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Where Everypony Rapes Anon

By CrookedIronsights
Created: 2024-01-17 05:34:13
Updated: 2024-01-17 06:09:54
Expiry: Never

  1. This is a thread where there was a collaborative effort of anons posting shorts and building on the last. It was really fun and resulted in some of the best AI voice readings I've ever heard. The picture of each post is how you knew who was talking, so I'll just tell you who it is in the post number here instead.
  3. Prompt:
  4. >>39741302 [Starlight Glimmer poking hole through condom]
  5. You think you can shirk your responsibilities during an ongoing population crisis huh?
  7. ///
  8. >>39741339 [Smug Glim]
  10. >>39741302
  11. >"Anoooon~. Can you come to my room? I have a new uh, book I want you to see..."
  12. ///
  13. >>39741356 [Glim on bed wrapped up in ribbon like a gift]
  15. >>39741339
  16. Sorry Glimmy, Twilight said I'm not allowed to be alone in a room with you until you stop abusing your magic so much.
  17. ///
  18. >>39741370 [Twilight thirsty gif]
  20. >>39741356
  21. >Anons' been living at the castle for some time, working as extra help for Spike.
  22. >Glimmer, being single, along with Anon, being single, naturally sees him as a mate.
  23. >With Equestrian society encouraging baby-making, Glim often attempts to coerce Anon into doing the act.
  24. >Even if by force...
  25. >Twilight doesn't like this.
  26. >After all, if Glimmer is already doing it, how can she??
  27. ///
  28. >>39742169 [Comforting Twilight screencap]
  30. >>39741370
  31. >"Don't worry about her, Anon."
  32. >"I promise nopony's getting into your pants through manipulative magic practices except me!"
  33. >"... Did I say the last bit out loud?"
  34. ///
  35. >>39742347
  37. >>39742169
  38. >only Twilight and Starlight
  39. I don't buy that for a second.
  40. ///
  41. >>39742668 [Fluttershy teacup screencap]
  43. >>39742347
  44. >"Gosh Anon, I understand why you'd want to get out of there for awhile when Twilight and Starlight are acting like that."
  45. >"Well, you're always welcome here when you need some time away to relax, okay?"
  46. >"Speaking of which, you've hardly touched your tea yet!"
  47. >"Why don't you take a few big gulps for me, hmm? I promise it'll make you feel better~"
  48. ///
  49. >>No.39743223 [Rarity generic pose]
  51. >>39742668
  52. >"Oh dear I'm sorry you had to go through such things!"
  53. >"Relax darling, I won't offer you drugged tea or use my magic to hypnotize you into doing anything."
  54. >"I'm much to focused on my career to really care for such things..."
  55. >"Speaking if which, why don't you try on this new jacket I'm working on?"
  56. >"It binds the limbs and makes it hard to move for eh... fashion purposes."
  57. ///
  58. >>39743833 (Me) [Rainbow Dash in bath robe sipping from cup with legs crossed]
  60. >>39742668
  61. >>39743223
  62. >"Hey Anon! I'll be right down!"
  63. >"So what brings you here so early?"
  64. >"What?! Rarity did what to you?!"
  65. >"You didn't let her tighten that thing while you were in it did you? A big guy like you probably had no problem ripping it off the second she tried something funny!"
  66. >"Oh. Well, I guess she only promised not to hypnotize you with her magic."
  67. >"That happened too?"
  68. >"Guess you don't want to go back there either, huh?"
  69. >"Don't worry Anon, you can trust me! I'll have your back!"
  70. >"If that makes you feel better, then I know just what will help!"
  71. >"Let's ramp up our usual workout together!"
  72. >"How much? Let's make it a marathon, you'll be too worn out and tired to even think about any of that! Too sore to care about being drenched in sweat. Too exhausted to think about other mares. Too out of breath to fight back..."
  73. >"OH! I-uh, against the urge to go to bed! Too tired to fight back against the urge to sleep it off for a day!"
  74. >"You won't need to go back, I have a spare bed for you."
  75. >"Just don't forget to take this before bed, uh, one sec."
  76. >"Where is it?"
  77. >"Aha! This, it'll help you stay up here (out of their reach...)."
  78. >"What do you mean? I've always had this potion lying around! Remember that time we were gonna hang out and you canceled to help Twilight and Starlight at the Castle?"
  79. >"No?... Guess you didn't think it was very important... Well, I've had this lying around since then. Just for you."
  80. >"Yeah, it's still good. As good as it'll ever be! It's only been 8 months.
  81. >"When do we start? Well, why not right now?"
  82. >"Don't worry about it! I'll sneak in and grab some workout clothes for you."
  83. >"Yeah, I am awesome! You just stay right here."
  84. >"Right? I'm glad I kept it around too! Be back in 20 seconds!"
  85. >...
  86. >"Good thing I have it. Just for when you need it. When you need me..."
  87. ///
  88. >>39744272 [Applejack lip bite screencap]
  90. >>39743833
  91. >"So she tried a love potion on ya?"
  92. >"Thats just too much from ol' Rainbow!"
  93. >"Well don't partner, I'm way to busy here at the farm to try anything with ya."
  94. >"If ya want, y'all can spend a few nights here til' things simmer down out in town."
  95. >"Nah y'all ain't gotta worry 'bout Applebloom."
  96. >"Shes to young to experience heat."
  97. >"So go on ahead! Set yourself up in the barn."
  98. >"I already fixed up a spot fer ya in the back."
  99. >"Back there, behind all them haystacks."
  100. >"Where no one can hear us- uh, I mean you."
  101. >"Yeah... back there...."
  102. ///
  103. >>39744676 [Pinkie Pie bedroom eyes screencap]
  105. >>39743833
  106. >>39744272
  107. >"Are you serious Anon!? My friends did all that?"
  108. >"I can't believe the ponies that I used to proudly call my friends would trick you like that!"
  109. >"Especially Applejack. Element of honesty my flank!"
  110. >"Well, you don't have to worry about any nasty surprises like that from ol' Pinkie. You can hang around as long as you like and I won't do any mean tricks like they did, I Pinkie promise!"
  111. >"All I ask is that you eat this cupcake laced with boner pills so that I can rape you unconscious! Quick and easy!"
  112. >"Hey- Why are you freaking out? I told you I wouldn't trick you and I'm not! I explained exactly what's going to happen, no surprises!"
  113. >"Oh NO you don't, you're not going anywhere until I get what I want, mister!"
  114. ///
  115. >>39744744 [Princess Cadence lying prone]
  117. >>39744676
  118. >"Well it certainly sounds like you've had a lot of trouble because of that silly old law, Anonymous."
  119. >"Yes, of course you can stay here in the Crystal empire for as long as you want."
  120. >"It'd be my pleasure to host you here in the castle!"
  121. >"Why the castle?"
  122. >"Well, how else can I repay the damage done by my friends?"
  123. >"Now go and get settled."
  124. >"I'll see to it you're well taken care of."
  125. >"The castle hoofmaidens are very... accommodating."
  126. >"I can be just as.... accommodating as well, Anonymous."
  127. >"Oh Anonymous, I'm only teasing! Hm hm hm."
  128. >"You're so cute when you're all suspicious and weary~."
  129. >"And its about time I gave another foal to Equestria~."
  130. ///
  131. >>39745006 [Trixie smug]
  133. >>39744744
  134. >"Really? That many times in a row?"
  135. >"Well... If you're expecting a pity party from Trixie, I'm afraid you'll receive no such condolences, Anonymous."
  136. >"However... Perhaps I can at least sympathize with someone who feels so undervalued no matter where they turn."
  137. >"Yes, maybe it is best you stick with Trixie, she is headed to Canterlot for her next show anyways, you can escape from Cadance and her lusty lackeys."
  138. >"You could even help her with a magic trick!"
  139. >"It's a simple trick, actually. All you need to do is lay back in my hammock, let me tie you up in some rope, aaand..."
  140. >"Gotcha~"
  141. ///
  142. >>39745036 [Princess Luna polite tittering]
  144. >>39745006
  145. >"We are deeply saddened by your tale, Anonymous."
  146. >"Please, take residence here in Canterlot."
  147. >"I will personally assign /male/ guards to you so that you won't have to worry."
  148. >"No, it's no trouble."
  149. >"Besides, no mare would be foolish enough to try and make an attempt at you with your quarters being next to mine."
  150. >"I've seen your dreams, Anonymous~."
  151. >"Lets make them a reality~..."
  152. ///
  153. >>39745265
  155. >>39745036
  156. Why are humans so irresistable to mares?
  157. ///
  158. >>39745271
  160. >>39745265
  161. Long legs, canines but not too many, always clothed...
  162. ///
  163. >>39745291 [Princess Celestia in elaborate lingerie from behind]
  165. >>39745265
  166. >>39745271
  167. >"They did all that?"
  168. >"Oh my me, my poor citizen."
  169. >"Come, let me hold you in my wings."
  170. >"Why do you hesitate, human?"
  171. >"You know... mares and men. You're kind."
  172. >"They are made for one another, Anonymous."
  173. >"A mare could be the perfect companion, friend... lover, for a man."
  174. >"I'm sorry for the... insistence of everypony else, but you must understand their want for you is sound and just."
  175. >"How?"
  176. >"Oh my sweet boy, who do you think it was that put that law into place?"
  177. >"Surely you've noticed it."
  178. >"There are far more mares than stallions, and many stallions serve in my royal guard. They are needed for their resilience and strength for any battle that may ensue..."
  179. >"Its why I signed that law."
  180. >"for Equestria to go on, for the next generation to prosper, mares must mate and give birth to it."
  181. >"And you, my little human, are no exception."
  182. >"In fact, you even seem... more desirable than most common stallions even."
  183. >"Especially for me~."
  184. >"Your height, dear Anonymous."
  185. >"You don't even have to rear up on your hind legs to pet me!"
  186. >"*giggle* Oh I would love to have you at my side..."
  187. >"..."
  188. >"My chambers. Now. This is not negotiable."
  189. >"We must give Equestria its next generation, dear, Anonymous..."
  190. >"And I will show you, what a mare can be to a man~."
  192. Celestia is beyond subtle and suggestive hints.
  193. ///
  194. >>39745363 (Me) [Raven Inkwell cropped worms eye view from behind]
  196. >>39745291
  197. >"Oh! Sorry Your Highness, I didn't mean to intrude!"
  198. >"It's mine in name only, it's technically your office!"
  199. >"You seem to be busy with Anon, so I'll just be leav-"
  200. >"Oh, what is it you wanted to tell me?"
  201. >"Of course I've been dutiful and loyal! It's part of the job description!"
  202. >"You flatter me, I'm sure you've had other more capable secretaries."
  203. >"I- erm. Well, that is to say I'm no more lonely than any other mare."
  204. >"Nonsense! Naturally I'd be busy with my work, I knew that when I took the position."
  205. >"Don't feel guilty on my behalf Princess!"
  206. >"Y-you also think I'm cute?"
  207. >"What? This office isn't the only thing of yours we can share?"
  208. >"A reward? Surely you don't mean..."
  209. >"I suppose we do get along quite well already. Are you sure you want to share Anon?"
  210. >"I'm honored to share a sire with you Princess! Thank you for this opportunity!"
  211. >"When I thought about the rewards for this position, I never imagined this would be one of them."
  212. >"I'm sorry Anon, I hope you don't mind."
  213. >"That's it, you're going to give me beautiful little foals, orders of Her Majesty."
  214. ///
  215. >>39745809
  217. >>39745767
  218. Lyra and Bon Bon, pretending to be pure dykes when both of them are bi so they can catch anon off guard
  219. ///
  220. >>39747198 [Lyra shooting a conspiratory bedroom eyes at Bon Bon]
  222. >>39745291
  223. >>39745809
  224. >"Wow... What an awful, terrible abuse of power."
  225. >"I'm so sorry for you, Anon."
  226. >"But on the bright side, you're safe with us! We have a guest bedroom that's just been gathering dust anyway, you should stay here awhile!"
  227. >"Yeah! Lyra and I are about as straight as a bowl of spaghetti, so you don't have to worry about either of us trying anything."
  228. >"Yup! Not even a single lewd thought about cocks goes through either of these minds!"
  229. >"We both think stallions are kind of gross - no offense intended, of course - But, y'know, boys are just so... Masculine. Yuck."
  230. >"Not to mention way too tall. Like, I don't wanna crane my neck every time I want a kiss, that's uncomfortable!"
  231. >"Yeah, on top of their square jaws, and... Lack of a gentle touch..."
  232. >"A-and their... Overpowering musk..."
  233. >"..."
  234. >"W-we should show him our bedroom Bon, Y'know to like... Show him around the house..."
  235. >"Y-yeah, let's show him our bed~"
  236. >"Hey! Don't you try to escape Anon, We've got things to show you!~"
  237. ///
  238. >>39747231 [Twilight's Mom eyes looking up and to side]
  240. >>39747198
  241. >"Well I'm very sorry to hear about that, Anon."
  242. >"Lyra and Bonbon... I always thought they were a little strange."
  243. >"Well, anyway, I'm a married mare."
  244. >"And I've already had foals. More than one even, hm hm!"
  245. >"And that was long ago so I don't have any desire for more."
  246. >"Oh no, that phase of my life is long gone."
  247. >"Long gone..."
  248. >"Uh- anyway, Anon."
  249. >"Would you like to be shown to your room?"
  250. >"Perhaps you'd like to stay in Shining's old room?"
  251. >"And while you're unpacking, I'll... make you a snack!"
  252. >"Go on, take a bite. They're only brownies."
  253. >"I didn't lace them with anything to take advantage of you while my husband is out!"
  254. >"What kind of mother would I be~...?"
  255. ///
  256. >>39747786 (Me)
  258. >>39745809
  259. I started my Bon Bon one while at lunch and didn't finish before the other Anon posted, but since mind is different enough I'll finish it and post it anyways.
  260. ///
  261. >>39747825
  263. >>39747786
  264. You fucking better.
  265. ///
  266. >>39747871
  268. The only mare that Anon won’t fear is Marble. Mostly because she lacks the spine to even try. It would be safe, but Limestone is a problem.
  269. ///
  270. >>39747881
  272. >>39747871
  273. >gets rejected by the town bicycle that is Anon
  274. >goes nuclear and rapes him til her sisters find a husk of a man and nurse him back to enough health that they can run a rape train over him next
  275. ///
  276. >>39747935 [Concerned Windy Whistles]
  278. >>39747231
  279. >"That's... Quite the story you have, Anon."
  280. >"Especially how both Twilight Velvet and her daughter tried to get in your pants."
  281. >"There's a saying that goes 'like father like son', maybe the same holds true of mothers and their daughters I guess."
  282. >"You look cold, you should come in!"
  283. >"Aww so what it's the middle of summer? I insist! Besides, it's better than being out there in the middle of heat season, right?"
  284. >"Come on Anon, tell me you want to come inside~"
  285. >"T-the house! uh- enter. Enter the house."
  286. >"Come on, stop acting like a spastic PTSD victim and take a load off."
  287. >"or several~"
  288. >"That's right, take a seat, rest your eyes..."
  289. >"And maybe next time don't go bragging about all the mares chasing you if you're really trying to escape~"
  290. >"Now quit your struggling, I want to find out what my daughter sees in you~"
  291. ///
  292. >>39748298 (Me) [Anon is lured into house by Bon and bonked by Lyra comic]
  294. >>39745363
  295. >>39745809
  296. >>39747825
  297. >"Whoa, Bonnie, you're right. That IS Anon!"
  298. >"Hey Anon! What are you doing in Canterlot, and why are you hiding like that?"
  299. >"Oh you're always so funny, well Bonnie and I are here on our honeymoon!"
  300. >"Thank you!"
  301. >"Yeah, it's nowhere crazy like a tropical beach, but I know Canterlot and figured I could show her what this city had to offer!"
  302. >"See Bonnie, sounds like Canterlot's been pretty generous to Anon."
  303. >"Y-you don't think he's joking?"
  304. >"Oh, sorry Anon! I didn't mean anything by it."
  305. >"You do certainly look worse for wear."
  306. >"Well, you can lay low with us! Nopony would think to look for you in my parent's second home!"
  307. >"It is pretty convenient, I'd be lying if it wasn't also part of the reason we choose Canterlot."
  308. >"N-no! That's not what I meant by inviting you over to our place for the night! There's nothing convenient about taking advantage of a friend!"
  309. >"Yeah! You can trust us! We're, like, super mega lesbian! There's positively nothing we find desirable in a stallion."
  310. >"Semantics Anon, we know you're not a stallion. But you get the point."
  311. >"The house is actually a little over this way, we were just on our way back for the night."
  312. >"Thanks for understanding Bonnie, you know it means a lot for me to help a friend!"
  313. >"Keep your head down Anon! It won't do us any good if you're seen with us on the way there!"
  314. >"Go easy on him, he can't help being so tall, green, and handsome."
  315. >"Uh- nothing! Hey, would you look at that! We're here Anon!"
  316. >"We'll meet you in the back."
  317. >"Oh c'mon Bonnie! Admit it, you think he's hot too!"
  318. >"Trust me, I've seen it. He's most definitely nothing like those pathetic stallions. He's got more than enough stamina and size for 5 mares!"
  319. >"Sounds like a plan!"
  320. >"Alright, get in you big lug!"
  321. >"Bet you're hungry, Bon Bon just left to go grab some candies for this 'special' occasion."
  322. >"Thanks Bonnie! Here, try one."
  323. >"Hey, save some for us!"
  324. >"You must've been pretty hungry, huh?"
  325. >"You're not feeling good? Maybe you shouldn't have eaten so many so fast on an empty stomach huh?"
  326. >"Here, just lie down."
  327. >...
  328. >"Do you think it worked?"
  329. >"Hehehehe, I'm so giddy, we got him!"
  330. >"Hey now, we only said we weren't attracted to stallions. But a stud like you is irresistible."
  331. >"You don't need to move around much for what's coming next."
  332. >"See Bonnie? I told you Canterlot had plenty to give you. Now let's consummate our marriage."
  333. ///
  334. >>39748387 (Remember this post)
  336. >>39747935
  337. >>39748298
  338. Surely this cannot be where it ends?
  339. [spoiler]Also, get someone on PPP to do, well, whichever of these is viable[/spoiler]
  340. ///
  341. >>39748402 (Me)
  343. >>39748333
  344. Holy trips were never more earned, this is a golden post. Got me jejjin
  345. >>39748387
  346. Oh no, got the next two ponies in mind. We'll, 3 technically.
  347. ///
  348. >>39748406 (Anon makes a wager)
  350. >>39748402
  351. If someone were to give these the AI voice treatment I'd be crazy enough to try to animate them
  352. with the gameloft models
  353. ///
  355. And so an Anon heard the call to action...
  357. ///
  358. >>39749117 (Gigachad Anon delivers)
  360. >>39741339
  361. I would've done more but the other characters either didn't have models yet or the models they do have are lacking for this
  362. >>39748406
  363. Balls in your court nigga
  364. ///
  365. >>39749132
  367. >>39749117
  368. fuck shit ball cock
  369. It's gonna take some days just to prepare the models for minimum animation alone
  370. and to find an anon model, and all the other models
  371. and I gave myself a deadline until april the 1st on the non /mlp/ project
  372. fuck
  373. [spoiler]I would drink fluttershys tea[/spoiler]
  374. ///
  376. To my knowledge, Anon never held his end of the wager up...
  378. ///
  379. >>39749675 (Me)
  381. >>39749117
  382. YO! Unfathomably based! These were so good, and that Dash was turned out better than what I had in mind writing it!
  383. >I would've done more but the other characters either didn't have models yet
  384. Sorry, I tend to write more obscure characters because I like to give the other waifus some love
  385. ///
  386. >>39749862
  388. >>39749117
  389. >No Celestia and Luna AI voice
  390. The fuck?
  391. ///
  392. >>39750470
  394. >>39745291
  395. >>39749862
  396. Alright, that's my b. I tested with Luna and she sounded super noisy and off so I just assumed Tia would be the same. After actually testing her, she sounds pretty good.
  397. ///
  398. >>39752194
  400. >>39749117
  401. These are great. What models did you use for them?
  402. ///
  403. >>39752204
  405. >>39752194
  406. so-vits-svc 4.0
  407. ///
  408. >>39753129 (Me) [Octavia hoof holding hand asking if you want to be her friend]
  410. >>39748298
  412. >"Good day Lyra, how are you this morning?"
  413. >"Why thank you."
  414. >"Now that we are situated, are you ready to begin?"
  415. >"I agree. It is quite the coincidence we were both up in Canterlot this week."
  416. >"I must say, I'm glad you found the time."
  417. >"Nevermind the fact that our duet performance is scheduled a full month away, are you not technically on your honeymoon with Bon Bon?"
  418. >"An extended stay? What was it that caught your attention?"
  419. >"While the Lyra I know takes her craft very seriously, I also happen to know that she would not hesitate to, ehem, 'play hard' and relax at home before a tour away from her special somepony."
  420. >"I do suppose I am also guilty of the same thing. All the more reason I understand you."
  421. >"Vinyl is up here with me too, now enough. No changing the subject on me. What's a little gossip before practice?"
  422. >"Fine, but you will spill the oats at the end of the session."
  423. >...
  424. >"Um, Lyra? Who is that creature trying to sneak around behind-"
  425. >"Lyra?!"
  426. >"Why ever would you do such a thing?!"
  427. >"Please, an intruder? An easily identifiable individual, home invader in the middle of the day, at the heart of Equestria's capital?"
  428. >"I'm not buying it Lyra..."
  429. >"The poor thing looked rather terrified of you."
  430. >"Let's go take a closer look at- him?"
  431. >"This must be that human the Princess has been on the lookout for."
  432. >"Are those hoofcuffs?! Lyra, you didn't!"
  433. >"Judging by the other welts on the back of his head, I would say that this isn't the first time that you resorted to the hoofball bat."
  434. >"Does Bon Bon know about this?"
  435. >"You're both doing what to him?!"
  436. >"Whatever would possess you to-"
  437. >"He's- *gulp* t-that good then?"
  438. >"Lyra! Just because everypony else has taken a bite out of him does not justify you taking the biggest slice! I mean keeping him locked up like a slave! [spoiler]A slave who you can make do whatever you want..."[/spoiler]
  439. >"Don't tell anypony? Well, what you have done is not exactly illegal - but you are pushing it."
  440. >"Anything?"
  441. >"He is rather handsome. And vulnerable..."
  442. >"Well, I may be persuaded to forget what I saw if Vinyl and I could borrow him for a bit."
  443. >"Lyra, you know I would never blackmail a friend to extort special treatment from them. Of course I won't tell anypony."
  444. >"The offer still stands?"
  445. >"Both you and Bon Bon think it took? That is quite interesting..."
  446. >"Perhaps Vinyl and I have a use for him after all."
  447. >"Do not fret, Vinyl has a case for some of her equipment that should be large enough to hide him."
  448. >"Anon is it? Do not fear my little human. I am sure Vinyl will love you. And I'll love breaking you..."
  449. ///
  450. >>39753324
  452. >>39752652
  453. What's your workflow? I get that you're recording your voice, but do you just use Audacity to remove background noise?
  454. ///
  455. >>39753341
  457. >>39753324
  458. I'm gonna assume that's aimed at me, the voice AI anon.
  459. The only special processing I'm doing is adding a noise gate to both the inputs and outputs, with a threshold around -36db (exact number will vary depending on how noisy your recording area is). I'm also throwing on some very short, very quiet reverb onto the outputs to make them sound a bit less "dry".
  460. ///
  461. >>39756426 (Me) [Monochrome Vinyl w/ red eyes giving you the devious side-eye - die-uh-bawl-icol side-eye]
  463. >>39753129
  464. >"Hey babe! Back pretty early, did Lyra cancel on you?"
  465. >"Need to borrow my super speaker? Planning to add a little something extra to your tour?"
  466. >"Only the case? Whaddaya need that for?"
  467. >"Oh, a surprise? Sweet! Just watch out for that lock, it only responds to me."
  468. >"And I'll be right here, Tavi."
  469. >...
  470. >"So, what's in the box?"
  471. >"I know, but it's always fun to ask."
  472. >"Alright! Here goes nothing!"
  473. >"YO! You caught the human?! Celestia is going to owe us big time!"
  474. >"Wait, Lyra and Bon Bon did? I didn't think they had it in them."
  475. >"Well, I mean, if I caught him I'd take him for a spin to see what the big deal was all about too."
  476. >"Wait."
  477. >"No way! How long do we have him to ourselves?"
  478. >"For as long as we want, so long as we don't snitch. Sounds like a deal to me!"
  479. >"Well, if they were done with him, he wouldn't be on loan."
  480. >"Hold up, so they seem to think he's able to give them foals? Now we're talking!"
  481. >"He's so tall. And exotic. I like exotic."
  482. >"Anon. Rolls of the tongue, and hopefully in more ways than one.~"
  483. >"Oh! Let's wake him up! I've got some smelling salts with me upstairs."
  484. >"Of course I have some with me, helps break through brain fog on late nights during sets babe."
  485. >"Wake up dude! You've got a job to do!"
  486. >"Settle down!"
  487. >"Tch, fine. Tire yourself out, just try not to damage the case."
  488. >"Well, if you do, I can think of a few ways you can pay us back."
  489. >"You done?"
  490. >"As I was saying, save your energy. There's no way you're escaping us Anon."
  491. >"Of course we are, what functional herd sisters wouldn't be double dipping?"
  492. >"We haven't formed a herd quite yet, a lot of stallions fall - short - if you catch my drift. We don't waste our time with them. But by the feel of you down - here - you're different."
  493. >"You won't be so eager to backtalk when we're through with you hot stuff."
  494. >"Listen up dude, I'll only say this once. You're belong to us, and your foals are ours too."
  495. >"The name's Vinyl, and that classy mare right there is my girlfriend Octavia."
  496. >"Her earth pony skills in tying large luggage down for long trips to ensure they won't fall and break has been mastered for years and it's what's responsible for those knots. In short, you're not leaving. So stop asking."
  497. >"Don't like knots? Good, that makes it more fun!"
  499. >"Hahaha! We're musicians dude, this place is soundproof. Nopony's gonna hear you."
  500. >"Aw, now it looks like he's gonna cry."
  501. >"I wouldn't worry about it babe, he'll settle down into his place as our sire once we show him it."
  502. >"Bon Bon and Lyra will thank us for breaking him in too."
  503. >"Enough with the waterworks, now eat this."
  504. >"I'm sure you know what it is."
  505. >"The more you resist, the rougher it's gonna get for you."
  506. >"~Good boy. Now we can get this party started, and keep it going all night.~"
  507. >"Now you're going to look into my eyes, and tell me you love them."
  508. >"Now say you won't stop until we have 3 foals with my eyes!"
  509. ///
  510. >>39760942 (Me) [Cropped Sapphire Shores riding you reverse cowgirl]
  512. >>39756426
  513. >"Tavi baby, are you back here?"
  514. >"You really need to stop letting me find out you're in town like-"
  515. >"This..."
  516. >"Well hey there big boy, you're not Tavi. You must be that stallion she's been waiting for?"
  517. >"Let's take this out of your mouth."
  518. >"So, what's a tall drink of water like yourself doing in their VIP room?"
  519. >"Vinyl wanted you to hear her performance? I doubt she'd need to have you tied up in here for that."
  520. >"Kinky is right, and you're saying you two didn't think this through and you need me to help you out?"
  521. >"Sit tight, Anon was it?"
  522. >"I'll fetch your marefrie-"
  523. >"She does seem pretty busy after all. Alright then, we'll do that later."
  524. >"Who am I? Hold on, WHO am I? Oh nuh-uh baby, we've got to fix that!"
  525. >"How do you not know me? 'Princess of Pop!'"
  526. >"Never heard of- oh, now I just can't resist."
  527. >"I'm not stupid. I know that they're holding you as a breeding stud."
  528. >"I was about to let you go because you were unhappy, but for them to tolerate someone so out of the loop - you've got to be something else."
  529. >"And something else you are, you're one-of-a-kind even. I've got to have you hot stuff."
  530. >"Don't worry baby, I'll be gentle. I'm not rough like those two."
  531. >"Those are some nasty ropeburns honey."
  532. >"Play nice and I'll talk to them about using something less harsh for you."
  533. >"Resist and run away, I will make sure my security detail and the club bouncers break these sensual, long legs of yours."
  534. >"Aw, don't be so quiet."
  535. >"Sorry Vinyl and Octavia played so roughly with you. But I'll make you feel SENSATIONAL!"
  536. >"Are you ready stud? While she intended for you to listen to her performance, I don't think Vinyl imagined you'd be impregnating another mare to it."
  537. ///
  538. >>39771948 (Me) [Anon being splashed by Milky's sprinkler teats]
  540. >>39760942
  541. This isn't directly after Sapphire Shores. This is more of what would happen at the end of all of this. Neither is this the end, we can probably make a few more after this.
  543. Part 1: for this Anon. >>39766700
  545. >"Hello! What can I do for-"
  546. >"I had a feeling that I would be seeing you come by."
  547. >"Well, it is hard to miss the arrival of the consort of the Sun and Moon coming to town. And the Elements, and the most popular performers from all corners of Equestria."
  548. >"And just who are these little darlings?"
  549. >"Oh my! That is quite the large family Anon! I've always wanted a big family of my own."
  550. >"Ooooh! They're just so cuuute!"
  551. >"So, what brings you by?"
  552. >"Obviously. But -why- do you need milk? Aren't their mothers around?"
  553. >"Both are busy, I see."
  554. >"I do suppose that they would be busy out on tour, being Elements of Harmony, running the country..."
  555. >"Well that's great! At least most of your foals are able to be with one of their herd mothers at any given time."
  556. >"Even then they're still overwhelmed, huh?"
  557. >"They require more milk than usual? That's curious."
  558. >"I suppose you're here to broker a deal for a supply of fresh milk for your little darlings?"
  559. >"Ohnononono, don't cry little one!"
  560. >"You'll upset your brother-"
  561. >"Too late."
  562. >"That usually works? Perhaps they're hungry if they're not upset..."
  563. >"Sorry, you caught me at a bad time I'm afraid. Just sent out the last of what we had for that milkshake competition in town."
  564. >"I have an idea! Don't you worry, just give the dears to me after I settle into this seat here."
  565. >"Don't just stand there, place them right here, I'll nurse them."
  566. >"There we are, that seems to have done the trick."
  567. >"A rather surprised face you've got there dear, are my teats just that much larger than all your mares?"
  568. >"I'm used to the 'appreciative gazes.' I find it quite flattering, especially coming from you."
  569. >"Think nothing of it, I couldn't stand to see such precious things cry any longer."
  570. >"Payment won't be necessary. We can discuss what you came here for to begin with instead."
  571. >"That's quite a lot."
  572. >"Er- You mean there's more on the way?!"
  573. ///
  574. >>39771950 (Me)
  576. >>39771948
  577. Part 2
  579. >"Even I must admit that I might struggle to nurse ALL of your little cuties - the way I am now, that is."
  580. >"I don't know, maybe if there was some way to ensure I would produce more milk with the proper nutrients, enzymes and hormones necessary for properly feeding hybrid foals..."
  581. >"Oh, I know! How about you impregnate me too, stud?"
  582. >"Come on, just one more bun in the oven wouldn't hurt..."
  583. >"I wouldn't have much of a choice then, but to aid you in your plight of feeding the biggest family Equestria's ever seen."
  584. >"That's right, it's for the health of your children, and the peace among your mares."
  585. >...
  586. >"I believe they've had their fill. There there. Oop! Big burp little baby!"
  587. >"Oh, you must be tired huh?"
  588. >"Now let's put these two to bed."
  589. >"They're so cute and peaceful."
  590. >"Now we can move onto the fun part!"
  591. >"Hmm? I'm just fetching something special. You'll love it."
  592. >"They're cow print stockings, like them?"
  593. >"They certainly put me in the mood when I put them on. For myself that is, never had somepony to put them on for before."
  594. >"I'm glad you agree, now come on.~"
  595. >"We don't need my bed. You can knock me up right here. Like one of your broodmares!"
  596. >"Now hurry up honey, we still need to make this agreement eternally binding. I want to be - your - bred heifer."
  597. ///
  599. And with that, the thread died at 201 posts young. I may continue this is I feel like it, but I'll mark it as done for now. But here was a funny ass response to the Pie sisters rape train post.
  601. ///
  602. >>39750800
  604. >>39747881

Sheltered Dawn

by CrookedIronsights

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Beware the Bat-Rape Gangs

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(You) Get Your Throat Slit [/BAR/Dark]

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Destitute Anon the Prostitute [Dark]

by CrookedIronsights