >At the door was her again.
  111. >Vinyl.
  112. >Giving you the smuggest look.
  113. "H-hey."
  114. >She doesn't respond.
  115. >Instead she nudges her head to the mare next to her.
  116. >The grey one with the more fancy music note on her ass.
  117. >Octomare or whatever.
  118. >"Uhh, h-hello, Mr. Anonymous."
  119. >A deep red tinge appears on her face as her nostrils flare.
  120. >Getting big whiffs of your scent as she instinctively inches closer to your crotch.
  121. "Hey, HEY! Back off!"
  122. >You swat your hand at her, making her reel back and causing tears to well up in her eyes.
  123. >Vinyl grabs your hand and looks at you like a mother scolding her child.
  124. >She points at you, then at her.
  125. "What?"
  126. >She does it again, with more feeling.
  127. "What??"
  128. >She facehoofs.
  129. >Opting to make humping motions with her hips.
  130. "Ohhh no, no! I'm not some concession stand where you ponies can bring your friends to come have sex with!"
  131. >The grey one was visibly distraught by your words, pouting and hanging her head low, ears drooping.
  132. >Vinyl, now offended, grabs your arm and yanks you down to her level.
  133. "Hey, hey! Yank my arm out of its socket why don't ya??"
  134. >She glares at you through her sunglasses, pointing at you, then her friend one final time.
  135. "...No."
  136. >She sighs and lets you go.
  137. "Yeah thats right, don't try any-"
  138. >She takes you to the ground.
  139. "OH god! Its happening again!!"
  140. >Your clothes start getting ripped off in unceremonious fashion.
  141. "Hey, HEY! You owe me a new wardrobe, god damnit!"
  142. >Vinyls pins you, holding down your arms and legs under her hooves.
  143. >She motions for Octavia to come over, pointing at your dong.
  144. >"Oh, oh Vinyl! *sniff* Thank you so much!"
  145. >They share s tender moment, rubbing their heads together before Octavia goes immediately for your dick.
  147. >>
  148. >You awaken several hours later in a daze.
  149. >On the couch, again.
  150. >To your right is Vinyl Scratch, hugging against you cuddled under your arm and with Octavia laying her face against your crotch.
  151. >They both look like they got themselves drunk on lust.
  153. Be careful out there, Anons.
  154. ///
  155. >>40717681
  157. >>40717404
  158. >>40717616
  159. Celestia needs to address the rape problem in Equestria. It's not right that ponies are allowed to get away with this.
  160. ///
  161. >>40717776 (Me)
  163. >>40717616
  164. Omegakek
  165. It sure is refreshing to not be the only one writing greens. These were great Anon, thanks!
  167. >Vinyl thinks Anon likes it because he doesn't do anything to change this arrangement.
  168. >Anon knows he can't ask for help because the one he goes to would likely only do so if they get to rape him instead.
  169. >Worse yet, it could result in the truth about his vulnerability to magic getting out.
  170. >At least Vinyl being mute can't tell others about it, and Octavia is keen to keep him to themselves.
  171. >Plus the two act as a deterrent to other rapists, so in a way it's a weird symbiotic relationship.
  172. >Vinyl and Tavi tag team him into submission using magic to restrain him and prevent any real resistance.
  173. >And Anon-uh...
  174. >Well he doesn't get raped by the entire unicorn population of Ponyville.
  175. >Anon resigns himself to his new lot in life.
  176. >While he could just hope that they get bored and leave him alone, the way Vinyl stares at him with her piercing red eyes makes it clear that won't happen.
  177. >When she's atop him staring down at him over her glasses, her focused gaze communicates to him that she has no intent of ever stopping.
  178. >She's infatuated with him and is staking her claim.
  179. >Confident that he'll grow to love her and Tavi eventually.
  180. >Thinking his futile resistance is just him playing tough to get.
  181. >She leans down to kiss him, holding him by the jaw with her magic as she invades his mouth and runs her tongue along his canines until he concedes and gets into the kiss himself.
  182. >He likes the intense attention and admiration but is just too ashamed to admit it she thinks.
  183. >That's okay.
  184. >Being mute has taught her that there's more ways than the vocal declaration to communicate ones interest and appreciation.
  185. >Words usually rang hollow to her anyways.
  186. >And she liked prying the intimate side of him out.
  187. >Even if she must do it by force.
  188. >Doing so got Octavia to finally admit her feelings.
  189. >So she must be doing something right.
  191. In short, Vinyl perceives Anon's resignation and defeat as submission and acceptance - creating a relationship with him by breaking him in with the power of >reap.
  192. ///
  193. >>40717903
  195. >>40717776
  196. Fun little shorts like these are fun.
  197. >>40717681
  198. Oh she'll be informed.
  199. ///
  200. >>40719257
  202. >>40717616
  203. >Be Princess Celestia.
  204. >Sitting upon your throne in Canterlot castle.
  205. >Another boring day of court.
  206. >Various nobles and villages representatives, seeking assistance in their issues, matters of trade, disputes-
  207. >Oh?
  208. >Whats this?
  209. >A letter from Twilight Sparkle!
  210. >How refreshing!
  211. >Your faithful student must've learned a new valuable lesson in the magic of friendship!
  212. >You whisper to your advisors to take over as you open the letter and descend the throne.
  213. "Lets see... oh. This isn't from Twilight."
  214. >It was from another resident of Ponyville.
  215. >Anonymous?
  216. >The human creature that came to Equestria.
  217. >Maybe HE has learned something of friendship?
  219. >>
  220. >Be Green man.
  221. >VERY green.
  222. "Thanks for the help, Spike."
  223. >"No problem, Anon!"
  224. "You really think she can help?"
  225. >He shrugs.
  226. >"Iunno. But if you don't want Twilight's help, and Mayor Mare is out of the question, I dunno who else could help."
  227. "Yeah. Anyway, I'll head back home and-"
  228. >Spike belches up a small ember and out pops a return letter from...
  229. >"Oh, that was fast! It has Princess Celestia's seal!"
  230. >He hands the letter over.
  231. "Cool! Seems she actually cares!"
  232. >You open the letter and read on.
  233. "Dear Anonymous, nyehdehbuzzuhh..."
  234. >You read on, skimming over most of her writing looking for a "don't worry, I'll fix this!" or something.
  235. "...Huh."
  236. >To no avail.
  237. >"Whats' it say, whats it say? C'mon! Whats' it say??"
  238. "Calm down you little gremlin! It just says shes deeply concerned about this issue and is on her way to Ponyville now."
  239. >"What??"
  240. "Yeah! Right here, see?"
  241. >You hand him back the letter and point.
  242. >He skims it himself and sees that you're indeed telling the truth.
  243. >"Wow. I'll let Twilight know!"
  244. "No! No, this is between me and the Princess, now."
  245. >"Why?"
  246. "Because if Twilight finds out she'll flip out and go full autism mode."
  247. >"Not sure what that means but, okay I guess..."
  248. >You take the letter back from Spike, and exit the library, keeping a keen eye out for Vinyl or Octavia, or "Tavi" as she keeps saying for you to call her.
  249. >Nope.
  250. >Not gonna be an on demand booty call for two little horses.
  251. >Nuh-uh.
  252. >"Anon?"
  253. >Thats no way for a man to live!"
  254. >"Anon!"
  255. "What?"
  256. >"What're you doing?" He says, eyeing you peering through a crack in the door before leaving.
  257. "Uh, n-nothing. Nothing. Adult problems. Not for little dragon ears to see."
  258. "Yeah yeah, get over it. C'ya little dude."
  259. >"Oh, bye Anon!"
  260. >You leave, the coast is clear.
  261. >For now...
  262. >A sneak, a creek, and a few zips through the alleyways later, you've made it back to the front door of your home.
  263. "Whew, thank god."
  264. >"Who?"
  265. "Oh, just an expression- AH!?"
  266. >"Hello, my dear human subject!"
  267. >Princess Celestia herself stood directly behind you.
  268. "Uhhh..."
  269. >You look to her left.
  270. >You look to her right.
  271. "No escort? Thought that was mandatory or whatever."
  272. >"Huh? Oh!" She giggles, "Oh, I won't need them for a problem like this..."
  275. More later. Be careful out there, Anons.
  276. ///
  278. Here is where I branch off my story from the other anon's groundwork. I did it again. I brought up a couple thoughts that tempted me to write more because I just had to. I don't plan to upload the other anon's full work , but the post numbers and OP thread are all there. Check an archive if you wish, they're pretty funny and worth the read.
  280. ///
  281. >>40719597 (Me)
  283. >>40719257
  284. Uh oh....
  286. I wonder how made Vinyl and Octavia will be to see their leader moving in on their turf. Or perhaps, she's genuinely trying to help but the second she catches a good whiff of his pheromones she 180 about faces and joins in on the depravity.
  287. >"I am quite disappointed in you my little ponies. How can you force yourselves upon our foreign guest and cause him to live his life in fear?"
  288. >Octavia is saddened and tears begins to well up from the shame of being scolded by the most motherly mare in the land.
  289. >Vinyl panics, gesturing her hooves wildly in the classic 'hey, you got it all wrong' motion.
  290. >She needed to think of something quick.
  291. >She looks back at Anon for help.
  292. >He offers none.
  293. >Damn stupid sexy human.
  294. >You did this to yourself.
  295. >If it weren't for -
  296. >That's it!
  297. >Vinyl knew what had to be done.
  298. >She didn't like it and couldn't control much of what happened after she did it, but it was her best bet to make Celestia see what she meant.
  299. >There were no unclean items lying around that carried a hint of his potent musk, so she had to do the next best thing.
  300. >As Princess Celestia winded up to scold the two some more, the unexpected happened.
  301. >Vinyl used her magic to swiftly undo Anon's belt like she had many times before.
  302. "H-hey!"
  303. >Anon knew what came next.
  304. "Oh no you-"
  305. >But alas.
  306. >He was too late.
  307. >Vinyl had pulled his pants and boxers all the way down, pantsing him in front of their glorious monarch.
  308. >Princess Celestia looked on in bewilderment.
  309. >Just what has gotten into this mare?!
  310. >Perhaps more drastic action is necessary to correct her after all.
  311. >Vinyl was fighting the clock, knowing Celestia would intervene soon.
  312. >Anon shielded his crotch from the monarch with his hands.
  313. >Try all you want you sexy beast, shielding yourself from her eyes won't be enough either!
  314. >Vinyl starts to jerk Anon with her magic below his hands.
  315. >Shamefully, his member betrayed him and began to react.
  316. >Celestia, who thought she had seen it all, was reminded once again why she used to think she hadn't.
  317. >Such bizarre displays certainly don't cross the mind and are seen much less often.
  318. >So she stood there mouth agape in surprise at the display.
  319. >Octavia who had been hanging her head low for the duration of the meeting realized what Vinyl was doing.
  320. >When words fail...
  321. >"Brilliant Vinyl! We'll show her highness and then she'll surely understand!"
  322. >Octavia closed the distance to Anon.
  323. >Due to his sheer height advantage, she only need tilt her head up slightly to get a hit of her addiction while they both stood.
  324. "Hey, get away from me you brit! Hey Celestia, do something!"
  325. >Octavia nuzzled her muzzle directly into his crotch and fought the motion of Vinyl's magic and Anon's hands to bury herself deeper.
  326. >She then took a deep breath.
  327. >"Huhuhuhuuuuuuhuhnnn....."
  328. >One prolonged and powerful exhale tickled his jewels.
  329. >Octavia now faced away from Celestia.
  330. >A distinct dripping sound pulled her gaze to see she had her tail hiked and was very clearly aroused.
  331. ///
  332. >>40719756 (Me)
  334. >>40719597
  336. >Celestia was stunned.
  337. >"Did- did she just do that?"
  338. >Celestia looks to Vinyl as if she were also an uninvolved spectator detached from the madness and had the sane mind to confirm to her that she had witnessed was in fact happening and bizarre.
  339. >But Vinyl was far from innocent.
  340. >Vinyl peaked over her glasses up at the sovereign and gave a lascivious look that said it all.
  341. >'Oh yeah. That happened. We're only getting started and you'll see just why soon.'
  342. >The confidence from her smirk made Celestia double-take.
  343. "Cut it out already you two! See, this is what I'm talking about Princess!"
  344. >"Vinyylll... He's not letting me touch him!"
  345. >The polished voice of the posh mare whined.
  346. "GEE, I wonder why!"
  347. >Vinyl takes her cue to use her magic once again to pry at Anon's hands to get him to reveal himself.
  348. >And that musk.
  349. >Celestia snaps out of her daze and intervenes.
  350. >"I think I've seen about-" *sniff sniff* "Whew... w-what's that?"
  351. >Vinyl's grin grew frightening.
  352. >Got 'em.
  353. >Celestia shook her head to try and break free of the second daze that fell upon her.
  354. >Not on her watch.
  355. >Vinyl stopped being nice and forcefully wrenched Anon's hands aside.
  356. >Celestia stood struck by his manhood being exposed like that.
  357. >What followed next was Octavia burrowing into the base of his shaft above his balls.
  358. >She huffed consistently once there, only further stirring up his pheromones into the room.
  359. >Celestia's nose reacted immediately.
  360. >Her eyes unblinking in focus as she took in his scent.
  361. >Suddenly she marched across the room to where he stood.
  362. >The sudden presence of the much taller alicorn surprised Octavia and she pulled away from Anon.
  363. >Anon stared in apprehension.
  364. >Celestia sniffed the air.
  365. "God damnit. Not you too!"
  366. >Then Celestia craned her neck to down to huff directly from the source.
  367. >Vinyl's constant stimulation, combined with the situation he was in and the attention from Octavia made it impossible to restrain an erection.
  368. >Now his pheromones were being given off in dizzying amounts.
  369. >Celestia closed the gap and started to sniff his rod as it towered over her muzzle.
  370. "Ack! No! Bad sunhorse!"
  371. >He somehow managed to regain control of his arms and swiftly placed his hands on Celestia's head.
  372. >He began pushing reactively immediately, one hand across the top of her muzzle with fingers wrapped down the sides and another on her forehead just below her horn so that it rested in the nook of his thumb.
  373. >Celestia felt strong resistance and was pushed away successfully for all of about 2 seconds before she promptly took control of his arms herself and wrenched them back behind him.
  374. >She then expertly recovered the discarded belt from earlier and bound his arms behind his back by his wrists.
  375. >Now, properly restrained, she can enjoy this new sensation.
  376. "No! That's not how this was supposed to go at all! C'mon Celestia! Snap out of it!"
  377. >"You never told me you were so potent Anon."
  378. >Was the only response he received.
  379. ///
  380. >>40719793 (Me)
  382. >>40719756
  383. >Vinyl trotted up triumphantly, smirking cockily.
  384. >Anon speechless resigned himself to his fate.
  385. >Defeat.
  386. >"Do not be afraid to get right up in there your highness."
  387. >Celestia took her advice and pressed herself right into the nook Octavia had previously been occupying.
  388. >Anon jumped, mindful of the rather pointy horn now dangerously close to his stomach.
  389. >Celestia huffed steadily, eyes hazing over as she does so.
  390. >And the unthinkable happened.
  391. >The princess known for grace and composure who had not flagged a single stallion in a 1000 years of heat had hiked her tail high and added her own aroma to the air with a few swishes of her magically flowing tail.
  392. >Lewd squelching from what was undoubtedly her clit winking out could be heard as her marehood leaked out the lubricant responsible for carrying her own arousal to the wide open.
  393. >Anon was beginning to regret not informing others of what he was doing.
  394. >Oh who is he kidding.
  395. >There wouldn't be any help from that, rather, he'd just have another mare planning to jump his bones.
  396. >He wasn't unaffected by their own scents.
  397. >Vinyl had a blueberry scent that was admittedly tantalizing.
  398. >Tasted like it too.
  399. >Octavia was an earthy vanilla.
  400. >She tasted just as sweet.
  401. >But Celestia was an oddity.
  402. >She smelt like...
  403. >Cake?
  404. >If the trend was any indicator it'd be safe to say that he can predict what she tasted like.
  405. >This experience will ruin cake for him now too.
  406. >Great...
  407. >Celestia spoke up after pulling away, somehow retaining a semblance of her usual composure despite the clear effect her sexual harassment and his scent have had.
  408. >She sizes up his member.
  409. >"So big too..."
  410. >Anon couldn't deny that in comparison he was much bigger than stallions, especially in terms of usable length and stamina.
  411. >But the compliment almost made the whole experience worth it.
  412. >Almost.
  413. >Surprised approval from an ancient demi-god who'd no doubt seen everything can only go so far to quell the embarrassment and indignation that had brewed within him.
  414. >He turned his head in embarrassment and caught the eye of his first offender.
  415. >She maintained eye contact and noticed his bashful blushing.
  416. >Vinyl maintained her smug and victorious expression with an eyebrow lowered and the other raised.
  417. >She then raised and lowered them twice in the suggestive 'how about it big boy' manner.
  418. "Tch."
  419. >He broke eye contact to try and hide his expression.
  420. >Ovtavia then perched herself to lean against Anon on her back legs.
  421. >Steadying herself with her forelegs wrapped around him, she gingerly stroked circles on his stomach before addressing Celestia.
  422. >"What do you think your highness? Irresistible, right?"
  423. >Celestia halted her admiration to respond directly and undistracted, so that the impact of what she would say had its full effect.
  424. ///
  425. >>40719828 (Me)
  427. >>40719793
  428. >"I have lived for centuries with experience beyond mortals. Never have I felt a compulsion to ever make an advance on one of my little ponies, nor have I accepted one. I have always viewed you as my children and found any of the minimal pheromones I've sensed from stallions before to be rather distasteful and have had no issue in terms of restraint..."
  429. >She paused for effect.
  430. >She then reached an uncupped hoof up to grab his shaft at the base.
  431. >Earning a *hiss* from him.
  432. >"And that I must agree with."
  433. >She moves her mouth closer to place a fond kiss at the tip of his spear.
  434. >"He truly IS irresistible."
  435. >Octavia looks taken aback at the certainty of her conviction.
  436. >Vinyl was also watching with rapt attention from this reveal and admission about their perfect ruler.
  437. >Vinyl then walks up to Princess Celestia's other side, now watching from her left.
  438. >"He's tantalizing in musk-"
  439. >She sniffs the growing heady mix in the air again.
  440. >The smell dominated by him with her muzzle point blank with his dick as if she were taking a hit.
  441. >"His size unmatched. Pray tell my little ponies, how do you manage to make him fit?"
  442. >Vinyl blushes when the Princess' attention focuses on her first.
  443. >As if she could answer.
  444. >Vinyl shrugs innocently.
  445. >Her attention shifts as she turns to look at Octavia and size her up as she leans against him - comparing the length of him with her mostly exposed belly and approximating the fit.
  446. >The mare blushes and recedes under the gaze and answers sheepishly.
  447. >"W-well... it is true that he is kind of a tight fit, but Vinyl and I don't have any other experience to compare to."
  448. >Celestia continues to look, prompting further elaboration.
  449. >"U-uh... well, he's big but we're usually so *ehem* excited, that it's not really an issue."
  450. >"And length?"
  451. >"Oh! Of course. We usually bottom out before he does I'm afraid."
  452. >She smiles at that.
  453. >"And what of your, situation? Do you not find that the two of you tire this poor stallion out?"
  454. >"That's just it! He's not a stallion."
  455. >"What do you mean by that?"
  456. "It's hardly an issue with how much of a quickshot Vinyl is."
  457. >Anons jab at the DJ was not received well as she huffs and rears a foreleg back to swat him on his right cheek.
  458. >That got a yelp out of him.
  459. >Vinyl looks back to survey the damage with a face that said 'dat ass'.
  460. >Yup.
  461. >She spanked him with enough force to leave a mark of her hoof on his ass.
  462. >Marking him in a way in case the Princess was starting to get any ideas.
  463. >Mission accomplished.
  464. >He didn't even bother to bend back and rub himself with his bound hands it stung so bad.
  465. >He'd only be pushing his manhood into the face of his newest rapist anyways.
  466. >Recovering from their little display Octavia continued.
  467. >"While it is true that Vinyl here is a little bit quicker to 'arrive' than usual, his endurance puts any mare to shame really - she's just very sensitive. I myself can't keep up either."
  468. >Making them work for it is the least amount of resistance he can put up when bound.
  469. ///
  470. >>40719863 (Me)
  472. >>40719828
  473. >Celestia processes this unbelievable information.
  474. >"So he truly outlasts the two of you?"
  475. >"Yes, we'll have finished a few times before he does. Vinyl a few more than me."
  476. >Celestia thinks for a moment while teasing the shaft in front of her.
  477. >"Do you have any plans?"
  478. >"Pardon?"
  479. >"You two seem like upstanding mares. I can hardly fault you for jumping his bones when met with such overpowering masculinity."
  480. >Celestia makes direct eye contact with Vinyl this time.
  481. >"But sooner or later you'll need to take responsibility won't you?"
  482. >The mares in question eyes widen.
  483. >The mare in focus expression causes her glasses to falter slightly, revealing her widened eyes even more.
  484. >Celestia returns her attention to Anon and suckles the tip of his cock while making direct eye contact.
  485. >He can't hold back a throb at the sight of a face of purity debasing herself on his rod like this.
  486. >She breaks the contact with a wet pop indicative of an impressively practiced suction despite having had no personal experience.
  487. >"I will be forthcoming with my intentions. Anon here is an ideal mate that I have no intention of passing up on. He's exceptional in every measure. He's not a stallion, he has unparalleled stamina, and his size leaves me no concern for a step stool for any other mate."
  488. >Vinyl bristles at this, and stares up at him.
  489. >Concerned he can be taken away from her after all.
  490. >"Does this mean-"
  491. >"Fear not, I am willing to share such a prize. A virile male such as himself cannot be expected to settle for one mate after all."
  492. >The two breathe a sigh of relief.
  493. "Do I get a say in any of this?"
  494. >"But I will tell you right now that I will most certainly not miss out on an opportunity with a mate I can genuinely see myself with."
  495. "I guess not..."
  496. >Celestia makes direct eye contact with Anon.
  497. >"And I intend to use this opportunity to gift Equestria proper heirs."
  498. >Everyone else collectively chokes on their next breath.
  499. "WHAT?!? Hey! I'm not ready to be a father! I didn't sign up for this!"
  500. >Anon struggles but is quickly reigned in by the commanding grip on the base of his shaft.
  501. >Vinyl stares in silence as Octavia speaks up for the both of them.
  502. >"B-but, your highn-"
  503. >"Please, call me Celestia or Tia. We'll be getting to know each other a lot more intimately from now on after all.~"
  504. >Octavia flusters at the direct flirt from her country's leader and mother figure.
  505. >Vinyl stares in disbelief, feeling a strange arousal at seeing the highest authority in the land put the moves on her girlfriend.
  506. >Whether it's the practiced charm of the seasoned leader, or the implication that the same efforts will be directed at her too, she couldn't tell.
  507. ///
  508. >>40722563 (Me)
  510. >>40719863
  512. >Octavia finally regained enough sense to move back on topic to save face from further embarrassment at such indefensible advances.
  513. >"B-but is he even compatible?"
  514. >"I was unsure of it before, but I've checked the two of you with a spell. You two are proof enough of his virility and compatibility."
  515. >Eyes around the room widened.
  516. "Do you mean..."
  517. >"Yes dear Anon, these two are with foal and simply don't know it yet. Your foal."
  518. >The three couldn't believe it.
  519. >But the confirmation of the Princess herself was more than enough to accept the revelation as truth.
  520. >Vinyl very nearly found her voice in this moment.
  521. >The electric thrill shooting up her belly and catching her breath in her throat being the only thing keeping her from voicing her shock.
  522. >Joy?
  523. >Approval?
  524. >Apprehension?
  525. >Either way, she was picked up and dropped harder than any of the mixes she whipped up before.
  526. >Her back legs buckled and she landed on her butt.
  527. >Glasses now fully dropped down her muzzle to reveal her utter shock and wide eyes.
  528. >Octavia gasped and tightened her grip on Anon.
  529. >She looked at Celestia as if to ensure there was no prank.
  530. >Then looked up to Anon to gage his reaction.
  531. >He looked off into the distance.
  532. >"Uhm, Anon? Are you alright dear?"
  533. >He remained silent.
  534. >Celestia felt motion in her hoof.
  535. >"Oh?"
  536. >Despite his unreadable face, he did give a telling reaction downstairs.
  537. >Or so Celestia thought.
  538. >Better check to be sure.
  539. >"Did you here that Anon? I said these two gorgeous mares are are with foal, your seed Anonymous."
  540. >Once again, he involuntarily twitched in her grip.
  541. >"Oh? You like that don't you. Knowing that these two have been impregnated with your foals."
  542. >Another twitch.
  543. >Anon had begun to bite his lip subconsciously.
  544. >But this was more than enough for the two mares in question to see the effect the information she brought had on him.
  545. >He was shocked, but approved in his own way.
  546. >He loved it deep down.
  547. >The building anxiety was cut down.
  548. >No longer did the two feel the encroaching panic of unease close in on them.
  549. >Another twitch.
  550. >"You like knowing that I have the intention of joining them. That you'll be impregnating your Princess."
  551. >Another twitch.
  552. >"That your foals will be half siblings, that the two you've already created of different mothers will have yet another half sibling. That they'll be related to royalty."
  553. >Anon's member had begun pulsing, pumping out a dab of precum which sent further raging pheromones into the air.
  554. >Celestia noticed this and was stunned for a moment at the powerful and direct source of her new favorite smell.
  555. >She savored it despite knowing that there was more to wring from her stud.
  556. >Huffing a deep breath before poking out her tongue to lap it up.
  557. >She enjoyed the taste for but a moment before moving to suckle the rest she could out of him.
  558. "Unf!" *huff huff*
  559. >He had grown more and more worn by her tactful assault.
  560. ///
  561. >>40724699 (Me)
  563. >>40722563
  565. >Celestia sucked his straw for a few seconds longer before popping off once again.
  566. >Vinyl, having regained some of her senses shuffles over to the group and sits beside Anon, wrapping her tail around him.
  567. >Octavia hugs him tightly.
  568. >"Anonymous! I'm quite relieved to see that you're excited to be a father!"
  569. "B-but I'm..."
  570. >Celestia relinquishes her grip on his shaft, turning around, walking a few steps, and flagging to reveal her soaked royal marehood to the trio.
  571. >Her glorious ass reflecting a brilliant sheen from the light emanating from her own tail.
  572. >Lips drenched, clit poking out occasionally and ponut twitching in anticipation.
  573. >She shoots a look back of devilish playfulness.
  574. >Vinyl pivots her head back, and cranes her face downward.
  575. >She then pulls her shades down to peer over them in a way that said 'DAMN, I can't believe I'll be getting a piece of THAT.'
  576. >"My stars..."
  577. >Octavia was also flustered and dropped to all fours once again.
  578. >Anon could only stare transfixed.
  579. >The sun diarch giggles behind a wing.
  580. >"Just wait until Lulu hears about this. I'm sure she'll be happy to join too.~"
  581. >His pupils shrank and he faintly whimpered.
  582. "Your sister?"
  583. >"Why of course, she's been unable to relate to anpony else after her banishment. But I'm sure such a classy, accommodating, gentlestallion such as yourself would welcome her with a wide open heart."
  584. >Celestia telepprts his pants off, along with everything else to fully undress him.
  585. >She then makes a motion to indicate to Anon that it was time to move this to the bedroom.
  586. >He offered what little resistance he had left to the pair of mares nudging him along at the back of his legs.
  587. >"Oh, and Anon? You better treat us well - foals outside of wedlock is illegal in Equestria."
  588. *Gulp*
  589. >Thoroughly dumbfounded, he loses the focus to withstand any further assault and is herded into the bedroom where he will be promptly raped by the highest power in the land and the mothers-to-be of his future foals with the intent of ushering in new heirs for the kingdom.
  591. Sometimes, no matter how careful you are, you're an unlucky victim of circumstance Anons.
  593. And that's it folks!
  594. ///
  596. Thread pretty much ends after the other writefag gets bored and the thread slides off. I did bump it with one more green post about what could happen next where anon jumps out a window and winds up in a dungeon. Also, here's a noteworthy post from the thread from a based horsefucker answering the question at the start and the little conversation after.
  598. ///
  599. >>40718931
  601. >>40716154
  602. I got aroused by a mare, she smelled me, acted surprised, put her nose under my armpit and explicitly sniffed me, which made her certain. The rest is outside the scope of this topic but humans do emit arousal pheromones and yes horses can absolutely tell
  603. ///
  604. >>40719361
  606. >>40718931
  607. How do you know the house was surprised? Also are you sure it wasn't just seeing if you were hiding oats on you or something?
  608. ///
  609. >>40720119
  611. >>40719361
  612. >How do you know the house was surprised
  613. The same way you can tell a cat is surprised, a weird question. All social mammals have a similar fundamental body language.
  614. >if you were hiding oats on you or something?
  615. Because she went straight to pulling my dick through pants with her lips and then pushing her ass at me. Not derailing the thread so that's all
  616. ///
  617. >>40720130
  619. >>40719863
  620. And just like that, Anon was raped again.
  621. >>40720119
  622. Be honest, Anon. How much better is the horsepussy?
  623. ///
  625. True to his word, Anon did not in fact elaborate for fear of derailing the thread. Ironically, this led to a lack of activity. Not only did the lack of activity cause the thread to die 84 posts young, but we never got to find out how good the horsepussy was.

Sheltered Dawn

by CrookedIronsights

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Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs

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(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

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Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

by CrookedIronsights